Naruto Naruto/Gold Diggers Xover (No GD Chars)


Well-Known Member
After I received to productiove comments @shinji's sharing, I decided to post the idea here.


I had the idea after reading one Naruto FF about the Hirashin no Jutsu (The Yondaime's speed Jutsu) too much and reading the Gold Digger Comic at the same time...bad things happen when you do this...

The idea is simple:

What if the Forths' ultimate Jutsu was no Bloodline or ultimate technique or even a Jutsu at all?

What if the only thing about the technique being unbeatable was because it was just that, what gave the Yondaime his name, a 'Yellow Flash' of chakra and the kunai was just for show?

The only thing real behind the technique was the speed...and the heritage of the werecheetah-clan. And Arashi was the last of them.


Now 12 years late we have Uzumaki Naruto, the pariah of Konoha and carrier of the Kyuubi no Kitsune, a blonde boy, who has three simple pleasures:

.) Ramen
.) Simply running until he is too tired to move
.) Tuna (if he can get his hands on it)


Ideas for some scenes:

Scene with the Sandaime Hokage and Kakashi in Naruto's appartement

Hokage: I can only tell you that...should he 'transform' it will not be the fox coming out.
Kakashi: ???

Scene Showdown at the Wave Bridge

Naruto just accessed the Kyuubi's chakra for the first time but instead of his whisker marks widening, his eyes turning slitted and red and gaining claws he transforms into a 6'2" were-cheetah
Naruto: *GROWL*
Haku: MOMMY!!

Scene with Anko at the start gate for team 7 (Chunin exams)

Naruto(to Anko): Want to see something really cool?
Anko: Knock yourself out
Naruto takes of the upper part of his orange jumpsuit and pulls zippers on his trousers (wo make them wider) and transforms into a werecheetah.
Anko: 0.o as the annoying brat goes from 4'8" of scrawny boy to 6'2" of Grade A were-cheetah beef-cake.
Anko: Oh my

comments, ideas,... appreciated


Well-Known Member
Why not make Naruto a Breath of Fire Woren, at this point? While Rei from BoF3 is technically a tiger, I'd PAY MONEY to see Naruto simply flip out and turn in a seven feet tall mass of fur and muscle liek Rei does...

Mighty Bob

Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Why not make Naruto a Breath of Fire Woren, at this point? While Rei from BoF3 is technically a tiger, I'd PAY MONEY to see Naruto simply flip out and turn in a seven feet tall mass of fur and muscle liek Rei does...
So would he only be a woren when he transforms (in this case into Rei's berserk Were-tiger form) or would he be a woren all the time, complete with tail, fuzziness and stripes? Be cool if he fought in a double blade style though, I always thought Rei's sprite was bad-ass.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like fun. I don't really know much about GD (only what I've read in fics that crossover with the series), but it sounds enjoyable. I'd certainly read it.


Well-Known Member
Meh, Johnny, this idea itself doesn't really require GD knowledge aside from the Were's abilities/limitations.

Which is really easy to point out.


A. Insane regeneration, and I'm talking INSANE regeneration. At one point Thorpan, a Were-panther, gets his insides turned into liquid shit by a psionic attack (I think it was psionic, meh) which puts him down, he regenerates in a few minutes.

It's said they 'teach' their children about the usefulness of this when they start training them to fight (A basic course, I think) and arrange during the inital training to have a part of their legs/arms/body cut cleanly off.

They will regenerate it.

The only thing that stops regeneration is 'Magic', or other creatures of magic. The problem here is that 'magic' in Gold digger has nothing to do with Chakra at all, it's a source of Energy existing on a higher wave length dimension known as the 'Etheral Stream.' The various magic users draw this in one way, some through their auras, some with words, gestures, ect.

Still, it's not entirely unfeasible to 'tweak' it enough to say 'Ninjitsu works.' when it comes to stopping their regeneration.

And of course, there is Silver! This is the bane of all were-creatures. And it's an evil weakness. When touched by silver the Were's are burned, but more then just physically, they get SOUL burned if they stay in contact with the shit too long.

Depending on the severity of the wound, they might not, if ever, regenerate it.


B. Three different forms.

1. Human: Human forms are just that, human. Offer no beneifits note worthy. However, as with most were's, a Were's human form tends to me smallish, weak looking (Fits Naruto Perfectly).

Of note; One Were that I know of has a defect, Sheila of the Edge Guard. Her human form is strong, big, tall, and possess all the strength and speed granted to her by that form while Human, but no regeneration. Her Hybrid form is small, weak looking, but has SUPER SUPER insane regeneration.

2. Hybrid Form: This is the form most Were's believe to be their true form. While in this form, they are granted immense strength, increased speed (Strength/speed increase varies by species, example below) and of course their regeneration. Claws, all that mumbo jumbo.

Each race Hybrid form varies in terms of strength, however. Such as the Were-cheetah. They have *incredible* speed, and while they do have good strength, they aren't as strong as a Were-lion, who are monsters and pretty much at the top of the food chain in regards to strength in Hybrid forms.

Unless there dealing with a Dragon, but really, you don't generally ever want to do that.

Oh, and just because I'm a hentai, every Were in Hybrid form tends to have rather large dicks. It's generally because females in Hybrid forms have large twats - or so I'm guessing.

3. Animal Form

Don't let discovery channel fool you. Cheetahs aren't really big, but in the GD-Verse the few times the main character - Who like Arashi in this idea, is the last known 'Living pure Were-cheetah' - transforms into her full animal form she's bigger then a full grown adult female. Not in height, but length and.. god, do a search damn it. This is harder to describe then I thought.

Anyway, insert lots of their prime abilities, such as Cheetah's speed, Lion's strength, and put it on crack, then you get their animal forms.


Not that it matters, but, meh, I feel I have to explain it since it's a staple of the GD-verse. Now, sex is a part of the Ameri-manga the same as the adventure is, and granted while most sex takes place off screen (except for quite a few naughty, naughty books out there) it does happen, so I'll tell you just why the world isn't flooded with children.

It deals with magical creatures breeding with non-magical creatures. I'll use were's for this example, but it extends to all the other magical creatures infesting Jade in the GD-verse.

Now, when two beings, magical and non-magical, breed with another of their same Archetype (Magical, non-magical) odds are normal for pregnancy. However, when you cross breed a Magical with a Non-magical, Pregnancy drops to ALMOST nil. I say ALMOST, because it isn't completely out. The Main character is Gold Digger - Gina Diggers, is the result of a Magical (Her mother, Julia Diggers, technically of 'barbarian' blood, which is magical[If you ever see Julia's mother, you'll know exactly what I mean]) and Non-magical (Theodore Diggers, an Aura Mage. He himself is not a natural magical creature, he's just bloody human) mating together.

It took years, and Julia is a shameless Nympho with a personalitiy a bit like Anko's (Minus the leering, blood fixation). Yet technically even after YEARS of going at it like rabbits, Gina is still an Only Child. (Britanny adopted, Brianna the result of a magic curse gone horribly wrong).

In Julia's defense however, she was Cursed to be invisible to everyone born from earth for almost twenty years, except for one day a year when the curse receeds, so during that time span she and Theo really couldn't give it there all.

Meh. Anyway. I can see some merit to the idea.



In addition, all were-creatures are born with the ability to 'inflict'. By scratching, biting, ect they can force a human to transform into a Were-creature of their type. This method, however, is basically slavery of the utmost degree. When inflicted, the victim is thralled to the original and is pretty much a slave to whatever the original desires. There is no resisting the compulsion as far as I know, and thus inflicting anyone is considered the epitome of bad.

All were's born are generally warded to be unable to inflict anyone.


Well-Known Member
Gold Digger is the win. Lack of funds keep me from buying the series though T_T
Do you know anywhere online I can find them?

I still can't believe you did a Ranma/Julia lemon Mat. :hail:
There is a sad lack of Julia smut out there. Hell, there is a sad lack of GD fics out there period.


Well-Known Member
Ahh, the good ole Ranma/Julia lemon. Julia is my absolute favorite GD girl, bar none. I've thought about her character, motivations, flaws, and attitude far longer then I have most other characters. Heh.

As for where you can find the GD comics online, I have no clue. I have never, ever, picked up a issue of GD in my life. My knowledge comes from fanfiction, and being bogged down by a group of people so obsessed with GD they refused to let me write anything dealing with the series unless I knew as much as they could instill in me.

Really, for never even picking up an issue, my knowledge of the series frightens me something feirce.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the trouble with writing in the GD universe is that the author, Fred Perry, has a master plan for how the entire series will proceed and conclude. And he's good at keeping secrets. Because of that reason, it seems like anytime someone tries to write fanfic in the GD world (note: Fred Perry has an "I didn't see nuthin'!" stance on fanfic'ing his material), something eventually comes along in the series to contradict an important event central to the fanfic.
Worse, those confounding elements are often so freaking cool that it feels just wrong to contemplate discarding them.

Kinda frustrating, as a friend and I spent around a year trying to toy out a plot for a multi-chapter GD fic, only to find out that there's no way we could do it without contradicting some really fun stuff.

Now, that having been said, the above only applies if you're writing in the GD Universe. Using concepts from GD - especially the many flavors of were-creature - is easy as pie, and can be fit in just about anywhere.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm just using the whole GD were-cheetah template for this fanfic, no mentions of jade or anything other from the GD timeline, except a few sparse mentions of the masacre and revival of the were-cheetahs before the second massacre, where only the Yondaime survived


Well-Known Member
Now, that having been said, the above only applies if you're writing in the GD Universe. Using concepts from GD - especially the many flavors of were-creature - is easy as pie, and can be fit in just about anywhere.
Too true. This is a basis, however, as it would all be up to the actual author to compare similarities, decide what to keep, what to add, what to eliminate, or if even to include various segments of this at all! For instance, I highly doubt anyone writing a half serious fic is going to want to keep the Affliction ability in tact, as it's a path to many dark and dreadful places if abused.

Either remove something like that entirely, or come up with a plausable reason for it to be sealed (I mean, shit, you'd figure the Third would know what Arashi is, he'd probably know hot to ward the little baby from being able to inlict, which is plausible enough.)

I can only assume this would be taken as a bloodline ability, one of which Kiba's family would be 'intrigued' by, not wanting it per say, but it does delve into the possibility of growing more in touch with their beasts.

Y'know, thinking of Bloodlines, I'm kinda flabbergasted. Let's assume, in Theory, that bloodlines emerged by the sealing of a demon in a family member, then breeding through that family member. Such an example could be the Hyuuga (Even if it's true or not), their eyes could be the result of breeding with a lesser demon of some kind. It certainly makes sense to me, anyway.

So, it makes me wonder, if given the above being correct, why Naruto wasn't 'claimed' for his blood line potential. Kyuubi certainly is known as the most powerful of the greater demons, it would stand that any bloodline ability he could give would be sought after, heavily.

I can see some hesitancy in this, especially when it comes to Mixing bloodlines - Who's to say mixing bloodlines like Hyuuga's would even strengthen their skills? Hell, Kyuubi and the lesser demon used to give them their Bayakugan could be incompatible.

Hmm, theory-craft, I love it.


Well-Known Member
So would he only be a woren when he transforms (in this case into Rei's berserk Were-tiger form) or would he be a woren all the time, complete with tail, fuzziness and stripes? Be cool if he fought in a double blade style though, I always thought Rei's sprite was bad-ass.
He could be a feral throwback. There ARE documented cases of tail-less, half-human Woren (the Master D'Lonzo in Breath of Fire 3 is allegedly a half Woren, which is why she has those strange markings on her face). Basically, the only things that give him away at first are that he has those whiskers, and Kiba feels the urge to chase him, even though he finds him to be a good guy. :snigger:

However, the more he uses the Weretiger ability, the more he looks like a normal Woren, until eventually he'll look a lot like Rei.

The only problem is that Kyuubi finds it easier to influence the Weretiger form, so Naruto will go completely berserk a lot faster than Rei. Of course, most fights will be over long before that...

Anyway, it's an alternative to using Gold Digger.


Well-Known Member
Well, my problem with the 'Breath of Fire' series is, as I'm shamed to admit, that I don't know them -.-

So my choice obviosly falls to GD

The point about the Inuzuka clan is that they heard the tale about the fabled were clans and tried to copy their abilities, with partial sucess, they are closer to their feral sides, stronger and more instinct-driven, but nowhere near as strong or fast and their 'hybrid' or partner forms take a lot of chakra to form and hold.


Well-Known Member
And here I thought it was going to be a Naruto/Gina pairing...which would be funny as all get out. Ninja lands are a part of Jade the Diggers have never been goes to investigate them....


Well-Known Member
As funny as that would be, this idea has (at least partially) already been claimed by Shinji the good sharer.

And my idea is a lot different from that (look at the title, where it says No GD Chars)

No, I think this is going to be a Naru/Pride pairing ^^, the nice way of saying Harem in were-creature Fanfics


Well-Known Member
Wow, Breath of Fire species in the Narutoverse... and there are folks here who don't know much about it.

Time to post in the Game board! I'll edit and link it here when I've done so.


Well-Known Member
I've played Breath of Fire. And I sort of know the species being talked about here. Just... well, I don't know Gold Diggers on the other hand. :unsure!:

With that being said, no fan of furries either. :p


Well-Known Member
toraneko said:
Wow, Breath of Fire species in the Narutoverse... and there are folks here who don't know much about it.

Time to post in the Game board! I'll edit and link it here when I've done so.
I actually have one inactive project that did just that. The Inuzuka were descendants of the Grassrunners, while Naruto was a Woren. And I had half a mind to make someone into a Wyndian...

Besides that, there are of course the Endless, but they seem to be divided in two subspecies (Dragons and Deis/Myria's half snake species).

Then there's Gobi/Manillo and the fishmen, and of course, there's the Highlanders like Sten...


Well-Known Member
Huuuum...I need some precision, I payed BoF 3, 4 and 5 but only in french, so if you could help me with the translation of the species name, I would be thankful.

So, I supose the Grassruner are the half-canine characters, woren obviously are the half feline ones, we have the dragon race (wich I never remeber the official name) and their counterpart lead by Myria whose Garr is a member in BoF 3, I also know Manillo of the fishmen and there was some sort of half human-monkey NPC in BoF 3 that I don't know the name of...ah yes, and of course the windians, the bird-men.

Now, I have another specie I absolutly don't know the name of : the half-rabbit people, like for example Momo, dif someone know their name, please, don't hesitate to share.

Did I miss anyone ?


Well-Known Member
Deathwings said:
Huuuum...I need some precision, I payed BoF 3, 4 and 5 but only in french, so if you could help me with the translation of the species name, I would be thankful.

So, I supose the Grassruner are the half-canine characters, woren obviously are the half feline ones, we have the dragon race (wich I never remeber the official name) and their counterpart lead by Myria whose Garr is a member in BoF 3, I also know Manillo of the fishmen and there was some sort of half human-monkey NPC in BoF 3 that I don't know the name of...ah yes, and of course the windians, the bird-men.

Now, I have another specie I absolutly don't know the name of : the half-rabbit people, like for example Momo, dif someone know their name, please, don't hesitate to share.

Did I miss anyone ?
Momo is a Grassrunner too. Grassrunners aren't just dog-men, it includes hares, bunnies and other typical grassland creatures.

The Dragon race and the half snake race that Myria and Deis belong to are both Endless.

Garr and his Guardian ilk used to be human, but were modified by magic to serve as Myria's swords.

Also, you forgot the frog people Jean belongs to, and the bull-like people Ox belongs to as well. But the latter two are never explicitly named.

EDIT: Oh, and Ursula is a foxwoman, for the record.


Well-Known Member
hmm.....If Naruto is a Werecheetah, anyone did care for do the spell what nullifies the thrall infection what would happen if he scratchs or bites anyone?....

And what if the Source of the Inuzuka's gift with their dogs, comes from a watered down Werewolf heritage?...or what other characters have Were blood deep down...with details like Sheila's "deffect"..... :yay: :sisi:


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Momo is a Grassrunner too. Grassrunners aren't just dog-men, it includes hares, bunnies and other typical grassland creatures.

The Dragon race and the half snake race that Myria and Deis belong to are both Endless.

Garr and his Guardian ilk used to be human, but were modified by magic to serve as Myria's swords.

Also, you forgot the frog people Jean belongs to, and the bull-like people Ox belongs to as well. But the latter two are never explicitly named.

EDIT: Oh, and Ursula is a foxwoman, for the record.'s a wonder they're so little Bof smut out there...there so much furry in it... :snigger:

Anyway, maybe were-cheeta would not be the best for Naruto, were-tiger would be better match I think, with the hair and all...


Well-Known Member
holyknight said:
hmm.....If Naruto is a Werecheetah, anyone did care for do the spell what nullifies the thrall infection what would happen if he scratchs or bites anyone?....
I think the Yondaime was smart enough to either do the ritual as Naruto was born or the Kyuubi seal took care of that


Well-Known Member
rootathell said:
holyknight said:
hmm.....If Naruto is a Werecheetah, anyone did care for do the spell what nullifies the thrall infection what would happen if he scratchs or bites anyone?....
I think the Yondaime was smart enough to either do the ritual as Naruto was born or the Kyuubi seal took care of that
That ritual, last I checked, took several hours... and Naruto was born smack in the middle of the Kyuubi attack. There was no time to perform it, and I don't buy for a moment that the Shiki Fuujin can conveniently block something completely different.

That particular plothole cannot be resolved without absolutely ludicrous explanations, and is the one reason why I don't recommend using the Gold Digger variety of lycanthropes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, use BoF, that game is all nice and waiting to be more used...poor little thing is so lonely...