

Well-Known Member
Dear fanfiction authors,

Just because there are few major male characters in Azumanga Diaoh/Sailor Moon/etc., it doesn't mean all the girls who don't end up with a boyfriend in canon have to be lesbians. Create a character, for god's sake. Or, if you're afriad of creating an SI, make a crossover.

Sincerely, K.

P.S. And while I'm at it, just because two characters constantly argue, it doesn't mean they've got crushes on each other, alright? They might genuinely dislike each other. Can we get rid of this cliche? Please?

Fatuous One

Well-Known Member
P.S. And while I'm at it, just because two characters constantly argue, it doesn't mean they've got crushes on each other, alright? They might genuinely dislike each other. Can we get rid of this cliche? Please?

God, that's probably one of my biggest pet peeves regarding fanfiction. I swear, if there is ANY friction between characters of the opposite sex (or even the same sex) it's inevitable that the fans will go "OMG!OMG! THEY MEANT FOR EACH OTHER!" <_<




God, I hate pretty much every single of one of those pairings simply BECAUSE it gets so done to fucking death and dramatized by the fans.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
SMWhat said:
Dear fanfiction authors,

Just because there are few major male characters in Azumanga Diaoh/Sailor Moon/etc., it doesn't mean all the girls who don't end up with a boyfriend in canon have to be lesbians. Create a character, for god's sake. Or, if you're afriad of creating an SI, make a crossover.

Sincerely, K.

P.S. And while I'm at it, just because two characters constantly argue, it doesn't mean they've got crushes on each other, alright? They might genuinely dislike each other. Can we get rid of this cliche? Please?
Out of morbid curiosity, what specifically set you off to do this rant, as it has been that way forever.

Note though, most anime/manga has a serious mismatch number of girls to guy ratio. I can think of dozens of series where that is the case, additionally, in many of them, the guys are losers.

This is not born out in life, as I once read a study that stated that the worlds population was 52% female, 48% male.

Heh, additionally, your ps probably eliminates a good 75% if not more of fan fiction and even canon pairing combinations.


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
Dear fanfiction authors,

Just because there are few major male characters in Azumanga Diaoh/Sailor Moon/etc., it doesn't mean all the girls who don't end up with a boyfriend in canon have to be lesbians. Create a character, for god's sake. Or, if you're afriad of creating an SI, make a crossover.
Azumanga yuri is just weird. I mean, only one character really could be argued to be gay, but thats most likely just a crush.

SM i'm not even touching.
Yuri is always good. Unless the ladies involved are obviously straight in canon (such as SM's Minako, from what I've seen). Then it's mediocre.

Chaos Blade

Well-Known Member
I suppouse that in the end it is a matter of execution.

most of the wirters are learning, but it seems the masses of writers, particularly those at FF.net, just seek praise and recognition and react poorly to any form of critic (we all know bout that)


Well-Known Member
I think it was all the Y/Tomo fanfiction that set me off.

Listen close, for I shall go on a quest! A quest to find an Azumanga fanfic in which the main plot of the story (or at least part of it) involves one of the girls falling in love with a boy! It shall be a harrowing quest, and I do not expect to be back for quite some while.

Oh wait I can open two tabs at once, huh? Never mind, I'll just never left.


Well-Known Member
indeed... it is something annoying

personally i dont mind Yuri matchings... or Yaoi ones as long as they are done tastefully or have a good reason storywise

but as stated before, if they didnt seem that way in character canon, why fudge it???
the one couple i've seen to death in SM fiction is AmixMakoto... i cant accept that for a couple of reasons:
1) Makoto is ALWAYS saying something about her sempai, and
2) didnt Ami have a crush toward the begining of the series, then turned completely dedicated to her studies?

as for Azumanga... im pretty sure all those girls dont have boyfriends because they dont seem like the boy crazy type (like Minako in SM), but they also seem content with their student lives and their little clique of girls just wanting to have fun... where the Yuri refferences appeared, i have no clue; and as for Yomi/Tomo... how the heck can the Azumanga rendition of the Odd Couple be considered a yuri couple??? Maybe Kaori's fangirlness toward Sakaki, i'll give them that... but Sakaki's personality and her ideals seem that as big, tough and cool girl that she is, she wants to be just a feminine (and cute) woman, so Kaori's dreams would go down the drain once she really got to know her Idol is just a normal person with normal dreams.


Well-Known Member
Because someone called them the Odd Couple and someone else missed the reference entirely and took it the wrong way?

That's about all I can think of.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Listen close, for I shall go on a quest! A quest to find an Azumanga fanfic in which the main plot of the story (or at least part of it) involves one of the girls falling in love with a boy! It shall be a harrowing quest, and I do not expect to be back for quite some while.

A Ranma cross with that might be 'RanmaDate' by Lurkerdrome, where he dates Kasuga, Kurosawa Minamo, and I think one other. Though it could hardly be said they were in love with him. but they were dating *gasp* a guy.

However, I cannot think of a single straight Azumanga story like that. Closest is 'Reunion' by Lurkerdrome. In that, it is referenced only that Kaorin had a kid. However, it was not stated how, or who the father was, only that she was living with her mother.


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
I think it was all the Y/Tomo fanfiction that set me off.

Listen close, for I shall go on a quest! A quest to find an Azumanga fanfic in which the main plot of the story (or at least part of it) involves one of the girls falling in love with a boy! It shall be a harrowing quest, and I do not expect to be back for quite some while.

Oh wait I can open two tabs at once, huh? Never mind, I'll just never left.
Hell, I have something like that already.

Can't post it here, though. It's an ero-doujin. And it stars Osaka. :lol:


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
I think it was all the Y/Tomo fanfiction that set me off.

Listen close, for I shall go on a quest! A quest to find an Azumanga fanfic in which the main plot of the story (or at least part of it) involves one of the girls falling in love with a boy! It shall be a harrowing quest, and I do not expect to be back for quite some while.

Oh wait I can open two tabs at once, huh? Never mind, I'll just never left.
Your search is going to be short. Look up AAmishi on ffnet. He has a Sakaki/ACC that's not half bad.

...and you thought it was gonna take a while! Not EVERYONE writes yuri, ya know!!

*quitely hiding his half complete Kaorin/Sakaki*


Well-Known Member
Don't get between me and my sailor moon yuri :lonegunman:

I definitely prefer Usagi/Rei over Usagi/Tuxedodork.... about the only canon pairing I liked in SM was Nephrite(sp)/Naru


Well-Known Member
SM also has canon Yuri Michiru/Haruka as well as canon yaoi (At least i think they were if i'm not getting stuff mixed up again) Two of Beryl's generals the blonde that looked like a girl and the white haired one.

So with SM it's not surprising that people write other Yuri fics.


Well-Known Member
random1377 said:
Look up AAmishi on ffnet.? He has a Sakaki/ACC that's not half bad.
Mor leik "Sakaki/SI" am i rite

Rule of thumb: don't tell the people your character is curteous always etc. etc. etc.; instead, show it. By his actions.

I think I mentally tuned out ("oh no not again") around the part where he sort of but didn't talk back to Teacher Yukari.

Oh, and I think the twitching started when a bunch of different club members tried to get him to join their clubs. In an orderly fashion. On pretty much his first day at the school. See, this is how I know whether a fanfic is good or bad. If the vein on the right side of my neck starts popping out while the right half of my face tries to curl upwards, it's bad. And not just mediocre-bad, but pretty-not-good-bad.

(Wait, kittens in a mountain biking magazine? Don't they choose what ads to put in magazines based on the type of person most likely to read said magazine? Or did I miss something? I sort of couldn't stand it anymore, so my eyes sort of started skipping words, in a vain effort to block out the terrible terrible terrible--)

(But this is a fanfic that was started two years ago, right? It's been updated relatively recently. I must go on! In case--in case it begin to somehow resemble some not-as-terrible!)

Calling her chan after about two days of school spent sort-of-but-not-together. TWITCHITY TWITCHITY TWITCHITY TWITCH. And is it just me, or does this guy talk too...refined for a student? Compare: "Walking to school takes me past this way each day, but I must admit, I didnÆt know you lived her until I saw you right now." and "No, I, uh, didn't know you lived here, actually. This street's on my normal route." Really, the guy's blatantly...well, he's blatantly something, all right.

It starts to get sort of kind of better by the time they've built up a relationship--but it's the start of the story that's important, sort of, you know? A regular man cannot stand on a foundation of SI-ness, for it shall collapse with terrible ear-wrecking crumbly sounds! Kind of like that story in the Bible about the guy who built his house on rock and the other guy who built his house on sand. I won't tell you if it's rock or sand that represents SI-ness, but it's not rock.

P.S. Lumias: Yeah, sure, which is evidence against more yuri, if you think about it. Sure, two of the Scouts just happen to be lesbians, who are with each other. Fine. I can accept that. But what's the odds that not only are they, but so are two other members of their group?


Well-Known Member
P.S. Lumias: Yeah, sure, which is evidence against more yuri, if you think about it. Sure, two of the Scouts just happen to be lesbians, who are with each other. Fine. I can accept that. But what's the odds that not only are they, but so are two other members of their group?
I'm not saying i disagree with you, hmm i need to learn to explain better. What i meant was since it already has Yuri in it, there's a good chance that people who prefer that will get into SM because of that and so when they write fanfiction they write what they liked about it and then expand it.

While i don't read Yaoi and only time i read Yuri is if i think it makes some sense, neither are that different from a cracked pairing, it just has a twist. (Sorry don't know why i feel the need to play Devil's advocate right now.)


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
Listen close, for I shall go on a quest! A quest to find an Azumanga fanfic in which the main plot of the story (or at least part of it) involves one of the girls falling in love with a boy! It shall be a harrowing quest, and I do not expect to be back for quite some while.
It's a shame that "...in English" is, presumably, an unspoken criterion of your quest. Because you might have liked Chiyo-chan to Boku. An ACC romance (which, by nature, any hetero Azumanga fic is going to have to be) that isn't Mary Sue garbage is a rare thing indeed.


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
random1377 said:
Look up AAmishi on ffnet.á He has a Sakaki/ACC that's not half bad.
Mor leik "Sakaki/SI" am i rite

Rule of thumb: don't tell the people your character is curteous always etc. etc. etc.; instead, show it. By his actions.
I was just trying to point out that there IS some het stuff out there... not that this is the best damn fic on earth :sweat:


Well-Known Member
New rant: let's talk about love.

Specifically, let's talk about love at first sight.

The thing about love at first sight is that it doesn't exist. Oh, there's lust at first sight, and being smitten at first sight, and being taken aback momentarily by her beauty at first sight but there is no such thing as true boundless love at first sight.

So I give a hearty "no" to those fics which have two characters that're swapping spit or in a relationship that's more than just a good amount of infatuation on either end right after they barely meet.

And if the female has a single look at the guy before everyone is "hay lets have a 3sum lol", I'm going to hit you very very hard with something very very blunt.


Well-Known Member
How about you just hit a blunt instead? :p

I know that, in reality, there's no such thing as "love at first sight". But, thing is, we're talking about fanfiction, aren't we? In other words, fantasy. In which elements such as romance that works despite impossible odds, fated love, and the like appear without being a huge abnormality.

I do understand where you're coming from, and I'm pretty severe with the standards I hold such stories to. My philosophy on it is, for every inch I must stretch my suspension of disbelief, the author has to compensate me, and I accept payment only in high-quality fiction.
But, by the same token, there are some truly talented authors capable of doing exactly that. In those cases, I'm all for the fantastic and unbelievable.


Well-Known Member
The love at first sight thing I also have a problem with. In fact, not only do I 'not' like to see it in fanfiction, but in the 'actual' series as well. Case in point, Eureka 7. Ignoring the 'mispronunciation' of Eureka, Renton sees Eureka for the first time and it was like "ZOMG! WUB!!!" :sweat: No. He might have felt something when he first saw her, but it wasn't love. And the way it developed... felts kind of cliched and drawn out (Renton, trying, and failing to attract the attention of Eureka Granted, it's true there there isn't really an 'alternative' so to speak in the series (besides some crack pairings. :p), but so what? Doesn't make me like the relationship any more than it is. <_<

Granted, what happens above is still MILES above a lot of 'eyes met, SMEX' fanfics at FFN, but that is to be expected.
The only thing I've ever felt at first sight is recoil.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I hear ya. After the first few times, you learn to situate your face farther from the scope before pulling the trigger. :p


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
The love at first sight thing I also have a problem with. In fact, not only do I 'not' like to see it in fanfiction, but in the 'actual' series as well.
Yep, another example to come to mind is Vandreed. Dita and her 'Oh Mr. Alien' really grate. At least with Jura it is more curiosity and flirting than love as far as Hibiki goes.

Girls Bravo was that way to a lesser extent, but at least there were reasons for it, not good ones, but reasons. And that was a more lust and sex, than love, at least at first.