Naruto Secret of Slime


Well-Known Member
Instant success, you have to make something big out of this :p
kingdark said:
Instant success, you have to make something big out of this :p
True. I just wish Lord Raine would comment on what he thinks. He knows a lot more about folklore than I do and his assistance would be invaluable. Oh well...

Kingdark, what do you think about the Naruto/Sakura dynamic in this fic concept?


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
And who would Naruto and Sakura hire out to keep up with demand?
They'd doubtless hire people they could trust and who would not screw up by crossing the wires.

Shikamaru seems like a nice pick, although he'd be damn reluctant about it. Depending on how Ghosts impact the timeline, Neji might be a good choice too, as Hinata is too much of a wallflower to deal with the really obnoxious ghosts, but the Byakugan is a very good tool for stuff like finding them.

Oddly enough, Kankarou would be an awesome employee if they could trust him. Combining his puppetry with ghostbusting tech would be very efficent. . .

Also, if they got a summoning contract in payment for a major mission they did, they could use them as helpers.

Tenten is such a good pick that it really goes without saying.

Also, we'll have to consider just how much ghosts impact the shinobi SOP. I can easily see some of them trying to form deals with ghosts, with varying degrees of success. . .

We'll also have to think about what a ninja ghost would be like. . .
Well, as I understand it, ghosts are generally the remains of people who died violently and with regrets, as according to Egon, every time you touch something you leave a psychokinetic imprint. Other ghosts are forms when these imprints are blasted with sufficient PKE to become animated. I would postulate that the reason so many ghosts in Ghostbusters resembled bizarre creatures is because most of them were either formed from these psychic impressions and thus were deformed, simple entities, or were formed from troubled people whose souls were so corrupted by their lives or deaths this was reflected in how their souls appeared when they became ghosts. Kind of like Hollows in Bleach.

Still other ghosts remained in places they had the greatest emotional connection to during their lives, like their homes. The psychokinetic residue left over from them in their homes when they were alive magnified their presence as ghosts. I can easily see several Uchihas remaining as ghosts, which makes Sasuke's desire not to live there (as his apartment in canon didn't look like it was in the Uhciha district) because of the family ghosts more literal. I can't see Neji's father staying as a ghost, because he went freely to save his brother (though if he had regrets about Neji himself that might compel him to stay). Depending on how you wrote him, his presence might be a boon to Neji and help him become better adjusted after his death, or make Neji's torment even worse. If Hizashi doesn't appear at all as a ghost, Neji might wonder why he didn't stay considering how he died.

And besides Human ghosts, there are various Non-human supernatural entities like demons, goblins, tree spirits, banshees, kitsune, tanuki-Plenty of stuff to keep Naruto and Sakura occupied. Ghosts would be just one of several supernatural beings in the Naruto world, but many would be unique for the simple reason that ninja arts couldn't control them, like a summoning contract. You can seal them into scrolls, but unless you get a more powerful ghost to obey you (and there is very little reason for ghosts to obey ANYONE, period) and boss other, weaker ghosts around, there probably wouldn't be any ghost summoning contracts.

If there were, Naruto and Sakura wouldn't have much business.

Ninja ghosts would probably be more powerful than other ghosts, but still subject to most of the same rules. Where Slimer has been stated repeatedly to be a fairly average ghost (a focused, non-terminal repeating phantasm, or a class five free-roaming vapor), most ninja ghosts would probably be stronger. While they can't do jutsu anymore, they might still retain elemental affinities, and enough psychokinetic energy can allow them to simulate jutsu or other supernatural effects.

From the Ghostbuster's Fanfiction Network, I got this guide to Ghosts in Ghostbusters that may or may not aid in writing.

Class I: These are undeveloped forms, insubstanstantial and difficult to see. Interaction with environment is limited and enigmatic (eg., spectral lights, voices and sounds, ectoplasmic vapors, etc.). Simple application of a proton pack beam is normally effective.

Class II: Manifestations focused in this time and space, Class II ghosts and up can physically manipulate things in this world. These forms are vague, inconsistent, or incomplete (eg., floating sheets, ghostly hands, animated lips, etc.). Although a proton pack beam is normally effective, some Class II ghosts have the capacity to return attacks.

Class III: Anonymous Hauntings. Distinct human form and personality is evident, but former identity (i.e., as a living being) is not established. If established, ghost is reassigned as Class IV. Often difficult to deal with, Class III ghosts generally possess sophisticated means of defense.

Class IV: Identity established. Distinct human form and personality with known identity, such as General Custer or Cleopatra. Economic disposal methods include research into the background of said entity, as well as possible communication with it.

Class V: These are ectoplasmic manifestations of definite, but non-human form. Speculation includes the thory that Class V's are formed from emotionally-charged events or as side effects from ritual summonings. (The spud Peter Venkman talks about so much was a by-product of the rituals that a cult held in the Sedgewick basement.) These typically require extensive proton pack implementation to eradicate.

Class VI: Ghosts from lower life forms. A giant penguin was once seen attacking a mugger in Central Park. Later it was discovered the penguin was a ghost. Unique solutions are often required to handle these entities, including research into habitats, allergies, natural enemies, etc.

Class VII: Metaspectres. Obsessively malevolent, exceptionally powerful, and exhibiting control over subordinate forms, such entites are potentially very dangerous. These are often identified by primitive cultures as "Demons". Entities which fit this classification include Gozer and Zuul. Neutralizing them is usually a problematical undertaking at best. Most standard procedures are futile. The most realistic plan is to take measures to prevent these things from entering this sphere of influence in the first place.


Ghost traits vary, presenting everything from spooks to nuts. Though official terminology has not been regularized, a few commonly used to terms are discussed below:

Free-floating: The ghost moves about at will, with no regard to buildings, people, or time and space as we know it. Sometimes just called "Free".

Focused: The ghost is tied to the specific locale in which it first appeared and cannot stray from it.

Full Torso: Some ghosts have full torsos, some have arms and legs, some have no head and the like. Full torso apparitions are relatively rare -- many hauntings are indistinct below the chest.

Repeater: May refer to a self-generating PKE force (common with ritually-summoned spooks) or to a spook with obsessive repetitious behavior patterns (ie., always manifesting at a certain place and time). Even when the ghost can be captured or eliminated, some agency continues to produce successive hauntings. Such ghosts reappear periodically until the source can be disabled.

Vapor or Mist: A common but imprecise term, it may refer to a Class I or II entity, or to any insubstantial haunting.


Well-Known Member
I was unclear about the summoning contract bit. It wouldn't be for ghosts, but something similar to the Toad contract, although likely weaker. :huh.:

Still, if anyone could make a Ghost contract, it would be Naruto.
elric said:
I was unclear about the summoning contract bit. It wouldn't be for ghosts, but something similar to the Toad contract, although likely weaker. :huh.:

Still, if anyone could make a Ghost contract, it would be Naruto.
True. It'd be up to the writer if ghosts could be summoned or not, really. Personally I think it's more fun for Naruto and Sakura to get into wacky hijinx with the Ghostbuster's gear and their own ninja skills.

You know, with them being able to outside the village as Ghostbusters, this might allow the Wave Arc to be resolved sooner. Any ideas how this might happen?


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
elric said:
I was unclear about the summoning contract bit. It wouldn't be for ghosts, but something similar to the Toad contract, although likely weaker.? :huh.:

Still, if anyone could make a Ghost contract, it would be Naruto.
True. It'd be up to the writer if ghosts could be summoned or not, really. Personally I think it's more fun for Naruto and Sakura to get into wacky hijinx with the Ghostbuster's gear and their own ninja skills.

You know, with them being able to outside the village as Ghostbusters, this might allow the Wave Arc to be resolved sooner. Any ideas how this might happen?
Dude, Wave arc would never happen. Kaiza would haunt Gatoh to death.
elric said:
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
elric said:
I was unclear about the summoning contract bit. It wouldn't be for ghosts, but something similar to the Toad contract, although likely weaker.? :huh.:

Still, if anyone could make a Ghost contract, it would be Naruto.
True. It'd be up to the writer if ghosts could be summoned or not, really. Personally I think it's more fun for Naruto and Sakura to get into wacky hijinx with the Ghostbuster's gear and their own ninja skills.

You know, with them being able to outside the village as Ghostbusters, this might allow the Wave Arc to be resolved sooner. Any ideas how this might happen?
Dude, Wave arc would never happen. Kaiza would haunt Gatoh to death.
Well, who else would Gato call but the Ghostbusters? And when they learn what Gato's up to, well... No reason they can't kick Gato's ass after they get paid, right? ;)
elric said:
Ah, touche.

... But yeah, this would present the writer with an entirely different way to do the Wave Arc with ease. As for the Chuunin Exams, Naruto and Sakura could simply decide things have quieted down enough for them to take a "vacation" of sorts.

By the way, what kinds of personality changes would those two undergo? I'm thinking something like this:

- - -

Tenten knocked on the door a few times, marvelling at the unusual architecture once more. Where most buildings in Konoha were rounded and blended into their surroundings, this strange "firehouse" on the outskirts was tall, bricked and proud, as though defying the woods around it. The ubiquitous "No Ghost" sign hung above her as she knocked again. A few moments later, a smaller door in the larger pair opened, and a pretty, blonde-haired girl with whisker marks and pigtails, dressed in an orange tank top and blue skirt stuck her head out with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to the Ghostbusters, can I help you?"

Tenten held up the newspaper clip. "Yeah, hi. I read you had some job openings?"

"Right this way please!" She said cheerfully, gesturing Tenten in. The bunned girl walked in, looking around with an inquisitive eye. The walls were white, intersected by dark brown pillars up to a wide tiled ceiling. At the far end of the building sat an elaborate wooden office space, with a main desk up front with a computer in front of a large filing cabinet, in front of a fenced-off office. A flight of stairs went up to the second floor, in front of which stood a tall metal pole, presumably for sliding down.

"So, what's your name? I'm Naruko," the girl said cheerfully. She indicated the chair in front of the desk, and Tenten sat down, before she bounced over to the chair behind the desk and sat primly. Tenten coughed.

"My name is Tenten. I've been a genin of Konoha for two years. I specialize in thrown weapons and explosives, and am a fair hand at blacksmithing."

"Why do you want to join the company?" Naruko asked, still cheerful. Tenten blinked a little at how bubbly the blonde was, but continued.

"Er, well, I'm an orphan, and while I became a ninja to pay my bills as well as follow in my parents' footsteps, it's just not enough to cover all my expenses. I was hoping I could work part-time?"

"Certainly! But first, I need to ask you a few questions," Naruko said, leaning forward a little. Tenten couldn't help but notice Naruko's impressive cleavage, and coughed, keeping her eyes on the other girl's.


"Are you willing to sign an agreement to not disclose anything about this company's technology and various other items that CEOs Uzumaki and Haruno do not wish you to?" Naruko asked. Tenten nodded.

"Sure, I agree."

"Are you willing to work overtime?"

"Well, within reason," Tenten offered. "I do have my ninja duties and training to do too."

"Do you believe in UFOs, extra-sensory perception, telepathy, clairvoyance, past life experiences, spontaneous combustion, the Bermuda Triangle, cross-dimensional incursions or the theory of Atlantis?" Naruko rattled off. Tenten blinked.

"Er... As long as I get paid regularly, I'll believe anything you say," Tenten replied honestly. Naruko nodded, and was about to say more before the large front doors opened. Tenten turned to look as the infamous Ecto-1 drove in, sirens off, coming to a halt in the garage. As the doors closed behind the vehicle, Naruto and Sakura emerged, both looking tired and covered in splotches of various colored... Slimes?

"Boy, what a day," Naruto groaned. "I've got to get some sleep. Seriously, it is not fun doin' five jobs in a row without backup."

"You seemed to handle things pretty well, last I checked," Sakura pointed out with a snort, hair done up in a bun and thin spectacles on her nose. Naruto snorted back, raising an eyebrow as he went to the back of the Ecto-1, pulling open a door and collecting some items.

"You need your eyes checked... What's with those glasses anyway? You don't need them!"

Sakura pushed them up her nose and smiled.

"Well, from all my time observing-"

"Stalking," Naruto cut in with a smirk. Sakura glared.

"Observing Sasuke-kun, I've come to the conclusion that, rather than vacant drooling fangirls, he prefers older, more mature women. By wearing glasses and my hair like this, I can give the impression that I'm more mature than those other... Girls."

"You look like a librarian! What's sexy about that?" Naruto scoffed, lugging a few traps by their cords. Sakura huffed.

"Plenty! Intellectual women are very attractive!"

"Maybe to non-gay guys," Naruto snorted. Sakura growled.

"We've been over this before, Sasuke is not gay. He's just interested in girls more on his level!"

"You mean girls who have-?"

"Shut up! That was a one time mistake and you know it!" Sakura seethed. Naruto laughed, and shook his head, walking up to the desk. He paused at Tenten and smiled charmingly.

"Hey, Tenten right?"

"Er, yeah. Tsume Tenten," she replied, standing up and bowing.

"She's here about the job," Naruko chirped. Naruto grinned and held out his free hand to Tenten's.

"Beautiful, you're hired. Uzumaki Naruto, and my lovely but delusional partner Haruno Sakura."

"Bite me, Naruto," Sakura replied, but shook Tenten's hand as well.

"Mind helping me out with these traps, Tenten-chan?" Naruto asked. Tenten nodded and followed Naruto to a smaller door behind the staircase, while Sakura leaned against the desk and handed over some papers to Naruko.

"Here are the receipts for the last jobs."

Naruko nodded and handed Sakura some scrolls.

"Here are tonight's worksheets!"

Sakura groaned. "More kitsune? Didn't they get the memo Konoha's not exactly welcome to them?"

"Guess not," Naruko chirped. She frowned. "Also, I'm getting a bit low on chakra."

"How much could you expend, sitting around all day?" Sakura asked irritably. Naruko looked hurt.

"It's harder than it looks! Can you hire me more help?"

"You're a shadow clone, can't you have Naruto make more of you?" Sakura asked with a sigh. Naruko shrugged.

"For paperwork? Sure. For maintenance on the containment system? Not so much."

"Swell," Sakura sighed.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, that looks about right to me. Naturally, anyone they hire will get caught up in the insanity as well. Tenten may wind up making Lee look sane after she's worked there for awhile.
elric said:
Yeah, that looks about right to me. Naturally, anyone they hire will get caught up in the insanity as well. Tenten may wind up making Lee look sane after she's worked there for awhile.
Naruko: Oh, by the way, Hinata's agreed to mounter the Containment field for us. That will save us some time. Once she's trained up plus with the Byakugan she can see faults in the system.

Naruto: Good, anything else I need to know?

Naruko: Well, Lee and Gai have been back. They want some part time work to "Show the dead that this world is for those with the fires of youth". And the Hokage has asked us to allow an inspector in to check that the buildings is up to code. Three more requests from the Kazekage to remove the living demon. And 1 request from Hanzo leader of Amegakure, to remove a class 3 vapour from his office.

Naruto: *sigh* Okay, they can work too... But they can't drive the car. Only I get to drive the car.

Naruko: Er... What about-?

Naruto: And Sakura, fine! Sheesh! Okay... We'll have to call Jiraiya in on the Suna job, Lee and Gai can handle the Amegakure job... The Hokage's the one who used Earth jutsus to dig the firehouse out of the ground, he can probably supply most of the documentation, but if the inspector still insists on coming then we probably don't have anything to worry about...


Sakura: And this is my experimental pschyokinetic wave generator. I use it to simulate the energies of various ghosts we've encountered for study.

Tenten: Oh? That sounds interesting... (clearly has no idea how it works)

Sakura: I'll show you! Keep in mind, it's still a little experimental... But don't worry, it's only exploded once!

Tenten: Once?!


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:

Sakura: And this is my experimental pschyokinetic wave generator. I use it to simulate the energies of various ghosts we've encountered for study.

Tenten: Oh? That sounds interesting... (clearly has no idea how it works)

Sakura: I'll show you! Keep in mind, it's still a little experimental... But don't worry, it's only exploded once!

Tenten: Once?!
MadScientist!Sakura FTW.
Definitely, heh.

- - -

Sakura: Okay, THIS is the ectoplasmic disintegrator. I'm thinking we can use it to increase the volume of captured ghosts and take them apart so that they're easier to store. Unfortunately, it's also still highly experimental.

Tenten: Um, how many times has it exploded.

Sakura: *glares down at the floor* Not as many times as Naruto would have you believe... It's more liable to set you on fire. Or turn your hair green

Tenten: ... Um, right... Knew listening to Gai about this job was a bad idea, but nooo, I just HAD to be trusting this once!

*Down in the garage*

*Naruto is working on the Ecto-1, while Naruko files her nails.*

Naruto: Wrench.

*Slimer hovers down and grabs the tool*

Slimer: Wench!

Naruto: Screwdriver.

Slimer: Screwdwiver!

Naruto: Um... That swirly thing that looks like a fishcake...

Slimer: Fishcake? Mmm, yummy! *makes to grab and eat the part, but Naruto stops him* Awwww!

Naruto: Hey, you don't want to eat this! This isn't food!

Sasuke: *walks in, looking a little perturbed*

Naruto: Eh? Sasuke, what the hell are you doing here? Thought you were too good to hang around here!

Sasuke: It's... *grimaces* I need to hire you.

Naruto: Eh? What for?

Sasuke: What else you idiot, I've got a ghost.

Naruto: Really? Can you describe it?

*Mikoto Uchiha walks into the firehouse, looking as real as any other person. Naruto blinks as Sasuke twitches, before pulling out his PKE meter*

Mikoto: Oh Sasuke, is this your friend Naruto? He's very cute. *smiles*

Sasuke: M-Mother! Please! Stop it!

Naruto: This is your mom, Sasuke? *grins* Man, she's hot.

Slimer: Yeah, hot! *grins and floats around happily*

Sasuke: Shut up, idiot!
Naruto: Normal price for a Class 6 corporal is 10,000 Ryo. But, since you are you Sasuke, and you're a teammate... We'll do it for the price of 90,000 Ryo.

Sasuke: What? That's more expensive!

Naruto: Well you get the Teme tax. Plus the 10% Teammate discount you get 90,000.

*Sakura Suddenly appearers behind Naruto looking pissed.*

Naruto: *gulps* Eh heh... Of-Of course, we can just take care of it for... Um...

Sakura: Free for you, Sasuke-kun!

Naruto: FREE?! Are you kidding?! FREE?! Free for HIM?! What the hell are you on?!

Sakura: I say it'll be free! Besides, pro bono work gets us more media attention!

Naruto: Sakura, we're in Konoha. We get media attention OUTSIDE of Konoha. Here they just pretend we don't exist.

Sakura: Naruto!

Naruto: I'm serious, the most we ever got in the paper was the weather section.

Sakura: We don't need... Weather section? Seriously?

Naruto: Yeah, as in "Look out for rain caused by Ghostbusters".

Sakura: That wasn't us! That was that storm demon we caught!

Naruto: Yeah well, what are you gonna do?

Sasuke: Hey, idiots!

Mikoto: Sasuke, be nice! They're your teammates and friends! Besides, Naruto seems very nice. *smiles*

Naruto: *smiles back, takes her hand and kisses it* Definitely ma'am.

Sakura: Oh brother...

Mikoto: Well, aren't you the charmer!

Sasuke: Idiot, stop hitting on my mom! That's sick!

Naruto: You're so uptight Sasuke. You need to relax! Get the emo stick out of your butt more often.

Mikoto: *nods* He only listens to Dashboard Confessional and Linkin Park at home.

Sasuke: MOOOOM!

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
The Great Fluffy said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rip1:


Well-Known Member
Instead of a kage bunshin wouldn't Hinata be a better secretary? She wouldn't go poof at the first little bump.
foreverzero said:
Instead of a kage bunshin wouldn't Hinata be a better secretary? She wouldn't go poof at the first little bump.
True... That's a good idea. She gets to have a side job to being a ninja and gets to be close to her crush.

Of course, in this story Naruto and Sakura might just quit being ninjas entirely to keep up with Ghostbusting... Though it wouldn't be as fun that way. ^_^

Or maybe it would. What do you guys think?

Oh, and imagine the hilarity that would occur if Akatsuki accidentally summoned an Eldritch horror and had to call the Ghostbusters to deal with it.

Pein: You called the Ghostbusters?! YOU CALLED THE GHOSTBUSTERS?!

Tobi: Tobi is not good enough boy to deal with that!

Itachi: If the world is destroyed, your great dental plan is rather useless anyway.

Kisame: *nods* Yep.

Konan: And besides, I'll get to see how big Naruto's grown! *squeal* Oh, my godson must be beating girls off with a stick!


Konan: See his baby pictures? I had Itachi-san steal them for me when he escaped!

Deidara: We have to see them again, un?

Kazuku: I don't get paid enough for this...


Pein: *groan* Who forgot his medication? Again?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

The Great Fluffy said:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Well, you could always try to kill me back by writing your own snippets? ^_^ I'd like to see other people's interpretations of this idea. C'mon man, make me laugh!


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
The Great Fluffy said:
:rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? ?

Well, you could always try to kill me back by writing your own snippets? ^_^ !
Unfortunately, I'm no good at writing good fiction, especially compared to authors like you. :(