Naruto Sex Ed, Kunoichi Style

You're fucking kidding me.

Ok, where can I get tickets to Sengoku Japan? Anyone?


Well-Known Member
Real ninja weren't supposed to be seen at all, so what they looked like wasn't an issue. If someone saw them, it meant they fucked up.
Actually, from waht little I know, you could see them easily enough, the problem is finding out who is the ninja when they can be working as gardeners, for example.


Well-Known Member
BlackSun said:
Real ninja weren't supposed to be seen at all, so what they looked like wasn't an issue. If someone saw them, it meant they fucked up.
Actually, from waht little I know, you could see them easily enough, the problem is finding out who is the ninja when they can be working as gardeners, for example.
I'm not referring to infiltrators, I'm referring to the variety of ninja used to sneak in places to steal vital information. People like Devil Hanzo. That's when what they look like doesn't really matter, it just has to blend in with the surroundings.

From that point of view, almost nobody in Naruto wears adequate stealth clothes.


Well-Known Member
GH has the right idea here: he's not a ninja anymore if you know he's one.

As for Naruto... you can call them anything BUT true ninja's.

(BTW comment only after knowing the facts.)


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Great. The average scheisse gets brought stateside, while we STILL wait for a Classic Dirty Pair series dub and release.
Umm, Dirty Pair has been on one of the Showtime channels for awhile now? Granted, that is for satilites systems such as Dish Network in the US, but I watched a number of episodes right next to Fist of the North Star. I believe it is "Showtime Extreme" that is the perticular channel.


Actually, I saw one of those shows on the History channel that compared combat tactics between two different groups. It compared ninja vs. Special Forces.

Rather interesting...

Speical Forces took the brute force method of getting there target...while the ninja only struck when he was feet from the target, and right under the guards noses. I remember the ninja talking about it isn't remaining hidden that is important, it was deception that was the key.


Well-Known Member
The question is where should we look for the works of the Rx7 master?


Well-Known Member
Rx7, as everyone knows, always posts on :p

This one hasn't been posted yet, though, just here in this forum
GaelicDragon said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Great. The average scheisse gets brought stateside, while we STILL wait for a Classic Dirty Pair series dub and release.
Umm, Dirty Pair has been on one of the Showtime channels for awhile now? Granted, that is for satilites systems such as Dish Network in the US, but I watched a number of episodes right next to Fist of the North Star. I believe it is "Showtime Extreme" that is the perticular channel.
That's the Classic OVAs, not the original series. The Classic OVAs and the Flash OVAs have been released in the US, as have all three Dirty Pair movies, but the original series hasn't been released in the US, and as for the Dirty Pair novels all us Americans get is a shoddy, edited, and censored translation of the first book.

Edit: Yep, according to the Wikipedia article on Dirty Pair, the original series still hasn't been released in the US as of this year.


Well-Known Member
Maybe Plenty of Rx7 material there. ^_^

[edit] <_< What happens when you decided to delay your reply until after you finish writing something else.


Well-Known Member
Nice work thus far by Rx7. As always, I shall reserve my final opinion until the piece is, indeed, final.

Pros: Decent setup, though I don't really get the little riddle that Kurenai is laying out for Naruto. Maybe I will eventually. An interesting bit of foreshadowing(?) between Anko and Kurenai. And, well, I'm interested in seeing an Rx7 lemon take of Konoha.

Cons: Naruto is too much of a bonehead in this one.

If he hears hints that he'll be taught a powerful new jutsu, he's all ears, like someone flipped his switch from "Prankster" to "Eager Student". Remember, he's out for the Hokage title, and the bit with Sasuke running away has seriously impressed on him the need to be strong enough to protect his home and his friends.

Technical: Didn't see much that your average spellcheck couldn't polish. For the record, Anko's family name is Mitarashi, and Tsunade is spelled Tsu-na-de.

I await more.

Oh, and the ninja in the Naruto world not being very ninja-like... well, yes and no. Remember, in the show and manga we view the world primarily from the point of view of a low-ranked screwup. Yet, he still has more than a few tricks up his sleeve - I point out the Fuuma shuriken gambit he used on Zabuza.

The way I see it, there are the following basic types of ninja:
1) Stealth assassin. The kind seen in games like Tenchu; if they do their job right, nobody knows they were there until well after they're gone. Information gathering and silent killing are their forte.
Examples in Naruto: Not too many, since that seldom makes for a good shounen action anime/manga, and Naruto is published in Shounen Jump. I suppose the Mist-nin that Team 7 fought in the Forest of Death fit the bill. At a stretch, I'd say Orochimaru would likely be the best at this. I think this is more or less the main purpose behind ANBU.
2) Faces In The Crowd. This is the kind most likely to have been prevalent in actual history. I think most of the ninja in Naruto fit this bill, at least to some extent. Many of them wouldn't be recognized as ninja until someone sees the hitai-ate or weapons. I think these are potentially the most deadly - consider the dilemma of soldiers in Vietnam over how to tell which "civilian" is really a guerilla in disguise.
Examples in Naruto: As stated, nearly all of them. Also, I especially point out Tsunade. Until she goes into action, there's no way of knowing she's a ninja; for all the casual observer knows, she's a big-titted drunken gambling addict.
3) Heavy Warfare. This applies to ninja best suited to open warfare, with flashy, explosive and very destructive jutsu at their disposal. Think of them as heavy artillery. Also, they make fantastic distractions - who's going to notice the housecat sneaking in through the window when there's an elephant throwing a tantrum on the front lawn?
Examples in Naruto: Most likely Naruto himself is the best example, and that more or less guarantees Jiraiya for it too. Hell, the Kage Bunshin is outright designed for skilled misdirection (i.e. decoys that can fight a little). Gaara is this kind in a big way.
4) Illusion and Seduction. Kunoichi in the classic style. The most skilled can slip past an enemy's guard easily, simply with a sultry glance. If the decapitated head has a smile on its face, suspect one of these. :D
Examples in Naruto: Kurenai is one. Ino would probably succeed as one, if she could get over her stupid Sasuke-craze. Suzume-sensei (the teacher in Sakura and Ino's flashback; she gave flower arranging lessons) is likely one of these types.

Of course, there's many that wouldn't fit into any of these types, and many more who fit into all of them to some extent. I suspect most of the chuunin are "well-rounded" - which, to a ninja, means you don't do anything especially well, and are a pawn rather than a knight or rook.
