Star Wars Plothole


Well-Known Member
I just thought of something, and its been bothering the hell out of me. Its a prequel issue.

Basically, at the end of AotC, they are told that the Sith Master is in control of the government. Despite that coming from an untrustworthy source, they believe that its true by the next movie.

Here's the thing. How in hell did they not uncover Palpatine immediately when they can test people for Force sensitivity and get a result in under five minutes? Or did that technology somehow get lost in the time after TPM? It is probable that with access to the Senator's medical records, they could have had their answer years before RotS.

So, why? Besides Lucas being a careless forgetful bastard of course.
Because quite simply Palpatine might not have ever been tested to begin with, and he was probably shielding himself from those that could detect his ability to use the force. Not to mention the fact of how are you going to get a blood sample of Palpatine to test considering that he is in fact the supreme chancellor of the Republic when they are unsure of the information that Dooku gave considering he could just be bullshitting them or manipulating them to just waste time looking over the shoulders for a possible enemy with a war before them?


Well-Known Member
An old man going years without a doctor's visit they could try to infiltrate? Or steal records from? That would be far less believable to me, and would in fact stick out like a third thumb.

They introduced a scientific method of detecting Force potential, that from all indications, can't be cheated except by not doing it.

And it was not used at all in their search for the Sith Lord who was orchestrating a galactic war and the ridiculous death tolls such demands.
Yes but how would they know who Palpatine sees as his doctor? It could be a droid who then has the memory of the visit erased and any possible blood sample destroyed.


Well-Known Member
Because midichlorians are retarded and don't exist.
Munch said:
Because midichlorians are retarded and don't exist.
Agreed. Lucas is good when he's managing the big show, but not when he's micromanaging things and writing everything himself. Where he came up with this crap, I don't even want to speculate.

So, Captain Sarcasm and I may be writing our own version of the prequels out of boredom someday...
I'd be willing to help put my own spin on how the rise of Lord Vader truly came about.


Well-Known Member
ttestagr said:
An old man going years without a doctor's visit they could try to infiltrate? Or steal records from? That would be far less believable to me, and would in fact stick out like a third thumb.

They introduced a scientific method of detecting Force potential, that from all indications, can't be cheated except by not doing it.

And it was not used at all in their search for the Sith Lord who was orchestrating a galactic war and the ridiculous death tolls such demands.
Or Palpatine, who is a scheming, manipulative bastard, convinced the doctor who took the blood samples to exchange them for somebody else's, somebody without Force-potential.

Then he arranged for that doctor to have an unfortunate accident.

Really, I find it far more likely that Palpatine would have been the first to undergo a blood-test, only that he had a scheme in place that would prevent the Jedi from ever finding out the truth about him. He practically had to be the first one to undergo that test, to keep up appearances of the benevolent, humble Senator Palpatine.

At least if the Jedi ever did something like check all the senators and other high-ranking politicians for Force potential.
Besides which, this wouldn't actually be 'proof' that he's a Sith. Just that he has force potential. Which is not actually a crime in itself.

For that matter, while he HAS committed crimes, I'm not sure being a Sith is illegal in itself anyway, no matter what the Jedi think of them.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the problem would be in proving that Palpatine was a trained force user. The Jedi cannot force a child to be turned over to them, and they also refuse to train adults. For all they know, he could easily just be someone who happened to slip by. And if they started accusing anyone with force potential, it could cause some serious problems.

Also, the Jedi would need to get access to those records, and with there being medical droids, well, Palpatine does have the funds (and the reason) to have his own personal medical droid.

Another thing is that Midiclorians are not the reason people can use the force, they make it easier to do.


Well-Known Member
As other have said just because he has midichlorians doesn't mean he is trained to use them. All he has to say is he refused Jedi training or his parents did and that is that. Also what would the jedi say if caught trying to steal classified information. Which is something medical records are.


Well-Known Member
Well how about this theory. there is no plot-hole, just that The Jedi F'ed Up Royally!! IIRC, the Jedi Order has been the dominant force-users since they beat down the Sith a millennia ago. Hence during that time, the SW universes favorite Monks grew complacent. Thus, allowing one little Sith to bend them over and violate them to near extinction. Also you have to remember there is a war going on during that time. So, I would say that the Jedi Order had their hands full.

On the subject of Mitichlorines. I like to view them as a by-product of a Living beings connection, rather than the source of the connection. Lets say a Padawan's Mitichlorine count is at 5000 when he/she is first inducted. Then after years of training, meditation and experience their Mitichlorine count is at 12,000 as a Jedi knight.

This can be equated to power levels in DBZ or Reiatsu from Bleach. Furthermore George Lucas most likely intended the Mitichlorines to serve as measure of a Force-users level of power.
He should have explained more. Saying in TPM that at age eight Anakin had more midichlorians than MASTER FUCKING YODA, who is nearly a millennia old, is retarded as fuck. Malfunctioning equipment is Malfunctioning.


Well-Known Member
You forget Anakinwas also the Chos4en one who would bring ballance to the Force.Which he did by first aiding in the slaughtrer of the Jedi order then killing Palpatine.
So basically exterminating almost every Force user in the Galaxy is how you balance it out? So there are no force users?



Well-Known Member
who knows what it actually meant to bring balance, or even if the person who gave the prophecy knew what it meant. We don't even know who gave the prophecy to begin with and which side they viewed it as. Some crazy lunatic could have viewed it as a fresh start for the force users, or someone viewed the loss of both the Sith and the Jedi as it


Well-Known Member
Christopher Robin said:
Wasn't Anakin also born from the Force? He has a mother, but no father.
Something else that isn't really covered. Hell, it could simply be that there isn't a father in the picture.

We have no idea what Shmi's life was like as it is quite possible that she was used as a slave in such manners that she'd be incapable of knowing who the actual father was.


Well-Known Member
RockLeeTheAwesome said:
So basically exterminating almost every Force user in the Galaxy is how you balance it out? So there are no force users?
The only way to balance something objectively when there exist so many factors with no clear relationships in value between them is to reduce all factors to zero. It makes sense.


Well-Known Member
Apparently, Vader/Anakin didn't actually kill Palpatine. I'm told it was finally Luke who took him down for good.

As for wiping out Jedi and Sith for the 'balance' factor, I'd have to agree.


Well-Known Member
Christopher Robin said:
Wasn't Anakin also born from the Force? He has a mother, but no father.
I always thought that she was talking metaphorically. "Father? What father? Do you see a father around here?"


Well-Known Member
1) Midichlorians seem to be a mystical equivalent of mitochondria, producing force energy or allowing one to channel it. It isn't your power level, but your power potential.

2) It's implied the Darth Sidious' master, Darth Plagueis or however the hell you spell the name, impregnated Shmi with the force, hence the line "Create life" during Palpatine's spiel.
The question is, would it matter? Palpatine seems to have control of every aspect of a government so corrupt and bureaucratic that they would probably spend years debating whether or not a Sith Lord was actually evil on Palpatine's whim.

As far as I know, the Jedi have no political merit. I think Mace Windu says something in the movie like: "The only reason we don't suspect Palpatine, is because he already controls the Republic." I guess they don't the reason in why someone would weaken his own empire with an enemy he controls.

That's my theory anyways.