Strange Phenomenon


Well-Known Member
... Zedalb, I'm not too sure about the wiccan religion.

But are you sure you didn't mix your shit up with something from one of those Black Book sites?


Well-Known Member
....The black spectre/ghost/sprite thing appeared again.

I was watching some random video on youtube when the video stopped. Next thing I know, the monitor turns off by itself. I turned it back on without thinking and the video started playing again.

It wasn't until I closed the browser that I noticed a file that wasn't on the desktop before. It was a notepad file.

It consisted of one question:

"Do you remember me?"

I am now fucking freaked out here people.


Well-Known Member
Aaaand the weird-shit-o-meter just keeps going up, too.

Also, tried something different while walking to chow.

I tried to follow the glow-balls. Very carefully. Still ended up tripping in three pot-holes, and slipping in unpleasant shit. After five minutes, I realized they were heading to the gate that's close to the 'bad' part of town.

Yeah, I'm thinking that these are will-o-wisps.


Well-Known Member
Shaderic, how exactly did the soldiers from before die?

Have they done an autopsy yet?

Were there visible bite mark?

I need to know.


Well-Known Member
Seems like just accidents. Physical trauma, as though they fell from a great height (IE, the top of a bridge). The had a lot of alcohol in their systems, and ended up in a bad part of town. But, I know these guys. One could see our little blue-balls.

Also, side effect of following them around? You develop tunnel vision pretty quick, unless you're careful about where you're going.


Well-Known Member
Hmmm....So they died from being drunkedly stupid though possibly the blue balls are screwing around with people, leading them off bridges to kill them and eat their souls......

Do not follow the light, Shaderic. It will kill you! Like lead you right in front of a train or something!

Do you remember me? I've missed you.


Well-Known Member
So it isn't just me? Wonderful. /Sarcasm. My eyes have been killing me and I've seen static?, I don't think it's the right word but, it's as close as I can tell you how it seems, well I've been seeing it around be people.

A wild Lightwave joins the game.


Well-Known Member
ok whatever it is it is not wiccan nothingNOTHING on any wiccan site has anything close to this weird shit yes it was vaugly ball shaped and worse off I keep seeing glimpses of it out of the corner of my eye

BTW harm none ......Im carrying my knife now
weird shit=weaponry

Im purifing everything getting obsdian for protection and blessing all 3 acres I live around


Well-Known Member
... Somehow, I think Zedalb's gone bye-bye.

Please, for the sake of every one around you, use grammar and punctuation. I realise english may not be your first language, but put some effort into it. Otherwise, it just makes seem crazy and stupid.

Also, haha, very funny Shibo.


Well-Known Member
Guess what? Looking into the static is a very bad idea. My head is still killing me and some of the bloodvessels in my eye pop'd. I will however try to explain what I saw. Words, Letters, Symbols, Numbers, Things, and thoughts all of that in the space the size of a person. All overlapped and fusing into the other. Despite all that I still can't really put in to words what I saw. How do you explain colour to a blind man?


Well-Known Member
shibosho said:
Do you remember me? I've missed you.
Mysterious whited out text?

I was taking you kind of seriously until you did that.

Also, LW, you may want to see a doctor. I think you may have a tumor or some crazy shit..


Well-Known Member
Damn, that's whack.

And do you know what Shaderic's talking about? I wasn't trying to be funny or anything so I have no idea what's he meant by that.



Well-Known Member
Okay, I'll admit that I put that whited out text but I had a good reason.

I figured if I did that, I might get a reaction out of the black spectre or something.

Admittingly, I haven't seen or heard or felt any sign of the black sprite since the mysterious notepad message.

Also, I have no idea what you're saying zedalb


Well-Known Member
Ok guys sorry about my previous grammer.
I was in fact a bit "freacked out".
So now im armed and everyone needs to be.
I would also recomed having your weapon blessed in what ever religon you belive in.

I recomened anything but projectiles can't bless all your ammo and not alot a holy sword wont kill.

Precaution guys i dont know whats going on but we need to be carefull.

Btw has anyone tried fighting these "sprits" if we can get them to hold still?
I will purifiy bless and cleanse anyones house who ask all out of pocket.
(im a good wiccan)


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Zedalb's gone bye-bye.

His grammar's come back, but he's still not making a lot of sense.

Blessed weapons? Battle tactics? Last I checked, we were facing weird ass static and glowy-balls.

And thank you for offering to bless my stuff. But, A) I'm Catholic, and B ) don't really see the need for weaponry at this point. Just to be careful.

A??????n??d???????.??????.??????.? ???Ì???s????h?i????ýt???.ý?


Well-Known Member
I?'??m?? ?O???K??,? ???b??u?t?? ?o??n?e?? ?o?f??? ???t??h???e? b??l?u???e?? ?t???h?i???n???g??s??? t?o?u?c?h?e?d??? ???m?y??? ???c???o??m???p?u?t?e??r??.??


Well-Known Member
D?on't wo?rry, ?I?t's? j?ust ?thi?s dumb t?h?ing? ?has? Z?al?g?o?'d? my ?t?e?x?t/?.


Well-Known Member
....How the fuck does that happen?!

Also, still no sign of black sprite/spectre/whatever for a while. Would be believing that I was hallucinating but notepad message disagrees with that notion.


Well-Known Member

Goddamn blue things Zalgo'd my lap-top.

Also made it really trippy to look at the screen.

Ah, well. That's f?ixe?d? ?a?t? ?l?east.

... Shit.


Well-Known Member
No signs of the black spectre but now my smoke detector gone weird.

Around last night, it began to randomly start beeping at random intervals. I tried to shut it off but the damn thing still kept on beeping. Eventually I took it out of its port and stuffed it into a bundle of towels to muffle the noise.

The weird thing is that the damn device was repeating the same sequences of beep over and over again.



Well-Known Member

Moris code?

There is a benefit to my staring into the abyss. I can see better in my right eye now. Which sucks since I got to go the the Optomitrist to get my glasses fixed. Also the static seems clearer. Somewhat.


Well-Known Member
....Damn, why didn't I think of that?

I'll go check now if it is morse code.


Well-Known Member
Morse code, huh? Why do you people always think morse code? I know multiple ways you could tap out a message. And I could never understand it to begin with. I'd always mix the stuff up. I prefer 5x5 tap.

Well, good luck with that...

Wait... did this thing keep going AFTER you took out the battery?