Ranma ½ [TAW] Escape From Ranma Saotome!

You seem to have missed the part where Kasumi and Nabiki threw Akane under the Ranma Express to avoid getting stuck with him themselves, and Kasumi dismissing Akane's feelings regarding Ranma and the bullshit she endures dealing with him as her "just being stubborn".
No, I didn't miss that part, I took the sisters' words for what they were: unfounded, petty and selfish (and slightly OOC on Kasumi's part, but I'm willing to overlook that). That is hardly what I meant when I suggested she be knocked off her high horse. Akane has plenty of valid character flaws that she can be called out on; things like not trusting Ranma (ever), always assuming the worst, and adopting a hit first, ask questions later attitude. If this is going to be a full scale demolition derby, it needs to go both ways.

But it's okay, nobody really regards Akane's feelings anyway, all they see is her hitting Ranma, and make excuses as to why she's the bad guy for it.
So unjustified violence doesn't make you a bad guy?


Well-Known Member
And unjustified emotional abuse is just peachy in your book?

If he's going to run his mouth, he should be man enough to accept Akane's fist going down his throat.
So now childish banter and petty insults qualify as "emotional abuse" worthy of physical retaliation...

Learn something new everyday, I guess.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
I like that Ranma's constant belittling of Akane's appearance, physical ability, and slew of insecurities gets writ off as "petty insults" while her slapstick beatings are considered cause for alarm and undeserved.

But you know, that's cool.
HA! So Akane's beatings can be excused because they are played for laughs, while Ranma's verbal barbs (which are also played for laughs, BTW) are wholly indefensible.


The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
I'm sure you're cocksure you've got me in intellectual stalemate, but lemme ask you, friend. When it comes time to deconstruct the themes, who is the victim defending themselves, and who is the aggressor who will not stop despite insistence of the victim?


Well-Known Member
This is pretty funny, but the sort of stories you're doing a parody of are bad for a reason. Gonna give this one pass I think.

Altered Nova

Well-Known Member
If you must deconstruct the themes, Ranma is the aggressor. However, please keep in mind the concept of "disproportionate retribution". Akane goes way too far in getting back at Ranma. In the real world, it is never justified to respond to verbal insults with physical violence.


Well-Known Member
*reads stuff since last post on this thread*

Hmm, more confirmation that this is a derp story. Nothing really to see ...

*sees author/coauthor attack people for comments/concerns*

... did they just do that?

Fuck, they did.

The Ero-Sennin said:
I'm sure you're cocksure you've got me in intellectual stalemate, but lemme ask you, friend. When it comes time to deconstruct the themes, who is the victim defending themselves, and who is the aggressor who will not stop despite insistence of the victim?
You and Anonguy are the aggressors here. Seriously, you guys are behaving like some of the most offensive people on ff.net when it comes to criticism or mere questions about your "story." The ones who write fourth wall breaking chapters where the authors directly vent to the characters about how someone is "flaming them," before reporting reviewers to the admins. Yeah, those.

Fuck it. I wash my hands of this thread, Ero-Sennin, and Anonguy. It's likely the only thing that should guarantee I don't deal with their trolling. I've said my piece, and I'm out of this thread for good.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member

Your post has moved me.

I am struck by how deeply I have offended you and for that I am sorry.

I shall never write another word of fanfiction again.

I too wash my hands of this thread. So you all don't deal with my terrible trolling. I've said my piece, and I too am out of this thread for good.


Well-Known Member
FinalMax said:
*reads stuff since last post on this thread*

Hmm, more confirmation that this is a derp story. Nothing really to see ...

*sees author/coauthor attack people for comments/concerns*

... did they just do that?

Fuck, they did.

The Ero-Sennin said:
I'm sure you're cocksure you've got me in intellectual stalemate, but lemme ask you, friend. When it comes time to deconstruct the themes, who is the victim defending themselves, and who is the aggressor who will not stop despite insistence of the victim?
You and Anonguy are the aggressors here. Seriously, you guys are behaving like some of the most offensive people on ff.net when it comes to criticism or mere questions about your "story." The ones who write fourth wall breaking chapters where the authors directly vent to the characters about how someone is "flaming them," before reporting reviewers to the admins. Yeah, those.

Fuck it. I wash my hands of this thread, Ero-Sennin, and Anonguy. It's likely the only thing that should guarantee I don't deal with their trolling. I've said my piece, and I'm out of this thread for good.
Spare me your tears you trumped up little cock socket. The criticism has been limp from the word go and has basically been more about how we fucked up because we didn't read your goddamn minds. You can't just sit back and suspend your disbelief, and the reason is simple.

It's because you're such a shallow little fucker with a tiny tiny penis. So tiny, you project yourself on an anime character and try to pretend like you and them are one and the same. And once someone starts bashing them, which by your estimation is you, you lose your shit because you are reminded of your tiny tiny penis and how all the pumps in the world won't improve on that.

You offered no criticism, you just threw a tantrum and we treated you like the child you are. I posted that trollface picture to remind people that this is mostly just us fucking around with shit and to fucking relax. But hey, go on, walk on out of here like you did something more than just cried foul because things didn't go how you wanted them.

Bitches leave.


Well-Known Member
The first chapter had a rather interesting premise, but after reading this one I'm pretty sure this is a very clever trollfic. Am I right? I have the impression you wrote this to start a flamewar, which is proven by how violently and offensively you answer reviews and suggestions.

Altered Nova

Well-Known Member
@FinalMax - Dude, I think you're overreacting quite a bit here. Only Anonguy is acting like a troll. Perhaps I'm mistaken, but The Ero-Sennin came across more as engaging the criticisms seriously but being hilariously sarcastic about it.

And I at least was trying to offer honest constructive criticism. I liked the fic, I just thought the plot-changing event and character development was too rushed.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Everyone in this thread needs to chill out.

And Anonguy, I'll remind you that even though we haven't implemented our new rules, we ARE still under Hawk's rules, which state you need to play nice in the threads. That last post was very much uncalled for.


Well-Known Member
I get that you all are trying to make fun of the fics where Ranma gets fed up with everyone, calls everyone out on bullshit, and everyone praises him for it. The thing is that the people who hate those kinds of fics will probably also hate this one since it basically is just the same damn thing. It doesn't matter who is the one doing it, since it basically is the premise that everyone hates.
The Ero-Sennin said:
I'm sure you're cocksure you've got me in intellectual stalemate, but lemme ask you, friend. When it comes time to deconstruct the themes, who is the victim defending themselves, and who is the aggressor who will not stop despite insistence of the victim?
Well, let's see...there was that time when Akane offered her friendship to Ranma but quickly rescinded it when she found out his secret. Then she leveled the false accusation of him being a pervert. Chalk that up to being freaked out, but even after everything was explained and demonstrated to her, she didn't let up, even though it was she who walked in on him (and she got a good look too; both the manga and anime make it a point to show that she took a nice, long, obvious stare at Ranma's hardware). And then she demonstrated her hypocrisy by basically stating flat out that her own standards did not apply to herself.

It was only after all of that did Ranma's first insult towards Akane roll off of his lips, after which she promptly flattened him with a table...and that was just their very first argument

Now, don't get me wrong, the entire exchange was comic genius and totally hilarious, but if we're going to "deconstruct the themes" as it were, we may as well start from the beginning, right?

Actually, some years ago, some one did put together a list all of their cannon arguments and who instigated each and what not. Sadly, it appears to have disappeared into the internet aether, but it did a pretty good job of showing that sometimes Akane was the aggressor, and other times Ranma was...which was kind of my point from the beginning. And even having said that, you simply can not rationally deny that amongst all of the turmoil that is Ranma and Akane's relationship, it was Akane who threw the first punch, both literally and figuratively.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
If you want to start at the beginning. Let's remember that at Akane's school there are hordes of boys who try to beat her up in order to go out on a date with her. It's easy to write off because she's hilariously stronger than them, but let's mess with that. If you were a high school girl who had to deal with a fair majority of your male classmates trying to beat you into submission because they think you'll go out on a date (and all things attached) with them, how would that paint your perception of boys?

Then, you find out that your Dad's engaged you to a boy without your consent. Oh wait, nevermind it's a girl--NOPE NEVERMIND BEEN A GUY ALL THIS TIME. And the first time she sees him, he's buck ass naked in her house. Understandably alarming given that she didn't know about the whole guy thing.

"Hey, you walked in on me."

"Hey, you're a guy in my house when I thought there was none."

"Hey, you got a good look at me too, and it's no big deal for me to look at a naked girl since I've seen my self plenty of times. Oh, and I'm also better looking than you."


"Now that he had coming."
And all of that is Ranma's fault...how?

And I also need to fix something for you:
The Ero-Sennin said:
"Hey, you're a guy in my house when I thought there was none it's different when a girl walks in on a boy."


Well-Known Member
At this point, the argument is not helping the author at all, so it's no longer constructive. I just want to point that out.
Is Ranma being treated unfairly here? Well this is what Akane and the rest of the characters get from the Fan Dumb all the time. So to me this is just a "the shoe is one the other foot now" story that pretty much asks all the die hard Ranma fans "well how do you like it?"

The interest of fairness for both parties does spawn an idea though: Something happens and Ranma has enough and leaves Nerima. Except it wasn't just him, but both he and Akane have had enough of all the chaos and either on good terms or bad terms or somewhere in the middle part ways. Ranma leaves to Walk the Earth while Akane goes back to her everyday life giving each time to reflect on their lives. As the story processes at some point all the characters get called out on their shit they've done-Akane and the Nerima crowd through each other as they deal with Ranma's absence (Whether the Girls start becoming friends or not is up to the writer) Meanwhile Ranma encounters Non-Nerima Resident Canon, Original, or Crossover Characters who call him out on his mistakes. I see two endings here: Ranma returns to resolve things or doesn't and life just moves on for everyone.


Well-Known Member
The Ero-Sennin said:
If you want to start at the beginning. Let's remember that at Akane's school there are hordes of boys who try to beat her up in order to go out on a date with her. It's easy to write off because she's hilariously stronger than them, but let's mess with that. If you were a high school girl who had to deal with a fair majority of your male classmates trying to beat you into submission because they think you'll go out on a date (and all things attached) with them, how would that paint your perception of boys?

Then, you find out that your Dad's engaged you to a boy without your consent. Oh wait, nevermind it's a girl--NOPE NEVERMIND BEEN A GUY ALL THIS TIME. And the first time she sees him, he's buck ass naked in her house. Understandably alarming given that she didn't know about the whole guy thing.

"Hey, you walked in on me."

"Hey, you're a guy in my house when I thought there was none."

"Hey, you got a good look at me too, and it's no big deal for me to look at a naked girl since I've seen my self plenty of times. Oh, and I'm also better looking than you."


"Now that he had coming."
Guy gets cursed to change into the opposite gender. Guy gets chased by crazy female assassin half way across China, dodging several murder attempts. Guy is told about an engagement, attempts to leave, and is knocked senseless by stop sign. Guy is forced to meet what he likely believes to be a nice, normal family, in cursed female form. Guy is groped. Guy is presented with offer of friendship from girl. (We will later learn that Guy apparently has ever only had 2 other people who he has called friend. They will both try to murder him for stupid and/or unfair reasons upon meeting him again.)

Girl challenges Guy to a spar. Guy wins. Note that Guy does not brag or mock girl in any way. Girl note that she is glad that Guy is a girl, and would not be friends with him if he were male. Girl's sister pushes reluctant guy into having a bath by not taking no for an answer. Girl's sister then decides to send girl to bathe with person they've known for less than half an hour. (Seriously Kasumi, what the hell? That's inappropriate even if Ranma had actually had been a girl.) Guy decides he has to come clean, but naked bath-time shenanigans ensue.

Cut to the table. Guy's embarrassing curse is showcased to "nice normal family." Guy is told his curse is no big deal. Guy is pawned off on Girl like a second-hand sweater by Girl's older sisters. Guy is insulted and blamed for earlier bathroom shenanigans thanks to hilarious gender double standard. Guy, rightly sick of this wonderful demonstration of hospitality, decides to GTFO. Guy decides to throw one insult as a final remark as he leaves, and is physically assaulted with a table.

Oh yeah, Akane was definitely the victim in this scenario.

Note: I actually like Akane. I'm no KotTF, but fanon mallet-crazy Akane annoys the hell out of me, and if you root around some of the old Ranma threads on TFF, you'll find some posts of mine that spiritedly defend her against detractors, but I have to admit that she was not at her best during those first two volumes (which actually makes sense, seeing as she was under stress/surprised.)


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
Folks, I think we've all forgotten the reasoning behind fanfiction: What if?

This is their "What if?"

Akane was not innocent in their first meeting. Neither was Ranma. That's the whole Ranma series pretty much and it was the only thing that kept the humor going. They both were petty and hurt each other: She got stung emotionally (bad), while he got beaten physically (worse). It pretty much set up most of the future of comedy anime from that point on.

To make fanfiction breaks from canon someone has to be portrayed as more of the a-hole or the reader can't empathize or want to accept the break. This is their break from canon.

I'm not sure what to think of the lesbian coven but hey, whatever floats their boat.

The fact that the three were so emotionally beat down that they just want to give up does not surprise me. I've sat in a hospital bed with tubes out of places that God himself never intended--when days before I was mostly fine--and thought, "is this really f-ing worth it?" So to see them get beat down to the point where they realize that there's some serious crap wrong with their lives doesn't surprise me, especially when they're the ones in the middle of it. Usually Ranma is the one getting beat into the ground so they can all point and laugh/rage at the series' whipping post. This time it was their turn apparently.

I'm willing to suspend disbelief because, seriously, the whole canon requires that. People getting emotionally and physically abused/manipulated and others just laughing it off as normal is just messed up to the max. It was funny for a while, then reality sets in and you either have to suspend your morals and disbelief or not read/watch it.

You have that same choice here.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Holy shit someone who gets it.
ThreadWeaver said:
The fact that the three were so emotionally beat down that they just want to give up does not surprise me. I've sat in a hospital bed with tubes out of places that God himself never intended--when days before I was mostly fine--and thought, "is this really f-ing worth it?"
I feel your pain I've had several atrial flutter incidents (thanks to some wonderful heart related problems at birth) over the past few years and had needles in every limb of my body at some point (my arms typically more then once) and of course I got the shocks each and every time.


Searching for the six-fingered man.
ThreadWeaver said:
Folks, I think we've all forgotten the reasoning behind fanfiction: What if?

This is their "What if?"

Akane was not innocent in their first meeting. Neither was Ranma. That's the whole Ranma series pretty much and it was the only thing that kept the humor going. They both were petty and hurt each other: She got stung emotionally (bad), while he got beaten physically (worse). It pretty much set up most of the future of comedy anime from that point on.

To make fanfiction breaks from canon someone has to be portrayed as more of the a-hole or the reader can't empathize or want to accept the break. This is their break from canon.

I'm not sure what to think of the lesbian coven but hey, whatever floats their boat.

The fact that the three were so emotionally beat down that they just want to give up does not surprise me. I've sat in a hospital bed with tubes out of places that God himself never intended--when days before I was mostly fine--and thought, "is this really f-ing worth it?" So to see them get beat down to the point where they realize that there's some serious crap wrong with their lives doesn't surprise me, especially when they're the ones in the middle of it. Usually Ranma is the one getting beat into the ground so they can all point and laugh/rage at the series' whipping post. This time it was their turn apparently.

I'm willing to suspend disbelief because, seriously, the whole canon requires that. People getting emotionally and physically abused/manipulated and others just laughing it off as normal is just messed up to the max. It was funny for a while, then reality sets in and you either have to suspend your morals and disbelief or not read/watch it.

You have that same choice here.
I believe you have Crohn's, if memory serves correctly.

If I'm right, I feel your pain. I was diagnosed at age 4 with the most aggressive form of Crohn's. The first 18 years of my life was spent in and out of hospitals. Crohn's can be so bad that I wouldn't wish it on ANYONE. At least some of the more virulent terminal diseases put you out of your misery fairly quickly. If your doctors are good, they can stretch your suffering out for decades.