Teen Titans Go

Emerald Oracle

Well-Known Member
On the one hand I hope that in some way this will be tastesful and have the crossover end with both sides acknowledging that each has their own sort of value. But this is TTG. Thus it will probably end with some sort of comedic sociopathy.


Well-Known Member
im just happy to finally have a use for this


Well-Known Member
Okay the "Salty Codgers" episode where Raven tricked Mad Mod into making the Titans into old people because she thinks old people are cute was pretty funny. Although I didn't like how Death was some overly buffed Spectre rip-off. We could have finally seen some animated form of Didi and TTGo dropped the ball.

Although points for Raven actually being happy she managed to bring them back from the dead as zombies because combining old people and the undead were her two favorite things.
It's mildly funny at times, but it just makes me wish it was real Titans mostly. I always feel vaguely sad watching it.


Well-Known Member
I do enjoy the Easter Eggs we get in the show. Caught part of one where BB was turned into an adult somehow (probably Raven) and they used him for everything where they needed adult permission/supervision. One of those things was to get tattoos, with Robin getting a classic comics Starfire pic tattooed on his back.