
Well-Known Member
Ok, so we basically decided the poll was too vague and horrible.
I am taking suggestions. Your voice will be heard. I have tried to include everyone's point of view here, but I have intentionally omitted vague and ill-defined rules. Let me or probably Shirotsume know if you have anything that you want to be considered by the forum as a whole.
We're going to do something else.
First, propose CATEGORIES, that is to say, sets of rules over a common area, such as Necros, Threadjacks, Offensive Language, Copyrights, etc.
Then propose a SET OF RULES which encompass ANY AND ALL rules in that area. Each ALTERNATIVE is a complete, full set of rules. Which alternative will be used would obviously be up for vote.

What will we do with these?
The point of doing it in this way is to have rules that agree with each other and don't get in each others' way. Also, we wanted the rules to be less vague and open to interpretations (that would give mods way more power in a way less cool manner.)
Shirotsume said:
Minimum rules that must be followed regardless-

NSFW in the restricted forums, no exceptions.
Nothing illegal.
No spamming.
Report things that break the rules.

<b>Category ONE: Undesirable Posts(Threadjacks and useless Posts) and Necros</b>
A "Necro" is a post in a thread that has been inactive for a long time.
A "Useless Post" is a non-constructive post with little or no information in it. Consisting entirely of "Yes," "Me Too," "U Fag," or the like.
A "Threadjack" or "Off-Topic" post is a post that does not relate to the thread.
From Raye_Terse: The purpose of a story thread is for an author to post their story so as to recieve constructive criticism. That is to say, the primary purpose is the posting of story snippets, the secondary purpose is constructive criticism.
The primary purpose of a non-story thread is, in most cases*, discussion of whatever the OP defines as the topic.
*Excepting different for-fun threads like "Word Association", etc.

1. Necros are not allowed under any circumstances. Necro length is 1-2 weeks. Necro length is doubled for "for-fun" threads such as "update," "Pictures," and "Searches." Basically, almost any "talk" area threads.
2. Off-topic posts and useless posts are completely forbidden.

1. Necros are given extra time if the post is constructive, i.e. follows the primary/secondary purpose of the thread. Necro length is 2-3 weeks, or 1-2 months for constructive posts. Necro length is doubled for "for-fun" threads such as "update," "Pictures," and "Searches." Basically, almost any "talk" area threads.
2. Off-topic and useless posts should be kept to under a certain limit. If multiple pages go by without on-topic, constructive posts, threads will be locked or users will be warned or punished for continuing. This amount should be between ten and fifty posts.

1. Necros are given a lot of extra time if the post is constructive, i.e. follows the secondary purpose of the thread. Necro length is 2-3 weeks, or 3-6 months if constructive. A post that follows the primary purpose of a thread can never be considered a necro. On "for-fun" threads, there are no restrictions on Necro-ing unless a new thread of that kind has recent posts.
2. Off-Topic and useless posts should be kept under control, but only in the case of getting to the point where a new thread would need to be made for the original discussion. Users will be warned and posts moved in the case of violations.

1. Necros will be allowed.
2. Off-topic and useless posts will be allowed. You need to make a new thread if it gets taken over.

<B> Special Case </B>
Redefining Necros/A vote for Necros being much less broad.
1. Necros are only punished in story and idea threads. Necros consist only of A. Posts by users other than the OP in a story thread. B. Posts that do not add anything to the idea (IE Criticism or Praise, or useless posts) in an Idea thread.
2. Necros consist of ANY post in a thread that is too old.
3. Authors can always post in their own story threads. Otherwise, posting in a thread that is too old is a necro.

<b>CATEGORY TWO: Author Rights</b>
This section refers only to STORY THREADS by AUTHORS.

1. The author will have absolute authority in his thread. Needing only a single warning or rule discussion, he can then demand moderators enforce those rules.
2. Rules must be declared BEFORE the time of the infraction, except in excessive cases such as repeated spamming.

1. The author will have authority on necros, threadjacks, offtopics, and useless posts.
2. The author will be required to accept constructive, on-topic posts.
3. Rules must be declared formally, with notice, with no exceptions.

1. The author will abide by the rules of the general boards, even in his own threads.
2. The author will have no special authority to increase or decrease the impact of the rules on others in his thread.

<b>CATEGORY THREE: Personal attacks and racism</b>
"Slurs" are racist insults or words used to discriminate racially or ethnically, or religiously, or any other way.
"Personal attacks" are direct, explicit written attacks against other members or non-members, going beyond criticism (hence "personal").
"Insults" are less than personal attacks, more informal.

ALTERNATIVE 1: "Guys havin' a beer."
1. Slurs are allowed, as long as they aren't obviously intended to be harmful. That is to say, in the absence of absolute evidence of harmful intent, no action will be taken.
3. Personal attacks may be taken down at the target's request, at which point re-posting will be discouraged.
4. Insults are a way of saying "hello."

ALTERNATIVE 2: "Church."
1. Slurs are not allowed. Warnings will be given and slurs will be censored by moderators.
3. Personal attacks are forbidden.
4. Insults must be kept non-serious. Err on the side of caution.

1. Posts will not be monitored for personal or racial offensiveness.

<b> Catergory Foury: Curse Words, Vulgarisms, Obscenity</b>
"Curse words" are words that are considered obscene, in English.
"Obscenity" is anything that would require one to up the rating of a story on FF.net.

ALTERNATIVE 1: High/Restricted Section Permissive
1. Curse words will not be allowed outside of the restricted section.
2. Stories with obscene or explicit content of any kind will be moved to the restricted section, and the poster given a warning or punishment.

1. Curse words will be allowed in moderation. Special attention will be paid to racist, sexist, or otherwise especially objectionable words (of which a list will be compiled) for which there is lower or zero tolerance. In the restricted section, there will be no such restriction.
2. Stories will be allowed to feature harsh language (to a limited extent) and implied harsh content, but direct or graphic descriptions will be limited to the restricted section. The same list as above applies.

1. Curse words will be allowed, as long as posts have more non-curse-words than curse-words.
2. Stories will be allowed to feature a limited amount of graphic violence and any amount of cursing. Graphic depictions of sex will be limited to the restricted section.

<b> Category Five: Attribution, Copyright </b>
As we are a forum of Fanfiction, strict copyright adherence is right out.

ALTERNATIVE 1: High attribution, low copy protection
1. Any fanfiction may be posted as long as the author's name and full summary are given, along with a link.
2. Any edit of any fanfiction may be posted with said attribution, including MST, a recursive fanfiction, or just a new take on the same idea. Any amount of the original work may be used.
3. Authors of works that are presented on TFF may always request their works be removed.
4. Sub-fics may not be taken down, but any part that is the original author's own words will be removed.

ALTERNATIVE 2: High copy protections
1. Fanfiction may not be posted directly without the author's consent, on a continuing basis. If consent is removed, so too must the post.
2. Recursive fanfiction and rewrites may be posted, however, not with the original author's own words without consent.

ALTERNATIVE 3: No protections.
1. Fanfiction may be posted. Attribution is only the author's name.
2. As usual, the original author may request removal. This is because the last thing we need is the kind of stuff that will get us shut down.

<b> Category seven: Links </b>
"Tags" in this and the next section refer to keywords used to describe a creative work, such as "Yaoi," "Genderbender," "drama," "Comedy."

ALTERNATIVE 1: Informative
1. Links must always include information about the target
2. If the link goes to a creative work, the author and relevant "tags" about the story must be given.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Click at own risk
1. Link posters are under no special obligations.

ALTERNATIVE 3: Conditional
1. Link posters are normally under no special obligations, however:
2. Warn people if you are linking to something that asks you to vote, give points for referrals, or otherwise benefits the link poster with little or no benefit to the clicker.

<b> Category 8: Tags</b>
"Tags" are keywords about a story.

1. Story posters should include the tags that they feel are most important about their story in the thread title
2. Any other tags go in the first post, at or near the top.
3. Tags which are considered especially important are tags that refer to sexuality, rating, level of graphic content, and the story's tone
4. Tagging a story is compulsory. If you don't do it, a moderator will do it and give you a warning.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Sexuality Warnings
1. Story posters must include tags for any non-hetero sexuality used in their story in the thread title.
4. Tagging a story is compulsory. If you don't do it, a moderator will do it and give you a warning.

1. Tagging a story is not required, but it is always encouraged.

<b> Moderator Accountability </b>
ALTERNATIVE 1: Secret Police
1. Moderators will be held accountable only through the actions of admins and other moderators.
2. Disagreements with moderators will not be made public.

1. A forum will be set aside specifically for disagreements with moderators.
2. Moderators will only be held accountable by admins and other moderators.
3. Moderators will not be required to justify themselves except when asked specifically.

ALTERNATIVE 3: Super open
1. Forum as above.
2. Moderators will be required to justify actions taken in punishment, IE against the wishes of the affected posters.

ALTERNATIVE 4: Bureaucracy
1. Forum as above
2. Moderators will be required to justify all uses of their special powers.

<b> Sock Puppets </b>
This one is a yes or no question.

<b> Thread Locations </b>

1. Threads posted in the obviously wrong place will be moved as soon as possible.
2. Posters will get a warning for repeated incorrect locations of threads in a short period of time, or else a small warning % for each incorrectly posted thread.
3. Threads with twice as much off-topic posts as on-topic posts will be considered carefully. In the case of the old discussion being completely dead, the thread will be moved to the appropriate place. (This depends on the rules for off-topic posts. This only applies if those posts were legal.)
4. Threads which are not obviously wrong will be moved at the request of the author or when the correct uses of the thread eventually make it obvious that it is in the wrong place. For example, if a thread is posted in previews, but replies and examination of the post reveal it is really an Idea post, it will be moved.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Quick/No moving established threads
As above, except:
3. Threads will not be moved due to offtopic posts; the OP is more important.

ALTERNATIVE 3: Deliberate.
As above, except
4. Threads which are not obviously wrong require a post in the moderator forums for a discussion on whether it should be moved, before it is moved.

<b> Spambots. </b>

<b> Advertising </b>
1. Shill for whatever you want.

ALTERNATIVE 2: Low-key only
1. A tasteful link in the sig, or a small amount of direct begging is allowed.
2. Do not rant for a long time on the merits of your product or fic, or whatever. We know you like it... you made it.

1. You may shill for your fanfictions.
2. Do not shill for your product, aside from a low key link in your sig or something equally ignorable.

1. Do not toot your own horn.
2. That is to say, if it isn't something posted on TFF, we don't want to hear about it.

<b> Appeals </b>

1. Appeals will be made through PM

1. Appeals may be made through PM, or publicly in a forum where banned members are allowed to post.

1. Appeals will only be made publicly in a forum where banned members are allowed to post.

1. Punishments are always final.


1. Punishments will be normally only warnings.
2. In cases where continued violations occur, temporary bans will be used
3. Only in cases of obvious spam-bots, child porn, or other untenable situations will perma-bans be issued. Basically, only when not doing so threatens the safety of the board.

1. Punishments for small infractions are warnings.
2. In cases of repeated small infractions or major violations, a temporary ban will be used.
3. In cases of especially horrible actions such as posting pornography repeated in public areas, a permanent ban will be used. This is only when a poster has made themselves irredeemable.

1. Punishments for minor infractions are warnings.
2. The punishment for any repeated infraction, major infraction, or any refusal to cooperate with moderators is a temporary ban.
3. In cases of repeated temporary bans being required, the duration of the ban will be increased each time.
4. After a certain number of temporary bans, a permanent ban will be used.
5. Grievous violations before punishment can be issued will result in a permanent ban.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Minimum rules that must be followed regardless-

NSFW in the restricted forums, no exceptions.
Nothing illegal.
No spamming.
Report things that break the rules.


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

The idea is to make it easy to understand and difficult to wiggle about with
Edit: And the individual rules are easy to understand.
Edit2: While it was more work, this is definitely less complicated in the long run.


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

A set of proposed rules and responses:

No Death-threats
What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet. Death-threats and the like are a pathetic response to a disagreement; don't do it. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Naked Children/Other No-Nos
Don't go posting material that would cause the forum to be shut down or result in time in court for someone if law enforcement became interested. The most notorious would, of course, be photos/videos of child porn, but check out <link to icyboard's terms of service> for other things and use some common sense. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Sockpuppets
Only have one account, please; if you have something you want to say, you can say it on a singular account. If you find your account completely inaccessible to you, notify an admin and they can give you an exemption. (Possible punishments: deletion of the sockpuppet account, temp-ban for the primary account).

Posting Guidelines – Thread Locations
Threads should be posted in the proper section – putting a thread entitled “What is everyone's favorite 90s manga” in the Ranma ½ preview section is really kind of silly. Particular emphasis is on keeping NSFW material in the appropriate sections. (Possible punishments: thread move, thread deletion).

Posting Guidelines – Necros
A “necro” is posting to a thread that has seen no activity for at least two weeks. If you are compelled to do so, please ensure that the post adds value to the thread; posts that do not are undesired. The original poster for the thread is exempt. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban for repeated offenses).

Posting Guidelines – Advertising Spam
We at TFF already are in perfect health, are absurdly endowed and are all-around supermen/women, and thus do not need whatever is being offered. No links to unsolicited commercial and/or fraudulent products or services. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban).

Posting Guidelines – Threadjacking
While not possessing formal power, a thread's original poster has some informal authority over it's content. If the OP asks you to stop diverting the topic, then you should probably take it to a new thread. (Possible punishments: post deletion, thread ban).

No Repeated Violations
When one of the rules above is violated, warnings or punishments might be mandated. Repeated and willful violation of these rules results in more severe punishments, up to a last resort of a perma-ban. A banned account counts as a primary account for the purpose of sockpuppeting.

If you believe a punishment was unjust or wish to apologize/get a punishment reversed, contact an admin. If you've actually been quite naughty, it is suggested that you wait some time for your offense to fade before asking to reverse a ban.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Vexarian said:
This whole thing is getting way too ridiculous and overcomplicated for my tastes.
Look on the bright side: You're not trying to run this circus. :p


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Just... set up an Admin account, and a backup if you feel its necessary, set up a moderator application form somewhere. Hire the people you think are least biased and enough of them to cover whatever the workload will be.

This sort of democracy is going to take ages and result in no one being satisfied.


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Wizard, we can't just set up moderators without determining the rules

Though I do agree, I'd rather pick a set of rules based on the old TFF than vote (because I favor a ruleset almost exactly like tff but with minor changes.)
EDIT: Why I'm doing this (Chat transcript.) For people who want to know the "back-room dealing" going on in the irc.
Ninsaneja>: I just meant that they aren't saying what they want
Ninsaneja>: no one wants the actual implications of a rule like "be cool."
Ninsaneja>: that's a goddamn invitation for open and sanctioned abuse.
Ninsaneja>: If they actually want the rules to be ill-defined, what they want is anarchy with an honor-system, which is included in my list
Ninsaneja>: If they wanted totalitariansm, that's on the list too
Ninsaneja>: But under my system, they know what they're voting for
Ninsaneja>: or to make it more simple... when two people vote for "Be cool," they aren't necessarily trying to vote for the same thing
Ninsaneja>: which is why voting is meaningless in that scenario
Ninsaneja>: but with my system, at least you are both voting for the same thing
Sunhawk>: Ninsaneja, leave it for now
Sunhawk>: Let Shirotsume get some sleep
Ninsaneja>: it's on a different level than "people don't know what they want."
Ninsaneja>: He can sleep, I'm just ranting now.
Ninsaneja>: It's "People don't know how to get what they want from what they're given."
Ninsaneja>: That's what I was running into.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

I agree that categorizing is a good thing. It makes the ruleset better defined and it's easier to understand exactly what you're voting for.

That said, I think Category one medium and minimal should be somewhat revised in relation to necroing.

Here is my reasoning:
Let's consider the differences between a story thread and a non-story thread.

The purpose of a story thread is for an author to post their story so as to recieve constructive criticism. That is to say, the primary purpose is the posting of story snippets, the secondary purpose is constructive criticism.
The primary purpose of a non-story thread is, in most cases*, discussion of whatever the OP defines as the topic.

From this we can see that Set 3 treats story and non-story threads differently, and we can see that "constructive post" is badly defined, in that it has different definitions in Set 2 and Set 3.

My proposed changes:
Set 2: Medium
1. Necros are given extra time if the post is constructive, i.e. follows the primary/secondary purpose of the thread. Necro length is 2-3 weeks, or 1-2 months for constructive posts.

Set 3: Minimal
1. Necros are given a lot of extra time if the post is constructive, i.e. follows the secondary purpose of the thread. Necro length is 2-3 weeks, or 3-6 months if constructive. A post that follows the primary purpose of the thread can never be considered a necro.

*Excepting different for-fun threads like "Word Association", etc.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Raye: Good catch, it was actually meant to be the same.
But I do like your changes.


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Sunhawk said:
A set of proposed rules and responses:

No Death-threats
What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet. Death-threats and the like are a pathetic response to a disagreement; don't do it. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Naked Children/Other No-Nos
Don't go posting material that would cause the forum to be shut down or result in time in court for someone if law enforcement became interested. The most notorious would, of course, be photos/videos of child porn, but check out <link to icyboard's terms of service> for other things and use some common sense. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Sockpuppets
Only have one account, please; if you have something you want to say, you can say it on a singular account. If you find your account completely inaccessible to you, notify an admin and they can give you an exemption. (Possible punishments: deletion of the sockpuppet account, temp-ban for the primary account).

Posting Guidelines – Thread Locations
Threads should be posted in the proper section – putting a thread entitled “What is everyone's favorite 90s manga” in the Ranma ½ preview section is really kind of silly. Particular emphasis is on keeping NSFW material in the appropriate sections. (Possible punishments: thread move, thread deletion).

Posting Guidelines – Necros
A “necro” is posting to a thread that has seen no activity for at least two weeks. If you are compelled to do so, please ensure that the post adds value to the thread; posts that do not are undesired. The original poster for the thread is exempt. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban for repeated offenses).

Posting Guidelines – Advertising Spam
We at TFF already are in perfect health, are absurdly endowed and are all-around supermen/women, and thus do not need whatever is being offered. No links to unsolicited commercial and/or fraudulent products or services. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban).

Posting Guidelines – Threadjacking
While not possessing formal power, a thread's original poster has some informal authority over it's content. If the OP asks you to stop diverting the topic, then you should probably take it to a new thread. (Possible punishments: post deletion, thread ban).

No Repeated Violations
When one of the rules above is violated, warnings or punishments might be mandated. Repeated and willful violation of these rules results in more severe punishments, up to a last resort of a perma-ban. A banned account counts as a primary account for the purpose of sockpuppeting.

If you believe a punishment was unjust or wish to apologize/get a punishment reversed, contact an admin. If you've actually been quite naughty, it is suggested that you wait some time for your offense to fade before asking to reverse a ban.
I actually really like this. It's simple, easy, not restrictive and for the people who desperately wanted clarification, it has that too.

I was actually going to propose that we start with rules as simple as we can make them, and then just add on things if we really find ourselves with a need for them.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Vex, if it was up to me, we'd have rules about there, yes.
Shirotsume won't give me total dictatorial power, though.
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Vexarian said:
This whole thing is getting way too ridiculous and overcomplicated for my tastes.
Agreed. Ninsaneja's opening post made me physically ill. This is TFF for fuck's sake, what's this nonsense about even authors not being allowed to 'necro' their own fucking threads?

Vexarian said:
I actually really like this. It's simple, easy, not restrictive and for the people who desperately wanted clarification, it has that too.

I was actually going to propose that we start with rules as simple as we can make them, and then just add on things if we really find ourselves with a need for them.
Precisely. Ban just the stuff that could get the forum brought down/filled with spambots and just leave everything else alone unless a need for it pops up.

This is why I wanted Badmins. At the current rate NewTFF's just going to wind up with blowhard moderators doing their own things and treating this place like it were Spacebattles, and if that happens I'm just going back to OldTFF even if I'm the only fucking one there.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

You may not be understanding the first post.

Those are rules that we would vote on, not a complete rules system.

EDIT: Each section formerly labeled as a set, now as an ALTERNATIVE, is intended to be a complete rule that would be the only rule in its category.
You may be "physically ill," but almost all of the proposed alternatives have people who want it that way (some are only included for completeness' sake).


Not The Goddamn @dmin
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

I would personally prefer something along the lines of what sunhawk posted, and something like that is what I'll vote for.

People need to learn to read the damn first post- this isn't a list of the rules, it's a list of the categories we can vote on. It's a way of cleaning up the vote, which I should not have tried to set up at one in the morning on 4 hours of sleep.

It's for making sure we can cover bases and get the rules TFF wants. it's not for trying to turn this place into fucking spacebattles, so I would appreciate if people would stop predicting a doomsday.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

How is the voting supposed to work here? Do we just post a list of which rules we prefer for each section?


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Ninsaneja: I see you updated the OP with my changes. Not to sound ungrateful, but you might want to include a definition of primary and secondary purpose, or provide a link to the post where I define them. Also, since the primary purpose of a story thread is for the author to post story snippets, you could have kept it as I wrote it, instead of splitting it up into two sentences. Well, as long as the definitions for primary and secondary purpose is given.

As for the doubts people are having about this process, I agree that we will probably end up with a relatively low amount of pretty lax rules, but that doesn't mean we should skimp out of letting the forum decide what it wants. This decision concerns everyone on this forum, and the only way to make sure as many people as possible give their opinion is to have an anonymous vote, if possible. If we just say "let's take this ruleset, does anyone disagree?" we risk having loads of voices and opinions that go unheard, because very few want to stand up and talk against the "popular" opinion. The only way we'll know for sure that we're doing the right thing for this forum is to have a vote. And to have a proper vote, we need well defined alternatives that cover all the different possibilities. This thread has so far been (or should have been) about nitpicking and discussing these alternatives so that we can have that proper vote.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

If you feel it needs better definitions, feel free to elaborate on it. I'm setting up the framework but this is really not intended to be a solo work by me.

If it was, I wouldn't have included so many options that I despise.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Thank you muchly, you're doing good work. ^_^


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Category one: Undesirable and necros

Category two: Author Rights
Mix of High and Medium. Medium with the High necro rule

Category three: Personal attacks and racism
None, or Guys havin' a beer at most.

Category four: Curse Words, Vulgarisms, Obscenity
Light, or even lighter if possible

Category five: Attribution, copyright
No protection, then High attribution, low copy protection.

Category seven(where did six go?): Links
None of the above, but more towards informative under certain circumstances

Category eight: tags
No tags. Tagging in the top of the post is good though.

Moderator Accountability

Sock Puppets
Since most often this is just so someone can request something to be fixed for their main account, I say make a public guest account for such things. Or point them to IRC to request that way.

So no to every one being able to make them

Thread Locations
Quick/No Moving established threads, unless requested


2: PM or public forum, or IRC if that is implemented


By nothing illegal, does that mean no mention of piracy and such? Or more like no death threats and murder plots?


Not The Goddamn @dmin
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

We're not voting yet, this is to get all the rules down so we can vote.

And by nothing illegal, I mean things that would get you put in jail in your country, or other countries (TFF is multi-national).


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Jakkun: I've segregated author necro ability from other rules. You're not the only person to find it odd that I stapled them together, so I've changed it to be easier to vote for the rules you want and not the rules you don't want.
For the most part, I will not be doing this, to prevent rules from conflicting with each other, but in this case its a special exemption from another rule to begin with.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Shirotsume said:
I would personally prefer something along the lines of what sunhawk posted, and something like that is what I'll vote for.

People need to learn to read the damn first post- this isn't a list of the rules, it's a list of the categories we can vote on. It's a way of cleaning up the vote, which I should not have tried to set up at one in the morning on 4 hours of sleep.

It's for making sure we can cover bases and get the rules TFF wants. it's not for trying to turn this place into fucking spacebattles, so I would appreciate if people would stop predicting a doomsday.


Well-Known Member
RE: Tentative Rules Thread

Spacebattles is the kind of thing trolls tell their young children about to get them to behave.


Well-Known Member
RE: Rules Voting System Proposal

Vexarian said:
Sunhawk said:
A set of proposed rules and responses:

No Death-threats
What happens on the Internet stays on the Internet. Death-threats and the like are a pathetic response to a disagreement; don't do it. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Naked Children/Other No-Nos
Don't go posting material that would cause the forum to be shut down or result in time in court for someone if law enforcement became interested. The most notorious would, of course, be photos/videos of child porn, but check out <link to icyboard's terms of service> for other things and use some common sense. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp-ban).

No Sockpuppets
Only have one account, please; if you have something you want to say, you can say it on a singular account. If you find your account completely inaccessible to you, notify an admin and they can give you an exemption. (Possible punishments: deletion of the sockpuppet account, temp-ban for the primary account).

Posting Guidelines – Thread Locations
Threads should be posted in the proper section – putting a thread entitled “What is everyone's favorite 90s manga” in the Ranma ½ preview section is really kind of silly. Particular emphasis is on keeping NSFW material in the appropriate sections. (Possible punishments: thread move, thread deletion).

Posting Guidelines – Necros
A “necro” is posting to a thread that has seen no activity for at least two weeks. If you are compelled to do so, please ensure that the post adds value to the thread; posts that do not are undesired. The original poster for the thread is exempt. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban for repeated offenses).

Posting Guidelines – Advertising Spam
We at TFF already are in perfect health, are absurdly endowed and are all-around supermen/women, and thus do not need whatever is being offered. No links to unsolicited commercial and/or fraudulent products or services. (Possible punishments: post deletion, temp ban).

Posting Guidelines – Threadjacking
While not possessing formal power, a thread's original poster has some informal authority over it's content. If the OP asks you to stop diverting the topic, then you should probably take it to a new thread. (Possible punishments: post deletion, thread ban).

No Repeated Violations
When one of the rules above is violated, warnings or punishments might be mandated. Repeated and willful violation of these rules results in more severe punishments, up to a last resort of a perma-ban. A banned account counts as a primary account for the purpose of sockpuppeting.

If you believe a punishment was unjust or wish to apologize/get a punishment reversed, contact an admin. If you've actually been quite naughty, it is suggested that you wait some time for your offense to fade before asking to reverse a ban.
I actually really like this. It's simple, easy, not restrictive and for the people who desperately wanted clarification, it has that too.

I was actually going to propose that we start with rules as simple as we can make them, and then just add on things if we really find ourselves with a need for them.
I'd vote vote each of these, really. This seems like a good list.

With one minor exception; The Necro.

Honestly, theres a difference between necroing and Necroing.
With necroing- as in, a picture topic thats been inactive for a while- I'd be like "whatever."
With Necroing- as in, like going into one of, say, Fosfor's long dead stories and posting "cool"- I'd be more like

One has really minimal anger involved. I'd be fine with someone going into a topic like that and asking for more pics, or just commenting on one they found funny.

The other is more unforgivable.

So just be smart about it. Adding a rule like that in concrete could possibly get annoying.

If I can think of anything else, I'll say so.