TFF Webcomic?


Well-Known Member
Name: Ike

Age: 22

Description: bored, sleepy, probably playing WoW

Traits: I find the internet hilarious, especially those who forget what it means that we're on the 'net, and what to take serious and not. Also, crack. I write (wrote?) crack.

Alignment: Neutral Lulz

Interests: WoW and hunting down decent stories. Also a scared, scared college graduate lookin for work

Talents: Not quite sure what would be appropriate here. I, umm, am good at distilling ideas down? I dunno.

Flaws: I tend to forget when I'm in a thread-war style argument with someone and just wander off. Also, I get overly pissed at certain things, while ignoring most else.

Class: Been here for quite a while, though on the down-low for a part of it after I got bored with Naruto for a bit. I'm Pre-Raine, around the time Fosfor started to seriously crank out fics.

Also started quite a few of the crack meme's around here on the forums. Most notably, I pretty much kick-started the whole 'Pot and Spoon Crazy' Tobi. Got a couple of crack-fics under my belt.

So... Class would be Crack-Peddler? I dunno.

Connections: I'm facebook friends with Steel! (I actually get to see that he's never, ever lying about what he says he's doing, no matter how ridiculous or made up it sometimes sounds). I only started even posting again regularly because C&C was so hilarious, too. There are a few other people here who's posts i go out of my way to read, but even more I go out of my way to NOT read.

Quote: "Anyone who can refer to a series they don't like as Emo McNinja or Hairy Pooper and expect to be taken seriously about anything deserves to be slapped."
Ike said:
Quote: "Anyone who can refer to a series they don't like as Emo McNinja or Hairy Pooper and expect to be taken seriously about anything deserves to be slapped."

... :unsure:



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Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
Name: Left Shoe, LS, Shoe, Sinister Footwear (who gave me that name, anyway?)
Other aliases: The Nails

Age: 22

Typical 21-century nerd. White, brown hair, blue eyes. Almost always wearing an orange University of Illinois (Champaign-Urbana) shirt and jeans ... unless the situation calls for wearing something specific, i.e. formal attire or cosplay.

... So I made a Rorschach costume for the opening night of Watchmen. Yes, I still have it, but no, there's no pics from March 6.
Rather introspective, striving to keep as neutral as possible.
Does not think highly of people who repeatedly go out of their way to treat other people like dirt.
Usually laid-back, but can focus really sharply when I want/need to.

Neutral, but very loyal to organizations to which I belong.

Reading fics, rhythm-based games,

Moderately talented at anything music.

Partially responsible for the abandonment of Rokudaime Realms.

Reader, Forumite

On good terms with most of the active members.
Worked for Vesvius at the late Rokudaime Realms.



Well-Known Member
Name: Aledeth

Age: 20 (almost 21, yay alchohol -_-)

White, messy brown hair down to the neck, green eyes, glasses. 6 ft tall and fat. Shorts and a large T-shirt. Speaks with a stutter, have been told I have an overly large vocabulary, knows some German. Prefers to walk around in his Powered Armor though.

Angers easily at stupid people that I know, but cannot hold a grudge at all. VERY lazy, but I try to be helpful if it's not too much work, and sometimes I do it anyway. Likes to eat. Non-confrontational, so if someone makes me mad, I'm likely to imagine horrible things happening to them for a while, then forget all about it in 6 hours.
Occasionally something will trip my RAEG switch and cause me to actually lash out, but I can't find a pattern for it.

Neutral Meh. 90% of the dickery and drama I don't really care about, and the other 10% is too hilarious to get pissed off by.

Reading, anything that's good I'll look at, book or fanfiction.
Food, both cooking and eating
Good TV shows
Giant Robots

Obsessively researching whatever new setting/universe I happen to get interested in.
Am quite easy to get along with (or so I'm told)
Master of making plausible bullshit

Stutters over the dumbest things. Not so much an issue of repeating the sound, but I just can't start to word (only happens in uncomfortable situations, but you'd think I could ask a waiter for water without having a problem by now.)
A solution I've found is speaking a tiny amount of German, which 'cleans out' the block for some reason, but also can lead to some funny misunderstandings.
Lazy, sometimes to the point of just not doing work entirely.
Horribly nearsighted. Everything past 2 feet is a blur without my glasses.
Has a habit of pointing out what can go wrong with any plan, no matter how simple.

Lurker, yet I've somehow managed to accumulate over 1,000 posts anyway. I dabble in the Beta class occasionally, and still help out if people need it.

I've been here a while, and know almost everyone here to some degree. I'm one of the biggest people skill-wise in the TFF BvS group, but no one knows me there still :blue: .
Aside from that, I did clean-up work for Fosfor for a few months, but I really have no idea what people think of me, if they think of me at all.

"Well, someone has to be the wet blanket here!"


Well-Known Member
aledeth said:
I've been here a while, and know almost everyone here to some degree. I'm one of the biggest people skill-wise in the TFF BvS group, but no one knows me there still :blue: .
I know you. IIRC we've been bitter rivals since we were lowly S1 Genin.

Too bad I fell so far behind...


Well-Known Member
Hey, you made Kaiju yourself. That's more work than I'm willing to put into it.


that's why it's trash can, not trash cannot
Agh. Too many characters. Okay, this is a problem. Either you dudes consent to a party/cast herd or be satisfied with showing up in cameos (and surrender plot control to the artist/writers) or have total control (if by voting block) over a couple of OCs. :p


Well-Known Member
bluepencil said:
Start herding, then. ^_^

what he said :sisi:

Left Shoe

Well-Known Member
bluepencil - Please tell me you're not thinking of Bleach in terms of 'character herding'.

Ah, what the heck - it shouldn't be that bad.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
Agh. Too many characters. Okay, this is a problem.
I tried to warn you.

bluepencil - Please tell me you're not thinking of Bleach in terms of 'character herding'.
I really hope not. That's about the only way you could conceivably make the scenario worse.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
I suppose I should be more specific with that. I warned you that if you kept doing what you were doing, that this was going to become too complicated, and you were going to be bogged down in the thousand and one extraneous details that don't really matter.

And you are. You are bogging yourself down by concerning yourself with details that do not matter. In your attempt to be through, you have instead become irrelevant. Flaws? Talents? Interests?

Either the character is of your own creation, or they are a vocal member of TFF. Either way, you should already know the answers to these questions, and should require no further information on anyone else's part. No SAT booklets. This isn't a D&D game, so you can put the character sheets away. If you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, then none of it is the slightest bit necessary. Not even a little bit.

Again, I say. One OC, Anon, and that's it. Everyone else = a TFFer. And if you absolutely must make use of people who are blank slates, then use any one of the thousands of dead TFF accounts as a basis.

The reason I argued this in the first place is because every OC = more work for you, because you have to give them a personality and make us give a damn about them. That means each OC is exponentially more more work for you, and less comedy and shenanigans going on while you try and develop them in four-panel span chunks. And the less comedy is going on, the more off-target the strip will be, and the more you will struggle to keep your audience interested.

That last bit is bolded and underlined, because it's incredibly important, and you brushed it aside as being a non-issue earlier.

Well, now it's become one, as your yourself have acknowledged. So maybe you might possibly want to consider doing something about it.

Or you could just yell at me and mock me some more. S'your choice.
Finally we come to the gist of the matter...

I applaud you LR; I'm kinda tickled by the irony that everything that's been said has ultimately fallen flat, whereas that which has not yet been mentioned in context of this particular thread, is that there is no TFF! The TFF is a lie, a damn good one, but a lie nonetheless.

No one here really exists, no character really functions on any value except as a front where some of us project our insecurities, or other project their egos and superegos.

Naturally, since no one lives off of this forum (I was going to mention that no people can consider this place their reality, but someone obviously was going to take a piss-poor attempt at a joke so I thought the better of it), there is no one person that can say he/she can validate TFF is real.

So ultimately, our entire venture has been a waste. We have a few strips that show, laughably, a mere aspect of TFF and we have a few people herding others into bringing this into some sort of reality that validates a particular stance.

What it is, I don't know - nor do I seem to care. What it may bring, however, is the true point upon which the fulcrum of this entire debate really should focus on. What does the comic ultimately prove? If not engineered for profit, if merely entertained for several fans, then this will obviously after a few years (if not a few weeks, let alone a few months) perish.

I want to, thus, ask you all a question. What do we (individually and collectively) hope to gain from doing this? Please answer as truthfully to yourselves as you possibly can.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
You know the problem about taking a 20 on a check? It assumes that you fail many times before you actually rolled the 20. That's why taking a 20 on something like a lock that's booby-trapped automatically triggers the trap. It is presumed that you failed many times prior to that 20, and thus set off the trap at some point.

You just took a 20 on being existential. Keep trying, d00d. Keep trying.

The point isn't about whether or not TFF is real, or if a character is a Character, or any nonsense like that. It's pure, plain, simple logic. OCs = Work. Work = Bad.

Since we want as little Bad as possible, we don't want to Work any more than we have to. It's hard enough to climb Everest as it is. There's no need to shoot yourself in the left foot and the right hand before you start, because that's just going to cause unnecessary pain, suffering, and work for you down the line.

Thus, no OCs unless they're absolutely necessary. And no stat sheets either, because, and I'm going to be blunt, there is no conceivable situation where half that shit will be relevant to the comic. And, if by some insane twist of fate it is, you can just PM the person then and ask the exact question you need an answer to. Or you can just make something up. Though they each have their drawbacks, both ways are still more efficient than demanding life-stories and biographies from everyone and their mother.

I want to, thus, ask you all a question. What do we (individually and collectively) hope to gain from doing this? Please answer as truthfully to yourselves as you possibly can.
A comic I can laugh at that features me and all the TFFers I know, love, hate, and lulz with as the cast.

And, if at all possible, no one who sounds like they just smoked a whole bag of weed before watching The Watchmen.
Umm... I'm not arguing against that. I, in fact, agree with you on the fact that OCs are not the way to go with this thing. I understand the fact that repeatedly in all threads people can't seem to read, and that I too am guilty of this phenomenon.

What I don't understand is your entire attitude. Initially, I was thinking "Ok, I guess s/he has a lot of good points that s/he addresses really well. I'm kinda tired that we all have to go through this song and dance routine whenever someone thinks they've got something, that in reality actually proves your point instead of his/hers, so I understand the fact that you do get frustrated... I think we all do..."

Now... I don't know what to think. You make good points, and you argue them well. It's just, well... there's a certain methodology to your arguments that doesn't sit well with me; I don't know what it is, but... well... It's almost as if you've taken on the world's chip, placed it on your shoulder, and shouted "Have at you!" in each argument regardless of who its aimed at... :huh.:

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
It's four thirty. . . four, where I am. A.M. That may have something to do with it.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
Avider said:
Too serious.
@ Everything In The Thread, Including The Comic

I hear there's supposed to be a comic about TFF, and it's going to be funny. Why has there not been an epic duel to the death with light<s>sabers</s>chickens yet?


Well-Known Member
bluepencil said:
Agh. Too many characters. Okay, this is a problem. Either you dudes consent to aá party/cast herd or be satisfied with showing up in cameos (and surrender plot control to the artist/writers) or have total control (if by voting block) over a couple of OCs. :p
That's fine with me~!

I hear there's supposed to be a comic about TFF, and it's going to be funny. Why has there not been an epic duel to the death with light<s>sabers</s>chickens yet?
I don't know where they are stored dammit! Nobody seems willing to tell me either! :(


Well-Known Member
So basically, if I'm understanding this, LR just want's BP to PM us the situation and we pm back our response to said situation then BP makes a comic out of it, possibly forwarding our responses to the person we in-comic would be in said situation with, so it's basically a four panel short chat on lulzy things.


Well-Known Member
Vassago said:
bluepencil said:
Agh. Too many characters. Okay, this is a problem. Either you dudes consent to aá party/cast herd or be satisfied with showing up in cameos (and surrender plot control to the artist/writers) or have total control (if by voting block) over a couple of OCs. :p
That's fine with me~!