The Challenge Game!


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On the nature of females
Setting: Either "The World Only God Knows" or some other harem manga with a gal-game playing protagonist.

This is that protagonists book (journal?), which uses their experiences with the females in their lives as examples of the nature of females.
Red Rabbit

The story of one rabbit summon with a strange color and how it became the Kyuubi.

Rejection and Reception as Observed in (Superpowered) Teenagers
Teen Titans

A Beast Boy/Raven story

Dude, What's With the Hair?
Dragon Ball Z

The main character wakes up and can't remember what he's done the day before and why his hair is glowing. Inspired by Dude Where's my Car


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Burnt Edges

Avatar the Last Airbender oneshot. Iroh POV.

Iroh, prince of the Fire Nation and Dragon of the West, stands in his tent. For six hundred days his armies have besieged the great city of Ba Sing Se and at long last the outer walls of the capital of the Earth Kingdom have been breached.

The price paid? The life of his son, sent by a proud father to eliminate the elite earth-benders that could have prevented the fall of the Wall. He feels boneless, unwilling and unable to fight anymore. And he is not the only one. The sight of the gap in the Wall fills every man in his army with dread.

They all know that the Fire Nation shall never have a better opportunity to take the Impregnable City. But they also know the steep price they will have to pay for such a great victory.

Six hundred days ago they wouldn't have feared, they wouldn't have hesitated. They would have advanced with courage and with pride. They were the proud sons of fire, the shining blade of their glorious army.

But even steel can melt if heated long enough. Knowing that he is a broken man about to betray his father's wishes out of pain and cowardice, Iroh decides to withdraw.

Eye for an Eye Leaves the World...

Naruto oneshot. Madara POV.

During the surgical intervention to implant his brother's eyes, Madara remembers the legend of how the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths fought against each other in an attempt to decide who would try to bring peace to the world and how the young emerged victorious, at the cost of betraying his ultimate hypocrisy by using power to impose his doctrine of peace through love.

Thinking of the wartorn shinobi world, Madara thinks that love has had its chance and failed miserably. And feeling the power he has gained thanks to his brother's sacrifice, Madara vows to be the man to change things by walking the path of power. Maybe an eye for an eye leaves the world blind, but after all in the land of the blind, the one eyed man is king.

Circular Logic


Only the gods and their servants know how to summon the standing water that leads the divine realm. Hence, all those who come through the celestial gate must be divine themselves.

A common enough misconception in the more primitive Goa'uld dominated worlds of the Milky Way. Usually, the teams sent from Earth do their best to disabuse the natives of the notion. But that's not quite always the case.

Green Grow the Rushes, Oh

Dune oneshot.

One is one and all alone.

A sentence that comes from the most remote depths of his genetic memories haunts Leto, the immortal god emperor of mankind, as he contemplates Hwi Noree for the first time. Love as he had never even imagined himself capable of floods his shriveled heart and makes him long for a normal existence as human, rather than as the divine worm he has been forced to become to deliver humanity from itself.

Red Rabbit

Ranma 1/2.

Before the end of the manga, the Jusenkyo guide tried to send Ranma water from the pool of drowned man as a thank you for helping in the Saffron mess. In canon, Happosai ended drinking the water thinking it was sake.

Good news! This time Ranma manages to get the water.

Bad news! As a result of the pools being dried during the Saffron incident, all the old curses have been destroyed. And, by an incredible twist of fate, the old pool of drowned man is now the pool of drowned rabbit ('terrible tragic tale of a rabbit that drowned in the pool last week').

Result: As observed with dear ol' Pantyhose Taro, the curses mix. But rather than turning into a bunnygirl or something daft/perverted like that, Ranma Saotome now is cursed to turn into a female, red-furred she-rabbit when splashed with cold water.

Ryoga finds it incredibly amusing karmic retribution. Ranma himself... not so much.

Suggested: This Ain't Rocket Surgery!

Alternative: In fields of death.


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Love in the Time of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Sora no Woto cracky thing: The horrors of war cause the platoon to start hallucinating, fragmenting and warping their psyches. Into their closest available K-ON! equivalents. Nothing livens up tea time and finger exercises like spider tanks and gruesome death.

Babylon Angel's Song

Terminal Heaven's Rock

Four on the Floor/Five on the Five

The Bends


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Babylon Angel's Song

Babylon 5.

The life and times of Kosh Naranek.

Suggested: Fall and Rise.