The Challenge Game!


Well-Known Member

You know all those legendary heroes you read about when you study myths or ancient history? They're actually all the same person. Yeah, really. But can this man, cursed with immortality, handle this, "this" being some ultra-big crisis requiring the efforts of a whole bunchload of people?


...ha ha, this post is going to be ignored, anyway.


Random phantom.
Ranma 1/2.

What if Genma had actually been a responsible parent, instead of being such a horrid person? What if Ranma was actually an average kid who trained in martial arts? What if he wasn't trained in the Catfist or other insane training regimens?

...I admit, it might need work. Whatever.

"Got the hell out of..."


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
"Hell is an empty nest"
Love Hina:

Post wedding: tales about how naru deals with being alone while Keitaro is off on his digs. In this story, they have moved out of the hinata house, to live on their own, so the other hinata residents aren't there to inspired some much needed chaos.

"Thats Armageddon!"


Well-Known Member
"Thats Armageddon!"

The hero of Dual pushes the button and destroys Zinv and collapses the universe back into one. In that moment, the universe is destroyed and reborn. Then he has to live with the consequences of a merged world, as depicted in the followup episodes, including the early steps into space and time to eventually become the parents of the Emperor of Jurai tens of thousands of years earlier. This is their story.

next: "What? Are you kidding me?"
Antimatter said:
nuclear death frog said:
"Hell is an empty nest"
Love Hina:

Post wedding: tales about how naru deals with being alone while Keitaro is off on his digs. In this story, they have moved out of the hinata house, to live on their own, so the other hinata residents aren't there to inspired some much needed chaos.
Hmmm. I was thinking of a Molly Weasley-centric fic when I thought of it, but yours is interesting.


Well-Known Member
Terdwilicker said:
next: "What? Are you kidding me?"
Too easy. Azumanga Daioh fic, centered on the Bonklers. ^_^

"Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them"
toraneko said:
"Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them"
Paris Hilton unauthorized biography.

"Extreme Sports: Dog Walking"


Well-Known Member
nuclear death frog said:
toraneko said:
"Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them"
Paris Hilton unauthorized biography.
Fitting, but not in the spirit of the game, as neither anime nor manga is involved in that.

No, that one pic (or whatever it came from) doesn't count. <_<

Also, since when does she have a fandom?

"Extreme Sports: Dog Walking"
Actually covered in a series itself. Naruto attempting to walk several large dogs; they drag him through a minefield. :lol:

Alternately, something involving Kiba and Akamaru, and/or the other Inuzuka.

More Alternately... something involving Liru of Majipokan. :snigger:

Still going with "Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them".
toraneko said:
nuclear death frog said:
toraneko said:
"Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them"
Paris Hilton unauthorized biography.
Fitting, but not in the spirit of the game, as neither anime nor manga is involved in that.

No, that one pic (or whatever it came from) doesn't count. <_<

Also, since when does she have a fandom?
She doesn't...or at least I hope not.


Well-Known Member
Actually I'm pretty sure there is a Paris Hilton manga.


Well-Known Member
toraneko said:
Still going with "Stupid Girls and the Men Who Bone Them".
Eh... how about a Ranma 1/2 fic, as told from the POV of a third observer who (for a change) is NOT a rabid Akane fan? I'll never understan why people at Furinkan (and in Nerima in general) think Akane is hot...

Next title, and I am still in a Magic: the Gathering mood:

"Jokulmorder" (It's Norwegian, BTW - more or less literally means 'Glacial Killer')

Alternatively, if no one can get a good idea for that one, try this:

"Sorrow's Path"


Well-Known Member
Sorrow's Path eh.

My crap idea: (Bleach) During the first hollow attack where Rukia showed up, she didn't break the law and give Ichigo her powers. She kept them and managed to kill the hollow, but Ichigo's entire family was killed. He is found in the aftermath by Ryuuken and begins training as a Quincy, and his goal is revenge against SS. When Aizen goes off to Hueco Mundo he is forced to join forces with them to save his town though. He plans on making sure neither side survives....


Well-Known Member
Sorrow's Path eh. My crap idea.
Ummm... you offend GH calling it crap, he sugested this name for a fic idea i had.

*Magic the Gathering inspired.*

Anyway, interesting idea...


Well-Known Member
Well, since there's, you know, no other title:


Oh my Goddess fic

Belldandy, Keiichi, et al must team up to stop a second ice age from occuring.



Well-Known Member
Moshulel said:
Sorrow's Path eh. My crap idea.
Ummm... you offend GH calling it crap, he sugested this name for a fic idea i had.

*Magic the Gathering inspired.*

Anyway, interesting idea...
Put that wrong, I was describing the scenario I put up for it as crap as it came right off the top of my head and I don't know how good of an idea it is.

PS: changed the last post


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
Well, since there's, you know, no other title:


Oh my Goddess fic

Belldandy, Keiichi, et al must team up to stop a second ice age from occuring.
You know, it might work as a OMG/SM fic too, with the 'Jokulmorder' of the title being the Great Freeze. :snigger:

No idea on your title, sorry.


Well-Known Member
SMWhat said:
Well, since there's, you know, no other title:


Oh my Goddess fic

Belldandy, Keiichi, et al must team up to stop a second ice age from occuring.

The very short and sad story of the mage that created the spell of Ultimate Defenestration and then had the bad luck to try it out on Xeloss first.

Sad, sad story, if you happen to care about no-name mages.

Title: That was over 5 years ago.


Random phantom.
A currently unmarried Ranma thinks back to the day his fiancÚe problems were over... and his life pretty much became so boring, he's wishing it returned.

"Things that ASPLODE in the daylight".


Well-Known Member
In case no one can make an idea for H-Man (I know I drew up a blank), here's another title:

"Duel the Sun"
"Things that ASPLODE in the daylight": any fandom with vampires, and the destruction thereof, methinks.

No idea yet on "Duel the Sun".

I volunteer:

"The Singing Mountain"


Well-Known Member
Singing Mountain: A Magic: The Gathering fic about what happens when a walker goes just a little bit madder than is healthy.

Duel the Sun: A Disgaea 2 fic about the Dark World.

Next Title: Broken Machines?


Well-Known Member
"Broken Machines"


One day, the EVAs just STOP working... :huh.:

No one can figure out why, as all the tests are nominal, but they no longer function. Detailing humanities efforts to fight the Angels without their best weapons...

"Stop the World..."


Well-Known Member
hawker_748 said:
"Stop the World..."
JoJo/Bleach crossover. When Rukia appears in Ichigo's house at the start, instead of him gaining her Shinigami powers, he gains the power of the Stand from his far-off Joestar ancestors. And the Stand he gains, ironically enough, is the deceased Dio Brando's "The World". Moreover, it appears that Stand users can see Hollows just fine.

From there on, Ichigo's life becomes trouble. His power makes him a giant target for both Aizen's Arrancar and Soul Society... whose side will Rukia choose when faced with the dilemma of helping Ichigo or obeying SS?


"Eternal Deadend".

(yes, it's the name of Nereid's ultimate attack in ToE)