The Challenge Section


Well-Known Member
Been a while since I made a post on TFF, may as well make a suggestion.

By all right, the challenge section is one that I thought would be a fairly active section, and yet its one of the least trafficked.

5 threads made in '13, and then the last post was in '11.

I think that the reason for that is that it's not a very well advertized/visible section. I'm being completely serious when I say that in all the time I've been on TFF, I only noticed we actually has a challenge section when we moved to nTFF. Call me oblivious, but I honestly never noticed it.

I personally think that the challenge section should be broken up, with a challenge subsection created in every Forum Section. One per each fandom.

I'm thinking that perhaps more challenges would actually be posted and answered/seen. Perhaps it'll even create a bit more activity in each fandom and get the juices flowing.

Anyway, what do you guys think about this?


Well-Known Member
I actually think that's a bad idea. That would mean that you'd have to reorganize the entire forum (taking out the entire section, moving all challenges and responses to various section, etc.) for something that may not pan out.

/My $0.02 worth


Well-Known Member
True enough.

Perhaps do it experimentally in only one section?

But you're right, it might not pan out. Was just an idea I had.


Staff member
It's not a terrible idea. I've been wondering for a while how to get more traffic in it. The real trick would be getting a challenge-response culture going on the board, like the old "Truths" or "Things "X" Are Not Allowed to Do", except broader.