Bleach The Man Without Fear

Disclaimer: I donÆt own Bleach.

AuthorÆs Notes: The story was inspired by the Drowning Pool song of the same name. And no, Gin does not always speak in a grammatically correct fashion.

The Man Without Fear

His eyes traced the five assembled shinigami without a hint of surprise. It had been bound to happen, sooner or later. Like dogs, circling and sniffing at the new hound.

It was something of a shame that the obligatory brawl for dominance had already been dealt with. As the rank had been explained to him, Captains were second only to the old man, Yamamoto.

That was a matter that could be dealt with another day.

The first one to speak had silver hair, slitted eyes and a smile that Kenpachi had no liking for. ôOooh, itÆs the new captain. HeÆs a right impressive one. Took that captainÆs jacket right off a the corpse û look at the bloodstains.ö

Deceiver. Taunter. Trickster û like the fox he so resembled. But there was a faint note of fear in his voice.

Perhaps the ritual brawls werenÆt over? That would be nice. He hadnÆt quite gotten a proper warm-up from his first fight.

A woman with short hair, except for two long, thin ponytails and a mildly revealing top with unimpressive contents opened her mouth next. ôNorio was careless. He should never have allowed the chance for a captainÆs seat to fall to an unknown ruffian. I,ö she said, stretching the word out, ôDo not approve.ö

Self-conscious. Overcompensating by being self-important.

ôIt was lawful.ö This third man had long hair, gloves, and strange clasps in his hair. The others showed him some deference.

Quiet. Air of authority. Used to being obeyed. Callous?

The only two remaining were a man(?) with strange white face paint. His movements wereàunusual. Jerky. The other was a small child who had never taken his eyes off of Kenpachi.

So these were the Captains. The most powerful people in Soul Society.

He was not impressed.

ôPbbbbbbt! YouÆre just jealous of Ken-chan!ö

Nor was Yachiru.

The woman turned her attention to the little girl. ôWho is that?ö The emphasis on the word warped it into a ôwhat.ö

He spoke for the first time, the bells in his hair tinkling with every tiny movement of his head. ôMy Lieutenant.ö

There was silence. Nobody challenged the statement. Kenpachi resumed his walk, Yachiru perched on his shoulder.

The smiling man stepped in his way. ôNow now, weÆre just tryinÆ ta get ta know ya. No need to go on runnin off.ö

It was an obvious challenge. Kenpachi ignored it, and kept walking. Small dogs moved out of the way of the pack leader, or small dogs were stupid. And then they were small dogs that bled a lot.

The small dog gave way. Kenpachi went on.

ôTheyÆre meanies,ö Yachiru whispered to him. Whispered being a loose term; she could be heard clearly twenty feet away.

ôTheyÆre weak,ö he answered.

One of the spikes of his hair separated from his head, and the bell jangled loudly as it hit the ground. Kenpachi glanced over his shoulder. Mmm. The SmilerÆs sword could extend. Quite a distance.

ôYachiru. Off.ö

She pouted and complained, but he didnÆt listen and she obeyed anyway.

The blade began to retract. He grabbed it, then pulled. More of the sword extended. He grabbed it with his other hand and began to pull it towards him like a rope. After a moment, the blade stopped extending. So it did have a limit.

And then the Smiler was being pulled forward, straining and digging his feet into the ground all the way. When he was within armÆs reach, Kenpachi stopped pulling.

ôDid you have something to say to me?ö he asked, voice calm. Smiler was anything but.

The woman disappeared from the group, and with a whisper-breath of moving air, was behind him. Now that was an interesting trick.

He felt a pinprick against the back of his neck.

ôAs a general warning, if I stab you again there, you will die. No trickery or clever tactic will save you. Now release Ichimaru-taichou.ö

Kenpachi laughed. ôTwo against one. This is a grand welcoming.ö

SmilerÆs confidence returned. ôIf you know the odds, then you know what you should do.ö

Kenpachi nodded, then threw the smiling bastard back away from him, the motion causing the still-extended sword to scythe wildly. The woman had to step out of the way, and in that time Kenpachi took a sidestep away, again putting everyone in his field of vision.

ôI know exactly what to do. IÆm going to let you go and get some of your friends over there. So we can have a fair fight.ö

The woman reacted with a flare of wounded pride, again flickering out of sight. Kenpachi had already turned to meet her thrust by the time she reappeared, and took a step forward and body checked her.

She was a little thing. He wasnÆt. She flew back a good fifteen feet. Landed well, but stumbled backwards a bit anyway. Probably not used to being beaten with sheer brute force.

ôIf you insist, I will gather data on you myselfàö

Kenpachi turned to the voice. It was Painted-Face, the one who movedàdifferently.

All three vanished into that flicker-movement. He grinned. This was going to be hard.

Yachiru was yelling from the sidelines. ôNo fair, three against one! Meanies!ö He tuned her out.

The woman appeared in front of him, but flickered away again before heÆd begun to move. There was a dull impact against his back, and a screech of pain. He looked over his left shoulder to see Painted-Face clutching his bleeding hand in agony. The movement created a blind spot on his right side, which the woman took advantage of.

There was another pinprick sensation, and his eyes drifted down to see a small, butterfly shape blossom over the muscle in his right arm. He faintly heard the sound of feet against the stone floor of the courtyard, and whirled to face Smiler squarely. It was, of course, a feint, and the man flickered away again. Another pinprick, another butterfly, this one on his opposite arm.

Enough of this. Kenpachi drew his sword.

All three immediately stopped moving. They were frozen like deer caught in headlights, chests heaving as if they couldnÆt breathe.

They were not worth his time.

He hefted the massive weapon with one hand. The sword descended, and the womanÆs stomach spurted blood. He moved with the momentum, took a step towards Smiler, and the hilt crashed into the manÆs jaw. Pulped teeth and spittle-flecked blood filled the air.

In as many seconds, two captains were out of the fight.

So, he wasnÆt entirely surprised when a fourth joined to take their place.

ôSoar across the frosted heavens! Hyorinmaru!ö

The kid was faster than he looked, and before Kenpachi could avoid it, the boy had flickered forward and landed a glancing blow to his leg.

It froze.

Well. There was no getting around it; that was pretty damn cool.

He flexed the muscle and the ice shattered. There was a lingering bit of numbness, but he was fine.

He felt a slight edge of steel against his throat.

ôThat will be enough,ö came a calm, cultured voice. ôHitsugaya-kunàsummon Captain Unohana to see to those two. I will deal with him.ö

He couldnÆt see the boy, but he doubted the kid was happy. HeÆd seemed like a self-confident type. Probably didnÆt like this one with the weird hair, not at all.

But, by the sounds of movement, the kid had done what he was told anyway.

ôNow. We are going to wait until Captain Unohana arrives. And when she does, she will take the wounded with her. Then you will go on your way.ö

ôAnd if I donÆt?ö

ôThen I will kill you.ö

He considered for a moment. But only a moment. ôNot much of a threat.ö

Then he jerked his chin down, pinioning HairÆs sword between his chin and chest. At the same time, he began a quick slash with his sword. As expected, Hair levered his sword out of the grasp of KenpachiÆs mighty jaw and flickered away.

Kenpachi had seen the move enough to have a decent idea of where the man would show up again. When Hair flickered away again, Kenpachi merely stepped to the side, allowing a carefully aimed thrust to go wide. Oooh, that would have hit his heart. Hair wasnÆt kidding.

But Hair also wasnÆt quite fast enough. Kenpachi swung a backhanded chop at the calm, commanding man, who responded by raising his sword in a parry.

A proper parry is not designed to absorb a sword's movement, but to instead deflect it.

Still. A perfectly built paper fort provides little defense against a real cannonball.

HairÆs sword was sheared in half, and KenpachiÆs blade lodged solidly in his collarbone. With a grunt, he pulled it out. There was white bone and blood showing, and Hair had gone into shock.

He looked over his shoulder at Painted-Face.

Painted-Face smiled, and sheathed his sword. ôImpressive. Most impressive. IÆve no more need to see you fight to satisfy my academic interest.ö

Kenpachi snorted. Coward.

ôIf I might askàö Pained-Face said. ôWhat is the power of your sword? Or at least its name?ö

KenpachiÆs brow furrowed. ôMy swordÆs name? Naming swords is for brats and storybooks. ItÆs a sword. It cuts things.ö He turned to Yachiru. ôCÆmon.ö

She hopped back up on his shoulder, prattling on about the amazing fight. It had been substandard at best, but he didnÆt correct her. She was happy; he was happy.

The last words he heard from those captains for many weeks was the faint, distant voice of Painted-Face. ôYesàmost impressive indeedàö


Well-Known Member
Kenpachi is overpowered in this fic. Byakuya has been stated to be as strong or stronger then Zaraki in canon. Mayuri views god-moding as a way of life. Gin's sword can extend much farther then that. Soi-Fon is faster and more skilled then was portrayed. In addition, none of the Captains would be bothered by Zaraki's spiritual pressure. And most importantly, they all fought like idiots. They're better then that.

Which is to say that Zaraki should have gotten utterly destroyed in this fight.


Well-Known Member
Four points.

1. You accidentally wrote Yoruichi instead of Yachiru.
2. You got Zaraki's mentality right I think, but Yachiru wouldn't think in terms of fair.
3. Zaraki's overpowered for this. He is obviously a powerful captain with a level probably comparable to bankai, but he's fighting against multiple captain level opponents without much trouble.

lord geryon

Well-Known Member

And, while Zaraki isn't OP in this, he's not very much like the Kenpachi we know. The one we know would happily accept a blow just to get at his opponent.

What I did like was how perceptive Kenpachi was of little clues.


Well-Known Member
grant said:
Four points.

1. You accidentally wrote Yoruichi instead of Yachiru.
2. You got Zaraki's mentality right I think, but Yachiru wouldn't think in terms of fair.
3. Zaraki's overpowered for this. He is obviously a powerful captain with a level probably comparable to bankai, but he's fighting against multiple captain level opponents without much trouble.
And this is even canonical before he learned that swords are stronger when you hold them with two hands.


Well-Known Member
To be fair they seemed to attack at different times. Even if the difference was only a couiple of seconds.


Well-Known Member
One question that has been bothering me, what in hell are these Iron Fic challenges?


Well-Known Member
And this is even canonical before he learned that swords are stronger when you hold them with two hands.
It's also before he got the eyepatch. :mellow:

Also recall he was casually throwing aside two captains, after being directly hit by both their shikai's before Tousen went bankai. And Komamura is just as much of a tank as he is, and he was still thrown aside by the guy. While I'll be the first to say Kenpachi dies against Soifon if she's at the very least remotely serious about taking him down, there's a considerably logical underestimation of him that is most likely going on, and with no usage of bankai before a critical hit, I could see him throwing a few of them aside easily just switching to serious mode before they can react due to shock.

Well, that and his slashes being monstrously long despite the length of his blade... dude did cut off #5's arm when he was still a considerable distance away from him while going for Yachiru for crying out loud. Hell, the arm fell back a distance, and he picked it up with his sword right after, like nothing happened.

Provided the people in question here took him seriously, he'd be dead several times over... but surprise does a lot of things in tipping a fight to someones favor. Enough leeway to provide case for an argument at least. Due to that, such a scenario would depend on the person behind it. Doesn't mean you have to agree with it, and things were obviously severely tipped in his favor in this scenario, but it's certainly not impossible to say the least.

Edit: Biggest complaint I can raise is that he seemed to be ending it too quickly. Kenpachi likes to extend his fights as long as possible, though granted if he overestimates them like he did when he stabbed through Ichigo's blade, a critical hit most likely would be suffered in the process.


Well-Known Member
Still, Zaraki versus Soi Fong would be a very short battle, and not done in the way it was done here.
Ryuugi said:
Kenpachi is overpowered in this fic. Byakuya has been stated to be as strong or stronger then Zaraki in canon.
And that stating was utter bollocks. Hanataro can stand perfectly well in Byakuya's aura, yet he collapses and starts drooling in the amount of aura Kenpachi releases unconsciously, which is a pissant amount compared to what he can release intentionally even *before* he removes the eyepatch. Furthermore, Ganjuu, the guy who said it, is a weakling and a moron to boot. Hardly a good judge.


Well-Known Member
Still, Zaraki versus Soi Fong would be a very short battle, and not done in the way it was done here.
My thoughts exactly, at least in such a case where she takes him remotely seriously. If she acts cocky and underestimates him though (Which would require lack of knowledge about him as is likely the case here), which sadly she is known to do, I could see him catching her by surprise. He'd have to be ungodly lucky to take advantage of such a situation though.


Well-Known Member
Shunpo and a two hit kill against a large and slow target is an easy equation.


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nuclear death frog said:
Ryuugi said:
Kenpachi is overpowered in this fic. Byakuya has been stated to be as strong or stronger then Zaraki in canon.
And that stating was utter bollocks. Hanataro can stand perfectly well in Byakuya's aura, yet he collapses and starts drooling in the amount of aura Kenpachi releases unconsciously, which is a pissant amount compared to what he can release intentionally even *before* he removes the eyepatch. Furthermore, Ganjuu, the guy who said it, is a weakling and a moron to boot. Hardly a good judge.
Ganjuu is, however, familiar with spiritual with spiritual pressure. So I'll trust his observation. And Hanataro didn't fall because he was having a Big Damn Hero moment, which (since this is shonen) gave him the strength to stand. Besides, even if Byakuya was weaker (which he isn't), Shikai, Bankai, and a shit load of kido skillz. And all three of those skills are ranged attacks. Bad End for Zaraki.
~NGD OMEGA~ said:
Still, Zaraki versus Soi Fong would be a very short battle, and not done in the way it was done here.
My thoughts exactly, at least in such a case where she takes him remotely seriously. If she acts cocky and underestimates him though (Which would require lack of knowledge about him as is likely the case here), which sadly she is known to do, I could see him catching her by surprise. He'd have to be ungodly lucky to take advantage of such a situation though.
This is pretty much it.

They underestimated him, drastically. They trickled into the fight and didn't work that well together. Given my limited Bleach experience (this IS my first Bleach fic), all I had to base his strength on was the fight with Ichigo and the fight between him, Tosen, and Komomura.

If prepared and aware of Kenpachi's style - sheer, raw power - most of them could beat him. Byakuya, Soi Fon, no problem. Mayuri probably has an elaborate Xavier Protocols-esque plan to kill everyone he's ever met, so he could win. would depend on how much Kenpachi could shrug off the ice. The only one I don't see winning or having a great shot is Gin, though I could just be biased because I haven't seen anything past...well, the Bount filler arc, really.

And yeah, he's freaking overpowered here. I admit it. He's the Overlord Saurfang of Bleach - he even used Cleave!

@NGD - I wasn't really happy with the fight direction either. I had to wrap it up, because if you'll notice the post time, this was "finished" ten minutes before the contest deadline. I'd have preferred to handle things differently, because one of Kenpachi's major fighting elements is his Alucard-like ability to have the enemy blow their Big Nuke of Overkill on him and then he waits a bit, kind of wondering when they're busting out the big guns and getting serious. Byakuya getting one-shotted is probably the most glaring example of this. I'd have preferred him to get to use shikai, and for Hitsugaya to have more than two sentences of screentime, and a host of other things. But...the time =\

@grunt - woops. Yoruichi is a bad slip. Fixed.


Well-Known Member
english: 18/20 - Satisfied my standards for a well-written fic.
theme: 16/20 - Kenpachi kicking ass. Standard fare as far as Kenpachi is concerned.
details: 15/20 - I really like the description of the 'wounds' on Kenpachi, and how utterly that man-mountain ignores them. Points off for being hideously unclear about who some captains are.
story: 17/20 - Kenpachi, meet other captains. Other captains, meet Kenpachi. Kenpachi, yank on Ichimaru's sword....
general awesome: 19/20 - .... which is the coolest idea to deal with THAT, ever, I have to say. It's really in-character for Kenpachi, just as it makes no sense why Captains like Soifon or Ukitake (was that Ukitake? <<) would fight Kenpachi.
Total Score: 18+16+15+17+19 = 85/100

General Opinion: Kenpachi came, saw and kicked ass. A few delectable new ideas ("YANK!"), a lot of general badassitude. It's in-character for Kenpachi, up to eleven. Also, Yachiru <3.
If this were food, it would be like a punch to the gums followed by an intense, yet undefinable sensation of taste.




Well-Known Member
That was, far as I can tell, Byakuya. The 'strange clasps in his hair' would cinch that one. Though yeah, some lack of clarity was obviously there, though I can see why with the perspective he was going for.

And yeah, I figured this thing was rushed, just made a note of it none the less. That's the largest issue I had with it, though it's not serious as there is a sort of case for it.

Edit: Also,

Ganjuu is, however, familiar with spiritual with spiritual pressure. So I'll trust his observation. And Hanataro didn't fall because he was having a Big Damn Hero moment, which (since this is shonen) gave him the strength to stand. Besides, even if Byakuya was weaker (which he isn't), Shikai, Bankai, and a shit load of kido skillz. And all three of those skills are ranged attacks. Bad End for Zaraki.
Bankai is all well and good (Though I'd argue his shikai in this situation, as Kenpachi specialized in taking huge amounts of damage and keep coming) the problem is Byakuya's favorite move is Senka (I think that's the name), the one where he flashsteps behind a person and stabs them through the soul chain thingy and effectively takes them out in one hit. He starts every fight in the Soul Society arc like this, even against captain level opponents, who can actually see through and block it, and he did that here too. Problem was, this case ended badly because he underestimated Kenpachi's strength and tried to block a particularly powerful blow, and was effectively taken out before he could use any of his other far more potent abilities.

Granted such a thing practically never happens in shonen due to various 'laws' they seem to have, but it's within the realm of possibility in an actual fight that you quite simply get taken out before you can use any of your trumps simply because you make a fatal mistake when underestimating someone.


Well-Known Member
~NGD OMEGA~ said:
That was, far as I can tell, Byakuya. The 'strange clasps in his hair' would cinch that one. Though yeah, some lack of clarity was obviously there, though I can see why with the perspective he was going for.

And yeah, I figured this thing was rushed, just made a note of it none the less. That's the largest issue I had with it, though it's not serious as there is a sort of case for it.

Edit: Also,

Ganjuu is, however, familiar with spiritual with spiritual pressure. So I'll trust his observation. And Hanataro didn't fall because he was having a Big Damn Hero moment, which (since this is shonen) gave him the strength to stand. Besides, even if Byakuya was weaker (which he isn't), Shikai, Bankai, and a shit load of kido skillz. And all three of those skills are ranged attacks. Bad End for Zaraki.
Bankai is all well and good (Though I'd argue his shikai in this situation, as Kenpachi specialized in taking huge amounts of damage and keep coming) the problem is Byakuya's favorite move is Senka (I think that's the name), the one where he flashsteps behind a person and stabs them through the soul chain thingy and effectively takes them out in one hit. He starts every fight in the Soul Society arc like this, even against captain level opponents, who can actually see through and block it, and he did that here too. Problem was, this case ended badly because he underestimated Kenpachi's strength and tried to block a particularly powerful blow, and was effectively taken out before he could use any of his other far more potent abilities.

Granted such a thing practically never happens in shonen due to various 'laws' they seem to have, but it's within the realm of possibility in an actual fight that you quite simply get taken out before you can use any of your trumps simply because you make a fatal mistake when underestimating someone.
That shouldn't have worked against Byakuya though, who is really quite strong, as we saw when he fought Ichigo, and parried a number of his attacks (who had previously done the same to Zaraki. Especially considering how fast Byakuya is, which we saw when he fought that Espada (among other examples). All in all, Byakuya should have been out of the way in an instant, and even if he wasn't, it wouldn't have mattered.

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
Zaraki should have let Byakuya hit him, just moving a bit to the side, to trap Byakuya's blade.

He's done that shit before and it fucks with people when the dude you just stabbed acts your sword is not sticking out his back and chops you in half.


Well-Known Member
I highly doubt base Byakuya is strong enough to block a blow from a full force Kenpachi. Again, remember this is before the eyepatch. As in this is pure raw Kenpachi right there. Remember, Ichigo didn't remotely block him when their fight came down to that. He supercharged with Zangetsu (Which really didn't happen in the Byakuya fight until the final clash of that one), and then managed to cut through his sword, and despite that still suffered a grievous wound from Zaraki's blade.

As for flashing away, yes, that would have been the smart thing in such a situation, because Zaraki is damn strong, but the problem is like I said, in such a situation it wouldn't be surprising for him to underestimate his strength and think he could block it. Dude tends to get surprised when people block his senka, and Zaraki dodged it, and unlike most took advantage of that small opening created.

Edit: Though like I said, you can argue against it all you want with what ifs, but in the end of the day the situation as it's presented is still plausible when it all comes down to it. The situation is severely tipped in Zaraki's favor yes, no doubt. But it's not like he outspeed Soifon (or Soifon was actually taking it seriously), or took Byakuya's bankai full force and still defeated him easily. Those I would agree would be completely implausible, but this as it is isn't overpowering. The situation as presented simply favors him, because they don't know everything about him.

And frankly even if they did, both Tousen and Komamura both were surprised with how strong Zaraki was. Remember, he tossed the foxman, who is no slouch in the strength department himself.


Well-Known Member
lord geryon said:
Zaraki should have let Byakuya hit him, just moving a bit to the side, to trap Byakuya's blade.

He's done that shit before and it fucks with people when the dude you just stabbed acts your sword is not sticking out his back and chops you in half.
This. Though how well it would have worked against Byakuya's super l33t ninja shunpo skillz is up in the air.


Thats a link to Zaraki using two hands, but remaining unable to push Ichigo back. Later, after Ichigo has a lot of training, master's using Zangetsu, gets Bankai, etc. He fights Byakuya.

Who blocks his shit.
Ryuugi said:
lord geryon said:
Zaraki should have let Byakuya hit him, just moving a bit to the side, to trap Byakuya's blade.

He's done that shit before and it fucks with people when the dude you just stabbed acts your sword is not sticking out his back and chops you in half.
This. Though how well it would have worked against Byakuya's super l33t ninja shunpo skillz is up in the air.


Thats a link to Zaraki using two hands, but remaining unable to push Ichigo back. Later, after Ichigo has a lot of training, gets Bankai, etc. He fights Byakuya.

Who blocks his shit.
Yeah. Things like this are what should have happened.

And hey, I can always clean this up more before I post it someplace like FFNet, so I'm loving these suggestions. Thanks guys!

Edit: Well dang, you updated with onemanga pics before I noticed. Well, anyway, yeah. That can be attributed to the wonky Shonen Power Slider, or to varying levels of "Killing Intent" or reiatsu or whatever you want to call it. Ichigo was in the zone when he fought Kenpachi. Glowing blue eyes and stuff. When he fought was just sort of a relaxed, badass determined type thing.

If you read Raymond Feist, it's like that one scene where Thomas punches a 20-ton steel gate inwards, sending it flying about 30 feet. "He's not angry, just determined."


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Well-Known Member
~NGD OMEGA~ said:
Your point? Eyepatch is still on dude.
Yeah, but Zaraki's using two hands, and that's also before Ichigo got several Power-ups, learned to use Zangetsu, learned swordsmanship, got Bankai, etc. And Ichigo (who was at least equal to a one-handed eye-patchless Zaraki by then) still got blocked by Byakuya.
Ryuugi said:
~NGD OMEGA~ said:
Your point? Eyepatch is still on dude.
Yeah, but Zaraki's using two hands, and that's also before Ichigo got several Power-ups, learned to use Zangetsu, learned swordsmanship, got Bankai, etc. And Ichigo (who was at least equal to a one-handed eye-patchless Zaraki by then) still got blocked by Byakuya.
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"You're really taking it easy, aren't you?"