Harry Potter The wand chooses the wizard


Well-Known Member
No don't run it's a good idea I swear.

So in the wizard world there is a tradition that only few know about and has for the most part vanished into the depths of time. This tradition is the bonding of a wizard/witch to his/her wand. In the old days (for sake of argument founders time) it was considered a right of passage and acceptance of adult hood when a young wizard or witch discovered the name of there wand, this also spawned the incredible(if slightly idiotic)naming of the house elves who were in reality a cursed race bound by magic to serve man ala rumplestiltskin.(that parts corny but go with it)

Now we have a few interesting things that can be done with this

Dumbledore- knew the name of his wand at first, but when he defeated that guy who's name i can't spell the power of the other wand far outwayed the power of his own, so he took it.

Of course somehow Harry magiclly discovers this little tidbit and he awakens the full potential of his wand(no jokes people) and tralala he become uber harry that's a no brainer.

Well it's original what do you all think?


Well-Known Member
I think this needs more detail, also, you would have to define which purebloods follow this tradition. Voldemort might know about this (or might not), but some purebloods would know of this. You could also add that in the old times mostly purebloods and magically raised halfbloods could name their wands, most of the muggleborns could not (perhaps they did not embrace magic enough). So Harry might be able, Ron would not really care, and Hermione would not be able to (I think she depends too much on logic to fully surrender to magic).


Well-Known Member
Does Harry/Ron/whoever knowing their wand's name effect anything other than marking adulthood? Does it make spellcasting easier or more powerful? Do their wands transform into super-badass swords or staffs? Will they be fighting Dementors and purifying their souls?

The idea isn't bad, but I don't see how it goes anywhere other than someone going, "Oh, I know my wand's name now. Yippee!!!" So it's not really an idea yet so much as a notion.


Well-Known Member
:sweat: eheheh I did it again, damn.

I was kinda going along the lines of coming into there full potential. I'm not saying that their wands have 'forms' (like zanpaktou) but they do grant it's wielder certain benifits.

that still sounds to vague, I'll try to explain it better later,sleep is calling.
While I don't think I can use this in "Harry Potter and the Combat Butler", I hope you enjoy:

- - - - -

After a few months with Castor as his bodyguard, Harry thought that maybe, just maybe, he could stop being surprised by him.

Well, Castor could still surprise surprise him-The man could seem to suddenly appear in a room, as casually as you please, almost as though he had apparated in.

(Hermione had subsequently checked out several books from the library to double-check, at Harry and Ron's request).

But other than that... He'd seen Castor happy, serious, angry... Not sad so much as wistful, but still. Harry thought that maybe, just maybe, he was seeing into what made the man tick. He'd been trying to figure out how his bodyguard was able to read people so well, looking for connections in their body language, and he thought he'd been getting pretty good. Sure had helped him avoid totally screwing up a date he went on with Parvati to make up for the Yule Ball.

However, it seemed that he still had a lot to learn.



"ARRRGGGHHHHHH!" Harry screamed, kicked out of bed and landing on the cold castle floor below. He groaned and glared up at a broadly grinning Castor, perched above him like a gargoyle.

"Castor! What the bloody hell was that for?!" Harry demanded. The rest of the boys in the dorm, also awakened by the ruckus, began to complain. Ron threw a pillow at Castor, which he managed to duck.

"Aha! Caught you off guard, didn't I? Well, guess what, Harry? Since today is Saturday, it's time to begin some new training!"

Harry groaned. "Training?"

"Yep! Awesome training! You'll like it!"

"I won't, will I?" Harry asked flatly. Castor shrugged.

"I think you'll like the results! Now, up! Up, you lazy bum! You too, Ron! HIYAH! WOOPAH!"


"Good initiative, my student! HAHAHAHAHAHA!"

- - - - -

After getting changed and prepared, Harry had been taken down to the Room of Requirement with an irate Ron, a sleepy looking Hermione, and an austere looking Luna. Castor himself looked positively giddy as he opened the door to the Room.

"Come on in, come on in!"

Harry blinked. Rather than appearing like a room of the castle, the Room of Requirement seemed to be outside. Blue sky sat behind a vast, rocky wasteland.

"How...?" Harry asked in disbelief. Hermione blinked at it.

"It's... It's like the roof of the Great Hall, only it extends to the walls too...!"

"All right Castor, what the bloody hell are we doing here this early in the morning?" Ron asked angrily, as the door shut behind them. Luna walked next to Castor, who now donned a green and white striped hat that shadowed his eyes.

"And why's Loony here?"

"Ron!" Hermione said disapprovingly. Castor smiled and pulled a cane out of his pocket, leaning on it slightly. Harry was vaguely reminded of the actor who played Willie Wonka in the original movie. Gene something?

"It's quite simple," Castor said eagerly. "Thanks to Luna's help, and some correspondence with some of my friends overseas, I've found a whole new way for you guys to kick ass. And in copious amounts."

"Eh? How?" Ron asked flatly. Castor waved a hand to Luna, who held out her wand to the Trio.

"Selene," she murmured, and her wand burst into light, flaring dramatically. Harry, Hermione and Ron all stared in stunned shock at what Luna held after the light faded.

It seemed more a scepter than a wand now, the handle midnight blue with glittering stars flowing through it as though it were water suspended in the form of a scepter. At the tip was a small sphere that glowed faintly, a dark shadow covering it's face. Harry abruptly realized it was a miniature moon.

"Woah... How'd she...?" Ron tried. "What is...?"

"Words, Ronald," Luna said quietly. "Words are how one defines the world around them, correct? What would the world be like without language? There wouldn't be a world would there? You wouldn't have a name for it. It'd just be blank. Not even blank, since blank describes something. It would simply be."

"Words are especially powerful in magic," Castor took up the explanation. "Words are the tools by which you focus your spells. Language describes and conceptualizes your intent into action." Castor grinned.

"Just as important as words, however, are names. Names give meaning. Names give you an identity, because without an identity, what are you? Nothing. Nada. Zilch. This is vitally important in magic to have a sense of self, otherwise you have no will through which to wield it."

"So... Is it like a secret name in some cultures? The belief that knowing one's true name gave you power over another?" Hermione guessed. Castor shook his head.

"Hmmm... Sort of... In this case, you are finding out the name of a part of yourself."

"... The wand," Harry realized abruptly. "Luna's wand has a name."

Castor grinned. "How'd you figure that out?"

"Well... She said something... Selene... And the wand transformed, so... What else could it be?" Harry asked, feeling a little nervous. Castor's broad smile changed that, though Hermione's slight scowl was unnerving.

"Exactly! You've heard that wands choose the wizard, correct? Well, it works both ways. Once you find your wand, you connect to it. It's part of you. And that part of you is different enough that it has it's own name. After all, it didn't meet you until you were 11. It's not going to be exactly like you."

"So, Luna found out the name of her wand... Selene, a Greek moon Goddess," Hermione thought. Luna shrugged.

"Yes, it seemed very literal... Selene is so much like me she felt it better to have a name that was only related to what I was named for rather than be exactly the same. After all, there's only one moon. If there were two Lunas, then I would require a Mars."

"... Huh?" Ron asked. Hermione blinked slowly. Harry was a bit worried that he'd understood that.

"So! Starting today, we'll be working on finding out the names of your wands," Castor said. He whipped out a fan.

"It will be hard, arduous... But definitely entertaining! Ku ku ku ku!"

"... Why are you making those sounds?" Harry asked.

"I'm getting into the spirit of things, you might say. Ku ku ku-OW!"

Luna had bopped Castor on the head with her wand with a serene smile.

"Bad pun. Minus four points."

"Four points?! Oh c'mon!"

"It will be five if you continue to whine," Luna stated simply. Castor pouted.

"I never get to do anything fun..."

"... They're both nutters, aren't they?" Ron asked. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"It took you this long to figure that out?"

- - - - - -

Feel free to continue if you wish!
Nebkreb said:
wheres the rest of that story?
It's a little snippet that I wrote to help this idea out based on my "Harry Potter and the Combat Butler" series, which you can find on my author profile at FF.net or in the Previews section of the HP forums.


Well-Known Member
Andrew Joshua Talon said:
Nebkreb said:
wheres the rest of that story?
It's a little snippet that I wrote to help this idea out based on my "Harry Potter and the Combat Butler" series, which you can find on my author profile at FF.net or in the Previews section of the HP forums.
thanks. will check it out


Well-Known Member
first :huh:

second: thats exactly what i was trying to say, thanks AJT
sith2886 said:
first :huh:

second: thats exactly what i was trying to say, thanks AJT
No problem Sith. If you'd like, you can use Castor for additional snippets set in this idea. He wouldn't have a release since he's a Squib... Though maybe he could have one. His wand would just turn into some kind of crowbar sword thing...


Well-Known Member
nah I'm to busy fleshing out my team seven leave konoha fic. that ones going to be fun due to the parralels I'm trying to make with certain other Characters form another manga. (pm me if you want to know more)

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
This needs some more meat to it for it to be an actual Idea. It's more of a blurb at the moment, though it does have potential.

This would probably fit a lot nicer into the HPverse (and end up working much better overall) if you dropped the Bleach angle and simply went with it being True Names.
Well sith, if it's allright with you, could I use parts of this idea for my Harry Potter and the Combat Butler story? When I get back to writing it again?


Well-Known Member
sure thing AJT go right ahead, like i said to busy working on my other fic to hammer this out. ps check your pm box in a sec i need your help.
Okay, here are some ideas for a few wands:

-Harry: Harry's wand has a phoenix feather core and is made of ash. The parallels between Harry and phoenixes are numerous, from his rising from the ashes to his talent at flight. His wand's spirit taking the form of a phoenix is obvious. But me, being me, thought that a nice twist was in order, so when Harry meets the spirit of his wand it's like Hermione as a phoenix. Take that as you will.

His wand explains that she is his power, his strength, his greatness. It is a greatness that he cannot avoid, that has been thrust upon him, but she is the power to make that greatness work for him. To take control of his own destiny. He must still meet it, but he can get there on his own terms.

Trouble is, Harry's mindscape is that of the Dursley home right now. He's still there, in a sense, still locked away in his cupboard. He lets things happen to him. He feels powerless on a subconscious level, and until he breaks free, he cannot wield his wand's true power.

As for why his wand also takes the form of Hermione, well... Hermione is the reason for Harry's first real act of heroism. He chose to go down to save Hermione because it was the right thing to do, period.

As for her name... Bennu might be good, the Egyptian name of the phoenix. Older magic even than that of the Founders.

-Ron: Ron's wand spirit takes the form of an older man with white hair and a white beard, dressed akin to a chess knight, all in white. I've imagined him as someone looking like Archer from Fate/Stay Night. He is stern and most displeased when he meets Ron for the first time and it's not hard to imagine why.

Ron is a lazy, arrogant twit, and his wand is not happy about this. He nails it on the head why Ron is how he is-Because he's the youngest brother, and all his other brothers have done and been everything in Hogwarts. They've been star athletes, scholars, pranksters, and have moved on to bigger and better things. What does he have? Nothing, save being friends with Harry. He is resentful and jealous because that is his one saving grace. Envy, his wand notes, is the refuge of the insecure.

Ron is how he is because he sees no way for him to stand out and shine, when his wand says that underneath his bluster, his ignorance and envy, there is a path for him, he just hasn't been able to express it properly. It comes out in his skill at chess, in his self-sacrifice for Harry during the end of First Year, in his willingness to stand by Harry when his ego and self-hatred aren't in the way.

Ron wants to be a knight, and Harry is his king. His wand tells Ron that his fondest desire has been to be a shield and sword for others, to gain recognition as a warrior who furthers a cause. There is no shame, his wand says, in fighting for another, because shared glory is still glory, and a just cause is enough for a true knight.

Ron, torn apart by his wand's admonishment, but realizing just what a prick he's been, and now realizing that his dream is in reach, that he can make a difference, is willing to take the plunge. And his wand, with a slight smirk, says this:
"You know what you must do. You know your path, your duty, your obligation. If you choose to embrace the shield and sword, if you choose to serve your king, to serve and protect those you love, then SAY MY NAME!"

"SPRINGER!" Ron roared.
Springer is German for "knight", and is what the knight piece is called in chess problems and endgame studies to distinguish it from the King.

-Snape: Snape's wand is a cunning bastard, just like him, and it wouldn't surprise me if he knew the name of his wand but simply didn't tell anyone. As his most distinctive spell, Sectumsempra, strikes like a magic sword and renders limbs cut off by it permanently detached, his wand's name being Maekir, Old Norse for "sword", seems appropriate. His last name, Snape, is derived from an Old Norse word for "to dishonor, to disgrace", so using the same etymology seemed appropriate.


Well-Known Member
It could just be because of you, but for some strange reason every time I think of Hermoine I think of Nala from The Lion King. strong, willing to argue with her friend and fierce when protecting him.

(urge to play KH and leave computer rising)

for Neville? :evil2: Ash. just an ordinary wand thrown into an almost impossibly un-ordinary situation, its release command "all right you pin heads this is my BOOM STICK!"

...sorry i couldn't resist

hope this helps
sith2886 said:
It could just be because of you, but for some strange reason every time I think of Hermoine I think of Nala from The Lion King. strong, willing to argue with her friend and fierce when protecting him.

(urge to play KH and leave computer rising)

for Neville? :evil2: Ash. just an ordinary wand thrown into an almost impossibly un-ordinary situation, its release command "all right you pin heads this is my BOOM STICK!"

...sorry i couldn't resist

hope this helps
... Not... Particularly...


Well-Known Member
sorry, my wife is usually better at naming things then I am. our first cat I named purrbox...I've been banned from naming anything that comes into contact with me even my kids(if we have any)

lord geryon

Well-Known Member
sith2886 said:
sorry, my wife is usually better at naming things then I am. our first cat I named purrbox...I've been banned from naming anything that comes into contact with me even my kids(if we have any)
That sounds to me like a wise thing for your wife to do, banning you from naming kids.

"Hey, Poopfactory, your girlfriend is here..."



Well-Known Member
sith2886 said:
Don't take it too hard, man. I suck at naming things too.

Let's see... A Bankai form for the wands might be too much... But if there is one person who would have it first, it would be Luna. And her bankai would be fucking awesome.
Speaking of our flighty blond friend, and this is gonna be :eek:t:, but I was reading the Joker!Harry story Denial and Deception, and it came to mind that a Harley Quinn!Luna would be epic.
RockLeeTheAwesome said:
Speaking of our flighty blond friend, and this is gonna be :eek:t:, but I was reading the Joker!Harry story Denial and Deception, and it came to mind that a Harley Quinn!Luna would be epic.
My God... IT WOULD!
Nebkreb said:
link to that story?
Oh, My apologies, where are my manners. Here.


It's only five chapter's in, and it's also posted in the Updates thread, I think? Either that or the Recommendation thread. Anyway, it's only five chaps along, but I think he's really capturing the essence that made Ledger's version of the Joker so epic.

My opinion, though.