Twilight Princess


Well-Known Member
Lord Raine said:
toraneko said:
Really, once you do it once, it's no longer a question of possibility, but one of taste.
I was going to add something, but I really don't have the time right now to pen an epic post.

I will, however, tell you that this single line conjured up such unrivaled images of mischief and general debauchery that it needs to be immortalized, if only because my mind is dirty and twisted enough to see exactly how many situations to which this could act as a reply.


I really want to see some nice Midna/Link fics
Indeed. It's a travesty, really.
It's amazing to me that the character who had more characterazation then near any other characters in Zelda history doesn't have more fics with her. The fact she loved Link, and cried over having to leave him, shoudl have made her fodder for ever waff author in the fandom.

but instead, we don't see anything really major. Then again, i'm not to up on the Zelda FF scene, so I could be wrong.

Anyways, back to plotting out a Great Fairy / Link Lemon.