Akamatsuverse Untitled


Well-Known Member
Yes, this is from the other topic. Please do not be offended.

Chapter one.

All he wanted was to have a hot bath.

Well, that wasn't entirely correct. All he wanted was: to finally pass the Tokyo U enterance exams, to meet with his promised girl from fifteen years ago, and to have a hot bath. But out of those three, the hot bath was the only one currently attainable.

And so, he'd made his way to the springs.

He'd noticed that there was no wall to divide the men's and women's sections, but had shrugged it off, easily ignoring the Klaxons and sirens in the fogged up portion of his mind that still paid attention to those sorts of things.

And so, through no direct fault of his own, Keitaro Urashima was forever labelled a pervert, a degenerate, a libertine wannabe playboy.

And as he tried to run away and fell onto people and into clothes and

Who were all these people who were showing up all of a sudden? Why do they only pay attention to me now? Didn't they hear me when I was tromping around in grandma's room and calling her name? he screamed he thought as walls blurred past him on both sides, suddenly giving way to blue sky and


Following the deranged portion of his mind that screamed desperately that somehow, someway, this problem could be solved rationally, Keitaro turned around, his back against the railing with nowhere to go, and explained, begging for his life, that he'd just come to visit his grandma, and that he hadn't meant for such horrible things to happen, and that

(sharp teeth what sharp teeth)

She punched him in the face, of course.

He was never able to clearly remember the next moments. There had been pain, and pain, and someone was screaming that this was a "leased apartment to women" but that didn't really matter because he couldn't hear her very well over the pain, and he opened his mouth to try to say that he'd honestly thought this was still an inn but the pain choked at his throat and he could only stammer out an interjection or two that were easily spoken over by the girls who were surrounding him.

"What's with the noise?"

The voice cut through his ears, through the pain, through his subjectivity and self-awareness and all those other bits of his consciousness, coming to a screeching halt in the part of his long-term memory Keitaro's brain had labelled IMPORTANT DO NOT BEND FOLD SPINDLE OR MUTILATE. A match was found in the storehouse in his mind in which the voices of the important people in his life were kept.

He recognized the voice instantly.

Crying tears of relief, Keitaro climbed quickly and unsteadily to his feet, not caring about the girls ready to tear a hole in his stomach lining, not caring about the towel around his pelvis that could slip off at any second, not caring about anything at all because he knew the person who this voice belonged to, he knew and loved her, and he wouldn't have been any more excited had Jesus Christ himself walked up the stairs instead.

And suddenly, he was sad, unbearably sad it should have been impossible to stand, but he was still moving, his body on autopilot and sanctuary, sanctuary, he screamed, or maybe only thought as he took step after step, finally coming close enough to catch the disgusting tobacco scent of her cigarette, but it was okay because he could reach up and grab her shoulders like a drowning man could hang tightly to a piece of floating wood in storm-tossed seas.

And he screamed happily, through sobs that overwhelmed him:

"Aunt Haruka! So good to see you!"

She smiled, and his face was suddenly unexpressive.



Keitaro bit his bottom lip, looking down at the cloth rug that protected the hardwood floor from the couch he sat in, slumped forwards, red-faced.

He stammered senseless things that had been already spoken , things that passed directly from his unconscious mind to his mouth, things that didn't make a difference anyway because nobody was listening. "But...my grandmother owns it..."

The girl's face turned a darker shade of red and her voice took on a strangled tone.

"This is a GIRLS DORM! We can't let a SICKO like you stay another minute! You saw us naked, grabbed our breasts..."

He tuned her out.

It really didn't matter, anyway. First impressions were what really counted, and her first impression of him was...obvious.

Not that she would listen to reason or anything, anyway.

It figured, really, that he would come to visit when she was on her period or something.

A stray fragment of her impossibly loud accusations swept through his mind like sand through a strainer, and Keitaro choked down the violent rage that threatened to make itself known. The effort left his face unbearably hot (not that anyone noticed, as red as it already was), and, as with all the other times he had suppressed his anger, Keitaro was left with nothing but a vague feeling of acceptance.

That passed, too, and Keitaro was again left with tears threatening to spill out of his eyes.

To pass the Toyko U entrance exams, Keitaro Urashima had resigned himself to logicality, the logicality that ruled over all facets of his studying, from the equations of sinusoidal waves to an object's resistance to an electrical current.

But then

But then, after everything had become so clear, so understandable, he had looked to his goals, and there, as he had sat at his desk in his room, a textbook in front of him, a portion of him had died.

Because suddenly he could see it

It was there, watching him around the corner of every building, that thing that couldn't exist, shouldn't exist, waiting for him to take his guard down to forget to four times tap tap tap tap against the doorframe of any building and he knew he was fighting a losing battle because the fact was

He couldn't very well go on forever, could he?

No, he would mess up, sooner or later, and then it would be there and it would eat him up, devour him and then reach out an arm as thick as a tree to grab anyone who was with him and then it would devour them too and then it would laugh and laugh and laugh and la

He isolated himself.

Even if he was doomed, he'd be damned if he was going to end up with the blood of anyone else's on his hands,

(dead hands torn at the wrists)

and he'd be damned if he didn't do something to prevent the horrible sounds of the gnashing of teeth and the screams of friends that dominated his dreams.

So sorry promise girl ran through his head for the millionth time as the stared at the fingers he knew held doom back.


Well-Known Member
Quite a start...

Well it's only a matter of time now... kekeke.


Well-Known Member
From my quick read of it (i.e. not a thorough read so I can't give you a completely accurate comment), good start. Grammar might need a bit of tweeking, but otherwise, great start to what should be a fairly darkfic. Always a plus for me. Of course concerning grammar, GH will point out it is still better than mine. <_< Yeah yeah yeah. So if I don't proofread before previewing, it sucks. And even after, I still have a ways to go. I KNOW! I'm learning and improving as I go along. :sisi:


Well-Known Member
Myabe it's just me, but I think the reason that part was so dark is because Keitaro is actually coming up from a low point in his life in the Love Hina manga--I guess it's just because of his "shrug-it-off" nature that people forget this--that's my opinion, anyway. Remember, he's failed his exam again, and his parents have just kicked him out. Any normal fellow would be dazed and saddened, I think.


Chapter 2

"If I remember," she said with a smile on her face, the first face he had seen all day that was genuinely happy to see him. "you're at Tokyo U, right?"

For a moment, he wasn't sure what she meant, and he just stood there, bookbag over his shoulder, looking at her with a bewildered expression on his face. And then suddenly, a terrible light in his brain flickered on, and his eyes opened even wider. Oh my god, he thought, she doesn't know, she doesn't know, she doesn't

No, I took the Tokyo U entrance exam and flunked it twice, he didn't say, though it wasn't for lack of trying. But some connection between his mind and his mouth was abruptly sheared, and it became an almost unspoken "Huh?"

And she didn't even seem to notice how confused he was, he marvelled. Instead, she had just kept talking, assuming that the one syllable Keitaro had spoken had meant something like "yes". "You'd be about a sophomore now..."

She trailed off, and Keitaro realized that it was his turn, his turn to speak, to add another line in this conversation, the two-man dance of death in which a single misstep could alienate the other friend you had left. And he could see that Haruka was still smiling, and didn't she know? Why didn't she know, for god's sake? Had his parents been that ashamed of him that they would conveniently forget to mention what a failure he was when his aunt called?

And then suddenly he realized that he would have to tell her, and that she would learn for the first time what a failure he was from his own mouth. And he could see in his mind's eye the corners of her mouth turning down into a frown and

(oh if she knew what would come for her if it could)

There was a year of silence that lasted not even a second.

And he could feel the tears tugging at his eyes as he finally broke down and said, his face red as an apple: "No, Aunt. I've spent the last two years trying to ge--"

"T-T-Tokyo U?!" a voice to the side exclaimed, and he suddenly realized that he and his aunt weren't the only people on the planet, and that there were five other people there, listening to him, judging him and every movement he made, every step and misstep he took and he shot his head to the side to catch whoever had spoken but it was too late, too late, because now tehy were all shouting at him:

"Toyko University?!"



"You're a student at Tokyo University?!"

"--not, see; I've spent--"

(they aren't listening)

"That's so awesome!"

"--years trying to--"

(aren't they listening why aren't they)


"--Tokyo U, but I'm--"

And they weren't listening to him, they were only shouting at each other and shouting at him, and suddenly he was pushed back onto the couch and they still weren't listening, and then he blinked and the woman with the rounded face was leaning over him and it was hot, it was hot and he couldn't think at all because the air had some sort of intoxicating effect on him because it smelled enirely different now, it smelled like

(liars go to HELL)

Lies. It smelled like lies.

And he had to get out, now. He had to get out, because he was going to vomit, so he reached one hand up, and it grabbed her shoulder

And he pushed and he screamed No one more time in his head, except this time he must have said it out loud, because all of a sudden they were lookig at him on the couch over the couch past the couch as he scrambled over the back of it and he suddenly wasn't there anymore.


He couldn't go back.

He realized it when he was halfway down the stair leading from the inn girls' dorm, sweating and holding his side, trying to alleviate the stitch that had shot up his abdomen and slowed his run down to a stumbling.

Too many awkward questions. Explaining his ronin status would have been bad enough, but to apologize for this on top of it--

He just couldn't face it.

(excuses excuses if you can face this damn you then)

The soles of his shoes made a soft, almost inaudible sound against the concrete. He set a foot fowards onto a the next step that wasn't there, and was jolted out of his thoughts as he became aware that he was at street level.

A trolly of some sort passed as he stood, staring dumbly at his feet. A bell on it rang, and he began walking, as if it had been some sort of signal, a gun to start the race to nowhere.

What now, then?

He hadn't any money. He had used it all coming here.

Why did you come here, anyway? he thought bitterly to himself. Your parents kicked you out, but did you think there would be anywhere else to go?

His parents had given him a choice: stay there and give up his dream,

(give up a dream given up dead dead DEAD)

or stay out and go hungry. "Mooch off your grandmother's" wasn't there at all.

All of a sudden, Keitaro was so tired.

He stumbled off the sidewalk, collapsing in the shade at the base of a tree. The bookbag, his notes, his books, his drawings slipped off his shoulder, making a dull "thump" against the ground. He looked up at the rapidly darkening sky.

In summer, nights comes later than usual. I wonder if it becomes dark fast in winter? I read something about this...in one of those cramming sessions...

He closed his eyes. He wasn't going to fall asleep there, of course. He just need to rest his eyes so they wouldn't become irritated and he'd start crying. Because that's why he'd start crying. Because his eyes were irritated.

Got to studying. That's why you came here, to study. I've got to study.

He wanted to lift his arms so he could open his bookbag (looks more like a golfbag to me) and take out the history textbook he owned, but they were so heavy. Really, he would rather just not move, just sit right there...

No problem. I can do this in my head.

Napoleon was doing alright until he messed up with that invasion of Russia in eighteen...in eighteen...Battle of...Leipzig...

Saint Helena...



Well-Known Member
Nice reference to Waterloo....

All we have to do now is to wait for more.

By the way seems that no big grammar shark is online at the moment. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Ack, the way you say "nice reference", I just realized that having that one word there makes it seem like I'm drawing a comparison between K's life and Waterloo, or that that's some weird sort of foreshadowing or something. Which it isn't supposed to be. It's just supposed to be a last word as he nods off to sleep. I'd better change it.


Well-Known Member
You weren't making a comparison? Drats...

Heh it would have been interesting to say the least.


Well-Known Member
Well, now it IS a reference. See, Saint Helena's where Napoleon got exiled after he lost at the Battle of Leipzig, because springing back at that whole "Hundred Days" thing.

And then he lost at Waterloo, but that's stretching the comparison too far. :p


Well-Known Member
Yes i know, Napoleon was a favorite of mine in highschool... (I still say he should have left the russians alone but meh)

Fear the exiled...


Well-Known Member
Heh. Don't know much about Napolean so the 'references' would have washed over me. ^_^ Of course, I am supposed to be a History major... :unsure: then again, French History was not my concentration. :p


Well-Known Member
SimmyC said:
Heh. Don't know much about Napolean so the 'references' would have washed over me. ^_^ Of course, I am supposed to be a History major... :unsure: then again, French History was not my concentration. :p

Errrr.... what was your point of focus anyway? Most countries in Europe were influenced a great deal by the French midget...


Well-Known Member
Most of my concentration was on recent European History (and a little Medeval history too. :p). Russia in the Caucuasses (we did touch on Napoleon. But only as a contrast to the Russians dealing with Napoleon, and what they were doing in Caucuasses), Europeon women in 18th-19th century Europe (don't ask why I took this class. -_- Though Napoleon did come up... as examples of laws that discrimated and also impowered women), and Paris/Berlin history. Basically I had to write an essay on one of these cities as a research paper (and it was a narrow topic. Like art during the Siege of Paris for example). So, Napoleon himself did not come up all that often in my classes. :p
Moshulel said:
French midget
Actually Napoleon was Corsican, as in line with the First Rule of French Warfare; "France's armies are victorious only when not led by a Frenchman."

Who, in the end, couldn't defeat an English shoemaker.

Maybe you meant French Military Defeats?


Well-Known Member
I knew about that but at the time Corsica was a french teritory (still is by the way).

Napoleaon didn't lost the war on land by the way the real man that defeated him was Nelson.


Well-Known Member
Heh. Well, to an extnet, Corsicans don't consider themselves necessarily French. Much like how many people of Hispanic background still refer to themselves as Mexicans despite the fact that they have been in this country for years now.

But that's another issue entirely.

[edit]Wooohooo! Post 777. Lucky numbers in Vegas. :p


Well-Known Member
Well if we take it this way, Napoleon did considered himself a french.

(Not that it suited his interests.. lol)


Well-Known Member
I had a problem writing this chapter. Specifically, I was too damn happy. I had to actually go off and put some depressing music on before my writing got better.


Chapter Three


There was sunlight, and it burnt through his eyelids like ultraviolet rays through clouds, hitting his eyes with all the suddenness of a brick to a glass window.

I've overslept, he thought dimly, peering through his lashes at the leaves above him. Why didn't my alarm go off? And where has my roof gone?

He lay in that strange state betwwen sleeping and waking, listening to the sounds: the twittering of the birds, the mumbling of the people, the clanging of the trolley


And then he was suddenly fully awake, staring at the branches of the tree he had fallen asleep under. I got kicked out, he recalled. I came to the village, so I could stay with my grandmother and study for Tok


His serenity shattered into a million pieces. His arms floundered about blindly until one found his bookbag, which he pulled to his side. Slowly, he sat up, hearing the joints in his back pop.

That's right, they think I'm going to Tokyo U.

And then I made an ass out of myself, running screaming from the room like that.

A leaf fluttered past his face, nearly touching his nose. He turned to watch it as it danced through the air, the wind blowing it in loops, then lost sight of it as it melted into the background of railings and businesses.


He had no choice, really. He had to go back to the inngirls' dorm, apologize for running away, and clear up his status as a ronin.

It sounded so easy when he listed it off like that. Remember: buy milk, eggs, butter, return, apologize, ronin.

I have to do this. I have to go back. It's inevitable.

He spied the great, wide windows of the Hinata House on the horizon. Pointing his feet towards the building, he took one hesitant step, then another.

And another.

And another.

And then he turned around and ran in the opposite direction down the street as fast as his legs could take him.

Doesn't mean I can't put it off for as long as I can, though.


It was two o'clock, and Keitaro Urashima was hungry.

He reflected that this was the sort of situation that came from missing three meals in a row. One dinner, forgotten in the blinding pain such pain as fists and sword shot through him pain the pain. One breakfast, missed while he had been asleep underneath that tree. One lunch, missed like the breakfast, but this time with him being painfully aware of it.

His stomach growled again. It had begun clamoring for food around ten, and hadn't stopped at all since then.

He should have brought more money. Only enough for a one-way fare? So stupid of him.

And so, now he wandered aimlessly, searching only for distractions. Anything to take his mind off his hunger, take his mind off the fact that he should have gone back to his aunt and explained his predicament.

Hey, a photo booth!

In his mind, he tried to sound as excited as he could, tried to pretend that he hadn't known the booth was there. He did know, of course, because it was the same booth he had been to twice earlier that same day. But in the end, "noticing" the booth, stepping inside, selecting a frame and having his picture taken to place inside his notebook was an enjoyable distraction.

And then, afterwards, he'd continue down the street, take a left, continue down the street, take a left, continue down the street, take a left, continue down the street, take a left

(don't need to walk around in circles walk around in circles walk)

He ducked underneath and inside the curtain with the all too happy cartoon head on it, giving the machine a piece of what little money he had left to devour with a metallic clink.

Which frame, which frame, which frame? Sparkles, rainbows, or aliens? Hm, maybe not aliens. Sparkles and rainbows are a bit more realistic, huh?

I saw an alien once. Well, now really. It was a guy dressed as one. But still, I could technically say I've seen an alien...though that would be a bit misleading.

(student at tokyo university LIAR)

He snapped out of his thoughts and shook his head slightly, distracted. "Sparkles it is, then..." he muttered.

He didn't even bother posing this time, didn't bother lifting his index and middle fingers to make a V for victory. Too tired. Too hungry. But at the last moment, before the flash came, he curled his lips into a smile that was, if only slightly, an honest one, terribly grim but honest just the same

(because you have to be honest Be Honest BE HONEST)

The flash was blinding, as it had been the other two times.

He blinked to clear the black spots from his eyes so that he could look at the screen and see how his photos had turned out, see what would in a moment be printed and fall down the nearby slot making a sound like a leaf touching the sidewalk.

And he blinked again, because those large discolored spots were still

He froze.

Stories ran through his mind. Stories, like the story of the camera that took pictures of impossible terrible things that weren't there coming closer with each click of the shutter until there were right behind you and grabbed you to drag you down down down

He tried to spin around to face the beast that couldn't possibly be there and, for some reason, wasn't surprised at all when he tripped over his own feet and stumbled fell out of the booth, his center of gravity already shifted too far over, and suddenly his feet weren't on the ground anymore.

If this were a television show, Keitaro thought matter-of-factly, a pretty girl who I didn't love yet would catch me. And then we would go on to have many exciting moments together and embarrassing moments together, and then we would fall in love with each other and spend the rest of our lives in each other's company, content and happy.

The pavement hurt his chin.

As he groaned in pain, he tried not to sound so disappointed.


Well-Known Member
Weren't we supposed to be discussing the fic? When did this turn into an online history lesson? :headbanger:


Well-Known Member
And in the end, I've learned more from and enjoyed more their "history lesson" posts than your two sentence complaint.



Well-Known Member
Typical 007. <_< But yeah. It did go a little Offtopic. But what did you expect on this forum? ^_^


Well-Known Member
I hear you, dude! When life gives you a train of thought, lay down your own damn tracks!

And watch everyone on the train get pissed off. "Hey, this isn't my stop! I wanted to go to Detroit!" Nag, nag, nag.
Wellington was actually born in Ireland, so technically I suppose that he wasn't English either.

Mind you, he is supposed to have said "Just because a man is born in a stable that doesn't make him a horse."


Well-Known Member
welsh said:
Wellington was actually born in Ireland, so technically I suppose that he wasn't English either.

Mind you, he is supposed to have said "Just because a man is born in a stable that doesn't make him a horse."
This opens a whole new can of worms...

Everyone thinks the british where the ones that defeated Napoleon at Waterloo but it isn't quite so...


Well-Known Member
Nice and dark...
Kei's trying to supress his feelings and he's about to burst.
Still not much contact from the Hina Girls, and the way he's treating himself he's bound for the hospital ^^;
Might want to differentiate the internal monologue a bit more, tho good job.
Actually, not pointing out the inner dialogue kinda has an effect of it's own - you can't tell wether that creepy sentence right there was the author's narration, or Keitaro's inner thoughts.