Ranma ½ What is a Ranma fanfic cliche?


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Dumbledork said:
I'd really like to read a fic where Ranma breaks every single clichÚ on purpose. Fo example, someone is about to tell him about the aforementioned facts just for him to have a reaction like this:

Ranma gives (Kasumi/Akane,/Nodoka/Tofu/Cologne/Setsuna/or whoever else ususally tells him) an 'Are you for real?' look before saying: "What do you think I am? 5 years old. I've known about this stuff for years."

I'd like to see him having reactions like that to every single clichÚ. That would probably be one hell of a fic.

If you are serious, then list out some of the cliche's we need to address near the beginning of the plot. I could sink my teeth into a crack of this nature. Care for a co-edited story?
