What is your favorite 'boss battle' in games?


Well-Known Member
The title is somewhat misleading, but I had a character limit... :snigger:

What I'm asking is what your favorite PART of a game is - a sequence, a boss battle, a certain event you must clear...

For me... it's mostly boss fights. First and foremost the one with Crosell in SO3 - few things top fighting a giant dragon who can literally step on you.

Second favorite... G-Darius's final boss, G.T. 'Great Thing'. One of the most insane last fights in a shooter ever.

Third... probably the entire Nanman Campaign in DW4. Beat Meng Huo 7 times in prohibitive climatic conditions... wow. Talk about hard...


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Sarevok Anchev in the Iron Throne in Baldurs Gate I
Killing Deidranna in Jagged Alliance 2 during the assault on Meduna
Beating the second Jenova in the Forgotten City and the subsequents happenings between Aeris, Cloud and Sephiroth (perhaps the most awesome scene in any game I ever played)


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Well, I myself am more of a Final Fantasy rpger (though Secret of Mana will always remain my favorite game), and thus my favorite fights come from those games.

The fight with Kefka in Narshe (FFVI) was awesome, simply because Kefka kicks ass with his rediculous one liners (Son of a Submariner!), while still being an effective villain (one of two that come to mind that actually succeeded in destroying the world......). That fight was better than his final boss battle, as he was spouting lines in the fight : ).

FFIX was my favorite FF, and one of my alltime favorite games. Trance Kuja was a good fight, as Kuja, in my opinion, was one of the more realistic villains in an RPG i've seen. Sure, he may dress very, uhh, homosexually, but he still was a fairly dynamic villain who had reasonable goals, and was able to kick ass. I also liked the final boss battle in the game, not because the boss was cool or anything, but just because that means I'm about to see the ending. FFIX has by far the best ending I've ever seen in a video game, ever. It also has, in my opinion, one of the greatest theme songs (Melodies of life), and you FINALLY hear the lyrics clearly after the ending, too.

The one on one fight between Zidane and Amarant was also a good fight, too, from that game.

And, of course, the Frost Gigas in Secret of Mana....because kicking the crap out of Santa Claus just seems fun : ).


Well-Known Member
I dunno...there's a lot of sequences and battles I like.

Most of them from God of War and GoWII.

Like tearing a bow right out of a Titan's eye...


Well-Known Member
Oh, I almost forgot.

My first Wyvern kill in Monster Hunter. The game decided to be cute and loaded up one of the biggest fuckers I ever saw in the whole thing. Took me one hour, all my healing items and three weapons consumed before I finally axed that monstrosity.

Hmm... xover idea. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Off the top of my head:

1st and 2nd Alma from Ninja Gaiden.
The Boss from Metal Gear Solid 3.
Liquid from Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.
Ganon from the first Zelda.
Shadow Link from Zelda 2: The Adventure's of Link.
Bowser from Super Mario 64.
Almalexia from Elder Scrolls 3: Tribunal.
Hircine from Elder Scrolls 3: Bloodmoon.
Malak from KOTOR.
Kreia from KOTOR 2.


Well-Known Member
The Legend of Zelda Twilight Princess

Stallord û you spend the entire fight surfing the sand on a special board, dodging enemies and spiked balls until you get a clear shot at the target. It was fast paced and nerve wracking. Man that was a blast.

Argorok û IÆll be honest, I enjoy slaying evil dragons, especially ones thatÆve been making my life miserable throughout the dungeon. It was fun to grab his tail and slam him into the ground, but it was a blast to hop on his back and slash him until he fell from the sky. I just wish I couldÆve gotten me a new pair of boots out of the fight.

God of War 2

The very first battle against the Colossus of Rhodes, I mean you spend the entire first level battling this massive beast across this hug city. This was one heck of a way to begin what is one of the beast games for the ps2.


The battle with Barret continues to stick out in my mind. I mean the guy was throwing train cars at you, how sweet is that.


The final Battle with Solus. For the entire game you are forced to run from this dirt bag as he kills everything in his way. Then the first time you get to face him, he kicks your rear. When I finally got the chance to face him on even footing, I got to administer a long over do smack down.

Kingdom Hearts 2

The battle against the MCP. Not only did I get to face Sark and that bloated Master Control Program, but I got to do it while freaking TRON watched my back, that was an awesome moment.

Metroid Fusion

Final battle with the SA-X. For the whole game you are forced to run from this usurper, until you get to the end. The universe wasnÆt big enough for two chicks in power armor, she had to go, and I enjoyed handing her the eviction notice.


Well-Known Member
Ganondorf From Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Rex from Metal Gear Solid

I.D. XenoGears

Psycho Mantis Metal Gear


Well-Known Member
It's been said already, but yeah, The Boss in MGS3.

Vergil at the end of Devil May Cry 3.

And, since 'favorite' doesn't mean toughest - the whole Yami sequence in Okami was pure, wonderful fun to fight through.

As for the emotional impact ... well, I'd have to say the first time I went through the FFVII final battle. Not a truly tough fight, but I was underprepped, hadn't bothered with much of the 'optional' stuff, so Safer Sephiroth was a hard cookie to crack. I'd wasted my Limits, and pretty much everything else I had on him before he croaked.

_Then_ I see another battle screen, with Cloud alone against Sephiroth.

I'm thinking, oh shit, I'm fucked, and saying prayers for all of the next two or three seconds.

Then the bar comes back up and I notice the only course of action you're given is a Limit. Okay. It's Omnishlash. That was about the time I woke everyone in the vicinity with a bout of crackalicious laughter.



Well-Known Member
The fights with Gilgamesh in FFV are memorable and hilarious.

Final Hazard in Sonic Adventure 2 was pretty damn cool, how many other games have you fighting amidst a crashing SPACESTATION against a bigass monster.

Star Wars: Bounty Hunter had some pretty cool fights

The first flamethrower bomb freak in Syphon Filter (Where are you Logan...)

The final fight with Leos Klein in Armored Core 2 was definately memorable with how hard it is to finish the bastard off.

Not quite a Boss battle, but the last level of Jedi Starfighter was just pretty damn cool with the orbital canon fire you could use.
Favorite battle....hmmmm...

My favorite battle that had me chuckling derisively had to be the final battle in FF7: DoC with Weiss before he fuses with Omega. I had wasted the majority of my ammo before going into the fight, and blew the rest on the part of the battle where the punk was invincible.

Leaving me with about 200 rifle rounds--the weakest and least upgraded gun I had. And I took him down without him even laying a finger on me. I was snerkin' for a good hour after that. :snigger:

My favorite all-round battle had to be against Metal Kor in Jak 2. The guy had whupped my ass more times than I could count already, so that final victory was the sweetest thing I'd gotten in a long while.


Well-Known Member
Hmmmm... I got a few boss fights that come to my mind.

The last boss of Super Mario RPG was the first to completely make me mad since it took me a while to bring him down. Forgot his name.

Andross, final boss of StarFox for SNES. He was kinda fun and blasting a cube was pretty funny.

The first Shin Akuma from Street Fighter Alpha 2. I remember the days when I battled him on my SNES and always reset the game whenever I lost. That CPU had some pretty insane reaction times to keep making me eat his attacks.

Omega Rugal 2002. Fun to use and fun to beat.


Well-Known Member
Epsilon said:
The last boss of Super Mario RPG was the first to completely make me mad since it took me a while to bring him down. Forgot his name.
That'd be Smithy. He's a frigging tank, too... he has like 3x the HP of the second most resilient boss.

But as far as SMRPG goes, I found the battle with Yaridovich harder.


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The problem with later bosses in Mario RPG is that I always find myself using the lazy shell armor by that point, and that makes it nigh impossible to actually lose. You simply put it on the princess and the only way she will ever die is if you don't heal her for the rest of the game, or an instant death. I really should try to go through the game at some point without using the lazy shell armor...it's just too unfair to use it.
Favourite Boss Battle?

The one with the Tentacle in the Missile Silo in Half Life. A Boss monster that had to be defeated using brains, not brawn.


Well-Known Member
The fight against the helicoptor in Metal Gear Solid 2 when playing in one of the harder modes.

Also in MGS 2 (in the harder modes), the last boss fight against Ocelot. I know the game really isn't about swords at all, but I still found the fight to be fun as hell.

Gannon at the end of Wind Waker provide a fun fight as well.

Also, that fight against Riku near the end of Kingdom Hearts was suprisingly enjoyable. Surprising cause I really, really didn't like that game.


Well-Known Member
One of the most fun boss battles I have ever been a part of is the last boss in BWL(Black Wing Lair) in WoW against Nefarian.

I topped my guilds damage meters almost everytime we did it :yay: (before I changed servers).

For reference I was a combat swords rouge (13/31/7).


Well-Known Member
The Demon Weed in FFV is nasty (I swear that thing cheats)


Well-Known Member
Hm... well Mine would probably be from Final Fantasy tactics.

1. The Duel with weigraf, when you set u the battle like normal and you go into it and the first part is one on one verus a fairly tough opponent I was impressed. Since I hadn;t known about it and Ramza wasn't a big combat character in my first game it took a few times for me to figure it out and then afater that you fight him possessed by the zodiac and his demons, immediately. very memorable

2.the end of Chap. 1. I have to say I didn't take more satisfaction killing a boss more then killing that bastard. the way the battle comes in and he kills Teta, the msuci stopping for effect. It was really the jumping point to show you what kind of things to expect later...

so much backstabbing in that game


Well-Known Member
People have already quoted most of my faves, so I'll add one:

Shub-Niggurath in Quake.

Yes, I know, it is phenomenally easy... if you know the trick. I didn't. I sat around, dodging like a maniac from all the baddies the game's throwing at me, and exhausted ALL of my ammo trying to put a dent in this beast.


So I broke my credo and tried cheating. Full weapons & armor, and god mode ON.


The teleport pad just put me in the lava.

Then, I noticed that the farther to the right I entered the teleporter, the closer it put me to the boss.

2 + 2 = 4. Telefrag the final boss. Booyah! :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Heh, off the top of my head.

Kel'Thuzad in Naxxramas of WoW. Multiple stages, waves upon waves of Unstoppable Abominations continually, mass frostbolt spams to everyone in the raid, millions of HP and perfect coordination by 40 people, moving living and breathing as one, downing him before BC was perfection of the highest order. Sapphiron, the boss before him, was fun as well as you literally got to use your raid members as meat shields.

Smithy for me was fun, but also a huge slog as he had so much HP that finishing him took a few hours, ugh.

Honestly the Sephiroth fight in KH1 was one of the most fun fights for me as it was just you vs. Sephiroth, one on one, no help, no escape, no nothing. Just mano y mano, and I like epically long boss fights, that one took me over 45 min to down him, then again I was being very cautious.

Legend of Legaia, that game had some fun boss fights, if anyone (besides GH) remembers it, the final boss of that thing was rediculous, giant dragon thing with dragon heads springing from every part of its body.

I'm sure there's more but my brain always dies when doing lists like this so, that's all for now.


Well-Known Member
In LUNAR: The Silver Star, the final fights with Ghaleon was pretty cool, as was the animations and harsh breathing. One of the most twisted and memorable boss fights I can remember.

Both PS2 KH Sephiroth battles are insane and require a wide variety of tactics to have a real chance. The KH2 one kept oneshoting me right off the bat.

The final showdown in Star Wars: Starfighter was also pretty cool with a running dogfight through a TF ship while facing off against a powerful foe that wants you dead.


Well-Known Member
Geh, too many. I'll just list a few that come to mind immediately.

Chrono Trigger
- Vs Magus in the castle. The setting, the walkway with those lights popping up, the music, it was all great.

- Vs Shinruu. I never actually beat the bastard, I just remember opening the chest and BAM! KERSPLASH! Party dead. o_O Tried again sometime later with coral rings on and lasted somewhat longer, but still died.

Tales of Phantasia (DeJap translation)
- Any scene with Arche in it, pretty much.

Conker's Bad Fur Day
-Vs The Great Mighty Poo. Not so much the fight, but that awesome song of awesomeness.

Legend of the Mystical Ninja
-Any scene involving that ridiculous Impact mech.

LoZ: Wind Waker
-Vs Ganondorf. Because it was all dramatic and stuff.

Metroid Prime
-Vs Meta-Ridley. This fight was so awesome, I didn't bother to save after beating him just so I could fight him again and again.

Resident Evil 4
-Cabin fight. Nothing like being swarmed by crazy spanish people in a rickety old cabin to get the blood pumping.

Sonic Adventure 2: Battle
-Vs Finalhazard. Nothing quite like going super to fight a falling space station before you all get burned in the atmosphere, with cheesy rock music in the background.

Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem
-The bathtub scene. Gods I hate that scream noise.

Tales of Symphonia
-Lloyd Vs Kratos.

Baten Kaitos
-The events that lead to you switching protagonists. Those who've played the game know what I mean, I'm sure.

PoP: Warrior Within
-Dahaka chase scenes. Damn those are tense.

Metroid: Fusion
-Vs SA-X.

Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
-Soma Vs Julius. It was just a cool fight, very different from the standard giant bosses you face in these games, with a character that could fly around like you and use some similar attacks.

LoZ: Twilight Princess
-Vs Stallord. That spinner thing is awesome fun. It's a shame it's gotten so late in the game and hardly used at all outside that dungeon.

TESIII: Morrowind
-Vs Vivec. It just felt pretty badass, killing the avatar of a God.

Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
-Lightning Spearazon (NOT a Javazon!) Vs Hell Ancients. Damn that was tough. But oh so satisfying to prove my build viable in the face of all those damn unimaginitive cookie-cutter bastards...

Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn
-Vs the Red Dragon. Gods that was tough.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
-Last level and Vs Malak.


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The final level of both Ecco the Dolphin and Tides of Time were insane, moving area with a boss fight in a maze where you will die if you make the wrong turn


Well-Known Member
Wow, I haven't played or even heard of Ecco the Dolphin in years.