Which movie...


Well-Known Member
So it is rather self-explanatory, I'm coming to you TFF and asking which movie I should see.
Last Airbender you should wait to rent it for cheap, Karate Kid will be on a small screen with questionable quality, Knight and Day really wasn't worth it. However Predators is good and Sorcerer's Apprentice is fun and brings back some old humor from other movies as well. So one of those two just depends on what mood you are in for the movie.


Well-Known Member
[quote="Black']Last Airbender you should wait to rent it for cheap, Karate Kid will be on a small screen with questionable quality, Knight and Day really wasn't worth it. However Predators is good and Sorcerer's Apprentice is fun and brings back some old humor from other movies as well. So one of those two just depends on what mood you are in for the movie.[/quote]
I decided on back to back showings of The Sorcerer's Apprentice and Predators.

Predators was good as long as you went in their expecting nothing more then an action movie. And it delivered as an action movie. Although the twist was kind of obvious IMO, it did surprise me in the timing. And I gotta say if they make a sequel in a similar way, I will definitely be going to see it.

The Sorcerer's Apprentice on the other hand was kind of meh. It was enjoyable to watch, and I wouldn't be adverse to seeing a sequel, but overall it was an average movie. Definitely worth a watch, but not really anything to write home about.


Well-Known Member
I'd liken Predators very favorably to the first Predator movie (Arnold's one). It's kind of slow, but it's still decent enough.

Out of the ones on your list I'd pick Sorcerer's Apprentice, but my second choice would be none of them and go to Despicable Me.


Well-Known Member
The Last Airbender.

If you feel like raging and wanting your money and time back.

Wait for Inception and go watch that.

Both Knight and Karate were ok movies, Knight was pretty hilarious, be a good movie to watch on party nights or something.

While Karate was decent enough, though half the time I just wanted for them to get to the tournament.

They're both like a 6-6.5/10. At the least, they're not The Last Airbender.

God I want my time back. Fuck the money, just give me those minutes I spent wasting away watching that horrible movie when I could be doing something more entertaining. Like watching paint dry.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, you did go into that movie expecting fail. Unfortunately it wasn't the fun fail and instead the OH GOD WHY fail.

This is also why I've avoided most of the movies offered to me this year, till Despicable Me (Though admittedly Pixar's generally always above average so I should have jumped at TS3... Too bad I was too sleepy that day... >>). Though I knew none could really top HtTYD.

On the list, Haven't seen any so I can't really judge, but definitely not Last Airbender, unless you go purely for the 'Penis Hair' as it's been called. Though if you miss it you pretty much wasted your time.


Well-Known Member
Hey I enjoyed the hell out of Good Bad and Weird.

It's a balancing act of win and fail.