
Well-Known Member
Actually, free/private servers don't (generally) lead to cheating where people can get awesome loot beyond that of the legit servers except if they're maybe buddy-buddy with the GMs and they get free stuff from there, and that's rare. If it happens, it's a very small group of people at worst.

Private servers often don't add anything besides offering gameplay for free. If they do , what is often offered is improved experience and drop rates. Occassionally, they can have stuff like, say an NPC that allows you to change your character's hair color/style, or whatnot.

It varies from server to server, really. Some servers can destroy interest because they make things so ridiculously easy. For example, I once joined a ragnarok online private server where exp rate was 100x and drop rates were 30x. It was just ridiculous, and got boring fast. It doesn't encourage exploration. If a server is like that, then yeah, that's lame.

WoW actually has some pretty decent drop rates and experience gain, so I doubt that's been messed with, and heck I don't know that anyone's hacked the engine like in RO so that it could be customizable to such a degree, but I couldn't tell you.

Pridefall was the one that games there, so you'd really have to check with him for more info on tyrants, or you could post in that forum asking questions about it.

I don't have this crazy image of PvP servers being quite that horrible, to be honest, I just don't want to bother with the potential hassle, is all. At least I don't think I do.

But I like exploring maps, and seeing all that a game has to offer, and do so at my leisure. I don't want to have to steer away from the opposing faction players whenever I go into contested territory just because I don't want to fight, and I'm just trying to travel to a certain area.

I also want to be able to idle and, say, to go to the bathroom or make a sandwich, and not come back and find my character has been killed because I didn't teleport back into a town which is often a bother if you're in the middle of a quest and there's plenty of spaces where you can just let your character sit.

Yeah, it doesn't happen all the time, but I just don't want to deal with that, period. If you like doing that to others, dealing with the 'realism' or whatever, well, bully for you.

It's not about being afraid, it's simply something I just consider inconvinient and annoying. I certainly have nothing against PvP itself, I find it fun to test myself against others even, but I want to be able to say "Sorry, not interested. I'm in the middle of something else."

Certainly, not every (if any) players is out to kill unsuspecting players, but if one doesn't care for that sort of thing, and they don't want to have to deal with it, then why do it?

It's just a separate gaming preference, so there's no need to label such players "cowards".


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
Again, you guys have some crazy ideas on how PvP servers work...

You'll only get ganked after you hit a certain level, and have any reason to be out of your factions territories into neutral ones. Even then, there are only certain areas (STV comes to mind....) where rampant ganking occurs. Otherwise, you're usually left alone.

But whatever. If you're afraid that 70s wander around every corner to kill ya, play PvE.

As for free servers.... Free servers destroy interest in games. Once you have a taste of the best the game can offer for practically nothing (like getting absurdly good items for free, or powerleveling to 70 in a day), then you'll never want to go back, and play it normal. It'll ruin it for you.

Meh, whatever.... I've said my piece, and i dont play on switching servers.
Ike, I've been playing on Mal'Ganis-EU since 11.02.2005. (02.11.2005 for the non-europeans). PvP-server player through and through, and ... honestly, you meet stupid fuckheads everywhere. In STV you are predestined to die bloody, horrible deaths thousand times over, but ... you meet'm even at 04.30 in the south-eastern ends of Feralas. Trust me, I know what I'm speaking of...

As for Free Servers: They spoil you, forever. Don'T play on 'em.


Well-Known Member
Hey, hey, hey, hey, stfu and your normal server. I like not having to shell out my hard-earned cash for something that is, in and of itself, only a marginally entertaining formula of a game that's turned into time-wasting money-sink akin to Magic: The Gathering Of People Without Self-Control. I play video games to, you know, HAVE FUN, and when I DID play WoW normally I heard so much fucking bullshit about having to WORK for endgame content that I decided it just wasn't worth it.

Having to raid and farm a dungeon constantly for a SINGLE piece of armor that you MIGHT not get since it takes 20 to 50 other people to down a single boss? No thank you.

Having to cancel plans you make with other people or get berated by a faceless interweb moron with better gear than you just because you couldn't make a raid? Fuck that.

Having it so that you HAVE to trudge through all the bullshit the game offers you just to MAYBE get to all of the best weapons, armors, and items available int he endgame? No, no, no, no. I don't have that kind of time for a game. It's not even FUN to level a single character when it takes some 100+ hours to grind them up to level 70. Dis-fucking-GAEA didn't even take that long to get a level 1 character to level 9999, okay?

So fuck it. I'll take my free server with my awesome drop-rate and exp-boost over your money-sink WoW-crack anyday. I LIKE not having to work or possibly get addicted to a game to ENJOY it.

EDIT: And don't fucking tell me that only people with low self-control get addicted to this game. WoW is built in such a way that UNLESS you put in MONTHS and HUNDREDS of dollars into it you're not going to get ANYFUCKINGWHERE.


Well-Known Member
Pridefall, I have a friend who just got into WoW.

Hope you don't mind, but I am SO stealing that rant! :yay:


Well-Known Member
Oh shut up, both of you. If I weren't having fun I wouldn't be paying for the game, now would I? I'll admit, grinding for some things is boring, but when you have a guild that's been put together for the single purpose of being silly on guild chat, it gets better. Add to that the real-life friends I play and quest with and it's even better. Just because you don't have fun in dungeons doesn't mean the rest of us don't. I've run Wailing Caverns almost a hundred times now, either with low-level characters in tow or as a low-level character, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. I ran Scarlet Monastery ten times in one night. I may be addicted, but I enjoy my addiction.


Well-Known Member
Solarman said:
Oh shut up, both of you. If I weren't having fun I wouldn't be paying for the game, now would I? I'll admit, grinding for some things is boring, but when you have a guild that's been put together for the single purpose of being silly on guild chat, it gets better. Add to that the real-life friends I play and quest with and it's even better. Just because you don't have fun in dungeons doesn't mean the rest of us don't. I've run Wailing Caverns almost a hundred times now, either with low-level characters in tow or as a low-level character, and I still haven't gotten tired of it. I ran Scarlet Monastery ten times in one night. I may be addicted, but I enjoy my addiction.
Good for you, man. I can do all of that same shit on my free server and actually not feel like a nameless robot with gear in my guild or my "Group of online friends" because I actually know the people I play with. Chatting with other guildies is fun, granted, and going into dungeons with people you know is about a shitton better than doing otherwise, but you know what? None of that changes the fact that WoW is structured to forever be the same video game. You will ALWAYS need to farm dungeons for better gear, you will ALWAYS need to do quests where you need to kill X amount of monsters or find Y amount of objects, and you will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have to play the game like a crack addict to get anywhere.

If you like doing that AND paying an absurd amount of money, be my guest. I'm happy on my side of the pond, and you're happy on yours.


Well-Known Member
Meh, The money issuse doesn't bother me I just buy a game card for 40$ ever two months; not really an issuse. and since they've changted the leveling forumla, I have no problems gets my ealts leveled up quickly and way easier then when the game first game out.

anyway if we do get together my votes for Horde, I don't care what server, I'd been willing to play alliance but not thrilled


Well-Known Member
Okay, six people have actually said they'll sign a charter if things get set up.

Scygnus and I prefer alliance, but are open to going horde. Solarman and Voivod prefer horde, but are likewise open to alliance. Threadweaver and Zephyrus will just sign a charter and don't seem to care about faction at all.

Nobody else has confirmed interest in the guild, whether for joining or just creating an alt character to get charter signed to help it get started. If someone does have the interest, please post and confirm it.
If we don't break the tie, Thread or Zeph will just have to flip a coin. Six, that's plenty for a dungeon, so that's plenty for us. If we can get a few more it's a bonus. If anyone else in the thread who's not going to join us would be so kind as to make a Ghost Member, we'd be grateful.

Since we seem to be excluding the inflexible, do any of the listed six mind jumping back and just selecting a neutral PvE server?

So I'll start a list...


Of stated class choices, I would prefer Warlock and Zephyrus would prefer to be a 'tank'. We can all do whatever we want, of course, but a healer would be nice. Zephyrus, might I suggest, if we don't get a priest, you go with a Paladin so you can double as healer if the need arises?

As far as professions go, we're going to create dummy characters to craft things while the rest of us take mostly gathering professions. If you want to go with crafting, that's certainly fine, saves time switching characters, but we definitely need gatherers to go fetch ore and skins at least. I'm going to be taking mining/skinning for this purpose, but if you want the products of a certain craft, I suggest taking up gathering yourself to speed the skill level of the dummy char. A lot of the gathering will be sold for the guild's coffers, of course, though a lot of it we'll wait until our dummy crafter passes the level at which they can use it to enhance their skill.

If you want to do a certain crafting profession, let me know so I know how many dummy chars we're going to make. Once we know, we'll split them up amongst us so we have less to worry about. Once they're part of the guild, we can use the guild bank to transfer materials and equipment easily enough.

Oh, and we'll need to figure out classes too, so we know what armor-classes we need to worry about. If we all pick mages and tanks, for example, we won't have to worry about leather and the skinning can all go into the coffers.

So, that server, are we jumping back to PvE?

And I'm too lazy to reread the thread, did any of you five offer to run the charter?


Searching for the six-fingered man.
I would offer to run it, but I have no idea how. And for the sake of breaking the tie, I flipped a coin for my decision. It landed heads for Alliance. So put me down for that.

As for being a Paladin, I have no problem with that at all. It might take getting a little used to, but since I'm still relatively new, I'm sure it won't be a problem.

-is confused by the befuzzling talk of crafts and such-

I don't have a preference. I suppose I could do skinning or whatever is assigned to me. I don't mind a bit.

As for server purposes, I kind of like the idea of a low population PvP, but I'll go along with the majority, as always.


Well-Known Member
On running the guild: It's not that complex, and you're allowed officers to help you run it. I say go for it, since you started thread, Zeph.

On server choice: I prefer PvE (preferably with a low or medium population, though don't care that much), but I'm also open to a low population PvP.

If we end up in Mok'Nathal (PvE), and going with alliance, I can help get the guild set up.

Solarman offered to help with getting guild set up if we go horde and it's in Exodar (PvE) or Balnazzar (PvP).

On classes: I'm planning to play Druid if alliance, Paladin if horde.
Running a guild isn't difficult from what I understand. Handling guild drama, however, has a reputation for being a pain in the ass. But with this group of seemingly mature people, I'm hoping that won't be a problem.

So, Zephyrus, since you began the thread, we name you TentaKing of the Band of the Hawk.

Any objections?

So for server we have either low-to-medium PvE: one vote. Low pop PvP: One and a half.

And the faction is Alliance: 3 Horde: 2. Now we wait for the others to place their bets... er... votes.


Well-Known Member
...'seemingly mature'?

*eyes the drama on PvP/PvE and free/paid servers discussions*

...yeah. Seemingly mature bunch indeed, we are. :rolleyes:


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
Alliance is fine. Expect me to be a brick for a while though since My first character was a Pally human but he only got to lvl 20 b4 I defected to the horde.

I've only seriously played Pally, Lock and Rage Warrior-Tank. I've done mining/smith, herbs/potions (which sell great at low levels- everyone seems to want a quick boost), skinning, basic tailoring. Ironically for as long as I played, I never really got deep in to the game.

PvE server is fine too. I've honestly never played PvP and don't know any of the rules regarding it. Not that I couldn't learn, though. Just let me know if we're going PvP so I can read the docs on it.

Sorry for lack 'o response. Holiday season upon us keeping me busy, not to mention the element in my kitchen oven went up in a ball of white flame while making Christmas dinner. Microwaved roast anyone? Never the less, dropping 700 bucks to replace a stove that's almost as old as me puts a crimp in the pocketbook, not to mention the time to find one that's not a hunk O' crap.

Quite honestly I didn't know that there were exclusively American servers. I used to always have to deal with someone to whom English was a secondary language. I roughly ended up translating a German player for the rest of the group once... VERY roughly... Won't do it again. So, I didn't know they had segmented servers nationally.


Well-Known Member
Actually their regional.

I think it's North America as a whole, Europe as a whole and Asia as a whole.

Although America might be split into east and west.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
VexTheWarlord said:
Although America might be split into east and west.
No I had accounts on servers timed for Eastern and Pacific time zones. Originally I was told that all the servers resided physically in one place, with their clocks being the only thing set different about them.

I'm sure that's changed though. But I'm pretty sure I can still access eastern or western US servers.


Well-Known Member
ThreadWeaver said:
VexTheWarlord said:
Although America might be split into east and west.
No I had accounts on servers timed for Eastern and Pacific time zones. Originally I was told that all the servers resided physically in one place, with their clocks being the only thing set different about them.

I'm sure that's changed though. But I'm pretty sure I can still access eastern or western US servers.
Ya, it's all one region. I've got guildies (on my varied guilds) in every time zone in Canada and the States, including Hawaii.

Anyway, if we run on the Exodar (medium-population pve) or Balnazzar (low-population pvp) servers I can buy the charter and set up a tabard, and buy a tabard for all the founders. I can also guarantee at least one more signatory from outside TFF no matter what server, if necessary.

edit: I can pull off a horde-alliance money transfer if need be if we pick either server I've got money on and want to go alliance, but it's so annoying I'd prefer not to do it (so pick mok'nathal if we go pve alliance).

edit2: I'm going Balance-specced Druid no matter what, as I said in one of my first posts.


Well-Known Member
@ Pridefall: Err.... You did see the 2.3 changes, right? Leveling from 1-60 has been made DRASTICALLY quicker. Like, absurdly fast. Every instance was nerfed, too, to specific levels, to make them more spaced out and easier for level grinding.

Sinking money into the game? The only thing thats that gold is used for is gems, mounts, repairs, and training. The only way you don't have enough gold to buy your mount/epic mount is if you decide to go with a crafting profession, and level it up as you go, instead of waiting til end game when you can, ya know, actually get decent items from it (which, frankly, you DON'T until that point, with some exceptions).

Thats really the only times you'd need to buy gold for the game... And 15$ a month is a price im willing to pay for the best damn mmorpg i've ever seen.

But hey, you're entitled to your opinions, and if you like what you're doing, stick with that.

Just a note, because I see someone talking about crafting teams and such still... The weapons/armor you can make from leatherworking/blacksmithing are NOWHERE near as good as instance drops or even regular drops (And if you're worried about rare drops at all... Well, WoW is setup so that each boss guarantees to drop at least one blue, sometimes two. A few runs through gets you anything you need, assuming the item isnt godly and thus has a shitty drop rate, or it gets ninja'd). Even then, its STILL far cheaper to buy weapons/armor from the ah then it is to craft it yourself. Trust me. I wasted wayyyyy too much money on blacksmithing for no good reason. Its a huge bust.

Again, I ain't changing servers, so unless its Horde on Skullcrusher, I won't be able to help ya out with run throughs and such. But it seems like several other people have 70s, too, so they can help if ya choose their server.

Just make whatever classes ya like... They're all good. All good at different things, too.... If ya think the guild will make it all the way to endgame, don't have the Main Tank be a Pally.... Have whoever it is be a Warrior/Druid. Pally tanks own, but its impossible to gear them endgame without raiding, and its hard to raid without the proper gear. Conversely, Pally heals are the best single-target heals in the game, but they aren't as good at covering a large group as a Priest is. Mages/Hunters/Rogues have CrowdControl, which is also necessary, though I understand that Rogues are getting their turn to be hit with the nerfbat soon.


Well-Known Member
I'll agree with Ike on the professions thing with only one exception: Jewelcrafting. Like I said above, JCs actually make (good) money once they hit Moonsoul Crown (and if you're leveling your profs as you level yourself, that should be anywhere from your late teens to twenties), and when paired with mining you're almost entirely self-sufficient. I've sunk MAYBE 50g over my character's lifetime into JC and made that back more than thrice over. And I haven't even started cutting gems yet.

Still, for people who just want to make money or stockpile resources, it's best to go with gathering profs or enchanting. Mining/Skinning or either of those two and Enchanting works especially well, as others have said above.


Well-Known Member
JC isn't great on every server though, on some apparently every single player has read the "get rich quick with jewelcrafting!" ten step program and consequently there are so many jcers cutting so many gems there's zero profit margin, the same thing can happen to enchanters. That generally doesn't happen to gathering professions.


Well-Known Member
Screw cutting gems. I've tripled my investment by making necklaces, rings, and crowns. If my server's bad about gems like that, they'll be my sideline (I'm not crazy about making money off that, just want to help my guild out. I'm the second- or third-highest jc in there and am on more often than the others.) I typically price to undercut competitors anyway, unless an item's going like mad at a given price, and since I make exorbitant profits off most of the recipes I make and sell, I still turn a tidy profit off them. I can afford to absorb a small loss anyway, and have been able to do so since level 22 when my first two [Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight] dropped. Sold, 30g each.


Well-Known Member
Solarman said:
Screw cutting gems. I've tripled my investment by making necklaces, rings, and crowns. If my server's bad about gems like that, they'll be my sideline (I'm not crazy about making money off that, just want to help my guild out. I'm the second- or third-highest jc in there and am on more often than the others.) I typically price to undercut competitors anyway, unless an item's going like mad at a given price, and since I make exorbitant profits off most of the recipes I make and sell, I still turn a tidy profit off them. I can afford to absorb a small loss anyway, and have been able to do so since level 22 when my first two [Recipe: Savory Deviate Delight] dropped. Sold, 30g each.
AH tip: Things like Bars/Cloth/Motes/shards are always gonna sell. People always need them. And when you get to high end stuff (like, say, netherweave cloth), you can put it up for as much as you want, and someone WILL buy it. Because the people who buy cloth in bulk dont give a shit how much they're paying... they need it for their bandages. Same for Adamantite ores for JC... They need it for their prospecting.

I sell my Netherweave cloth stacks for between 4.40g-5.80g, when there are a fuckton of people who sell from between 2-4.40g.

It's harder for lower level gathered stuff, but you dont need to undercut to get your shit sold if its a high-demand item.


Searching for the six-fingered man.
Right. I suppose if everyone was all for it, I could lead the Guild as your chosen Tentaking. ^_^

I would feel more comfortable if I could assign competent lieutenants to help me out, unless someone else would volunteer for the job. I have no experience with leadership and I have no idea how the Guild system works in the least.

Also, since we seem to be getting close to an agreement, let's try to wrap things up.

As Scyngnus noted, the majority has thus far voted:

1)Faction-- Alliance
2)Server-- Low pop. PvP
3)Server location---- To be decided
4)Class Assignments:

Zeph----Pally or Warrior
Scygnus---Warlock or Priest
Threadweaver---Warlock or Warrior

If I missed out on anybody, let me know and I'll make adjustments here or in an update post.