Ranma ½ Zero Interface


Well-Known Member
So, this is the first chapter. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it.

Zero Interface (working title)
Chapter 1

Life sucked, Ranma thought, nodding firmly to himself.

China was bad enough. Having been dragged to Japan to be engaged to a total stranger against his will was worse. Being forced into an engagement with a violent, obnoxious, uncute chick was just insult to injury. And now, he had to live with the pain in the ass and even go to school together. How unfair!

ôMan, all I freaking want is to get rid of this stupid curse!ö he groused to himself, making his way to the school he was supposed to be attending, Furinken High School, instead of doing something more important. Like restoring his manhood to full-time status.

ôWeÆre not going to get married, you know!ö the girl Akane Tendo started.

ôYouÆre tellinÆ me?ö he shot back, completely annoyed with her.

ôSo donÆt hang around me in school.ö

ôDonÆt worry! I canÆt stand macho chicks like you!ö he snapped.

Seconds later, he took a shot to the back of his head. For the moment, Ranma thought that violent chick had hit him with something. Turning around, he blinked in surprise and annoyance.

ôPop! WhatÆre youùô

ôYouÆre in no position to be choosey about women!ö the older Saotome roared. ôListen, Ranma, IÆll tell you only onceùô

RanmaÆs foot shot out to knock his father off the fence and into the canal with a loud splash.

Staring down at the resulting panda bear, he called down to it. ôWhatÆs wrong, Pop? WerenÆt you going to say something?ö

Genma-Panda sprang up several feet over the fence, intent on paying his son back for his insolence. Ranma hopped off quickly, tucking himself into a small ball in order to avoid the bearÆs swipe. Having successfully dodged the attack, the younger Saotome made to land lightly on the ground several feet away.

ôHa!ö he called out from over his shoulder. ôCheck thisùô

And he suddenly fell into blackness.



Akane and Genma blinked as a greenish oval appeared just in front of RanmaÆs path of descent. The boy never had a chance to see it, nor be warned. He fell into it, and suddenly disappeared.

ôGROWRF!ö Genma lunged forward to grab the boy, but it was too late. The floating oval ring disappeared before Genma made contact with it.

Akane blinked again. ôUh, what just happened?ö

Genma-Panda turned to Akane, opened his mouthà

And realized pandas couldnÆt talk.


RanmaÆs eyes opened to see the bright azure sky overhead. He found the grass beneath him to be warm. A gentle breeze caressed his skin.

ôWhere am I?ö he wondered aloud.

A head entered his visual frame, wavy strawberry blonde hair dripping down all around her face.

Ranma took his eyes off of her. The girl was sort of cute, but heÆd rather know where he was. The last he wanted was to hear his old man gripe at him over that stupid fiancÚ issue again.

ôWho are you?ö the girl asked.

ôRanma Saotome,ö he said, redirecting his attention to the girl. The second look pointed out that she most certainly wasnÆt Japanese by a longshot. American? WhatÆs an American doing here? Wherever here wasà

ôWhere are you from, commoner?ö


"Louise, what were you thinking, calling a commoner with 'Summon Servant'?" Ranma heard someone say. There was a round of laughter at that, all save for the strange girl with the pinkish hair, whose face reddened.

"I... I just made a little mistake!" she snapped back at the crowd, all of them wearing cloaks and holding what looked like smooth sticks.

"What mistake are you talking about? Nothing unusual happened."

"Of course! After all, she's Louise the Zero!"

The laughter roared to life once more, and the little girl shook. Probably with anger, since Ranma deduced her name was Louise. Louise the Zero.

He took a moment to raise and chamber his legs before he snapped them outward. His body sprang from his prone position on the ground and into a standing position, drawing a few eyes towards him.

ôMr. Colùô

ôSo, Louise the Zero, where am I and how do I get to Furinken High School from here?ö

The crowd surrounding both him and the Louise the Zero girl paused at his words for a moment before breaking out in guffaws.

ôEven the commoner calls her Louise the Zero!ö

ôZero! Zero!ö

Ranma blinked at everyone. ôO~kayà anyway, Louùô

ôDonÆt call me Zero, you stupid commoner!ö the small girl û barely looked older than twelve or so û barked, pointing her own smooth stick at him.

ôHey! Whoære you calling a commoner!ö Subtract all thoughts of this girl being even somewhat cute. She was just as obnoxious as that macho chick heÆd been saddled with.


ôAll right, all right! WhatÆs the commotion?ö A bald man wearing glasses and a heavy cape asked, a big wooden staff in hand as he cut a path through the other people.

ôMiss ValliÞre, what seems to be the matter?ö

ôMr. Colbert! Please, allow me to try summoning one more time!ö

ôSummoning?ö Ranma said aloud. ôWhat the?ö

Mr. Colbert shook his head. ôI cannot allow that, Miss ValliÞre.ö

"Why not?" Louise asked.

"It is strictly forbidden. When you are promoted to a second year student, you must summon a familiar, which is what you just did."

Summon? Familiar? What kind of weird gamespeak was this?

"Your elemental specialty is decided by the familiar that you summon. It enables you to advance to the appropriate courses for that element. You cannot change the familiar once you have summoned it, because the Springtime Familiar Summoning is a sacred rite. Whether you like it or not, you have no choice but to take him."

ôO~h, no,ö Ranma spoke, drawing both of the strangersÆ attention. ôLook, I have no idea whatÆs going on, but right now, I really gotta get back to Furinken High School, so if someone can tell me where I am and how to get there from here, IÆd be really grateful.ö

Silence followed his words. After several seconds, it turned from awkward to uncomfortable.

ôWell, donÆt everyone speak all at onceàö Ranma said, scratching the back of his head.

Mr. Colbert opened his mouth to say something, closed it, then opened it again. He turned to Louise. ôAt any rate, commoner, though he may be, he was still summoned by your spell, which means he must be your familiar. Never in history has a human been summoned as a familiar, but the Springtime Familiar Summoning takes precedence over every rule. In other words, there is no other way around it û he must become your familiar."

ôHey! What the hellÆs a familiar, and what does that have to do with me?ö Ranma snapped, irritated that he was getting ignored for no reason.

ôWell then, continue with the ceremony."

"With him?"

"Yes, with him. Hurry up and form a contract. The next class will begin any minute."

Various people chimed in.

ôYes, Louise, hurry up!ö

ôForm the contract!ö

ôWe donÆt have all day for you try yet again

Ranma simmered in annoyance. Again with these people ignoring him. Well, they werenÆt going to be helpful. He started to just pick a direction at random and go with it until he found Louise standing in his path.

ôOh, finally youÆre going toùô

"You should count yourself lucky.ö

ôHuh? Why would Iùô

ôNormally you'd go your whole life without a noble doing this to you."

He perked an eyebrow at the girl. ôSay what?ö

Louise closed her eyes, shoulders slightly slumped in resignation. She waved around the wooden stick in her hand.

"My name is Louise Franþoise Le Blanc de La ValliÞre. Pentagon of the Five Elemental Powers; bless this humble being, and make him my familiar."

Ranma frowned, watching her as she chanted those same words over and over. Elemental? Blessing? Familiar? None of it made sense. ôWhat are you--?ö

The wand tapped him on the forehead, making him blink in surprise. What was that supposed to be?

He blinked back to reality when found a pair of pinkish lips on a collision course for his face.

ôWh-whoa, hey now!ö he jerked away from the girl, blood rushing to his face. She wasnÆt about to do what he thought she was going to do, was she? He barely even knew her name! And man, would heÆd never heard the end of it from Pop if the old man found out about this!

ôJust stay stillàö Louise moved in on him again, face drawing near. Ranma again dodged.

The strawberry blonde growled in annoyance. ôStop moving! I have to complete the ritual!ö

ôNo way! IÆm not going to let you!ö

The crowd snickered.

ôGeezàö Louise lunged for Ranma, but he sidestepped her. Quickly she gave chase, shouting at the pigtailed boy, who continued to dodge and evade her for a full two minutes. The laughter swelled, LouiseÆs face burned from both exertion and mortification, and Mr. Colbert palmed his face in embarrassment.

ôEnough,ö Mr. Colbert finally said.

The next thing Ranma knew, his feet had taken leave from the ground, his entire body being buoyed by some weird force.

ôWhat the?ö He tried to flip, turn, twist, anything to get back to the ground, to no avail. He could just see the bald instructor pointing his stick at him.

ôGotcha!ö Louise gasped, arms latching onto him like a starfish with a mussel. A sheen of sweat adorned her brow, a trickle flowing down her cheek. ôIÆm going to kill you for making me runàö

ôPlease, continue, Miss ValliÞre.ö

Ranma struggled in vain to resist the weird force, to break free. ôPut me dùô

LouiseÆs lips pressed to his. Ranma went into a rigid shock; even his braid stood out on end.

Louise withdrew, a clear look of annoyance on her face. ôIt is doneà you stupid familiar.ö

ôNow, now, Miss ValliÞre, this is a first for history, a human familiar,ö Mr. Colbert spoke solemnly before his expression brightened. "Besides, while you may have failed 'Summon Servant' several times, you managed to succeed with 'Contract Servant' on your first try!ö

"It's just because he's only a commoner."

"If he was a powerful magical beast, she wouldn't have been able to make a contract."

ôHeÆs a commoner, and she just barely made that contract! What does that tell you?ö

The laughter swept over the field, making Louise turn red all over.

RanmaÆs brain rebooted. ôWhat theùyou kissed me!ö

LouiseÆs glare returned. ôShut up; itÆs not like I wanted toàö

The pigtailed boy started to retort when a wave of fire ripped through his entire body, making him tense all over. The most unintelligible sound squeaked through his throat.

Louise regarded him with a hint of satisfaction in his suffering. ôSettle down, itÆs only the FamiliarÆs Runes being inscribed. Quit being such a baby.ö

ôFuckà youàö Ranma growled. It felt like someone was pouring molten steel into his body.

Louise colored scarlet. ôWh-what kind of commoner are you! Speaking so coarsely among nobles!ö

The burning sensation ebbed away and his body cooled. Ranma stopped clenching up, only to glare at Louise. ôYOU get set on fire and tell me how good it feels!ö

ôWhy, Iùô

ôThat was remarkably fast,ö Mr. Colbert replied a little too loudly as he tromped over to check out RanmaÆs left hand. He blinked in surprise. ôThose runesàö

Ranma snatched his hand free to examine it. ôWh-what the hell is this!ö

ôWell, letÆs go back to class everyone!ö

Ranma turned to face Mr. Colbert, only to be treated to a spectacular sight. Well, to him, spectacular.

Everyone from the crowd, including Mr. Colbert was flying from the field.

He stared, watching their figures shrink into the horizon, completely ignoring anything else.

ôTheyÆre flying,ö he said dumbly. ôTheyÆre really flyingàö

"Who are you and how dare you embarrass me so!"

Ranma snapped out of his stupor to see that the strawberry blonde was still there.

ôHow the who what flying?ö He shook his head hard. ôWhere the hell am I?ö

"This is Tristain! And this is the renowned Tristain Academy of Magic!"

Ranma blinked. "Academy of Magic? Like spells and stuff?"

"Yes! I'm a second year student, Louise de La ValliÞre. I am your master from now on. Remember that!"

ôSo, if you can do magic,ö Ranma continued on, having completely ignored everything past ôYes.ö ôDoes that mean you can likeà break curses and stuff?ö

ôI- er-um, w-well, yes, b-butùô

In an instant, Ranma held out a bouquet of flowers. ôLouise, was it? We may have begun on the wrong foot. My name is Ranma Saotome. I am pleased to make your acquaintance.ö

She blinked, a small blush appearing on her face. ôUh, umàö

He took her hand and looked into her eyes warmly. ôPlease, allow me to escort you back to your place.ö

She shook her head clear and jerked away. However, it did nothing to the blush on her cheeks. ôThatÆs not funny, familiar!ö

Ranma blinked. ôHmm? Familiar?ö

ôYes, familiar! I summoned you into this world; therefore, that makes me your Master.ö

He blinked owlishly. ôIsnÆt slavery outlawed?ö

ôSlavery? This is a time-honored service to a noble; you should be honored, being the only human familiar in the history of Halkeginia.ö

ôÆHonoredÆ wouldnÆt be quite the word IÆd use here,ö he said flatly. ôAnyway, I just want you to do one little favor for me so I can go on my merry way back to Furinken. Wherever that is from here.ö

ôÆFavor?Æ Favor! How dare a familiar talk so disrespectfully to his Master!ö

Ranma scratched his head boredly. Wile he really, really wanted to get cured of his curse, it was looking less and less appealing to stick with this girl. Already, she was reminding him of that lousy Akane from last night, except there was that whole Master/Slave fixation she had.

ôLook, whatever, IÆm just going to go now.ö


ôSee ya!ö He picked a direction at random and started walking.

ôWhere do you think youÆre going!ö Louise shouted at his back.

ôSchool. I already got enough problems as it is without having to deal with youàö

ôW-Wait! Stop! You canÆt leave me!ö

She tried to tackle him from behind. Not that it did much good, as he continued to walk on as if unimpeded.

ôI order you to stop!ö

ôNot happening.ö

ôStop, you stupid familiar!ö

He sighed, deeply annoyed as the girl had climbed up on his back and was squeezing around his neck as if to prevent him from going. She really didnÆt have much in the way of strength. He just hoped she didnÆt decide to bite his head or something.

ôLook, IÆm going to school. I really donÆt care much for this crazy notion you got about you æowningÆ me or something. So, bye.ö

ôYou canÆt do this to me~!ö

ôYeah I can.ö He took a hop up into the trees. Twenty feet, forty feet. Louise squealed and clutched onto him tighter.

ôYou stupid~! DonÆt let me fall!ö

Ranma made a face at that, continuing his ascent and travel. ôWhatÆre you worried about? You can do magic; just fly or something.ö

She squeezed harder. ôI canÆt!ö

ôWhatÆre you talking about? ArenÆt you some sort of mage?ö

ôY-yes, b-butàö

The girl stopped talking and Ranma kept flying from tree limb to tree limb.

Why he hadnÆt just tossed the girl off now, he hadnÆt a clue. Maybe because she weight like next to nothing to him. At any rate, he really needed to get rid of her, or else heÆd have to endure his PopÆs lecture about why he had to be engaged to the Akane girl.

ôT-the truth isà Ià am a failure at magic.ö


Ranma caught hold of a tree, stopping his travel. A quick glance down revealed he was at leas a good sixty feet or so from the forest floor.

Her fingers dug into his flesh, legs clamped tightly around his waist. ôIà I canÆt do magicà I barely was able to summon you! And youÆre a commoner, which really shows how much of a failure I am!ö

He could feel the girl shiver against his back, and it wasnÆt from cold. Ranma sighed, biting his lip. ôAll right, all right, IÆm sorry. I didnÆt know, really. Hang on tight.ö

And with that, he hopped down from branch to branch, ignoring LouiseÆs shrieks in his ear until he touched ground.

As soon as he felt the girl light off of his back, she was in his face, her cherub face red and wet with smeared tears. She beat her tiny fists against his chest, repeatedly shouting, ôStupid!ö and ôYou jerk!ö

Ranma let her; after all, he did make her cry.

After maybe half a minute, the girl took time to catch her breath, her blows barely even registering to his senses.

ôSo, we good?ö he asked.

She frowned at him. ôNo.ö

Ranma sighed and took a seat on the ground. ôLook, letÆs start again from the top. What exactly is going on, how did I get here, and whatÆs up with this æfamiliarÆ business?ö

Louise started to say something, but took the time to visibly will herself to join him in the sitting. ôFine. I can do that.ö


So they sat, and they talked. And talked. And Ranma was fast getting that sinking feeling that he wasnÆt anywhere near Nerima. Or Japan for the matter.


ôWow,ö Ranma idly commented, munching on a bread roll as he looked at the night sky from LouiseÆs bedroom window. ôWhoÆdÆve thought there could be two moons in the sky at once?ö

ôThere arenÆt two moons where youÆre from?ö Louise asked.

ôNah, just one.ö He chewed slowly. ôIÆm really far away from homeàö

She frowned. ôI suppose so.ö

ôAll this way, just to be some sort of gofer for youà what a waste.ö

In all of her life, she never once heard of a familiar that just up and left their Master. She had no designs on becoming the first, either. Because this, Ranma guy was more than willing to leave. Threats had no meaning to him, and in all honesty, she didnÆt have any sort of power to stop him if he wished to go, either.

And yet, he decided to stay with her, even help her out if he could. Albeit, with the caveat that she didnÆt try to claim him like a stray dog.

But heÆs supposed to be her familiar~! None of it made any sense!

ôAs I said, I only cast the spell. ItÆs supposed to pick out whoever fits best with the casterÆs affinity.ö She looked decidedly dejected. ôAnd since you donÆt have any special abilities, like say, flight or firebreathing...ö

He threw a cocky groin at her. ôIÆm the best martial artist youÆll ever meet.ö

ôàIÆm not even certain how that would count for something.ö

Ranma shrugged. ôEh, youÆll see.ö He yawned. ôOkay, so whereÆs my room?ö

ôThere isnÆt a room for you. Familiarsàö

ôMy nameÆs Ranma, Zero.ö

ôStop calling me that!ö

ôThen start calling me by name!ö

ôLook, even if I do call you by name, it wonÆt change how anyone else is going to treat you. To them, youÆre just a commoner. Even moreso, youÆre the familiar of Louise the Zero!ö

He shrugged. ôI donÆt care what other people think. IÆm still just as much a person asn anyone.ö

ôYou really donÆt know anything about this worldàö

ôNo, and I donÆt care, either. I just want a cure for this stupid curse.ö

She looked away. ôFine, Ranmaàö

He made an exasperated face. ôDonÆt get so happy over it. Anyway, where would I have normally slept?ö

ôIn the same room as me.ö

ôWell, thatÆs going to be awkwardàö

ôWhyÆs that?ö

ôBecause youÆre a girl. Guys shouldnÆt be in the same room as with a girl, you know?ö

ôYouÆre a familiar; no one would have thought of you any differently.ö

ôIÆm not a pet.ö

Louise gritted her teeth. ôYouÆre so obnoxious!ö

Ranma stuck his tongue out at her. ôAnyway, where do you keep bed mats at?ö

As Ranma rooted around her room, Louise almost wished that Ranma guy did get struck by lightning or something. If this is what it meant to have a human familiar, sheÆd just as soon rather have a cockroach. She just hoped this was nothing more than a bad dream.


Of course they never are, are they? :p


Well-Known Member
I'm glad that you didn't make her into Akane 'the Maniac' MK II or something. Seems from the idea topic, everyone seems to have the impression of her being so. :p


Well-Known Member
I like this, mon ami, I haven't seen this kind of development before.


KING (In Land of Blind)
Staff member
Canonically they all speak some dialect of French or something; Saito, who spoke Japanese, wasn't able to understand them until Louise cast Summon Convenient Plot Device on him, resulting in some sort of translating magic.

Anyway... I'm interested. I'm gonna keep watching to see what happens.


Well-Known Member
daniel_gudman said:
Canonically they all speak some dialect of French or something; Saito, who spoke Japanese, wasn't able to understand them until Louise cast Summon Convenient Plot Device on him, resulting in some sort of translating magic.

Anyway... I'm interested. I'm gonna keep watching to see what happens.
I thought that was anime only.


Well-Known Member
daniel_gudman said:
Canonically they all speak some dialect of French or something; Saito, who spoke Japanese, wasn't able to understand them until Louise cast Summon Convenient Plot Device on him, resulting in some sort of translating magic.

Anyway... I'm interested. I'm gonna keep watching to see what happens.
Just handwave it as the convient plot device was included in the summoning.

Anyways, nice start goldenarms. Although I'd have expected the tree leaping to clue Louise in that Ranma wasn't exactly 'normal', but I can understand it if you want to have her be somewhat out of it due to the emotional shock and fear going through her mind at the time.


Well-Known Member
He threw a cocky groin at her. ôIÆm the best martial artist youÆll ever meet.ö
Really now? :lol:

Other than that, nice. It's also pretty damn wild seeing the explosion of ZnT fanfiction, and I just knew Ranma would get involved sooner or later.

Personally, I'm curious to how the others will react to his curse.


Beware of Dog. Cat not trustworthy either.
This should be interesting. Please continue.


Well-Known Member
Well, I have to admit this went in a very different way than what I expected, still it looks quite good.

Not having Louise act like a perpetual PMS, SM wanna be is a nice change, hopefully this one will be more willing to listen and hopefully she doesnt wants to be another of the suitors I'm guessing he's going to get soon.

Having Ranma from just the beggining of the manga is actually a very nice surprise, not many seem to remember that at the beggining he was actually very mellow and actually put effort in being polite when people treated him with some respect.

In a way he doesn't har many of the bad mannners that he seems to have gotten in his constant fights with Akane, and the rest of the people at Nerima, yet to be honest the lack of special techniques kinda dissapoints me no HST, MT or Amaguriken.

Of course this being Ranma and have any snobby rich kid being able to fling magic easily would have him looking for his own set of special skills to get even with most of the power levels here.

So hopefully we see him doing more than the standar Gandarf things that Saito does in the original series.

So I'll be looking forward to more of this, lets see how this goes.

PD: this Ranma hasn't really developed girls issues yet not Akane beating his ass every time he looks at a girl, not violent fiancees, not Shampoo, Kodachi, Nabiki or Ukyo.

This Ranma actually has a libido and responds well to girls who are nice to him he might actally get some and like it... :cumdrool: :crazy: :sweat: ^_^
Muramasa said:
daniel_gudman said:
Canonically they all speak some dialect of French or something; Saito, who spoke Japanese, wasn't able to understand them until Louise cast Summon Convenient Plot Device on him, resulting in some sort of translating magic.

Anyway... I'm interested. I'm gonna keep watching to see what happens.
I thought that was anime only.
It certainly didn't happen in the manga.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Muramasa said:
daniel_gudman said:
Canonically they all speak some dialect of French or something; Saito, who spoke Japanese, wasn't able to understand them until Louise cast Summon Convenient Plot Device on him, resulting in some sort of translating magic.

Anyway... I'm interested. I'm gonna keep watching to see what happens.
I thought that was anime only.
It certainly didn't happen in the manga.
It's entirely hand-waved in the novels, It likely never crossed the author's mind til someone pointed it out afterwards.


Well-Known Member
Never watched the anime or read the manga. Is it any good?

Like the story so far.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
Wheeljack said:
He threw a cocky groin at her. ôIÆm the best martial artist youÆll ever meet.ö
Really now? :lol:
I thought it's usually more of a case of gyrating than throwing when it comes to cocky groins...


Well-Known Member
ôMan, all I freaking want is to get rid of this stupid curse!ö he groused to himself, making his way to the school he was supposed to be attending, Furinken High School, instead of doing something more important. Like restoring his manhood to full-time status.
It's Furinkan High School. This is such an annoying typo. It ranks right up there with people writing Nermia instead of Nerima.

Does Ranma have his curse in this or not? He seems to think so, but according to your thread in the Ideas section you wanted to leave the curse out.


Well-Known Member
foesjoe said:
Does Ranma have his curse in this or not? He seems to think so, but according to your thread in the Ideas section you wanted to leave the curse out.
Well, he has been int he academy what, twenty minutes? thirty? He has not had the chace to check his curse.


Well-Known Member
Rakhasa said:
foesjoe said:
Does Ranma have his curse in this or not? He seems to think so, but according to your thread in the Ideas section you wanted to leave the curse out.
Well, he has been int he academy what, twenty minutes? thirty? He has not had the chace to check his curse.
Not that he'd think to, but, um... let's find out, shall we?

Chapter 2

Louise sluggishly woke up. Yawning she dragged herself out of bed and into her bedroom slippers.

So far, so good. She must have been having a nightmare last night. A long, uncomfortable nightmare that seemed way too real.

She went to her bedroom window to get in a breath of fresh air. Hopefully, it would purge the shadow of such unpleasant thoughts.

Sky was blue. Air was crisp. Ranma was doing stuff in the yard.

Letting loose another yawn, Louise moved away from the window sill. She still had classes to attend to.






Louise almost fell out of the window, quick as she had shot back over to it.

Guy with a pigtail. Red sleeveless shirt. Black pants. Kicking and punching and jumping around like a wildman.

He happened to catch sight of her and waved. ôHey, Louise! HowÆre you this morning?ö

She shut the window. Oh, she was going to kill himà


Ranma shrugged and resumed his kata. ôMust not be a morning person.ö

A few minutes later, he was treated to an explosive ôWhat in the name of Brimir are you doing!ö

Glancing at Louise, he halted his kata. ôMorning practice. What does it look like?ö

ôLike a crazy hooligan!ö

ôHey! You act like youÆve never seen martial arts before!ö

ôAnd it looks very crude and unrefined, too!ö

Ranma had to take a step back, shocked as he was. ôCrude and unrefined!ö

ôOnly riffraff take to flailing their arms and legs about in such an undignified manner.ö

ôI canÆt believe IÆm hearing this,ö Ranma muttered to himself, still in a state of shock.

ôAnyway, why didnÆt you wake me!ö

Ranma blinked. ôWhy would I want to do that?ö

ôIdiot! YouÆre supposed to wake me when you wake up!ö

ôYou want to be up at five in the morning?ö

Louise opened her mouth, then closed it. ôFive?ö

ôWell, thatÆs what time I got up, give or take. ItÆs kind of hard to tell, since this place got two moons.ö

ôWhat are you, a farmer?ö

ôI told you, IÆm the best martial artist youÆll ever meet.ö

ôIf thatÆs martial arts, I should only be too glad to never meet another one like you again.ö

ôRrrrgh, stop talking bad about The Art!ö

ôWell,ö Louise smirked. ôLooks like somethingÆs gotten under your skinàö

ôIÆve been training since I was two years old to get to where I am.ö

She blinked. ôTwo?ö

He wiped his palms across his brows. ôAnyway, where do we eat at? IÆm starving.ö

Louise groused. ôWeÆll be dining at the Academy of MagicÆs dining hall.ö

ôOkay. By the way, you are going to change clothes, right?ö

She blinked, looked down, and realized she was still in her bedroom dressing.

ôStupid!ö she cried out, running back into the castle.


This place was really uncivilized, Ranma thought, returning from his training shortly after Louise left. Have they never heard of running water?

Ranma supposed mageÆs bodily needs were handled by magic of some sort or another. Which seemed a little weird to him. Take a crap and then go ôAbracadabraö?

Talk about lazy.

The uncivilized nature of this world also made things a bit dicey for a person that had a curse that was triggered by cold water. So far, it hadnÆt rained or anything, but it was going to happen soon. He could just feel it in his bones.

And when it happenedà


Ranma blinked, wiping wet hair out of his û well, her at the moment û eyes.

CouldnÆt even finish the thoughtà

ôS-s-sorry,ö the young man who had stumbled with a bucket of mop water stammered out, trying to get to his feet. ôI-i-it was an accident, honest!ö

ôDonÆt worry about it,ö Ranma sighed.

ôI swear, IÆll make it up to you, just please, donÆt tell the other nobles!ö

Ranma quirked an eye. Why was this guy afraid of him? After all, everyone treated him like a ôcommoner.ö

He offered a hand to the guy. ôI said donÆt worry about it.ö

The man stared at the hand like it was a cobra.

ôCome on.ö Ranma shook the hand out, a little annoyed with the guyÆs reluctance.

Slowly, surely, the young man did take his hand, and Ranma hoisted him up. A little too much, the guy almost fell forward from the sudden jerk.

ôYou all right?ö

ôY-yesà th-thank you, kind lady.ö

ôNo problem. By the way, you wouldnÆt know where I could get some hot water, do you?ö

ôI-I can take you.ö

ôCool, thanks.ö Ranma followed the young man, wondering just what about his cursed form made the guy so nervous. He never seen a redhead before?


Is it better to post all the chapters in one thread, I wonder...

[EDIT]Not saying this is a complete chapter by any stretch of the imagination; I've still a few more scenes to work out.


Well-Known Member

No hick talking Ranma....Check

Zot bug hitting the Ranma world....Check

Ranma not being hit(yet)....Check

Ranma being indignant at having been a technical slave....check

Satisfaction with story so far...Check


Well-Known Member
The student thinks he accidentally shapeshifted someone else, that's all. It'd put him on about the same level as Louise... but with shapeshifting, not explosions.


Well-Known Member
Seeing how I've only read the First Volume of Familiar of Zero, and don't really know much about it...... but none the less I like this very much

please continue :yay:


Well-Known Member
This is the second part to the second chapter.


Masculinity restored, Ranma returned to the hallway where LouiseÆs room was located. Only to run into someone.

ôOh, hey, sorry. I was just looking for Louise.ö

The redhead woman paused a moment. ôMmm, youÆre LouiseÆs familiar, arenÆt you?ö

ôIÆm not a familiar.ö

The tanned woman was nonplussed. ôBut you have the summoning runes, do you not? And given the abject failures Louise had before, even summoning a commoner is considerably a marked improvement.ö

Ranma huffed. Given that the women wore the same basic outfit as Louise, though she had some ratherà considerable assets, he surmised she was another mage, and therefore part of this ônobilityö Louise brought up last night. He was going to get home one of these days, if for no other reason that to ignore this entire ôcommonerö crap.

Just as he was about to let her know that he wasnÆt going to be anyone familiar, Ranma caught sight of the giant lizard behind the woman. A giant lizard that breathed fire.

A split second later, Ranma, already having scooped up the redhead mage in his arms, had put a good thirty feet between him and the flame-spewing lizard.

ôP-put me down!ö

ôAre you kidding me? If it wasnÆt for me, that lizard wouldÆve made a barbeque out of you!ö

ôHmm?ö The woman blinked in surprise. ôWhy would you protect me from my own familiar?ö

ôYour what?ö

She started to smile. ôMy familiar, Flame. DonÆt tell me this is your first time seeing a fire lizard?ö

Ranma looked off to the side. ôOnly on tvàö

ôTee vee?ö

ôDonÆt worry about it.ö

ôSo, do you plan on putting me down now?ö

ôHuh? Oh, yeah!ö Ranma quickly set her onto her feet.

She straightened her cloak and skirt. ôSo, familiar, what is your name?ö

He bit his lip. He really could do without the familiar tag. ôRanma Saotome.ö

ôRanmasaotome? What an odd name.ö

ôKirche! What are you doing to mùRanma!ö

Ranma and the woman turned to face an irate Louise. ôAh, on a first name basis already,ö the redhead commented in mirth. ôItÆs just like you to summon a commoner with the æSummon ServantÆ spell.ö

Ranma tuned out the ensuing conversation and instead focused on somehow getting back home. While he knew how he got here, it did nothing for telling him how to get back. Louise admitted to being the worst mage in the school, and since this was a school, it wasnÆt likely the majority knew how to undo a summoning either.

Maybe a teacher could send him back. Though given what he knew of the so-called nobility here, theyÆd at best pat him on the head were he to put in a request, and for some reason the Mr. Colbert that had ensnared him with a magical spell yesterday was very much against Louise summoning another.

ôWhy wouldnÆt that Mr. Colbert let you summon something else?ö

Both girls broke away from what seemed to have been a violent showdown to regard Ranma.

ôAside from the fact that we would likely still be on the field today?ö Kirche spoke, throwing a sidelong at Louise, who tried to pretend to not notice. ôOneÆs familiar is akin to the power of its master, to not only mark our speciality as mages, but help us grow even moreso in power.ö

ôAnd she summoned a Salamander, of all thingsàö Louise added, her words laden in a dark jealousy.

ôNot just any Fire Lizard; one from the Fire Dragon Mountains! To a collector, its value is beyond gold!ö

Well, guess that explained why Louise was disappointed with summoning him. Not like he had anything to do with it.

But really, over six billion people on Earth, and he was the one singled out. Why?

ôAnyway, IÆll be off!ö Quickly, Kirche rejoined her familiar and they disappeared from the hallway.

ôArgh! I hate that woman!ö

Ranma nodded. ôYeah, I can understand that.ö

ôReally?ö Louise asked, a bit surprised.

ôConsidering how flat you are, youÆre probably really envious of her.ö

Louise still couldnÆt lay a hand on him, though she tried really hard to smack him for that comment.


Ranma stared at the arrangement of the AlvÝss Dining Hall.

Everything was elegantly designed û table clothes, centerpieces, candles, fruit baskets, the foodà A second floor dining arrangement for instructors û Ranma could see Mr. ColbertÆs bald pate at one of the tables.

ôMan, this is just too muchàö

ôTristain's Academy of Magic doesn't teach just magic, you know."

"Uh huh..."

"Almost all mages are nobles. The saying 'nobles achieve nobility through the use of magic' is a foundation for the education we receive as nobles. Thus, our dining halls must also be fitting of a noble's status."

"Oh, it showsà It really shows..."

"Good. Normally, a commoner like you would never set foot inside the AlvÝss Dining Hall. Be grateful."

ôI donÆt know about that.ö

Louise threw him a look. ôWhat does that mean?ö

ôIt just feels weird, being in a place this fancy, especially since IÆve been on the road training from when I was two toà well, yesterday.ö

He lifted a plate up. It felt like a fortune in his fingertips.

ôPut that plate down!ö

Ranma was already complying. ôThisà this is just a little too much for me. Summonings, fire lizards, dining finer than anything IÆve ever seen on tvàö He shook his head and turned away from Louise. ôIÆm just going to go get something from the kitchen and eat outside, okay?ö


ôIÆll see you in an hour.ö


Ranma slipped out of the dining hall and into the kitchen.


Louise stared at RanmaÆs retreating back dumbstruck. Just what in the world was wrong with him! A commoner turning down eating at the AlvÝss Dining Hall so casually, tooà it was just unheard of!

What kind of familiar did she get herself? Turning back to the table, something looked off.

The plate Ranma had picked up earlier wasnÆt where he set it down. Not to mention someone seemed to have disturbed the fruit basket. And on top of it all, half the chicken was missing!

Something was wrong with this picture, but what was it?


ôMan, it sucks not having chop sticks,ö Ranma thought idly as he chewed on a piece of chicken breast before chasing it do with a grape.

He made a note to himself -- next time, pick up a fork before leaving the dining hall.



Well-Known Member
I'm having a hard time stopping myself from laughing. This is totally in character for Ranma. Looking forward to what happens next. Better yet, Guiche tries to hit on Ranma-chan