Commander Shepard: Soldier, Spark, Spectre


Well-Known Member
Just an idea of mine that's been getting some interest on the Space Battles forum...I thought I'd post the drabbles I'd written for it here.


"Doctor? Doctor Hacksaw, I think she's waking up!"

Grimacing at the noise and the pounding ache in her head, the newly-conscious Shepard hauled herself up off of her back and into a sitting position, cradling her head in her cool mechanical hand.

"You okay, Commander?"

Peeking between her synthetic fingers, the Normandy's executive officer chuckled slightly at the sight of Jenkins' head, preserved in a glass jar, but still eying her expectantly. "I feel like I'm interning back at Castle Heterodyne again, to be honest. How're you holding up, Corporal?"

Jenkins' head grumbled. "Fine...I guess. Doc says she can get me back up on my feet in a day or two...but the damn Geth only turned my torso into swiss cheese, so I'm not getting a cool gun arm or anything."

Across the room, Doctor Hacksaw piped up from where she was buried almost up to her elbows in Jenkins' chest. "I can only replace what you legitimately lose in the line of duty. Regulations are regulations, Corporal. For now you'll just have to be satisfied with the ability to hold your breath for half an hour and drink a Krogan under the table...among other things."

Ignoring Jenkins' grinning, Shepard curiously wandered over to peer into the bloody mess of meat and metal on Hacksaw's operating table. "Other things?"

Hacksaw cocked her head to the side in momentary thought before she shrugged. "I haven't really decided yet. I suppose I was just playing around in there, waiting for inspiration to strike." Yanking her hands free with a wet slurp, the grey-haired Doctor slipped the blood-covered gloves off and dumped them in a waste disposal unit. "Honestly, my mind has been a little preoccupied with the readings I've been getting from your brain...I've never seen anything quite like it. If Captain Anderson hadn't ordered me not to, I could have spent days poking around in your skull." The Medical bays' door slid open with a chime, and the two women turned to see Captain Anderson step into the room. "Ah, speak of the devil."

The dark-skinned Captain strode across the room, nodding to Shepard before addressing the good Doctor. "How's our XO holding up, Doctor?"

"I'd like to run a few tests, but as far as I can tell, it looks like the Commander's going to be just fine."

Anderson frowned slightly. "If you could hold off on the tests for a little while, Doctor, I'd like to speak with Commander Shepard in private for a few minutes."

"Of course, Captain." Walking over to her desk, Hacksaw hefted up Jenkins' jar. "Come along, Jenkins, let's see if we can annoy Jeff for a bit."

Captain Anderson waited until the door to the medical bay slid shut behind the two before turning to his XO. "Sounds like that beacon hit you pretty hard, Commander. Are you sure you're okay?"

Rolling her shoulders, Shepard sighed. "It's just a headache, really. Some odd dreams, I guess. Death. Destruction."

The Captain's eyebrows rose, and his tone of voice was noticeably lighter. "I was of the understanding that dreams like that are normal for sparks."

Shepard huffed, but didn't deny the observation. "It's not me causing the death and destruction in these dreams." When she noticed Anderson's shoulders shaking faintly in laughter, she crossed her arms and scowled at her commanding officer. "Permission to call you a jackass, sir?"

Anderson smirked. "Denied, Commander."

" said you needed to see me in private?"

With a sigh, all humor slipped from Anderson's face. "I'm not going to lie to you Shepard; things look bad. Nihlus is dead, the beacon was destroyed, and the Geth are invading. And Saren...he's a Spectre, one of the best...but if he's working with the Geth, then he's gone rogue." Anderson began pacing the room, wearing a troubled expression. "I know his reputation, his politics...he believes humans are a blight on the galaxy, and now he has the secrets of the beacon and an army of Geth at his command."

"Mysterious technology and a remorseless mechanical army in the hands of a genocidal madman are nothing humanity hasn't dealt with before, sir." Shepard pointed out.

The Captain nodded. "True enough. Still, I'll feel a hell of a lot better about this mess if we can stop Saren before he really gets started. Getting the Council to revoke his Spectre status would be an excellent first step."

The Spark frowned thoughtfully, leaning back against a bed. "Do we have enough evidence for that?"

", I don't think we do." Anderson grudgingly admitted. "The only person who actually saw Saren is a traumatized dockworker."

Shepard blinked as a thought occurred to her. "And Nihlus." When the Captain turned to face her, she pinned him in place with a sharp look. "Did you recover Nihlus' body?"

Anderson's posture stiffened reflexively. "Yes, of course."

"ALL of it? Every last scrap of flesh?"

"Naturally. Standard procedure."

The Commander nodded. "Good. How long until we reach the Citadel?"

"Less than an hour."

"Do what you can to delay a meeting with the Council for at least..." She paused, considering what she'd seen of Nihlus' admittedly fatal injury. "...five hours."

"Commander...he was shot in the HEAD."

Shepard waved him off absently. "I've seen worse. And Hacksaw's cut up a few turians in her time, I'm sure she can manage it." She began digging through the Doctor's cupboards. "Have the good Doctor and our turian friend sent up, I should have things ready for them by the time they get here."

"Right away Commander." With a crisp salute, the Captain turned on his heel and marched back to the door. He almost made it out of the room before he snapped back to his senses. With a peeved expression on his face, the older man turned to severely reprimand the lower-ranked officer...

...until he noticed Shepard giggling and plugging in a coffee machine.

Anderson managed to leave the room without running...but it was a close thing.


A few other possibilities for consideration...

Chakwas/Hacksaw - In a setting full of mad scientists, and with a name like that, it would be crime not to use the 'Hacksaw' anagram.

Sparks and Quarians - Quarians are naturally wary around sparks...mostly because sparks have reputations for experimenting and building machines that no sane person would even consider. On the other hand, they are also very aware of the fact that sparks are the only group that not only have no bias against quarians whatsoever, but actually consider them favorably. I imagine sparks admire the quarian people for their mechanical prowess, and have not a little pity over the fate of their race; more than a few sparks have met their ends at the hands of creations that have unexpectedly developed sentience and/or independence, after all. A common enough mistake, but not one that should have ended in the deaths of billions of people.

On that note, sparks generally don't think much of the council, not just for not stepping in and helping the quarians, but for seemingly going out of their way to avoid helping them.

Shepard's mechanical hand - She probably lost her real one either in battle or when she studied at Castle Heterodyne. She built her current mechanical replacement herself, and it houses a wide variety of tools, more than a few of which can be used as weapons. I also can't shake the thought of her fingers having a 'vibrate' setting...for negotiating with Asari.

War Hero Shepard - The Alliance hushed up the specifics, but for the most part people know that Shepard was on Elysium on shore leave, and almost single-handedly turned back the Batarian pirate fleet. Far fewer people know that Shepard did so by injecting a dangerous cocktail of stimulants into herself, then carving up the pirate frigates with a hand-held death ray she built while in 'The Madness Place'.

Death Rays on Ships - Are nightmarishly powerful, and could conceivably tip the balance of power hilariously in humanities favor, but for better or worse, the Alliance fields very few of them. Very few sparks are potent enough and focussed enough to build a ship-sized death ray and reign in the necessary number of minions and lesser sparks necessary to help keep it running. It's also a trial for ship captains to keep the sparks from...improving...the rest of the ship while it's in flight.


Originally Posted by Keiran Halcyon
The Reapers will learn to fear Spark!Shepard, Bwa ha ha ha ha. Give a Spark the problem of fighting and killing a Reaper, add ME tech and Sparkiness...well, I don't think I want to be in the same Galaxy


Shepard walking into the Council meeting, holding a curiously large briefcase. The Council does their ostrich impression and disbelieves the fact that Saren led the Geth army on Eden Prime.

Shepard: "Well, we have witness..."

Turian Councillor: "We've already dismissed the dockworker's account Shepard..."

Shepard: "Would the word of a Spectre be more sufficient?"

Asari Councillor: "There were no other Spectre's other than the late Nihlus on Eden Prime."

Shepard: "Ah yes, Nihlus' death. We somewhat exaggerated his condition, it turns out. We were able to save him, well, most of him."

Council and Saren's hologram watches stunned as Shepard opens the suitcase to reveal a very familiar Turian's head in a large jar. Shepard places it on a nearby table. They're even more stunned when they see Nihlus' head turning and his mandibles clicking quickly, showing his annoyance.

Nihlus: "Finally, it was getting quite cramped in there." The Salarian Councillor just about faints at this point. Nihlus sees Saren. "Saren! Just wait until Shepard builds me a new body. I'll pull your mandibles off and feed them to you! Or I'll ask for extra strength eezo nodules and rip you in two!"

Not bad, but I'm not sure if the Jar treatment is really necessary in Nihlus' case; his body is fine, it's his head that needs fixing.

My thinking was that he looks pretty much the same as he always did, but those facial markings have been changed from simple white facepaint to metal bands that are holding his head together.


Rushing purposefully through the Council Chambers with Nihlus at her side, Commander Shepard was almost to the Petitioner's Stage before she found Captain Anderson. "Captain."

Anderson breathed a sigh of relief at the sight of the Spark, and the Turian at her side. "Nihlus, good to see you up on your feet. How are you feeling?"

The Spectre ran a hand gingerly across his face, then grimaced, frowning at his constantly twitching fingers. He clasped his hands behind his back and straightened his shoulders. "...I've been worse."

Shepard winced. "Sorry we kinda half-arsed your fine motor control, but don't worry, it's nothing that can't be fixed with another few hours work."

Nihlus nodded carelessly. "By all rights I shouldn't even be breathing, Commander. I'm not going to complain about twitchy long as I'm not expected to handle a firearm."

Glancing anxiously up the last flight of stairs, Anderson waved for the two soldiers to follow him. "The hearing has already started, come on..."

Commander Shepard followed her Captain up the stairs, pausing halfway up when she noticed Nihlus wasn't following them. Turning back, she frowned questioningly at the Turian still standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Go on, I'll be right with you." Nihlus reassured her.

With a nod, Shepard turned and ascended the rest of the stairs to the Petitioner's Stage, across from which a towering hologram scowled down at the assembled humans, and the Asari Councillor was responding to Udina's accusations.

"...the Geth attack is a matter of some concern, but there is nothing to indicate that Saren was involved in any way."

The Turian representative picked up where she left off. "The investigation by Citadel Security turned up no evidence to support your charge of treason."

Udina glared at the flickering orange hologram of the Spectre. "An eyewitness saw Saren fatally wound Nihlus, a cowardly attack from behind."

Saren growled, but the Salarian Councillor cut in before he could speak. "We've read the Eden Prime reports, Ambassador. The testimony of one traumatized dockworker is hardly compelling proof."

"I resent these accusations! Nihlus was a fellow Spectre...and a friend."

Anderson scoffed. "That just let you catch him off guard!"

The Turian Spectre sneered. "Captain always seem to be involved when humanity makes false charges against me." His gaze shifted to the dark-haired woman at the Captain's side. "And this must be your protege, Commander Shepard...the one who let the beacon get destroyed."

Shepard crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow curiously at the towering hologram. "It was my understanding that the mission to Eden Prime was top secret..."

"With Nihlus gone his files passed on to me." Saren answered easily. "I read the Eden Prime report...I was unimpressed. But what can you expect from a human"

With spectacular dramatic timing, Nihlus chose that moment to make his entrance. "I don't think you're giving the human race, or Commander Shepard, enough credit, 'old friend'."

Saren's head whipped around from glancing knowingly at the Council, to almost gaping at Nihlus, so quickly that his neck could be heard cracking.

With an 'innocent' expression, Shepard nudged Anderson with her elbow. "I'm not great with Turian facial that 'surprised'?"

Anderson smirked viciously. "Very."

Saren's reaction had not gone unnoticed by the Councillors, who glanced amongst each other briefly before Tevos spoke up for the trio. "Spectre Nihlus, this is a pleasant surprise; by all accounts you were killed on Eden Prime."

Nihlus bowed slightly. "I was fatally wounded, and certainly dead when I was brought aboard the Normandy...lucky for me, Doctor Hacksaw and Commander Shepard are very good at what they do." Nihlus turned to his old mentor's image. "Now, Saren...I think it goes without saying that you lied to me back on Eden Prime about the Council having sent you to back me up. Would you care to explain why you felt it necessary to kill me?"

Several expressions flickered across Saren's holographic face, before he finally settled on a look of utter loathing. "No." That said, he swept his hand, and the signal was cut, the holographic representation of the Spectre dying with a momentary flicker.

Udina turned to the Council, looking unbearably smug. "So...treason?"

The Turian Councillor grimaced, stroking the fingers of one hand agitatedly across his brow. "That has yet to be conclusively proven...but until Saren returns to the Citadel to explain his actions...we have no choice but to strip him of his Spectre status."

Both Udina and Anderson frowned and made to insist that the rogue turian be hunted down, but Councillor Tevos' raised hand stalled their protests. "It is clear we still have a great deal to discuss, but Commander Shepard's presence is no longer required. Perhaps she could take this opportunity to tour the Presidium, or the rest of the Citadel."

Shepard glanced at Captain Anderson, who nodded subtly, before shrugging. "Sure, I think I'd like that."

Udina, however, sputtered in protest. "A Spark running around the Citadel unchecked? Are you mad?!"

The Councillors were universally non-plussed, the Salarian member speaking for the group. "Commander Shepard's disciplinary records are exemplary, one of the reasons we accepted her as a potential Spectre."

The Ambassador was undeterred. "She. Is. A. SPARK."

Rolling her eyes, the Commander sighed. "If it bothers you that much, I'll have Lieutenant Alenko meet up with me and keep me out of trouble."

Captain Anderson voiced his approval before Udina got the chance to complain further. "That will be perfect, Commander."

As Shepard gave her commanding officer a salute and turned to walk away, Nihlus added quietly. "We'll probably be calling you back once we're done, so keep your omni-tool on."

With a nod, the Commander began tapping at her omni-tool, sending a message to Alenko as she stepped off of the Petitioner's Stage.


Several Hours Later...

With her artificial hand keeping a vice grip on the whimpering salarian's neck, Shepard grinned wickedly and discharged a monstrous surge of electricity into the skinny alien, his body jerking spastically for several seconds before going limp. With a disdainful sniff, the Commander let the dead thug drop unceremoniously to the ground, before turning to the rest of her little group, absently shaking her mechanical hand until it stopped smoking. "Is that all of them?"

Garrus shrugged, shouldering his rifle. "That really depends on whether or not the one Wrex is kicking is still alive or not."

The crimson-shelled krogan mercenary gave the limp turian at his feet a few more kicks to the ribs before nodding and spitting on the corpse. "Yup, this one's done."

Stepping out from behind cover, the current 'most wanted quarian' on the Citadel glared down at what was left of the touchy turian who'd tried to kill her. "Fist set me up....I KNEW I shouldn't have trusted him!"

Eagerly, Shepard scooted over to the young quarian and looked her up and down, doing a quick scan with her omni-tool. "Are you alright? You're not hurt, are you?"

The quarian looked surprised at the attention...though it was little difficult to tell with her helmet. "I know how to look after myself...not that I don't appreciate the help." She added hastily. "But...who are you?"

"I'm Commander Shepard, of the Alliance. This is Lieutenant Alenko, also Alliance, and Garrus Vakarian, of C-Sec. We understand you have evidence proving Saren is a traitor?"

"Yes, I do. Sharing it with you is the least I can do for saving my life." Tali'zorah glanced at the krogan at the back of the group. "...what about him?"

The Spark turned and glanced at the mercenary briefly before shrugging. "That's Wrex. He's just here to kill people."


Any further conversation was interrupted as Shepard's communicator chimed in her ear, telling her a message had been sent to her omni-tool. She checked the message, raising an eyebrow before shutting her omni-tool off. "Well, that's good timing; looks like the Council is wrapping things up, and they want me back." She glanced at Tali, her eyes wide and hopeful. "If it's not too much trouble, could you come with us and show this evidence of yours to the Council?"

Tali's own glowing eyes could be seen blinking in surprise. "You want me to show this to the Council? I...sure, n-no problem."

Hesitantly, Garrus called out to the human Commander. "Ah...Shepard, you might want to take a look at the Lieutenant; I'm no expert, but he's not looking so good."

That was an understatement; by the time Shepard got to him, Kaiden was ashen-faced and leaning against a wall for support. Shepard growled as she looked him over with her omni-tool and readied some medigel. "Damn it Lieutenant, you should have said something if you were shot, or if your implants are acting up, or whatever the hell is wrong with you."

The biotic licked his dry lips shakily. "I...s-supposed to keep you...out of trouble."

The Spark blinked, then turned to look back down the alley...the alley strewn liberally with corpses. "Oh. That."

Garrus shuffled awkwardly, wincing as he mentally tallied up the body count from the Clinic, Chora's Den, and this Alley. "Yeah...we might have gotten a little carried away here..."


Originally Posted by Doomsought
Cypher3au- Where is my ham? The very blood of sparks flows with ham. Shepard should bleed bacon damn it!

That's very, very true. I'm thinking a good place to show that would be Chora's Den, when shaking down Fist for info on Tali.

Lessee...cut the lights...hack the turrets...walk in there with blood-covered N7 armor, and hand twitching with an assortment of lethal-looking tools, and a big slasher grin...that could work.

Maybe she waves a small, cobbled together pistol under his face, leading Fist to sarcastically ask if she built it on the ferry ride to the club. When she says 'yes', and he puts the pieces together...

Wants to save Quarian + Scratch-Built Gun + Insane Expression = Spark with Death Ray

...he's probably going to wish he wore his brown pants that day.


Originally Posted by Peptuck God.

This gave me an idea.




Staff member

I had my doubts.


Then I started laughing. This is great stuff. A proposition: Kaidan is an anti-Spark in addition to being a biotic. People like him are always assigned to Sparks traveling in interspecies space so that alien races only suspect we're dangerously unhinged.

Also explains why Shepard isn't hacking into the Keepers themselves to generate an unstoppable army to TAKE OVER THE GALAXY MWAHAHAHAHAHA.


Well-Known Member
Watashiwa said:

I had my doubts.


Then I started laughing.? This is great stuff.? A proposition: Kaidan is an anti-Spark in addition to being a biotic.? People like him are always assigned to Sparks traveling in interspecies space so that alien races only suspect we're dangerously unhinged.

Also explains why Shepard isn't hacking into the Keepers themselves to generate an unstoppable army to TAKE OVER THE GALAXY MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

The anti-spark thing isn't really necessary; Kaiden is just a very level-headed kind of guy, who can yank Shepard away from something via biotics if she gets too 'interested'.

As for someone hacking with the Keepers; I'm going with the idea that the Citadel has a terrible rep with Sparks, so they prefer to keep well away from it.


Sparks can look at something and recognize/get a feel for who built it, particularly if it was a one-person effort; everyone has a certain 'style' of building, like artists. And considering who built the Citadel...well, for Sparks it's like walking into an idyllic garden, that has Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees and the like arguing about who's going to get to skull-fuck your corpse once they're all through with you.

Sure, the garden's nice...but you really just wanna turn around and get the hell outta there.


Well-Known Member
This has the potential to be one of the best Mass Effect fusions I've seen in awhile. Please continue, I'll be reading this 'Girl Genius' in the interm.


Staff member
Cypher3au said:
Watashiwa said:

I had my doubts.


Then I started laughing.á This is great stuff.á A proposition: Kaidan is an anti-Spark in addition to being a biotic.á People like him are always assigned to Sparks traveling in interspecies space so that alien races only suspect we're dangerously unhinged.

Also explains why Shepard isn't hacking into the Keepers themselves to generate an unstoppable army to TAKE OVER THE GALAXY MWAHAHAHAHAHA.

The anti-spark thing isn't really necessary; Kaiden is just a very level-headed kind of guy, who can yank Shepard away from something via biotics if she gets too 'interested'.

As for someone hacking with the Keepers; I'm going with the idea that the Citadel has a terrible rep with Sparks, so they prefer to keep well away from it.


Sparks can look at something and recognize/get a feel for who built it, particularly if it was a one-person effort; everyone has a certain 'style' of building, like artists. And considering who built the Citadel...well, for Sparks it's like walking into an idyllic garden, that has Freddy Krueger, Jason Vorhees and the like arguing about who's going to get to skull-fuck your corpse once they're all through with you.

Sure, the garden's nice...but you really just wanna turn around and get the hell outta there.
The whole idea of an "anti-Spark" doesn't have to mean he has a power. Just that his levelheadedness keeps him from getting caught up in the trail of Sparks and has a stabilizing effect. It's a psychological thing that the Alliance tests for.

As for the Citadel, DO remember that the Sparks in Castle Heterodyne love the place, even if it is trying to kill them and they're trying to escape every chance they get. The fact that the Citadel emits negative psychic energy shouldn't matter at all because Sparks aren't empathetic--quite the opposite usually.


Well-Known Member
Heh...a thougth : in this setting, Cerberus is very anti-Spark, trying to improve human technologies without having to rely on the Spark's abilities to fuck with the law of physic. Which is why, to Shepard utter consternation, it took them TWO FUCKING YEARS to put her back together. The hard, non-Sparkly way. When it would have taken a Spark a measly two months. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
Shepard: (Berating Miranda) "DO you realize how much of my TIME you wasted by doing things this way?!" (Shakes the woman furiously) "I could've rebuilt my body, created three dooms day devices and had a FLEET ready for the Reapers in the time you idiots took to get me back together." (glances at her reflection in the mirrior) "And you did a shoddy job on top of everything else!"


Well-Known Member
Shepard : *look at her specs* Say, those "upgrades" of yours...
Miranda : *superior smirk* They are the best from our R&D department.
Shepard : *start shaking Miranda again* Those aren't "upgrade", they're damn downgrade ! My home-brewed implants were a hundred times better then this shit ! And what have you done with my frikkin' cybernetic arm ?!


Well-Known Member
Deathwings said:
Heh...a thougth : in this setting, Cerberus is very anti-Spark, trying to improve human technologies without having to rely on the Spark's abilities to fuck with the law of physic. Which is why, to Shepard utter consternation, it took them TWO FUCKING YEARS to put her back together. The hard, non-Sparkly way. When it would have taken a Spark a measly two months. :snigger:
Cerberus might not be 'anti-spark' but I imagine that a powerful one might be too much for Cerberus resources. Sparks are not cheap, and while Cerberus does have access to an obscene amount of money, it's not endless. The cost of mainting a spark, keeping the sparks actions hidden from the Alliance, and providing the required resources is just too much.

So they rebuild Shepard as best they can and then count on her to repair herself further. A feat she accomplishes with Dr. Hacksaw's aid over the course of her adventure.

Character thoughts

Mordin: Has heard of Sparks and would be very interested in studying one. Between the two, the Normandy and the team would quickly be equipped with some of the most advanced gear around.

Miranda is more bitchy than in game, as she's jealous of Shepards abilities. For all her enhancements Miranda will never match a Spark.

Tali: still in awe of Shepard, her beloved big sister....and having a Spark doing Tali's loyalty mission...

Project Overlord: An important turn of events. From the data Shepard retrieves before handing David over, she comes up with a way to understand/communicate with the Getj. Information that will help her better understand the schism between Legion's Geth and the Heretics.


Well-Known Member
There's always the chance that Cerberus doesn't get to Shepard's body in time, and she is instead recovered by agents of one of the great Spark families...the Heterodynes, the Wulfenbachs, or the Sturmvoraos, for example. I'd go with the Heterodynes or Wulfenbachs, myself.

Cue Shepard waking up a month or two after the Normandy is shot down, with her benefactors giving her the run-down; the Council is hushing up all talk of the Reapers, but the Alliance isn't...partly because the big Spark families are taking the threat seriously.

Hell, maybe a Spark astronomer has managed to sniff out the Reapers' location in dark space.

In any case, amongst the other plans they've got brewing, Shepard's savior has decided to give Shepard her own ship, and free reign to do what she thinks needs to be done to stop the Reapers...she's humanity's Wild Card, in other words. But unlike the Normandy, which was designed by the sparkless, built by the sparkless, to be maintained and flown by the sparkless, Shepard's new ship is going to be Spark-built from the drawing-board up.

Yeah, the new Normandy is going to be an insane piece of tech. Death rays for main guns, actual invisibility added to Spark-designed stealth systems, some clanks and dingbots to help with maintenance, etc. Everything Shepard would have added to the original Normandy if she'd been allowed.

And while Shepard dives into the work of designing the Normandy mk.2, her benefactor heads to the family's newly-built drydock, where their own sparky Cruiser is being built.

Though if it's the Wulfenbach family, it's entirely possible that they're building a goddamn Dreadnought instead; the new 'Castle Wulfenbach'.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry, I'm finding it hard to concentrate past the little voice in my head going "yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes!!!!"



Well-Known Member
You know, if this take place in the future of Girl Genius, then there is a good chance that the Heterodynes and Wulfenbachs lines are one and the same by now. :snigger:

But yeah, the Wulfenbachs creating their own Flotilla ? Badass.


Well-Known Member
First off; either Jenkins or Ashley (or, even better; BOTH!) should be a Jõgermonster/Jõgerfrõulein. Rushing in first in front of everyone else to get shot up is basically their job description/life purpose, and unless something absolutely catastrophic happened to the Wulfenbach Empire and/or the Heterodynes (them possibly, as Deathwings pointed out, being one and the same by now), there's virtually no way they and their Jõgers don't have a hand in the Alliance military. The Jõgermonsters are simply too valuable as elite shock-troopers not to use them.

(On the same note you might want to work some German terms/phrases/characters into the story, again due to the importance the Wulfenbach/Heterodyne Empire would undoubtedly have, where German serves as a lingua franca.)

Plus, seriously; a GG story without Jõgers of some kind? That's mad, and not the good, sparky kind of madness, either! :p

And on a similar note, I really, really want to see the faces of the Council when they realize(d) that humanity could basically mass-produce a "light" version of Krogans, including longvity (which opens up an interesting question; at least some of the Jõgermonsters - and possibly even generals! - might very well still be around.

Regarding the space!Castle Wulfenbach, given how <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>utterly</a> <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>huge</a> the original airship is/was compared to the other aircrafts around it, I'm not sure "dreadnought" would a sufficient descriptor to impress how large a space-based version of it would likely be. "Mobile Space Station" or "That Is No Moon" would probably fit better.

Also, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding regarding Sparks and their tech; while Sparks are usually the ones who invent new machines, technologies, etc, non-Sparks are perfectly able to serve, maintain, repair, and even replicate Spark-tech. <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Von Zinzer</a> is an excellent example for this; he's clearly a non-Spark, yet had no trouble serving as a mechanic on a walking gunboat, and when imprisoned on Castle Wulfenbach he appeared quite confident that he could <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>reproduce another Spark's work</a>.

Most of this is just minor nitpicking, I'll admit, but the last part is actually damn important, because it means you can couple the Sparks' prowess as inventors with a modern societies mass-production capabilities.

- Kelenas


Well-Known Member
First off; either Jenkins or Ashley (or, even better; BOTH!) should be a Jõgermonster/Jõgerfrõulein. Rushing in first in front of everyone else to get shot up is basically their job description/life purpose, and unless something absolutely catastrophic happened to the Wulfenbach Empire and/or the Heterodynes (them possibly, as Deathwings pointed out, being one and the same by now), there's virtually no way they and their Jõgers don't have a hand in the Alliance military. The Jõgermonsters are simply too valuable as elite shock-troopers not to use them.

(On the same note you might want to work some German terms/phrases/characters into the story, again due to the importance the Wulfenbach/Heterodyne Empire would undoubtedly have, where German serves as a lingua franca.)

Plus, seriously; a GG story without Jõgers of some kind? That's mad, and not the good, sparky kind of madness, either! :p

And on a similar note, I really, really want to see the faces of the Council when they realize(d) that humanity could basically mass-produce a "light" version of Krogans, including longvity (which opens up an interesting question; at least some of the Jõgermonsters - and possibly even generals! - might very well still be around.
True, true. I doubt the Heterodynes have made the Jõgers creation process known to all, but I can see them loaning out Jõgers to the Alliance, partly so that the lads can get some fighting done, but also to keep the Alliance more firmly in the family's debt. There's a bit of a snag that Jõgers aren't exactly easy to mass-produce; only the best soldiers and captives were used, and still only one or two of every ten survived, and that was after more than half a millennia of Heterodynes trying their hand at improving the recipe. By the Mass Effect era there's surely a good couple of thousand Jõgers running around, but that's not much if you're going to try and spread them across Alliance space.

I'd think that the Jõgers would be valuable enough assets that they'd be assigned exclusively to colonies and larger ships, and since the Normandy is a stealth/recon vessel, whose original shake-down mission was to fly in, grab the beacon, and fly out, for the most part a test of the ship's systems, I'm not sure the Alliance brass would bother assigning a half-dozen unstoppable killing machines to the ship.

That said, if Ashley is a Jõger, and was part of a squad of Jõgers stationed on Eden Prime, I daresay more than just her would be surviving till the end of the mission. After her squad leader sends a mission report to 'De Top', strings may get pulled by the Heterodynes to have Ash reassigned to the Normandy, to keep an eye on Shepard to see if the Beacon had any noticeable effect on her Sparkyness.

Oddly enough, I think the Jõger transformation, potent and drastic though it may be, skips merrily around the Council's laws on genetic modification.

Not that Sparks give a shit about such laws, I'm sure...

Regarding the space!Castle Wulfenbach, given how <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>utterly</a> <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>huge</a> the original airship is/was compared to the other aircrafts around it, I'm not sure "dreadnought" would a sufficient descriptor to impress how large a space-based version of it would likely be. "Mobile Space Station" or "That Is No Moon" would probably fit better.
Maybe. I can imagine the Wulfenbach's getting an eyeful of the Destiny Ascension, then building a flagship a mere 10% - 20% larger... simultaneously a prickish display of one-upmanship, and a pants-wetting display of just how much power and genius the family holds, that they can build and crew such a thing, plus its escorts.

Also, there seems to be a slight misunderstanding regarding Sparks and their tech; while Sparks are usually the ones who invent new machines, technologies, etc, non-Sparks are perfectly able to serve, maintain, repair, and even replicate Spark-tech. <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Von Zinzer</a> is an excellent example for this; he's clearly a non-Spark, yet had no trouble serving as a mechanic on a walking gunboat, and when imprisoned on Castle Wulfenbach he appeared quite confident that he could <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>reproduce another Spark's work</a>.

Most of this is just minor nitpicking, I'll admit, but the last part is actually damn important, because it means you can couple the Sparks' prowess as inventors with a modern societies mass-production capabilities.
Hmm...I'd forgotten about that.

Still, given the no-doubt rarity of reliable Sparks willing and able to serve in the military, the Normandy probably represents the very bleeding edge of tech that non-sparks can reliably build, use, and maintain without a Spark's guidance. A vessel built by and for Sparks would almost certainly be a substantial upgrade.


Well-Known Member
I think you're vastly underestimating the number of Jõgermonsters; given how ubiquitous they seem to be in the Baron's service, and how they served as the main army for the Heterodynes (against other Sparks, as I'd like to point out, who also had various large force multipliers such as <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>giant warclanks</a> and other superweapons) with a number of humans as little more than hanger-ons, I'd put their numbers already at more than ten, possibly twenty, thousand during Agatha's time (which seems to translate somewhere into the mid-19th century); certainly enough to form an <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>army</a> by themselves.

Now, couple more than three centuries of across-the-board technological advancement with continued improvements to the Jõgerbrõu formula and a vastly greater population base to draw volunteers from (and from the recent talk between the Jõgergenerals and Dolokhov it appears that all Jõgermonsters are volunteers) with their century-long lifespans, and they might very well number in the low hundreds of thousands.

To be fair, though, I'm not sure how feasible Jõgermonsters are for space-duty, as it is rather difficult to wear a hat inside a spacesuit...

- Kelenas


Well-Known Member
Actually, why would the Alliance still be the same thing ? What if the "Alliance" was actually the Heterodynes Wulfenbachs Alliance ?
That is to say, after the joining of the two lines, the combined might of the Heterodynes and Wulfenbachs allow them to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. For good.

This version of Earth actually has a single government with the Heterodynes/Wulfenbachs line at the very top and the "countries" bellow them as vassal.
This would streamline Earth's government a whole lot I think.


Well-Known Member
Just popping in to point out that, out of the entire ME cast, the one who reeks of Spark the most is MORDIN, not Shepard. I mean, just look at what he does. Aside from the whole Genophage thing and him whipping out a cure to a genetically engineered virus that targeted nonhumans more or less instantly, he's ridiculously badass, seriously weird in the head even for Salarian standards, has a lot of quirks and seems to be a genius inventor in any case.

His stream of consciousness speech pattern just shoves him in the Spark territory more firmly.


Well-Known Member
If Mordin really was a Spark, then he'd be very, very scary, given that his behaviour would imply that he's in <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>the madness place</a> not just occassionaly, when inspiration strikes him, but all. the. fucking. time!

Still, I think Engineer!Shepard makes for a pretty good Spark as well, though more similar to Gilgamesh or Agatha; nice and reasonable, even friendly, right until you push her far enough and she blows up in your face and threatens <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>to glass your homeworld</a> or <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>kicks a Krogan in the head</a>.

- Kelenas


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Just popping in to point out that, out of the entire ME cast, the one who reeks of Spark the most is MORDIN, not Shepard. I mean, just look at what he does. Aside from the whole Genophage thing and him whipping out a cure to a genetically engineered virus that targeted nonhumans more or less instantly, he's ridiculously badass, seriously weird in the head even for Salarian standards, has a lot of quirks and seems to be a genius inventor in any case.

His stream of consciousness speech pattern just shoves him in the Spark territory more firmly.
But thats too easy. Seriously. The guy is already a somewhat 'mad' genius.

It is nice to see Chakwas actually doing something though. I think we've seen Miranda do more medical work than Chakwas has.


Well-Known Member
Deathwings said:
Actually, why would the Alliance still be the same thing ? What if the "Alliance" was actually the Heterodynes Wulfenbachs Alliance ?
That is to say, after the joining of the two lines, the combined might of the Heterodynes and Wulfenbachs allow them to TAKE OVER THE WORLD. For good.

This version of Earth actually has a single government with the Heterodynes/Wulfenbachs line at the very top and the "countries" bellow them as vassal.
This would streamline Earth's government a whole lot I think.
If the situation was bad enough, and widespread enough...say, a World War, then yes, I can imagine the Heterodynes and Wulfenbachs taking a page out of Baron Klaus' book and enforcing order across the entire globe.

But once that peaceful order were established, and they were sure it could support itself, I imagine they'd return control of the various nations to appropriate heads of state, under the proviso that they all behaved themselves, so that they could get back to the business of SCIENCE!

...and if they DON'T behave... <a href='' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'></a>
Watashiwa said:
What. Moridin isn't human. Sparks are.

Moridin is a Salarian genius, which makes him about as intelligent as a Spark, but less able to warp the fabric of reality by wanting to hard enough.
Yeah, instead he just figures out how reality works and adapts to it instead of perverting it.

Seriously, I could see some Sparks having trouble following Mordin along (intellectually) in his chosen fields of study. The Salarian is a genius of ridiculous ability. In fact, I dare say he's probably the Salarian Leonardo da Vinci, considering he gleefully jumps from any field of science to the next without even a moment of hesitation and does absolutely genial work in all of them.

Lost Star

Well-Known Member
If I might interject?

I like the direction and all, but I kinda dislike the whole human wank angle if that makes any sense. It's all well and good to have them all be the uber race and all that, but I think there should at least be a bit of counterbalance from the other races too.

Thats probably just my annoyance at the humanity is best! angle I see in almost every sci-fi >_<


Well-Known Member
Lost Star said:
If I might interject?

I like the direction and all, but I kinda dislike the whole human wank angle if that makes any sense. It's all well and good to have them all be the uber race and all that, but I think there should at least be a bit of counterbalance from the other races too.

Thats probably just my annoyance at the humanity is best! angle I see in almost every sci-fi >_<
In the ME-verse in particular, humans are becoming dominant by default because the aliens are too busy with politics and ignoring potential threats. 2/4 of their shown Spectres have been shown to be corrupt in some fashion and its implied that the Citadel's leadership is subpar.

Quarians are damn good with technology. The problem is they're forced to live as space gypsies since their biology really only lets them live on their homeworld which got taken over in a Skynet/Cylon scenario.
Salarians are scientifically inclined and can be great soldiers/infiltrators , even if there has only been one shown to actually be physically intimidating. Mordin is apparently a Salarian cranked up to 11.
Asari have extremely long life spans that lead them to spread across a variety of fields though it appears that many become mercenaries in their late 'Maiden' years.
Turians are military through and through. They like big guns almost as much as they like procedure.
Krogan are combat junkies but have the whole Genophage to deal with thanks to the Salarians.
Batarians are the assholes of the universe. They haven't been catagorized as anything else but it really looks like Aria's two bodyguards are the only ones to even get any development besides being assholes.
Vorcha? Scavengers. Xenophobic scavengers that will stab you in the back first chance they get so they can steal your stuff. The original notes Bioware released on them implied that none of their tech was actually developed by them and that it is all scavenged/stolen. Not sure on how the codex entries label them.
Yahg. They alienated whatever diplomats were sent tot heir planet so badly that they weren't even allowed offworld.
Geth. Kept to themselves. Synthetic network race that had a portion ally with a threat to all known life.
Rachni: Very close to being extinct. There is at least one queen left alive somewhere, two depending on game choices.
Hanar: Very peaceful squid people.
Drell: Low population, shown as assassin.
Humanity: The new race on the block, fought the Turians until a treaty was made. Advancing extremely quickly in galactic standing primarily because of Shepard saving someone's ass.

In the first game, Humanity wasn't well received in the galactic community. They were already advancing fast mainly because of the war with the Turians. Shepard sped things up with the whole first Spectre thing and then saving the galaxy.
You add Sparks to the mix, the other races have more reasons to distrust humanity initially. The first contact war would probably go very badly for the Turians if sparks were let loose then.

Then there is Cerberus who would probably end up much much worse.