Akamatsuverse Contract Labor


Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
Hmmm...áá you might still be reading more into it than needed for a date.á

I can say at that age sex was not always on my mind, just getting out of high school...áá bleagh, was much happier in college.

As for 'poaching',á I myself took a younger girl to my senior prom...á though in that case I was 18 and she 16...áá nothing really came of it though...áá we were friends and shared a science class.
I am not say ALL men are hornballs (this sounds like Naru's argument that all men are perverts) but there are some males out there that completely ruin it for everyone else. Males may not think about it literally 24/7/365, but some guys do think about sex an awful lot. Especially young males, once they figure out Tab A goes into Slot B and it feels really good when you do it. Think about it, where are all the hentai manga books from and set? B)

And I am not saying that dating younger females is inherently wrong, most of the time it's OK. It's just that sometimes really bad situations come from that happening with school age kids.

Let's put it this way, y'all - how would you react if your 13 year old daughter snuck out of the house to go and meet a 15 year old boy, alone, unsupervised, with you not knowing *anything* about the boy. Because that is what happened with Haruka, and she lied to Hina to do it (she knew she would say no), and boy did it Hina not react well to it. Thankfully nothing bad happened in that instance, but it could have.

BTW, the term 'poaching' mostly used by the younger guys that are losing out on girls to date because they are dating older guys. ^_^


Well-Known Member
This is the semi-final version of Ch 7 that I plan to post at FFN later tonight around midnight Pacific time, unless someone starts screaming and yelling with some FB. ^_^ Enjoy.

Ch 7

In the pastà

Haruka cut the ignition on her motorcycle, letting the humming engine go silent. With the amount of mods done to it, the racer bike was almost whisper quiet. Not to say it was not fast, or did not handle well, but there were quite a few bikers out there that were trying to make up for inadequacies somewhere, and having a supercharged crotch rocket screaming their presence was one of the ways to do it. It was either that or having racer groupies dressed like hentai anime girls hanging all over them, she sneered to herself.

It was almost nine in the morning, and she had been out since before sundown the night before. Even though she was eighteen now and Hina gave her a pretty wide lead, she would not be happy that her adopted daughter was out carousing all night with a bosozoku crew (1). Therefore, the quiet approach to the back of the house at the bottom of the Hinata-sou.

Dropping the kickstand and rocking the Kawasaki into place, Haruka swung her leg over the tail of the bike and stepped away. Pulling her helmet off, she hung it on a hook on the side of the bike, then she pulled off the bandana off that she had been wearing under the helmet and brushed her short hair loose. Haruka had heard too many stories of bikers scrambling their brains in accidents, and did not want to wind up that way, so putting up with sweat-matted hair was a small price to pay.

Unzipping her black leather jacket, she let it hang open over her white t-shirt and leather jeans and dug out a pack of cigarettes. Having picked up the habit in junior high school, it was a difficult one to shake, but necessary to help steady her nerves. After a big test at school, before a race on her bike, before dealing with herà

ôGood morning, Haruka-chan!ö An aged hand snagged the lit cigarette from her mouth as she was taking the first hit, flipping it to the ground and grinding it out with her foot, all in one motion. ôBeautiful day, isnÆt it?ö

ôGood morning, Granny.ö Haruka closed her eyes for a moment mourning the loss of her smoke before looking over the pint-sized terror beside her.

Standing at 150 cm (4Æ10ö) and weighing 54 kilos (90 lbs) soaking wet, Hina Urashima was not a physically imposing woman at first glance. That is, until one felt the sheer personality radiating from her. After meeting her school friends once, one of them stated that Hina was like one of the old martial arts grandmasters you occasionally met in Japan. They did not have to be big, they did not have to be muscular, but you knew they could kick your ass without even trying. Haruka completely agreed with that assessment, due to extensive previous experience. And this was not even counting her learning the family martial arts style at the hands of Hina and her brother Hiro. It was also that mastery that allowed Hina to just appear next to you like she had just teleported, much to her chagrin.

ôUp early this morning, Haruka-chan?ö HinaÆs innocuous question was belied by the knowing look in her eyes. It was her form of a trap; she did not mind people bending the truth some, but lying to her could have serious consequences, especially if they were a family member. Haruka could remember lying once to sneak out of the house at age thirteen to meet a fifteen year old boy. She wound up on restriction for a week, and everyday of that restriction had been spent on her knees scrubbing the wooden floors and the hot spring in the Sou. The worse part had been when Hina had invited the boy and his family over to the Sou for tea. After spending two hours scrubbing floors, Haruka had been given ten minutes to make herself presentable before the family arrived, then she had to spend an hour in the seiza position (2) listening to Hina make nice with the boyÆs parents, the boy also squirming in seiza as well. It was not much of a surprise that the boy did not want to have much to do with her after that, even when the boyÆs family kept asking him why he was no longer with that nice Urashima girl.

ôWell, it was a nice sunrise today.ö And it was, only she had seen it speeding down the expressway on her bike on the way home rather than from her window or from some hilltop.

Hina nodded in agreement. ôYes it was. ItÆs good to see young people up early appreciating life, rather than lollygagging in bed on the weekend. You then have a chance to do something constructive.ö

Haruka smiled weakly. That last line did not sound encouraging.

ôKouji and his family arrived last night. It was too late to call you up from here,ö sweat drops formed on the back of HarukaÆs head, ôbut now you can come up and say hello to them,ö smiled Hina.

Haruka nodded in silent agreement. She had not seen her uncle for a couple of years, as he had been setting up his bakery business on the other side of Tokyo. Presumably, things were getting better if he was visiting his mother at the family home for a vacation.

ôGo ahead and change so we can go up to the house.ö Hina smiled thinly. ôYou got ten minutes before I start off without you.ö

Haruka smiled weakly again, then shot off toward the back door and the stairs up to her room. Hina wanted to make a point, and woe to those who were not on time to receive it.

Bursting into her room, she tore off her jacket and tossed it into the armchair next to the window. Kicking off her heavy boots, she shimmied off her leather pants and tossed them on top of the jacket. T-shirt, bra, socks, and panties flew into the hamper, then she darted into the small bathroom attached her room.

Wetting a washcloth, she rapidly washed her face, then scrubbed down the rest of her body and sprayed some deodorant on herself before darting back to her room. Pulling open her dresser, she wiggled into a clean set of bra and panties before pulling on socks and a pair of faded jeans. Throwing open the closet, she grabbed a sleeveless dark blue top and pulled it on. Stepping back to her leather jacket and pants, she grabbed all her pocket litter and shoved it into the pockets of her jeans.

Dashing to the bathroom, Haruka quickly ran a comb through her hair. Moving back to the closet, she grabbed a comfy pair of sneakers and took off toward the stairs again.

Skidding to a stop by the door, Haruka pulled on her sneakers and then took a deep breath. A moment later she stepped outside and stopped next to Granny, who was standing there with her head slightly cocked to one side, no expression on her face.

ôNine minutes thirty seconds. You could do better, Haruka-chan.ö Hina smiled slightly before turning and walking to stairs. Knowing better than to respond to that remark, Haruka followed her, to the left and a half step behind her.

After a five minute climb that was more like a forced march than a walk up stairs, Haruka was trying to conceal her heavy breathing while Hina stood inhaling easily at the top of the stairs, looking like she had just walked across a street and not climbed a hundred steps uphill.

ôKouji and Yuki are at the hot spring right now, so you will meet with them later.ö Haruka tried not to gape at Hina; if the couple was busy, then why the rush to get up here? ôI thought you might want to meet someone else,ö continued Hina, answering the unspoken question. Walking around the side of the building, Haruka followed Granny Hina until she stopped just short of the sandbox in the back yard, set up for the children of guests of the hot spring. There were two children sitting there, a little girl and a little boy.

Haruka glanced at the girl, noting that she looked about three years of age and had long brown hair. She was slowly digging into the sand with a little plastic shovel, filling a matching pail.

The boy, who looked to be a couple years older than the girl, waited until the girl filled the pail, then picked it up and dumped it on a large mound of sand that somewhat resembled a castle. Returning the pail to the little girl, who started to refill it, the boy went back to the large pile and tried to shape it, but he was not doing a very good job of it. It looked more like a large turtle than a castle, to tell the truth.

ôYoko, thank you for watching over them. You can go back to the house now.ö Haruka looked over to see that Hina was speaking to an older woman with salt and pepper hair and wearing round granny glasses and an apron. The woman nodded silently and walked back into the main house.

ôThe little girl is Naru, she is the daughter of some guests here. SheÆs been a little sickly for all of her life, and her parents are hoping coming to the spring might help improve her health.ö Hina spoke softly, not wanting to startle or scare the children.

ôAnd the little boy?ö Haruka asked.

ôWhat, you donÆt recognize your own nephew?ö Hina smiled thinly again.

Haruka grimaced. She had been adopted by Hina after her parentsÆ death, even though they were already of the same blood and family name. It was one of the ways that Hina tried to make her feel closer to her fatherÆs family, in addition to preventing a custody fight with her motherÆs family, who seemed to be a little too interested in HarukaÆs trust fund and family insurance payout. Since she was now considered KoujiÆs adopted sister instead of his niece, she would be his sonÆs aunt instead of his cousin.

ôIÆm too young to be an oba-chan,ö Haruka muttered in disgust.

Hina went from a thin smile to a grin.ôYou really donÆt have a choice in the matter, do you? Unless you plan to stay young forever.ö

ôIÆm working on it,ö Haruka replied, looking back at the little boy.

ôNot if you keep smoking and racing motorcycles, you wonÆt.ö Hina did not wait for a reply as she turned toward the sandbox. ôKei-kun, come over here!ö she called.

The little boy stood up from the sand and carefully stepped over the enclosure before running over to Hina. ôGranny!ö he called just before he slammed into her, rocking her back slightly as his face was pressed into her stomach and wrapping his arms around her.

Hina smiled as she looked down at her grandson, ruffling his short dark hair, ôKei-kun, I have someone I want you to meet.ö Pulling away from Hina, the boy looked over and up at Haruka, who was looking down at him.

ôKeitaro-kun, this is Haruka-chan, your oba-chan. Go ahead and say hi to her.ö Hina stepped back out of the way from in between the two.

The little boy squinted at Haruka, as though he could not see very well. Taking a couple steps forward, he spoke, his face contorting as his mouth formed around the unfamiliar name. ôHa- ru-à Ha- ru-àö He stopped for a moment before he grinned and started again. ôHaru-chan! Haru-chan!ö

Haruka smiled in spite of herself. The boy had such a sunny personality that it was hard not to smile in response. ôHi there, Kei-kun.ö

Keitaro smiled then said ôOba-chan?ö saying it the same way he did for Granny Hina. The accent was on the second vowel of oba, which meant ægrandmotherÆ, or informally meant æold womanÆ.

HarukaÆs smile slipped slightly. ôNo, oba-chan.ö She pronounced it with the accent on the first vowel, which was the correct way to say æauntÆ.

ôOba-chan, oba-chan!ö Keitaro kept pronouncing it the first way, the way he did with Hina.

Haruka sighed. It was hard to stay mad at her smiling and bouncing baby cousinà nephewà whatever. ôHaru-chan,ö she replied, deciding to cut her loses.

ôHaru-chan!ö To her surprise, Keitaro jumped up and into HarukaÆs arms, almost knocking the unprepared teen over before she steadied herself. The boy wrapped his arms around her neck and snuggled his face against hers. Haruka stood stiffly for a moment before she relaxed slightly.

ôOh, this is so cute!ö Haruka and Keitaro turned at HinaÆs voice, just in time to be blinded by the flash of a camera. Trying to blink the spots from her eyes, Haruka stood there as she heard Hina take a couple more pictures, until finally she could see clearly again and saw Hina standing there with a smirk on her face, sliding a small camera back into a pocket.

ôHaruka-chan, I have to do some things with the guests, could you keep an eye on the children until lunchtime?ö Haruka knew that the question was anything but that. Saying no was not an option.

ôSure, Granny.ö ItÆs not like she need sleep after her long night out.

ôOh, and can you help Kei-kun and Naru-chan with their sand castle? I want to take a picture of all of you together before lunch.ö Hina grinned at Haruka.

Smiling weakly, Haruka nodded.öNot a problem, Granny.ö Looking back at the sand turtle, she knew this was HinaÆs way of getting back at her for staying out last night.

ôHave fun, kids!ö Hina turned and walked back into the house.

Turning her head, Haruka looked at Keitaro, who was staring at her solemnly. öHaru-chan smell bad.ö

HarukaÆs eyes went wide before she realized what he was talking about. His face had been next to her hair, which smelled of sweat and cigarette smoke. She sighed to herself; she did not want grooming criticism from a five year old, but the kid had a point.

ôIÆll wash up later, Kei-kun. LetÆs go work on your turtleà I mean your castle.ö Slowly putting him down on the ground, Haruka took his hand and walked toward the sandbox, the boy cheering and pulling her along.


1 - bosozoku - literally, violent running tribe; applied to motorcycle gangs in Japan. Some groups are relatively non-criminal, but some are recruiting grounds for the Yakuza (organized crime).

2 - seiza - formal sitting; kneeling on the floor with the feet tucked so the top of the feet are against the floor and the heels are in a æVÆ shape with the person sitting between them. It can get very uncomfortable and/or painful if the person is not used to it, or they are in the position for too long.


Current timeà

Haruka awoke from her memory dream with a start, instinctively looking around herself before she remembered where she was at. Sitting against the wall with her legs pulled to her chin, she was leaning against the wall by KeitaroÆs futon, where he was deeply asleep. A lamp was lit on HinaÆs desk, illuminating the room in dim light.

Using her not-small emergency medical knowledge, Haruka was able to determine that Keitaro did not have a concussion or any broken or dislocated bones from his fall from the stepladder. As such, Haruka was persuaded by Keitaro that he did not need to be taken to the hospital and could rest in his room instead. She had agreed on the condition that she could stay and keep an eye on him. He agreed, but did not realize that Haruka did not have a place to sleep without bringing in another futon, which she choose not to do as she did not want to get too comfortable. Otherwise, Keitaro would have insisted on giving his own futon to his aunt for her to rest on. Sometimes Keitaro was too noble for his own good.

Digging out her mobile phone, Haruka keyed it on and noted the time. It was 4:15 AM, never a good time to be awake. Given the headache she was getting now, she knew that she would not be able to go back to sleep easily, so she resigned herself to some deep thoughts in the dark.

Haruka was able to con Keitaro into believing that the reason she was staying with him was to make sure his injuries did not take a turn for the worse. That was partially true; however, most of the truth was that she did not want to leave her nephew alone in a room where someone who had almost physically assaulted him had easy access to him in his sleep.

Looking up at the board covering the hole in the ceiling, Haruka almost could not believe that the sweet but sickly young girl she had first met so many years ago was a man-hating berserker now. She had known that Naru had problems with boys and men harassing her - what attractive woman in Japan did not? - but she had always gone with the assumption that the males had instigated the problem, and that Naru was merely fending them off. But what Haruka had seen last night was beyond the pale. She was sure that if she had not intervened so overwhelmingly, Keitaro would have been badly hurt at the very least. It was one thing to punch a man groping you on the train, it was something else entirely to advance on a semi-conscious male with the intent to commit great bodily injury because he had accidently seen her in her underwear.

After getting Keitaro settled on his futon, Haruka called down to the teahouse on her mobile to ask Yoko to close up for her. The quiet part-timer was extremely reliable, having worked for her since she had opened the business, and having worked for Hina in the Hinata-sou for almost thirty years before that. The only reason she was still working instead of enjoying her retirement years was because she found staying at an empty home too depressing. Her three children had grown up and moved out, and her husband had passed on a couple of years ago. Ringing up sales on the register and cleaning up around the teahouse suited her, as well as filling the quiet times with her beloved paperback books.

After talking to Yoko, Haruka asked Shinobu to make some chicken and miso soup for herself and Keitaro. The young cook was glad to oblige, producing two large bowls of what seemed to be homemade soup, it was so tasty. Taking the bowls to KeitaroÆs room, she split the two bowls with him before he went to sleep for good.

Straitening her legs, Haruka crawled over to her nephew and watched him for a few moments. His respirations seemed to be easy and steady, he did not seem to be in pain, and his skin was warm but not hot and sweaty to the touch.

Haruka moved her fingers from his forehead to his throat and measured his heart rate. Sixty beats per minute, a good resting heart rate. Turning her hand so the back of her fingers were against his cheek, she could feel the downy hair that he had instead of the whiskers one would expect. Then again, Urashima men were not known for their beard growing abilities.

Moving back to the wall, Haruka leaned back and pulled her knees up to her chin again. Looking at her mobile again, she turned it on and went to the calls sent list, looking at the three unsuccessful calls she had made to HinaÆs mobile phone. The first two times the phone rang without an answer, the third time the call went straight to voicemail. Haruka did not know if Hina was avoiding her calls because of the stunt she pulled with Keitaro, but there was nothing to be done now. Instead, she left a message that Keitaro had been hurt and that she should call as soon as possible. There had been no call received after that.

Backing out to the mobile menu, Haruka went to the address book and scrolled to the house number for KeitaroÆs parents. She had not called them after the incident for two good reasons. One was that Keitaro did not seem to be seriously hurt, and she did not want to needlessly worry them. The other, more relevant, reason was the other person that lived with Kouji and Yuki; if she found out that not only was Keitaro was back in Tokyo but one of the people in the house he was in had injured him, she would hit the Hinta-sou like an American SWAT team hitting an inner-city meth lab, only with more histrionics, bloodshed and explosions.

Moving the address list to the listing marked æKanako U - mobileÆ, Haruka considered her options. She did not want to leave Keitaro in a position where he was vulnerable to injury from one of the tenants. Naru was bad enough, but Motoko could be touchy too, and she was acting suspicious of the events of the last couple days. Keitaro was able to fend for himself normally, but right now he needed someone to watch his back. Haruka would have been more than glad to be his wingman, but she had a separate business to run, and need to get some sleep eventually.

Rubbing the keys of the mobile, Haruka watched as the display went dim, then dark from the lack of activity. Keying the display back on, she considered her options.

The truth was Keitaro really had not made a decision if he was going to keep the dorm open. Given his experiences with first Motoko and now Naru, he would have completely justified in closing the dorm, or at least evicting those two, and maybe Kitsune as well. But Keitaro had a soft heart, at least as long as someone else was not being hurt. She knew that he would give those three a second chance. What it looked to be HarukaÆs job now was to make sure that those three did not hurt Keitaro or someone else as a result. She would not be able to watch his back indefinitely, but then again, she did not need to. That is what family was for.

Looking at the display of the mobile just as it went dim then dark, Haruka noted that the time was now 4:30 AM. Still too early to make a non-emergency call. But after talking to Keitaro when he woke up later, she knew that a call was going to be made sometime afterwards.

Curling up, she looked back at Keitaro before closing her eyes so she could try and get back to sleep again. Now that the decision was made, she was able to doze off a few moments later.



Well-Known Member
If you were trying to convince us that Hina was acting out of maternal compassion, and not doing what ever she wanted just because she could, then you failed.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
If you were trying to convince us that Hina was acting out of maternal compassion, and not doing what ever she wanted just because she could, then you failed.
I'm thinking that he's trying to convince people on the fence that this is Keitaro here and not a doppelganger. Not really seeing anything that shows us this. And then little comments within that would contradict any exposition to support that claim don't help.

And the Haruka focus just seems off overall, like it was meant to both provide exposition and some kind of justification of actions in the previous chapter.


California Crackpot
Well, it seems I'm the only one that actually does like the chapter. It filled in some of the backstory of Haruka, and gave us more insight to Hina (though most of that came from your followup posts). I want to see more mini-flashbacks of 'The Adventures of Haru-chan and Kei-kun'.

Due to Hina's experiences as a result of the Pacific War, she justifies to herself the manipulation of her family as for their own good and the good of the Urashima family. It ain't always right, and it ain't proper, but she hasn't done all that badly, has she? Granted, Haruka was a little rebellious as a teen, but she turned out OK, except for her not producing Urashima grandbabies yet....
This actually made sense; given the fact that the main familyline is dwindling, Hina would want to see her kin reproduce (seeing the reports on Japan's baby boom following the war would of course encourage her).

Is she acting sensibly according to her family? No. To her? Hell yes. Her family holdings have been shrinking for centuries, and now they are on the verge of losing it all. Hina's response: "Fuck that."


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
The quiet part-timer was extremely reliable, having worked for her since she had opened the business, and having worked for Hina in the Hinata-sou for almost thirty years before that.
I'd be worried she would be more loyal to Hina than Haruka... potential spy material.

The Kanako angle might be interesting. And another aspect not normally covered. Generally it is portraid kanako and Harka don't get along... but... were kanako to get the word about Keitaro being in the area by Haruka herself, *and* told she was being called on behalf of protecting Keitaro... that might earn a *lot* of brownie points with her.

alpha zulu

Well-Known Member
PCHeintz72 said:
The quiet part-timer was extremely reliable, having worked for her since she had opened the business, and having worked for Hina in the Hinata-sou for almost thirty years before that.
I'd be worried she would be more loyal to Hina than Haruka... potential spy material.

The Kanako angle might be interesting. And another aspect not normally covered. Generally it is portraid kanako and Harka don't get along... but... were kanako to get the word about Keitaro being in the area by Haruka herself, *and* told she was being called on behalf of protecting Keitaro... that might earn a *lot* of brownie points with her.
The reason they are portrayed as not getting along is because that is cannon. Haruka tells the tenents that 'She and I don't get along' when Kanako first shows up.


Well-Known Member
Still, if she tells Kanako that Keitaro is in potential danger things will not go well.


California Crackpot
alpha zulu said:
PCHeintz72 said:
The quiet part-timer was extremely reliable, having worked for her since she had opened the business, and having worked for Hina in the Hinata-sou for almost thirty years before that.
I'd be worried she would be more loyal to Hina than Haruka... potential spy material.

The Kanako angle might be interesting. And another aspect not normally covered. Generally it is portraid kanako and Harka don't get along... but... were kanako to get the word about Keitaro being in the area by Haruka herself, *and* told she was being called on behalf of protecting Keitaro... that might earn a *lot* of brownie points with her.
The reason they are portrayed as not getting along is because that is cannon. Haruka tells the tenents that 'She and I don't get along' when Kanako first shows up.
There's the fact that when Haruka and Kanako come face to face in the manga, Haruka quickly pulls a 'Hi-Bye' and escapes.

Makes you wonder what Kanako did that Haruka, of all people, decided that discretion was the better part of valor.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
alpha zulu said:
PCHeintz72 said:
The quiet part-timer was extremely reliable, having worked for her since she had opened the business, and having worked for Hina in the Hinata-sou for almost thirty years before that.
I'd be worried she would be more loyal to Hina than Haruka... potential spy material.

The Kanako angle might be interesting. And another aspect not normally covered. Generally it is portraid kanako and Harka don't get along... but... were kanako to get the word about Keitaro being in the area by Haruka herself, *and* told she was being called on behalf of protecting Keitaro... that might earn a *lot* of brownie points with her.
The reason they are portrayed as not getting along is because that is cannon. Haruka tells the tenents that 'She and I don't get along' when Kanako first shows up.
I know that. I did not mean to imply that it was not canon. I merely meant I've seen few instances where an author took their relationship a different direction than standoffish to hate.


Well-Known Member
Preliminary Ch 8. FB welcomed as always. ^_^

Ch 8


ôKeitaro-sempai? Haruka-sempai? Are you awake?ö

Haruka came awake upon hearing the soft tapping at the door. Looking around, she saw she was still in KeitaroÆs room, curled up against the wall. The room was now filled with light streaming through the window, showing that the sun had been up for a while now. Hearing someone stirring besides her, she looked over to see Keitaro start to come awake.

Coming up to her feet, Haruka walked over to the door and opened it. In front of her was Shinobu, wearing an apron and standing with her hands clasped in front of her, her fingers twitching. Haruka could not help but smile at the young girl; if she ever had had a choice for a younger sister, Shinobu would have been it. ôGood morning, Shinobu-chan.ö

ShinobuÆs head dipped slightly as she returned the greeting. ôGood morning, Haruka-sempai. How are you feeling this morning?ö

Stretching her back, Haruka could feel and hear some soft pops as the vertebra shifted into place. Turning her head and feeling pops come from her neck as well, she replied, ôA little stiff, but nothing a hot bath wonÆt cure.ö

Shinobu shifted on her feet. ôHow is Keitaro-sempai feeling today?ö she asked while looking down at the floor.

Craning her head to the side, Haruka could see Keitaro coming to his feet. He was not wobbling but he was moving slowly. ôHey Kei-kun, how you feeling?ö

ôLike I fell off a ladder onto a table.ö Keitaro twisted his head and pops could be heard coming from his neck as well. ôIÆm sore, but itÆs nothing some aspirin wonÆt fix.ö

ôIf you feel up to it, breakfast will be ready in twenty minutes, Keitaro-sempai, Haruka-sempai.ö Shinobu spoke up from the doorway.

Keitaro winced and looked over at the young tenant. ôShinobu-chanàö Waiting for her to look straight at him but seeing that she was continuing to keep her gaze on the floor, he said in a firmer voice, ôShinobu-chan, look at me please.ö With a jerk, Shinobu locked eyes with the young landlord. ôYou calling me æKeitaro-sempaiÆ every minute is a bit much. I donÆt suppose you could just call me Keitaro or Kei-kun like she does?ö He gestured over to Haruka, who now had an amused look on her face.

Shinobu gave a small gasp. ôI couldnÆt do that, it would be improper! YouÆre older than I am and the manager as well! I canÆt be so familiar with you.ö

ôShinobu-chan, youÆre more like a little sister to me than a junior in school.ö Shinobu did not say anything, but the now familiar blush now appeared on her face. ôYou donÆt mind me calling you æ-chanÆ, do you?ö Shinobu shook her head vigorously. ôSo I really would prefer if you called me something less formal.ö

Shinobu stood there visibly thinking about the request, her mouth opening and closing slightly. After a few moments, her mouth firmed up and she looked back at Keitaro.

ôI still think I should be more formal with you, but if you want me to call you something else, I suppose I should do as you ask. You do not mind if I call you a nickname?ö Shinobu asked, her face serious.

ôSure, as long as itÆs not insulting or embarrassing.ö Keitaro smiled encouragingly at the young cook.

ôIn that case, then the nickname I will call you isà just the title æsempaiÆ.ö Shinobu said with an impish smile on her face.

Haruka could not help herself; she snorted out loud as she tried to keep from laughing. Keitaro was even less successful, as he laughed for a few moments as Shinobu stood there smiling.

ôGood one, Shinobu. Looks like you got me.ö Keitaro grinned full force at the younger girl, causing her blush to come back. ôIf youÆre OK with calling me just æsempaiÆ, I suppose I should be as well.ö Keitaro looked over at his alarm clock and noted the time. ôGive us fifteen minutes to wash up and weÆll be down for breakfast.ö He reached over and ruffled her hair, causing her blush to deepen.

ôVery well, sempai, weÆll see the two of you downstairs.ö Shinobu gave a slight bow before leaving for the kitchen.

Keitaro looked over at Haruka, who was smiling knowingly. ôAnother one bites the dust, Kei-kun?ö

ôWhat are you talking about, Haru-chan?ö Keitaro turned and walked over to the dresser, pulling open a drawer.

ôYou donÆt know what that grin of yours does to people, do you?ö Haruka continued smiling.

ôNo, really, what are you talking about?ö Keitaro pulled out a dark blue t-shirt and tossed it over his shoulder.

ôYou donÆt know how girls melt when you smile at them like that?ö Haruka was starting to sound incredulous now.

ôIÆm just being friendly when I do that. They all smile and blush. IÆm not going to try anything, you know how I am with girls.ö Keitaro was now starting to look confused.

Haruka rolled her eyes up to the ceiling. ôGods above help us. You know whoÆs the last girl I know of that you smiled like that at? Kanako.ö

Keitaro stilled as his eyes widened. ôOhà OH.ö

ôOh is right, Kei-kun. You already have one stalker in your life, letÆs not go for a pair.ö Haruka was smiling slightly again.

ôSo what should I do? I like Shinobu-chan, but not like that.ö Keitaro was beginning to look concerned.

ôThe same as you were before, you dofus,ö Haruka reached over and lightly smacked Keitaro on the back of the head, ôjust donÆt *grin* at her like that anymore.ö

Keitaro reached up and started to rub the back of his head. ôWho else have I smiled at like that?ö

ôWell, the only other one I can think of is that Kyoko girl from the summer beach shop, the one that was always dragging you away for walks on the beach.ö Haruka was rubbing her chin and looking thoughtful.

ôShe was scared of getting stung by the jellyfish.ö Keitaro replied, thinking back to the bespectacled pig-tailed girl.

ôWhich would have jumped out of the ocean and stung her? ThatÆs why she would always clasp your arm to her chest?ö

ôWe were ten years old! She was too young to be thinking of stuff like that!ö Keitaro responded with some heat.

ôThe girl that when you said goodbye that summer grabbed you in front of all our families and planted that big kiss on you?ö Haruka was looking amused again.

ôI thought she was just looking for my chewing gum!ö Haruka did a double-take at that last statement before she saw the half-smile on her nephewÆs face.

ôYou jerk, you had me going for a second.ö Haruka playfully scowled at him.

ôYeah, well, you are the one that ruined my innocent memories of a childhood friend with your tawdry insinuations.ö Keitaro did not look very sorry. ôGo ahead and wash up in my bathroom, IÆll change shirts out here, brush my teeth after you get out and then weÆll go downstairs.ö

ôAre you going to do the room inspections today?ö asked Haruka seriously.

Keitaro hummed as he thought for a moment. ôIf the tenants are OK with it, weÆll do it an hour after breakfast. That way, they have time to get ready while we use the hot spring. I wasnÆt kidding about being sore from yesterday.

Haruka nodded. ôSounds like a plan, Kei-kun. IÆm still stiff from sleeping sitting up.ö

KeitaroÆs eyes widened. ôYou what?ö Looking around the room, he saw no other futon but his own. ôWhy the heck didnÆt you tell me, I would have let you have mine.ö

ôYeah, the guy that crashed onto a table sleeping on a bare floor, uh huh. I donÆt think so.ö Haruka looked at Keitaro unamusedly.

ôI could have asked someone to find another oneàö KeitaroÆs voice trailed off.

ôLook, IÆve slept in worse places, IÆll be fine. We donÆt have that long before breakfast, so letÆs get going.ö Turning, Haruka walked into the bathroom, Keitaro resignedly shaking his head before starting to change his shirt.


Coming down to breakfast was different than the dinner they had previously shared with the tenants. Instead of eating in the dining room, everyone was crowded around the smaller kitchen table. Keitaro could see various pots and pans on the stove with food in them, with Shinobu standing beside them with a serving spoon and clean plates at the ready. A plate full of food next to her on the counter showed she was eating standing up.

Motoko, Kitsune, and Su were sitting at the table eating with various degrees of enthusiasm. Motoko was still eating like she was at a formal meal, but Kitsune was visible enjoying her food, while Su was still slamming down her food almost as fast as Shinobu was piling it on her plate. Keitaro was not sure where that food was going, but he was thinking that a dimensional warp was involved somehow.

ôGood morning everyone.ö Keitaro called out as he and Haruka entered the kitchen. The occupants of the room all responded with various degrees of clarity, as Motoko was the only at the table that finished chewing her food before responding.

ôWhat would you like for breakfast today, Sempais?ö Shinobu handed both of them a plate as they looked over what was ready. The meal looked to be a combination of both Eastern and Western food, with scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage, and toast on one side, and miso soup and steamed rice on the other. The smell of coffee filled the air, while a tea kettle and cups stood ready for diners (???) with different tastes.

ôEggs, sausage and toast for me, Shinobu-chan. A large cup of coffee as well.ö Keitaro held out his plate as Shinobu filled it with food , then waited until she filled a large mug with steaming java. Looking over at the table, he saw that there were only two places left, and there was an empty but clean cup and plate at one already. ôLooks like there wonÆt be enough room for the both of us, Haru-chan,ö he said as he stepped over to the counter and prepared to eat standing up.

ôIÆm sorry, Sempai, but there are normally not this many people eating breakfast at one time.ö Shinobu looked genuinely upset at the statement. ôAs soon as someone finishes you can sit down.ö

ôNot a problem, Shinobu-chan.ö Keitaro took a sip of his steaming coffee and closed his eyes in pleasure. ôThis is very good coffee, Shinobu-chan, you sure youÆre not working as a barista somewhere?ö

Shinobu blushed slightly in pleasure. ôNo, Sempai. Haruka-sempai taught me how to properly make tea and coffee when I first arrived here. She also helps me get better quality coffee to use at a lower price.ö

ôWell, good job Haru-chan,ö Keitaro raised his mug in a salute to his aunt, who was now sitting down and working on her own breakfast. She nodded her response, as she was busy eating.

After a few moments of eating cheesy scrambled eggs and sausage, Keitaro looked around and asked, ôWhere is Narusegawa-san? I have an announcement to make.ö He did not notice that almost everyone in the room stiffened slightly, except for Su, who was obvious as usually, and Haruka.

ôNo Sempai, Naru-sempai usually comes down late for breakfast. She has a hard time waking up in the morning.ö Shinobu replied.

Keitaro nodded in response. ôVery well, if she doesnÆt make it down here before we finish eating, IÆll go to her room and tell her.ö At this point it was Haruka that stiffened slightly. ôAs you all know, the room inspections last night were postponed due to me face-planting into a table from the stepladder. As IÆm feeling better now, I want to do the inspections this morning.ö Keitaro paused as he looked down at his wristwatch. ôItÆs 8:30 AM now, so I was thinking of starting them at 10:00 AM. That way you all have a chance to neaten up if you have to, and I have a chance to use the hot spring this morning.ö

Motoko spoke up for the first time that morning. ôThe spring is not set up for males to be in there, Manager-san,ö she stated with a frown.

Keitaro looked at her for a moment, almost causing her to fidget. ôThe spring used to be open mixed bathing before, thatÆs what itÆs going to be again. IÆm only going to use it for maybe a half an hour in the morning and in the evening, so it wouldnÆt be fair for me to not use it the times you guys arenÆt in there. In fact, IÆll set up hours that will be female only, but for now the spring will be mixed bathing, and swimsuits will *not* be optional.ö Motoko looked like she wanted to argue, but in the end she did not say anything else, as Naru came stumbling into the kitchen, almost literally. The brunette was wearing her horn-rimmed glasses, her hair was sticking up at all angles, and she was wearing what looked to be just an overlong t-shirt, but shorts could be seen peeking from below the hem of the shirt. She sat down at the empty place of the table, almost falling into the chair. Silently, Shinobu poured coffee into the large mug, and without adding any cream or sugar, Naru started to guzzle down the steaming hot drink like it was cold soda.

After Naru drank down the entire mug before giving out a sigh, Shinobu refilled the mug and placed some buttered toast on the plate. Seeing that Naru was now sipping at the coffee, Shinobu greeted her. ôGood morning, Naru-sempai.ö

Naru hummed for a moment before putting down her mug. ôMorning, Shinobu-chan. Gods, I had the weirdest dream last night, and I didnÆt sleep right after that.ö

ôDid the dream involve whipped cream and Seta again?ö Kitsune made her presence known, smirking slightly.

Naru blushed. ôNo it didnÆt, you freak. And no, Seta isnÆt tasty, Su.ö She said, cutting off the question that Su had her mouth open to ask. Kitsune looked like she wanted to disagree with NaruÆs last statement, but keep quiet in the end. ôI dreamed that some pervert cut a hole in my floor so he could peep on me in my underwear.ö

ôWell, you werenÆt completely right, and it wasnÆt a dream, Naru-san.ö Haruka drawled. The prep student looked at her for a moment, surprised to see her there when they hardly ever saw her in the morning, then looked over at where the older female was pointing, seeing the new manager standing next to the counter, a half-smile on his face as he gave a short wave at her. NaruÆs face flushed as she started to get angry, but Haruka cut her off. ôMind explaining why you have a hole in your room floor? It looks like itÆs been there for a while, and the hole was not cut with tools. It looks like it was blasted through.ö

NaruÆs flush turned into an embarrassed blush. ôOne day a pervert groped me on the train home, and he got away before I could hit him. I got home angry, and I tripped over some shoes on the floor and I fell on my hands and knees. I was so mad I punched the floor, and it blasted a hole through it.ö

Haruka looked at Naru with a raised eyebrow. ôYou were able to do that with one punch?ö Naru nodded silently. ôAnd not break every bone in your hand?ö She nodded again. ôYou study martial arts, Naru?ö

Naru shook her head. ôI was shown how to protect myself by an upperclassman at school, but I never had formal training.ö

Both of HarukaÆs eyebrows were up now. ôYou know how rare it is to be able to use chi reinforcement without training, Naru? It usually takes years of instruction, like Motoko-san has.ö The kendoist nodded in silent agreement. ôThere is only one exception to that, and itÆs a bad thing.ö

Naru looked at Haruka in concern. ôWhat would that be?ö

ôWell, there is another exception to that, and that is that you are on a adrenaline rush. Problem with that is that you are just hitting something with your pain receptors turned off, and you can do a lot of damage to yourself since you are not reinforced. The real exception is something you may have heard of. You ever hear the term æberserkerÆö?

ôKinda. ItÆs someone that goes crazy, right?ö Naru was starting to look concerned.

ôSort of. Some of the old Viking and Norse warriors would dress up in bear and wolf skins, take psychedelic mushrooms and start war dances to frighten their enemies. They would believe that the animal spirits would possess them, and help them in battle. Some people said that berserkers would start glowing.ö MotokoÆs eyes widened as she understood where Haruka was going with this. ôIn the Eastern world martial artists call that a ki aura, and they could control it better, but bad things happen if someone is angry enough to produce a ki aura and they are not trained in how to use it.ö

ôLike what?ö This time the question came from Kitsune, who was looking interested.

ôThey enter what is called a battle rage, where they just keep attacking their enemies until they run out of foes or energy. Sometimes theyÆre as big a danger to their friends as their enemies. But there is one thing that is worse.ö

ôIÆm almost afraid to ask.ö Kitsune had lost the smile on her face.

ôItÆs called going ækill crazyÆ. They start killing any person around them, enemies, friends, innocents, everyone. Sometimes they have to be killed themselves to stop them, and they usually have a mental breakdown as a result of what happened when they lost control.ö Haruka shook her head. ôThankfully thatÆs pretty rare now. For a while the police would blame PCP for people raging like that, but most police know what the deal is now, and how to deal with it.ö

ôHow do they deal with it, Haruka-sempai?ö Hearing Shinobu ask that question reminded Haruka that there are really some things that should not be spoken of around the younger residents, even if Su was busy eating her usual half-dozen bananas.

ôNowadays they have Tasers, electro-shock guns that can knock someone out. You hit someone several times with that and it usually works.ö Haruka decided not to mention there was only one other option after that, and it involved a police sharpshooter. Thankfully, the other tenants did not ask for that clarification. Naru and Kitsune were starting to look worried, Motoko was looking troubled, but Shinobu thankfully did not fully realize the implications of what they were talking about and who it applied to.

ôAnyway, Keitaro and I are going to do the room inspections at 10:00 AM, Naru. You all need to be ready by then. Keitaro is going to be using the hot spring right now, and I need to check with the opening employees at the teahouse before I join him. If anything comes up, you know where to find us.ö Haruka looked over at Keitaro, who silently nodded in agreement. He walked over to the sink and quickly washed his dishes, including HarukaÆs when she handed them to him. The two then walked out of the kitchen, leaving the tenants to their troubled thoughts.

I like this story. It's a fairly well done deviation from the beaten path. Also, the possibilities of Kanako being there thrills me, as she is one of my favorite LH girls.

Not too many LH works with a bolder Keitaro live to such a length as this one already has. Looking forward to more.


Well-Known Member
Chapter 8 now posted at FFN (link <a href='http://www.fanfiction.net/s/7180762/8/' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>here</a>).

I'm going to keep posting the preliminary chapters here and the semi-final chapters (which usually aren't all that different) will have just links posted here.

Capito Celcior, thanks for the FB. ^_^


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I did not comment on this chapter... not really much to comment on as at least to me comes across as a in-betweener chapter.

I note unless changed in the new posting on FFN... Naru did not react to the mentioning of him using the hot spring by Haruka in the last paragraph. Since sahe was out of room, this would be first she is hearing of it.

Not too keen on fact Granny said nothing to Naru about punching a hole in the cieling... by not adressing it or fixing it... she is giving free rein to Naru to assume it is ok...

As for you asking on reading habits in author notes...

I do not go to forums or fan fiction archives from work... Our internet is through a central server, and monitored, and we have government and coporate clients... should they on a whim decide to not like me doing something on any particular site... even in free time... I could easily lose my job... So I limit myself to sites like weather.com and specific news and search sites. I only rarely check email from work for same reasons.

Instead I go on from home, download stories, and keep copies of stuff read or unread in mostly TXT format and no 3rd party programs or installers on USB thumb drive.


Well-Known Member
It seems Haruka failed to realise that Naru attacked with lethal intent. If that kick hit him his neck would have snapped. And if the desk and ladder were more durable the same thing would have happened.


California Crackpot
PCHeintz72 said:
I did not comment on this chapter... not really much to comment on as at least to me comes across as a in-betweener chapter.

I note unless changed in the new posting on FFN... Naru did not react to the mentioning of him using the hot spring by Haruka in the last paragraph. Since sahe was out of room, this would be first she is hearing of it.

Not too keen on fact Granny said nothing to Naru about punching a hole in the cieling... by not adressing it or fixing it... she is giving free rein to Naru to assume it is ok...

As for you asking on reading habits in author notes...

I do not go to forums or fan fiction archives from work...

Instead I go on from home, download stories, and keep copies of stuff read or unread in mostly TXT format and no 3rd party programs or installers on USB thumb drive.
I wonder if she would have backed down as easily as Motoko did... Highly doubt it.

And it was nice to see Keitaro put his foot down like that. The main problem with Canon!Keitaro was because of the introduction to the girls, and the shit that followed immeaditly after, he never had even the smallest scrap of respect afforded him. If he had tried something like this Keitaro did, they'd have just ignored him.

This Keitaro is showing that, while he's willing to bend a little, he's not going to just let them have their way, the way Granny did. And he's letting them know it in advance.

Also: I do the same thing with fics. I have a huge folder of unread stuff, as well of stuff I'm reading / have read.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Interesting. I still think someone needs to talk to Naru about her berserking, but at least the idea has been introduced to her, now.


Well-Known Member
Preliminary first half of Ch 9. The long awaited room inspections come next.

Ch 9

After leaving the kitchen, Haruka pulled out her mobile phone to call down to the teahouse. Keitaro went ahead to his room to get his swim trunks and a change of clothes, then went over the hot spring. Seeing that the scrub room was empty, he was able to wash up fairly quickly before changing into the trunks. After peering into the mirror over the sink and rubbing his chin sadly, he headed over to the steaming pool and slowly lowered himself into the water. Giving a loud sigh, Keitaro was able to relax for a few minutes before he heard the door to the scrub room slide open.

ôHello, IÆm in the pool back here,ö Keitaro called out, not wanting to have another unfortunate misunderstanding with one of the tenants again.

ôYeah, I kinda knew that, Kei-kun.ö Haruka strolled into the pool area, her body wrapped in a large towel while she carrying another one in her hands. ôYou might want to close your eyes and look away for a minute, though.ö Keitaro followed his auntÆs suggestion, hearing some splashing and hissing as she lowered herself into the water before he heard, ôOK, you can look now.ö Looking back at his aunt, he saw that she was sitting alongside him, but a short distance away. The vapor and water of the pool concealed almost everything however it was obvious that she was not wearing anything.

ôYou know, the tenants are going to get ticked if they come in here and see that you are in your birthday suit in the pool after I told them they have to wear swimsuits in here.ö Keitaro was not bothered by HarukaÆs nudity, as he had experience in the mixed gender public baths that were still somewhat common in Japan, although not as much as when he was younger. Also, Haruka usually warned him when she entered and left the family hot spring when they were both there, so in reality it was not like he saw very much.

ôYeah, well screw them, IÆm not feeling very charitable.ö Keitaro raised an eyebrow at his aunt, who had made a pad out one of the towels and put it on the edge of the pool to rest her head on with her eyes closed. ôAfter what Naru did last night and the holier-than-thou routine Motoko has going, IÆm not in a good mood right now anyway.ö

ôIs this something recent, or something thatÆs youÆve been feeling for a while?ö Keitaro asked.

ôNo, this is new. IÆve known the tenants since they all moved in here, but IÆve never interacted with them much. Granny was the one that was seeing them every day. Guess this is just me seeing their bad sides now.ö Haruka turned her head to one side then another, producing audible pops from her neck.

ôOK, give me a thumbnail sketch, what you do know about them?ö Keitaro wanted to hear his auntÆs opinion on his tenants.

ôWellà Kaolla Su is a hyperactive genius type, only she comes from a rich foreign family, so she can afford to do her research, and pay for the damages when they go boom.ö

ôWait, her experiments actually blow up?ö Keitaro sounded concerned at that news.

ôWell, every once in a while you hear a loud bang and some smoke comes out her room window, but Granny never mentioned any actual damage. The bigger risk is being run over by one of her mechanical turtles.ö Keitaro winced at that statement, already having had a run-in with MechaTama his first day at the Sou. ôThere are a couple of suit types that come in every week or so to check up on her, but Granny was the one that really kept an eye on her.

ôShinobu Maehara is the sweetest kid youÆll probably meet, which makes it worse when her parents use her in a tug-of-war in their divorce. She ran away from home one day and met Granny in the park and started talking. By that evening Granny had brought her home, reamed her parents a new one for having Shinobu in their crossfire, and convinced them to let her stay at the Sou. They share custody of Shinobu, but they pretty much made Granny her guardian.

ôMotoko Aoyama is the younger daughter from a clan in Kyoto. I donÆt know why they decided to send her to school in Tokyo, but they were friends of Granny, and she arranged for Motoko to stay here. The Aoyama clan is famous for their school of sword fighting and for being demon slayers, though there isnÆt much call for that these days.ö Haruka grinned. ôPart of their school is using ki attacks, and I think you already saw that.ö Keitaro nodded ruefully.

ôI donÆt know what the full story is, but Motoko had something of a falling out with some members of her family. Even so, she is still the heir of their kendo school, and she is always practicing with her sword on the roof in the laundry drying area or in the glen over by the Annex. She is not supposed to do her ki attacks except in a special area, so donÆt be afraid to get on her case if she does.

ôMitsune Konno was NaruÆs friend in school, even though she was a year ahead of her. When she graduated she didnÆt have the drive or the grades to get into a university, so she started doing part-time jobs to pay for her bills. KitsuneÆs a party girl, so she is always bar-hopping and looking for a good time. SheÆs into horse racing and betting on it, so she really doesnÆt have a lot of money to spare. The only close members of her family she has left was some uncle or something, and they kept butting heads on her party ways, so she had to leave and find a place of her own. She came to crash with Naru for a while, then she talked with Granny and she let her have a room here. You have to watch out for her, since she doesnÆt have a lot of money she tries to scam people for sake and betting money, and you might be next on her list.ö

Haruka paused to catch her breath when Keitaro spoke up. ôShe may have already tried to do that. Or at least she tried to kiss me.ö

Looking over at him out of the corner of her eye, Haruka asked, ôTried to kiss you? What happened?ö

Keitaro shrugged. ôI was in the kitchen making tea, she was coming on to me, and when she started leaning into me, the tea kettle started whistling and I pulled away. She left after that.ö

ôYou didnÆt let her kiss you? Why not, sheÆs an attractive girl.ö Haruka turned her head so both her eyes were focused on him.

ôSheÆs not really my type. Never really was into drinking, plus there is something about her that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. Now that I know that sheÆs a scammer, I know why IÆm getting that feeling.ö

ôYou really think that she would seduce you for financial reasons?ö Haruka asked seriously.

ôWell, I do know that she is two months behind on the rent, she doesnÆt have a well paying job, and she was eyeballing me pretty hard when she found out that IÆm the heir to the Sou. You do the math.ö Keitaro suddenly felt tired.

ôAs long as you know what you are dealing with.ö Haruka shrugged. ôBut now we have to talk about the biggest thorn here, Naru Narusegawa.ö

ôI first met her when she was a little kid, and she was really nice. SheÆs OK now, but she has a temper on her that belongs on a volcano. I donÆt know what the deal is, but she has problems with men. I mean, guys try crap on the trains and stuff, but Naru just blows up when that happens. Even Motoko doesnÆt do as much damage as Naru does when she really gets going. IÆve heard of men winding up with broken bones after she hits them, but there have all been after they tried to molest her, so the cops let it go.

ôI donÆt know what happened to her in her life, but Naru doesnÆt want to be around guys who come on to her. IÆve seen her dress down and try and look nerdy when she goes off to that prep school of hers, but it doesnÆt work very well.ö Keitaro nodded. Even with her hair in braids and wearing her horn-rimmed glasses, Naru was still a very attractive girl. ôNaru moved down to the Hinata-sou so she would be closer to Todai and the prep school she attends. Lately sheÆs been working her butt off to do well in her studies, and itÆs been paying off. I heard that she gets the top scores at her prep school, letÆs just hope it stays that way when she takes the actual exam.ö Keitaro agreed with that, as he had some very personal experience with doing well with the prep work and messing up on the actual exam.

ôNot that I donÆt know what youÆre going to say, but what do you think about doing with this place? Are you going to try and keep it open as a dorm, or are you going to shut it down?ö Haruka sat up and turned so she was facing Keitaro now.

Keitaro sighed. ôI know that in theory I really should shut down the dorm, but I donÆt want to boot those girls out on the street, especially Shinobu and Su. I donÆt feel a lot of sympathy toward Konno, but she and Aoyama and Narusegawa deserve at least one chance. IÆm really going to have to lay down the law to them if we are going to make this work.

ôLong-term, I want to make this place back into an resort inn again, but with the economy the way it is, IÆm not sure that is really sustainable. Plus, thereÆs Todai for me, and I wouldnÆt be able to study and hopefully attend if I have a full-time job here.ö

ôSpeaking of which, you are going to call Kanako to come over here, right?ö Keitaro nodded at HarukaÆs question. ôThatÆs good, because youÆre going to need her for more than just help around the Sou. Tell me something first, what happened when you stuck your head though that hole in NaruÆs floor?ö

Keitaro winced. ôI was looking around to see where I was when I finally saw her. She was standing there turning beet red and then she started running towards me to kick at me, I guess. I tried to duck down, but I couldnÆt bend down far enough and when she hit the board, the force pushed me down hard enough to knock me loose from you and throw me from the ladder.ö

ôYou do know that if Naru had managed to kick you as enraged as she was, she could have taken your head off?ö Keitaro nodded, his face grim. ôAnd she wasnÆt going to stop when she dropped though the hole into your room. I was lucky I was able to shock her into stopping. I stayed last night to keep an eye on you, but I canÆt keep doing that.

ôWith Naru being the way she is, I think youÆre going to need Kanako to watch your back. I know you can defend yourself, but you may not be able to stop her without doing some major damage. With Kanako there, it might not get that messy.ö

ôThis is Kanako weÆre talking about here, right? The girl that doesnÆt understand the concepts of restraint or overkill?ö Keitaro watched as HarukaÆs eyes scrunched shut in a wince.

ôHey, youÆre talking to her former sparring partner here, I know as well as you do what she can do in a fight. But I also know that if you are going to run this place you are going to need her, and not just to protect you from crazed tenants. If we set down some firm rules for her, I think she can do well here helping you.ö

Keitaro nodded. ôSpeaking of rules, we are going to have to set some for the tenants as well. I donÆt like the fact that Konno is drinking around the kids, and there is no real reason for Aoyama to be carrying around her actual sword all the time.ö

ôWell, that is something we can sort out after we do those bloody inspections. Gods above, it feels like weÆve been talking about this for a week instead of just a couple days,ö Haruka complained.

Keitaro gave a rueful grin. ôI know what youÆre talking about, Haru-chan.ö Looking down at his watch, he saw that the time was now 9:35 AM. ôItÆs time to get going, after the inspections weÆll go down to the teahouse and hash things out there. We can call Kanako after that, then make the announcements to the tenants tomorrow morning after breakfast.ö

ôSounds good, nephew mine.ö Haruka started to stand, but Keitaro was able to turn his head and close his eyes in time to not see much.

ôGeez, Haru! Give a guy some warning!ö KeitaroÆs face was red and it was not from the temperature of the water.

ôWhy? Do I have something youÆve never seen before?ö Haruka stood there for a moment, one of her hands on her hip.

ôNo, but not since I was six years old.ö Keitaro keep his eyes firmly shut.

ôWasnÆt that when you would run out of the spring naked and streak the house, and I would have to chase you dressed only in a towel? Granny would be laughing her ass off and taking pictures at the same time?ö Haruka stepped out of the spring and starting wrapping the towel around her.

Keitaro cringed. ôThank you for reminding me of that.ö

ôYou can look now.ö Opening his eyes, Keitaro saw that Haruka was covered up. ôGive me a couple of minutes then come after me. IÆll meet you at your room.ö Keitaro nodded as he hoisted himself out of the spring and started to dry himself off as she started to walk toward the scrub room.



Well-Known Member
I'm viewing this as a deconstruction of LH, and that seems to be workign pretty well for justifying character behavior.

Keitaro probably was as sweet and oblivious as his canon self, but there are plenty of people who would take advantage of that, and he probably became somewhat jaded. he's still a good person deep down, but its tempered by his past experiences with assholes who would abuse that.

Haruka seems more caring, but given how you gave justification with the "Family Curse" of death, it makes sense that she would be more concerned about Keitaro.

Naru seems a lot more violent/psychotic than in canon, but given how this is a dramatic version of LH, it would make sense, as it isn;t just slapstick comedy. The battle aura explanation also works for explaining how this is not a good thing.

Most of the other girls seem the same as canon, but that's probably mainly due to being early in the story.

This seems to be in the early stages of development, so I can;t say too much about this, but it does seem liek it could be really interesting, so I;ll keep an eye on it.


Well-Known Member
zerohour said:
I'm viewing this as a deconstruction of LH, and that seems to be workign pretty well for justifying character behavior.

Keitaro probably was as sweet and oblivious as his canon self, but there are plenty of people who would take advantage of that, and he probably became somewhat jaded.? he's still a good person deep down, but its tempered by his past experiences with assholes who would abuse that.

Haruka seems more caring, but given how you gave justification with the "Family Curse" of death, it makes sense that she would be more concerned about Keitaro.

Naru seems a lot more violent/psychotic than in canon, but given how this is a dramatic version of LH, it would make sense, as it isn;t just slapstick comedy.? The battle aura explanation also works for explaining how this is not a good thing.

Most of the other girls seem the same as canon, but that's probably mainly due to being early in the story.

This seems to be in the early stages of development, so I can;t say too much about this, but it does seem liek it could be really interesting, so I;ll keep an eye on it.
It's hard for me to view this as a deconstruction, due to the inconsistencies I keep running into. We just had two chapters practically devoted to making us identify the main character as Keitaro, and it actually failed at that. It just made the introduction that much more jarring to the reader. At this point, I have to internally dub the character as "prickish Buckaroo Banzai."

Let me point out something: virtually all fanfics that are based on the premise of "improving" on a canon character's personality are doomed to fail in some fashion. Typically, there are two reasons one would do that. Either the writer hates that character on some level, or he/she hasn't properly examined the character. Hell, most of the time the "improvement" is turning a nice guy into an asshole.

As I said before, it is nearly impossible to recognize the character as Keitaro. Here, I am more inclined to think it because no one's ever properly examined the character. The initial premise is that someone wanted Keitaro to stick up for himself, but no one seemed to realize that the series never would have happened if he didn't stick up for himself. The very reason he ended up in the Hinata Sou was because he didn't back down from his decision to try for Todai. Right out of the gate, the story hit a snag in its reasoning.

Then there is the route used to "give him a backbone," a poorly veiled later flashback. It doesn't elicit feelings of suspense or mystery, but instead garners groans from the audience. From that, we basically have a steel-toed boot wearing jackass show up. We see him face the girls in a hyper-competent fashion, thus the "Buckaroo Banzai" commentary. You have him aware of Kanako's obsession with him, which should indicate self-awareness of other women's attraction to him. Yet not even one chapter after the two part flashback do we have Haruka point out that he does not notice the effect his "grin" had. Did this story just put fanon Ranma's grin on this pod person? The result is that his character doesn't act in any way, shape, or form like Keitaro. We have an OC simply put in situations Keitaro might run into.

Oh, the main character isn't the only problem here for characterization. That one is just the most blatant and offensive. Zerohour mentioned the Shinobu change, and that's another inconsistency. She acts close to canon at the start, and just now decides to act impish. There's the flanderization of Kitsune, Naru, and Motoko going on here which also grates on the nerves. You're focusing too much on the negative qualities there, which leaves one-dimensional characters who will probably be evicted from the story if things progress in their logical fashion.

I don't like playing the bad guy here, but someone has to point out flaws outside of grammar and spelling. I actually looked at the reviews for this thing on ff.net, and it's sad how many people who just hate characters love this. More precisely, your flanderization of several characters effectively vindicated some readers in their comments. You made them exactly the way those readers perceived them, which does fit under rampant character bashing. And the worst part is that I could find only one dissenting opinion among those reviews, and that guy simply pointed out that your main character doesn't feel like Keitaro.


Well-Known Member
FinalMax, I found your critique interesting. You're not wrong in a lot of what you point out, but I think there are some other ways of looking at some of the issues you note.

FinalMax said:
Let me point out something: virtually all fanfics that are based on the premise of "improving" on a canon character's personality are doomed to fail in some fashion. Typically, there are two reasons one would do that. Either the writer hates that character on some level, or he/she hasn't properly examined the character. Hell, most of the time the "improvement" is turning a nice guy into an asshole.
I don't think fanfics that change a character's personality somewhat are necessarily attempts to "improve" it.

Fanfiction is, by its very nature, introducing a change into the source material. Usually this can be subdivided into a change of circumstances (which includes changing the location or even continuing the story), or a change of one or more of the characters (that is, what happens when character X acts differently in some regard). These have been the basis of fanfiction since fanfiction was invented.

What most people seem to dislike about the latter form of fanfiction is that, having grown used to the characters from the source material, they find it hard to relate to the new version of the character introduced in the fanfiction. In other words, there's a perceived loss of the interpersonal connection between the reader and the character.

Now, it's certainly possible to objectively think that the new characterization is poorly done. But if the reader doesn't care for the how the reinvented character acts when the primary purpose of the fic is to reinvent the character, that's more likely a personal dislike and not a problem with the story itself.

FinalMax said:
As I said before, it is nearly impossible to recognize the character as Keitaro. Here, I am more inclined to think it because no one's ever properly examined the character. The initial premise is that someone wanted Keitaro to stick up for himself, but no one seemed to realize that the series never would have happened if he didn't stick up for himself. The very reason he ended up in the Hinata Sou was because he didn't back down from his decision to try for Todai. Right out of the gate, the story hit a snag in its reasoning.
I'm honestly not sure how you'd change the character while still keeping them "recognizable" in any truly objective fashion.

In this case, my guess is that the author is attempting to rectify an aspect of the character that most find to be something they dislike about him; that is, his perceived lack of desire to stand up for himself regarding being punished for things that aren't his fault.

My take on this is that Love Hina, like all harem stories, attempts to create a situation in which the reader can mentally substitute himself for the man, in essence imagining what it'd feel like to have his own harem. Hence why the protagonist in the harem story is usually a nice guy. However, Keitaro is - in my understanding - typically cited as taking that particular aspect of his character too far. Very few people want to imagine themselves as a character who won't even attempt to stop repeated, unwarranted attacks on his person.

Hence why you have fanfics like this one that attempt to remove that particular aspect from Keitaro's character.

To put it another way, it's not that the author is making an error in his reasoning; no one's arguing that the canon Keitaro isn't dedicated and tenacious; rather, it's that the canon Keitaro simply chooses not to apply those merits towards the issue of defending himself. He has the ability, but simply doesn't. This fanfic is an attempt to portray the character having chosen to do so.

FinalMax said:
It doesn't elicit feelings of suspense or mystery, but instead garners groans from the audience.
I don't mean to chide, but it's important to note that statements like this are personal; there's no wider applicability. You can't say that something you don't like makes "the audience" groan...particularly since you noted that almost all of the feedback on fanfiction.net was positive.

FinalMax said:
There's the flanderization of Kitsune, Naru, and Motoko going on here which also grates on the nerves. You're focusing too much on the negative qualities there, which leaves one-dimensional characters who will probably be evicted from the story if things progress in their logical fashion.
You're not wrong here, but I do think you're overstating things a bit.

The characters in the canon Love Hina are not among the best-developed characters ever told in a story; far from it. Plot is more important in the Love Hina anime/manga than characterization - the very fact that we never find out why Naru is so violent towards men is proof enough of that.

The characters are, as I see them, meant more to convey archetypes rather than being true individuals in their own right. You got the sly sexy girl, the tsundere, the cute and shy girl, the exotic foreigner, etc. While the characters aren't truly one-dimensional, they're never what I would call well-developed.

Hence, the flanderization of the girls with the worst tendencies (Naru and Motoko's violence, Kitsune's manipulation) is understandable, if not forgivable. Particularly since the circumstances of the story seem poised to bring their worst qualities to the fore, as they're confronted with a character that naturally brings out those worst tendencies (that is, there's a man there and they can't deal with him in their usual way, so they're throwing their equivalent of a temper tantrum).

Having said all of that, I'll say that there are some parts about this story that I don't care for myself, but I chalk the majority of those up to personal distaste rather than problems of the story's construction.


Well-Known Member
Alzrius said:
I don't think fanfics that change a character's personality somewhat are necessarily attempts to "improve" it.
In this case, the author is on record as stating that was his goal

Wrapping this up, Keitaro is still the promise-keeping goof from before, someone that has clumsy social skills but he is going to be standing up for himself more along the way that a real person would [...] So in conclusion, Keitaro is not going to turn into a major bad ass in this story... maybe a minor bad ass though, when the situation calls for it.
As to this Keitaro being more different that just having a backbone, I freely admit it. Canon Keitaro only stood up to other people for one of two reasons - the promises that he makes and fully intends to keep (even in Japan, land of family and personal honor, this level of dedication is pretty much unheard of) or to protect other people that he cares about (Kanako, Mutsume, et al). Keep in mind, I said protect *others*, not himself. Otherwise, Canon Keitaro is so without a backbone that it is a wonder the guy can walk upright.
Now onto

if the reader doesn't care for the how the reinvented character acts when the primary purpose of the fic is to reinvent the character, that's more likely a personal dislike and not a problem with the story itself.
If you reinvent something to the point that it's become unrecognizable, then you have made a mistake.

I'm honestly not sure how you'd change the character while still keeping them "recognizable" in any truly objective fashion.
Here are some recent examples The characters in the Captain America film versue the original comic books. Batman TAS changed to Batman beyond (Bruce has changed a lot and is still recognizable). The Lord of the Rings books versue the films. These examples made changes but at no point did they lose what made their characters unique.


Well-Known Member
Alzrius and Ordo, thank you for your responses and FB. You guys pretty much explained what I would have said myself about the changes in and the flanderization of the LH characters.

I do want to say that things will change for the characters as the story progresses. Keep in mind, barely three days have passed in the story; not enough time to see all facets of a person's personality, especially in stressful situations. Also, I am putting a somewhat realistic spin on the reasons why people act the way they do, such as Motoko and Naru being so violent, Kitsune being a scammer, Haruka being her cheery self, etc and the consequences thereof.

The good news is that I will be posting the second part of Ch 9 shortly. And I say part instead of half deliberately; the full chapter is +6400 words, of which the first part was only 2400 words.


Well-Known Member
The preliminary second part to Ch 9. This part is twice as long as a regular chapter, so brace yourselves. ^_^

Ch 9.5

ôSo, how do you want to do this, Kei-kun?ö

Keitaro and Haruka stood at the head of the stairs on the second floor of the Sou. He could still see the scorch marks from SuÆs rockets launched from her MechaTama, and remembered that he had written it down as damages that need repairs, although not on an immediate basis. The hole in NaruÆs floor was the first repair on the immediate list, although he was going to wait for Kanako to show up first before going into *that* lionÆs den.

ôTell me who is in what room now?ö Keitaro asked, looking down the corridor.

ôOk, starting from the left next to us is KitsuneÆs room, then SuÆs double room. MotokoÆs room is at the far right, then ShinobuÆs room, then NaruÆs is next to us on the right. As you may have realized, that puts your room right below NaruÆs.ö Haruka grinned at Keitaro with the last statement.

ôOh ha ha.ö KeitaroÆs back was still sore from last nightÆs shenanigans. He remembered reading in NaruÆs tenant book entry that Granny had marked down that there was a hole in her room floor that needed repair, but that it was not an immediate concern. It had sounded like the hole was something like a mouse hole, not one big enough for someone to pass through. ôWeÆll do this by the numbers, and leave the best for last.ö

Haruka watched as Keitaro stepped in front but slightly to the side of KitsuneÆs door so that he was mostly standing in front of the wall next to the knob. Reaching over with his left hand, he knocked on the door then pulled it back. Looking over at Haruka, who had an eyebrow raised, Keitaro scratched the back of his head and said sheepishly, ôI once had a bad experience with a door and a full auto paintball gun.ö

Before Haruka could ask about that experience the door opened slowly, revealing Kitsune, her eyes blinking as though she had just woken up. Looking past her, Keitaro and Haruka could see the covers on the bed were rumpled, not that the bed or the room for that matter were anywhere near neat. ôGood morning Manager-san, Haruka-san.ö

ôGood morning, Konno-san. ItÆs that time.ö Opening the door wider, Kitsune watched as the two Urashima walked through the door and stopped in the middle of the room. Looking around, they could see that while the room was somewhat messy with strewn clothes and magazines, there did not seem to be much wrong with the room itself. There was a laptop computer sitting on a low table to the side, as well as some notebooks that seemed to be filled with scribbles, empty soda cans and coffee cups.

ôI take it housekeeping is not your strong suit, Konno-san?ö asked Keitaro as he started writing on his clipboard, even though he was eyeing the nervously shifting fox girl.

ôNot so much, I start writing a new article, next thing you know, stuff winds up all over the place.ö Kitsune was shifting from foot to foot.

ôWell, the good thing is that there isnÆt food trash up here, that kind of thing brings in bugs and vermin.ö Keitaro walked over to the sole window of the room and pushed the faded curtain aside. The glass on the other side was very dusty, almost to the point of being opaque. Tugging slightly on the sash, the window stuck for a moment then slide upwards, releasing a small puff of dust. Pushing the window back down, Keitaro let the curtain drop back into place.

ôThere is no problems or damages in the room that need to be worked on, Konno-san?ö Keitaro was scribbling on his clipboard as he walked away from the window and back to the center of the room.

ôNope, everything is pretty much fine the way it is.ö Kitsune was now clasping her hands in front of her.

ôEven the dust?ö Keitaro asked with a raised eyebrow.

ôWellà maybe not that.ö Kitsune smiled, but it came out a bit forced.

ôHn.ö Keitaro noised as he glanced at his aunt, who had been silently standing there. Looking back at Kitsune he asked, ôIs there a reason why you are so nervous, Konno-san?ö

Kitsune grimaced. ôI think we got off on the wrong foot, and IÆm worried if IÆm going to be able to stay here.ö

Keitaro nodded slightly. ôI can understand that. ThereÆs nothing here so far that would prevent you from staying if I decide to keep the dorm open. There are going to be some new rules however, and following them will be a condition of tenancy here at the Sou.ö

Kitsune nodded her head. ôI can follow the rules, donÆt have many options if I have to leave here.ö

Smiling slightly, Keitaro nodded toward his tenant. ôIÆm glad to hear that. That should be it, but there is just more thing, Konno-san.ö

ôWhatÆs that?ö The fox girl tensed slightly.

ôIf I were to ask Haru-chan to look in your closet, what would she find there?ö Keitaro dropped the smile from his face and looked squarely at the younger woman.

Kitsune swallowed the lump in her throat. After a moment she answered , ôA giant pile of dirty laundry and a box full of empty sake bottles.ö

Looking in her eyes for a long moment, Keitaro smiled slightly again. ôIÆll take your word for it. Please donÆt ever make me regret that, Kitsune-san.ö

Letting out a breath she did not know she was holding, Kitsune smiled as well. ôThank you Manager-san.ö

ôThereÆs going to be a meeting after breakfast tomorrow regarding the final decisions about the dorm. WeÆll see you around till then.ö Nodding his head to Kitsune, Keitaro turned and left the room, Haruka following behind him.


Stopping in the hallway, Keitaro was writing again when he felt his auntÆs presence next to him. Looking up, he could see that her head was cocked slightly to the side as she looked at him.

ôYou know you were really psyching her out, right?ö Haruka was surprised to see Keitaro smile at the remark.

ôThat was the point, Haru-chan. Konno has to realize that IÆm in charge of the Sou now, and that playing games would really be a bad idea. I didnÆt want to scare her though.ö

ôWell, you were on the ragged edge there, Kei-kun.ö Haruka reached over and lightly bopped Keitaro on the head. ôBut you got the job done.ö

ôSo next up is SuÆs room?ö Keitaro started walking toward the end of the hall.

ôYep, and it would be a good idea to stand to the side of this door as well.ö The two Urashima stopped in front of the door with a placard attached marked with an odd insignia, which resembled three eyes in a triangle formation. There was some odd script below the eyes, but it was not recognizable as either Japanese or English.

ôOh?ö Keitaro did as his aunt suggested, only this time his entire body was to one side as he reached over to knock.

ôYeah, IÆve heard from Granny what happens when SuÆs door is opened. It getsà interesting.ö Haruka stood behind Keitaro as he knocked.

For some reason, the force of his knuckles on the door panel pushed the door open, as though the door had not been properly secured.

The door had only reached the half-way mark as it opened before there was a barrage of loud pops, and what looked to a volley of suction cup arrows launched through the half open door and hit the wall opposite it. Looking at the wall, Keitaro could see at least fifty arrows quivering in place, reaching from floor to ceiling.

ôInteresting, huh?ö Keitaro looked over at Haruka, who merely shrugged in response.


ôLast one.ö Keitaro and Haruka stopped in front of NarusegawaÆs door.

Inspecting the previously tenant rooms had proved interesting. SuÆs rooms had literally been the most exotic, as she had fake jungle trees and bushes set up in the first room instead of regular furniture, with a hammock strung between two of the trees. Dressers that resembled hollowed out tree trunks were against the back wall, and the smell of bananas filled the air. What sounded like recorded jungle birdcalls could be heard in the background; at least Keitaro hoped they were recorded.

The second room turned out to be a miniature yet fully stocked engineering lab, complete with full safety gear, reinforced Plexiglas work boxesà and forced air vents and blowout panels on the outside wall. Su had cheerfully stated that sometimes her experiments went a littleà criticalà at the wrong times, but with the safety gear there was little if any damage to the building.

Apparently, all of this had been paid for by SuÆs family, as well as the installation. Granny had approved of all of it at the cost of triple the normal rent, plus SuÆs family paying for an extensive insurance policy. Keitaro resolved to closely look over SuÆs rental agreement to see what was involved, and to maybe glean what Granny was thinking in making this kind of agreement with a 14 year old girl.

AoyamaÆs room was more calming, even if there was literally a certainà edgeà to it. She had no bed or chairs, instead having tatami mats and a futon on the floor along with a low table to work at. There was a couple of dressers along one wall, but what really drew a personÆs attention was along the opposite wall.

A full set of what looked to be custom fitted samurai armor was displayed on a upright rack. The armor was lacquered in gloss black and crimson, and a fearsome demonÆs mask was the faceguard to the iron helmet.

Beside the armor was something that was just as impressive, even if it did not have the literal flash that the armor did. Two swords sat upon a horizontal rack on a low table, the longer curved katana blade on top, with the shorter and straighter wakizashi blade set below it, both with natural colored wooden mounts and in plain wooden sheaths. A vertical rack was on the floor next to the table held wooden training swords, including light bamboo shinai and heavier solid wooden boken.

Knowing how touchy kendoists were about people handling their swords, Keitaro politely asked Motoko to draw her sword from its sheath and hold it so he could look at it. Motoko did not looked greatly enthused by the request but did as she was asked. Keitaro and Haruka had been greatly impressed by the blade of the katana, which Motoko had informed them was named Shishu. The grain of the steel was clearly visible, and the hamon, the line where the difference in tempering showed between the hardened razor sharp steel of the edge merged with the softer spine of the sword that allowed the sword to flex instead of shatter, undulated in a near perfect wavy pattern.

ShinobuÆs room was everything that one would expect from a teenage girlÆs room, although one that maybe had not reached adolescence. The western style bed looked like it would pass the most hardened drill sergeantÆs inspection, although he would not be impressed with the trio of plushy bears sitting on top of the pillows along with other plushies sitting on top of the dresser and a couple of shelves. A sole picture in a frame sat on the western style desk; a smiling couple and what looked to be a much younger Shinobu, presumably in happier times. The carpet was freshly vacuumed, and if there was dust in the room, it was hiding in a deep dark corner.

Finally coming up to the last room to be inspected, Keitaro took a deep breath. Looking over his shoulder to see that Haruka was once again behind him and giving him an encouraging thumbs up, he reached over and knocked on the door.

After a few moments, the door opened and Naru was standing there, a frown not quite on her face. A moment passed before she could bring herself to speak. ôGood Morning Manager-san, Haruka-san.ö

ôMorning, Narusegawa-san. ItÆs time for the room inspection.ö Keitaro said in a semi-cheerful voice. One corner of NaruÆs mouth ticked before she stepped back and opened the door fully.

Stepping inside the room, Keitaro and Haruka saw that NaruÆs room was a weird combination of what they had seen in KitsuneÆs and ShinobuÆs rooms. Furnished western style, the room was similar to ShinobuÆs but it was certainly more of like KitsuneÆs in that instead of a desk a low table was off to the side with text books, prep guides and notebooks stacked on top, along with a laptop computer. Other books and study materials were spread throughout the room, and on top of the dresser was a framed picture of a younger Naru and Kitsune, both in high school uniform and flashing æVÆ signs and wide smiles at the camera. Another picture was alongside of Naru with an older couple and a younger girl, presumably her family.

ôThis should not take very long, Narusegawa-san, we just have to ask some routine questions.ö Keitaro winced at what he had just said; he sounded more like a police investigator than a dorm manager.

ôFine, go ahead.ö Naru crossed her arms in front of herself, her hands holding her elbows. Given what he knew of body signals, Keitaro knew this was a defensive posture.

ôHow long has that hole been in the floor, Narusegawa-san?ö Keitaro gestured to the section of the floor covered with a piece of plywood, a large plushy sitting on top of it.

ôAbout six months now. It was when I had first started at prep school.ö Naru tightened her arms and looked away from the hole.

ôWhat did Granny Hina have to say about the hole?ö Keitaro was more than a little curious to HinaÆs reaction, as the notation in the tenant book had literally been two lines - æHole in NaruÆs floor, covered. No rush to repairÆ.

ôI donÆt think she minded it, actually. I would push the cover to the side and we would talk to each other at night though the hole.ö NaruÆs hands slipped from her elbows and down, to where her hands were clasped in front of her.

ôDid she ever tell you what she was going to charge you for the repairs?ö This was something of a trick question, as Keitaro knew that Granny Hina could be forgiving of someone if she though they were not truly at fault. If she thought that you had screwed up on your own however, gods above help you.

ôShe gave me the choice of either paying the equivalent of half my safety deposit at once or pay it off over several months. I paid extra on the rent for three months.ö

Keitaro nodded as he wrote something down on his clipboard before looking up and at her directly. ôIs there any other damage in the room that I should know about?ö

ôNo, everything else is fine here.ö Narusegawa looked at him for a moment before looking away.

Keitaro walked over to the board on the floor and looked down at it. There was a large crack running through it, directly under where the plushy sat. ôYou know that even with the hole covered it is still a safety hazard? IÆll have to repair it, and as soon as possible.ö

Naru nodded. ôI understand. When are you going to do it?ö

Keitaro shrugged. ôI have to wait for my sister to arrive, that will be in a day or so. IÆll give you fair warning, and sheÆs going to be assisting me.ö He dropped down to one knee beside the board and gestured towards the plushy. ôYou want to pick up Lido-kun for a minute?ö

Naru nodded jerkily and stepped over in front of him, picking up the plushy and hugging him to her chest. Keitaro moved the board to one side and started inspecting the hole in the floor, looking closely at the edges and the structural supports that ran through alongside them. After a minute of looking and writing notes, he pushed the board back and looked over at Naru. ôYou can put Lido-kun back now.ö

Standing up as Naru put the plushy back on the board, Keitaro waited for a moment before Naru was looking at him again. ôThere is one more thing we have to talk about. Your temper.ö NaruÆs face had a combination of worry and anger on it as she nodded her head but did not say anything.

ôI know we got off on the wrong foot,ö here Haruka had to suppress a snort at the understatement, ôand weÆve had some misunderstandings,ö Haruka was barely able to control the cough that would have escaped at that one, ôbut you do realize that you did overreact to what were essentially accidents?ö

Naru did not look happy as she responded. ôLook, I know I have a temper problem. ItÆs just that so much crap happens that the only way to stop it is to punch the perverts that are doing it. ItÆs one of the reasons I moved here, to be closer to my prep school and Todai, and not have to take so many trains and trolleys.ö

KeitaroÆs eyes widened. ôThe problem is getting that bad?ö The answer to that came from behind him.

ôYeah, it gets bad, Kei-kun,ö Haruka replied. ôThe train lines had to set up female-only cars to cut back on the gropings. Even so, there is a lot that goes on, and even with the transit police on the lookout, with the trains as packed as they are, a lot of stuff happens. I try not to take the trains myself, and if I do, one time out of three someone will try something.ö

ôWhat do you do about it, Haru?ö His aunt was not the type to take that kind of thing very well.

ôI break fingers, wrists, or knee them in the balls, usually.ö Haruka stated calmly. ôIf they really get out of hand, or there are more than one of them, I start using the family techniques.ö

Keitaro winced at that. The Urashima family techniques were not a martial arts system per se, as much as they were a collection of almost every underhanded maneuver and dirty trick the various family members had come across, both Eastern and Western. While most Urashimas trained in some formal martial arts system, the family techniques were only used in situations where they were in serious danger.

ôYou said that you were shown how to protect yourself in school, Naru? What did that training consist of?ö Keitaro turned back to the tenant.

ôHow to punch and hit correctly, so I wonÆt be hurt by it and to make sure the target goes down. That was pretty much it.ö Naru replied.

Keitaro sighed at that. That was probably the most irresponsible way to teach someone to fight. When a person only had one or two ways to fight, they would have to responds to all threats the same way, regardless of the actual level of danger. It was a literal physical example of the old axiom that when the only tool you have is a hammer, then all problems begin to look like nails.

ôYou didnÆt answer my question though, Narusegawa-san. You do realize that the altercations we had were the result of accidents, and not deliberate action on my part?ö Keitaro was looking steadily at Naru, who was trying not to squirm.

ôYeah, I know that now.ö Naru did not look happy at the admission.

ôAnd that if you had let me explain myself in either case, it would not have gone as far as it did?ö Keitaro continued with his line of thought.

ôYes.ö NaruÆs face flushed and she looked down at the plushy and away from the eyes of the two Urashima.

ôIf you are to continue living here Narusegawa-san, you have to get a much better grip on that temper. I can defend myself normally, but last time I couldnÆt, and my aunt had to protect me. I donÆt want that to happen again, because itÆs not just you and I living here, itÆs other people, some of whom canÆt defend themselves at all. Remember what Haruka said earlier about battle rage? YouÆre almost a textbox example of it.ö

Naru did not say anything to that, only nodding her head in a jerky manner. Keitaro and Haruka could see that the anger was pretty much gone from her expression, leaving only the worry.

ôIÆm going to let you in on a little secret, Narusegawa-san. Will you be able to keep quiet about it? ItÆs not a bad thing.ö Naru considered for a moment then nodded. ôIÆm going to leave the dorm open and let the current tenants stay.ö NaruÆs head jerked up as she looked at him wide-eyed as Keitaro continued. ôHowever, there are going to be some new rules put in place that are as a result of specific tenants, and youÆre going to know who they are. One of them is going to be you.ö

Keitaro paused for a moment, and as Naru did not say anything, continued talking. ôThe rule is going to be that tenants are not allowed to use force against each other unless they sincerely think they are in danger or that someone else is in danger. The force to be used in that case will be proportional and necessary. For example, if someone were to fall on you, you should only push them away. If they continue to assault you, or they are deliberately attempting to hurt you, then you can use greater force to stop them. Even then, it has to be reasonable. Punching someone to stop them is one thing; punching someone hard enough to blast a hole though them probably isnÆt.ö Naru flinched but after a moment nodded.

ôAnd I have to tell you one more thing. You already had two strikes with what happened in the hot spring, and what happened in my room last night. This is your last chance, if you come at someone without good reason, and with unnecessary levels of force, I will evict you. Understand?ö Naru nodded. ôI have to hear you say it, Narusegawa-san.ö

ôI understand.ö Naru said quietly

ôIf a decision to evict someone is needed, itÆs going to be determined by myself, my sister, and Haruka together. I have to tell you, IÆm probably the nicest one of the lot.ö Haruka fake-scowled at Keitaro, but he just smiled at her before continuing. ôIÆm sorry it came to this, but I have people to protect here, with me being the least of them. If I have to defend myself or someone else here at the Sou because you are in a rage, youÆre probably going to sustain a lot of damage before you finally stop. So I will help you with some basic training that will help you control your temper. That training will also be a condition of you staying here. Are you going to be able to live with that, Narusegawa-san?ö

ôYes, yes I can.ö Naru looked back at the two of them, determination starting to rise in her face.

ôGood then. I would have hated to throw a fellow Lido-kun fan out of the Sou.ö Naru got a quizzical look on her face as Keitaro nodded down at the plushy on the floor next to them. ôI used to watch æLido-kun and FriendsÆ on TV when I was a boy with my friends. ItÆs one of my happier memories.ö Keitaro smiled at the tenant, who cautiously returned the smile.

ôWeÆre all done here, Narusegawa-san. Haru-chan and I are going down to the teahouse to talk some things over, we are going to tell everyone the decision and the new rules tomorrow after breakfast, my sister should be here by then. Remember to keep that secret under your hat for now. If Kitsune-san starts worrying too much though, just tell her you have a feeling everything will be fine.ö

Walking to the door, Keitaro waited for Haruka to catch up with him before opening it. ôHave a good night, Narusegawa-san,ö he said as the two left the room.
