That *is* helpful to know. Thank you!
Some years ago, I tried to move away from google-office to something either self hosted OR runs locally. The self hosting thing was troublesome to upkeep. Am still interested, but just do not have the time to maintain it. For running locally, I used libreoffice on Ubuntu for awhile, but that did not last long. Biggest reason was sharing stuff with family. i.e. at times we would be discussing something, I needed access to a file but it was not present on the nearest laptop we had lying around.
In the end, a compromise I did was to use the office 365 subscription we have for email. This is the business version of 365. There *is* a family edition available, but at the time I looked, it came with a lot of limitations that did not work for me - notably the lack of support for custom domains. A custom domain is probably not of interest to most people, but I wanted to own my own email. At the time, I was using Google for their free email, but their TOS always made me uncomfortable.
I won't say that o365 is a better email system. All I can say is that they aren't google. And if nothing else, Microsoft does not have a reputation for randomly (or at least without warning) blocking/banning their paying customers.