FanFiction.NET issues

You also don't get emails at all if you're using a hotmail account.


Well-Known Member
I have not had any issues, is it still occurring? And what exactly are the issues? Note I do not subscribe to any emaill updates, so if that is the issue I would not know it.
No, the screen would be white and I couldn't see anything, but it was still there, I could move my cursor over "links" and the hyperlink would appear at the bottom of the screen. Now it's saying i need to enable javascript to continue.


Well-Known Member
Well, now I can't even read any fics on FF.Net. Stuck on a cloudflare loop.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... problems for me seem limited to some of the most recently updated stories.

Nabya, I can see yours, and even go into it, but it is NOT correct. Currently for me it shows 139 chapters in the chapter drop down... but shows only 132 chapters in the story description section at the top of screen...

A couple other new stories I see the story, but get a not present box when going into them.

Edit: using Firefox,


Well-Known Member
The loops can happen because of extension or addon for the browser, try disabling them to find the culprit.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Well has crapped the bed...again.
Yup, no stories loading, been that way for at least a couple hours now getting stuck on the verification code that we are real people...

I was hoping it would resolve itself. I'm not too affected at the moment, been doing other things, like reading off of AOOO and viewing some Shadow Chronicles Game Videos I downloaded a while back from YouTube. They give interesting additional plots and events not in the series, and a number of them cover the 2-3 year gap between them leaving Cid and meeting back up in the Capital...


Lurking upon the deep
@PCHeintz72 It still screwing up is giving me time to catch up watching the dvd collection of the Venture Bro's that i bought a few weeks ago, so i'll count it as at least a partial win, hell i finally had the time and desire to finish Pokemon Scarlet.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
For me it came back I think arong 1:00am my time, or a couple hours after my prior post.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
FanFiction.NET seems to be having 'hiccups', for lack of a better term, in that it is randomly erroring. Some links work fine, and on others I'm getting the following on seemingly random links:

Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520


Well-Known Member
I mentioned this on the discord the other day, but I'll bring it here too. Apparently's story/author email alerts for gmail are and have been down since the 10th. I think I saw some comment on Twitter that it's been down for a different email service since mid September.


Well-Known Member
There's a notice to white list their bot in your email settings, problem is that this is something they need to fix on their end since the email providers are more than likely blocking their mail and is not even hitting the spam folders.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
While browsing the site I'm currently experiencing a repeat of the errors I was getting back on Sept 30th.... Keep getting the following on any story link I try:

Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Well... The direct links seem working again for me, except one so far. However, most of the category links are non-functional and bringing up blank screens with multiple drop down selection boxes.


Apparently a report-er
Well... The direct links seem working again for me, except one so far. However, most of the category links are non-functional and bringing up blank screens with multiple drop down selection boxes.
There's also the fact email updates still don't work, at least in my Gmail account.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
I never used email updates, so cannot say I'd ever notice when they go up or down...

Currently the category links are acting kind of bizarre... Some are coming up fine, some are showing as completely blank, and some are instead of bringing up the category are pringing up like i said a screen with multiple drop down boxes...

I'm betting FanFiction.NET is in the process of overhauling its category links, and the old ones are likely doing random things with the new expected format... If this keeps up I'll try recreating them from scratch and see what the format differences are.


Well-Known Member
It looks like email alerts may be working again, because I got a just got a couple dozen in my inbox.


The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
Hmmm... I cannot seem to get any FanFiction.NET pages to come up for me... Neither category nor specific story links seem to work...

The error message is inconsistent, sometimes unable to connect, and sometimes unable to load page...
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The Sentient Fanfic Search Engine mk II
It came back... not sure exactly when, but it has been working since around 2:30PM EST.