[FMP] Full Trouser Panic


Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

You two are idiots.

Can we trade you in for someone more intelligent?


Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

Takerial said:
You two are idiots.

Can we trade you in for someone more intelligent?
I doubt it.. the price of even semi intelligent people is astronomical... ESPECIALLY in the USA...


Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

It costs as much as at least two cans of oil.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack



Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

I see no way this could end badly.
Indeed, great things be on the horizon. I'm looking forward to the fallout of his jaunt into pornography.

Also, because it's Lord Raa, I expect some wackiness involving the girls of his class trying to get a good look at Sousuke.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
FMP Crack


<sarcasm>Yeah, there's no way that Sagara could possibly misinterpret all these girls trying to get into his apartment, or otherwise 'secretly' (blatantly, to a soldier of his quality) observe him.</sarcasm>
FMP Crack

After running it through verious traslation programs and slang dictionaries i have discovered what Sousuke's porn name, Sula Otelita, means.

It means steel penis!

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack


Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack

FMP Crack

I see what you did there.

Both the jnoke and the Edit. Iperfer Shinji & Misato but to each their own

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack

Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
I see what you did there.

Both the joke and the Edit. I prefer Shinji & Misato but to each their own
The joke, for those that haven't gotten it, is that it's the same voice actor who did Touji Suzuhara and Sousuke in Japanese, while it's the same VA for Misato and Mao in English.

And for the record: I never claimed it was a clever joke.
FMP Crack

Lord Raa said:
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
I see what you did there.

Both the joke and the Edit. I prefer Shinji & Misato but to each their own
The joke, for those that haven't gotten it, is that it's the same voice actor who did Touji Suzuhara and Sousuke in Japanese, while it's the same VA for Misato and Mao in English.

And for the record: I never claimed it was a clever joke.
More clever than me as I just though you liked the Misato/Touji pairing.

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

A small joke, but a mildly funny one.


Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

I have trouble seeing Sousuke nearly messing up Mao's fake name once. But twice is not believable.


Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

Prince Charon said:
A small joke, but a mildly funny one.
Those are often the best....

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack

zeebee1 said:
I have trouble seeing Sousuke nearly messing up Mao's fake name once. But twice is not believable.
Old habits die hard, and Sousuke isn't used to calling his superior officers by their given names at the best of times, let alone when he's been told to use a fake name.

Lord Raa

Exporter of Juice Tins
FMP Crack


Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
FMP Crack

Nice. Dare I hope that some later parts will be in the Lemon section?