Digimon GOSPEL

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Aarik said:
I see him around a lot.

He was in your GOSPEL stuff, he was in the original writing of Viral State, he was in To Earn Your Trust, which was kinda short, and made a bunch of appearance's in a number of fics I can't recall off the top of my head.

He probably got to pass that profile around a bit.

Another thing, something I only see now that I think back on it, do you have something against Daisuke/Davis?

His role in any of your fics that feature the 02 cast can usually be renamed to 'Side character number #3' and still be completely accurate.

Or is he just a character you have trouble writing for?
Well, since my fics involving the 02 cast also involved the Adventure cast, Daisuke was always easily eclipsed by Taichi, and Takeru was the main character of the 'Chosen' series, so...

I do not particularly dislike Davis, but it was hard for me to see him as anything but 'slightly less mentally gifted copy of Taichi'.


Well-Known Member
<a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Nonaka-Arisu' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>The Nonaka Arisu article has been edited slightly.</a>

<a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Supernal' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>More Interestingly, the article about Supernals has been added.</a> A lot of interesting stuff in this one, and we finally get to see the definition of 'Supernal'.

I do have one question, though; were the Universal Reality Protocols inspired by the Excellencies and General Charms in Exalted?

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Ryuugi said:
I do have one question, though; were the Universal Reality Protocols inspired by the Excellencies and General Charms in Exalted?
Considering that GOSPEL is slightly older than Exalted2e, I would have to say no. I would not be surprised, however, if they reminded you of the Universal Spirit Charms.


Well-Known Member
Daneel Rush said:
Ryuugi said:
I do have one question, though; were the Universal Reality Protocols inspired by the Excellencies and General Charms in Exalted?
Considering that GOSPEL is slightly older than Exalted2e, I would have to say no. I would not be surprised, however, if they reminded you of the Universal Spirit Charms.
Oh, yeah, I forgot; only Alchemicals had Excellencies in 1E.

Anyway, the beginning of the article everyones been waiting for is finally up. Take a look at <a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Matsuki-Takato' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Matsuki Takato.</a>

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Ryuugi said:
Daneel Rush said:
Ryuugi said:
I do have one question, though; were the Universal Reality Protocols inspired by the Excellencies and General Charms in Exalted?
Considering that GOSPEL is slightly older than Exalted2e, I would have to say no. I would not be surprised, however, if they reminded you of the Universal Spirit Charms.
Oh, yeah, I forgot; only Alchemicals had Excellencies in 1E.

Anyway, the beginning of the article everyones been waiting for is finally up. Take a look at <a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Matsuki-Takato' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Matsuki Takato.</a>
Haha, yeah, look forward to the first part (Adam Kadmon and the Agenda of Supremacy). Not only it will explain why it was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to keep Takato from using Adam's power during the Holy War, it will also blow away everything you thought you knew about GOSPEL.


Well-Known Member
Daneel Rush said:
Ryuugi said:
Daneel Rush said:
Ryuugi said:
I do have one question, though; were the Universal Reality Protocols inspired by the Excellencies and General Charms in Exalted?
Considering that GOSPEL is slightly older than Exalted2e, I would have to say no. I would not be surprised, however, if they reminded you of the Universal Spirit Charms.
Oh, yeah, I forgot; only Alchemicals had Excellencies in 1E.

Anyway, the beginning of the article everyones been waiting for is finally up. Take a look at <a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Matsuki-Takato' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Matsuki Takato.</a>
Haha, yeah, look forward to the first part (Adam Kadmon and the Agenda of Supremacy). Not only it will explain why it was ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY to keep Takato from using Adam's power during the Holy War, it will also blow away everything you thought you knew about GOSPEL.
The only question I got from that was whether Adam was God or not.

In the story itself and in that article it speaks in such a way as to change the insinuation back and forth constantly.


Well-Known Member
<a href='http://drgospel.pbworks.com/Takato01' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>Adam Kadmon & the Agenda of Supremacy</a> is up and is awesome.

I'd like to write out all the revelations crammed into this one entry, but it's too awesome for word; you'll have to read it yourself.

On that note, have you ever gotten a chance to read Glories of the Most High: The Unconquered Sun, Daneel? Cause Adam reminds me of Ignis Divine. It's never been so bad to be Cursed with Awesome.

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
You are the second person to bring Glories to my attention this week. I've only read Maidens (Crane Style is awesome). I should really make some time to take a look at the other two.


Well-Known Member
Daneel Rush said:
You are the second person to bring Glories to my attention this week. I've only read Maidens (Crane Style is awesome). I should really make some time to take a look at the other two.
Do it, it's awesome.

While you're at it, check out the official errata; Dreams of the First Age is officially 'fixed', meaning they rewrote most of it and added a number of new Charms. It's up for free on the White Wolf site, under 'Errata'. Or you can just follow this link:

<a href='http://www.white-wolf.com/downloads.php?category_id=23' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.white-wolf.com/downloads.php?category_id=23</a>

And, hey, if you like Exalted, they have another free thing on their blog, called Ink Monkeys, which is a lot of stuff which has been approved by the Developer, but will probably never see print. You can find it here if you haven't seen it already:

<a href='http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/tags/ink+monkeys/default.aspx' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://forums.white-wolf.com/cs/blogs/tags...ys/default.aspx</a>


Well-Known Member
A plan to save his wives and bring them back to his side and a plan to save himself and show the Agenda of Supremacy who is boss. To become the true, undeniable, almighty Supreme Sovereign of everything that is, was, could be and will ever be.
GOSPEL is by far the story, of yours, that I love the most.


Well-Known Member

Digimon do not have Agendas, but they are most definitely Supernal.
Supernal might need an 's' depending on whether you're trying to say 'Digimon are Supernals' or 'Digimon are Supernal.' Doesn't really matter, though.

As explained somewhere else
Generally, the word used is elsewhere.

SupernalÆs powers.The Agenda
There should be a space between the period and the 'T'.

In the same way, they forbid their owner(s) from using Darkness-based Techniques
'They' should be 'it', 'their' should be 'it's'.

or possess a single (or a few) Agenda with a large scope.
Since the word Agenda is not plural, (or a few) should be placed after it, rather than before it.

Both æactiveÆ and æpassiveÆ Techniques in a SupernalÆs arsenal are defined solely by their Agendas and their level of power.
Since it's defined by two things, the word 'solely' doesn't really fit. Try a different word, such as completely, strictly, entirely, etc.

All SupernalsùAeternals and Divinitiesùregardless
Not a correction, but you could remove ùAeternals and Divinitiesù and replace it with a comma if you wanted, since you already defined Supernals above, rendering said addition redundant.

a ôbasic Supernal toolkitö, if you may.
The term is 'if you will.'

Supernals with level 30 or lower
'With' should be 'of'.

Only Supernals with level higher than 80 can detect actions within their Agendas involving single individuals.
'Level' should either be 'a level' or 'levels'.

this Agenda cannot show Adam anything else but himself.
Remove 'else'.

and the Aura reveals the nature of such hidden creatures (humans, wolves, kittens).
'The Aura' should be 'this Aura'.

æturned it onÆ
'Turned' should be 'turn'.

This Aura cannot detect Supernals. That requires more advanced Techniques, and all Supernals worth their salt have developed one.
Not really a mistake, but it would flow better as:

'This Aura cannot detect Supernals; that requires more advanced Techniques, and all Supernals worth their salt have developed one.'

But perhaps that's just my love for semi-colons speaking.

This Aura has no effect other than allow Supernals to Project and Incarnate into sentient forms in the Lower Realms.
'Allow' should be either 'to allow' or 'allowing'.

as long as the action is conceivably achievable by a mortal.
'The' should be 'that'.

(like a Supernal attack); Supernals
I love semi-colons, but this on should be a comma.

Agendas such as Endurance, Marathons and Running should have absolutely no problems running 42 kilometers.
'Problems' should be 'problem'.

The Supernal may instantly teleport to any place recorded in SAMYA_JARA as his sanctum or his temple
'The' should be 'A'.

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Thank you very much for the corrections. I have already fixed the article at the website.

Now I have another favor to ask.

In addition to the questions for RAKSHA_SPHIIRA (I know I have no answered all questions I received, but there are very few of them left, if I don't count the ones I simply refuse to answer just yet), I would like your input for another set of short articles.

Like I said in the intro to Takato's section, the best way to understand GOSPEL is to understand Takato's perspective on things. So, I'll ask the readers to ask for the things you'd like to hear (well, read) Takato address. Basically, "I want to know Takato's thoughts on (insert subject here)".

Anything goes: kittens, baseball, pastries, lolis, whatever. The only untouchable subject is the identity and nature of God. For the latter I already have articles in the works concerning that. As for the former, well, that's pretty much the epilogue of Book 7, so it will be the last thing you'll see in the Chronology.

I have special plans in mind for the website, but work and other projects are taking my time at the moment. I'll also see about posting the rest of Book One sometime soon.

On an somewhat related and more depressing note, I got terrible news about a week ago, which may negatively affect all my not-work-related projects: Sayumayu, Wind God, Black Spider, GOSPEL and Kawaii2e.

A person I used to call my close friend has passed away. He was, in fact, the person who introduced me to table-top RPGs, and the Storyteller of my first and only Exalted (1e) campaign, which by far outdid any other campaign I played in any other splat (D&D 3E/3.5E, Vampire: the Masquerade and Mage), and it remains as one of my fondest memories of the years before I became a productive member of society.

We got out of touch shortly after that campaign ended (he moved away), but apparently he never forgot. He left me a box, you see.

Dozens and dozens of hours of our play, recorded in audio cassettes, plus campaign notes and our old character sheets. When we were still playing, he tried to convince me to make a written record of our tale: novelization, script, I don't know. Now I regret not doing it. I was just getting used to writing fanfiction back then; I didn't think I could do our wonderful campaign justice. I still don't think I can.

But I'm thinking of trying.


Well-Known Member
Daneel Rush said:
Thank you very much for the corrections. I have already fixed the article at the website.

Now I have another favor to ask.

In addition to the questions for RAKSHA_SPHIIRA (I know I have no answered all questions I received, but there are very few of them left, if I don't count the ones I simply refuse to answer just yet), I would like your input for another set of short articles.

Like I said in the intro to Takato's section, the best way to understand GOSPEL is to understand Takato's perspective on things. So, I'll ask the readers to ask for the things you'd like to hear (well, read) Takato address. Basically, "I want to know Takato's thoughts on (insert subject here)".

Anything goes: kittens, baseball, pastries, lolis, whatever. The only untouchable subject is the identity and nature of God. For the latter I already have articles in the works concerning that. As for the former, well, that's pretty much the epilogue of Book 7, so it will be the last thing you'll see in the Chronology.

I have special plans in mind for the website, but work and other projects are taking my time at the moment. I'll also see about posting the rest of Book One sometime soon.

On an somewhat related and more depressing note, I got terrible news about a week ago, which may negatively affect all my not-work-related projects: Sayumayu, Wind God, Black Spider, GOSPEL and Kawaii2e.

A person I used to call my close friend has passed away. He was, in fact, the person who introduced me to table-top RPGs, and the Storyteller of my first and only Exalted (1e) campaign, which by far outdid any other campaign I played in any other splat (D&D 3E/3.5E, Vampire: the Masquerade and Mage), and it remains as one of my fondest memories of the years before I became a productive member of society.

We got out of touch shortly after that campaign ended (he moved away), but apparently he never forgot. He left me a box, you see.

Dozens and dozens of hours of our play, recorded in audio cassettes, plus campaign notes and our old character sheets. When we were still playing, he tried to convince me to make a written record of our tale: novelization, script, I don't know. Now I regret not doing it. I was just getting used to writing fanfiction back then; I didn't think I could do our wonderful campaign justice. I still don't think I can.

But I'm thinking of trying.
I'm on it, boss-man. I have some more questions, too; do you mind if I put the new ones on this page so that they're easier to find?

I'm sorry about your friend; you've said good things about him (and the game he ran).

Let's see...

Okay, here are a few for now:

After Takato's 'rebirth,' what did he feel about the coming war? He woke up to find that he was alive, but seconds later, realised he had all of three years til the world went to hell. How'd he feel?

On a somewhat related note, shortly before his death (like, two minutes?) he found out that he had a sister (in a scene that was basically Takako going 'I'm your sister, lol'). I figure he didn't have a lot of time to think it over, since he thought he was dead, found out he wasn't, fought Daemon, and then did die, so he was probably distracted. But he probably had a lot of time to think in the two years and seven months til he met her. What'd he think?

We know of his extreme response to the Agenda of Supremacy, but how did he react to the other Agenda's Adam had? What about Metatron? What about the Agenda of Supremacy?

How did Takato feel to know that he'd become God, literally, after his death and rebirth as Adam and Metatron?

What are Takato's thoughts of the two other beings that are also him?

What does he think of his three wives?

What did he think of the Archangels?

What did he think when he learnt more about project Adam and his 'brothers?'

What did he think of Moloch in particular?

What did he think and feel immediately after learning of Arisu's conception?

What'd he think after finding out his 'daughter' was also his wife?

What does he think of project Adam, which created him?

What does he think of Goddramon and Milleniummon?

What does he think of the Hazard?

And of course, what are his opinions on kittens, baseball, pastries, and lolis?

Give me some time to think about this, and I'll add some more questions, okay?


Sorry I'm late; keept getting distracted.

What did/does Takato think of Athena and Hel?

What did he think of the rest of the Greek Pantheon?

You stated you had soft spots for Ares, Karna and Yami; what are Takato's opinion's of these Gods?

What does Takato think of the worsening situation of Divinities in general?

Merodach has often gotten extreme reactions when it mention; what does Takato think of it?

What does he think of Merodach's creation/history?

What about Ea?

What does Takato think about the existence of Holy Wars in general?


Well-Known Member
What I really want to know is, was the Takato before his Epiphany, a creation of Asmodeus with Chaos in the background and just a void filler until he awoke, or was he really his own person and was just overtaken by his Adam persona, and if so, What happened to him?

Daneel Rush

Well-Known Member
Takato, the gogglehead we know and love from the series, was Code Name: Asmodeus, the artificial human. Artificial, but 100% human. He was not an Incarnated Supernal, but a Vessel for Chaos. And he was most definitely his own person.

Chaos did not Incarnate as Takato. This was not a standard Incarnation. Chaos was riding Takato's body. The "awakened" Takato at the very end of Silent Sorrow...well, I can't spoil that just yet.

Adam was not involved with Takato during Tamers Forever. It was only after Takato died and became an Aeternal that he made the deal to share an Incarnation with Adam and Metatron, and the second Takato is not really an ordinary Incarnation either: his is not a "natural" human body, but one created with Seder Hishtalshelus.

On another note, my apologies for not working on the questions just yet. I've been busy with work and with my Exalted campaign write-up. The first session is already out! It was so fun to write it! Time-consuming as hell, but FUN!


Well-Known Member
hey daneel i was hoping you might still have a copy of your true storys (for gospel) lying around that you might be willing to let me have.
it's the only part of the gospel series that i didn't save wayback when you had it on ff.net.
thank you


Well-Known Member
I guess I've put them off long enough. I'll start working on the RAKSHA_SPHIIRA Issues.

Issue 01:

The SAMYA_JARA server, which you know as the Thread of Destiny, currently has about three billion Supernals, of which only 0.1% belong to the Eternal Static Realm of Paradise and about 0.00000017% are regular dwellers of the lower realms (these are the youkai, undead and other lesser supernatural beings).
It currently has three billion Supernals what? A word is missing. Recorded?

As you might imagine, the amount of Supernals allowed to Incarnate at any time is carefully restricted by the Thread of Destiny.
At any one time.

There are very, very few Aeternals with a level above 40: the Archangels, Archdemons and us Aspects already make up about half of the group.
Should be 'we Aspects'.

Most unfortunately, Agendas rarely come alone.
I'm not sure about this one, but is 'unfortunately' the word you want? That seems like a good thing to me.

Adding to that, I can tell you that the raw power level of both Aeternals and Divinities obeys a logarithmic function with sharp discrete boosts at the boundary between different Status.
Status should be plural.

In absolute values, the growth from 91 to 92 will of course be gigantically greater.
Commas before and after 'of course'.

However, at that level of power, it doesnÆt really mean that much anymore.

Besides, when it comes to high-level Supernals, individual parameters, algorithms, protocols, processing speed and bandwidth become far more relevant than base level, which is nothing but a reference.
Since you aren't changing the subject, besides shouldn't be used.

The Hierarchy of Heaven and the Horde of Hell do not really get alongàwhich is very sad, whenever I remember that most of the Archdemons are my childrenà
'Which is very sad' should probably be something like 'which makes me very sad' because we're about to go into Sophia's memories and thoughts on the situation.

that most of the Archangels are their siblingsà
Should start with 'and'.

To make up for the absurd difference in numbers, we Aspects would probably have to intervene to end the battle every single time, beating enough demons for the Army of Heaven to push them back through the Boundary of Heaven and Hell, until the demons restore their numbers.
Should be 'restored'.

He was of course perfectly capable of handling them, even more so than me.
Commas before and after 'of course'. Also, change 'me' to 'I was'.

maybe I should have allowed Adam to take them on the first place
'In the first place.'

Seriously, this question needs to be rephrased to ôWhat if the angels who later became the Archdemons had not joined LuciferÆs side during the Rebellion?ö
'Rephrased as'

In that case, well, I assume some other amongst LuciferÆs misguided followers would have become the Archdemons, or maybe some of LilithÆs children with Samael from the Bitter Orgy.
Other should be plural.

I donÆt think even my Server would be able to handle all the calculations to simulate such a Realityà
Would flow better with the word 'needed' after calculations.

WeÆd cause a lot of terrible problems to our parents!
'To' should be 'for'.

(Mom would have been a lot nicer to Papa from earlier, for example!)
Change 'from earlier' to 'from the beginning' and consider removing 'a lot'.

Tha-thatÆs a little cruelàjust what is Auntie Takako writing in that websiteà
'In that' should be 'on that' or 'on this'.

Before this latest Holy War, it would have been a valid thought exercise. Not anymore.
Could be merged into one sentence with ', but'.

Now I know, without the shadow of a doubt,
Should be 'without a shadow'.

You cannot imagine how happy it makes me to know this.
'Know that'.

That only Papa can answer.
Should be either a comma or an ellipsis between 'That' and the rest of the sentence.

Issue 04:

ôExcept when you took away my Administrator privileges to overwrite the very structure of Reality as you saw fit,ö Arisu mumbled.
I'm not completely sure, because I don't know exactly what he did, but...I think 'rewrite' works better. Also, her sentence should end in a question mark, as it's a complete sentence.

ôAnd that time I was about to get killed and you rewrote reality so that light could not travel in a straight line anymore,ö Rika added.
Should also end in a question mark.

ôOh, be quiet already!ö Takato huffed. ôReally, I canÆt say anything in this house without you people ganging up against me.ö
Not a mistake, per se, but the phrase is 'ganging up on'.

ôHaaaaai.ö Takako went back to her strawberry yoghurt.
Should be yogurt, unless you're trying to emphasize the fact that Takako likes her dinner with an extra helping of pain.

ôAnyway, what IÆm saying is: you guys are gonna stay here for a while like good little children of God. Think of leaving and IÆll smite youàor Takako. SheÆs better at that smiting stuff.ö
Since I highly doubt Takato wants to smite Takako, it should be 'or Takako will.'

Takato: àoh, donÆt give me that look, Rika.
As the start of his sentence, it should be 'Oh'.

Takato: Yeah, keep saying that to yourself. *looks away and mumbles* Besides, most of the time it was Alice doing ôthingsö to meà
Should be 'Yeah, keep telling yourself that.'

Alice: *shrugs* I didnÆt want children. I was on the pill.
Should be one sentence, connected by either a comma (children, so I) or a semi-colon (children; I).

Rika: àhuh. Lame.
Should be 'Huh'.

Takato: I see your point. DC returned to his home world after the Day of the Beast; came back for his final epic battle with my sister-
Should be 'he came back'.

Takato: àright. So he came back for that, then he left again and showed up every once in a while. Am I wrong?

Suzie: Nope. He didnÆt come that often in those years, but he did show up a few times. And it was good he was in the Digital World when Samael showed up.
'He didn't come back' and 'it was good that'.

Takato: To answer that question, the Second Holy War was awfully short. It was the last War before the creation of the Absolute Treaty. Sophia, Shekinah and I dealt with the Horde of Hell by ourselves. It was disgusting.
Connect the first and second sentences with a semi-colon.

Takako: No big surprise there.
Remove 'big'.

Takato: Well, thatÆs about right. Metatron came along for the big Matsuki ride because it was convenient for him. He knew I would be right on the front line of this Holy War. What better place for the Lord of Archangels to be? ThatÆs not to say I donÆt appreciate his presence. Some of his Dictums are wicked awesome.
Connect the first and second sntence with a semi-colon, and the third and second with 'and'.


I did 04 because I was reading it when I noticed some mistakes, and I did 01 because I'm too anal retentive to start with 04. But I'll get to 02 and 03 later.


Well-Known Member
Issue 02:

Well, they and Takako.
'They' should be 'them'.

DCÆs, TakakoÆs, RikaÆs, TaiÆs and TKÆs fights, as well as the final battle against Moloch/Satan are actually almost completely written in my computer.
Should be a comma after Satan.

Watching that growth, and just how much she struggles to succeed, and survive, is really one of the high points of GOSPEL.
Remove the comma between 'succeed' and 'and survive'.

So many of them!
Should also end with a question mark.

Problems begin when two Archdemons suddenly gain an interest in the same thing: a particular soul, place or enemy.
'Problems occur' is how it's usually said.

And some of them are actually able to work together when the circumstances ask for it.
'Ask' would normally be 'call'.

So, yeah, your children are not completely lost cases, Sophia.ö
It's generally 'lost causes'.

Takako: ôYou DO realize you wonÆt age any more now that youÆve undergone your Epiphany, do ya?ö
Should be 'don't ya'.

ôMoloch and Satan are tyrants true and through.
The term is 'through and through'.

The denizens of Hell are their servants, and they expect them to be at their beck and call, ready to please any and all their whims
There should be an 'of' after 'any an all'.

Things got better with time, of course. Shekinah is an excellent woman.
These two sentences should be connected with a semi-colon.

And she didnÆt really got on the way, so it was almost like when I had Adam all to myself.
'Got on' should be 'get in'.

You see, she has this unfair power to make it absolutely impossible to hate her.
As we're talking about people with actual powers, the term 'ability' works better in context.

My first memory, huh.
Should end in a question mark.

I rememberàI came to existence in his embrace.
Should be 'came into'.

àaah, mou! We-well! If, if you really have to knowà
Needs a capital A.

Let Metatron and Sandalphon build the wonderful Realm asked for.
Should be 'you asked for'.

àsheÆs gone...maybe it was too embarrassingàso, whatÆs nextàeh? EEEEHHH?
Capital S.

Capital H.

Capital H.

Then, he asked his wives to leave him alone for a while.
Awhile is one word.

Takato: ôAnd away she goesàwhat the hell was that? Takako and Ruki were also acting all weird just nowàhuh? A request for answers? Hmmàmy, she sealed the whole thing. Just what was she typingà? Oh well, I might as well take over from here.

So, letÆs seeàoh, too bad. This is a question I cannot answer yet. There are things, important things; you need to learn before I can share this with you.

àno, IÆm not embarrassed to share my feelings. Really.
You have a quotation mark at the beginning, so there should be one at the end.

There are things, important things; you need to learn before I can share this with you.
It pains me to say this, because I love semi-colons, but this one should not be here. Try a comma instead.

àno, IÆm not embarrassed to share my feelings. Really.
Should start with a capital letter.

Takato: ôYou assume right. Adam KadmonÆs first child was Michael, followed by Lucifer. There were no more children until Sophia came to existence. Their first son was Kamael, followed by Raphael and Baalzebul, who would later be known as Beelzebub.ö
Not sure if this is a mistake, but you call Kamael a son here, and earlier he (?) was referred to as a woman. That could just be because he's (?) Incarnated as Rika, though.

I can only cry, and pray, whenever brother is forced to fight brother.
I also love commas, so this also hurts, but these commas are not needed.

I can only comfort my most beloved Sophia, whose suffering at the sight of our children fighting each other make my own pale in comparison.
'Make' should be plural.

Against most opponents, Adam can simply request his or her disconnection from his/her Agendas, rendering him or her completely powerless.
Since you use 'his or her' twice, 'his/her' should be the same, just to keep things consistent.

ThatÆs when Adam uses SUPERBIA=HALO to drop his opponentÆs stats, followed by manipulation of Probability for offense and defense.
'Manipulation' should be plural.

Sophia and Lilith are difficult opponents because their Reality Code is extremely complex and, in the case of Lilith, she uses a different protocol, which makes it even harder to counter.
Should be rewriten as 'Sophia and Lilith are difficult opponents because their Reality Code is extremely complex and Lilith uses a different protocol, which makes it even harder to counter.'

either to impose the denial of a sentence of Reality Code by the processing server (technique negation/counterdispelling),
This comma is not needed. 'Either' isn't really needed, either, but isn't a mistake.

and even remotely synchronize other Angels so that they input the same code as he to increase its power.
'He' should be 'him'.

Moloch would never trust himself, why would he trust one who is so much like him?
Comma should be a semi-colon.

when the bitterness and disgust that simmered within them corrupted them and turned them into what they are now.
'When' should be 'that'.

Lilith helped a lot in that part, if I remember correctly.
'Part' should be 'regard'.

ôYouÆll have to ask him, how could I possibly know?
Comma should be a semi-colon.


Well-Known Member
Issue 03:

Takato: Working hard, Arisu.
Should end in a question mark.

Takato: Mind if I help you for a while.
Should end in a question mark.

Any Supernal, left on its own and given enough time, can destroy the entirety of Reality. Then again, you could also say any human can destroy the world if you leave him along long enough.
Should be could and alone, respectively.

They just took the strongest, most dexterous, most agile, most enduring, Supernals
Should be 'and most enduring Supernals'.

as well as the best at making Reality Code and resisting Reality Code,
Not a mistake, but in order to avoid sounding repetitive, I advise removing the first 'Reality Code'.

In other words, IÆm not sure myself what the point of those numbers is, or what they mean.
Should be 'numbers are'.


Otherwise, that's it. That was easy enough. Just seven more to go.


Well-Known Member
Issue 05:

Still gathered on the table, the many denizens of the large Matsuki (former Nonaka) housing complex waited for their leader to announce the next question.
Should be 'gathered at'.

Takako: *chuckles* First time I hear you groan like that, sweetheart.
Should be 'I've heard'.

ItÆs not MY sheÆs a gullible idiot!
There should be a 'fault' after 'MY'.

I love you, dear, you know I do.
The second comma should be a semi-colon.

ThatÆs why, as your lover, now I have the responsibility to protect you from your own idiocy.
'Now I' should be 'I now'.

Takato: As expected, Shekinah brings the best ideas. Thank you.
'Brings' should be 'has'.

Takato: Anyway, to make this quick; yes, there were an Adam and an Eve.
'Were' should be 'was'.

Takato: You too, Jeri!
There should be a question mark at the end.

Takato: It matters to me! I have honor, you know!
'Honor' doesn't really make sense in this context. Try pride.

The inwards element works only one.
Inward should not be plural. One should be once.

Taichi: Oh, Shinobu, IÆm just saying, just saying, donÆt get like thatàcome here.

Rika: Aaaaand theyÆre off. To their own little world.
The formatting suddenly changes here. Also, you should merge what Rika said into one sentence; they're fragments otherwise.

But, I thought this had already been explained in the websiteà
'In' should be 'on'.

haa, I guess I canÆt blame humans for being stupid, after a-OUCH! ONII-CHAN! You HIT me!
This is a new sentence, so H should be capital.

àwhat!? ItÆs a saying!
W should be capital.

Humans assume the darnedest thingsà
It's actually spelled 'darndest'.

of course it begins at conception!
Capital O.

Suzie: Is it just me, or Takako-san is especially mean tonight?
Should be 'or is Takako-san'.

Hey, youÆre the girlfriend.
'The' should be 'her'.

Rika: Then you came back and rubbed your marriage to the aforementioned bimbo for two years, and then you faked your death. AGAIN.
There should be something like 'in my face' after bimbo.

And then you came back for the whole ofà
'The whole' should be 'all'.

Onii-chan, you failed the moment the decided to give love lessons to SOPHIA, of all people.
The second 'the' should be 'you'.

Takato: Wha? You kidding? What could have possible made you think that?
I'll put this here, since I don't know if you meant 'Wha?' or if you meant 'What?'

Takato: àwell, I guess that answers that question.
W should be capital.


Well-Known Member
Issue 06:

ôI meanàPapa is a busy person, so I wouldnÆt want to take your time like thisà
Should be 'take up your time'.

ôI have no favorites among my most beloved.ö
Among should be amongst.

The two girls shuddered and leaned on TakatoÆs chest after he planted a delicate, tender kiss on the twoÆs foreheads.
Two's should be pair's.

Takato insisted, yet at the same time his gentle hands stroke the twoÆs hairs with almost sedative power.
'Two's hairs' should be 'Pair's hair.'

That was never very clear, now that you bring it up.
'Bring it up' would generally be 'mention it'.

ôàif you will
Capital I.

but in general they all can work together very well.ö
Commas before and after 'in general'.

Maybe the Agendas he wants are in the possession of Supernals he does not want to fight, or Supernals who are good at hiding.
This comma is not needed.


Well-Known Member
Issue 07:

the attractive woman with the sisterly aura turns to an inexistent camera.
Should be 'a sisterly aura'.

So might say he likes to micromanage a little too much,
'Some might say'.

Not preventing The Original Holy War and the Original Sin before they happened will always be stains in my consciousness.ö
If the 'the' in front of 'Original Sin' isn't capital, then the one before 'Original Holy War' shouldn't be either. Also, 'in my consciousness' should be 'on my conscious'.


Well-Known Member
Issue 09:

ôAs TakatoÆs behest,
'As' should be 'At'.

ôàyou know I love you too, Takako.ö
Y should be capital.

A should be capital.

Ruki: ôàyouÆre a horrible person, Lilith.ö
Y should be capital.

Takato: ôàyes, Takako. Badass way. Back to the question.ö
Y should be capital.

She asked me if she was the reason I left on the first place.
Should be 'in the first place.'

I fell in love with my life as a hermit, ya know.
Should end in a question mark.

And she showed just how much I was missing in my life.ö
'She showed me', perhaps?

ôWell, of course, everyone was marveled at my astoundingly heroic appearance.
'At' should be 'by'.

the elation I felt when you demanded to know what my relation with Takato was.
Should be 'relationship'.

ôAnd what kind of silly question is that anyway?
Comma before anyway.

MariaÆs being fire was just a coincidence, but it fitted pretty well with Rika and with the Sephiroth Card.ö
'Fitted' should be 'fit'.

I mean, I can understand the questions on Supernal things and the War, but, this?
There shouldn't be a comma after 'but'.

ôIÆve said before; IÆll say it again:
Should be 'I've said it before'.

ôUnlike normal Digimon as well as the Nightmare,
Should be a comma before 'as well as'.

J÷rmungandr had no free will,
This comma is not needed.