Gundam 00 season 2


Well-Known Member
Regene Regetta in episode 8 tells us that it is possible to converse through thought using quantum brainwaves, with GN particles as a catalyst.


Well-Known Member
Hey can anyone provide links to where I can watch Gundam 00, the sites I've checked have taken them down cause of copyright claims. How about the manga too please? Thank you.


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wingthesword said:
Hey can anyone provide links to where I can watch Gundam 00, the sites I've checked have taken them down cause of copyright claims. How about the manga too please? Thank you.
You're better off downloading them off TokyoTosho. As far as the Gundam 00F manga, only one volume is out and you can find it here; Zeonic Republic.


Well-Known Member
About Hallelujah being revived. Let's not go too far. It could still be a third personality. Unless of course It's the eyes that give that fact away. At least, Allelujah's gundam will probably kick some ass here on out.

I don't hate Allelujah and I understand he didn't want to fight his girlfriend. BUts seriously, what happens to disabling the suit.


Staff member
Seed00 said:
About Hallelujah being revived. Let's not go too far. It could still be a third personality. Unless of course It's the eyes that give that fact away. At least, Allelujah's gundam will probably kick some ass here on out.

I don't hate Allelujah and I understand he didn't want to fight his girlfriend. BUts seriously, what happens to disabling the suit.
Wait wasn't Kyrios captured in Gundam 00 S1? With the Alleluah being captured and placed into Prison.

And since they captured Kyrios they also captured the Solar Furnace unless Alleluah ejected it before which I don't think he did.

And yet in S2 Arios has its own Solar Furnace, and Exia now has two solar furnaces.

If there's only five true GN-drives that Aeolia created, where the fuck does the sixth one come from?
Timewave Zero said:
Seed00 said:
About Hallelujah being revived. Let's not go too far. It could still be a third personality. Unless of course It's the eyes that give that fact away. At least, Allelujah's gundam will probably kick some ass here on out.

I don't hate Allelujah and I understand he didn't want to fight his girlfriend. BUts seriously, what happens to disabling the suit.
Wait wasn't Kyrios captured in Gundam 00 S1? With the Alleluah being captured and placed into Prison.

And since they captured Kyrios they also captured the Solar Furnace unless Alleluah ejected it before which I don't think he did.

And yet in S2 Arios has its own Solar Furnace, and Exia now has two solar furnaces.

If there's only five true GN-drives that Aeolia created, where the fuck does the sixth one come from?
Allelujah ejected the GN Drive before he was captured. Fon Spark found the GN Drive and took it back to Celestial Being while remarking that Allelujah must have been captured.

He was also the one to collect Virtue's GN Drive and was the person to confirm that Patrick was alive... by kicking his GN-X and leaving him to die.

Edit: Also, I feel like I should mention that Green GN Particles in small amounts help the healing process of people, but in large amounts they can do the same thing as Red Particles. i.e. damage the immune system and body.

The large amount of particles the 0-Raiser and 00 were putting out were probably enough to heal Allelujah.


Well-Known Member
Kerrus said:
Instead of putting LOL, I'll put this


It's amzing to see that prick so surprised finally. As for you TimewaveZero, you're insane. It also doesn't help that I found and saved a really awesome pic of Fem!Tieria.



Well-Known Member
Timewave Zero said:
I recently had the desire to write a Fem!Revive Revival/Setsuna short.

God help my sanity.
There is already a Fem!Revive Revival, she's called Anew Returner. :p

Tieria is still confusing me though, he/she/it is hawt in a dress. :wub:


Well-Known Member
I suppose the scene towards the end of the episode was supposed to have been something dramatic. But then again, it's hard to take it serious when everybody's suddenly naked and sitting in invisible chairs.

But with that in mind...

:D :lol: :lol: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Well-Known Member

No seriously.

Also, OO-Raiser is the most hax gundam ever.
This was nice and all, but my favorite part wasn't the 00-Raiser kicking Innovator ass, it was the fact that Saji finally wised up and realized that running away would only harm everyone.

It's nice to see some character development.


Well-Known Member
so Lyle gets a shield bit system. The ptolemaios is over 9000 and the the colonel has a meeting with a imposing greek dude of unknown origins.

I'm getting the feeling that Smirnof is going to be changing sides before this show is over.


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4chan said:
Just wondering: if all the Innovators have punny names comprised of both the first and last name combining to form a virtue exemplified in AEOLIA NO KEIKAKU, then what the hell is the Almark in "Ribbons/Livonze Almark?" "Lives On Hallmark" doesn't seem to have that much of a ring to it.

Unless preparing humanity for permanent space habitation involves a fuckton of greeting cards.
I was browsing /m/ and came across this, made me laugh real hard.


Staff member
Saji finally hits the "step up and become badass or die wimpering" point and decides to change the world because he's that fed up with the shit happening to him.
At one point or another, he goes head to head with Louise and nearly kills her, but then remembers that he loves her more than his own fucked up life and runs off. Louise, on the other hand, gets a face full of GN particles, AND IS COMPLETELY UNHARMED...physically atleast.
Thus, Loise starts to wonder, "was it really CB that killed my parents?"
Somewhere along the line, Al and Marie elope and live happily ever after, until the inevitable sequel/spinoff, that is.
Setsuna eventually blows Ali away with an RPG-7 while on foot. Starts calling himself Soran again, tells Saji to take his place, and gets caught in the explosion of the final battle.
Some time later, a masked bodyguard is hired by a politician named Marina Ismail.

A mission to colonize the stars starts to gain momentum.

"Just as planned."
-Aeolia Shhenberg


Staff member
Episode 14 is badass. Arios takes on Gadessa.

Gadessa Loses

Seravee takes on Garazzo.

Garazzo gets obliterated along with the pilot by Nadleeh's Successor; Seraphim!

Exia-00 takes on Custom Throne Zwei-Upgrade with an arm injury.

Throne-Zwei is destroyed.

Take that Ribbons, you newtype wanna-be.


Well-Known Member
*Watches new opening again*
What the hell is this shit? After three great openings they use this turd!?:headbanger:

Other then that, Setsuna and Tieria were both pretty GAR this episode.


Staff member
Vascudo said:
*Watches new opening again*
What the hell is this shit? After three great openings they use this turd!?:headbanger:

Other then that, Setsuna and Tieria were both pretty GAR this episode.
The new OP is shit. Song's called Bubbles. Absolutely hate it, Sunrise could've done much better. I'm waiting to see what the new ED will be, hopefully it will be better than the second season's first ED.

Enjoy your censored naked women.


Well-Known Member
Eh, I kinda liked Prototype...

But did anyone notice that the opening video looked like something out of Seed Destiny?
That just added to the wincing.


Staff member
I had a need to save this and put it on this thread.

/m/ obviously has more time to think about this and make a rationalistic logical explanation that makes sense about GN-Drives.

/m/ Explains said:
Been thinking about the whole topological defect and TD blanket thing, and I recall that this may have been touched on earlier in the thread. Lots of guesswork, don't take my word for it. It's just some minor intellectual fun.

The true GN drives run off of "non-evaporative decay of baryonic matter," which in layman's terms means that CB has harnessed a much more exotic means of power generation than we can imagine. Baryons are particles or a conglomeration of particles that have integer spin, and the symmetry-breaking (a topological defect) between matter and anti-matter is what allows for the existence of our universe today. One of the most basic TD that grand unified theories in physics state should exist is the topological defect known as proton decay. Proton decay's been estimated to have a half-life of 10^36 or so years (read Four Ages of the Universe, it's a great book). The decay of a proton results in a positron and a neutral pion (a subatomic particle related to the strong nuclear force), which in turn further decays into two gamma photons. Unlike nuclear fusion, which requires tremendous heat and pressure, the reaction here does not waste heat.

Obviously a catalyst of some sort is required to sustain baryonic decay and to drastically decrease the half-life of the proton to a usable time frame, and it is likely that this may not be possible without a high energy or high gravitational environment to witness spontaneous decay. My guess is that true GN drives need to be constructed near Jupiter because the high gravitational field around Jupiter and the warping of space-time in that region is sufficient for a higher chance of observing a spontaneous baryonic decay, or any topological defect, than if the same thing was done on Earth. To start off the GN drive, it'd be necessary to capture a proton that is undergoing spontaneous decay and then use the resulting products to generate even more decays.

/m/ Explains again said:
My theory was that GN drives work like ZPMs from stargate. Basically they fill a pocket dimession universe with a shit-ton of hydrogen (which is only found in extremely large easy to process quantities in gas giants) from jupiter and put the "exit" in the GN drive. the paticles are created as a byproduct when hydrogen exits the pocket universe to be used as fuel for a fusion reactor in the GN drive.

If the GN drive only requires a high gravity enviroment then it could be made on mercury as well which is affected by even more powerful gravational forces than jupiter.

Also GN drives true name is a solar furnace so it makes no sense for them to have that name unless it involves atomic fusion in some way.
I believe the former far more than the latter, and now I need to get around to reading the Four Ages of the Universe.