League of Legends


Well-Known Member
demonic_jounin said:
Probably doesn't use true damage, simply due to the fact that it would then be way over powered. With the lowest base health at lvl 18 being 1565 and the highest being 2422 your talking about a item that would deal a MINIMUM of 62-96 true damage per shot, depending on the champ.

Throw in the fact that most champs that use bloodrazor end up with a attack speed of 1.5-1.8 per second, and your talking about a champ suddenly dealing a extra 120 or so true damage every second, which is basically a ramped up version of Vaynes Silver Bolts (W).

Such a amount of true damage would just eat through any tank in very little time, and a carry/support would melt even faster. It would basically turn team fights into, who can kill the bloodrazor user first.
There was an insinuated undercurrent of "numbers adjusted as necessary to stay balanced" there, what with the lack of numbers that I gave and all that. I meant exactly what I said - that it should do true damage - not that it should do true damage at the current percentage without being looked at.


Well-Known Member
Ah. I think I'm just too used to the usual atmosphere of stupid in the offical LoL forums. My apologies.

If your talking about a altered version of it, honestly, I'd have to say it would probably end up being either a flat amount of true damage, or it would be something like "5% of AD value is dealt as bonus true damage" or be something like sheen and cause abilitys or auto attacks to proc a certain amount of true damage every second/2 seconds/etc.

More then anything, I'd really like to see some more options when it comes to spell vamp. Like something that gives health, or mana, mana regen, in addition to the spell vamp, cause all we got now is one item that's pure ap with a AP spell vamp aura, a AP and spell vamp item that builds into a spell vamp, Lifesteal, AD, and AP item.


Well-Known Member
demonic_jounin said:
Ah. I think I'm just too used to the usual atmosphere of stupid in the offical LoL forums. My apologies.

If your talking about a altered version of it, honestly, I'd have to say it would probably end up being either a flat amount of true damage, or it would be something like "5% of AD value is dealt as bonus true damage" or be something like sheen and cause abilitys or auto attacks to proc a certain amount of true damage every second/2 seconds/etc.
Remember when sheen didn't have a cooldown?

Just a note, that bloodrazor is really more useful at the 2.0ish aspd range. It also provides significant aspd, ad, and armor. The 3.8k gold cost is especially offset in teamfights if a person gets an abyssal scepter. That said, the bonus damage is still not insignificant even if it's reduced to something like 40-50 damage per hit, so long as you're building enough attack speed on said champ.

That said, it's an even bigger boon to characters with an aspd boost(active or passive), it will also proc on most attackreset skills, and is an all around damage helper.

On Jarvan, i find it especially useful. the armor helps a bit. Just with this and his E his attack speed is quite high, and it works with his passive well. Stop squishies, get dolla. Trist and Cait get some of the most use out of it, Trist for her aspd boost and range, and Cait for her range altogether. Sit far back and plink a dude. It's situational on Yi and most other melee characters, it's usually not that safe for them to run in if you're late game enough to have a bloodrazor.


Well-Known Member
Never even considered it on Jarvan, might have to try that out. And yeah, the diff between a Madred's at 1.5-1.8 AS and 2.0+ is surprisingly large. I tend to grab it as a core item more with champs like Twisted Fate, when I'm also grabbing stuff like SotD, BC, Wits End, and Malady.

And unless you mean the alteration to the reservoir system of LB, TF, and Sheen, then it was LONG before my start. The idea of sheen with out CD, scares the crap out of me.


Well-Known Member
demonic_jounin said:
Never even considered it on Jarvan, might have to try that out. And yeah, the diff between a Madred's at 1.5-1.8 AS and 2.0+ is surprisingly large. I tend to grab it as a core item more with champs like Twisted Fate, when I'm also grabbing stuff like SotD, BC, Wits End, and Malady.

And unless you mean the alteration to the reservoir system of LB, TF, and Sheen, then it was LONG before my start. The idea of sheen with out CD, scares the crap out of me.
I remember playing shaco in the beta, where Sheen was standard on him. IIRC there was a brief time it stacked with his guaranteed crit.

I'm much better at shaco now though, and wriggles makes jungling him so much fun. Plus I think he's the earliest jungle ganker there is, with his level 3 lizard buff blink into mid while they're both level 2.

Also, just won my first 4v6. Our vayne wanted to solo mid, even though Morde called it. Normally calling it is a poor system, but it's vaynes first day, so we chose not to let him do it. I stated that I would lane with him no matter what lane he was in. We ended up having 3 in mid, vayne, me (maokai), and morde. About ten minutes in, he gets frustrated and starts intentionally feeding. He continued to do so until we were hitting their nexus.


Well-Known Member
Eh, just decided to go ahead and get into this game. I had an interest last year when it was announced, but more obviously going in that early meant getting shafted by intermittent connection and the like.

So far, I kinda liked a bit. Haven't gotten into the actual PvP stuff yet, partly due to maintenance.


Well-Known Member
ucal said:
I remember playing shaco in the beta, where Sheen was standard on him. IIRC there was a brief time it stacked with his guaranteed crit.
It still does. Sheen and TF do their % of the base damage in addition, no matter if you hit or crit. If you hit for 100 damage, and crit for 200, you'll trigger sheen for a total damage of 300 damage on crit.


Well-Known Member
Yeah worst part about the game for me is that the servers are basically going to crap out every week/every other week. Well, that, and not having anyone on to make a arranged team with, forcing me to solo queue.

My invite to send me a friend request or game invite for spaz, stands for any TFF member by the way.

Edit: I think I've posted more in this thread then I have in a single year since I joined TFF... :blink:


Well-Known Member
Souffle said:
ucal said:
I remember playing shaco in the beta, where Sheen was standard on him.? IIRC there was a brief time it stacked with his guaranteed crit.
It still does. Sheen and TF do their % of the base damage in addition, no matter if you hit or crit. If you hit for 100 damage, and crit for 200, you'll trigger sheen for a total damage of 300 damage on crit.
Oh, by stack I think it actually stacked multiplicatively for a time during the beta.


Well-Known Member
demonic_jounin said:
Yeah worst part about the game for me is that the servers are basically going to crap out every week/every other week. Well, that, and not having anyone on to make a arranged team with, forcing me to solo queue.

My invite to send me a friend request or game invite for spaz, stands for any TFF member by the way.

Edit: I think I've posted more in this thread then I have in a single year since I joined TFF... :blink:
Solo Q is hell. If my team isn't speaking english, I just ignore them and do my best anyway. If they do speak english, 90% of the time they're retards anyway.

I'm glad that I resubscribed to WoW, and will be limiting my time played for LoL to 1-3 games a day now instead of the 7+ i used to do. That said, I will end up buying riot points for Vayne anyway.


Well-Known Member
I tend to judge by the number of instalocks. Cause I've noticed that when you solo Q, instalocks are generally carries, and tend to be the people that don't care about anything other then KDA ratio. Those games I just practice last hitting and see how well I can handle various enemy champs and builds.

Though the non english speakers piss me off...had one guy that didn't even understand the acronyms like MIA, B, and so on...

If they do speak english, 90% of the time they're retards anyway.
That's what we get in a free to play game. All the idiots that weren't able to convince their parents/are to cheap, to pay for games like WoW.


Well-Known Member
Stupid servers are stupid. They'd been pretty good about not failing for what feels like a month now.

I main Urgot and only Urgot. Trying to get better with Taric, but everyone I play with prefers my E-W-QQQQQQQQ instead of heals.

Name's Aledeth, if any of you want to add me.


Well-Known Member
Really, I play mostly support characters, like Ashe, Janna, and Sona. Have not bothered trying anyone else yet.

Ashe is my 'offensive' support, Janna I'm still having a hard time mastering, and Sona I am absolutely loving.

Unfortunately, I can only play Sona as she's free this time around. Will need to save up IP to perma-unlock her.


Well-Known Member
Good Urgots are hard to find, but are one of my top 3 favorite teammates, easily top 2 lanemates. Currently my biggest main is Tank build Garen, though last month or so, been playing AP/Lich bane akali, and messing around with random champs each week more then anything.

Not looking forward to this free week, morde/garen/cait/malz/rumble/shen/jax. Two champs that are just annoying to play against unless the players a complete idiot, a rumble in almost every game, cause of all those people that waited to buy till they tried him, Malz and cait I'm just not going to enjoy cause I'll have to watch roughly 50% minimum of the ones I see this week suck and not listen to any advice on how to improve, and I just hate shen and jax weeks in general.


Well-Known Member
Jomasten said:
Really, I play mostly support characters, like Ashe, Janna, and Sona. Have not bothered trying anyone else yet.

Ashe is my 'offensive' support, Janna I'm still having a hard time mastering, and Sona I am absolutely loving.

Unfortunately, I can only play Sona as she's free this time around. Will need to save up IP to perma-unlock her.
If you get a chance, I highly recommend Morganna and Lux as the best supports in the game. Lux has obscene range, and can pull off so many stunts, and Morgana offers the absolute best support skill in the game, as well as the ability to blow up enemy teams.


Well-Known Member
<a href='http://riotstats.com/players/us-little-legion' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://riotstats.com/players/us-little-legion</a>
<a href='http://www.lolbase.net/us/Little-Legion' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.lolbase.net/us/Little-Legion</a>

I wish i could import my lolbase stuff to riotstats, which is a much better site


Well-Known Member
For melee I use Xin Zhao or Olaf, for ranged dps I use Tristana or Kog'Maw. If I want ap I use Teemo or Annie, though I haven't used her for a while. I'm starting to learn how to jungle and I never tank, mostly because the guy I play with most of the time takes care of that. I also own Jax and Lux, but I rarely ever use them. I perform best when using Teemo, Trist or Kog'maw.

It's true that solo Q is terrible but I find that it's not so bad if you have a regular lane mate, and when that lane mate is Blitzcrank or Soraka then most games become hilarious. I swear that guy is the only reason why I have more wins than losses.


Well-Known Member
When I refer to solo q hell, I mean when I have to pray and hope that I get a teammate that isn't a instalock carry, though I havn't had to solo q myself in a few months, ever since I got a good dozen or so people that I've been playing skype games with, I can usually find one or two of them on most of the time.


Well-Known Member
ucal said:
Jomasten said:
Really, I play mostly support characters, like Ashe, Janna, and Sona. Have not bothered trying anyone else yet.

Ashe is my 'offensive' support, Janna I'm still having a hard time mastering, and Sona I am absolutely loving.

Unfortunately, I can only play Sona as she's free this time around. Will need to save up IP to perma-unlock her.
If you get a chance, I highly recommend Morganna and Lux as the best supports in the game. Lux has obscene range, and can pull off so many stunts, and Morgana offers the absolute best support skill in the game, as well as the ability to blow up enemy teams.
Lux is legit AP carry+support. Her only real support comes in the form of offensive CC and a fairly-bad shield, worse post-nerf. Her damage and combo potential, on the other hand, is ridiculous. She can completely take someone out during the skirmishing before a teamfight with a decent combo, turning a 5v5 into a 4v5 even if the target survives with low hp, and with CDR her cooldowns are low enough to ult at the end of the teamfight while hunting down stragglers.

She also has GREAT laning damage - singularity+binding+auto+detonate binding+auto is half of someone's life even with just lvl1 in each skill. Surprisingly brutal mid or great partner for anyone, though I dunno how hot she'd be in a solo lane versus two others - squishy as hell.

She's one of the few (alongside Vlad/LB/Soraka etc) who can make REALLY good use of a Mejai's too, even if you're not getting 45 kills a minute. Her range and shield means that the assists come pouring in pretty much no matter what you do.


Well-Known Member
lokinishizaki said:
For melee I use Xin Zhao or Olaf, for ranged dps I use Tristana or Kog'Maw. If I want ap I use Teemo or Annie, though I haven't used her for a while.? I'm starting to learn how to jungle and I never tank, mostly because the guy I play with most of the time takes care of that. I also own Jax and Lux, but I rarely ever use them. I perform best when using Teemo, Trist or Kog'maw.

It's true that solo Q is terrible but I find that it's not so bad if you have a regular lane mate, and when that lane mate is Blitzcrank or Soraka then most games become hilarious.? I swear that guy is the only reason why I have more wins than losses.
I love playing blitz, the hook hand is great if you know how to use and the hook/fist ult combo is awesome.

I have killed tons of tower low hp huggers by simply hiding in the bushes, hit steam rush run to them hook, punch, then ult and run away from the tower while they curse at me. :lol:

Besides that I play a mean Rammus (I got the beta Bowser skin) but I rarely find a decent team and end getting gangbanged by their entire team lot of the time, while my team looks.

Besides that I play, Sogna, Ryle, Ashe, Catlyn, M fortune, Nunu, TF and Zilean.


Well-Known Member
It'd be awesome if the LoL launcher didn't crash every time i tried to play.


Well-Known Member
New rotation is out. Who do you wanna try out?

Also, yes, solo q is dicks. Funny story, this guy I was laning with said I was bad support because I was feeding the other team, but because he was farming like hell and not doing anything.

Now he added me as a friend. Odd that.


Well-Known Member
Already tried rumble. The guy is op. Expecting nerfs to his ratios next patch, after people have had a chance to buy into the OPness.

And Maokai is just awesome.


Well-Known Member
Hmm. Shen is free this week, time to see how badly the change in his innate passive hurts him.


Well-Known Member
shiki said:
Hmm. Shen is free this week, time to see how badly the change in his innate passive hurts him.
You need like 300 bonus hp at level 1 to even out and something like 2.5k bonus hp at level 18.

It doesn't matter because that's not why shen is op as balls.