League of Legends

shiki said:
A Curious Stranger said:
ucal said:
Not to mention having a stun available everytime someone uses a long duration channelling ult.á

Nunu and Malzahar will hate you.á Though nunu you kind of have to get lucky to interrupt, because that slow is massive.
Play Kassadin. Then go win.
Silence (cutting of their flash and/or escape tech) + blink spell+ slow = no escape for squishies.

I tend to hate facing Kass if I'm not a tank or tanky dps.
I remember this one hilarious game I had. Took over an hour and a half and at that point everyone had sold their boots and gone for broke. I ended up with over 1K AP along with Lich Bane with Kassadin. I was godly especially if I could get my full combo off including Deathfire Grasp. Deathfire, Riftwalk, Q, E, Ignite, with an auto attack somewhere and then I just walked away. I'd save the Riftwalk for escape when I had to though.
Recently i decided to buy me a full set of Armour Pen runes. I couldn't believe the difference it made to most of my AD fighters. 25 armour pen early game is nothing sneeze at.

Didn't realize how many LOL players there were on the forum.

I tend to play most of the roster... but i prefer anyone whose role is to Kill the enemy. Pretty much is a must for me to attempt to make any character i try into a death machine. Mordekaizer, Malzahar, Swain, Jarvan, Rumble and Nocturne are my current favorites, though do tend to bounce around the roster.


Well-Known Member
Himitsu the Hunter said:
Recently i decided to buy me a full set of Armour Pen runes. I couldn't believe the difference it made to most of my AD fighters. 25 armour pen early game is nothing sneeze at.

Didn't realize how many LOL players there were on the forum.

I tend to play most of the roster... but i prefer anyone whose role is to Kill the enemy. Pretty much is a must for me to attempt to make any character i try into a death machine. Mordekaizer, Malzahar, Swain, Jarvan, Rumble and Nocturne are my current favorites, though do tend to bounce around the roster.
That's the problem with most players though. They all lock in as the high damage dealers, and leave the rational people to play tank/jungle/support every damn time.

Oh well.

I'm going to be happy when the vayne fever dies down. Most idiots don't know how to use her, but the few who do are incredibly difficult to gank, what with her low cd flash that's also invisibility if her ult is up, not to mention her knock back. Chasing vayne is an exercise in futility.
Heh it is true, but the reason i lock in on damage roles is because as a tank my mentality tends to not sync with others as well. I prefer combat where I'm in the thick of things, and I tend to be very focused on making sure there are dead people on the enemy side. And though i do play a pretty competent tank version of Swain, Jarvan and Amumu, I tend to be far more useful as a killer for my team so i don't go those routes unless particularly needful.

Also i dislike the concept of Jungling too much to do it. From beginning to end the game should be a struggle, death and carnage spread in every inch of ground. Mind you a GOOD jungler will be ducking into the lane to gank on a regular... but that doesn't happen nearly often enough with most junglers. But the idea of avoiding the enemy completely to get strong kinda is against everything i love about playing games like LOL.

I honestly haven't found Vayne much more than an interesting addition to the AD champ list. She's a very good Assassin character, but pretty much has all the flaws of any of the other Assassins. Low hp, easy break in any team engagement so long as people remember to cut her up when she pops out.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, the problem with being the new rational person playing a game is that I end up having to learn the character and roles when I'm doing my job. So I often end up with a higher death total than actual kills or assists. Happens, but not to many are helpful.

Btw, I go by Maxoris there in case anyone wants to keep track every now and then.


Well-Known Member
ucal said:
Himitsu the Hunter said:
Recently i decided to buy me a full set of Armour Pen runes. I couldn't believe the difference it made to most of my AD fighters. 25 armour pen early game is nothing sneeze at.

Didn't realize how many LOL players there were on the forum.

I tend to play most of the roster... but i prefer anyone whose role is to Kill the enemy. Pretty much is a must for me to attempt to make any character i try into a death machine. Mordekaizer, Malzahar, Swain, Jarvan, Rumble and Nocturne are my current favorites, though do tend to bounce around the roster.
That's the problem with most players though. They all lock in as the high damage dealers, and leave the rational people to play tank/jungle/support every damn time.

Oh well.

I'm going to be happy when the vayne fever dies down. Most idiots don't know how to use her, but the few who do are incredibly difficult to gank, what with her low cd flash that's also invisibility if her ult is up, not to mention her knock back. Chasing vayne is an exercise in futility.
Yeah, there are lots of Vaynes that end up knocking ppl back with their E, ending up saving the enemy.

Pissed me off a few times when I was using Jax with one hit away from triggering the ulti passive.


Well-Known Member
Jomasten said:
I've never personally tried this, but how would a pure AS Ashe work? What should I buy up?
I've been playing for a couple of months, mixed success. Only level 27.

I've got a build that kind-of works provided you play it right and manage to get yourself an advantage and hold it. I haven't played Ashe in forever though.

Berserker's Boots or Boots of Swiftness and either two or more likely three Phantom Dancers, can't remember which right now. Put an Infinity Edge and at least one Bloodthirster in the mix. Grab the lifesteal early on, you'll need it.

For Summoner's Spells Clarity is a requirement, you'll be constantly hungry for mana because there's no room to cram any in. I'd suggest either Ghost to further boost your move speed, or Teleport, possibly Cleanse, but I don't think it would work out very well.

You'll be incredibly squishy with this build unless you somehow magic another slot and shove a Warmog's in it or something. But you'll be lightning fast, both in terms of move speed and attack speed. You should crit almost every attack and do something in the area of 700-800 damage a hit and hit at least twice a second.

You'll tear through basically anyone you catch alone. Keep your ultimate in mind, particularly for foes who would have CC, or otherwise have the ability to ruin your shit.

Oh, and keep on the move, if you get ganked you're almost definitely dead, your only defense is playing keep away, which is relatively easy with the high move speed, stun and slow.


Well-Known Member
LOL, pure AS Ashe sucks with no Damage. This is assuming you JUST build AS. Sure you will be criting alot, but for piddly dmg.

What the person describing with the 700 crit is the typical AS-AD that people build. Although 3 PD's is too much. Even two is pushing it unless you want to be a super backdoor champ or they have a Yi or something.

Clarity on Ashe is horrible, too. You shouldn't be spamming Volley so much that you can't ULT when needed. Waste of a summoner spell slot. Just manage your Mana usage better and focus more on last hitting and less on clearing creep waves.

Cleanse and Ghost/Flash are staples for a Kiting Ashe. Cleanse and shoot a volley to get the fuck away of you get hit by a long range stun/slow. You shouldn't be close enough to be hit by close range ones (like Udyr) anyways. If you do get hit, either you went to far or the tank isn't doing his job.

Port and Ghost if you just plan to BD.

Or Ghost/Flash and exhaust if you expected to be chased alot by melee champs.

Tank items such as Warmogs is a bad idea for Ashe too... it limits your damage potential. The slow should be enough to keep them far enough away from you. Even with 1300 more HP, in an average game you won't have enough time to build more damage.

I'm partial to grabbing D.blade, boots, zeal for early game. Stacking more D.blades if I am fucking up.

Then transition to a BFS -> BC (at this point or even when you first get the zeal, you should be raping face (or helping someone on your team get kills with the slow) from range poking at them unless the other team just outplays you), and turning the zeal to PD. From there I get whatever else is needed like BV or getting more Damage. If for some reason the game goes longer, you get Elixirs.


Well-Known Member
The warmog suggestion was hyperbole.

Thing is, with this set-up you don't NEED flash. You'll have near-capped AS and you'll move so fast no one will be able to keep up with you, save possible Master Yi.

I like clarity because I focus on mopping up minions for most of my gold income, and without it or something else to fill the gap you'd have to run back to base to refill your mana every few minutes, with it you can extend your time out significantly longer as clarity will ALWAYS give you a full mana pool on this build.

It also means you can push a lane like a motherfucker. Run up one and clear every minion up to the turret, dodge away then come back once your horde arrives to reduce the thing to rubble, provided no enemy champions have shown up to make a mess of things.


Well-Known Member
Except if Malphite, Leblanc, Nocturne, Kassadin, Akali, Amumu, Eve, Twitch, Shaco, Zilean boosted hero, Nunu boosted hero, Tristana or any hero with a stun+flash sees you and decides that you need to die, you'll be lucky if you can make it back to base after getting your ass handed to you.

You shouldn't need volley for anything but slowing heroes/pushing, because you'll be last hitting every minion (or should be) with your attack. So clarity is indeed a waste. Additionally, if you can aim your ult right, you an get assist and kill gold without ever leaving the lane.


Well-Known Member
Meh, you can clear minions quick enough with just regular attacks.

Early game last hitting will net you the same amount as if you volley, because minions come at a fixed rate. Clearing minions too fast is just inviting a jungler to come and get you early game. Last hitting the minions while slowly drawing the opponent in so your junglar to get him is often times better.

You don't NEED flash in the situation I set up also. That is why I said Flash/Ghost, it depends on preference. Both can be used offensively as well as defensively. In bad situations such as your tank dying in a team fight it can be used to run away, ideally you never have to use it since Ashe basically has a perma-slow.

But against those Champs such as Kass or Ashe's or lizard-buffed champs. Having a flash to volley slow will save you more often than not. If you get snared or stunned... not much Movespeed OR flash can do for you.

If it is during late game, just poke the turret from range while your tanks/tank-dps zones them out.

Or if you have to backdoor, wait until your team baits them into a team fight. Then get the turret on your own. If they break off to come at you, just run back, they can't travel half the map in an instant, you just have to worry about the teleports. Map awareness is half the battle. If they are all MIA, you don't backdoor unless you have wards in that area, simple as that. No need to risk it even in a losing situation.

If you are already backdooring (by chance or them leaving the lane to chase the jungler), you can maximize you time attacking turret by timing how long is is since you last seen them on the mini-map and sending a hawk in the direction they are likely to come.

I never have issues with mana as Ashe unless I use my Ulti during the laning phase, the first 10~15 minutes, because volley doesn't do enough damage to be worth the mana cost in that time frame. Use the time in between last hitting to wait for crit chance to go up, that costs no mana and does even more damage.

Even as far as late game, I very rarely have mana issues even when harassing with Q toggled on. Volley is only used in my case to slow down an advance, hit a champ that is just barely out of range of my autoattack slow so my team can chase, or clear minion waves near a turret.

By the time I feel like I'm low, I've already went back to buy stuff like boots or my Zeal or even my BFS or have driven them off to heal or they have driven me off to heal.

Edit: Damn, wasted all that time and got Ninja'ed by ucal. Also added emphasis on the word "have".


Well-Known Member
for ashe I usually go D.shield > boots1 > IE > Merc/Ionian > Brutalizer or BC > banshee's and a billion wards.

getting a negatron in there wherever I need it. Build a PD at the end if the game has actually managed to go 80 minutes long.

Ghost/Flash. Flash over walls when available. Slow arrows on everything. Ult has a low cooldown, so throw it at anything scary. Volley in teamfights whenever it's off cd.

E: for content and it taking me hours to post

It also means you can push a lane like a motherfucker.
If you're doing this while laning and there is a jungler, you are going to die. Full stop. Clarity is a terrible summoner on almost every hero. Ashe of all champs doesn't have mana problems.

Volley's value in laning is that it is slow+harass with substantially longer range than your autoattack, so if say Sion is coming at you, you can slow him before he gets in range to stun you.

Attack speed in general is not as valuable a stat as attack damage because you have to stand approximately still and autoattack. If you're doing this, your opponents suck. It wrecks towers, but in any situation in which you're getting off an auto or a volley and backing up to avoid counterharass in your poking game, AD will come out on top. Ashe specifically scales much, much better with AD than attack speed.

IMO Corki is a better carry than Ashe, but Ashe is p.much the best initiator in the game with arrow.

Ashe is a teamfight champion. Don't backdoor with her, you don't have escapes. Leave that shit to people with bonkers escapes like shaco, sivir, yi, etc. If one of your dudes is splitpushing, Ashe is a hell of a lot more intimidating in a standoff.


Well-Known Member
How do you guys feel about the new catalyst? Previously, it was the best item in the game. My friend actually thinks it's the final nail in Kassadin's coffin.


Well-Known Member
Honestly, as far as the change to Catalyst goes, I think it's going to prevent the biggest annoyance I had with it, which was a random minion killing another random minion, getting a champ a lvl, when I've been dueling with him for the better part of a minute, and we both have less then 100-200 health, and are out of mana/energy/all our skills are on CD. Then that random level comes out and I'm basically screwed.

On another topic, I've got enough IP for a champ from 3150 and lower at the moment, but I can't decide who to get. Currently I've been playing Garen, Lux, Malzahar, Cait, Akali, and Galio. I'm wanting to get someone that's more melee, or a stealth champ, but I can't decide if I should save up for twitch, get eve or shaco, or go for another damage/tank champ. Ideas or opinions?


Well-Known Member
I own all three.

Twitch sucks for his price. He is super underpowered against teams that know what they are doing plus he is so slow early game, you pretty much have to get boots first. You can't kite anyone especially well. He has the same range as Teemo: 500. Upside is that he has a wide area slow and his expunge does decent AP damage. I've messed around with AS+AP Twitch before and had some moderate success, but AD+AS is probably still the better way to go.

Shaco is fun but squishy. Damn good assassin. Takes some skill to use effectively. You have to start ganks pretty early so you have the money for builds. On the upside, you can get red/blue at lvl 1 pretty easy if you are so inclined. LOLz at dmg with Sheen/Trinity + IE + his Q while back hitting.

Eve is damn good in the hands of someone who knows how to use her. Crap if you don't know how to. AFAIK she got nerfed a while back so her jungle ability has gone down. Still a damn good assassin regardless. Haven't used her in a long time though, so I can't say much for her.

Depends on your play style, but these stealth characters are fun to try.


Well-Known Member
What would you say I'd have to learn to play eve? Cause I don't see a good one often enough to know from personal experience. And any plain AD champs you'd reccomend.

As for playstyle, I tend to be one of those people that likes to harrass when I've got the chance, and if I'm playing a tank other then galio, I tend to dive in to a entire team by myself to save one of my teammates. Though sometimes that ends up turning out rather well for me...

I remember one time I was playing my standard tank garen build, was pushing purples inner bot turret, took it down right as 3 of them showed up from base, while 2 more popped out of jungle, ended up getting away with about 300 health having taken down nunu, leblanc, and...I think it was TF, ended up gettting a ace for the team when I lured the last two into my teammates. Made Nunu and at least one other person use their ults too.

As for the stealth, I've got a friend with twitch unlocked, so I might log on to his account if I can and try him in a few games.


Well-Known Member
Can't say much for Eve. I'm not too confident in using her myself.

As for AD champs, you can't go wrong with Xin or Irelia.

Jarvan is cool, I like using him.

I don't own Nocturne or Lee Sin but they seem pretty fun in their own way as well.


Well-Known Member
Isn't irelia one of those people that can jungle without smite?


Well-Known Member
Don't jungle without smite. That's inviting the enemy team to steal your buffs, dragons, and barons.

Irelia is ridiculously powerful. Don't jungle with her, take a solo lane. Irelia needs gold and more importantly she needs levels. Get her if you're good at farming.

To play Eve you need to have a strong early game. She's super squish and has little damage without money. You need to be able to tell if you're going to successfully gank lanes before you get to them (where a successful gank for Eve is "got a kill". It's fine if this takes more than one try) because not succeeding means you missed out on tons of xp and gold in your lane. You need to be paranoid as hell about the enemy team buying vision wards, if they do, great, go back and farm your lane/gank another. You need to be able to farm really well. You need to have a team which can sit on your towers and not get killed by the enemy team, because Eve is almost as bullshit good at split pushing as master yi.

I play with a guy who only plays Eve. Every game. He builds triforce/zerkers/pd/veil/black cleaver and does really well with her.


Well-Known Member
I know that jungling without smite is just inviting buff steals, and that she's a far better laner then jungler, I just couldn't remember if she was one of those rare champs that can jungle without smite, making it harder for the enemy team to tell if your jungling or not till lanes get going. Usually when I jungle I use malphite, since when I need to jungle I end up having to tank as well, but I figured that if Irelia can do it too, and without smite taking up a SS slot and becoming mostly useless late game, that I'd probably end up getting her.


Well-Known Member
Smite isn't useless late game.

<a href='http://www.youtube.com/user/stonewall008#p/u/23/M-ZscS1NREo' target='_blank' rel='nofollow'>http://www.youtube.com/user/stonewall008#p/u/23/M-ZscS1NREo</a>


Well-Known Member
That's a impressive baron steal, but I didn't say it was useless, I said it was mostly useless. Outside of baron, dragon, and the buffs, only real use I could see late game is for super minions or things like Malzs voidling, or hiemers turrets, and your going to be dropping those nearly as fast without it as with it.


Well-Known Member
While true, the utility you gain early game from having it (drastically quicker, and safer jungle routes) makes it worth it imo.

Except for Nunu. It can be argued that Nunu doesn't really need it, but I still take it on him anyways.


Well-Known Member
Smite gets progressively more and more useful the higher caliber opponents you face. If you're not going to be against decent players who use Clairvoyance + wards to actively mess with your jungle, you don't need Smite. If your team can group and take Dragon without the enemy team reacting, you don't need Smite. All I know is that, from 1600+ onwards, any jungler who doesn't take Smite is automatically laughed out of the game. If you're at that level, you should know this already. If you aren't, the sooner you learn the better.


Well-Known Member
Don't play ranked yet, waiting till I have enough friends to make a team. So, as far as jungling goes I've only got normal game experience. Good to know about smite at higher ELO lvls though, got any advice about the other common spells for ranked? Mostly curious about stuff like clarity, fortify and clairvoyence.