Akamatsuverse Love Hina Loops


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The town of Hinata was burning... again. And as usual the former inn-turned-dormitory the Hinata-sou was the only thing left standing.

After numerous time loops where a certain time looper would suddenly give into more strain than a normal man could handle, snap and go on destructive rampages, this would be categorized as a commonplace occurence for most loopers who were inserted into the same reality as this looper.

And soon Tokyo would also burn in this reality.

As the manager of the dormitory got finished with taking a bath in his barrel and had gotten dressed, he ventured out and suddenly wondered where that fancy vehicle he had brought with him from a previous time loop had gone since it wasn't where it was parked. But then he remembered that he had been nice enough to borrow it to his mentor after his van broke down and had to be sent in for repair.

He was oblivious to the carnage around him since he was in his own thoughts about courting Narusegawa with lots of roses and making out with her in the romantic moonlight.


"How nice of the part-timer to lend us this thing, Sarah," Seta Noriyasu remarked to his daughter Sarah MacDougal (who was busy fiddling with the weapon controls).

As the green, streamlined form of Metal Gear D ventured forth to Tokyo University so that the one driving it could give lectures, its 60 mm vulcan gun, 5.56 mm machine gun and it's missile pods were spewing death around it while the smoke discharger did its thing.


"Now where did I put that bandana of infinite ammo I was gonna sell on Ebay?" Keitaro mused as he searched his room.


Sarah MacDougal was laughing maniacally, her usual headwear replaced by a certain bandana.

For her this was more fun than when her father usually drove his van...


"I just hope I remembered to switch off the weapon systems,"

"What did you say, Keitaro?" Naru asked as she looked up from the studying notes she was making.

"Just a gut feeling about something bad could happen," Keitaro said and continued studying with his love interest. He was just happy that he was more and less stable in this loop...


Well-Known Member
Nice twist on the Hina Rampage.

Is Sarah Awake or just her usual 'rambunctious' self?


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sworded said:
Nice twist on the Hina Rampage.

Is Sarah Awake or just her usual 'rambunctious' self?
Well, even I like variation sometimes.

My guess is that Sarah's being her usual self, but I could retcon her into a looper version of her that's crazier than she usual is, if you want to.


Well-Known Member
I think it would be awesome if that Sarah wasn't Awake and all the problems she causes are a result of her original self having access to equipment from Loops. I'm sure Su would make an improved version of the Metal Gear as a challenge, thus upping the carnage level.

It might be interesting to see some Loops where crazy shit happens because the Anchors leave some item or device around and some nonLooper starts messing with it.


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Keitaro Urashima sighed in relief and immersed himself deeper into the barrel, enjoying the hot water around him.

"It's times like these that makes me appreciate a good soak," he mumbled to himself.

In the timeloop before this one he had been flung right into the middle of the First Tiberium War between the Global Defense Initiative and the Brotherhood of Nod.

And somehow, due to his usual bad luck, he found himself drafted into the Brotherhood and was later assigned to driving one of the Brotherhood's experimental vehicles.

After Kane got zapped by the ion cannon he had been flung back into the normal loop centred around the Hinata-sou along with the vehicle he had been operating, saving him from being blasted into oblivion by the X-66 Mammoth Tank that was pointing it's twin 120mm guns straight at him.

All he just wanted to do now was to take things easy and simply relax. Sure he might flunk the Tokyo U entry exam again in this loop, but he could always take it again in another loop.

For some reason Keitaro had the feeling that he forgot something that was really important.


In a drunk stupor Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno drove the Devil's Tongue Flame Tank through the streets of Tokyo in the direction of what she thought was the closest pub, mistaking what were the instruments for operating the twin flame cannons to be the car horn instead - resulting in that automobiles, buildings and people were incinerated or burned to death.

"Hick!" she hiccuped and remained oblivious to what mayhem she caused, while hazily peering for that pub she was looking for...


"Now I remember!" Keitaro concluded happily to himself, "I forgot to lock the door of my flame tank!"

After having dried and dressed himself he made haste to where he parked his flame tank and discovered that it wasn't there. The only thing there was an empty bottle.

"Uh-oh!" Keitaro gulped and got a lump in his throat. "That looks like the bottle of experimental moonshine filled with experimental tiberium-based drugs I got before the final battle!"

This was not good at all. And he could easily guess who made off with this dangerous piece of machinery.
*Audience Laugh track*

We'll return to Keitaro Urashima's Timeloop Misadventures right after these messages from our sponsors!


Well-Known Member
Awesome! :yay:

Thanks for responding to my idea. :mmm:

Hunter 1

Well-Known Member



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The city of Tokyo was in flames. All around the sound of gunfire, explosions, screams and death were seen or heard.

In a dark alley four figures emerged. Despite one of them being underage all of them sported hi-tech gear and weapons which they seemed to handle with confidence and battle-hardened experience.

"Bloody 'ell!" Negi Springfield exclaimed in English cockney speech (having been stuck in London's East End in so many loops that his speech patterns had been affected severely), shouldering the high calibre sniper rifle that seemed too big for him to carry.

"This timeloop sure is messed up," Tenchi Masaki sighed in Japanese and shook his head. He switched off the safety of his FN SCAR-H CQC and checked if his scope was in order.

"The only silver-lining is that we all got stuck in this fraking hole so that we could fix it," Ranma Saotome growled likewise in their native language while holding his assault rifle with grenade launcher attachment ready for action.

"Pull yourselves together, Ghosts!" Ghost leader Keitaro Urashima said firmly in Japanese. "It's not to different when Postal me goes crazy, only that this is on a larger scale."

"Copy that, Ghost leader!" the other three chorused. Having all been killed in various time loops where they were left without their special powers had made them train together as intensely as they could in moder warfare.

"Speak of the devil: where is Postal you?" Negi inquired to Keitaro in Japanese.

"Beats me!" Cop Keitaro shrugged. "I think he's still stuck in that loop where he's working in the Wagnaria and trying to avoid Inami-chan as much as he can."

An intense detonation was heard from an adjacent alley.

"Cross-Com activated." Cop Keitaro stated as he activated the instruments of his headgear. "We're going in!" He caressed his MR-C LW gently and hoped that Naru and the others were safe...
Aaaand how did a bunch of Nips and a bloody Welshman wind up in the US Army Special Forces?

Hunter 1

Well-Known Member
Does it have to make sense?

Besides, these are loopers. They could figure out some way to get in. The age would actually be a bigger issue, but again, they could get past that.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Aaaand how did a bunch of Nips and a bloody Welshman wind up in the US Army Special Forces?
Anything can happen in erattic and illogical time loops after all :snigger: For one Keitaro and the others could've been stuck in crossover/fusion loops where they displace Scott Mitchell and three Ghosts or got stuck at Fort Bragg where they unofficially received training. :wacko:

Or possibly an AU timeloop where there's an JSDF special forces group called the Ghosts who have similar military hardware to those of the real Ghosts in Ghost Recon. :huh.:


Well-Known Member
Or they all imigrated to the US and joined the US armed forces before they Awakened in the loop. For that matter one or both of each individuals parents may have been a US citizen living or working abroad giving the Loopers the option of claiming US citizenship while growing up among a different culture before joining up.
If that's the case, then I demand SS!Sarah.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
If that's the case, then I demand SS!Sarah.
SS? As in Schutzstaffel? Now that's a scary thought considering it's Sarah MacDougal we're talking about.


Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Crusader said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
If that's the case, then I demand SS!Sarah.
SS? As in Schutzstaffel? Now that's a scary thought considering it's Sarah MacDougal we're talking about.
So all this time those nerds where hoping for a lv.5 Nazi Goku?
Funny you should mention it since in a New Mutants/Tenchi Muyo/Dragonball Z crossover Magneto thought evil Super Saiya-jin Son Goku resembled an Aryan.

Magneto noticed Piccolo gape for the first time. "He-e's done it! He's risen to his Super Saiya-jin level!" Piccolo quickly recovered his resolve, now more angry than scared. He had hoped to defeat Kakarrotto before he reached this default form. Now that case was forever ruined. His own strength, never an equal to the Saiya-jin's present level, had already diminished in the failed gambit.

The Headmaster kept a poker face to the intensity their situation had become. The electromagnetic fields that flowed around the warrior flashed in a chaotic fashion. Such a feat could exemplify a degree of extreme power. Surprisingly, Magneto was more disturbed by the fact that Kakarrotto resembled an Aryan.

excerpt from chapter 6 of The Kakarrotto Saga by claudius.


Well-Known Member
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Crusader said:
New Mutants/Tenchi Muyo/Dragonball Z crossover
Your reading this why?
Ever read the Cross-Time Caper storyline in Excalibur? Basically due to Magik's teleportation Tenchi, the New Mutants, Magneto and Psylocke managed to port themselves into the DBZ world and experiencing their own variant of the cross-time caper where they find themselves in other anime worlds.

To get an understanding of what's happening you should look into The Prince and the Sorceress and Tenchi the New Mutant first before reading this fic.


Well-Known Member
Crusader said:
Master of Squirrel-Fu said:
Crusader said:
New Mutants/Tenchi Muyo/Dragonball Z crossover
Your reading this why?
Ever read the Cross-Time Caper storyline in Excalibur? Basically due to Magik's teleportation Tenchi, the New Mutants, Magneto and Psylocke managed to port themselves into the DBZ world and experiencing their own variant of the cross-time caper where they find themselves in other anime worlds.

To get an understanding of what's happening you should look into The Prince and the Sorceress and Tenchi the New Mutant first before reading this fic.
No. No I should not read any of that stuff... I already need to swallow some bleach for the DBZ...


Well-Known Member
kevinasher said:
No.á No I should not read any of that stuff...á I already need to swallow some bleach for the DBZ...
It's your choice after all, not mine. I've always had a soft spot for the first New Mutants team after all.

This fic through the New Mutants' eyes does manage to point out one of the major cliches in DBZ in a critical manner. Like that teamwork is rarely used among the group and scoffed at by the Saiya-jins (teamwork worked against Garlic Jr. when it was only Kuririn, Son Gohan and Piccolo against him and his goons) and gung-ho tendencies where the answer to all problems is usually to blow enemies to kingdom come. (At least Mr. Satan managed to befriend Fat Buu and Kuririn spared 18's life and befriended 16 showing that it was more to being a hero than being a superior fighter)


Well-Known Member
"Eat lead, Urashima!" the thug cried out, firing blindly with his submachine gun while his friends finished reloading their weapons and popped up from their cover. Their leather trench-coated adversary did likewise and sprang up from cover to engage them.

Naru concentrated and entered bullet time mode. The world around her went blurry and hazy, slowing down time for everything except her. With skill and precision the battle-hardened woman brought up her two fully-loaded automatic pistols and started picking them off one by one while narrowly dodging their gunfire.

Dropping one of her emptied pistols she twirled around and unleashed a devastating Naru punch on the goon who tried to sneak up on her from behind, grinning in grim satisfaction when she heard his neck snap like a rotten twig and seeing his body crash into the nearby brick wall, leaving a gory mess of what was once a human being.

"How could things have gone so wrong," she whispered sadly to herself after reloading all her weapons, ignoring the death she had caused around her while popping a few painkillers into her mouth.

It had all begun so well that it seemed like an unreal beautiful dream. Entering this time loop a day before Keitaro came to Hinata she used all her experiences and memories from earlier loops to make things for him and her work without any serious trouble. Thanks to her tutoring she had managed to get Keitaro into Tokyo U early on while also passing. Funny thing was that she was the one who proposed to him after they had gone out together for a year, impressing her friends and rivals for Keitaro's affection with her boldness. Keitaro managed to squeak out "yes." by the way before she glomped him and started kissing him like there was no tomorrow.
Sure Kanako came in her way too often than she could remember but she could handle her as long as she watched her back.

Before the tragedy struck she thought that life with her loved ones in this loop would be peaceful, but fate had other things in store for her.

Ever since her husband Keitaro and their adopted infant daughter had been killed by gun-wielding drug addicts she had felt dead inside. Naru Urashima, time looper and wife of this reality's Keitaro had sworn to avenge their deaths.

Framed and hunted for the murder of a fellow undercover police officer, the former Tokyo U graduated tutor who became a detective in the Tokyo Metropolitan Police Department was on the run from the law she had sworn to uphold.

The Tokyo Underworld was going to be drenched with blood once she got through to the one who killed her loved ones and framed her for this crime.

shoot dodging a ki-blast from a ki-using criminal, Naru decorated the nearby walls with his insides, courtesy of a well-placed shotgun blast.

This strange conspiracy was puzzling her even more and more due to the fact that ki-using martial artists turned hitmen were after her as well in this case...

Just wanted to write a Naru as a action girl snippet for some reason.