LVL 80 or bust


Well-Known Member
I saw someone on a motorbike. Is that a mount from the new expansion or did it already exist before?


Well-Known Member
Yes it was brought in with the expansion its a 450 skill engineering mount the Alliance one is called the Mekgineer's Chopper and the Horde one is called the Mechano-hog.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
Cornuthaum said:
Ike said:
For the love of all that is holy, don't do Zuldrak.á And if you MUST do that zone, make sure you're 77+ with an epic flier/cold weather flying.
Hmmmm, what's your problem with Zul'Drak?
Zul'drak sucks.

The big one.

Especially without a flier.

Its bearable with one, but if I had to do that zone on foot... Ugh.
I went over my achievement tab and some friends memories - I did hit 77 in Zul'Drak, most likely around Zim'Torga. Which explains why those quests weren't ne arly as annoying as you make them out to be.

With L77+ it's basically: load questhelper, log in, look at the arrow, mount up, fly to location, kill/loot/whatever things, mount up, look at arrow, repeat until everything is finished, turn in quests ;D


Well-Known Member
conwayeoin said:
Yes it was brought in with the expansion its a 450 skill engineering mount the Alliance one is called the Mekgineer's Chopper and the Horde one is called the Mechano-hog.
Cool. And you probably need lvl 80 to use it, right? Is it expensive.

On another note, isn't it possbile to get permanent versions of the flying brooms from Halloween?


Well-Known Member
The motorcycle can be made for other people (if they're willing the shell out the cash, since only engineers can buy the vendor only items it needs to be made), it does not require engineering to ride but does require level 80, and costs upwards of 12k gold with just the vendor bought mats.

For the brooms, sadly, no there's no permanent broom mount.

Lost Star

Well-Known Member
*blinks* I leveled in Zul'Drak as a prot Pally at lv 74 I think.. Its bad, but not that bad, and some of the quests were really cool.


Well-Known Member
I haven't gotten my epic flying mount yet (when I hit 70, I didn't have the 5000 g that would be needed to get it), so before I get it, I'll have to do a lot of farming.

Granted, I thought I'd be doing it via farming Northrend. Quest, level, farm, selling it at AH, quest, level, etc.

Oh, and another reason why my leveling slowed, unfortunately, it appeared my assumption was correct. I need to upgrade my computer. Even if I don't do something like use Firefox (huge resource eater), I still hit memory problems. <_< Oh well, like I said, I'll hit 80 eventually. But not before the New Year.


Well-Known Member
I have a 70 warlock at the moment but I got kinda bored of it so I'm focusing on my paladin which is 66. Hopefully it will be 70 by the end of the month and i can start on northrend.


Well-Known Member
Update for the guy who started this :D , Hit 77 two days ago by going Forde, Tundra, Dragon. Dragon was the funnest for me and I did all the frickin quests so I stumbled upon the Wrathgate movie. Also did the retaking of undercity that was cool. Kind of shows you y Thrall is the Leader of the Horde. :evil2: And the buffs I got to us made me feel like a god.
Have an 80 DK (Itsbobross on skullcrusher), and a 71 paladin (Getha on Haomarush, formerly on skullcrusher). I got a beta invite a few months ago and cleared all the pve content in wotlk. Sadly the paladin class bores the shit out of me now, Getha's been sitting in howling fjord since i got the game. Love my dk now. I just need to save up 6000g for the rest of my flying training, so i can finally use that bronze drake sitting in my bank.


Well-Known Member
Hit 80 about 4 days ago, though I've only had the WotLK expansion for about three weeks. Went Tundra, Dragon, Grizzly, Zul-drak, and Sholazar (though that was more for my LWing than anything else). Currently finishing up the last 20 or so quests in Storm Peaks (a place I can't even imagine trying to level in without being able to fly).

Since my hunter already had her epic flying, I thankfully didn't have to worry about it. Now it's pretty much heroics and faction grinding... again :p .

I do like the way they've done this phasing thing. It's pretty cool to actually see a difference in things due to your actions. Having things like a pitched battle along the lengths of a valley in the Storm Peaks become populated by giant worms and mammoths is pretty cool. Add in that the various quest-lines that tell a pretty interesting story, and I'll admit to being even more pleased with this expansion than I was when Burning Crusade came out.

Now I need to get to work on leveling my DK. ^_^


Well-Known Member
I hit 72 for my Night Elf Hunter a week ago. So that means both my over 70 characters have hit... 72.

The only good news I could say is that I finally am 'out' of the starting zone of Northrend (though if I want... I could do more quest in the Borean Tundra. :rofl: Yeah right). But I'm expecting the upper levels to be a whole new round of questing/grinding.

Now yeah, I'd probably would have hit 74... heck, maybe even 80 if I didn't spend most of my time on my alts. But well, I'm no longer in a rush to hit 80.


Well-Known Member
To show how slow I've been leveling... this could be considered a progress report.

I hit 73 for my BE Warlock recently.

Wow. While most people here have at least one 80, my highest character right now is an 73. I will say getting to 73 didn't feel as long or as bad as when I quest/grind to 72. It still wasn't all fun either.

At least my NE Hunter got the Loremaster achievement for all the quest I had to do in Howling Fjord. All 130 quest or so.

Funny, I just found out that my BE didn't get the achievement. Even though she only needed 105 quest. Heh.

That being said, I now have a character in Outland. Human rogue in the former TFF server of Darrowmere.


Well-Known Member
3 80s.

1 of whom is the best geared of his class/spec on the server.


From yesterday ; ).


Well-Known Member
I've found that Howling Fjord on my server (Emerald Dream) is a better place to start @68 for Horde. It just seems like there's always less Alliance there.

I'm not much for gearing up characters (yet) as I am for leveling multiple characters.

My current spread is:

80 Warlock
80 Hunter
80 Shaman
80 Warrior
80 Mage
71 Druid
61 Deathknight
60 Paladin

Yeah, I'm a psycho.

I have to say with full Rested on any given toon that I'm playing it doesn't really take more then 4-5 hours per level 70+.

I'd imagine there are still a lot of players who have /played greater then the time I've spent across all of those toons.


Well-Known Member
SimmyC said:
Human rogue in the former TFF server of Darrowmere.
TFF used to be a Drama-mere server?

LOL, that's pretty funny given that my Alliance toons are on that one.

My toons were in Well Played/Sweet Dreams.


Well-Known Member
I almost abandoned Drama-mere because, it is Drama-mere. :lol: Alliance on that server truly sucks. Not only are they outnumbered by Horde, the best players always leave. Leaving the ones that remain usually the whiny, bitchy, and unhelpful types. Which compounds the situation.

Now, ironically, my former 'main' Ally character on that server has been transferred. But recently, I've been playing already mentioned Human Rogue which USED to be my alt. Still could be considered if you take into account that I've been trying to get my 72-73 to 80... but given the grind that is turning into, played my Rogue so much, she's now almost 60.

It helps matters that, said rogue is in the largest Ally guild on that server. Not the 'best' guild granted. But on a low pop server like Darrowmere, where a guild with more than 10 people is a near miracle, it's nice to know there are others out there that are suffering like I am on that server. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Well, after much procrastination, I have finally gotten my main to... Level 40 <_<. Now for the hard part, the next 40 levels.

Here's a link to my character's Armory page for anyone interested in seeing my crappy gear.

The Eromancer

Well-Known Member
Haha speaking of Emerald Dream were you on a couple of day ago where this nut was yellng for 8 hours strait about everything he could think up that was wrong about the game? the the bad racesist jokes and quotes the next tday.... uhhhh


Well-Known Member
Just got my Death Knight to 80. Now she gets to join my hunter in the rep-grinding and gear-gathering fun :p .

Looks like I'll be seeing if a Frost DK really can make a decent tank ^_^ .