LVL 80 or bust

#51 my hunter, Kradish, to level 80 sometime in early december if i remember right (cba to check achi :p) and then started gearing and then raiding after getting really lucky drops in heroics (and being 50/21/0 wasn't OP...honest).
Then I got bored when couldn't get anymore upgrades from heroics and decided that druid i'd abandoned at level 68 when WotLK came out sounded fun. Not much long later there's Korange the level 80 druid. Then there was Korange the green/blue boe geared kitty dps beating 50% of the dps in 25 man VoA the same day I hit 80.
Lucky me I had a load of friends wiling to put their repair bills in my hands while I tanked and geared up. Then by some fluke of fate my druid got into a 25 man Naxx run and walked out after killing to Thad(all other wings cleared) with 6 epics. Spellpower epics ofcourse :S so there goes Korange the balance druid. Then my guild which was only doing 10 man naxx broke up and we all leave to a friends bank guild. McDojo FTW. Now we've pugged Naxx25 with full clear for the past 6 or so weeks (2 weeks of being stuck on Thad before those).

Now my hunter is waiting on some things that havent dropped in 6 weeks (8 weeks for some) and some stuff from our newest puging venture 25 man malygos to drop.

Gear below :p Druids spec's Balance > Resto > Feral

I really need to get a life :S


Well-Known Member
The Eromancer said:
Haha speaking of Emerald Dream were you on a couple of day ago where this nut was yellng for 8 hours strait about everything he could think up that was wrong about the game? the the bad racesist jokes and quotes the next tday.... uhhhh
I spend next to zero time in cities due to me rotating my toons for leveling.

And if by some miracle I was there I would have just ignored him.

Like I do to most channel spammers.

My War dinged 80 last night. Yay =)


Well-Known Member
I knew I'd end up starting this damn game again some day.

With yet another reroll! Yay!

This game's gotten weird since they added achievements. Apparently, if you want to go somewhere... you have to have gone there already or you won't get an invite. Makes perfect sense.


Well-Known Member
Bjorn said:
I knew I'd end up starting this damn game again some day.

With yet another reroll! Yay!

This game's gotten weird since they added achievements. Apparently, if you want to go somewhere... you have to have gone there already or you won't get an invite. Makes perfect sense.

If you want to do 10man maly in a pug, having the achievement for it means you at least have a semblance of a clue how to do phase 3. It certainly isn't HARD, but too many people fucking it up=wipe.


Well-Known Member
That is so stupid. If I had a guild that ran it well, I wouldn't be looking for a pug.

Rerolling sucks :p


(Hardcore) Gamer
I still haven't made it to 80 yet...

It takes 4 fuckin hours to just lvl once. I miss the simplicity of BC, where it only took 2.


Well-Known Member
violinmana said:
I still haven't made it to 80 yet...

It takes 4 fuckin hours to just lvl once. I miss the simplicity of BC, where it only took 2.
Go to Wow-Pro and use jame's guide. it stalls out after grizzly hills but if you arn't 80 by then your doint something wrong.


Well-Known Member
Or pick up the Questhelper mod. It drastically cuts down on the time ya spend searching for quest objectives, as well as showing you the most efficient paths for the quests you have.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Dementist said:
Or pick up the Questhelper mod. It drastically cuts down on the time ya spend searching for quest objectives, as well as showing you the most efficient paths for the quests you have.
Well, yeah. I use QH, Cartographer, Titan Panel, Omen, Recount, Gatherer, and Auctioneer. (Might be missing a few...)

The only problem with lvling is that one quest only gives around... half a bubble, which is just annoying as crap.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. Quest Helper helps a lot on cutting down the quest leveling.

Though I'm reluctant to put any mods back into my game. I mentioned this before but, game like WoW that eats up resources, if I play too long, I hit this computer's RAM limit. <_< Adding mods would compound the problem.

And since I'm still looking for a job, upgrading right now is out of the question.

And even when I know what I need to do for a given quest, questing in Northrend is still slow for me. Besides the already mentioned RAM issue that cuts my time playing, the amount of quest needing to level is quite big. Again, I understand why they did it that way (it's all part of the leveling experience. Higher the level, longer it takes), but damn. 130 quest just to get 1 and half levels up? This is why, as a mostly casual player, I haven't hit 80 with any of my toons yet.


Well-Known Member
Questing in Northrend is faster than ever, Simmy. It's not so much about how much exp the quests give (and they give a lot compared to back in vanilla) but how easy they are, how little effort they need, etc.

You should've tried leveling from 59 to 60 back when the game first came out. :p


Well-Known Member
Well I agree with that. I bitch about how many quest I need to do to move up a level...

But they are easy question.

I'm just going to be happy reaching 74. That way, I can at least check out Dalaran without paying some mage (yeah, I could just go to trade and request a port. But I'm too lazy/cheap to do that. :lol: ).


Well-Known Member
Somehow I managed to not notice this thread until now. ^^;;

Anyway, I got my main, a belf 'lock, to 80 back on...*checks armory* December 17th. Just got my Death Knight to 80 on either the 3rd or 4th, depending on whether or not 2 in the morning counts as the next day. :p


Well-Known Member
Finally got to 74 with my BE 'lock. And a day before, got my NE Hunter to 73. A few days before that, my Draenai (the one that used to be on Darrowmere) to 70.

Been an... active week. :unsure: And I finally got to Dalaran. :lol: And damn. Dalaran is crowded. Crowded and laggy. :ph43r:

Anyways, Bear is right. It is easy to level. I still say it takes a while for this 'casual' to do so, but again, it's easy.


Well-Known Member
Ran Naxx 25 for the first time the other day.

It seems to be Naxx 40 with all the hard parts removed and 15 less people to fuck things up.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, Naxx is cake. The real challenge is Sartharion with drakes up. Ulduar is going to have a boss that you can access only by beating four other bosses on hard mode.


Well-Known Member
I believe the official blue quote on the matter was:

"Hard mode is hard. Some hard modes are harder then others. And then there is Algalon the Raid Destroyer. He feeds on your tears."

Algalon the Watcher is the boss you'll need to down (as best can be guessed) to finish the new legendary mace. You also can only access him after doing hard modes and shit. Speculation is that he's there to send a message to the titans if Yogg breaks free so they can just destroy him by destroying Azeroth. Which would be pretty bad.

Either way... I'm not looking forward to him.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
I believe the official blue quote on the matter was:

"Hard mode is hard. Some hard modes are harder then others.? And then there is Algalon the Raid Destroyer.? He feeds on your tears."

Algalon the Watcher is the boss you'll need to down (as best can be guessed) to finish the new legendary mace. You also can only access him after doing hard modes and shit.? Speculation is that he's there to send a message to the titans if Yogg breaks free so they can just destroy him by destroying Azeroth.? Which would be pretty bad.

Either way... I'm not looking forward to him.
On the one hand, I'm eager for an instance that won't be cleared and on farm in a week. I want bosses that present new and complex challenges, that make you grit your teeth in frustration and erupt into cheers when they finally keel over. I'm looking forward to a boss on the level of pre-nerf Kael, not one that's overtuned, but one that is a vast and intricate fight.

On the other...I'm wary of a boss entitled the "Raid Destroyer". Such a title might very easily become the "Guild Destroyer".

While we're on the subject of Ulduar, anyone else getting the idea that blizzard's itemization department have lost their collective minds?


Well-Known Member
Well just got WoLK 2 days ago so I guess I'll put my character's info up. I started WoW Nov. 15 last year and have 4 Characters so far all female, mainly because I just don't like the looks of the males.

1: Lv. 70 Night Elf Druid Yukioni

2: Lv. 60 Draenei Death Knight Otakuoni

3: Lv. 24 Draenei Shaman Onimajo

4: Lv. 17 Human Rogue Kageoni

I'm on Echo Isles realm, since it's the one my brother is on. So now I just have the grind to 80 for my Druid, got 500,000xp now, just 1million more to go to get to 71. Then do the DK, Shaman, and then rogue.

Edit: Well made it to Lv.71


Well-Known Member
boss on the level of pre-nerf Kael
Pre-nerf Kael was literally impossible because he built healer agro while you took out his advisers and he was immune to taunt. Plus his adds used all sorts of weird shit that 99% of the raiding population never saw because Al'ar was also broken as shit.

I assume you mean post-first-world-kill Kael.

In terms of fights I have to say I enjoyed C'thun and Twin Emps a lot, also Kael and Illidan. Archimonde was a fucking headache and I'll be glad if I never see a fight like him ever again, though I have to say Blizzard did get the "fighting desperately for your life against a being that has destroyed worlds" feeling down well with him. Unlike, say, Malygos.

TBC raiding was a bit too much of "don't stand in the goddamn fire" tho. Everyone had their own version, like Kael's flamestrikes, Illidan's lasers, etc. And from what I've seen so far, Wrath raiding is like an epic dispenser. And we used to bitch about arena epics being welfare.

If I ever get into a guild that does Ulduar, I hope it's somewhere around... I dunno, EoS in difficulty. Or maybe Kael.


Well-Known Member
I can understand people being disappointed with the difficulty of Naxx and the rest of t7.

However, Blizz stated even before the instances were open for testing that Naxx was meant to be open for anyone to raid. The difficulty was meant to be on par to doing Kara wearing t6 gear, just so everyone would get a chance to raid.

Granted, some fights can be trickier then others. I hear people have trouble with thad (dur, I didn't switch sides with my polarity!), and Saph can be a bitch on healers, but overall, the only hard things Wrath has going are the achievements.

The Immortal, 6 minute Maly, 3 Drake Sarth, and a few others (Have you even contemplated doing the 'no killing spores on loatheb' achievement?!?!? Its fucking absurd!) are where the difficulty is at.

Ulduar will be different, in some ways. Right now, doing achievements just gets you a title or a mount, or in the case of 1/2d Sarth, an extra piece of loot. But Hard Mode in Ulduar will give out more, better loot.

I was only able to do two bosses in the ptr, before my guild called it quits on trying to test them due to the fucking piece of bs that blizz calls 'open general testing by the public'. Iron Council and Ignis both look like fun fights, so far.

If you dont know, Iron Council is a 3 boss fight, with a Big Guy, a Medium Guy, and a Small Guy. Each time an add dies, the remaining adds get buffed and gets a new ability (and their health bar goes back up to full, im pretty sure, to prevent you from getting all 3 low then killing at the same time). The obvious way to kill them, thus the Easy Mode, is to kill Big then Medium then Small, because thats the order with the most manageable new abilities, whereas if you leave Big up for last, his Falcon Punches start hitting fucking ridiculously hard. People starting out (or aren't Ensidia, who's already downing hard modes on the PTR) will do it the easy order, people who want the Legendary Mace will do it the hard way.

Ignis is an even more fun fight, though the test version we tried was obviously incomplete. It actually has a really awesome mechanic that Offtanks will fucking love, after they think about it.

The boss stands in the back of a big room, next to a furnace. At about the halfway point of the room on each side are two huge pools (for quenching purposes, as it is a forge). Each of the two sides are lined with statues.

The boss is MT'd in the back, and all dps is on him. He has two main abilities, and a trivial one atm. First is his Slag Pot (which is a pot attached to his stomach, or something like that). He'll charge a random person in range (note this includes OT's), pick them up, and stick them in his pot, where they take 3.5/5k damage a sec (10/25man damages). If the person survives, they get a 150% haste buff.

The trivial ability is his flame burst attack thing. He puts up a raid warning, and has a castbar for it, so its incredibly easy to avoid. It hits everyone near the boss by shooting lava out from under them, knocking them up into the air. If you're casting, its an 8 second spell lock. But its got such huge warning, that no one should ever be interrupted by it. The damage it does is trivial (easily healed thru), so all it is is a minor complication to the fight.

The other most important ability he does, and what makes the fight fun, is he drops a huge cone of flame in front of himself, that stays on the ground. The MT will have to kite the boss back and forth to each side, to ensure that flames stay stacked up on either side, for future use by the OT.

The other thing by the fight, and why OT(s) are needed, is because the statues activate throughout the fight, needing to be picked up (with 2 ot's on 25man). RIGHT NOW there is no penalty for not killing the adds. They each have 4m hp, which is an absurd amount to dps down considering how quick they spawn. They also do like 100 hp a hit on a tank, which is hilariously low.

However, there is a mechanic where if the OT takes them into the flame left behind by the boss, they gain a buff called 'molten' after a bit. If the OT then drags them into the quenching pool, they are instantly destroyed. Thus the fight is incomplete, becuase we haven't been given a reason to do so.

Looks like a crazy fun fight, because theres going to have to be a good reason to kill them.

The fights are definitely more interesting then Naxx (Ironically, I only enjoy Patchwerk and Thad, for the benchmark dps test and to see how high I can get on them (5500 and 9400, respectively)), though I personally like Maly. OS 3D can go suck a dick, though... Any fight where you can get insta-gibbed from something as completely random as those lava strikes is retarded.

And Algalon? I'm looking forward to being in a position try make attempts on him, if not the attempts themselves ; ).


Well-Known Member
Bjorn said:
boss on the level of pre-nerf Kael
I assume you mean post-first-world-kill Kael.
I mean post-bugged Kael, when you could actually kill him, before the nerf that dumbed him down to a ridiculous degree.

And yes, most of TBC was "get out of the fire". Given how many instances they released with the launching of the expansion though, did you really expect any different? There's only a few ways to realistically make bosses harder without adding unique mechanics to every single fight. You could:

-Increase damage on tanks. This works well to a point. After that point, it becomes impossible to heal. Blizz toed the line on this with Brutallus.

-Increase raid damage. Given that not everyone has the same HP ceiling as tanks, the limit for this particular idea is reached much sooner than the previous.

-Increase raid damage greatly, but make it avoidable through reacting well. Easily the most viable way to increase the 'difficulty' of a raid boss while still remaining within manageable levels.

So yeah, that was most of TBC. Get out of the fire, away from the bomb, click the cube, spread out, etc. It looks like blizz is putting more effort into Ulduar though. As much as I wish it was out already, avoiding releasing multiple tiers at once definitely allowed them to give the instance more depth of content.

The Immortal, 6 minute Maly, 3 Drake Sarth, and a few others (Have you even contemplated doing the 'no killing spores on loatheb' achievement?!?!? Its fucking absurd!) are where the difficulty is at.
Yeah, some of the acheivements are pretty damn hard, Sarth 3D 10 man comes to mind. Cue extensive rage, gnashing of teeth, etc.

That and Immortal are the last two brick walls we've been beating ourselves against. While Sarth 3D 10 man is justifiably hard, the Immortal achievement is a RNG fest. Even if you eliminate all people who could possibly disconnect mid-fight, you still have to depend on things going favorably on Kel'Thuzad. Deaths on any other boss are player error, but KT...

We've had a rogue get MC'd and blind a nearby player. This not a problem. Then a void zone pops up underneath that player. Big problem. Another fun week was when an ele shaman swatted a pair of healers into the melee pack, disrupting the delicate positioning we have there. Naturally, the entire group gets hit with Frost Blast.

The trouble with achievements like these is that they're not repeatable like a progression fight would be. One death on Immortal, missing a fast kill timer by a few don't get more shots at these 'til the following week.

In any case, it's looking like Ulduar will actually live up to all the hype. I'm hoping there'll be normal fights, hard mode fights, and then achievement fights of the hard mode versions. Crazy content like that will keep us occupied 'til Icecrown pops.


Well-Known Member
There's another raid instance between Ulduar and Icecrown.

And yeah, 10man 3D is the hardest achievement skillwise, the no-killing-spores achievement on 25man is so freaking absurd that it defies logic. There's a reason that it's not part of the Meta achievement.


Well-Known Member
Ike said:
And yeah, 10man 3D is the hardest achievement skillwise, the no-killing-spores achievement on 25man is so freaking absurd that it defies logic.? There's a reason that it's not part of the Meta achievement.
Oh? I was under the impression that Blizz removed Spore Loser from the list due to it being bugged right up until patch 3.08 hit. Either way, we haven't gone after it. Now that the spores are working properly and other guilds are posting guides , it might be worth a look-see....

As for Sarth 3D 10 man...once we get that achivement, I am never stepping foot in that instance again on any toon.



Well-Known Member
Just hit Naxx10's Military Quarter a couple days back. Can honestly say I enjoyed it more than I should have. So far, my record on Moon Guard's Naxx stands at 12/15 Naxx25 and 6/15 Naxx10. RP server makes things all the more tedious, though. Went Retribution to take a break from Tanking.

Currently hoping I'll be able to down Military and loot Armageddon for RP and Progression.