Akamatsuverse [Negima] A Matter of Timing


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A Matter of Timing

Prince Charon said:
Mev852 said:
:wacko:? :snigger:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :rofl:? :yay:? :yay:? :yay:? :yay:? :yay:? That's a total win! :hail:? :hail:
Anyone else has the urge to start playing "The Show of Benny Hill"'s theme song??? :hmm:


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

lol win. I mean the line:

"It was him. That bastard. That insufferably handsome, sexy bastard!"

Is just too good to pass up. Haha, good to see that Eva still can feel the wonderful effect~

And the little touch of her getting run over was genius too Xd


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

That was so classic! A moment where time stops and the person is star-struck then.... BAM - medic?

Heh, and Evangeline's thoughts were pretty interesting. Hmm, I would wonder what is the line between more female than robot and vice-verse, but bah! This is hilarious.


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

I'm amused. There is, afterall, a reason they become classics, yeah? Good job.
A Matter of Timing

Let me just say two things:

One: is there any mor of this fic in the works?

and Two: Will anyone do the Thundercats thing at any point?

"Shota-shota-shotacons, HO!!!"


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

just wait, and there might be more. that's what i do >_>


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

You know, this migh be the first time I've seen a Negima piece where the age candies would be a plot device to hide as his YOUNGER cousin for once, as I doubt anyone is gonna beleive he's 9, even with proof.... Holy fuck, he's only NINE at this point! I totally forgot about that. The mental dicotomy has gotta be bad for Negi tho. considering he shouldn't be hitting puberty for at least 4 more years, but there he is......


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

First, sorry for the necro, and a disclaimer... as Dennis Miller has oft said, this is just my opinion, I could be wrong. :D

Theory - Negi Springfield is/looks older than we believe him to chronologically be.

1) Something that everyone is assuming is that in this fic Negi is the same canon age that he is in most fics. This may not be the case, as it is not specifically stated that he is. In fact, people have not made any comment of his age at all, which leaves open the possibility that Negi could be physically or chronologically older than canon. Let just say for the sake of argument that he may be the same age than the students he will be teaching at Mahora. After all, you could always set Negi's birthdate back a few years without affecting the present day story.

2) Negi did not have any undue reactions from females until he was leaving for his new job in Japan. It may be possible that the powers he got from Morrigan Aensland were latent until he reached magical or physical maturity. This lends credence to the theory that his powers weren't apparent until now, as I doubt that Negi would be sent to teach at an girl's school if he was having the problems with females that he has now.

3) Evangeline at first glance mistook Negi for his father Nagi. It may be possible to mistake a 14-15 year old for an adult, especially of you haven't seen that adult in a while, but it is almost impossible to mistake a 9 year old for the same.

A question that needs to be settled is who exactly is affected by Negi's (presumably) incubus powers? Any female? Any female attracted to males? Since we do not have any confirmed lesbians in the story, it's hard to tell how extensive his powers may be.

Another question is whether Negi will be able to control his powers. Presumably, the Headmaster will be able to recognize and assist Negi once he manages to get to him, but since the power is a relative new magical ability of Negi, it may be subject to fluctuations that he would not be able to completely suppress.

Lastly, what will be the reaction of females who have been affected by Negi's power once he manages to control it? Will they be angry that they acted the way that they did? Will they have residual attraction to him? Will he be imprinted on them permanently and they won't be able to not be attracted to him?

The reactions of all the female story characters to Negi is rather amusing, but what I want to see is Eva's once she realizes who he really is. Of anyone, she's probably going to have the most intense reaction to the new teacher. :D


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing


"Hurry! We don't want to be late!"

Ako Izumi hurried along with her friends across the campus towards their classroom building.
Makie Sasaki, Akira Okochi and Yuna Akashi completed the 'Sports Girls Quartet', a nickname the group
had picked up in their first year at Mahora. Each of them was with a different physical activities club,
though in Makie's case that was Rhythmic Gymnastics. Yuna was part of the Basketball Club and Akira
one of the Swimming Club's rising stars. Ako herself was manager of the Boy's Soccer Club,
where her skills as a Nursing Trainee came in handy provided that blood wasn't visibly involved.

Izumi was just a normal average girl who'd been rejected after confessing to a boy she'd liked over the summer.

The pale haired girl's head drooped under a sudden black cloud of depression.

"Come on Ako, it's a brand new school year!"

A hard clap to the back from the short haired Yuna made Ako wince and almost stumble.

"Yeah, it is."

She appreciated their efforts to raise her spirits, she really did.

"So cheer up, we'll have plenty of time to mope around when Mid-terms arrive!"

Despite herself, an unwilling chuckle escaped from Ako's lip. The expression of slightly exaggerated misery
on Yuna's face was priceless. The basketball girl's dread of tests second only to that of the Baka Rangers
was a running joke among Class 2-A.

Izumi decided that Akashi was right. She should look on the bright side of things. There was still plenty
of time to-

"Ako! Look out!!"

Akira's warning cry came too late.

With a shriek of surprise, the soccer manager felt someone collide into her and started to fall.

But just as the girl expected to hit the hard pavement with her elbows there was a twisting sensation
and she found herself instead landing on a solid warmth instead of cold cement. It looked like a white
dress shirt that had seen better days. She blinked as she realized that the buttons had been undone
and that there was rather a lot of naked skin exposd. Very nice looking skin it was too and-

"I'm terribly sorry for running into you like that!"

Ako looked up. Somewhere behind her she could hear Akira's sudden intake of breath, Yuna's gasp
and Makie's little squeal. But at the moment, none of that mattered to her.

"Are you all right?"

Yes, she was better then all right.

This looked like it was going to be a great school year after all.

-End Chapter 0


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

It Lives! :evil2:

And even more girls fall to the Negi side.


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

Interesting. Things should be quite different. I think Eva might start off trying to attack him still. With whips and chains most likely. ^_^
A Matter of Timing

Damm...if Ayaka was over the top before..what happens now? And who is he going to be rooming with this time?


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

ordnance11 said:
Damm...if Ayaka was over the top before..what happens now? And who is he going to be rooming with this time?
Negi is going to be by himself. In a small house surrounded by wards, concertina wire, trip flares, and automatic water cannons. ^_^

Or better yet, Ms. Shizuna will volunteer to keep an... eye... on him. ;)


Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

TenguPhule said:
But just as the girl expected to hit the hard pavement with her elbows there was a twisting sensation
and she found herself instead landing on a solid warmth instead of cold cement. It looked like a white
dress shirt that had seen better days. She blinked as she realized that the buttons had been undone
and that there was rather a lot of naked skin exposd. Very nice looking skin it was too and-
Although Ako isn't really all that big, she is definitely larger than Negi so this may lend some credibility to the theory that this Negi is older (or at least looks older) than the Negi we know in canon. A Incubus-induced growth-spurt, maybe?

I found the update very enjoyable. I just can't wait to see how the meeting with the headmaster and Negi's first class goes.

Frank Cadena

Well-Known Member
A Matter of Timing

Mwuhahahahahahaa!!! The lastest snippet just elicited all these evil laughs. Maybe it's all the ways Negi could get screwed (pardon the pun) during the school year. A question arises as to where Negi is going to stay? With the obvious compelling and undeniable attraction that he exudes, living with Konoka and Asuna is out of the question. Maybe with Takamichi? I can see Asuna going "I must have them both!" Or is Asuna immune to Negi's charm? 'Neways glad this fic still lives and I await the next installment.