Akamatsuverse Negima fused loop madness


Well-Known Member
I don't want to touch Tenchi period. EVER. :ph43r:


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Actually... depending on when you talk about Sailor Moon vs AMG God. It also, depends on what class rating said goddess is at.

Belldandy as a First class, second category, unlimited license goddess can destroy at least a continent in a single shot (I believe), and with the Ultimate Force backing her for wishes (destroy the world).

This does make her fit into the upper tier of end boss type that Usagi has to fight at the end of an arc.

As for Faster than Light, Usagi HAS flown/teleported to the center of the Galaxy in the last arc... in less than a day. So... she does have FTL capability.

And yes, Usagi is very scary if you really look at what she has done in the manga and anime and think about it.

Reset 'time/reality' back a year for the whole world after beating down a demon queen?
Resurrect the entire world after everyone died. (Deathbuster arc in manga)
Survive fighting with the corrupted versions of her friends who got powered up,
Survive fighting with the avatar of the Galaxy (Sailor Galaxia).
Survive fighting with Chaos (Loveraftian entity) who had infected Sailor Galaxia. (anime)

And yes, her starseed is a legendary plot device, the shiniest of shinies in the SM-verse. Do we need to go into her evolution into Neo-Queen Serenity or the implied evolution into Sailor Cosmos from the manga (complete with time-travel powers)?


Well-Known Member
Back to silliness:

There were a lot of things for Eva to dislike about the current loop. For starters, her alleged superiors, especially the Commander, were people she wanted to hit with a Lightning Axe on general principle. Her fellow pilots weren't much better. But there was one very pleasant benefit for being a pilot for NERV from the perspective of a nosferatu...

LCL. Ritsuko claimed that it was a synthesized compound, but Eva knew what it really was. Blood. Sweet, power rich blood, hers for the taking. And partake of it she did, to the point where the technicians were wondering why every time she piloted or had a sync test, her plug apparently formed a leak.

It had taken her some effort, but she had finally found the main storage facility of all of that wonderful blood deep beneath the GeoFront. Using the power she had gained from her previous samplings, a spell to force open the doors was simple.

The crucified Angel in the room was unimportant to Eva. What really mattered was that below it was the only sea of blood to exist outside of poetic license. More blood than any vampire would ever see in their entire unlife. Millions upon millions of gallons of blood, and it was all hers.

Three hours later, Central Dogma was shaken by a belch of colossal proportions. Fifteen minutes after that, Evangeline Athansia Katherine McDowell passed into the Next Great Iteration by means of a truly spectacular case of indigestion.


Well-Known Member
Survive fighting with Chaos (Loveraftian entity) who had infected Sailor Galaxia. (anime)
Doubt that SM Chaos could been even compared with Loveraftian one. Really, got beaten by lots of silly talking? Just how more lame it could become?


Well-Known Member
Climhazard said:
Survive fighting with Chaos (Loveraftian entity) who had infected Sailor Galaxia. (anime)
Doubt that SM Chaos could been even compared with Loveraftian one. Really, got beaten by lots of silly talking? Just how more lame it could become?
It didn't get taken out by talking. It also caused what is known as the Sailor Wars (aka Senshi vs Senshi war). When Galaxia tried to stop it by stuffing it into herself (bad idea that), it only grew stronger and ended up possessing her.

Miss Moon had to spread it across the entire galaxy, so that it's in the hearts of everyone... just to avoid it going NOMNOMNOM in the Galaxy Cauldron.


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
Back to silliness:

There were a lot of things for Eva to dislike about the current loop. For starters, her alleged superiors, especially the Commander, were people she wanted to hit with a Lightning Axe on general principle. Her fellow pilots weren't much better. But there was one very pleasant benefit for being a pilot for NERV from the perspective of a nosferatu...

LCL. Ritsuko claimed that it was a synthesized compound, but Eva knew what it really was. Blood. Sweet, power rich blood, hers for the taking. And partake of it she did, to the point where the technicians were wondering why every time she piloted or had a sync test, her plug apparently formed a leak.

It had taken her some effort, but she had finally found the main storage facility of all of that wonderful blood deep beneath the GeoFront. Using the power she had gained from her previous samplings, a spell to force open the doors was simple.

The crucified Angel in the room was unimportant to Eva. What really mattered was that below it was the only sea of blood to exist outside of poetic license. More blood than any vampire would ever see in their entire unlife. Millions upon millions of gallons of blood, and it was all hers.

Three hours later, Central Dogma was shaken by a belch of colossal proportions. Fifteen minutes after that, Evangeline Athansia Katherine McDowell passed into the Next Great Iteration by means of a truly spectacular case of indigestion.
This. This is what humor should be. True to character, true to form, yet silly beyond all reason.


Well-Known Member
bissek said:
Back to silliness:

There were a lot of things for Eva to dislike about the current loop. For starters, her alleged superiors, especially the Commander, were people she wanted to hit with a Lightning Axe on general principle. Her fellow pilots weren't much better. But there was one very pleasant benefit for being a pilot for NERV from the perspective of a nosferatu...

LCL. Ritsuko claimed that it was a synthesized compound, but Eva knew what it really was. Blood. Sweet, power rich blood, hers for the taking. And partake of it she did, to the point where the technicians were wondering why every time she piloted or had a sync test, her plug apparently formed a leak.

It had taken her some effort, but she had finally found the main storage facility of all of that wonderful blood deep beneath the GeoFront. Using the power she had gained from her previous samplings, a spell to force open the doors was simple.

The crucified Angel in the room was unimportant to Eva. What really mattered was that below it was the only sea of blood to exist outside of poetic license. More blood than any vampire would ever see in their entire unlife. Millions upon millions of gallons of blood, and it was all hers.

Three hours later, Central Dogma was shaken by a belch of colossal proportions. Fifteen minutes after that, Evangeline Athansia Katherine McDowell passed into the Next Great Iteration by means of a truly spectacular case of indigestion.
How about a balance of sillyness and seriousness in future snippets like for example 5 silly snippets and 5 serious snippets. As for this snippet I find it strangly cute


Well-Known Member
What is with you people? Why should Negi just forgive what Ranma did? It doesn't matter his reasons. He still did a terrible thing to someone who trusted him. That's not something you just brush off.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
What is with you people? Why should Negi just forgive what Ranma did? It doesn't matter his reasons. He still did a terrible thing to someone who trusted him. That's not something you just brush off.
Don't worry negi will forgive him but not forget this bout of anger


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
What is with you people? Why should Negi just forgive what Ranma did? It doesn't matter his reasons. He still did a terrible thing to someone who trusted him. That's not something you just brush off.
Um, brush off?

Negi's still angry for one and for two, it was a LOT later on that Negi finally sat down to talk about it with Ranma.

How long? Who knows?

Could be just a few loops, could be 1 million loops...

Ranma did mention that he was several hundered EONS old by that time...

I'm thinking that it's been long enough that even an immortal could forgive.

Yes, he was betrayed, yes Ranma was an ass.

Ranma admits to doing both.



Negi blinked as he looked at the seating arrangement. Everything looked normal, all the students were there, nothing was out of place, so why did everything feel so... Weird at that moment? Oh, wait, there was a new student. "Hello, miss..."

"Hi! My name's Nuku Nuku!" She grinned at him, a cat's tail and cat ears on top of her head standing proudly.

"Uh, Nuku Nuku?" Negi blinked as she looked at him curiously. "Something wrong?"

"No, just that sensei reminds Nuku Nuku of Ryonosukke."

"Oh." For some reason, as he looked at her, Negi had a horrible feeling of impending doom crashing down on him.

The military-grade helicopters circling the building MIGHT have had something to do with that tho.


Well-Known Member
It didn't get taken out by talking.
How I remember it In the end of SailorStars ChaosGalaxia starts this whole sword fight with Moon. Sailor Chibi-Chibi turn into sword, but Usagi refuse to use it and start to spread some nonsense like "Who do we need to fight?", "Lets be friends" blah-blah-blah, etc. In the end her talking reaches a heart of Galaxia who again turn good, expel Chaos from her body and release all of Star Seeds... So, IIRC Chaos really get beaten by talking.

PS. And all of this pretty much a off-topic. :)


Well-Known Member
Depends on the continuity. You seem to be thinking of the anime, though even there Usagi was throwing around quite a bit of magic while giving her speech.

Where as in the manga Chaos fatality wounds Galaxia when it felt it had no need for her anymore, leaving Usagi to face a pumped-up Chaos.


Well-Known Member
You seem to be thinking of the anime
Yeah, anime-one. It's even stated before:
Survive fighting with Chaos (Loveraftian entity) who had infected Sailor Galaxia. (anime)
though even there Usagi was throwing around quite a bit of magic while giving her speech
Uhhh.. How I remeber it, she just dodging ChaosGalaxia strikes. And talk. A lot. It the whole point. She just refuse to fight with Galaxia. Who, lets get real, almost had her. Slice Chibi-Chibi sword in half and all that.


Well-Known Member
There's a place for SM already, if you want to argue about that go there.


Well-Known Member
The last thing I will say about that whole SM argument is that I will always believe that sufficient skills and fine tuned control will overcome raw power. And SM, like it or not, is all about raw power and NOTHING about skills or control.

EDIT : I love being technical too much for my own good... :sweat2:

Anyway, during that Loop, Usagi was at barely 25% of her normal power. after all, the Loop being an Hogwarts one mean that she was at that moment bereft of her planetary connection and had to relied on her purely human mana reserve. And while these reserve are far greater then that of the average human, they are also FAR from endless, unlike when she still has her planetary connection to draw power from.


Well-Known Member
See what you made me do? Another piece of thrash from my keyboard because you insist on dragging it on? :rant:

Sorry for this folks, but I am annoyed, and need to get this out. :(

The whole group, with Ranma in the lead came back to the house they were using as base during Ranmas little "lesson"where Belldandy, the only one of the girls to not have followed the fight on site, waited for them. She saw the girls worried looks and realized that something had gone wrong.

"Did Negi not react as expected?"

"In the beginning he did, he fought me over it. But then he calmed down, and I'm not sure what to make of that. Maybe that girl could have something to do with it?"

"What girl?"

"A twelve year old, with brown hair and green eyes. She had this girly pendant with a star in it. Fitting for a weak little girl really. Oh, and she sprouted wings and flew away. She said it would take several loops to sort it out, so she must be an anchor. She had the nerve to make it look like it was my fault. It was just training"

Belldandy, who had gone white at the mention of the pendant let out a almost hysterical laugh that suddenly stopped, as cut with a razor.

"You...you managed to draw the ire of Kinamoto-sama?" Belldandy slowly backed away towards a mirror. "Asgard denounces all involvement with you. All our promises of help is now null and void."

Ranma was now totally bewildered. As was normal when dealing with anything outside fighting, (Ranma smash) and eating (omnomnom) his brain was slow as molasses in the antarctica.

"But what can one weak little girl do?"

"What she can do?" Belldandys voice was a terrified whisper. "Kami-sama himself is the only one in heaven or Hel that is not afraid of her. She is the only entity besides him that has a "Flee on sight" order for all Hels demons. Even Hild threads carefully around her. She is THE most powerful magic user that have ever lived, and will ever live. She was traveling between dimensions before you were born." The normally serene goddess was almost screaming now. "We will have nothing more to do with you Ranma. I would suggest you start running, but that will do you no good." With that, she sank into the mirror she had now reached, leaving a terrified bunch of girls and one mentally challenged martial artist.

Yeah, I know. Horrible. And yes, Sakura is so overpowered it's not funny. But if an idiot savant as Ranma can reach godhood over the loops, then by George so can Sakura.


Well-Known Member

Are we DONE with this yet?

Seriously, people...

Are we DONE?

Trying to one-up each other over and over and over again is getting annoying.


Well-Known Member
But is this not in the spirit of what the gorran loops do? With the... OOC characters (read the entity that stole the name of Ranma) one-upping the other?


Well-Known Member
You know, nobody is forcing you read. :rolleyes:

As for Reader, your portrayal of Ranma is absolutely awful. That alone is a complete deal breaker, making the whole thing look more like bashing than anything else. :no:


Well-Known Member
Reader458 said:
I am sorry, I just can't think of anything to say without sinking to readers level.


Well-Known Member
:huh: Okay, the one character who is canonically in a fused loop shows up and everyone's "stop one-upping each other!"

Let me explain. In Tsubasa Reservoir Chonicle, CLAMP's fusion series, an alternate world Sakura (henceforth known as Sakura 2) meets an alternate world Syaoran Jr. (henceforth known as Syaoran 2). Long story short, Syaoran 2 and Sakura 2 play right into the hands of a villain known as Fei Wong Reed and nearly destroy the CLAMP multiverse. Sakura 2 is trapped in a suspended-time dimension. Syaoran 2 formulates a Xanatos gambit where he temporarily stops the Fei Wong. To get around the obstacle, Fei Wong creates clones of Sakura 2 and Syaoran 2.

The clones, henceforth to be known as Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3, are programmed to recreate certain events which would give victory to Fei Wong. Fortunately, Syaoran 2 has foreseen this; Syaoran 2 gives his heart to Syaoran 3, derailing Fei Wong's plan. Eventually Syaoran 2 re-enters the main battle, and Syaoran 3 becomes a villain for a while. Sakura 3 later manages to convince Syaoran 3 to become a good guy. Both Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3 sacrifice themselves, but are reincarnated in the future. They marry and give birth to Syaoran 2 who goes back in time to start the whole loop. . . or end it, and save Sakura 2.

To help Syaoran 2, Kinomoto Sakura (henceforth known as Sakura 1) shows up and gives her Star Staff to Sakura 3. Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3 join Syaoran 2 just as the battle with Fei Wong starts. Eventually Sakura 3 manages to fuse with Sakura 2. . . at which point I haven't read yet so I don't know how the whole thing ends.

So you see, Sakura's status as an Anchor, a slider, a time-traveler and a very, very powerful person with the capability of destroying multiverses is canon.


And you guys are complaining that Reader made her too powerful when canonically speaking, she makes Suzumiya Haruhi look like a level 1 Sidereal in comparison.

The sheer irony of it all makes me wanna smash my head against the table.


Well-Known Member
That makes since except for
destroying multiverses is canon.
How does any part of it make her powerful enough to destroy the multiverse?

And yet again even if that is true that would also apply to Tenchi. Because he is the overgod to the chousin who themselves are multi dimensional gods that rule over several universes, and thus making them gods of a multiverse.


Well-Known Member
Shiakou said:
:huh: Okay, the one character who is canonically in a fused loop shows up and everyone's "stop one-upping each other!"

Let me explain. In Tsubasa Reservoir Chonicle, CLAMP's fusion series, an alternate world Sakura (henceforth known as Sakura 2) meets an alternate world Syaoran Jr. (henceforth known as Syaoran 2). Long story short, Syaoran 2 and Sakura 2 play right into the hands of a villain known as Fei Wong Reed and nearly destroy the CLAMP multiverse. Sakura 2 is trapped in a suspended-time dimension. Syaoran 2 formulates a Xanatos gambit where he temporarily stops the Fei Wong. To get around the obstacle, Fei Wong creates clones of Sakura 2 and Syaoran 2.

The clones, henceforth to be known as Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3, are programmed to recreate certain events which would give victory to Fei Wong. Fortunately, Syaoran 2 has foreseen this; Syaoran 2 gives his heart to Syaoran 3, derailing Fei Wong's plan. Eventually Syaoran 2 re-enters the main battle, and Syaoran 3 becomes a villain for a while. Sakura 3 later manages to convince Syaoran 3 to become a good guy. Both Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3 sacrifice themselves, but are reincarnated in the future. They marry and give birth to Syaoran 2 who goes back in time to start the whole loop. . . or end it, and save Sakura 2.

To help Syaoran 2, Kinomoto Sakura (henceforth known as Sakura 1) shows up and gives her Star Staff to Sakura 3. Sakura 3 and Syaoran 3 join Syaoran 2 just as the battle with Fei Wong starts. Eventually Sakura 3 manages to fuse with Sakura 2. . . at which point I haven't read yet so I don't know how the whole thing ends.

So you see, Sakura's status as an Anchor, a slider, a time-traveler and a very, very powerful person with the capability of destroying multiverses is canon.


And you guys are complaining that Reader made her too powerful when canonically speaking, she makes Suzumiya Haruhi look like a level 1 Sidereal in comparison.

The sheer irony of it all makes me wanna smash my head against the table.
No, I've been saying stop one-upping each other since I wrote that snippet that seemed to start this whole shit storm, okay?

*rubs head* Whatever. Until people DROP this and start writing something else for these loops, why should I care about these loops anymore?


Well-Known Member
cgobyd said:
That makes since except for
destroying multiverses is canon.
How does any part of it make her powerful enough to destroy the multiverse?
Sakura's powers rewrite reality itself. This is most apparent in what Fei Wong wanted to use those powers for; immortality and resurrection.

Note that resurrection is especially taboo in CLAMP works. It's so bad that they've fired people who brought dead characters back to life.

That's not the end of it. Sakura's power is such that she can rewrite entire scenarios if she wanted to. She could rewrite entire stories. It's like a character managing to get control of the series artist/author. What kind of powers would Naruto Uzumaki have if he had control over Kishimoto? Sakura's power is like that. Like Spiral Power taken to the nth degree.

Just how powerful? Well, in the beginning of Tsubasa, her power was divided into thousands upon thousands of feathers. Those feathers were sent into multitudes of worlds.

One of those feathers came into contact with a butterfly. A normal, little butterfly. Which subsequently gained the power to change the form of every living being on the planet it lived in. Thankfully, being non-sentient, it only turned the entire planet's population into mobile miniature figurines.

A thousandth of her power is enough to turn anyone who acquired it into reality warpers with powers ranging from mass mind-control like Yuri from Red Alert, to time travel, to being physical gods in their own right. (Note: all three examples in this paragraph alone happened in canon.)

Now, you're probably thinking "With her powers scattered throughout the multiverse, Sakura must be relatively weak, right?"

Well, yeah. Except she can still talk to dead people. And one time she talked to a tornado. (It later came back and brought flowers for her). And she still has a lucky streak rivals Milfeulle Sakuraba (like winning every single lottery or game of chance she engages in). And all of these when she's lost her memory and isn't aware of her powers.


Well-Known Member
And this is also most likely why Sakura was not seriously added to the Loop before.