Akamatsuverse [Negima] It's Always the Quiet Ones


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It's Always the Quiet Ones

Ran into this while checking the story over. Found it cute, so I thought I'd put it here since we're finally giving the girl some face time.



Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Ikari666 - Thanks for the edit, You did a great job smoothing things out and I found your notes informative. I gave it a read through and put it up on FF.net. Nice pic... so cute...

Windfalcon - I"ll hold you to that

Midorigreen - Heh yes Sayo will be getting an earlier enterance but it's still a bit off. poor lonely Sayo won't be getting a free body in this fic though. Yes, Zazie is very good at reading people, she can recognize emotions and feelings welll but she just doesn't understand them.


Peace and class 2-A went together like oil and water, especially when there was a topic of interest. Though Negi had to admit that the girls had been gracious enough to allow 6 minutes of class before derailing the lesson completely.


"Yes Makie-san?"

"Are you still looking for a place to stay?" the gymnast tried to ignore the burning glare sent from Ayaka.

"Yeah, we heard that you don't have a place to stay." Her roommate Ako chimed in. The floodgates opened with most of the girls all speaking up out of either concern or offers of a place to stay. The child teacher chuckled gaining a slight flush from the rise of support.

"Thank you really but a new place has already been arranged." he took a subtle glance to the silent acrobat, whose expression as dubious as ever.

"Really? Where are you staying?" Haruna, ever the gossip hound, could not be left in the dark.

"Is it with Takahata-sensei?" Konoka ventured, if only to spur her roommateÆs interest.

"Ooh or Shizuna-sensei?" Misa brought out, her fellow cheerleader groaning.

"Oh there's no way we could compete with her, she's even got Chizuru beat." Sakurako morosely looked to her chest along with several of the other girls.

"It's not all about breasts." Ayaka insisted.

Zazie was used to thing at this point, it was rare they could make it through a lesson without going off on tangents. They all seemed so fired up about Sensei's well being, how come none of them were chosen over her? Her gaze turned distant as she mulled it over. Did Shizuna-sensei really believe she could do as good a job as the others?

"Well sensei?"

The acrobat could feel the tension in the room go up. Even Asuna, who was doing her best to hide it, was full of anticipation. She looked to her Sensei only to find his eyes were on her, her stomach twittered oddly. His gaze was intense but the message wasn't clear. She tilted her head puzzling over the look. Did he want something? He broke eye contact and gave a small sigh before smiling.

"Well Rainyday-san offered to take me in since she had space." For the first time in months the room was silent, slowly all eyes turned her way. The emotions were overwhelming, varying from shock to sorrow. She met a few of the more heated gazes with an unconcerned neutral face. It seemed that this arrangement had labeled her a threat to some of the more vocal Negi fans.

"I-Is that true?" Here desk mate Haruna, normally unfazed, could hardly believe it.

Zazie calmly nodded.

"Why didn't you say anything earlier when we were asking around?!"

The acrobat held the frustrated girl's gaze unflinching and gave a small shrug. Haruna blinked and then chuckled patting Zazie on the shoulder, who tensed somewhat from the contact.

"Your a sly one, I never would have seen that coming."

"Indeed." Ayaka had risen and walked over to her desk. "I had never considered you interested, you chose a perfect time to make your move. I'm impressed, but don't think this is the end of it."

Zazie blinked leveling the girl with an odd look, unclear at exactly what was going on. Yuna leered leaning on the desk. The twin peeked over in front of her. Her neutral face began to bleed in a little nervousness as more and more girls came over.

"Lucky girl, I bet you had a lot of fun with sensei."

"Ooh you'll have to tell us about it at the baths."

"You think we could come by? I've never seen your room."

"We could make it a party!"

"That sounds like a great idea!"

"Now now that's enough." Negi's voice pierced the buzz. "Don't planning things without her consent. You'll be free to talk when class is over. I'd like to get through the next activity before we go." His voice was hopeful and karma seemed to be giving him good fortune as the girls dispersed back to whence they came. Zazie relaxed a little as she got her space once more. That was not what she had been expecting, even with class back in relative order much attention was still on her.

The acrobat was used to eyes one her, used to smiles and cheers. But she wasn't performing; she wasn't bringing the smiles and chatter from her actions. The girls were coming to her on their own doing. Just being in Negi's presence had vaulted her from anonymity; the lights were on her and she had no idea what to do.

Her eyes turned to the catalyst, her sensei, standing at his podium. His face animated as he worked through the next lesson. His gaze found her own and he passed her a simple smile, her stomach twitching.

"Rainyday-san could you read this next passage?"

The lights shown brighter, it was her turn to perform.

end snippet

Hm, I hope the end part didn't become too awkward. Relating her personal experiance to her performing experiance. Ifound a seating chart (finally) and found out that Zazie is seated next to haruna... that makes things very interesting. Will class 2-A manage to have a part in Zazie room? likely... nothing can stop a 2-A party... only delay it.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones


Heh, the parties are always fun.

You know, this keeps bothering me but...

Why does Kaede show up at the parties? I mean, it's not like she's anti-social, but she seems to be more serious than most of the class. (though she definitely has her playful side) *Shrug* I dunno, it's just that she's quieter than half the class is.

(Though, in the anime, I do recall Chachamaru showing up for that pool party.)


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Poor Zazie.
It seems she'll be getting the social experience that Shizune wanted.
:D :D


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It's Always the Quiet Ones

Heh, with the party, Zazie will be officially inducted into the 2-A F.U.N. Association (eh, sounds appropriate enough)... And I definitely agree with midorigreen - she has quite a bit to "catch up" on . The performing analogy was pretty good to me too.

Much like the prior snippet - very nice.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Midorigreen - when it rains it pours :)

Nanya - the party will be fun... when it eventually happens. There are a few things to go one first.

Kaede enjoys having fun and is very laid back. I also thinks she enjos being around other people that are having fun, she's just not as openly rambuncious as most of the girls.


The remainder of class sped by at record speed, well saying that 2-A had been paying full attention would be giving hem far too much credit they at least made it seem so. At the ring of the bell the girls gathered their things, Zazie tensed expecting to be rushed a second time but instead she received a few smiles and winks. There was a general consensus that Zazie was to come to the baths tonight and give 'details'... exactly what details they were expecting was not clear.

"Rainyday-san." The acrobat looked up from her bag to see Konoka passing her one of those 'not quite smiles' she and Negi seemed so fond of. She held the girls gaze until she continued. "I just wanted to thank you for taking Negi-kun in. Things had turned a little rough, I'm trying to smooth things out between them but it might take a little time."

"Asuna Kagurazaka..." Zazie's eyes turned to the girl in question, who was currently exchanging hushed words with their sensei. "Why is she upset?"

"I really don't know... she hasn't been very forth coming with things." Konoka shook her head. "Asuna is a complicated girl, it could be any number of things. So like I said it may take some time, just a week or so most likely then we can take him off your hands again."

The acrobat couldn't help but feel a little uneasy as she gave a slow nod.

"Until then here are a few things you might need to know. He enjoys western style breakfasts but he's not pushy about it. He has a habit of avoiding baths; you may have to make sure he cleans himself properly. As mature as he seems he is still a young boy. Oh and well..." the girl blushed with small giggle continuing with a low whisper. "Sometimes at night he sleepwalks and may end up crawling into bed. Try not to be too upset, he really can't help it." She gave a small bow.


"...Oh." Konoka sweatdropped at the casual admission. "I hope it wasn't too much of a bother."

A small shake of the head and a well hidden blush, unseen by the untrained eyes of the headmaster's granddaughter. She was tempted to ask a few questions of her own, she couldn't seem to vocalize them.

"Asuna-san." the pair looked up to see Asuna walking away, Negi with a hand raised to her departure. He sighed as she calmly left the room without acknowledging him. So lost in his own mind he didn't notice Konoka and Zazie's approach until they were already there. He offered them a pained smile.

"Hello girls."


"Cheer up Negi-kun. I'm working on it things between you two will be back to normal before you know it. I promise." Konoka patted the boyÆs head getting a more genuine smile in return. "But it would help if I knew what happened, Asuna's being tight lipped about it."

"Um well... It's complicated." Negi flushed a slightly. "I can't really talk about it here... if we could meet somewhere less crowded?" e suggested.

"Sure, I'm free for a little bit. We can meet up at the cafe?"

"Sure, sounds good." a note of relief could be heard, a small amount of worry melted away.


"Yes Rainyday-san?"

"After... There is something I'd like to show you." Both Negi and Konoka looked to the acrobat with a small amount of surprise. Where had this come from?

"Sure, I'm always glad to make time for my students." He gave a truer smile to his roommate. "Where do you want to meet?"

"World Tree Plaza... Dress comfortable." with that Zazie headed toward the exit leaving a puzzled Negi and a slightly blushing Konoka.

Did she... Did she just ask Sensei out?!

Just outside the door Asuna gave a pained expression. Her chest tight and stomach filled with uneasiness "Why? Why does he have to tell her?" She muttered as she hugged her bag tightly and started walking down the hall. ôI canÆt let anyone knowà itÆs bad enough that it happened at all.ö she groaned and lowered her head. "Why won't this just go away?"

end snippet

Mysterious Zazie strikes again, more rumors ro form and Konoka soon to be let in on the secret of the 'accident'. What does Zazie have up her sleeve?


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Oooo, the plot thickens. I wonder how the various character's motivations are perceived by each other.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Three-to-two odds that someone else thinks that Negi and Zazie are going on a date...

Cheerleader trio who call class rep? :p
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Nah, I would lay 2-1 odds that somehow Asuna would be the one to actually pull Ayaka with her to spy on them before the Cheerleader Squad does.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones


Despite her reservations Asuna found herself crawling through the underbrush, pushing some of the more leafy plants a little off for a better view. Konoka sat waiting, expression pensive, eyes searching the crowd. I can't let her find out... but, if I interrupt now she'll only get more suspicious. she bit her lips battling her indecision, trying to find something she could do. Unfortunately Konoka stood far before Asuna could think up and remotely good plan.

"Negi-kun over here." the headmaster's granddaughter waved the boy over. From her hidden position Asuna frowned ever so slightly.

He's in casual clothes so soon after class? the girl mulled over what that could entail. A brat he was but he tried to carry a professional air about him. He approached in a long sleeves shirt and a worn pair of pants, only the staff was part of his usual attire. Maybe... Maybe he'll memory wipe her! the thought was hopeful to the length of ridiculous... especially considering all he managed to erase in the past was her underwear. Scarlet danced across her features. "Pervert," her words held little heat to them.

"I hope you weren't waiting too long."

"No not at all, it's a nice enough day." the pair took a seat and started to relax somewhat, Konoka breaking the ice with some casual conversation. "So I hope your time away is going alright."

"It's been well enough. Takamitchi-san took me in for the first night and Rainyday-san has been very hospitable." he tried his best to be tactful, keeping his mind off this morning's 'incident'. Konoka giggled a little.

"So I heard, sneaky sensei moving in on the first night."

"I-it's wasn't intentional." Negi's face bloomed to a light red. "Rainyday-san didn't have an extra futon and I guess I couldnÆt get comfortable." he trailed off looking to the table as the girl giggled. A sharp snap caught both of their attentions, looking around brought no source though.

Hidden away, Asuna held two ends of a bush branch broken in half. He couldn't have. The little brat.

"Hee hee, sorry sensei I couldn't help it." Konoka smiled, "Rainyday-san seems like a nice person though."

"Yes, she is. She doesn't talk much but if you watch her carefully you can kind of pick up what she wants to say."

"Really? Hm, well I'll admit I've never talked to her before to day. She's kind of intimidating." Konoka allowed herself a nervous chuckle that Negi joined in on. As it died away the girl gained a somewhat more serious look about her, something that didn't go unnoticed by either her companion or their observer. "Negi... about that Friday..."


"What happened?"

"Well, I guess if it will help..." Negi stalled slightly gathering himself. "Well it was after the party to girls threw. I was trying to help Asuna-san out with Takamitchi." he looked to the table. "I wasn't doing a very good job. I'd had caused a lot of problems and I really wanted to make things up, so she thought it might be good if I helped her practice..."

No... Please Negi just stop

"Practice confessing." he managed to say with a slight flush.

"Really, wow she must really be getting serious. Takahata sensei usually turns her to goo." Konoka chuckled lightly.

"Well yeah, so I agreed. Right there on the stairs she set me an a proper height and she undid her hair." Konoka blinked, it was a rare event she took out her hair ornaments. After all, they were personal presents from Takahata himself. "She, she started to confess and I froze up. I. I know she wasn't confessing to me, but she was looking so earnest, so determined I wasn't sure what to think." he squirmed a little. "She... she looked very pretty."

Eh? a deep red hue bleed into Asuna's face.

"She looked a lot like my big sister." he admitted shortly after face flushed. "Well she kept going but it looked like I had messed up again. She was going to leave. I panicked and grabbed her shoulder, we both nearly toppled over. She... She was right in front of me." He and Asuna both swallowed a little as the memory replayed, Konoka was at the edge of her seat. "Asuna-san told me to close my eyes, I-I did. I could feel her hands on my face and then." he trailed off Konoka hanging on the silence that followed, Asuna gripped the bush tightly eyes closed she'd scene this scene enough in her head.



"I'm not sure. One of us tripped and I felt myself falling backwards. Asuna fell on top of me and she... She kissed me." his face was practically glowing. Asuna allowed her self a silent whimper as she looked to the ground, Konoka was clearly surprised.


Taking a page from his roommate the boy only nodded.

"Wow, even if it was only accidental that's pretty surprising. Heh I thought set ups like that only happened in anime." Konoka leaned forward on the table. "Come on look up it's not that bad, I thought things were much worse by the way you too were acting.

"well... we were spotted."


"Yeah... Iincho-san and a few other girls... i think one of them took a picture of us. I'm not too sure but I know that Asuna was crying before she ran away." Negi mumbled.

"Ah, that does complicate things a bit... I'm surprised no one had heard about it then, especially if it sounds like Paparazzi is involved."


"Kazumi Asakura, she sits up to the front of the class. She's with the reporting club."

"Reporting... Like in newspaper?!"

"Yes, but if nothing has come out yet she likely has a reason not to send it out. Look I'll handle everything okay? You just let things calm down a bit and stay with Rainyday-san. I'm sure Asuna's not really mad at you, it sounds like one big misunderstanding."

"Really? Thank you Konoka-san."

"I'm glad to help. I want you to come back too, if I had known you were into the 'big sister' thing I would have volunteered to wash your hair instead." she said with a wink.

"K-K-Konoka-san!" he sputtered as the girl giggled and stood up.

You little...

"I'll see you in class tomorrow Negi-kun." she waved cheerfully, not commenting on whether she had been joking or not. "Have fun on your date with Zazie!" she called out.

"It's not a date!"


end snippet

There's always spying, it's just how many people invovled. heh. well you now see things from Negi's side definately a lot of confusion floating around and asuna is dealing with her own feeling son the issue... also got to write a little of konoka being a tease.

Will asuna spy on Negi and Zazie? ... well that's pretty much a given. Will anyone else tag alone? quite possibely. What does Zazie have planned? tune in nex time.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Well, this is getting interesting.

Heh... Konoka's such a little tease, isn't she?


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Heh, quite the minx, that she is. I wonder what brought that on... And did Asuna feel a bit betrayed or something when Negi revealed that information to Konoka?


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

I really like your portrayal of Konoka, since most authors don't give her the saucy attitude she shows from time to time in the manga (they always focus too much on the 'innocent' theme).


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones


Yes, I always found most portayls of Konoka off somewhat since they rarely touch on her playful side. Yes she's a sweet girl but she also has a lot of zingers and teasing she does to her friends. She rated 9 on the negi love list as well (justed behind Secchan of all people :p )

On with the snippet

Asuna frowned as she shadowed a rather distracted Negi back through the academy grounds. "I can't believe that little jerk. Two days away and he's already started weaseling in on Zazie... Hmph Iincho or Makie I could give him the benefit of the doubt but Zazie I. Well..." the words failed to come to her. She didn't know much of anything about Zazie. She was kind of weird, never cracking an expression no matter what happened. It was unnerving. A more thoughtful expression came into place as another theory came into play. Was Zazie in fact the predator in this equation? Negi was just a brat after all; mage or not he was always so clueless. Maybe that quiet girl image was just a facade! "I-it's not like I care of anything... nope not at all." she muttered as she slipped into an alleyway peeking out ever so slightly as Negi climbed the stairs of world tree plaza.

Negi swallowed a little unfamiliar nervousness bubbling up. Konoka's teasing had sunk in and he just couldn't dislodge the possibility. What if this was a date? What was he suppose to do? Zazie was his student, dating a student, even if she was the older of the two, was just wrong. But... as an English Gentleman he couldn't simply dismiss her especially after he agreed to come. That would be rude. There was just no right answer, he couldn't help but feel like all eyes were on him boring into his back waiting to see what he would do.

At the stairs he swallowed trying to calm his nerves as he made his way up. Peeking out over the top he spotted his student. Zazie was out of uniform. She wore a pair of purple drawstring pants and a rather bland white t-shirt, a duffle bag resting at her feet. She had her eyes turned upwards gazing to the clouds with her usual blank expression. well she did say casual he thought but felt a small bit of disappointment in his relief. He smiled and waved as he continued forward.

"Good afternoon."

Her gaze smoothly shifted to his own, replying with a steady nod.

"I hope you weren't waiting here too long."

She returned with a small shake of the head. He could feel her gaze looking him up and down, doing his best to repress a small flush at the scrutiny. She nodded and gave a thumbs up.

"Um thank you." a twitter of nervous laughter bubbled up from the boy. "I really don't have much in the way of casual clothes."

"I see." she seemed to be thinking for a moment before she picked up her back.

"So where is it we are going?" he followed her hand as she pointed out across the campus.

"High school Athletics Plaza."

"Eh? that's on the other side of the campus. Why did you make the meeting place over here?" he followed her gaze back to the monolithic tree, silence stretching for a few moments.

"Because... It's nice." she said carefully, he turned his eyes to her face, there was something in her eyes as she looked to the tree but he just couldn't place. He smiled.

"Mm, it really is. To be honest sometimes I want to see the view from up there. I imagine it would be quite a sight." he said with a small note of wistfulness. It was an easy enough thing to do but with the constant witnesses and his own busy schedule finding the time to get up there even by flight had just not been open to him. This time he felt her own eyes on him though the gaze didn't last too long before he caught a small nod on her part.

"Ready?" he turned to meet her eyes, enigmatic as usual waiting for his okay. He passed a smiled and nodded.

"sure." He fell into step at her side already starting down that stairs when he realized something. "Um Rainyday-san?"


"Why are we going to the High school athletic center?"


"Huh?" unfortunately the acrobat seemed content with her answer and did not elaborate. Unsure he continued keeping up with the steady, silent steps of his companion.

Zazie had felt somewhat out of her element since this English class, the girls of 2-A had begun striking up conversations with her throughout the day. she found herself often resorting to nods and shakes for responses, of that she was sure Shizuna-sensei would not be too happy but she wasn't sure what to say. It wasnÆt like any of the girls, save a select few, were ever hostile or rude to her before but now. Well they were bringing her in like she was an old friend and she couldn't help but feel awkward. She face tilted downward slightly, fingering the shoulder strap a little. Before she didn't need to reply with any great care or detail and they seemed satisfied enough but no longer. They were really trying to engage and learn about her, which gave her an odd feeling she couldnÆt place... it was different then the one that sensei seemed to trigger but had some similar properties. Her hand clenched around her strap, it was all so strange.



"Are you okay?"

"I'm fine." she replied simply keeping her eyes focused forward, allowing her body to relax. He must have noted some change in her posture. Her free hand rested lightly on her stomach as it returned. Just looking was enough now? Maybe she was coming down with something...

Further along back Asuna ghosted the pairs trail... She really could care less about what they were doing, but that didnÆt stop her feet from continuing to press forward and her eyes to carefully note all the pair's interactions. It was a mostly quiet walk along, though considering who the girl was it was hardly a surprise.

"Well well, isnÆt this interesting." a voice caused her to jump and squeak. A hand went over her mouth and she felt herself pulled behind a low wall.

"Did you hear something?"


"Well I guess this is a school campus, so it's not unexpected."

"right... continue."


The voices ended and the redhead gave the slightest sigh of relief into the muffling hand. She twisted away from her captor/savor. "Asakura?"

"At your service." she replied with a sly smile and a salute. "So Asuna is there a reason your stalking Negi-sensei?" the girl in question colored at the query.

"I-I'm not stalking,"

"No, a stalker wouldnÆt be nearly as sloppy."


"Now now If you want to keep an eye on you little beau It's not my place to stop you." the reporter shrugged casually with a smirk as her companion heated up.

"It's not like that."

"With this and that rather steamy kiss on the stairs I'd have to say the evidence is rather stacked against you." Asuna lowered her head fists clenched slightly, giving the reporter a brief worry that she may have pushed too many buttons. "Look like I said I'm not here to judge, I'm also admittedly curious at out mystery student taking in Negi-sensei How about I give you a few pointers in the art of 'reporting' hm?" she winked. Asuna's expression was unsure at first but then she allowed herself a little smile.


end snippet

Stalking Mahora's favorite pass time... yes I'm sure many of you were waiting for Ayaka but I decided to give Asuna a little help. Mohora's ace reporter and one of the schools disguise masters. Zazie is perplexed as is negi... Next you will get to see the Nightmare circus! well at least a practice of them. As well as the first appearance of the masked figure from the photo.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Nice. Should've seen Kazumi getting in on this.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Hmm, things should be getting pretty interesting soon. I wonder how many more reevaluations the characters will have to do of each other.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Nanya - She's fun to use, se reminds me a lot of a nicer version of Nabiki.

marthf1 - Likely a few momre as people learn about each other...

general - I'd like to give a HUGE thanks to Windfalcon for help with the nightmare circus portion of this chapter. That and for letting me use his fabulous ringmaster Prosopeio.


Zazie and Negi, along with their stalkers, crossed out for the junior high part of the campus into the High school section. The uniforms were a little different and this part of the campus seemed at least partially co-ed. He was becoming much happier with is position in seeing the high schoolers tower over him. Every so often a few would pass their glances toward them, sometimes a smile, but for the most part they went about their business. For some reason Zazie looked more comfortable out this way, much of her tense posture had bled away.

"Ahead." She pointed to a rather large structure a little off to the right of the path. It definitely looked extensive, much larger then the girls' junior high building. He gave a small nod as they angled toward that building.

A little further back two high school girls seemed to be following a small distance behind, though in fact it was a cleaver ruse. Asuna had her hair pulled back in to a single braid down the length of her back, a padded bra and a single contact to cover her distinctive heterochromia. To her side Asakura had a much more elaborate disguise. Wearing a black wig is a side pony tailed style, green contacts, and subtle heeled shoes making her appear taller. Asuna didn't get a clear answer to exactly why the reporter has just an impressive collection of outfits and wigs other then it was for 'undercover journalism'... seemed more like spy work.

"Why did they come all the way out here? Does Zazie hang out with an older crowd?"

"Not sure myself, I have never really tried to study the girl at all. I know little things but she never seemed to be that interesting a find so I hadn't bothered. She's a sneaky one it seems."

Unbeknownst of their company Zazie lead her teacher to the entrance opening the door casually and holding it open. With a curious nod he took her lead and headed inside the door closing behind them baring a sign.

Clubs scheduled. Kendo- Room B, Men's Track- General Fitness, Nightmare Circus- Gymnasium.

Negi kept pace with Zazie's silent strides, she seemed to know the path well so he merely took the opportunity to look around the facility. There were al sorts of equipment, students in various sports garb moved about and chatted animatedly. It was quite interesting.

"Eh if it isn't little Zazie!" a voice bellowed out making the girl stop and look about curiously, Negi was more surprised by the greeting itself. Someone seemed to be rather familiar with the girl. Though soon enough the source was found, a large student approached with a cheeky grin. His frame looked to be chiseled out of stone and her towered over both of them. "20 minutes before the official start as expected from our little star." he said good-naturedly. His eyes turned to the boy with a bit harder look hands going to his hips. "What to we have here?" Negi swallowed a little at the imposing boy's sudden glare.

"I-I Just."

"My Sensei," Zazie spoke smoothly, "A visit."

"Oh? Our little Zazie-chan is bringing a guest? The Boss'll be real happy!" The glare immediately faded back into a friendly smile. He grabbed the boy's hand and gave it a firm shake his other hand giving the teacher enthusiastic pats on the shoulder. The strength of boy was clear as each thunderous pat shook the child teacher's body. "Pleasure t'meetcha! The name's Daichi, Strongman of the Nightmare Circus!"

"N-Negi Springfield." he managed to return with a smile, after all an English gentleman had to make good impression. "It's nice to meet you Daichi-san." The strongman blinked and looked at Negi oddly before letting him go. Negi cradled his hand a little; he had little doubt in the boy claim of position.

"Oh-ho! So THIS is the infamous Kid Teacher! I was wondering what you looked like! I imagined you to be alot...shorter!" Laughing, the strongman gives Negi a firm pat on the back, nearly sending the boy stumbling forward.

"Infamous?" the boy parroted with a light sweatdrop.

"The Ringmaster is in?" Zazie shifted her grip on her bag.

"Is he in? Course he is! Boss never misses a practice, you know that! I think he's workinÆ with Ms. Diva on a new act." Daichi said with a cheerful exuberance.


He motioned for the pair to follow heading to the doors of the gym and pushing them open. Several small groups of High schoolers were spread about the gymnasium either chatting or doing some sort of stretches. Daichi cupped his hands alongside his mouth to act as a makeshift megaphone so all would hear his voice. "HEY! EVERYONE! ZAZIE-CHAN BROUGHT A GUEST!!!" his voice reverberated through the open space drawing much attention. Judging from the chatter and looks it seemed like this was quite a big deal.

"So Loud..." Negi looked to his student from her rare casual comment. There was a slight shift in her expression, almost like a pout but muted.

"So your 'Boss' is here?"

"Yes. The Ringmaster."

"Ringmaster?" it was a curious title, more so to Negi who had never been to any circus... much less the 'nightmare' variety. All of a sudden, a cloud of smoke billows just in front of them, purple in color and, with the way the gym lights shine through it, full of something that makes the smoke sparkle.

"Indeed, young man" a mysterious voice says from within. "After all.. what is a Circus... without a Ringmaster to insure things run smoothly? Clowns would not be funny, stars would lack stage presence! And most of all..." the smoke clears, revealing an androgynous person dressed in red, flamboyant clothes, the color high to conceal the neck and long, black hair flowing down the back. Negi's eyes widened a little, it was the same person from the photo. "The audience.. would not know upon whom to cast their gazes. Like a conductor controls the tempo of their orchestra, so must I, Prosopeio, conduct both audience and performers to create a most wondrous show!" Spreading both arms out, the masked ringmaster waits a moment, before sweeping a bow towards Negi. "A pleasure to meet you." The flash and grandeur of the entrance gave Negi a small amount of pause before returning the gesture.

"Negi Springfield, Zazie's teacher. I just hope I'm not intruding Prosopeio-san." he raised his head and took in the image of the person before him. This is the one who can make Zazie smile... Chuckling, Prosopeio stands up and looks Negi over, giving an approving nod.

"I have heard many good things about you, Negi-kun! As Ringmaster of the Nightmare Circusà allow me to personally welcome you to our practice sessions! Here, I hope you will grow to appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that goes through each and every performance. After all... it is here that we refine ourselves to make Magic come alive."

"Thank you." Giving a slight nod of the head Prosopeio turned to Zazie, walking over to her and placing familiar hand on her shoulder

"My dear... "

"Good afternoon Ringmaster." Zazie greeted formally with a small bow.

"I am happy that you have finally brought a guest... and a celebrity at that! After practice, we must catch up on the happenings of your life, hmm? Now, shall we get started on our practice?" Negi took a seat on the bleachers, mostly empty populated with the gym bags of the participants. It appeared that Zazie bore a momentary flush but it was gone as soon as it arrived leaving doubt if it hadn't just been imagined. She nodded at the first question before her face tensed as if in focus.

"Yes Ringmaster." Placing her bag aside she reached for the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up over her he, Negi scrambled to cover her eyes but allowing a momentary peek he found himself a little surprised. The girl was dressed in a purple leotard.

"Under her clothes?" the child teacher noted curiously, looking over the girlÆs posture. She stood at attention waiting for Prosopeio to pass on her instructions. There was no mistaking the focus in her normally impassive eyes. "Intense... she's really into this."


There's an impression that Prosopeio is smiling beneath the mask, his entire stance showing off an emotion of pride and joy. A small crowd had begun to gather around the two though. Turning towards the gathered crew, the ringmaster soon gave off a feeling of irritation. Crossing arms, the masked performer gave a shake of the head before stomping a foot.

"This is a practice session! I wish to see practicing done! Now go over your routines, or else all of you will be mucking the Elephant Stables!" This immediately sent the students rushing off, all with smiles on their faces. Some ran, but a majority seemed to cartwheel, flip, and somersault away in an awe-inspiring act of acrobatics. Negi barely repressed the urge to clap but did awe at the casual feats of dexterity. Though his stamina and speed were much higher then most thanks to his magic such casual agility was beyond him on the ground. He turned attention back to his student with whom the ringmaster seemed to be whispering to, making intricate gestures with arms and hands in what is most likely a description of Zazie's new act.

The young performer nodded throughout the description till its completion. When finished Prosopeio stepped back to a proper angle to observe. Zazie stood, eyes closed breathing deep. For a moment she seemed almost meditative the tension melting from her body, intensity in her face softening. She opened her eyes and all at once Zazie seemed to change. Her relaxed nature posture smoothly moved through the first dance like steps, moving to a soundtrack that only she could hear. But what drew Negi's attention the most was small confident smile on her face. Her eyes unclouded, the ruby red barriers were now much warmer and inviting.

Is... Is this really the same girl? It had only been two days but until this moment he had only caught flitters of emotion and ghosts of smiles. The boy found himself needing to remind himself to breath as the quirky girl with the thousand yard stare had morphed into a tumbling beauty, her act moving to a much faster and energetic pace. Jumping and rolling the girl paused toward the audience in an impressing on armed handstand passing a playful wink to the nearly empty bleachers, heat rose in Negi's face.

Just who was this girl?

end snippet

Time to meet the Nightmare Circus. Though the cast is decently large there will only be a few named OCs coming from it (the negima cast is already quite large to start after all). All upperclassmen, as Zazie is the only junior high student in the club. Akaura is using her disguise art to hide herself and asuna for proper spying though they have a little surprise waiting for them up next.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Nice, it seems like you captured the heart of a mini circus quite well. You always need esentric people like that to make the world fun :) besides, we can see Zazie smile! If that itself isn't a gift, I don't know what is.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Wow, this is shaping up to be a very impressive practice.

I wonder how she balances these two facets of herself - the nigh emotionless student with a penchant for juggling and such and the lovely performer. Or maybe one of those facets is an illusion of sorts? Ah, time to wait and see.

But still, such playfulness and emotion from Zazie... I must agree with mickl3.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

mickl3 - Thank you, the nightmare circus will be showing up throughout the story so it was important to make it alive. and yes seeing Zazie smile is quite a rare and magic sight.

marthf1 - Verily, every practice is impressive if Prosopeio has any say in the matter. Aye Zazie is very different on and off the stage. Whether one is a false face or they are simply a yin and yang Negi does not know and thus you will need to wait as well. :) .

I've always seen Zazie as having a playful side but not having anyone to share it will save fore her audience of course. The ore she warms up to Negi the more he will learn... but she is still hardly talkative.

General - Once again a huge thank you to Windfalcon for working out this scene with me and especially that tarot scene (as I find them interesting but know very little about the art itsef.) It's worth staying up late to catch you on IM for sure...


Back by the entrance Asuna and Kazumi slipped in with their high school garb. Asuna for her part felt distinctly uncomfortable, this was not something she normally indulged in. Though Kazumi was handling it all in stride, baring the question of if she has pulled this manner of 'undercover' before.

"Are you sure this is the place?"

"Positive, I may not have much on her but Everyone knows she's the only Junior high student that was accepted into the Nightmare circus."

"... The what?"

"Okay I guess not everyone but just trust me." the reporter began leading her companion toward the gymnasium. As the girls spot the door they noticed a young woman standing against the wall, dressed in a high school uniform as well. She was shuffling a deck of rather odd looking cards in a fancy matter, sending the cards from one hand to the other, almost juggling them, much like a stage magician would. Without looking up at them, the girl arches a brow.

"Ara? We have guests?" Asuna couldn't shake the feeling that something about the girl felt a little... off. Seeming to sense her anxiety Kazumi passes a subtle wink and beamed a smile to the girl.

Hi! That's a pretty cool trick with the cards there. Oh are you with the circus!" She clapped her hands in front of her.

"That I am."

"Really? that's so cool! I saw the sign outside and I couldn't help myself. I've heard so much about your show." The reporter laid it on with a blissfully ignorant smile. "I alway thought the name was kinda scary but I've always been curious. I hope you don't mind if we take a look at the practice." she gasp and bopped her forehead. "I totally forgot my manners. I'm Ren Hibiki and this is my friend Mei-chan" she cupped her hand for a stage whisper "She's a little shy." Asuna kept silent at her side watching 'a master at work' though did give a little bob at her introduction.

To lie so casually... your a frightening person paparazzi

The girl with the cards bowed her head, her bangs hiding her eyes allowing a small grin to spread across her face. Putting her cards away, she chuckled slightly.

"I see.. well, with a name like 'Nightmare Circus', anyone would be hesitant, hmm?" Turning away from them, she walked inside the closest door, motioning for them to follow. "Follow me you two.. I'll show you girls something interesting."

"Thanks. ooh I'm so excited." Kazumi giggled flashing Asuna a subtle victory sign and started after her. There redhead followed a few steps behind unable to shake her off feeling... but she had to find out what this was about. Zazie brought him here after all... not that she cared of course.

and no, not even she believed that thought.

"Did you know that the practice sessions of the Circus are REALLY secret?" The girl asked as she lead them around. The hallway seemed long, longer than any gym hallway had any business being.

"Oh really?"

"Because of this, the Boss goes to great of lengths to make sure no one uninvited sneaks in. After all.. wouldn't want any of the acts leaked to the public. It would be bad if, say, a reporter or spy watched us to steal our moves." The girl continued on casually, keeping her back to both girls.

"O-Oh, I hadn't realized." The reporter's smile was somewhat forced, both students sweating at thier guides direction of conversation.

What is this the Yakuza?!

Suddenly, the girl lead both of them to a pair of double doors. Turning to face them, hair still over her eyes, the girl pulled out her pack of cards once more.

"Before you move on... would you girls like a peak at your future? I dabble a little in Tarot Reading... though many people tell me I'm not very good." To her credit Kazumi had recovered fast with a bright

"I haven't been to a fortune teller in some time, what do you say Mei-chan?" she looked back to her companion, though said girl's attention was distracted by the gymnasium door.

I just want to check on him. "S-Sure..."

The performer giggled lightly before she set to shuffling the cards before their very eyes, showing great skill and showmanship as she makes the cards almost dance in the air before them.

"I promise this will be short and sweet." When all the cards settle down, she tosses three of them in front of each girl, the dark hallway seeming to allow enough ambient light from beyond the door to reveal the cards. Before Asuna are the cards labeled the Page of Wands, the Tower and the Wheel of Fate, while Kazumi gets the Magician, the Queen of Swords and Judgment. The atmosphere within the hallway seemed to become thicker, giving the two girls an odd sensation of not being alone as the girl looked over the cards. The disguised baka repressed a shiver down her back at the unnatural feeling,

Man, it's not nearly as intense when Konoka does this... Her companion remaining totally professional and in character despite the foreboding atmosphere.

"Oooh, so Mysterious."

"For Ren-chan... the cards tell me that you deal in information... the Magician is the center of communication, self-imposed master of her domain... If she does not know something, she must seek it out and learn it due to her own curiosity. The Queen of Swords is a woman of great intelligence and wit, with the wind element representing information and communication... both cards together represents an eventual clashing of wits... perhaps you will find someone who is your intellectual equal.. or superior. Based upon your actions, Judgment may fall upon you... though this begs the question of whether or not the actions you have done will warrant a good judgment.. or bad..." Kazumi confidence cracked ever so slightly, tarot was not her strong suit but the message seemed clear enough. It was a bit of a blow but if she was anything she was not a quitter.

"Ouch, I never had too much luck with fortunes." the high schooler seemed to give her a moment for the words to sink in and gauged the girl's reply. Making no moves of responding to Kazumi's hollow deflection she turned her attention to the second set of card.

"As for you.. Mei-chan... The Page of Wands represents a young man with power... a fiery will and strength of spirit that is close to you. The Tower represents a calamity that has befallen the two of you... one that could spell the end of your bond. But... if you think things through... the Wheel of Fate may present an opportunity for you to set things right once more." The second fortune seemed to take the wind out of the disguised teen. Even taking more recent events into play Asuna kagurazaka was never superstitious. But The girls words were entrancing and direct, she swallowed unable to speak. It all struck far to close to home, eyes turned down to the floor. What had happened? why had she reduced herself to sneaking around like a rat like this.

"I-I see..." in the end that was all she could say. The teller leaned down to pick up the cards, the girl collected them up quickly with a single pass of her hand before standing to one side of the door.

"Ah so much we have talked and I have yet to introduce myself. Where are my manners? I am Hoshiko, resident fortune teller of the Nightmare Circus." a wicked grin spread out under her covered eyes. "It has been a pleasure speaking with you... Asuna Kagurazaka... Kazum iAsakura. Thank you for accompanying me, but unfortunately, I must let you go. I have practice to return to, else the Boss'll get angry with me." She looked up, her bangs part, revealing a pair of silver eyes. "I know we'll meet again." Grinning even wider, Hoshiko fell back against the dark wall, the lights flickered darkening the already dim hall. The fortune teller seemed to vanish into the darkness. The flicker stopped lighting up the hall even better then when they had original traveled the length the two disguised students alone. Kazumi managed to shake it all off first immediately moving to the wall, it was solid.

"Eh? B-but..."

"How did she know our names?"

"Names?! She just vanished in plan sight! A trap door or something?" the reporter pulled of off her wig in annoyance "Hoshiko... Hmph, this isn't over." Asuna shook her head trying to get the silver eyes out
of her mind.

"Is she like him?" Her mind traveled back to their first meeting, the boy casually keeping up with her running at full tilt. He claimed he was psychic too.


"Nevermind..." She walked forward and pushed open the double doors... high schoolers chatted, walking the paths in the afternoon sun...

"The back door?" Asuna sighed and when through. "Eh? Asuna where are you going? what about Negi?" Kazumi noted a few emotions pass over what she could see of her classmate's face.

"... I'm just going to head back..." the reporter watched as she walked off, something heavy on her mind*


end snippet

This focused on the spies and a rather craft sempai from the nightmare circus. She leaves Kazumi with a stinging wound to her pride and Asuna with a few words she can't ignore. Back to Negi and Zazie next chapter and a little bit more with the circus.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

interesting snippet. Despite the punctuation errors here and there, overall the general story was amusing enough. Even though there wasn't any Zazie or Negi, seeing the two girls undercover fidget like that makes it good anyways XD

The chapter really brings up the question on to who the people inside the circus are... I mean seriously >_> I know they are special, but doing stuff like that raises some suspicions that are hard to confirm :p

Good thing is, since this story focuses on Zazie, I don't have to worry about Asuna reconciling with Negi and then everything going back to how it was XD that's possibly the best thing~

Anyways, nice job, hope to see more soon.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Holy... That was... It was... I am speechless at the ingenuity you have just displayed.

Hmm, I wonder if Asuna will take her fortune to heart and what it will mean to this story.

Heh, paparazzi indeed.

Frank Cadena

Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

Reading Zazie's character, she reminds me of a character from a comic called "Karakuri Circus". Her name was Eleanor but called Shirogane. She had silver eyes, hair, cold and seemingly unfeeling. Seeing Zazie's shift before the start of her routine reminded me of the persona that Shirogane assumes during a circus routine. I recommend you the comic if you want some ideas for Zazie's routines etc.

P.s in the comic, Shirogane wields a large puppet that she uses for battle. I keep having visions of Zazie having one as an artifact.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

So was Hoshiko's reference to Asakura clashing wits with someone of equal intelligence referening her getting caught on that lie, or was it an actual prediction for the future? That's the only thing that confused me.

Otherwise, I really enjoyed the snippet. I really like the depth of Asuna's confusion that is being displayed. It is very entertaining.


Well-Known Member
It's Always the Quiet Ones

mickl3 - Heh well they are interesting people... some are more interesting then others *smirk*. This is Zazie centric but asuna is one of the main characters for this fic... a reconsiling will likely happen but Negi and Zazie are now roomates. That will not change.

marthf1 - again that scene was crafted with Windfalcons help. Though I have interest in tarot I can not read them. Apparently windfalcon knows how to read them and thus makes for a wonderfully surreal scene. As for asuna we'll just have to see... it's been a long day for her.

Frank Cadena - Hm, I have neber heard of that one I may look into it. I am going to be borrowing likely from Kaledio Star for the nightmare circus portions... also some lesser used characters will be making a show up in time... likely around the eva arc.

Mev852 - Hoshiko's 'fortune' for Kozumi was mostly to psyche her out in that the older girl had not been fooled in the slighest but she did seem to get a good read on the girl none the less... Aye, asuna is likely to do some soul searching but the next chapter will likely make it challenging heh.

On with the Snippet!

Negi was stunned into silence, the whirling dance had ended with Zazie in a split bent totally over one leg. The rise and fall of her chest was steady but noticablely faster then he usual Zen-like rate. It had been a beautiful display, woven with a grace and fluid movement he had rarely seen aside from an experienced broom master flying through the sky. Slowly the girl unfolded herself and started to stand breaking his captivation enough that he began to applaud. She turned face neutral once again save for a slight note of puzzlement and another set of eyes further quelled his enthusiasm. The Ringmaster had leveled a gaze up to him that seemed to clearly convey a level of annoyance. Negi found himself trailing off as Prosopeio turned attention to his student.

"You still have much work left to do Zazie-chan. You are fortunate of the amount of time we have for our next Performance." The tone was stern and even. "As the youngest star you must try and shine youÆre brightest at all times."

"Yes Ringmaster."

"Now your transitions from beat four to five in your third stance needs to tighten, you must feel the music within you and move along its path." Prosopeio proceeded to deliver extensive notes of the small routine leaving the watcher to puzzle.

"But... That was a beautiful performance." Negi said to himself. "He's talking like she didn't do anything right." While it was hardly his place to judge but it all seemed far too harsh, especially on the first try.

"Heh. Well, that is why you are in the audience and the boss runs the stage." a voice caused him to turn abruptly to see an older girl lounging just off to his right. He hadnÆt noticed her approach... though admittedly his focus had been totally drawn to Zazie's performance. She smirked his way, passing a look he had become somewhat familiar with since teaching 2-A. A predatory one. "Sooo, your Zazie-chan's guest, aren't you a little cutie."

Negi swallowed a little as she slinked closer. She was slim, as expected from a gymnast, though bore mature curves that were only enhanced by her soft red leotard. Her hair was shoulder length; perhaps a little longer, mixed in with the black were streaks of bright red all put up in a high ponytail. A slight flush rose to his face as she invaded his personal space eyes twinkling.

"Mm hm, unfair Small time can bring a cutie like you along." she smirked, leaning in smoothly lips next to the boy's ear. "I may just need to take you away, grow you up right." She whispered playfully before suddenly bring space between them once more. Negi was left frozen and thoroughly embarrassed as she returned with a shameless smile. "You got a name little boy?"

"I... ah... N-Negi Springf-field."

"Negi hm," she smiled. "Well allow me to welcome you to the Nightmare Circus." she stood on the bleachers and gave a bow. "I am Tsubame, the soaring phoenix. Lead acrobat of the troupe." Her voice held an easy confidence though the amount she exuded could hang on the edge of prideful or arrogant. "Unfortunately I can't stay and chat long as this is practice time. Please do enjoy the show little sensei. Perhaps you'll use some of your intern teaching time up on this part of the campus?" She said with a wink before she jumped clearing the bleachers casually. Twisting in the air she landing lightly on the gymnasium floor below with a light pat. "Zazie-chan!" she greeted brightly. She burst into the one on one session and hugged her Kohai from behind in a rather intimate manner.

"Tsubame-sempai." he had to give her credit despite an initial flinch and slight tensing the girl had given little reaction to the other girl's hug and hand placement.

"Zazie-chan your taking up all of the bosses time again, you need to learn to be more considerate. After all everyone needs the chance to receive the proper instruction on their drills." She said firmly with a pout, a hand caressed the stoic girl's cheek. "Your lucky your so cute or I may have not forgiven you." the tone had turned into the playful one she had been using on himself moments ago.

"I apologize."

"Tsubame... my dear." Prosopeio turned to the older girl. Hands clasp behind the back. "I would not be too bold to assume you have finished the initial excises I had given you?" The lead acrobat did not relinquish her draped position over the shorter Zazie.

"Yeah Boss. I was hoping you could let me in on what we would be doing for the next performance. Let me prepare for the show itself."

"Now now, you know tradition better then anyone... I will inform everyone when a show has been decided on and from there such preparations will begin." The Ringmaster held an even tone, giving no ground on the issue. "But your fiery spirit is as always to be admired perhaps we can work out something a bit more technical for you... A true star lives and breaths off of challenge." A fist clenched in passion, cape fluttering with the sudden gesture. "Zazie, I want you to run though this once again along with drills 4 and 6. I will be keeping an eye out... Remember we have an audience today." Negi got the impression of a smile as Prosopeio turned sharply snapping fingers twice. "Come along Tsubame."

"Coming Boss." she said cheerfully letting go of the girl and passing a wink and a smirk to Zazie before trotting off all smiles once more. Negi could see the tense muscle in her shoulder taking a bit of time to smooth out. Followed by a light sigh. He had to admit that brash high schooler seemed to cut in on his student's time, which bothered him somewhat. Though frustrations were quickly forgotten as he found his eyes going back to the focused face of his roommate... a calm that bloomed once more into a stunning smile.

Further off on the side Daiichi balanced a female acrobat on one arm above him. He kept his feet and back rooted to be as stable as possible, adjusting to the girls momentum and shifts in weight. Though all of this was automatic for the boy, as drills such as this had been beaten into him for years now. This natural reaction allowed his attention to focus on the goings on further out.

"Well looks like Miss Diva strikes again."

"You shouldn't talk that way about Tsubame-sempai." The girl he supported replied with an equally casual tone despite doing a handstand on the boyÆs outstretched arm. "She is one of the hardest workers so she should be getting more personal attention then a newbie."

"Hmph sometimes it seems she just needs attention." His expression almost bored as he flipped the girl with a causal thrust, her feet landing upon his shoulders. "I don't doubt her work but for all her harping of shared time she ends up taking the most."

"Now now Dai-kun." a voice came, somewhat muffled, as a part of the floor lifted and slid away. "You know full well the boss doesn't show favoritism."

"Hoshiko-sempai. Why are you underneath the floor?" he asked in a calm tone as she pulled herself out of the hole recovering it.

"Just taking the scenic route is all." The girl on Daiichi's shoulders dropped down to a sitting position, legs draping over his shoulder to his chest. Head propped up on one elbow atop his head.

"And why are you wearing contacts?"

"The better to see you with my dear." the fortuneteller replied tauntingly without missing a beat. Pulling a small case out from her pocket she paused a moment popping a contact from her right eye, now revealing a light brown beneath it. "I was just putting up a bit of a show for some visitors who came by."

"Visitors?" the girl parroted. "I thought the only visitor outside the usuals was Zazie's little friend."

"Not the teacher, but two of his students." she replied calmly as she popped the other contact out. Blinking a few times as Hoshiko had to pause to get used to seeing the world without a silver tint.

"Ah okay... wait. How did you know th-" Daichi started but the older girl was already on her way off.

"Sorry I need to go change for practice.." she called over her shoulder as she rushed off. The strongman placed his arms on his hip with a frown.

"Sempai confuses me sometimes."

"I know, how can someone do such odd things so casually?" the girl said now upside down once more. Hanging down across the larger boy's chest with her legs hooked over his shoulders to his back. He looked down to her and she looked up to meet his gaze.

"Your really not one to talk Ai-chan."


"Never mind lets just continue practice."

"Right!" she unhooked her legs and twisted till her legs were below her once more perched on Dai's cupped hands getting launched upward to which she did a few aerial twists before landing on the boy once more.

A successful show is made of the sweat and tears of many weeks of preparation and constant effort to improve ones self. It its this work that helps the heart of a performer grow and also to spark the talent of those performers to come...

Show goes on and on.

end snippet

I decided on four upperclassman in the end and introduced the final two in this snippet. Tsubame the flirty, taleneted diva and Ai who seems to have fun perched on dai's back and shoulders. This will end the nightmare circus portion of this chapter and I will likely be closing things out in the next snippet or two.

chapter three... love potion *smirk*