Akamatsuverse Neo Negima


Well-Known Member
Aw... Negi as Zordon would have been awesome. Then again, as it is, it's fine.

Took me a second readthrough to figure out the second page was column based though. :sweat2:


Well-Known Member
So far I've found it to be an okay series. I agree the character development is more one dimensional and the more outlandish childlike aspects of the characters are being displayed, but I still find it an okay read. I think the main point of it is to be humourous while still retaining some semblance of a plot and having some familiar characters. If this were the original version of Negima than I'd be complaining more, but since it is a remake, likely for pure humour and amusement value than plot and character development I don't mind as much. I don't intend to take the Negima Neo series that seriously.

I also find that the more humerous aspects of the series are good for amusing ideas in my random daydreams (I have a habit of imagining stories for almost any series that I see and like, though I have a feeling that's how most fanfiction starts and I never seem to find enough inspiration to actually write one of my imagined plots out). It might seem a bit odd, but I find it fun and I think it would be kind of boring if I couldn't imagine anything at all about what might happen to the characters in a series outside of what the original story creator made.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
New chapter is out.


It seems as though these crystals are called Star Crystals. Apparently, they are the fragments of an incredibly powerful magical artifact, which has the potential to amplify magical power out to an infinite degree.

There are four fragments, and they're all supposed to be under lock and key in the Mages Academy. The Dean suspects that they've somehow been stolen from the Mage's Academy, though he admits that he doesn't know how that would be possible.

In turn, Nodoka finds out something about the crystal in her own research, and tells Negi about it. However, she runs off embarissed, because she thinks the idea of magic crystals is absurd, and of course it couldn't possibly be what Negi was looking for.

However, after she runs off, Negi mentions that the three crystals they have don't look like the ones that are locked up at the Mage's Academy. The colors are similar, but the shapes are way off.

Some character development happens. Another golem attacks, this one made out of fire, and some more character development happens, including Asuna whacking him over the head and telling him he doesn't have to do everything himself.

They beat the fire golem and the fairy behind it, revealing the fourth fragment of the Star Crystal. It then spontaneously merges with the other three fragments, creating the Star Crystal. Negi and co don't have time to gawp at it, though, because as soon as the crystal reforms, darkness starts to condense around it, and a gate appears in midair.

And out of the gate emerges. . . Anya. And she seems to know what's going on. And appears rather pleased that Negi managed to complete the crystal.

Cue end of chapter. Naturally. What, did you think they were actually going to explain what was going on? There has to be a cliffhanger. I think it's in their contract somewhere.


Well... The end to this chapter wins my WTF award...
At least she's important to the plot now. That's Epic Win all by itself.


Well-Known Member
I didn't say it wasn't win... but seriously... How? I can't wrap my head around it...

And strangely enough, I outright KNOW something similar happened in the anime version... though I also recall Eva was possesed...

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
~NGD OMEGA~ said:
I didn't say it wasn't win... but seriously... How? I can't wrap my head around it...

And strangely enough, I outright KNOW something similar happened in the anime version... though I also recall Eva was possesed...
1.) It's a demon pretending to be Anya.

2.) It's some sort of final secret graduation test from the academy, and Negi has been graded on his work in defeating the golems all along.

3.) Anya has been possessed and/or secretly evil.

4.) ???



Well-Known Member
That about wraps up my thoughts on the matter. I didn't really follow the second Negima anime after the mass pactio, so I don't quite recall what happened with Anya there, other than she possesed Eva... and I think Negi Pactio'd her out of it... but I can't quite recall...

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
New chapter is out.

It turns out that it was, in fact, Anya. Apparently, she was having trouble with her fortune telling training in England, so she went back to the academy to complain to the Dean. However, while she was in the Dean's office waiting for him, she found out that she could communicate with the star crystal.

Apparently, Anya had been holding on to the idea that it was just as hard for everyone else (specifically Negi) as it was for her. Or in other words, it wasn't that she personally failed, but that it was just that difficult in general. But then she ran across Negi's sister on-campus, who told her about how good Negi was doing.

In proof that you really shouldn't expose emotional children to Magical Artifacts Of Infinite Power, the star crystal responded to her heart, which at that moment, desired that things be just as hard for Negi as they are for her.

Thus, the star crystal compelled her to steal it, and then release it. It used her negative energy from her heart's desire and amplified it, creating the golems.

And now she's possessed by the crystal. And she's using it's power to fight Negi. And she just jacked Asuna's mind, forced her to transform into her battle armor form, and is now sicing her on Negi.

I thought this was going to be cliche at first, but the whole possession angle has made it a lot more interesting. I suppose that's why they had the thing locked up to begin with. It's just too much power for any one individual to have. Which is lovely, seeing how this was clearly set-up earlier. Negi outright stated that even Nagi at the height of his power could only control a tiny fraction of the star crystal's power, and didn't dare use it for anything other than the most dire of circumstances.

Which makes sense, seeing how having it lets you warp reality to suit you. Anya literally pointed at Asuna and said "I want you to be my partner now".

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go back to reading it.


Evangeline is her old canon self again. Refusing to help because "only a fool of a master would forego such an opportunity for their apprentice to grow". Reminds me of the Festival Arc.

Also, I cannot stress just how incredibly awesome Negi looks in his formal old-style clothes. The cravat in particular looks really good on him.



That makes three different systems of Pactio now. The manga one, the anime one, and the Negima Neo one.


Well-Known Member
... What the hell? Neo Pactio?

Though she managed to escape the mind control same way Eva did in the anime... but seriously, that was odd. Freaking Light Sword? And I though the evolution of a regular provisionary contract would be the real deal...

Come to think of it... if the provisionary is that handy, what's the real deal like... :huh:

Ending with the maids was rushed, but I liked how the Principal was all like screw a promotional test. Eva being like the real deal was pleasing too. And Zazie in the picture was lulzy to me for some reason.


Hang on, thinking it over, that secondary pactio thing could entirely be a power boost that can be used when in pactio form. Basically kinda like how Seikiri work in that Seinin manga, and that even uses a kiss too for the temporary powerup. Not permanent would certainly make it more appeasing (Plus given what's required, it'll also be tricky to actually get them to do it again unless in really bleak situations). Though, in turn if that's correct, I wonder if it can be used with say the cosplay form, or if doing so causes a different advancement... Doubt it with the fail card at least...


Well-Known Member
Oh hey, it's not done... and four pages into the chapter it and already got a serious WTF from me... I don't want to go to the next page, as I know what's going to happen...

Edit: Dammit... I'm all for making her more major... but seriously, didn't she just like fail or something because of this? As I'm pretty sure she can't just spend a huge number of months in Japan while still doing her freaking task... Ugh, moving on...

Edit 2: Okay, lulz were had. That's one of the many things Negima's always had going for it, the characters are just that awesome.

And oh, it's a punishment... well, that's alright then. Kinda... seems to work more in her favor though, for a punishment... :huh:


And age deception this early? Come to think of it, Anya's never personally used it yet...


Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
There's no one else it could be, though I have to wonder why he's here. Maybe he's been ordered to assassinate Negi, for whatever reason? He certainly has no reason to be there on friendly terms, unless severe deviations have taken place before the start of the series.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, probably deviations if him being a hitman again isn't the case. After all, Setsuna has no watch from afar thing going on with Konoka like she did at the start of the original Negima. Though 'friendly terms' isn't exactly what he'd want it to be called now that I think about it... though in all honesty that's what it would be.

Edit: Found this:

Edit2: Hang on... 5 is a tad much... Ah, apparently there's like 28 chapters out already... :huh:

Holy crap... who knew looking for Negimaru 5 would lead to this wellspring of information... Things get downright crazy...

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
New chapter is up. Anya loses a bet and has to join one of the clubs. Lulz ensues. We get to see some more from the twins and Kaede. Even more lulz ensues when the "Strolling Club" escalates into more and more extreme acts of 'strolling', like jumping across a field of stalagmites in a cave, swinging on vines through trees, and swimming along on the bottom of the river in kappa costumes.

Also, Kotaru shows the bottom half of his face once again, and he's learned some rather interesting new tricks. Still have no idea what he's up to, and they don't know he's around yet, but he nearly killed two people, and not in the "I was just testing them" way either, so I can't imagine he's one of the Good Guys?.

Anya is a riot, Kaede busted out her ninja skills, and Negi got to showboat some. And after watching Kaede, Anya is now attempting to become Kaede's apprentice so she can become stronger. And so she can learn how to make her breasts enormous.


Well-Known Member
New chapter is new! Kotarou shows up and picks a fight for no apparent reason. It's a lot more light-hearted than the original, and it's blatantly obvious he's just playing around.

Also, Anya and the twins pull a minor prank involving water balloons stuffed down their shirts. :snigger:


Well-Known Member
I was worried there for a while. Some of the translation made it sound like Kotarou was gay for Negi.


Well-Known Member
zeebee1 said:
I was worried there for a while. Some of the translation made it sound like Kotarou was gay for Negi.
He isn't? :rolleyes:

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
New chapter out. In further proof not to fuck with Artifacts Of Infinite Power, it turns out that the crystal isn't done yet. Just letting it outside of it's confinement has caused magical anomolies to start occuring across the planet.

Blah blah stuff happens. Then a strange, etheral fragment of crystal ghosts through a dorm window at night and absorbs itself into Nodoka's diary.

Cue Lulz and Win when the ghost crystal, still apparently intent on granting wishes like the original, responds to the emotions in the diary to bring it to life. Cue a magical doppleganger of Nodoka running around doing everything Nodoka wrote about wanting to do, like cosplaying in a skimpy maid outfit, flashing Negi, and asking Negi out on a date. It also stole Yue's "sexy pants." The doppleganger can also apparently change it's appearance at will, as it drastically shortened it's skirt to 'accidentially' flash Negi, and when Negi saw some cats wandering around that he thought were cute, she spontaneously grew neko-ears.

Nodoka catches up to her doppleganger, and the predicted "I'm the real one!" "No, I'm the real one!" fight happens in front of Negi.

Negi uses the clone's aggressiveness against it by going for the Nodoka who isn't trying to grope him (smart boy < _<), and tries to flee with her on his staff. The clone follows, making further clones of itself in the process. They fight, but Negi can't fight back, because the doppleganger looks exactly like Nodoka, and it's killing his ability to retaliate.

So he Pactio's with the real Nodoka. Cue Sailor Senshi transformation sequence:

The book still works like it does in canon. In fact, it seems to be more powerful, as it also does the Heart's Desire in addition to reading minds. Nodoka turns it on the doppleganger, only to get blasted with her own thoughts, feelings, and desires.

Cue a fairly impressive amount of character development as Nodoka realizes that she can't keep hiding and not-talking to Negi. She also realizes that the best way to throw the doppleganger for a loop is to beat it to the punch. It is her, and thus has her desires. So she figures that the best way for her to fight it is to confess her feelings.

She tries. Doesn't work. Then she gets a flashback of Yue telling her that she really shouldn't keep watching Negi from a distance like she's doing.

Then she does it.


The dopplegangers fade away, and Nodoka wonders why they're smiling (don't you get it, Nodoka? They granted you your wish! Well, that, and they had your exact same feelings + courage. So you confessing was actually them confessing too).

Nodoka asks Negi if there really are such things as mages, and he asks her to keep it a secret.

Blah blah Nodoka says that they're both still children, but that she'll "wait for Negi to grow up" because her feelings for him will never change. Chamo complains that he won't get to see anything.

Cue back to the classroom, where Asuna is still freaking out over something the doppleganger told her that Nodoka wrote in her diary. And Yue is lamenting over her missing pants.

OVERALL: Lulz and Win. Plus, OMG SHY GIRL.


Well-Known Member
This guy seems to know what he's doing. I've got no complaints.

Lord Raine

Well-Known Member
I, however, have a complaint. FROM THE FUUUTURE~ (relatively speaking)

Namely, it's taking a fuckhueg long time for an update to push through. They've typically averaged around 1.5 chapters a month, and they've never missed a month. The last update was on May 9.

I want chapter 30, damnit.

Does anyone know if any other site has scans beyond 29?


Well-Known Member
According to Enigma's forum they were allegedly pushed to get chapter 29 out. Maybe someone wanted to see some kono/setsu really badly?


Well-Known Member
If they could be pushed to get a chapter out early then they could get pushed to write faster. And guess which one people are more likely to demand.


Well-Known Member
19 is up at Onemanga featuring the cheerleader trio trying to score points with Negi. As usual, it has a nice feel-good ending. Asuna and Anya are referred to as 'the bride and mother-in-law' by Misa, and Madoka puts him in a suit that is not to be missed.