Bleach New Bleach Filler Arc


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It should be noted that Zangetsu only got any real amount of screentime at the beginning.


Well-Known Member
To be fair, this arc had:

1) Zanpakutos materialized and the resulting squabbling with their wielders
2) A couple nice fights

So, on the whole, it's a net positive for me.


Well-Known Member
It also had a lot more horrible fights, and dreadful plot. And jipped me of two, THREE actually, dragon fights. That's a net loss right there in my book.


Well-Known Member
Dragon of Fire, Dragon of Ice. Was the title, and it did not deliver. :mellow:


Well-Known Member
That's why I wait for people to complie the fights and ignore everything else.
Finally watched, and by watched I mean skimmed, this episode. What a damn waste. I got DBZ flashbacks with the powerups.


Well-Known Member
Hmm? This last episode of the arc was pretty good. The episode prior to it wasn't that great, though. Maybe it's a problem with the animation teams. Doesn't it usually take about a month to make an anime episode, so the animation studios usually have about 4 teams working on a weekly show? That might go a way to explain the hit-and-miss nature of this filler arc's quality.


Well-Known Member
nick012000 said:
Hmm? This last episode of the arc was pretty good. The episode prior to it wasn't that great, though. Maybe it's a problem with the animation teams. Doesn't it usually take about a month to make an anime episode, so the animation studios usually have about 4 teams working on a weekly show? That might go a way to explain the hit-and-miss nature of this filler arc's quality.
I declare this makes sense.

Well...At least it wasn't as bad as the last Bleach filler, or any of the Naruto filelrs..RIGHT?


Well-Known Member
Ignoring the bashing of blades together repeatedly (AGAIN), the destroy the reflection thing was massive fail on two levels, the first being that's not how reflections would work (Though admittedly I'd give to the surface having to be balanced to make it viable), and the second being that's not how it worked prior to this. He'd used that technique without a reflective surface before, hell, he caught Ichigo in it in the middle of a street. That's plain stupid.

Also Muramasa says this won't work like this, despite Ichigo continually not attacking the reflection again when the water stills? Once he stops, he's boned save random chance.

Thus far this thing, while better than the last one, is still nowhere near as good as Byakuya vs. Kouga. As expected. >>

And more BS retarded Moral crap. I know it's expected, but Damn. Simply damn.

LOLFAIL @ Rukia in the preview though. Dodging an attack only to trip over a step for not looking where she was going while doing so. Who writes this crap, they need to be backhanded now.


Well-Known Member
I liked the bit with Ulquiorra and Ichigo at the end. It struck me as the animation team actually apologizing for the crap they're still feeding out... not that it'll stop more crappy filler.

Also seriously, just once can a arc villain just be a bad guy, you know just be evil, no tragic past or any bullshit. Just Have a properly evil guy who doesn't need three episodes of angsty flashback to try to make him 'sympathetic.


Well-Known Member
Nope if you watch the next ep preview at the end it shows some funky tatooed bald guy attacking Rukia... They're not even trying to make these bad guys look cool anymore.


Well-Known Member
Watched first episode of new filler arc. It's segueing into it quite well; it's a reasonable conclusion to make that there were some shinigami who died to their swords.

Also, Matsumoto and Haineko were lulzy, as was Gin not getting the message about more fillers because the Arrancar were playing telephone. :p


Well-Known Member
is it me or did senbonzakura and sode no shirayuki get dumber and i am talking homer simpson level dumb


The Collector
So what's this latest filler arc about? I feel no urge to subject myself to watching it only to be brutally disappointed...again.


Well-Known Member
Well my understanding is that when Muramasa released all the zanpaktou's he didn't just release those belonging to the higher rank shinigami he released the ones that belonged to the rank and file as well. The problem is that not all of the rank and file were able to defeat their zanpaktou's and were killed by them. these spirits have access to their full power and for reason not yet explained have started attacking.


Well-Known Member
i was talking about the sword fiend arc. it is a direct sequel to the muramasa arc


Well-Known Member
Random thoughts of mine after watching episodes 255 - 257.


1. Ichigo's fight with Muramasa in 255 isn't that impressive. It really isn't. It's like the people making it realized this and didn't even bother with good background music.

2. 'Body of spirit particles could destroy Karakura'. A. Big surprise there, that's practically the goal of half the world. B. How does Zangetsu know this? Hell, where does any of his knowledge come from?

3. What exactly is Ichigo trying to do? I don't get it. Is he trying to convince Muramasa to stop fighting? Kill him before he turns into a Hollow? What?

4. Very anticlimactic ending. I've had more emotional attachment to my socks.

Well that's the Zanpakuto arc. It had an impressive opening, good music, Sode no Shirayuki, and what looked to be a chance for kido and Zaraki to shine. It ended with the Big Bad killed off pretty quickly after he appeared and the other Big Bad not even given a decent boss fight. At least it's over and we can get back to the Arran- wait what? The arc's still going on? What?


1. Our villains show up to terrify the smashing some room. Seriously that's all they do. They smash a table, stomp the ground, and generally act more like some of my college roommates than villains.

2. Why is Rukia talking to Mayuri? Byakuya is in the room, he's a captain, he's the head of their family.

3. "You're aware that Muramasa materialized the rank and file's Zanpakuto" yes of course because you mentioned it beforehand. Wait, when did they mention that?

4. Would they please explain how Shirayuki is alive? Even if Byakuya wasn't on the side of the rebel Zanpakuto that fight should have killed her. Rukia's Zanpakuto was returned to her broken!

5. At least they gave some more time to exploring Rukia's relationship with Shirayuki.


1. They're still keeping the op song with Muramasa two episodes after he died.

2. While tracking down a 'Sword Fiend' at 4:45 Hitsugaya is stopped by a train going between them. In Shinigami form.Aren't they capable of going through walls?

3. So we finally get an explanation for Shirayuki and the rest. Mayuri can bring back the dead? Is he Mad Scientist Jesus? And shouldn't they have explained this three or four episodes ago?

4. Seeing Haineko did make this episode worth it, if not the arc.


Well-Known Member
grant said:
4. Very anticlimactic ending. I've had more emotional attachment to my socks.

2. While tracking down a 'Sword Fiend' at 4:45 Hitsugaya is stopped by a train going between them. In Shinigami form.Aren't they capable of going through walls?
Never underestimate the bond between a man and his socks.

Subsequently no actually. Anything with sufficient spirtual pressure is effectively solid, albeit still invisible to normal humans, hence why they get bashed through walls and leave impact craters and claw marks and whatnot. There was one time, in the beginning, when it seemed like Rukia went through a wall, but closer inspection will note a dark void portal closing behind where she walked in, and the implication that a hell butterfly did it the page before.