New Game +


Well-Known Member
Thinking of the differences between Persona 3 and Festival, what would happen if, say, Our hero (Lets call him Minato), at the end of Persona 3, started it all over again?

He's level 99 and can access his huge list of personas, and is filthy rich. He's still a Badass Charismatic Genius. However, the world is somewhat different. People are in different places. Elizabeth suddenly wants in his pants. the shadows are far harder than before.

And most of all he doesn't want the end that happened before.

So what does he do?

I dreamed up several points to this fic because i was honestly curious about it. What about his girlfriends? Build a harem would probably be improbable. Would he confront Maya, and maybe have a date? (Like they should have

What could he do about Nyx and The End? (I haven't finished The Answer yet).

What was the mysterious voice telling him about the arcana whenever he spent time with people? What would happen if it was hearable by people around him(ok that is a bit crackish...)

Generally, I'd like to see something like this, or even similar. I guess it would be another time travel fic, but not perfectly so, right? right?


Well-Known Member
I don't care what gender you care, but I would kiss you for even thinking up an idea that uses Persona 3, even if you're not going to use it or whatever.

I still haven't done anything with The Answer yet as I'm pretty much wanting to see just what other little details that are in The Journey after all.

I suppose it could be considered as time travel, Although if it was an actual time travel thing, I'm sure that Minato could attempt to kill Ikutsuki off early (and not be known to be the culprit of said attempt) to save Mitsuru's father from his unfortunate death. Shinjiro's death as well...or at least stop from from dying from bullet wounds that is.

Course, Ikutsuki still has his uses, the bastard that he is, so he'll still be alive before the point that he betrays the group.

Then again, I can't recall if Yukari shows the others of her fathers recording as that would then lead to having Minato trying to capture and seperate instead of kill the twelve Shadows when everything 'resets', if only to stave off Nyx's coming...although I guess he'll have to think up of a way to convince the others who don't know that he did this all before about it or something.

He could also possibly stop Strega (while making sure to keep Chidori alive for Junpei) without letting the others know as well.

That does kind of mean that he might have to avoid being the leader just so that he could do those things secretly or something. Be a bit of a loose cannon in that regard.

It also makes me wonder if he would try to explain the Velvet Room to the others. He apparently never quite did in the game so you might as well try to see if he can or not. Not likely, but at least he tried.

Would he confront Maya, and maybe have a date?
I always have this thought in mind as well that Minato would ask Ms. Toriumi (Maya's character for those not in the know) for a private chat and showing his cell phone with the picture of what she wrote. Ye gods I wanted to see that happening in the game.


Well-Known Member
Hmm... my first thoughts for why he won't be selected as the leader of the group would be that he doesn't switch Persona. That ability is one of the canonical reasons why he was picked as the leader. So to write this up, when Minato is with the group, he'll have to stick with only one Persona that he'll be able to switch out later and pass it off as his Persona's evolution.

Even with New Game +, that means he's stuck with Orpheus when fighting with the others. But when he's fighting alone, and Mitsuru and Fuuka can't sense him, he can switch Personae all he likes.

Which brings another question, just how can Mitsuru and Fuuka sense you and Shadows, let alone talk to you? You need to figure that out if you're going to have Minato act alone.


Well-Known Member
Don't forget that he's the only one (besides Arihiko and Mitsuru due to canon reasons of being injured and scanning respectively) that had 'combat' experience against the shadows AND was the only one who summoned a persona (without difficultly) compared to Yukari and Junpei. That's the first reason to why he was picked to be the leader by Arihiko in the first place. Junpei also being gung-ho and too eager to make himself be some kind of hero.

Yukari...well, I think that considering in the storyline, she's likely too stressed and scared to start off as the leader.

Minato would have to pull off being more gung-ho and reckless than Junpei, not being able to have the guts to summon yet or something else to not be chosen as leader.

Heck, the only way I might see to avoid him being the leader easily is as if Arihiko didn't get badly injured in the first place. A few minor injuries here and there, but nothing that would really cause him to be unable to go to Tartarus with the others.

Even with New Game +, that means he's stuck with Orpheus when fighting with the others.
Mind that he can fuse the stronger Fool type Persona's around in the Velvet Room so it wouldn't matter too much if he's stuck with Orpheus. He's got the cash for the fusions so he might be able to do it to get a few good skills for Orpheus and have it look like he's 'improving'.

Edit: That might be a bit tricky to do as then he would have to work really hard to have Orpheus at an upped level like the others so he just has to choose REAL wisely on the skills he makes the persona inherit. Also he'll really want to collect/buy jewels just to get cards if you want to go that way as well.

Also, when Aegis comes in to play, she appears to sense persona evolutions so what's not to say that she can sense Minato having more than just one later on? That could probably could create a rift between him and the team perhaps in various forms.


Well-Known Member
Other than saying I might make this a summer project, I want to say, especially to Armed Lord, that you might want to max the Hermit S-Link in FES.

You get to see Ma-ya find out at the end. Very, very ironic.

I even already have an opening in mind. I'll just post it seperately, once I feel that it's good enough for first blushes.

Also, it'll be spoilery as hell for The Answer.


Well-Known Member
I want people to see him and Elizabeth out on dates. And Maya jealous about it.


Well-Known Member
FH_Meta said:
Other than saying I might make this a summer project, I want to say, especially to Armed Lord, that you might want to max the Hermit S-Link in FES.

You get to see Ma-ya find out at the end. Very, very ironic.

I even already have an opening in mind. I'll just post it seperately, once I feel that it's good enough for first blushes.

Also, it'll be spoilery as hell for The Answer.
I'm really starting to think that mines defective or something, I finished Hermit in FES two days ago and it was apparently the same for me. I mean, what the hell. First Helel and now this.

Maybe it is probably because I'm playing it on the PS3 for all I know.


Well-Known Member
I mean at the very end of the game.

That's where the extra content for S. Links happens.

Also, anyone willing to help me a little with choice of wording? I can't get this one bit worded a way that sounds good to me.


Well-Known Member
FH_Meta said:
God damn it! You're not supposed to tell me that! In FES I'm just two days after a punny bastard died for his crimes.

Now I'm all too pumped up to finish it NOW and not being split between computer time, gaming time and study time.

The only reason why I haven't finished The Journey yet was because of my brothers hogging the TV for "Eye of Judgement". :headbanger:

I could try helping, but I'm pretty much going to concentrate on finishing The Journey and then getting on with The Answer. Damn spoiler.


Well-Known Member
Trust me, that's not spoilers.

Spoiler would be stuff that's in The Answer.

Spoilers would be the truth behind Metis.

Spoilers would be telling you what exactly makes the extra stuff for The Hermit so ironic.

Spoilers would be me saying [Spoiler stuff removed, cause excessive evil] outright, instead of just hinting at it like the limey beer chaser to the strong lemon Everclear.

Also, managed to work what I wanted to say into the intro bit.

Mereo Flere

Well-Known Member
I'm looking forward to whatever you come up with, honestly.

More Persona fics are always good.


Well-Known Member
You are the second most evil bastard that I've come across in this forum just by saying all that just now.

And that's a good thing...especially since you're about one of the few that makes Persona fics (even if some are just basically snippets or just short) around here. Good ones too.

Now, on towards the answer I shall go!


Well-Known Member
Souffle said:
Thinking of the differences between Persona 3 and Festival, what would happen if, say, Our hero (Lets call him Minato), at the end of Persona 3, started it all over again?

He's level 99 and can access his huge list of personas, and is filthy rich. He's still a Badass Charismatic Genius. However, the world is somewhat different. People are in different places. Elizabeth suddenly wants in his pants. the shadows are far harder than before.

And most of all he doesn't want the end that happened before.

So what does he do?

I dreamed up several points to this fic because i was honestly curious about it. What about his girlfriends? Build a harem would probably be improbable. Would he confront Maya, and maybe have a date? (Like they should have

What could he do about Nyx and The End? (I haven't finished The Answer yet).

What was the mysterious voice telling him about the arcana whenever he spent time with people? What would happen if it was hearable by people around him(ok that is a bit crackish...)

Generally, I'd like to see something like this, or even similar. I guess it would be another time travel fic, but not perfectly so, right? right?
I kind of wish I'd see more game-domain stories that do this.

The only one I can think of is Mr. E's Zelda one... Lucky Number Seven or something like that.

... except then he goes on and on and really hits up the angst, and keeps going higher and higher on the "DBZ power scale" problem... and can't seem to stop.

A pity, that... since Ocarina of Time is one of those games in which you could actually see a "time loop" in-game (he gets sent back to live out the childhood he misses, but finds himself doing the whole thing over again).


Well-Known Member
I LOVED Lucky Number Seven. That was the Link/Nabooru one right? Yeah the power levels do go crazy but wow god that thing was huge and long and I couldn't get enough of it.

I'm not sure how many words it is, but I do think it's less than the fic Latias' Journey.


Well-Known Member
Souffle said:
I LOVED Lucky Number Seven. That was the Link/Nabooru one right? Yeah the power levels do go crazy but wow god that thing was huge and long and I couldn't get enough of it.

I'm not sure how many words it is, but I do think it's less than the fic Latias' Journey.
I liked it at first, but then...

* Nabooru cheats on him, for no particularly coherent reason.
* We find out that Zelda left him because of a threat that she knew he could deal with.
* The whole "Fate screws with everyone" over and over.
* Then he has some bizarre plan to toss everyone in another world to protect them.
ect ect.

It felt like he didn't have a real coherent idea of where he wanted to take it. And Link really whines a lot...

EDIT: Latias' Journey? (Ah, nevermind, found it. Meh... Pokemon. And E's one was a lot longer.)

And it's not that I have anything against long stuff; I prefer it, usually. But the appeal on that one just kept dropping, and I kept feeling less and less 'happy' as I read... because I knew that Link would somehow get screwed over.

NINJA EDIT: Oops! "Lucky Number 13", and it's almost 4 megs.


Well-Known Member
Mind if I add something to that idea? And ask some questions as well? However, spoilers warning for those who haven't finished The Journey.

Just a reminder that Minato is unknown to the others since the game starts just as he moves to the dorm. That means he can afford to do some things, since nobody from where he was staying before is here.

Like the Dark Hour. Nobody can tell when he started to experience the Dark Hour, so it can't be impossible for him to have started to experience the Dark Hour since many years ago.

Still, I think you already knew that.

Also, instead of taking care of Strega, why not using them first? Jin is the only one who has the skill and who would accept to hack Ikutsuki's computer.

Also, last reminder : He can't take out Strega too early or Junpei will never meet Chidori. And if Minato shows himself to Strega, Chidori may ask all the wrong questions about him if she see him with SEES.

My question is this : What about Death? Sealed or unsealed? With knowledge of what Minato did or not?

And about the pills Shinji took... Is there really no way to counter the lethal side-effects? I'm pretty sure that Mitsuru's father could afford to have people studying a way to take care of those side-effects, if he were to learn of the pills.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'd have to say that for a fic like this, Death would almost have to know, if not actually be responsible for the going back.

And two, no, you're not stuck with Orpheus. Just because he doesn't start with the Evoker, doesn't mean he can't switch around the personas inside him. If you go for a 'still working with SEES' route, he can have any persona he wants, really. Just make sure he upgrades to one of the same line. He'd also probably have to still be the leader at first. But Akihiko's excuse for Minato still behing leader when he rejoins the team is to 'concentrate on building his strength back up'. That's weak enough that Minato can get out of it. Especially if he purposely fails to kill off the first full moon monster.

Outside SEES? Anything goes, really. He's rich enough that he could probably rent his own place with no problems.


Well-Known Member
No offense, but I feel like I have to pick that post apart.

NeverwhereCM said:
Well, I'd have to say that for a fic like this, Death would almost have to know, if not actually be responsible for the going back.
You're overpowering Death there. Death is just Death. Power over time is not a domain of Death.

And two, no, you're not stuck with Orpheus.? Just because he doesn't start with the Evoker, doesn't mean he can't switch around the personas inside him.? If you go for a 'still working with SEES' route, he can have any persona he wants, really.? Just make sure he upgrades to one of the same line.? He'd also probably have to still be the leader at first.? But Akihiko's excuse for Minato still behing leader when he rejoins the team is to 'concentrate on building his strength back up'.? That's weak enough that Minato can get out of it.
About Orpheus, unless Minato comes up with his plan on the SPOT and right after going back to the past, he is stuck with that Persona. He has to go the Velvet Room first (which means thinking while shell shocked) to get his Personae back (which also means he needs the Velvet Key and access to his Compuimd or whatever its called).

Especially if he purposely fails to kill off the first full moon monster.
Bad End. Everyone dies. Oopsie, guess he should have killed the Priestess shadow blocking his path to the controls of the train or knocked her off the train.

Outside SEES?? Anything goes, really.? He's rich enough that he could probably rent his own place with no problems.
As for the money factor, how the bloody hells would a 16 year old suddenly have enough cash to get an apartment not paid for by his school?


Well-Known Member
As for the money factor, how the bloody hells would a 16 year old suddenly have enough cash to get an apartment not paid for by his school?
Given that you can get a New Game+ with 9,999,999 ryo without too much of a problem, it's likely not a huge issue unless it's a lot more more expensive to rent an apartment in Japan than I thought.

Edit: Also. Opening post.

He's level 99 and can access his huge list of personas, and is filthy rich. He's still a Badass Charismatic Genius. However, the world is somewhat different. People are in different places. Elizabeth suddenly wants in his pants. the shadows are far harder than before.


Well-Known Member
locke69 said:
Especially if he purposely fails to kill off the first full moon monster.
Bad End. Everyone dies. Oopsie, guess he should have killed the Priestess shadow blocking his path to the controls of the train or knocked her off the train.
I think he might have meant the first actual 'battle' that's after gaining the power of Persona and before entering Tartarus, but I agree with your statement nonetheless.

Also, considering that since this idea is stated to be that the game is in HARD mode, I'd wager that Minato would have to buy more and more health recovering items (and if you're like me, all the friggin soda cans if you ran out of snuff and chewing souls like that one time where I forgotten to click on the access point for the fourth and fifth blocks and I had to charge in against the shadows to do so in my first playthrough) each trip for the others and himself for early on at least. After all, you only get the money and equipment back, not any items like the Soma or even the basic medicine.

He does have to train the others as well after all. His stats stay, but the others are back to level 1...against monsters in hard mode mind. They do kind of have to advance a little over 250 floors after all. Think of how much stuff he would have to use to heal and recover people per floor on hard mode. Also, Social links, he apparently needs those to at least unlock his power if he messes up and has to restart all over once again,

Although if Minato wanted to restart, but didn't have any of the really high gear to be brought over as the others are wearing them, then that means that he probably didn't bring any spare high powered equipment other than the ones that he's wearing so he'd likely would have to buy over four million in weapons, shoes, armor and accessories for seven people.

I'd say that he'd be poor again early on buying the stuff until the Reaper shows up and using Helel/Lucifer and Satan to wipe his ass off the face of the planet.

Edit: Rent for a Studio is about 99,000 yen a month. It would be pretty crowded I'd think though.


Well-Known Member
Luthorne said:
As for the money factor, how the bloody hells would a 16 year old suddenly have enough cash to get an apartment not paid for by his school?
Given that you can get a New Game+ with 9,999,999 ryo without too much of a problem, it's likely not a huge issue unless it's a lot more more expensive to rent an apartment in Japan than I thought.
:headbanger: I should have phrased that better.

Prior to entering the dorm and joining SEES, the government has Minato's records. They know exactly how much he gets and etc. When he joins SEES, he becomes a member of the Kirijo Group and works for them (not the government's business to butt into how much a kid is making from his job expect for taxes and the like).

Without the immediate cover of SEES and the Kirijo Group, someone all of a sudden having that much cash on him is incredible strange and worthy of investigation.

And besides, at the dorm, Minato is fed and has a roof over his head. If he gets his own place, he has to deal with getting his own food, cooking, cleaning, maintance, and etc.


Well-Known Member
Ahhh. Yes, that makes much more sense. But yes, early on it would be hard to do much, given that you're apparently not allowed to leave your dorm at night unless you feel up to playing ninja with Mitsuru and company, especially since they have your room wired, which I don't believe you ever found out, canonically. Which could definitely be problematic if you did want to go off and play ninja, since you wouldn't know they'd know, most likely, and you'd have to bullshit something.

Still, yeah, staying in the apartment is likely for the best, unless you want to stay somewhere sleazy where regulations aren't as good. Plus, staying in the apartment not only means babes, but also free police contacts (thank you, Akihiko-senpai) which are required to get your weaponry and armor in the first place, and if you split with SEES you would probably have to go find a different source. Though taking out Ikutski, if you could get away with it, might be a good idea...but, chances are, you still need a researcher and a contact with the Kirijo Company, and coming by trustworthy ones may be difficult. Plus, while you may know all the exposition, if you start coming out with it all, unless you can make a contact with a hacker or something to give you the credentials (Jin?), they're gonna be looking at you kind of funny in regards to that. Hell, even if you DO, they'll be looking at you kind of funny.

Though, I'm not so sure why it's so important to avoid being the leader again in the first place, or to not show that you can have multiple persona...after all, they didn't seem to have much of an issue with either in the original. Or is it just the attention? I mean, you got away with going out and clubbing, karaoke at all hours, and other such stuff, so unless you're too suspicious, I'm not sure that you'd be watched all that closely. Though you would have at least some amount of freedom...but still, these are your fellow fighters that you fought through hell with to save the world (and provided you with a nice robotic lap to lay your head in, eventually)...I find it hard to believe that Minato wouldn't want to be with them. In fact, it might be difficult for him to go back to treating them as if they were strangers. :mellow:


Well-Known Member
Souffle said:
He's level 99 and can access his huge list of personas, and is filthy rich. He's still a Badass Charismatic Genius. However, the world is somewhat different. People are in different places. Elizabeth suddenly wants in his pants. the shadows are far harder than before.
Well, jesting aside, who said he was going to spend the lot of tartarusbux on such menial things like food and a house? He has persona to buy back.


Well-Known Member
I think locke and I were only talking about getting out of being the leader at first and then NeverwhereCM made the remark of Minato renting out an apartment, that lead to buying food and stuff. I blame him at start for baiting us with renting out a place. :lol:

Considering that we kind of gotten somewhat off topic a couple times already, I'd say that this topic is a success now. :sweat:

...and buying back your persona...annoying when you are forced to use low powered ones until the compendium becomes available. You just only need to buy Helel/Lucifer and Satan and lots of SP recovery items (It turns out that Helel/Lucifer doesn't have a certain HP and SP recovering after battle skill anymore at to me and its at level 94 so I probably would have to actually fusion it for said skill) and you have a one man killing machine as long as you don't get smacked by ice as Helel for one and...I forgot Satan's weakness at the moment. :sweat: