Pacific Rim

Hoki said:
Emerald Oracle said:
Plus I think the Australian wall was finished, though whether or not that was IN the movie or extra promotional stuff I don't know. Thus Australia would be working on more Mark 5-6s more than anything else I should think.
I would guess that the wall was finished a few days before Striker Eureka was decommissioned, as the media stated the wall was impenetrable, that is until a Kaiju proved otherwise. Decommissioning Striker Eureka would also imply that Australia had no more plans of making another Jaeger, as their wall is already finished, thus they thought they wouldn't need to build new Mark Vs.
While this may be so, I think that Striker Eureka's decommissioning was part of the whole Pan Pacific Defense force stopping Jaeger support rather than anything Australia did itself. They were the group that told Pentecost that Jaegers as a concept were being scrapped after all, not any particular national military or whoever. Though you may be right about Australia itself being behind it, I always inferred that Australia, as it had the most advanced/accomplished Jaeger AND a finished Wall was probably more serious or focused than many of the other Pacific nations.

This is in no way because I have Australian citizenship mind :p


Well-Known Member
Dude, Australia, you tried walling off the rabbit population. How well did that work out for you?


Well-Known Member
Ya know, the Kaijuu Masters, could go with the other side of the spectrum. Make dozens of smaller Kaijuu. About, half or a fourth the size of, say a category one. Jaegers, by design, are meant to face off against a single colossal Kaijuu. Imagine that! A horde of Mini-Kaijuu, swarming a Jaeger or bypassing the giant face-punching robot, entirely.
Packs of Runners, Flocks of flyers, Swarms of swimmers and burrowers.

Operational Mobility and unit numbers would then be the name of the game.


Well-Known Member
Scico-Jin said:
Ya know, the Kaijuu Masters, could go with the other side of the spectrum. Make dozens of smaller Kaijuu. About, half or a fourth the size of, say a category one. Jaegers, by design, are meant to face off against a single colossal Kaijuu. Imagine that! A horde of Mini-Kaijuu, swarming a Jaeger or bypassing the giant face-punching robot, entirely.
Packs of Runners, Flocks of flyers, Swarms of swimmers and burrowers.

Operational Mobility and unit numbers would then be the name of the game.
That'll lead to Megazord-Jaegers.


Well-Known Member
If they were that small, conventional weaponry would be much more effective.


Well-Known Member
ragnarok1337 said:
If they were that small, conventional weaponry would be much more effective.
Yes, but not to a great extent. A Mini-Kaijuu gets near them. They're dead. The same goes for jet fighters, since a jets most effective weapon, is heat seeking/guided missiles. :(

Factor in Kaijuu Blue.....conventional weapons, while more effective, from a damage perspective. Would end up causing, Many environmental disasters, across the country.

shinzero1 said:
That'll lead to Megazord-Jaegers.
Why stop there! Robotech-Jaegers!



Well-Known Member
Watched this movie today. It was exactly as I expected: Awesome.
The fights were great and the plot was good. My only issue with it were some parts about the portal but everything else was great.

The best part: I didn't even have to pay for the ticket, as the boyfriend of my sister paid, in order to repay a debt that he owed me.:)

I'll buy the DVD when it comes out.^_^


Well-Known Member
Herdo said:
Watched this movie today. It was exactly as I expected: Awesome.
The fights were great and the plot was good. My only issue with it were some parts about the portal but everything else was great.

The best part: I didn't even have to pay for the ticket, as the boyfriend of my sister paid, in order to repay a debt that he owed me.:)

I'll buy the DVD when it comes out.^_^

Go see it again and pay for the ticket.
In Imax 3D.

I'm pretty sure the sequel is confirmed by now... but it can't hurt to throw more money at it.


Well-Known Member
So, would it make sense for Pacific Rim to lead to Gunbuster which leads to Diebuster and ends with Gurren Lagann?