Sailor Moon: Author Possession Challenge!


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I apparently do remember how to make both decent scrambled eggs and obscenely strong coffee.

This fills me with some amount of joy, as only one part of my memories indicates any proficiency in that direction. In turn, I take that to mean that particular part of my memories is not some form of fevered dream.

It's always good to reaffirm one's standing with the world, even if it's a standing somewhat akin to that of a tightrope walker in a hurricane.

I forcibly stop myself from even thinking about humming the relevant Scorpions' song.

Meanwhile, my companion is quietly trying not to freak out.

"Just because sleeping with a guy wasn't bad enough," I hear her mutter into her coffee. "I had to go and sleep with one who just broke out of an insane asylum."

I raise an eyebrow, pouring myself another mug.

Yes, she actually had honest to goodness mugs. Large ones.

"You don't expect me to just believe that bit about being a henchman for an evil empire bent on world domination, do you? That's pretty far fetched."

"You have monsters pretending to be yakuza, with their existence more of a certainty than mere urban legend ... the monsters, not the yakuza. People breaking out into random song and dance numbers in the streets, _and_ ..." I point a finger at the nearby TV. I -miss- flatscreen, dammit. "Those."

I should have expected to see them sooner or later, I know this. I've known this since seeing this myself in the mirror. I've definitely known once she introduced herself, and boy, was I glad she couldn't just mana-ball my sorry ass out of the window quite yet.

Operative word being yet.

Still, now I was seeing, albeit on TV, on actual _news_, images of Sailor Senshi.

... when did my life become some weird Bet spinoff?

"Do I need to set your couch on fire or something?"

She glares at me. "Try it, buddy. Just _try_ it."

"You're lucky I'm trying out this whole 'conscience' thing."

It falls a little flat, since I'm feeling a little too mellow still to properly intimidate even a bag of kittens.

Also, her robe falls open a little every time she leans over the table.

Good times.

Still, what're the chances of this actually happening? Astronomical. I wonder for a moment if it's plot contrivance, or if this is just one of those places where million-to-1 odds are a virtual certainty of success.

I just got done giving the cliff-notes explanation of who I'm supposed to be - not really lying, other than by omission, which is the best kind of lie really.

"So, let me see if I have this right. You expect me to buy that you're what's left of the spirit of a long-corrupted ancient general of Earth. And the people who did the corrupting are planning a comeback."

"Essentially," I nod. "I'm not really expecting you to believe much of anything at this point. I just figured I owed you for nearly torching your kitchen."

"Oh, and not for pretending you were a girl just so you could get into my pants?"

"Pretend, nothing. You just jumped from confusion to conclusion ... then there was that dance number," I frown.

"What's up with those anyway? Or is it something your ... people ... are doing."

I think for a moment.

No, not really. It sounds very, very vaguely familiar, but nothing I know, and nothing what's left of Zoisite knows, even suggests something like that being used by Beryl and her ilk.

"Almost certain it's not, and if it is, I have no idea who or how," I shrug, and finish my coffee. "Maybe it's the local talent doing it, somehow."

"Well, whoever is doing it, I'd like to give them a piece of my mind."

"And your knee, and your elbow, and various other parts of the anatomy used to win friends and influence people. Dishes?"

Yes, I change the topic. So sue me.

"Janken you for it?"

After three ties - rock, rock, paper, if you're interested - we decide to just split it. Not that there's terribly much to split.


And the sound of a plate breaking fills the air even.

I look at Haruka, who is holding two pieces of china, with several more now down in the sink, and see her glaring at the televison set.

I look at the television set, still showing live news footage covering the Musical Disease, and see ...

... oh my.

"My. _Car_."

A yellow convertible standing in the parking lot next to a bar I faintly recall from sometime last evening, rocking to and fro, with the top down and two pairs of legs visible over the sides.

Morbidly curious, I turn up the sound of the broadcast, and hear what I imagine is a fairly good rendition of Nickelback's 'Animals'.

It occurs to me that, yes, we were so three-sheets-to-the-wind and tripping out on runaway musical that we must have taken a taxi here ... but this isn't really relevant at the moment. What's relevant is Haruka forgoing all sense of modesty as she drops the remains of the plate into the sink, collects the closest articles of clothing, and proceeds to dress in record time.


Then she's dragging me out the door, and it's only chance that I manage to snag 'my' jacket on the way. Wouldn't do to leave without all my worldly possessions, I guess, which at the moment consist of what I'm wearing and the three wallets I'd taken off the yakuza youma corpses a while back.

Wait, no, two wallets.

What did I do with the third one again?


Well-Known Member
We somehow managed to arrive to the club in one piece. As soon as I was in front, I told Eudial to wait in the car while I went on alone. Of course, being the genius that she is, she went to the back to rummage for something to help me in my rescue mission.

The result: a make-shift grenade out of soda pop and some explosive fizzle candy mix or something.

Ah, such a good assistant. "Professor, please be careful."

"We'll be back. Our work has barely even begun so we can't let someone like him throw a monkey wrench into our plans." I think I got the creepy tone of Dr. Tomoe down as a cool smirk of approval was on Eudial's face.

"Of course."

I entered the club as instructed on the slip and called out for the demon's attention. "I'm here as you want! Let Hotaru-chan go!"


Quick set up...
"Doctor," came a voice from the stage. "So good of you to join us."

He stepped out into a spotlight, smiling almost congenially, though it still held the edge of a predator. Hotaru was at his side, looking pleadingly at her father.

"Oto-san!" She cried.

"Now now, Hotaru-chan, no need to cry," the Demon spoke, grin widening. "Your father is welcome here any time... Provided his assistants are not involved."

The way he spoke, the insinuations in his voice and eyes... He knew about the Witch's 5, that was the only explanation.


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'He knows!' I managed to keep a cool face on before speaking again. "What do you want?"

"Oh, it's just a little task, I assure you. Once completed, I will release your daughter back into your custody," replied the demon smoothly as he kept a firm grip on the smaller girl.

"And what task would that be?" I had a queasy feeling about this.

"Those... experiments you're running are ruining my groove if you get what I mean. I want them stopped, the lab equipment destroyed and your project team disbanded."

I wasn't sure how the hell I was supposed to go about doing this as this would severely disrupt the Sailor Moon canon story as far as I knew. Goddamn, where was Pluto when you need her? "I can't do that... my project sponsor has already fulfilled their part of the contract and if I don't deliver-"

Lord knows what would happen if Dr. Tomoe failed to summon Pharaoh 90 in time. Would Mistress 9 immediately take his life along with the life of Hotaru's?

"Hmph... as I expected. Just how many times have you chosen your project over Hotaru, hm? I guess you really don't cherish her," said the demon in a cold tone.

"You're wrong!! She's... she's everything to me!!" I don't know if it was me or the real Dr. Tomoe talking but either way, I needed to go back and work on a rescue plan with my group. "...... I'll go back and destroy the project data. Just don't hurt her."

"Do not worry, my dear doctor. She will be safe in my care."

"Otou-san..." Hotaru was highly emotional at this point, a natural result of the banter between the demon and I.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry, sweetie. I'll come back for you, I promise."


"Oh, by the way doctor?" I looked up to see the demon's grinning face again. "You have 24 hours. Any later... and I guarantee that you will not be seeing her again."

"......" It took all of my self-control not to run up there and punch that smug bastard. Instead, I calmly stepped back and walked out of the club to meet Eudial outside.


"Patch me through to the lab. We have a rescue operation to plan." I wonder if the Daimons were ready to go at this point. Either way, we had a lot of work to do and time was against us.


Well-Known Member
I'm having way too much fun with this. ^^

The scenery zips past frighteningly quickly anyway, and neither of us is breaking into song, which is good.

I try, with as much determination as I can muster, to not hum Dogfight.

I'm not sure Tokyo could survive Ten'ou Haruka high on the Initial D theme.

For that matter, I'm not sure Ten'ou Haruka could survive Ten'ou Haruka high on the Initial D theme. And I care about this not because I'm a gentle, compassionate soul ... because, let's face it, I'm really not, but because I'm in the car with her.

A shiny blue Ferrari Testarossa screams through afternoon Tokyo traffic, with me in the shotgun seat, and a pissed off racecar driver at the wheel.

... this is actually kind of fun, I think to myself as she puts the car through its paces, demonstrating just why god invented seatbelts as she almost literally throws it around corners.

Aaaand we stop.

That really doesn't do it justice, and does nothing to descibe the squealing tires and tracks of rubber, but there you go.

I spend a moment sitting there, maybe thinking, maybe saying my thanks that we didn't get into an accident.

Or maybe I'm just waiting for Haruka to get out so I can stare at her ass as she does so.

I flick the latches on the seatbelt - more like a safety harness - and step out myself.

Look around.

There's the bar.

There's the parking lot.

There's Haruka glaring, and following the direction she's looking at I see the car.

"Yes I'm Siskel, yes I'm Ebert and you're getting two thumbs up."

The yellow convertible coupe is _still_ rocking.

Surrounded by a crowd of gawkers, some actually snapping photos with old fashioned cameras.

Old fashioned?

Well, of course, I keep expecting cellphone cameras and digital camcorders.

Then I remember it's 1992.

"You've had enough of two-hand touch you want it rough you're out of bounds."

As I actually pay attention this time, I can definitely feel something in the air. It feels almost electric. I'd say it smells like ozone, except it doesn't.

"I want you smothered want you covered like my Waffle House hashbrowns."

Before I can fully pin the feeling down, and maybe try and get a sense for it, Haruka breaks my concentration.

"Get the hell out of my car, you assholes!"

She goes charging towards the convertible.

I wait the obligatory several seconds before following at a more casual pace.

She's wearing a button-down shirt made of some kind of canvas-like material, tight whitewashed jeans, and sneakers ...

In case I have not said it before, and merely implied it, I will now state clearly and for the record.

Epic ass.

Meanwhile, two moaning voices don't seem to notice any sort of interruption as they keep presenting to the onlookers their ... rendition ... of The Bloodhound Gang's 'Bad Touch'.

"We may need to get a firehose."

I say this after elbowing my way through the gawkers. Haruka glares back at me.

Well, maybe not strictly speaking. She's been glaring at anyone and anything in sight ever since she saw this happening on TV.

"And do what, finish ruining the upholstery?"

"I hate to say it," and I really do. I don't even need to listen very hard to hear the squelching noises. Judging by how Haruka's facial muscles twitch in time with those, she doesn't either. "But is sounds as though it's as ruined as it's going to get."

"Just ... oh, for the love of ... I'll grab the legs on the left, you grab the legs on the right, and we pull them out on three," she rolls up her sleeves and stalks up to the rocking car.

I try to stop myself. Really, I do.



"Is that one, two, and pull on three, or one, two, three, then pull?"

"Just grab the damn legs already!"

"Alright, alright ... what?" I notice her grimace and close her eyes as she grabs her assigned pair of ankles.

"My hands are wet," she growls.


Oh well, you only die twice.

"One, two, _three_!"


Well-Known Member
Bad Soul bad, a man should know better then to cock-block another man. Especially if the cock is already in play.
We were traveling at a fairly fast pace (still needed to find the time to clock us), leaping over rooftops and making our way across town like ninjas in Naruto. Sailing through the air with ease. Tsuruko practically looked as though she was flying.

"Any luck, Mercury?" I called out to the blunette leaping next to me. She grimaced, and held up a hand. We all stopped, landing on the roof of an office building.

"The signature just keeps getting lost in the background noise of all the other energy being produced," Mercury complained. "It's harder to get a lock onto a specific point..."

I noticed something out of the corner of my eye, and promptly grabbed Ami's shoulders, turning her towards it. Her pretty eyes widened behind her visor.

"W-Wow... Huge readings from over there... By the water funnels..."

"Well... Um... Easy to notice when you've stopped," I explained with a shrug. I turned to rest of the Senshi and Tsuruko, and grinned.

"Shall we ladies?"


Well-Known Member
I'm with VS on this one.
When they're doing it in public, in your car, all you can do is pull them out, and punch them for not having enough common sense to do it somewhere else..


Well-Known Member
Damn I actually feel sorry for this added boss. As much as some of the Witches Five were jealous of Hotaru, they were still a frightening force to face together compared to Beryl forces. This youma might have just pissed on the electric fence.

And now onto my part...

"Artemis, what's wrong?" Minako asked when she woke up the next morning to find me pouring over data on the lunar computer Artemis had with him for some reason.

Granted the internet in this day and age was only useful to a handful of computer geeks that could type out mind-numbing volumes of code, but I still had partial access to the archives from the Silver Millenium to research, in addition to whatever I could dig up from the local libraries one they opened.

"Hmm?" I asked, distracted, as I kept my eyes on my screen.

"You look like you didn't sleep all night. What's the matter?" Mina asked with a worried look in her eyes.

Thankfully, it was Saturday and school was out. That made what I was going to ask a little easier to deal with. "Minako-chan I want you to stay in today. And if you go anywhere, I'm going with you," I replied.

"Huh? What are you talking about?" the blonde girl asked her concern only deepening.

I sighed before turning a bit to look at her and responding, "Last night I went to check out that Dark Syndicate base you found to follow up on things." I help up my paw as I saw her getting ready to protest. "I know I lectured you for doing the same thing. But it's a lot easier for me to hide or run away from a full grown human than it is you. You can'y wrigge through the gap between a fence and a wall in an alley, or pass yourself off as a cat looking for scraps," I added.

Once I saw her calm down I continued.

"Now, as I was saying, I checked out the Dark Syndicate hideout last night. They're looking for a very powerful and ancient artifact called Excalibur, but that's not what has me worried-" I stated, only to get cut off.

"That's doesn't worry you? We can't let the Dark Sybdicate get some kind of powerful tool, Artemis. We need to mount out and roll over," Minako hotly declared.

"Mount up and roll out," I corrected automatically before sighing and looking my charge in the eye. "Excalibur is powerful in it's own right, Minako, but as near as I can figure it, the only people abe to use it would be magically-inclined Earth royalty. That pretty much narrows it to Endymion's reincarnation and Beryl herself, who is not exactly the sword-fighting type. But what worries me is the leader was talking about you."

Minako looked confused as she asked, "Me? I mean I know I've been kicking their boats-"

"Butts," I corrected.

"-but what could they say about me that has you so worried?" Minako asked as if I hadn't said a thing.

I was silent for a few ense secindes as I decided what I should tell her. Finally, I decided that she deserved the truth about this. With her duties, she deserved better than to have something like a hit out on her hidden from her. "Because their leader, who is clearly a local crime lord on top of the power Beryl gave him, wants you dead. He very clearly told his men that he wanted either the sword or your head in his hand the next time he saw then. Preferably both," I replied even as I felt my face contort into a scowl as I remembered the man's words.

As Mina sat down in shock at my revelation and I hopped into her lap to offer the comfort ony a small furry animal could offer a human, I could't help but wonder if there were any magick or technology-based advanced weapons from the Moon Kingdown like I had seen in fanfics back home. Because if there were, I could really go for doing one of those stupid backflips Luna did to pull Sailor Scout items out of her ass to summon one. This guy had to die, but I know Mina didn't have it in her to kill a human being like that.

I wonder if I should try to find Setsuna's number and call out for Haruka's help ahead of her caninical appearance?
This next part written between myself, DavidAbramczyk, Drakensis, and The-EroSennin. It is told from The-EroSennin's POV because I'm too lazy to go through and change all the pronouns.

- - - - - - - - -

It wasn't hard to figure out who was causing those water funnels to rise. Her slim form was easily recognizable on the rooftops above, as was the form of her target.

"YOUMA BITCH!" I roared as I unleash a blast from the Burning Mandala straight for her.

Titus, caught by surprise, was blasted right off the roof by the attack and slammed through a window into another office building.

"Jupiter, hit her fast!" Usagi shouted, moving forward and pulling off her tiara.

"SUPREME THUNDER!" Jupiter bellowed in response, lightening blasting into the office and shattering even more windows.

Unfortunately, it soon became clear Titus hadn't bit the dust, as a virtual wall of water rose up, blasting from the pipes of the building to wash over us.

"WATER-CLEAVING SWORD!" Tsuruko's strike came down on the wall of water, parting it as I followed up the attack, leaping from her shoulder and hurling another Burning Mandala straight into the hole in the wall where Titus lay.


"MOON TIARA MAGIC!" Usagi bellowed, sending her glowing tiara out to combine with my Burning Mandala. The combination strike blasted into Titus, vaporizing the youma into a large cloud of steam.

"Haha, that roasted the bitch!" It was good to see a plan come together, especially so quick...too quickly. God damn it, was she still alive? I couldn't feel the dispersal of evil energies like when I was slaughtering youma before.

Ami spoke up quickly behind us. "She's still alive... She's running that way!" She pointed down the street, and sure enough, the youma bitch could be seen jumping from roof to roof away from us.

"Oh no, you're not getting off that easy. Jupiter, think you can hit her from here?" I ran ahead even as I called to the other Senshi. Cutting her off before she got away or worse, regrouped her strength, was imperative.

"I'll give it a shot! SUPREME THUNDER!" She bellowed, launching another blast of lightening across at least three blocks. Titus, unfortunately, managed to dodge the blast at the last second.

Jupiter did manage to blow apart an AC unit, but the rather impressive explosion didn't make up for Titus still breathing.

"Damnit!" Usagi cursed. She looked around. "Anyone see Tuxedo Mask?"

No sign of him, but the explosion had done something else, and slowed Titus down enough for me to catch up. Up the wall so fast my heels left scorch marks in the wall, I flipped up and over and came down on Titus, hurling several scrolls in her path to create a barrier of purifying energy.

She quickly ducked to her side, and leaped off the building, diving like a falcon right for the ground. Titus hit the pavement, turning into liquid and promptly flowing down a gutter.

"Gah! Stupid bitch!" Usagi growled as she skidded to a halt next to me, glaring down at the street.

"Damn, she's a quick one." I dusted my hands and then looked towards where we were supposed to go. "Who cares, she's not who we're after anyway."

Ami, Makoto, Tsuruko and Luna caught up at this point, Ami quickly typing on her computer.

"No... But I think she's lead us to him," she said quietly. She pointed down at what looked like an old theatre, which was boarded up and closed down.

"Tch, it figures." Really, a theater? At least it wasn't some open air place where the whole town could come and see.

"Well, it is a musical demon, what'd you expect?" Usagi asked.

I looked over and smirked. "Class."

Usagi smirked back. "Nice."

"Hmmm," Tsuruko hummed. "It feels wrong... Like a trap."

"We wouldn't have been able to find it so easily if he were not expecting us." I noted.

"So, we're going in? Even though it's a trap?" Makoto asked.

"Yeah, pretty much," Usagi said with a shrug.

"Just barging right in?!" Luna demanded.

"Well... It is the fastest way," Usagi suggested with a wink.

"May I offer a different approach?" Tsuruko asked as she held up a hand.

I looked over to her, as did the other Senshi. There was a knowing look to the woman's face, like she was well aware of situations like these. "Let us not satisfy his desire. Ergo, don't stroke his ego by going in guns blazing. We should turn his ambush to our favor."

"How?" Ami asked. "The moment we enter, he might be able to make us dance ourselves to death."

"Well the first thing we'll need, is an entrance that, as the Americans say, 'Blow the roof off the joint'," Tsuruko said.

"... Ohhh... You mean, we need our own music," Usagi said with a smile. "Of course! But uh..." She looked around. "I don't think we brought a stereo along..."

"Oh... But we did, Sailor Moon," Luna said, looking intently at Sailor Moon. She blinked at the cat, and looked around at the whole group.

"... What's everyone staring... At..." She raised a hand to her barettes, and blinked again. "Oh."

"Ami adjusted the length of my skirt with her computer," Jupiter said. "Could you play music through Moon's barrettes with it?"

"Well, it's possible," Ami said, quickly looking through her computer. Sailor Moon's barettes made a tone, and she jumped.

"Holy crap," she muttered. She tapped her barettes. "This is just weird..."

"Huh... My computer's showing a lot of songs in it's memory... I didn't load any though," Mercury reported. I could see the song listings over her shoulder, and one caught my eye.

"Oh!" I leaned over, purposefully pushing this body's breasts against her back as I pointed at a particular song. "That one, THAT ONE!"

I had no idea how that song was on Mercury's computer. To be honest, I didn't care.

"That will be our weapon."

Usagi, Makoto, Luna and Tsuruko all crowded around and behind me to see the song. Usagi and Makoto both stared in disbelief.

"It's no Trombe!, but it will get the job done just right. Especially if we use the more energetic first version and not this 'Libera Me' version. Trust me."

"It's not exactly Top of the Pops," Jupiter said drily. "Okay, go with it. Better a decent song now than a perfect one next week."

I pumped my fist in anticipation. "Hell yeah! Alright fearless leader, you give the order, and we'll go in guns blazing!"

There was a loud, damp squelch, and a swimming pool disguised as Tuxedo Kamen landed beside them. He spat out a mouthful of water into the gutter. "Eugh! I really need to learn how to swim properly."

"Tuxedo Kamen!" Usagi cried, running over to him. She rested a hand on his shoulder. "You okay?"

"Once I change out of these damp clothes. I might catch a cold otherwise" he replied. "Look, we don't have much time, but I've just found out a few things about our erstwhile foe, and I was looking for you."

"Somehow I don't think the crawl is helpful in a swirling vortex suspended high in the air, but whatever helps you sleep." Tsuruko noted. "What have you learned, stranger?"

Oh jeez, the soul within me is fangirling like crazy now with mask-boy and to be perfectly honest the effect is going to me too. I've been interfacing a bit too much with this body, if you get what I mean. Thankfully I'm still leaning nice and flush against Ami.

"All right, first off, he's a demon by the name of Talon, and he's a cut above the regular supervillan. I'd almost call him a Vetinari. His Lieutenant is a youma named Titus, one of Jadeite's former minions. I had the misfortune of running into her just now. And last but far from least, he's got a hostage."

"Who?" Usagi asked.

"Hotaru Tomoe."

Son of a bitch, there was suddenly a weight on my shoulders and it wasn't Makoto's rack pressing into them. As I looked to the others, I realized that this situation was far, far more dangerous than it had earlier been believed.

"I will worry about the hostage." Tsuruko volunteered.

"Tsuruko," Usagi began, but trailed off. She looked awkward, unsure of how much to say I bet.

"Just don't kill her, you understand me, onee-sama?" I said instead, aiming to dispel the tension swiftly.

Tsuruko nodded. "Of course. If the youma wishes to use her as a shield, God's Cry will wash over her unharmed and demolish it without mercy."

Usagi nodded slowly. Clearly, she knew that we didn't exactly have much choice.

"Has he demonstrated any powers aside from the musical syndrome?" Usagi asked, looking at Tuxedo Kamen. She stood up straight, in full leadership mode.

"Not that I have seen, I'm afraid." He said.

"Well, at least we can counter one of his abilities... Probably his strongest, given he can use it to affect an entire city," Ami said.

"And if he has anymore," I said, "We blitz him into the dirt before he can use any of them."

"Well... That's it," Usagi said. She looked a little nervous around the eyes, but otherwise, she was determined to see this through. She turned and looked at all of us.

"Okay... This is a trap. But we know it's a trap, and we know how to turn it back on this guy. So let's kick this guy's ass, and save the world!"

"YEAH!" Went up the chorus of Senshi, Kamen, Miko, and feline.

Tuxedo Kamen nodded. "Well, if you'll excuse me, I need to go change into some warm and dry clothes..."

"I won't be much good to anyone if I catch a cold."

Seeing Sailor Moon's look caused him to swiftly change his mind. "On the other Hand..."

Usagi smiled, and looked at the building. "Tsuruko, Kamen! Sneak into the building however you can to be unseen. Everyone else? Let's make some noise!"

- - - - - - -


Well-Known Member
This is Part One:

The Demon raised one hand commandingly and silence fell across the huge room. He smirked mimed cocking a gun, pointing his finger at the double doors all the way across the dance floor from him. "Showtime."

The band struck up a tune and on cue the doors were ripped from their hinges by a ball of fire and were flung, smoking, across the floor. When the dust settled, Sailor Moon was making her entrance. The Demon caught a wide-eyed Hotaru by the elbow and pulled her into a ballroom-style dance. "Fly me to the moon," he crooned. "Let me sing among the stars. Let me see what spring is like -" Sailor Jupiter and Sailor Mars followed Sailor Moon it, spreading out on her flanks as they advanced down the sloping dance floor towards him. "- on Jupiter and Mars."

Hotaru felt her own lips part and helplessly she heard herself sing: "In other words, hold my hand." (And he did). "In other words, baby kiss me." (And so the demon did, the back of her hand, fortunately. She might only be a little girl, but she knew she didn't want her first real kiss to be from the Demon who had kidnapped her.)

Three youma appeared out of nowhere, each in mid-air above one of the Senshi, balls of fire forming in their hands. With a crash of thunder, three massive bolts lightning smashed through the ceiling and vaporised all three before terminating in a lightning rod that rose from Sailor Jupiter's tiara. She let the lightning crackle for a moment and then raised her hand, letting fly with a bolt that obliterated more of the roof, dropping fragments all over the band, who kept playing regardless.

A ball of fire from Sailor Mars engulfed the band, but they played on, unaffected. She scowled and lobbed another fiery attack at the doorway behind her through which more youma were trying to enter. Said youma retreated, on fire or in pieces, on ballistic arcs.

"Fill my heart with song, let me sing from ever more," the Demon sang as they danced gracefully across the stage, apparently unconcerned. "You are all I long for, all I worship and adore." Hotaru would have felt more flattered by the sentiment if the way his eyes locked with hers hadn't been so possessive. If she couldn't still hear her father shouting her name as she had been carried away from him.

She fought against the next line trying to force its way out from between her lips. She could practically feel his will bearing down upon he, forcing the words ou-

Ka-ching! The Demon released her in surprise, a red rose zipping between the two of them to embed itself. In the floor. "You're a lolicon, Talon," accused a battered looking Tuxedo Mask from where posed, standing on the only chandelier that still hung from the ceiling, one hand holding the chain that hung from it, the other still extended from the throw.

Hotaru sang out then, not the words that the Demon was trying to force her to say, her own words. Her own song: Grant them eternal rest, Lord." Everyone froze for a moment at her sudden change of tune. "Free me, Lord, from eternal death. On that terrible day, on the day the heavens and earth will be moved, when you will come to judge the age by fire."

The Demon - Talon, Tuxedo Mask had called him - muttered a vulgarity and reached out to snare her again. Hotaru tried to pull away, but he was too strong. He couldn't keep her from singing though. "I dread and tremble for the scattering to come and your wrath."

A grin crossed Sailor Moon's face and she cut in with a melodic chant: "Do the impossible, see the invisible."

"Raw! Raw! Fight the Power!" chimed in Sailor Mars and Sailor Jupiter.

"Touch the untouchable, break the unbreakable," the leader of the senshi sang as she morphed her tiara into a sword and leapt forwards towards Talon.

"Raw! Raw! Fight the Power!" the other two Senshi chorused as fire and lightning smashed again at the barrier that was now visible, protecting both the band and Talon from their wrath.

Although still trapped behind the barrier, Hotaru continued to sing defiantly: "That day, the day of wrath, of calamity and wretchedness, that day, that terrible day. And intense bitterness, and intense bitterness. Grant them eternal rest, Lord!"

A second rose darted down towards the arm that was holding Hotaru against Talon, but the Demon swatted it aside. "Titus!" he bellowed. "Get rid of that pest!"

Water began to form into towering waterspouts, reaching from taps and water pipes up towards Tuxedo Mask, who stepped back off the chandelier and dropped straight down to avoid one, catching the light with one hand and swinging past another before letting go to land neatly by the door. "Keep the faith, Sailor Scouts," he called. "And I'll keep this one busy." Then he darted out of the room, the water, either a youma or under the control of one, giving chase.

Talon glared after him before a torrent of electricity lashed out towards him, stopped only inches away by the barrier. He leered at the Sailor Scouts. "Give it a rest, Palpatine-chan," he said in sneering voice to Sailor Jupiter. "I've been gathering energy from Tokyo for days to power this barrier. You can't face me except on my terms, Sailor Moon," he bragged, turning his head to her. "So why don't you bring in Sailor Mercury and we can get down to business."

"Power to the peeps," Sailor Jupiter asserted, glaring at Talon with fists clenched near her hips. "Power for the dream."

Sailor Mars nodded, turning to survey the battered room. The fires from the nightclub's bar, which had clearly stocked expensive and flamable beverages, were backlighting the band, making them look even more sinister. "Let's get out of here babe, that's the way to survive. Top of the head, I'm on the set, do the impossible, don't you wanna bet?"

Sailor Moon shook her head, odangos flicking back and forth like whips. "What you gonna do is what you wanna do."

"Raw! Raw! Fight the power!" sang Sailor Jupiter.

"Just break the rule, then you see the truth."

Sailor Mars grimaced and then leapt up onto the DJ's platform - vacant since Talon was holding Hotaru near the band - from which she could cover the whole room and echoed: "Raw! Raw! Fight the power!"

"This is the Sailor Scouts coming through baby!" Sailor Moon sang reassuringly to Hotaru.

"Raw! Raw! Fight the power!" Sailor Mercury chanted as she dropped through one of the ragged holes torn in the ceiling to take a postion behind Mars. Music spilled from her Mercury computer, and from Sailor Moon's barettes.

"I guess it's time to get serious," Talon said, his tone triumphant. He snapped his fingers in the direction of his band and they struck up a new song, drowning out that from the Mercury Computer. "But all the nations came together in fear of the thought of the end. No more would we fight in the streets. No courage had we to defend. When the walls came tumbling down! When the walls came -"

With a grinding thunder the walls of the nightclub came part, crumbling away in an avalanche of stone and dust. Sections of ceiling crashed down between the singers and only his barrier kept Talon, his band and his captive from being crushed. The four senshi had to duck, dodge and run to avoid being pancaked. When the dust settled, they were ranged across a mound of debris that had once been half of the building, while Talon stood in a depression formed when his shield bounced away or destroyed the falling rubble.

The demon coughed. "Not quite what I had in mind," he admitted, shooting an irritated look at the band. "Now if you gentlemen would remember the plan, hmm?"

"What good is melody? What good is music? If it ain't possessing something sweet?" he sang and from the satisfied expression on his face, the band had got it right this time. "Now it ain't the melody. And it ain't the music. Theres something else that makes this tune complete, YES!" He swept Hotaru around in his arms. "It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing! Well it don't mean a thing, all you got to do is sing!"

The four senshi looked at each other. "He's challenging us to a dance off?" Sailor Jupiter asked incredulously.


Well-Known Member
The four senshi looked at each other. "He's challenging us to a dance off?" Sailor Jupiter asked incredulously.
The only thing that could make this more amusing would be if none of them could dance so w/e they do comes out looking like that one episode of South Park.


Well-Known Member
violetshadows said:
The four senshi looked at each other. "He's challenging us to a dance off?" Sailor Jupiter asked incredulously.
The only thing that could make this more amusing would be if none of them could dance so w/e they do comes out looking like that one episode of South Park.
No, Rei doing the stripping Snoppy dance mentioned in the rules thread,.... but then we would have to go to the lemon section after which we would have to bleach our minds when we realize its ero doing the stripping in Reis body........ :sick2:


Well-Known Member
See this is why I went with Artemis instead of a Scout. There isn't much of a story with a Scout looking at a mirror while naked and playing with "her" new boobs.


Well-Known Member
"It makes no difference if it's sweet or hot. Just give that rhythm ev-ry-thing you got YES! It don't mean a thing if it aint got that swing!"

"Okay," Sailor Moon nodded. "We can do this."

"Shouldn't be too much trouble to come up with a better song than that," Sailor Mars quipped, jerking a thumb in the dancing demon's direction.

"I said it don't mean a thing and all you got to do is sing!" Talon sang, a hint of anger in his voice. "Now it makes no difference if it's sweet or hot. Just give that rhythm ev-ry-thing you got OHH... It don't mean a thing girl, if it ain't got-a-that-a-swinga."

There was an awkward silence between the senshi.

"Something?" Mars asked hopefully. "Anything?"

Sailor Moon frowned. "A song for several heroines..." She snapped her fingers. "Of course. Bubblegum Crisis!"

"I know just the one," Sailor Jupiter declared and caught hold of Sailor Mercury by the elbow, whispering urgently into her ear.

Talon gave a final twirl, leaning Hotaru back until she was almost parallel to the ground for a moment before recovering his stance. "Show me," he told the senshi challenging.

A triumphant drum beat echoed from the Mercury Comptuer and then the sound of a piano could be heard around the four senshi, their opponent, and by everyone involved in the battle.

"The searchlights play over the cornered angels. Something is wrong; everyone writhes in the grip of nightmares," sang Sailor Jupiter. As if on cue, police spotlights from a distant police helicopter illuminated the four girls as they danced.

The senshi's leader took up the song, "I don't want to believe that. I was born to fight, though it would be so easy to say that it's too late."

Talon threw back his head and laughed! He laughed at them!

And then he waved his free hand like a conductor and the band of youma joined in, trying to drown out the 80s rock being provided by Sailor Mercury.

"I can't get no - satisfaction," he sang as if confiding in Hotaru. "I can't get no - satisfaction. 'Cause I try', and I try. Yes I try, I try. I can't get no satisfaction!"

The eyes of Sailor Mars were practically ablaze as she demanded: "Don't hide your eyes from the bitter facts spreading before you. Turn them into courage... Blow up! Blow up!" How dare he treat them lightly! "Never say give up, never again. Pierce through the storm. Never say give up, never again. Start running to tomorrow."

"When I'm cruisin' in my car; and the man comes on the radio; he's tellin' me more and more about some useless information; supposed to fire my imagination. And I can 't get no - satisfaction. Oh, no, no, no. Hey, hey, hev. Ooh baby," the Demon sang, whirling Hotaru around in his arms. "Tell me what I say."

"So long as you keep believing in the power of loving, you will achieve your victory, yours alone," Sailor Moon sang to Hotaru. The unwitting Senshi of Saturn was inside Talon's barrier, which could be the opening that they needed. "In the sunlight children dream so innocently. What will shine on their pure eyes tomorrow?"

Talon shook his head dismissively, but Hotaru thought that he was actually enjoying this. "Oh well when I'm watching my TV and this man comes on and tells me what drink would be good for me. But he can't be a man, cause' he doesn't smoke the same cigars as me," the demon sang.

"Don't close your heart now!" shouted Sailor Jupiter. "Just holding your knees and trembling won't accomplish anything... Blow up! Blow up!" The distant spotlights focused on her, casting the other Senshi into shadow. "Never say give up, never again! Overcome your sadness. Never say give up, never again! You will fly once more."

The music from the youma band was beginning to fade in comparison to what the Mercury computer was putting out from Sailor Moon's barretes. Talon didn't seem to be fazed however: "When I'm ridin' round the world; And I'm doin' this and I'm signin' that; And I'm tryin' to meet some girl; Who tells me baby, baby come back maybe next week, can't you see I'm on a losing streak." He shrugged. "I can't get no satisfaction -"

"Evil Cutting Strike!" came a shout from the shadows. Unseen, with everyone's focus on the Senshi, Tsuruko had managed to sneak up on the energy dome protecting Talon and his band. Close enough almost to touch it. Focusing her ki, she brought her sword down and a wave of energy struck at the barrier, clawing at it, shaking it. For the briefest of intervals, a gap appeared in front of her and something black and red darted past her and past the demon's defenses.

"Oh, no, no, no," Talon protested as Tuxedo Mask landed with a roll, rising to his feet with a flourish. "Hey, hey, hey!" he added, back pedalling away as Mask struck out at him with his cane, hindered by the need to avoid hitting Hotaru.

Outside the dome, the Senshi redoubled the fervor of their song. "So long as you keep believing in the power of loving," asserted Sailor Moon, "Your true victory will someday shine."

"Never say GIVE UP! Never say GIVE UP!" chorused the three other Senshi, backing her up. "Never say GIVE UP! Just go, go, go! Never say GIVE UP! Never say GIVE UP! Never say GIVE UP! Just go, go, go!"

"Come here baby," Tuxedo Mask sang, claiming Talon's own next line and barged the demon aside, sweeping Hotaru up in his arms.

Talon's eyes darkened as he regained his balance. "What do ya mean! You don't know what will satisfy me!"

"Yes, you do," retorted Tuxedo Mask, jumping back to the edge of the barrier.

The dome was shivering, weakened perhaps by the disruption of Talon's own song and under increasing pressure from the combined power of four Sailor Senshi, albeit in an unfamiliar form. "Never say give up, never again! Overcome your sadness. Never say give up, never again! You will fly once more. Never say give up, never again! Pierce through the storm. Never say give up, never again! Start running to tomorrow," they sang. "So long as you keep believing in the power of loving, you will achieve your victory, yours alone."

The barrier broke apart and Tuxedo Mask leapt with a flourish, standing amidst the Senshi, who immediately formed up defensively around both the tuxedo-wearing man and Hotaru.

Talon straightened his tie and stared at them for a moment. Then, with apparent sincerity, he began to slowly clap his hands together, his band scurrying away.


Well-Known Member
*Crappy omake interlude*
a bright flash of white light and Oni suddenly appears in a strange room
....ok how the hell did I end up in a room with wall to wall TV's?

That would be my doing.
oni looks over to the person speaking to him

The Architect?! how the hell did I end up in the Matrix?

This isn't the Matrix Edward this is for lack of a better term a waiting room.

A waiting room? what the hell am I waiting for.

Perhaps an explanation is in order.
the Architect morphs into Inez Fressange
to start with you were about to self insert into a board fic based on the sailor moon series.

oni gives a wide eyed look of shock to his host
Wait did you say self insert? I don't remember trying to insert myself into any kind of fictional world.

Inez Fressange raises an eye brow at Oni
It matters little if you're a self insert of forced insert,
all that matters is that the world you were being inserted into a world that has reached it's maximum saturation point.

Oni has a confused look on his face
Maximum saturation point?
Are you saying there are other people inserted into this ficworld.

Quite a few actually.
you must remain in this waiting area until someone leaves or the ficworld can withstand greater saturation .

Can't you just send me back home?

Inez Fressange shakes her head
Sadly that is not currently possible since I have no idea how you came to be inserted here in the first place.

oni facepalms
so now what do I do?

Well this room does have access to a few thousand TV chanels.

oni gets a letcherous grin
Or I could have fun with a certain blonde doctor.

Inez Fressange gives Oni a look of yeah right
Not going to happen, even as a women formed by your subconscious I'm well out of your league.

Oni frows
well that sucks.

a voice comes frome oni's hand

Don't even think about it pal.

oni can only stare in shock
This has got to be the worst selfinsert ever.

oni's hand speaks up
Tell me about it, at least other SI's can at least get laid in the fics they insert into.
you must really suck at this.

Oh shut up.

*Crappy omake interlude ends*
This happens mostly parallel to the Senshi's battle against Talon, if you haven't figured that out yet.

Usual OOC and over-the-top warnings apply.

We finally manage to ... err ... separate the two, and the song stops.

Rather, it feels as if that not-taste of ozone in the air simply vacates the premises. Exit, stage left, leaving two very confused young people with serious wardrobe malfunctions and a crowd of equally confused onlookers.

The former quickly scamper, the latter need to be politely, or not so politely, convinced the get the hell back to whatever it is they should be doing. Or just be somewhere that isn't here.

Leaving us both to deal with some badly damaged upholstery in an otherwise classic 1968 Toyota convertible, and two pairs of sticky hands.

"That's one for the list of things I'd rather not have to do again. Ever," she says.

I have to agree. Though ...

"How did you talk me into helping with this again?"

"Helping with _this_? Oh no, I'm not letting you out of my sight until you help me get rid of that mess. It's mostly your fault!"

"How is _that_ my fault?"

"If you hadn't been there last night ..."

"You still would have been drunk enough to need to leave the car here, and you would have had to pull those two out of it by yourself."

"..." Haruka glares, then lifts her hands up and holds them in a threatening manner. "I'm armed, and not afraid to use them, so no arguing."

I look left.

I look right.

I grin. "Help! Help! I'm being oppressed!"

"Ssssh! Shut up, dammit!" She hisses, turning her glare around at some few onlookers, who promptly decide to be elsewhere. "Alright, I'm willing to let you crash on my couch if you help out with this."

Shrewd. Exploiting my lack of accommodations to save herself the cleaning costs.

... which, as she owns two sports cars and an fairly roomy apartment in a country where space is at a premium, means I'm not seeing the whole picture here.

"At a guess, ripping it out and setting it on fire, then getting the whole thing fumigated and reupholstered is out of the question?"

"Yes. Now ..." she looks at her hands and grimaces at the sticky strands of half coagulated ... well, I'm sure I don't need to paint you a picture.

"I'm thinking, restroom?"

I incline my head towards that foggily familiar bar. She follows the direction of my head-movement with her eyes. Sighs.

We start walking.

It's late enough for the bar to be open, meaning we got up fairly late as well ...

Make of that what you will.


"Evening, Hiroto."

"Ten'ou-san, back again today? Isn't that a little ..." which is when the bartender stops because I've come through the door.

It may be evening, but only on a technicality. The bar is still mostly empty.

"Don't worry, we just need the restrooms," Haruka says, and keeps walking.

I follow.

I realize that he did look somewhat worried, even before he noticed I was there.

So, he's worried about Haruka being here two days in a row? Strange.

I shoulder open the door to the men's room, knuckle the water on ...

Wait, couldn't I have just burned this off my skin?

Then I realize this probably would have resulted in setting my clothes on fire and abandon that train of thought, and move to continue my impression of Lady MacBeth Lite.

I'm interrupted by ... something, on the edge of my consciousness. I'm not quite sure what, but the sensation concerns me.

It's both familiar and tinged with a faint note of caution.

I'm moving before I really know what I'm doing, leaving the water still running behind me and wiping my hands dry on my jeans.

Haruka barges out of the ladies' room a moment after I pass that door, eyes flickering left and right.

I 'feel' confusion from her, as well as an odd sense of alertness.

This is when I realize that I'm not 'feeling' anything at all from the bar.


Unfortunately, the realization comes too late to stop me from coming out the small corridor leading to the restrooms and into the main room.

The few patrons who'd been sitting in one of the far booths are slumped over their table, with their glasses and bottles overturned and spilling their contents.

The bartender is on the ground behind the bar, in what appears to be a dead faint.

And there are two men in ill-fitting suits standing beside the body, also behind the bar.

One of them is holding and sniffing on what I recognize to be my missing third wallet.

With which, I now recall, I paid for my drinks last night.

One of three I'd taken off the dead bodies, or what passed for them, of a youma I'd thought were playing at being yakuza a while before that.

And the two toughs' suits? They're not really ill-fitting in a manner badly tailored or off the rack ones are. It's more like the suits are ill-fitting to what I can almost imagine under their skin.

The realizations come one on top of the other, but it's the spike of alarm coming from right behind me that just makes me react.

Not quite in the way I should, since it's gut impulse driving it.

I realize I should have gone with the desire to hurt, maim, and kill things instead at around the instant my hastily thrown punch takes the closer one in the face, throwing his head back in a spray of brackish-red that might just be what passes for his blood and having him slam into the mirror behind the bar.

And the alcohol bottles set on the shelves in front of said mirror.

He leaves a nice set of spiderweb cracks on the mirror's surface, too.

I'm honestly amazed it did that much, but chalk it up to another benefit of the Dark Kingdom health plan, before realizing the other is ...

On the ground, looking loopy and confused from where Haruka just brained him with a barstool sneak-attack to the head.

I don't know if it's some kind of instinctive recognition of what he is, but seeing as it actually takes him a few seconds to collect his wits and start picking himself up, I'm guessing she put her all into that swing.

That the 'victim' is not currently either unconscious or dead from blunt force trauma to the cranium only gives the vibes I'm getting from these guys a name.


Haruka is looking down at her hands in mute disbelief, shocked at what she's just done and not quite believing the person she did it to is still moving.

I take a firm hold of hurt, maim, kill this time, and go with that.


Any possible feelings of doubt dissolve with the door going to splinters.

Last time, there'd been a pack of five, and I'd run into them at random. Some memories from Zoisite's bad old days tell me they hadn't been all that powerful, in the grand scheme of things. They hadn't looked nearly as silly as what the other set of memories tell me youma in this setting should look like either.

They'd still knocked me around something fierce because I didn't really know what to do and how to do it, before I'd had a sudden, sobriety inspired moment of enlightenment and decided to plagiarize Kuchiki Byakuya.

So, knowing they'd come after me for ... borrowing ... some booze from one of the stores they'd offered protection to, and knowing that they know those five were not seen or heard from again ...

Two made no sense.

Any possible feelings of doubt dissolve with the door going to splinters, allowing bad suit #3 to storm in.

He's met by suit #1 and #2, flying.

The Dark Kingdom health plan and sheer desperation have those two hitting their compatriot with enough force to take him back out the door.

I try something.

I snap my fingers, at the same time whipping that hand in direction of the door and thinking hot thoughts.

Hot, as in fire, not as in Haruka in hot-pants.

The gout of flame isn't anything to write home about when compared to what I can recall of the local fire-slinger's, but it serves as a follow up.

It also ignites the alcohol soaking into bad suit #1's suit from his encounter with the gantry and the bottles that'd been standing upon it.


Hurt, maim, kill works!

Or so I think to up until I step through the door myself.

Haruka curses. It's something particularly vile, inventive, and memorable at any moment except for that.

I'm too focused on the fact that the street is bereft of pedestrians who _don't_ make the hair at the back of my neck rise in alarm.

Some of them are wearing what the piles of ash formerly known as the bad suit trio were, some just look like random street toughs, and some you'd walk by in the streets without as much as a second glance.

"You have been a very, very _rude_ guest, Mr. Zoisite," I hear. "Particularly bereft of manners even when compared to your associates."

"Would you believe you met me at a very strange time in my life?"

I pin down the speaker as I reply, and find myself ... unsurprised. By the general look of him, if nothing else.

A little bigger, a little burlier than the rest.

"You have forfeited the luxury o..."


Light flares and scatters in flash, leaving the barest impression of a sphere being crushed in my hand.

Senbonzakura turns him into sashimi and ground meat, even as it expands into an arc, its pink crystal faux-petals scattering past him and into ...

Oh, hell.

I am made aware just how pale a shadow my false Senbonzakura is. The crystals, despite their hardness, despite their beyond-razor-edges, still chip and still shatter. And my control is still far from perfect.

Not enough focus, and not enough volume.

And there are many, many, _lots_ of them.

Too many by far.

Fortunately, I'm not as dim as to just stand there when I realize this.

Another Senbonzakura tears into the already weakend part of the group, the petals punching a hole in the encirclement this time and scattering to the sides to sting, hurt, and repel, and I take advantage of the momentary confusion to grab Haruka around the wrist and pull her after me.

We dash through the momentarily empty space, and down the street, to the tune of angry and wounded roars echoing at our heels.


There's a limit to how long a person can run. Even someone in Haruka's physical condition on adrenaline.

Meaning that the mob of youma nipping at our heels will eventually catch up.

I don't know if there's a limit to how long a Dark General can run, but I'm betting yes. I'm also betting they can be faster than Haruka.

I do know that I still have enough of a conscience left to not try and throw my pursuers some bait and make a runner.

Yes, I pleasantly surprise myself daily.

Also, I have no idea if it would actually work, or if it would give me enough time to just outrun the bastards. Considering what Zoisite remembers about even the least of the hunter youma, which these seem to be close enough to to make a comparison, they'll _still_ be my problem, even if I manage to shake them here and now.

"Not that I'm complaining," Haruka says, hands on her knees, breathing deeply and slowly, "but why are we stopping?"

"Because we can't outrun them," I reply, taking a look around our position. Looks as good as it'll get anytime soon. "They'll run us down eventually, so better to stop now rather than when we're exhausted."

Also, I really wish I could figure out how the hell I teleported that one time.


No, no sudden epiphany.


And I don't feel like taking the risk of turning Haruka into a fine red mist by trying to make Senbonzakura into a perimeter defense. As far as I've managed to figure out, I can control it relatively to where I am, and not having an instinctive understanding where _she_ is at a given moment in time and using it would be asking for a nasty accident.

Limit angles.

Make it so they can only come at me from where I _want_ them to come at me.

Hence the alley. None of them can fly, or they'd have caught up by now. With vertical movement restricted to jumping, and maybe, if they're inventive, coming down from the roof, that makes three directions.

Two directions too many, but as good as it's going to get right now.

I feel them closing ...

And the sound of wood breaking has me turning around to where Haruka is breaking off parts of a crate and making them into crude stabbing implements.

"I'd ask what you think you're doing, but ..."

"Don't tell me you expect me to just stand there and look pretty," she shoots back at me.



I have about enough time to realize how attractive anger looks on her, before we're interrupted by someone trying to be innovative.

Reflexes I didn't know have me stepping to one side, lifting one arm, and thrusting the tip of a green gem shard about the length of a sword into a youma trying to surprise us from above.

It's starting, I can feel it in my bones.

The realization that I'm playing actual, honest to goodness hero here is enough to have my lips quirk in a sardonic smirk all on their own.

They don't look like they don't fit anymore, I realize after the first youma enters the far end of the alley at a dead run.

All spindly limbs, spikes and teeth.

And the others similarly revealed, having shed their human guise.

Quantity has its own quality, and there's only so quickly that I can spam the next Chire.

I promise myself to actually practice with it if I live through this.

Not quite balanced. A few stragglers about to try coming down from the roof, but there is definitely more of them coming to one end of the alley than to the other.

Then ...

No, that's insane.

Actually, didn't we go right past insane a few days ago, do not pass go, do not collect 200Ç?

"Alright, if you want to fight, you can fight!"

There's a faint hum, more a suggestion of power being there someday than real power.


It's bad when even she admits she needs to ask, but it's pretty obvious to both me and her, and particularly to _them_ that I can't hold off this kind of sustained assault for much longer.

"Doing something colossally stupid!"

"What, like I did last night?"

"Hey, I resemble that remark!" I manage a snigger. "Yes or no, Ten'ou?!"

"Will it make seeing tomorrow more likely?"

"If not, the at least the failure will be spectacular!"

She doesn't even hesitate.

"What do you need me to do?"

"You?" I'm interrupted by the need to scatter some more petals in the wind. Go ahead, call me a hippie. "Just act natural in _that_ direction."

I point to the end of the alley at which I feel more of our pursuers.

"What the hell does _that_ ..."

Block it out.

Block everything out.

And try to recall. Try to remember. Try to call up the memory of not-ozone in the air.


So faint, I can barely feel it.

And busy.


It's like a cloud in the distance, with faint wisps reaching outwards.

I don't really think about it.

I just grab one.

Hear a gasp.

Open my eyes to see Haruka, extended in a lunge, holding one of the splintered bits of wood in her hand.

The sharp end has pierced through the mouth of a youma, and out the back of its neck.

In my ears, I hear guitar riffs.

It's time to butcher a song.

"As a young girl chasing dragons, with your wooden sword so mighty."

The sharp piece of wood is ripped from the youma's mouth, even as Haruka spins around rams it into its back.

"You're Jean d'Arc, you're Atruria, and you always kill the beast!"

Blood spurts into the evening air, even as she stabs down again, and again, and again, before reversing her grip and slamming it back, blindly, right between the ribs of the one lunging from behind her.

I snap my fingers, think fire, and reach to either side of her.

"Times change very quickly, and you had to grow up early, a house in smoking ruins and the bodies at your feet!"

It's like a pyrotechnics display, when it lights off _something_ in the small piles of junk lining the sides of the alley. Or maybe lights off nothing at all.

Unnaturally thick smoke fills the air for a moment.

"You'll die as you live, in a flash of the blade, in a corner forgot by no one!"

I rip a crystal shard from thin air and toss it, javelin-like. It skims just over her shoulder, through the smoke, and stops when it's sticking out of a youma she'd been about to skewer.

The wooden ersatz sword goes flying.

"You live for the touch, for the feel of the steel! One girl, and her honor!"

And the smoke is gone.

And she's there, the sword-shard in her hand, moving forward.

"The smell of resined leather, the steely iron mask, as you cut and thrust and parried at the fencing master's call."

It's not a dance. You'd never call it a dance. There's too much economy in the motion, and almost no flair.

It's brutal, direct, and effective. The most possible damage at the least possible cost.

I'm watching Ten'ou Haruka literally slaughter her way forward through the youma, the very tip of the blade she wields carving fine lines into the alley walls with every wide swing.

"He taught you all he ever knew, to fear no mortal man."

And suddenly, it's like a switch that's been thrown. The way she moves smooths out even further. Becomes even more streamlined.

More lethal.

Zoisite is an expert swordsman. I remember this. I know this, in the abstract sense of the word, and I've even used bits and pieces that come naturally.

But seeing?

Seeing that skill being put to use with abandon?

It's awe-inspiring.

"And now you'll wreak your vengeance in the screams of evil men."

I follow in her wake.

I keep those attempting to come from behind and above busy.

But mostly, I have my hands full just trying to keep up with her as I belt out the lines of the chorus and we clear the alley exit.

And the song breaks.


Haruka ran.

She ran until her muscles burned and her veins pumped battery acid.

Then she ran some more.

The sounds of fighting grew faint behind her, her heart hammered in her chest, and every breath was an effort in and of itself.

She ran on.


I'm backing up.

The not-ozone is gone.

There is no cloud.

There's not even a hint that it was ever there in the first place.

Senbonzakura swirls around me like a thing alive, tearing into pavement and enemy alike, even as the shard-sword in my hand flickers outwards time after time.

Hell to backing up, this is as close to running away as retreat gets without the actual running part.


What the hell did she mean by that?

I don't have time to wonder right now. It's taking all my concentration to keep moving.

Flicker. Lash out. Faint. Parry.

I let the body do its thing, and focus on trying to keep the swarm of crystal petals around me as dense as possible.

Draw them out.

Evening slowly gives way to night as I frantically backpedal down the empty street.

I don't know how many it was originally, but they're down to less than half that number.

It also means these know what to expect.

Keep just out of my effective reach.

Herd me.

Try to wear me out.

I'd laugh if it wasn't for the fact that they could actually do it now.


Worn out.

More than I should be, really, but maybe it was something about the song.

And suddenly, there's water on either side of me, concrete under my feet.

For a moment, as a particularly big and well armored looking brute forces his way through the Senbonzakura on what looks like sheer bloodlust, ignoring pain and injury.

The blow takes me in the ribs, claws tearing into flesh for a moment before it's power simply lifts me off my feet and sends me flying.

I leave my shard-sword buried halfway to he hilt in his head, too little, too late.

I tumble.

I roll.

The pavement comes up to meet me ...

... and stops.

The world wobbles.

I stare, disbelievingly, at the inch or so of space between my face and a very hard landing.

"Oh yeah, I can fly."

Which is when I suddenly can't anymore, and meet the pavement face-first.

Fortunately, I can feel that Senbonzakura still swirling around me, but it takes me precious moments to even get up on my knees, not to mention standing again ...

The wind roars.

I momentarily entertain the notion of Haruka having legged it entirely, and can't say I'd blame her if she did.

Then everything happens at once, as I feel more than see the onrushing shape. It's large. It's heavy. It roars around a corner at ludicrous speeds for something that big, almost fishtailing ...

I'm left standing there and staring as a semi-truck, sans trailer, misses me by inches and crashes into the youma.

Some are thrown aside like ragdolls, twisted and broken.

Others are left as little more than smears in the pavement.

Others still end up between the side of the truck and the side of the bridge, even as sparks fly from where the side barrier and rail meet the body of the massive vehicle.

I stare.

The survivors stare.

I manage to break out of the daze first, and manage to gather up enough for a last CHIRE.

Stretching into a long, thin ribbon of mystically enhanced, razor sharp thulite, it finishes the job.


Yeah, we're done.

When I finally feel up to moving again, I half-walk, half-stagger toward the truck's cab.

Grab for the door.

Nearly fall over as I misjudge distance.

Manage to make the grab on the second try, and open it.

In the driver's seat is Ten'ou Haruka.

"Bridge. Just 'bridge', any you run off."

"Worked, didn't it?"

The blood is mostly dried, leaving a smattering of brownish-red stains over her formerly white clothes, and matting down her hair.

I imagine I'm just as much of a mess.

We stare for a moment.


She grimaces.

"I think I pulled something. No, wait, I think I pulled everything."

... so I'm guessing the song didn't cover for physical stress.

Or maybe it was all the running.

I'm slowly starting to feel better, but she doesn't have the Dark Kingdom health plan going for her.

It's not really a tough choice to make at this point.

"Come on, let me help you get down from there."

"Hey, ow, that hurts! Hands off!"

"Stop squirming or you'll make me drop you."

"I can walk ... ouch! ... on my own, thanks!"

"For a little while. Right before you collapse in the middle of the street, yes." I say as I help her down and pull one arm over my shoulders.

"I said I can walk on my own."

"I say stop complaining before I just throw you over my shoulder."

We wobble briefly, trying to catch our balance.

"Like you're in any condition to try."

She has a point.

We start walking. Slowly.


"So, how bad is it really?"

"... I hurt in places I didn't know I had places. You?"

"Nothing I won't get better from."

"That is so not fair."

"You wouldn't like the baggage."


"And I'm covered in this crud. Dibs on the bath."

"Like you are? You'd as soon cramp up and break your damn neck or drown."

"I am not going to sleep covered in dry monster guts!"

"Only way that'd work would be if you had help."

"... well, you've seen it all before."


"What? I really, really want to get this shit off me."

"You're a lot more out of it then you're letting on, aren't yo ... wait, why am I arguing against this? Hobble faster, dammit."

And so it goes.

Or, hobbles, like a one-legged, one eyed man, in the dark.

This might take a while.

it _is_ possible. Watch the awesome.
The finale!

- - - - - - -

ôCongratulations, Sailor Senshi,ö Talon spoke, grinning widely at us all. ôYouÆve more than proven your ingenuity, your strength and your courage. Truly, well done indeed.ö He snapped his fingers, and a disco ball descended. It was impossible to miss the sheer amount of life energy within it, glowing so powerfully across my five senses, and, apparently, an extra or two.

The sphere vanished, and the demon just smirked.

ôBut now, the show is over. The curtain needs to fall, to make room for the next one,ö he said. My eyes widened as I figured it out. The point of the trap.

ôThatÆs what you wanted, wasnÆt it?ö I demanded. ôYou wanted us to come and sing for you! You wanted our energy!ö

ôWell, yes,ö Talon admitted, rubbing his fingernails against his chest. He grinned. ôBut, more than that, I wanted to get a few things moving, a few things organizedà And a certain girl something she wanted badly, as I was invoked to do so.ö

ôWhat do you mean?!ö Makoto shouted.

ôHotaru here has been without friends for so long, without a reason to smile, that I decided to intervene.ö He grinned. ôI just got a nice bit of energy at the same time. DemonÆs gotta have power, and all that.ö

His features shifted, and I couldnÆt help the gasp from my mouth-He lookedà

He looked just like me. Me me, not Usagi. But howà?

ôSo, take care of her for me, will you?ö

His band gone, one last bit of music started up. He didnÆt dance, his body language entirely subdued and relaxed.

ôWhat a lot of fun, you guys have been real swell!
And there's not a one, who can say this ended well!
ö He looked over us all.

öAll together, what a team, youÆre most appealing,
Say you're happy now, once more with feeling!
Now I gotta run, see you all in Hell....
ö He sang, throwing a final wink in HotaruÆs direction as he vanished in a burst of flames.

"SONOFABITCH!" Sailor Jupiter shouted, smacking one fist dramatically into her other palm.

"Goddamnit!" Mars agreed. She shook her head in anger. "Magnificent bastard..."

Jupiter turned to Hotaru and looked her over. "Are you okay, kid?"

ôI-I'm fine," Hotaru murmured. She bowed her head sadly. "I-I'm sorry... It's all my fault..."

"Keh," the statuesque brunette said dismissively, ruffling the girl's dark hair. "None of that. Bet he just said that to mess with your head."

Sailor Moon was silent, still staring at the spot the demon had disappeared from.

"Fearless leader?" Mars asked. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah," I replied quietly.

"Nice work, Tux'," Jupiter said to the lone man. "Same to Tsuruko," she added looking around for the other shrine maiden. "You guys saved the day there."

"Definitely," I managed. I turned to the Senshi. "I'd say that... That that's enough work for one day..."

Meà He wasà Meà But howà? Why?

Sailor Jupiter nodded. She could tell how bothered I was by the situation, but she chose not to ask anything. For which I was eternally grateful. "For today, anyway. Where do we go from here?"

ôWhere do we go from here?ö I sang back, not knowing the answer myself. All of the Senshi, plus Kamen and Tsuruko, arrayed themselves in a circle around me, as I led the song.

öWhere do we go from here?ö Tuxedo Kamen and I sang, looking at eachother. It was awkward, and I looked away.

öThe battle's done, and we kind of won,ö Ami supplied. With Mars, she continued:

öSo we sound our victory che~er. But, where do we go from here?ö

öWhy is the path unclear? When we know home is near?ö I sang with Mars this time.

ôOh, bugger this,ö Jupiter muttered (in an English accent, no less), turning and walking out of the theater. I couldnÆt help the smile on my face at that, even caught up in the songÆs spell.

ôUnderstand we'll go hand-in-hand! But we'll walk alone in fear,ö we all sang.

ôTell me!ö Luna cried. And together, we sang the final verses.

öWhere do we go from here?
When does the end appear?
When do the trumpets cheer?
The curtains close on a kiss, God knows
We can tell the end is ne~ar ....
Where do we go from here~?ö

öWhere do we go from here~?ö I asked softly. I looked at the Senshi, at Tsuruko, at Kamen, at Lunaà And sighed, shaking my head.

ôWe take things togetherà ThatÆs pretty much all we can do,ö I said. I rubbed my forehead.

ôBut right nowà I could use some ice creamà Lots of ice creamàö

B.B. Rain

Well-Known Member
Uh...Would it be possible to get a Title, Artist/Band, Lyrics, & Sample/Youtube-Link breakdown of the various songs used?


Well-Known Member
AJT, I'm disappointed. No Pat Benatar? Come on, "Invincible" would've been perfect to use against Talon. :p

On a side note, I'm a tad irritated in that the people I would've chosen have all been taken or are, at least, are spoken for.

After Makoto, who I'd probably would have meshed with the best... probably to a disturbing degree, was picked, I'd toyed with the idea of being Haruka and played with the idea of having her spout some Captain Falcon-isms... and by a sheer coincidence, have it turn out that "Falcon" was Haruka's nickname. :lol:

Then Tidus was spoken for... AGH! Then again, she'd be the most interesting to play since she'd be almost the complete polar opposite of me... (BTW, didn't she provide the illusions, lesser minions and such during the Cruise episode? Might be an interesting expansion for her)

Eh. Knowing my luck, I'd probably wind up a cannon fodder minion.


Well-Known Member
After another hair-raising ride with Eudial back to the lab at the Infinity Academy, I had called the other members of the Witches 5 together to determine a strategy on how to retrieve Hotaru safely. Of course, getting them to actually agree on a battle strategy was a bit difficult as each seemed eager to take the lead on this operation (with the exception of Mimete who simply listened to her boy band music throughout the meeting with a CD player) and prove themselves worthy to me.

"As the highest ranking witch at level 999, I should be the one to take on the demon. With my other to provide support, this battle will be easily won," declared Cyprine.

"Although your strength is admirable, I must question that your direct approach. As our opponent has a large advantage over us, it is best that my nanoprobes be used to disrupt that advantage before we go in," countered Viluy.

A green haired woman then spoke up. "The problem is that they stick out a bit too much with their metallic layers. My plants would be more subtle and harder to detect."

"Your organic approach is too inefficient, Tellu. Response time is of the essence. The longer she is held there in the demon's grasp, the more likely that he may discover the Mistress. We can't risk someone else knowing what lies within the girl." It was a cold but true statement as expected of Viluy.

I quickly spoke up to cease the arguing before it got too out of hand. "In that case, we'll hit hard and fast. Kaolinite and Cyprine will be the heavy hitters while everyone else will take on a support role. First, we'll set up at the next block so he can't detect our presence and do some scouting of the club so we can determine the optimal locations to insert the nanoprobes and plants."

My tone seemed hard enough to cease any protests they may have had to my plan. With everybody ready to go (except for Mimete who would head back to the lab to monitor things... assuming she could get away from that damn New Kids music), we headed out to the front door of the school...

... and the next thing I know is I'm seeing the happy smiling face of Hotaru as she greets me with a wave while one hand is occupied holding an ice cream cone. "Otou-san!"

"Hotaru?!" Behind her, I could see three of the Sailor Senshi with ice cream as well. The one with the blond ponytails then stepped forward.

"Professor Tomoe? I was wondering if we could have a little discussion with you."

...... this wasn't part of the plan. I could tell the others behind me were pretty stunned by this revelation and I just hope that they didn't do anything too rash.


Well-Known Member
Should I take that as a 'no' to the PM I sent you?

And Jupiter was the one bringing Hotaru back, while the others went off for ice cream.


Well-Known Member
drakensis said:
Should I take that as a 'no' to the PM I sent you?

And Jupiter was the one bringing Hotaru back, while the others went off for ice cream.
In my recent IM conversation with AJT, he mentioned using Usagi to start discussing an alliance so I went with that for now. You can have Jupiter make her own arrangements.

Sorry for any confusion caused.


Well-Known Member
Forget it. I'll work something else out. AJ, please edit out the part where Jupiter leaves with Hotaru. Epsilon, please edit it down to three senshi visiting. Sailor Jupiter will be elsewhere.

Nothing major, I just have different plans now.