Ranma ½ Senpai: A Story of Good Friends

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Here it is, the culmination of 24 hours of work to create a story where Akane gets a female friend. I expect the usual reactions in short order, so for anyone who cares, please enjoy it.

= = =

Disclaimer: The following is a fan-written parody. Ranma ½ is property of Rumiko Takahashi, Studio Deen, Shogakukan, Viz Media, and Madman Entertainment. Support the official release, okay?

A Ranma ½ Story
Chapter 1/?

|Right and Wrong Lessons|

If there was one thing that Katie Izland didn’t like, it was a bully. Back when she was in grade school, she’d been bullied by kids in her class by the common grade school thugs who stole lunch money, shoved kids in lockers, and dumped pencil shavings on heads. It wasn’t a good time for her at all, especially at that point in her young life–but don’t get it twisted at all, while her experience wasn’t great, theirs was awful when she was done with them.

A lesson Katie took from that traumatic point in her life was that when you knowingly messed with and provoked someone stronger than you and you got your ass handed to you on a silver platter for it, it was no one else’s fault but your own. If you could learn your lesson and change your ways though, you had a chance at being a better person. If you kept doing it? You were beyond pity. It was this lesson that brought Katie to the following conclusion:

98% of Furinkan High School’s male student body were irredeemable subhumans.

It was the fourth day in a row that the American transferee had to watch this sad display of lust and desperation take place in the front yard of the school–of a literal army of boys from first to third year armed with any weapon they could find getting ready to attack and be destroyed by a girl who the jackass top dog of the school said would date any of them provided they could beat her.

Apparently that wasn’t exactly what he said, but these desperate losers interpreted it as such. Not that it stopped him, of course; apparently he got off on said walking war zone’s brutality and would try to flatter her with praise of her prowess–before she destroyed him too. In fact, there he was at the back of this latest round of rabble, practicing the line he would try to woo the girl with after she demolished this crowd.

The object of their collective obsession had not arrived yet, but she was coming. Despite her being constantly at odds with these guys and having to crush them all every morning, she wasn’t going to let them get in the way of her getting an education. Why would she? Even on the first day of this she mowed them all down before the bell could ring. She was either that good, or these guys were that weak. Either way, it was embarrassing to watch once, and yet here they all were for the fourth time, ready to do this again.

Four times was too many, the rule was after the third time you rethought your life choices and maybe tried something other than the same stupid thing. Unfortunately, the wrecking ball of a girl who tore through them, for all of her strength, was clearly too nice to leave them with lasting injuries. Which obviously translated to her opponents thinking that if they just worked a little harder, they’d win. It was the wrong lesson to take from it.

Katie had no qualms against the girl for going easy on ‘em, she understood why she wouldn’t want to actually maim any of them perfectly, but she also knew that if this kept up these idiots would probably be willing to go at this for weeks until it just became some twisted tradition that would never stop. Something had to be done before it came to that, she didn’t come all the way to Japan just to be stuck in a shitty school full of guys who don’t realize how rapey they were acting.

So, with that in mind, the tall, black haired girl with bright green eyes rolled her shoulders and began to make her through the crowd of spectating girls and somewhat smarter boys–the precious 2% who knew better–towards the front of the group of malcontents. It was pretty easy for her to move through the crowd, at 179cm she was taller than a lot of the boys, and the moody, intimidating aura of her foreignness combined with the flat, disinterested look she had on her face most of the time parted the more timid and polite without her having to ask.

Once past the onlookers, she made a line straight for the front gate, walking along the wall until she reached it. A glance to her left allowed her to catch sight of the girl in question, a cute girl with long dark hair walking with her slightly taller, bob-cut sporting older sister. Even from this distance, she could see that the girl of the hour was looking pretty agitated.

A glance to her right saw the slavering crowd, of young men from various clubs and groups readying weapons and psyching themselves up. Today was the day, some of them told themselves, one of them would do it. One of them would beat her and get to go on a date with her, it was the easiest way to a girl’s heart they’d ever dreamed of!

Katie sighed and stopped, turning to face the group of idiots. Seeing her step forth, the horde of boys grew confused and stared at her. It wasn’t like they didn’t know who she was, the foreign transfer student from northwest America stood out like a sore thumb, being almost as tall as Kuno and emanating an aura of “Fuck off” that intimidated even the “AFY” wankers who worshipped everything red, white, and blue.

“Hey, you guys,” she said in eloquent Japanese unexpected of a foreigner, “Don’t you think this has gone on too long?”

|Good Grief…|

Akane Tendo woke up as she did every day for the last three days, ready to punch every boy on Earth. Over the course of them, she had to fight almost the entire male student body of her school because that idiot Tatewaki Kuno had mouthed off that only a man who could defeat her would be able to date her without getting his shit kicked in by Kuno.

Of course, a bunch of guys who were hot for Akane literally took that as “If you can beat Akane, then she HAD to go on a date with you” and here she was, with her knuckles still kind of raw from all the punching she had to do yesterday, getting ready to work over the same crowd of idiots again just so she could go to class.

Her morning routine, once such a pleasant thing, was now corrupted with her unbridled anger at immature boys who would gladly take any shortcut to get a girl to date them that didn’t involve actually asking a girl out. She got dressed, knowing that these guys saw her as property to win, rather than a human being. She ate her breakfast, comfortable in the fact that these boys were content with physically harming the same person they’d want as a girlfriend. She walked to school, understanding that if it weren’t for the fact that she was 100% straight and in love with a kind, if somewhat silly man over twice her age, she would dive into the first lesbian relationship offered to escape boys forever.

“Ugh, there they are, the stupid boys,” Akane growled angrily at the sight of the waiting crowd.

Beside her was Nabiki Tendo, who totally did not harbor resentment towards her younger sister for turning the boys she once happily flirted with and dated off and on into slavering idiots who wouldn’t give her the time of day because of “easier” odds in her younger sister.

“Well, you can’t fault them for being determined,” Nabiki pointed out.

“Yes I can,” Akane shot back, not noticing the tall dark-haired girl who walked out in front of the crowd. “They’re just going to keep coming, and coming, until one of them actually beats me.”

Which would be never, even holding back Akane could lay them flat one-by-one with a one-hitter quitter and still be done with a crowd of over seventy in under a minute and a half. More to the point, even in the highly unlikely chance of one of those randos landing a lucky knock out blow, she wouldn’t date him at all. In fact, the moment he showed up at her figurative or literal doorstep to cash in, she’d stomp him even harder.

“Why are they even obsessed with me? It’s not like someone’s selling pictures of me to give them something to work for.”

“Oh my, someone would have to be a stone-cold money-loving bitch with a jealous streak a mile wide to be so petty,” Nabiki dryly said.

Akane looked ahead, ready to take on the horde, when she saw that a different situation was brewing at the gate to the school. The tall dark-haired girl she hadn’t noticed before was now fully noticed, and she seemed to be saying something to the boys. “What’s going on there?”

Up ahead, Katie continued right from where she left off at the break. “It’s been three days of this, and it’s pretty obvious you’re not gonna beat her. So why don’t you give it a rest?”

She was expecting a more hostile response to her intervention–maybe someone calling her a filthy foreigner and telling her to mind her own business, maybe someone brusquely shoving her aside so they could get to the object of their desire. However, they all did neither; the only response she got from them was a slack-jawed stare that told her they were all having difficulty comprehending the words she said.

At the front, a boy in a karate gi was the one to finally say what was on all of their minds. “You want us to… stop?”

It was Katie’s turn to be confused, how could they not understand her? Ten years of Japanese lessons did not let her down. “Yeah, she’s not going to want to date any of you.”

“Not until we beat her!” One enterprising young man said.

“Yeah!” A few others chorused.

“No, I mean, even if you beat her-” Katie tried to emphasize.

“Well, she has to. That’s what Kuno said,” an enterprising young boxer pointed out.

“No, if we beat her, then we have permission to ask her out, that’s what Kuno said,” a fencer clarified, receiving quite a few nods of agreement.

Katie needed the moment to process that one, this time around. “Wait, what?”

“You have to understand,” said the boy in the gi, “Kuno-senpai is way stronger than all of us. If any of us tried to date Akane without his clearance, then he’d beat the crap out of us.”

Katie stopped for another moment, before she resumed. “So let me see if this scans… the reason you’re all lining up to get your shit pushed in is because you think you have better odds of beating her than you do Kuno?”

There were a lot of nods from the group.

Oh, this made this so much easier. Here she thought she was going to have to beat up all of these losers, it turned out she only had to bust open one asshole. Taking a deep breath, she called out. “Hey! Kuno!”

The crowd of boys parted immediately, Old Testament Biblically, revealing the tall and suave figure cut by one Tatewaki Kuno. He had heard the voice of a woman call him out, in a tone more befitting of a lout seeking challenge, and when he saw that it was the new foreign girl who’d darkened the halls of his school just days before, his intense eyes narrowed… intensely.

“Is there something that you request of the undisputed and undefeated champion of the High School Kendo circuit, I, Tatewaki Kuno?” He said as he began to walk towards the her, the wooden sword he carried in his right hand held low.

“Yeah,” Katie said, “I’m going to ask you to leave that Akane girl and all of these guys alone, or I’m going to break your arms.”

Kuno stopped, his eyes flying wide at the threat leveled at him by this foul-toned woman. “I beg your pardon?”

The threat similarly surprised the gathering students. Did the transfer really think she was going to go up against the strongest guy in school?

“I said: I am going to break your arms if you keep this shit up,” Katie said. “These guys don’t need your permission to ask anyone out, and if you’re going to terrorize them into terrorizing some girl, then you need your arms broken, asshole.”

Behind Katie, Akane and Nabiki came to a stop when they saw that the foreigner was getting into an escalating exchange with Kuno.

“That’s the transfer in your class,” Akane said, “What’s she doing.”

“It looks like she’s calling Kuno out,” Nabiki said.

“Why?” Akane frowned. “He’s going to beat her to a pulp…”

“Maybe,” Nabiki murmured as she pulled out a camera phone. “I wonder if I’ll be able to upload this to that American site, Worldstar.”

Kuno closed his eyes and let out a smooth laugh. “I see… your ignorance of our noble culture shall be forgiven, as you are from America. However, your insults towards my person shall not pass so easily! Apologize for your insolence!”

“Culture?” Katie replied. “I don’t think even from a cultural standpoint that it’s okay for a piece of shit with a sword to start telling total strangers who they can or can’t date. You’re not some shogun, you’re just some guy with middle school fantasies that he didn’t get over.”

The other students winced, while one whistled, and another went “Oooooh…” in sympathetic pain. If there was one thing anyone didn’t address, it was the eight-hundred pound gorilla in the room that was Kuno’s self-styled delusions of being a noble samurai that would be pathetic if not for the fact that he could smash through concrete with the air displaced by a swing of a wooden sword.

A nerve was deeply touched with Kuno, naturally. “Even when shown mercy, you continue this foolishness. Well, let it be said that I, the Shooting Star of Furinkan High School, did not give you fair warning!”

“Welp, she’s dead,” Nabiki quipped.

Both hands gripping his bokken, Kuno shot straight for Katie, sword raised above his head. “I STRIKE!”

“Oh no,” Akane murmured as she tensed to act. She could handle Kuno just fine, she was stronger than most nearly everyone in the school, but Kuno was still a monster. She dropped her bag aside and prepared to dive in to intercept the attack, block it, or something–but it was too late, as a very loud crack sounded that silenced the schoolyard.

|The Breaker|

A well-known myth of Muay Thai is that practitioners of the sport increase the power of their devastating kicks by repeatedly kicking a sturdy tree over and over, until their legs were so strong that the tree eventually succumbed to the power of the practitioner’s mighty tibia. The truth is far more mundane, with the so-called sturdy tree being the soft and malleable wood of the banana tree, which eventually evolved into the heavy kicking bags more popularly known inside the sport.

That said, with repeated kickings of a training bag, eventually through ossification repairing tiny fractures created by the impact, one’s leg bones do get tougher, harder to break. This is important, especially in the case of Katie, who had delivered a roundhouse kick that connected her tibia into Kuno’s left arm with tremendous force.

The crack that silenced schoolyard was the Shooting Star of Furinkan High School’s humerus snapping like a dry twig on impact.

Kuno didn’t even get flung that far. Heck, he didn’t even get knocked off his feet. When he missed, and she landed her kick, he just stumbled on his feet, his eyes wide and watering as the pain of having his arm clearly smashed to pieces registered through even his thick skull.

Unharmed entirely in the exchange, or rather oblivious to the pain of hitting someone that hard with her leg–another well-known benefit of the kicking training–Katie lowered her leg as the students all around her recoiled to a chorus of “EHHHH?!”

“Did… did she just break Kuno’s arm?” A very much disbelieving Akane asked as she stared, stunned at the violence.

Nabiki, ever the unflappable, continued to film. “Either that or the reader’s suspension of disbelief just broke.”

Akane looked at her. “Huh?”

“What?” Nabiki replied quickly.

Katie turned to Kuno, who had let go of his sword with his left hand and–to his merit–was holding in that overwhelming impulse to start screaming and crying in pain. He kept his head bowed, his well groomed hair hiding his face, as he tried his ardent best to play cool the pain he was in… it was not working.

“So, that’s one arm, asshole. Ready to lose the other one for a while?” She asked.

“You… you…!” Kuno spat out, as he focused all of his energy, all of his pain, into gripping his trusted bokken so tight the wood splintered. He then took a deep breath and turned around, his face streaked with tears, snot, and sweat but still looking completely calm and composed.

“You think that merely crippling an arm will stop the majestic ace of Furinkan High School?” He said coolly.

“Not really,” she replied as she entered a loose fighting stance, “That’s why I said I was going to break them both.”

Nabiki looked over to Akane. “So uh, weren’t you going to stop this?”

Akane had picked up her bag, and was just watching intently now. “No, this is fine.”

Panting loudly, trying to focus on anything but the pain, Kuno was just too stubborn to cut his losses, and brandished his sword. “The only thing being shattered, is you… you… American… harlot!”

He staggered towards her, each shift of his arm causing flashes of pain that blurred his vision momentarily, either from the agony or the tears that were forced out. “I am the chosen hero… of this school… the strongest sword…”

“Whatever,” Katie said with a casual eyeroll.

“I will not… fall this day…!” He declared as he turned his stagger into a lunge, bokken held up and behind him to swing down with maximum force. “I WILL SLAY YOU, INVADER-!”

Katie watched his sword come down as she moved out of its path to catch him by the forearm, which she guided down, down, and down, so that her rising knee met his arm right at the elbow. After the immediately following snap, even Nabiki winced.

“Oh, arms do not bend that way,” she said.

Akane looked a little green. “That one does.”

Katie let Kuno go, and stepped back, letting him stand there, his whole body shaking. In his agony he foamed at the mouth, trying his darnedest to try to focus on his opponent and having little luck. Due to the pain he could only really do one thing at a time, and what he was trying to do now was not scream and break down crying.

Other students, not at all expecting this outcome, actually began to feel sorry for Kuno. Not surprisingly, most of them were from the Kendo Club, as one such young man called out to him in clear distress. “Captain! Oh no!”

Another student, a girl, called Katie out. “Y-you didn’t need to do that to Kuno-senpai!”

“Ew… he looks like he’s going to pass out standing up,” a third student called over the growing rabble.

“You… you’re going to pay for this!” That was certainly another member of the kendo club.

Katie snorted, and turned away from them to Akane. “Hey, uh… Tendo, right?”

Akane jumped when she suddenly had her attention. “Eh, yes?”

Katie hooked a thumb at Kuno. “Do you think I went too far?”

Akane stared at the foreign girl, then looked at Kuno still foaming at the mouth, and then back to the girl. She did this a couple more times, almost calmly contemplating her answer, before she stated it succinctly.


Katie nodded and rolled her right arm, to loosen kinks that probably weren’t even in it. “Great. That’s all I wanted to know.”

She turned around to face her audience, ostensibly to lay down the new law as it were, but instead found herself facing Kuno as he was in the middle of picking up his bokken in his teeth and standing upright. As he stood tall, he took in a deep breath and began to scream, howling loudly as he bit down on the bokken like one would a strap of leather while being amputated in the old days.


Katie blinked. “… Uh.”

She looked back to Akane and Nabiki, who were staring at this new development with matching blank expressions. “Hey, does he think he can turn super saiya-jin or something, too?”

“This is new, actually,” Nabiki admitted. Hilarious, too.

“He’s just trying not to give away that he’s crying. He did this when I beat him in a kendo match, too,” Akane flatly added.

The same kendoist who promised revenge to Katie gaped in awe at the Kendo Club Captain’s sudden rush of determination. “Captain… even in his state, he’s showing his true power!”

“Go Kuno-senpai!” Another kendo club member called out, as others began to cheer him on.

“I! FIGHT! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON!” Kuno screamed in pain, going for as loud and forceful as he could to not sound like he was bawling his eyes out like a child. “I WILL SHOW YOU… THE TRUE POWER OF THE PROUD KUNO BLOODLIIIIIINE!”

Katie watched him with a mix of bemusement and disinterest. “Okay.”

Digging his heels into the ground, and his teeth into his bokken, Kuno crouched and sprang off, to charge straight for this evil, vile woman and plunge his bokken square into her heart with the power of his love, his anger, and all of his sorr-

Katie’s knee collided full force with his chin, snapping the bokken, shattering his jaw, and interrupting completely the narrator’s dramatic description of Kuno’s intent.

“Why don’t you just,” Katie said as her kneecap ground against his smashed face, “FUCK…!” She then released the pent up potential energy, completing the full motion of her knee and launching Kuno. “OFF?!”

The recoil of her blow caused her to perform a backflip, as Kuno–a trail of condensation rings around a trail behind him–smashed into the clock at the center of the school’s tower and hitting the bell behind it with a loud, warped clang followed by an uncomfortable grinding of gears.


The schoolyard was quiet again, as Katie landed on her feet and dusted off her uniform’s skirt. Letting her hands hang limp at her sides, she looked at the group of students staring at the hole in the building where Kuno had gone, and waited. Sure enough, one by one all eyes returned to the foreign girl who just made an embarrassment out of who had been once the undisputed lord of the school, and this time around nobody talked shit.

“She… she put him through the school’s clock,” a student in the crowd murmured in amazement.

“Is he dead?” Another student asked.

Everyone waited and listened. Sure enough, they could hear a high-pitched whine of pain from a man too durable to avoid being knocked unconscious, but not durable enough for when it it counted.

“Oh okay, he’s not. This is still a comedy!” The same student said in relief.

Akane walked over to Katie, cautiously entering her field of view. When she noticed her, the taller girl turned her head and glanced down at her. “Sup?”

“You’re really strong,” Akane stated.

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “I’d better be, ‘else all that martial arts training was a huge waste of time and money.”

She looked back up at where Kuno’s legs dangled out of the school. “Like with that guy; he should really start looking for a refund.”

“Wait, hang on,” one of the boys part of the horde of Akane’s would-be suitors said, “Does this mean we can ask Akane out on dates like normal people now? We don’t have to do this fighting thing anymore?”

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “I guess? It’s not like he’s going to be kicking anyone’s ass anytime soon, but uh… I don’t think that’s even going to help you at this point.”

Before any of them could ask, Akane laid it out quite plainly for them. “I wouldn’t go out with any of you if my life depended on it!”

Almost every boy in the group suddenly turned titanium white with Akane’s words.

“Why would I want to date any of you, after you guys attacked me every morning for the last three days?!”

A bit of color actually appeared, a faint blue shade appearing on their foreheads and descending down their faces.

“You think that I’d give you the time of day, when I had to put up with you shouting at me to go out with you, while you were swinging for my face?!”

A dark, gloomy cloud now appeared over their heads, weighing down their shoulders and forcing their heads down in shame.

“None of you are even that strong! Even if I did like boys–which I don’t–I WOULDN’T DATE WEAKLINGS LIKE YOU!”

Katie immediately looked in Akane’s direction her eyes lighting up with interest at her declaration. On the other end of the verbal assault, what had once been a fair large percentage of the male student body were now extras for a zombie apocalypse film. Realization had properly dawned, that in their desperation to get Akane’s attention and be able to ask her out without being killed by Kuno, they had poisoned the well that was her opinion of them, ensuring that none of them would ever get a chance to date her… or perhaps any girl if word got out that their idea of courtship was to physically assault someone.

“Now get out of my sight, you losers!” Akane yelled at them.

They obeyed, completely cowed, and one by one began to listlessly walk towards the front doors of the school. There was no hope for them, no light. Any and all romantic aspirations for all of them were dashed with their irrational decisions. There would never be a springtime of their high school days, or real love and companionship to look forward to. All that was lost forever, in lieu of a dark, lonely future surrounded by plastic figurines and posters of unattainable fictional representations of women, warmed only by the light of computer generated wives programmed to worship them but feel nothing.

And Akane couldn’t imagine a more fitting punishment for them.

Nabiki sighed in annoyance. Either this was going to be very good, or very bad for her business, and she really didn’t like economic uncertainty.

“Well, that’s all squared away,” Katie said as she dusted off her hands. “I can now go back to enjoying some peace and quiet.”

As she began to walk away, however, Akane called to her. “Excuse me, Izurando-san?”

Katie stopped and looked back at Akane. “Sup?”

Akane bowed deeply to the foreign transfer girl. “You didn’t have to do it, but you stepped in and helped me with these guys. So, thank you.”

Katie waved it off. “Nah, it was no big deal. You’re a really nice girl, and those boys had no business picking on you.” She shrugged her shoulders after. “Besides, it’s been a while since I got a chance to actually fight a dude, so…”

“Um, I’ve seen slaughterhouses that gave the cows a fairer fight.” Nabiki hadn’t actually, but the sheer one-sidedness of that beating warranted the comparison.

Akane was a little flattered by Katie’s compliment. “Oh, um… thank you for that as well, uh…” She then brightened a bit. “Did you want to have lunch together? I want to know how you were able to kick Kuno that hard.”

Nabiki raised an eyebrow, as Katie gave Akane a probing glance, and then put on a small smile herself.

“Sure, you don’t mind eating lunch on the roof, do you?” She asked Akane.

Akane shook her head. “No, that’s fine.”

Katie smiled, a little broader and reached out to give Akane the V-sign. “Cool. I’ll see you then.”

With that, Katie turned and began walking back to the school along with the rest of the dispersing students. As they watched her go, Nabiki looked over to Akane, who was now looking a lot happier than she had for a few days.

“She’s really cool, isn’t she?” Akane asked Nabiki.

Nabiki shrugged her shoulders. “Eh, she’s all right I guess? Let me know when a hot guy comes along.”

Akane huffed noisily at that. “A hot boy? Here? If I ever meet a hot boy, that’ll be the day I’m engaged to one!”

|Qinghai Province, China|


The sneeze of a sixteen year old Japanese boy in a karate gi with brown eyes and dark hair ending in a tightly-braided pigtail made his father and their tour guide, both middle aged, folically challenged men, jump.

Sniffling loudly, Ranma Saotome brought his fingers to his nose. “Aw geez, I hope I’m not coming down with a cold.”

“Don’t you worry, son,” his father, Genma Saotome, declared, “These springs will cure all that ails you even as we train.”

Ranma sniffled again and shivered. The air here was kind of chilly, for a place that was supposed to be a spring. “I hope so, it don’t feel like no hot spring though, Pop.”

“It not hot-spring, honored guests, it cursed spring. Very dangerous, you no want to fall in,” their tour guide warned them in his very basic Japanese.

“Whatever,” Genma said, dismissing the tour guide. “Even if they’re not hot springs. There’s nothing that a good workout won’t cure!”

Ranma, however, had caught that last bit. “Wait, what about not falling in?”

“Don’t worry about it,” Genma insisted. “Besides, that’s the whole point of this training, you won’t fall in.”

The two of them looked ahead, at the cursed pools of the Jusenkyo Springs spread out before them.

“Trust your old man, son. Nothing will go wrong.”


Well-Known Member
I liked it, but the 4th wall breaks felt a little bit more obnoxious then necessary : /

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Stormfury said:
I liked it, but the 4th wall breaks felt a little bit more obnoxious then necessary : /
I'll definitely tone that down now that I have a feel for it.
Akane also seems to be OOC, although it is hard to tell. My other comments will go over with the ideas thread with the idea

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
gemmaethanwhitaker said:
Akane also seems to be OOC, although it is hard to tell. My other comments will go over with the ideas thread with the idea
Stormfury said:
Akane seems pretty in character to me
It depends on both 'what the reader is used to' (hence 'seems' and 'hard to tell') and 'which version the writer is using' (anime, manga, live action movie... I think there might have also been a stage play...).
Then move the offending posts. Apart from the first half of mine every post between your last two don't have anything to do with the thread.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
A chapter where a lot of things happen.

= = =

Disclaimer: The following is a fan-written parody. Ranma ½ is property of Rumiko Takahashi, Studio Deen, Shogakukan, Viz Media, and Madman Entertainment. Support the official release, okay?

A Ranma ½ Story
Chapter 2/?

|Best Friend|

“Muay Thai, Karate, Systema, Northern Mantis Style, Taekwondo, and Capoeira,” Katie said to Akane on the roof of the school, after being asked the question as to what martial arts she’d been trained in. “I also know some Italian Fencing and picked up a little Kendo. Other than that, everything I do nowadays is stuff I pick up watching other artists…”

Akane, who was enjoying the bento lovingly prepared by her eldest sister, was surprised to hear the lengthy resume of her new friend. “All of that? You must be a regular battle maniac.”

“I’m not, really,” Katie said, “I have an uncle who’s a battle maniac, he used to fight in wars and stuff. He convinced my Mom and Dad that training me would be a good hobby to keep my nose clean.”

She couldn’t help a suggestive snicker after that, which Akane missed. “So every summer he’d pick me up and we’d go to some random country and I’d spend every day there training and doing like… nothing else. Ever. I’ve been training since I was four.”

Akane hummed after taking a bite from her bento. “Mm… I’ve never met anyone that dedicated to martial arts.”

“Well, you met me,” Katie cheekily replied.

And she’d meet another one soon enough.

“I guess,” Akane replied. “I thought I was strong. I don’t think I’ve kicked anyone through a building before, or broken anyone’s arms.”

She had, on all three occasions she fought Kuno after flattening the crowd, punted him over the roof of the school though.

“That’s because you’re too nice, not because you can’t,” Katie replied. “It’s a mentality thing. If you pull on your punches, you won’t kill or really hurt anyone no matter how hard you can hit ‘em on paper.”

Akane looked down at her food, Katie did have a point. The idea of seriously injuring one of her classmates, even if it was a boy, didn’t sit too well with her conscience. Kuno maybe, but anyone else? Not likely, she couldn’t imagine hating anyone that much.

That would change.

“How are you able to do it?” Akane asked.

Katie smirked. “Obviously, I’m not a nice person. Hell, I’m the meanest person you’ll ever meet.”

That would change, too.

“Are you sure?” Akane asked. “You did help me because you thought I was nice.”

“I guess so, but having a sense of justice doesn’t mean being a nice person,” Katie replied. “It’s the right thing to do, sticking up for someone else. Especially when no one else was.”

She clicked her teeth in disgust. “Like seriously, I bet if any of those jackoffs stood up to Kuno instead of ganging up on you, you’d probably be eating lunch with one of them right now.”

Akane immediately made a face. “No way, I can’t even imagine that!”

“I don’t blame you,” Katie chuckled. “That’s their fault, not yours.”

Cheerfully smiling again, Akane nodded and took another bite of her lunch. Now that she was free of the vile horde, everything was great and wonderful. The sun seemed to shine brighter, the birds sang sweeter, even her sister’s delicious food tasted nicer! She was so happy now, and she had this cool foreign girl to thank for it!

“I really can’t thank you enough,” she said, “I don’t even know what I can do to repay you.”

“Having lunch with me more would be cool, hanging out in general.” Katie replied. “You’re good company.”

Akane smiled, before she noticed that Katie had yet to start eating. “Where is your lunch, anyway?”

Katie looked up. “I was told it’d be here soon, so…”

Akane looked up as well. “What, are you having it delivered?”

She heard of takeout martial artists, like the legendary Daikoku clan, but delivering from the air? She searched the sky, eager to see what Katie was looking for, until she caught sight of a fast approaching object.

It was a quadrotor drone, bearing underneath a container half its size. Buzzing in, it came to a hover, turned in place to point its camera first at her, then at Katie, before lowering itself down to land at the latter’s feet.

“Oh, a drone!” Akane said, quite surprised to see one. “Who delivers with that?”

She always wanted to try delivery by drone, but never had anything she couldn’t just go out and buy.

“My roommate,” Katie replied as she knelt down and slid the container from under the drone. “She’s a hardcore NEET who never leaves her place, so when I want her to bring me food or just stuff in particular, she sends drones.”

Akane was surprised. “Your friend sounds like she has a lot of money, if she can afford this.”

“I do have a lot of money!” A girl’s voice suddenly snapped from the drone. “And I’m not a NEET, you bitch!”

Akane jumped back, surprised that said roommate had been listening in via the drone. “Oh, sorry for that…”

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” the girl speaking via drone replied. “I’m Misao, and I guess I am kind of a shut in.” Clearly irritated by Katie’s comment, she added in reference to it “But I do have a God damned job!”

Katie stared down at the drone when Akane jumped. “Playing video games while dudes stare at your tits is not a job.”

Akane’s eyes grew wide. What kind of girl was this Misao?

“It is when you have tits dudes will pay to stare at,” Misao smartly shot back, and Katie’s face darkened.

An entirely innocent glance in that direction, and Akane realized that the tall American girl had a less substantial chest than her own. It was surprising, given the media stereotype of all western girls being extremely top-heavy, and a little ego-boosting that there was someone in the bra size department smaller than her. Not that she’d point that out to Katie at all ever.

“When I get home I’m kicking your ass!” Katie shouted at the drone.

“Hot, but I kind of can’t have you in tonight,” Misao replied. “I’m doing an R18 show for like six hours, and you know… legal reasons? Even having you walk by in the background might get me banhammered.”

At that, Akane blushed. Misao… she did those kinds of things? On camera? On the internet?

Katie frowned. “Ugh, I’ll have to go all the way to Minato tonight, then. Fantastic.”

“Sorry bae, but you know the rules. I can’t wait though, in six months, you’ll be my co-star!”

“No thanks,” Katie quickly replied. “I don’t want people ogling my pale ass.”

“You’ll say yes one day~” Misao cooed back. “Anyway, my lunch break’s almost over so it’s back to tourney training. Call me when you get to Auntie’s, kay bitch?”

“Yeah, I’ll see you. Love you,” Katie replied as she removed her lunch from the box and slipped it back into the drone. With an electric whine from its engines, the drone lifted into the air and began its flight back home.

As the drone flew away, Katie opened her lunch to find some hastily assembled fried chicken sandwiches, a bottled water, and some tossed in fried edamame. A smile creased her lips. “Aw, she took the time to make it herself.”

She took a bite into her sandwich and looked at Akane, who was gaping at her. “Mm?”

“Is… is your roommate… an AV Girl?” Akane asked, not even sure how to wrap her head around that.

“Worse, she’s an video game otaku,” Katie replied. “But yeah, she’s a camwhore who does stuff on camera for money… mostly just play video games with her shirt off.”

That made Akane outright flinch. “How do you live with that?”

“She’s not that bad, really. She’s actually kind of nice, a good cook, and basically letting me live with her for free.” Katie took another bite of her sandwich and swallowed it. “All I have to do is be her bodyguard the rare few times she actually decides to leave the house.”

Akane hummed in amazement. For someone as strong as her, a job like that was a walk in the park! “Wow, that’s all you do?”

“It’s why I’m even in the country,” Katie replied.

No wonder she had such an instinct to protect people, it was literally her job! “You know, you don’t have to go all the way to Minato if you don’t want to.”

Katie hummed. “Oh yeah? Know any good hotels around here?”

“No, you could stay at my house overnight. It wouldn’t be a problem at all,” Akane offered.

It was Katie’s turn to be surprised. “Huh? That’s awfully generous of you-”

“Well, I’m really grateful for what you did. if you hadn’t, I’d probably be miserable forever,” Akane insisted, smiling kindly. “Besides, you did say you wanted to hang out with me more in general.”

Katie watched Akane’s hopeful expression for a moment, before she averted her eyes and took another bite out of her sandwich to distract herself from the warm and gooey feeling in her chest. This girl was way too cute, there was no way she could say no to that. “Good grief, if it’s okay with you then sure. I’ll sleep at your place tonight.”

Akane beamed. “Great! I’ll call my older sister and tell to prepare a little more for dinner tonight. This is going to be the best!”

Katie chuckled and gave her a playful smile of her own. “If you say so.”

A distance away, in the tall trees that grew in Furinkan High’s vicinity, a small shadowy figure glared darkly at the two young women smiling and eating lunch on the roof. His beady eyes burned with a vengeful fire beneath his bushy brows as he brought an older-style flip phone to his ear.

For what that awful girl did to his master, there would be no peace–only revenge.

“Kodachi-sama, it is your loyal servant, Sasuke Sarugakure-san. I have grievous news regarding your dear brother.”

|Best Family|

As it was mentioned previously, Nabiki shared classes with Katie, and as such she had more familiarity with the transfer student than her younger sister. For the few days she was here, Katie was just a quiet girl who didn’t try to ingratiate herself with others, and just did her schoolwork and spoke when spoken to. Other girls were intimidated by her, the America-fanboys had been driven off by the fact that she wasn’t culturally inept, blonde-haired, and with big tits like all American girls were supposed to be, and all the other guys in school were too busy trying to beat up Akane to even notice her.

Nabiki herself, being completely indomitable, wasn’t intimidated by Katie. However, living with Akane did tell her what a wild animal was when she saw it and Katie was the very picture of savagery–someone who actually liked being waist deep in a fight and knee deep in blood. She didn’t anticipate, however, for the American to be a tier above Kuno or that she’d go straight for breaking him, ensuring him being out for at least a month from school.

The Kuno family had money, and that money would go into getting him back on his feet disconcertingly fast. That money would also not be going into Nabiki’s wallet, and that’s actually what had her a little pissed off at Katie.

Nabiki liked not having her arms broken, so any aggression she would have to act out on this girl would have to be completely passive. Maybe start up a rumor mill, get some compromising pictures circling around. Try to drum up the drama between her and Akane, all perfectly viable options that didn’t need the damn monster coming home with Akane that very afternoon.

“She can’t go back to her place tonight, and she was going to have to go all the way across town,” Akane reasoned with Nabiki as they walked home with Katie trailing a bit behind her.

“So you just kind of tell her to come on over without even asking anyone else?” Nabiki quietly asked back.

“I texted Kasumi, she said she was happy that I was bringing a friend over,” Akane replied.

Oh she would be, ever since the whole “Akane is a Violent Maniac” thing started going around, the only people who ever came over to see Akane were people wanting to beat her up or wanting her to beat people up. She didn’t have friends in the traditional sense beyond clingers-on who took shelter under her strength and tolerated everything else.

On the bright side, at least that meant that Kasumi would be cooking extra well to make a good impression on Akane’s new friend.

“What about Daddy? He’s in one of his moods,” Nabiki muttered back.

Akane quickly began to get a fix. Nabiki didn’t want Katie around at all. “Since when did you ever care about Daddy?”

“I’m not a total bitch,” Nabiki said. No she was a complete monster, but Akane didn’t know about the pictures… yet.

Akane rolled her eyes. Normally Nabiki didn’t care about much of anything, actually, but the day’s events and the change that came with it told ever everything. “Oh, I get it…”

Nabiki narrowed hers. “Get what?”

“You’re mad because Katie beat up your boyfriend.”

Nabiki’s eyes flew wide at the insinuation, but she looked more disgusted than enraged. She was honestly nauseous at the very idea. “W-what-?!”

“Oh man, you were holding a torch for that asshole?” Katie then asked. “Good girls like bad boys, and bad girls just don’t have taste at all, right?”

That just pushed the knife deeper, until Nabiki snapped. “That fucker is not my boyfriend!”

Akane recoiled a bit, surprised at how angry Nabiki could sound when her very pride was at stake. Alas, it was not every day she touched a nerve with her normally cool and collected big sister. She narrowed her eyes, and smirked as she leaned closer to Nabiki. “Are you suuuuuurrrrrre?”

“The lady doth protest too much,” Katie pointed out.

Nabiki wasn’t used to being on the defensive, and even when she was she normally had a way out against most anyone. However, rarely was she double-teamed, and even rarer was she cornered with such an infuriating insult. So, she did the only thing she could immediately do, she stormed off, her face red with fury and eyes filled with blood and fire.

“Fuck both of you!” She snarled angrily as she marched ahead. Oh they were both going to get it!

Katie looked to Akane, and made sure Nabiki and anyone else in earshot heard what she said next. “Oh man, she has got it bad for Kuno!”

Akane followed suit, speaking extra loudly, turning the heads of a few other students also on their way home from school. “She’s probably going to go sit by Kuno-senpai’s hospital bed right after dinner!”

Nabiki actually screamed in anger, and her march turned into a sprint for the house and a lot of door slamming that could be heard as Akane and Katie reached the front gate of the Tendo Home and Dojo.

“Man, that’s the first time I’ve ever seen Nabiki… emote,” Akane said.

“Normally she’s a sly, cool bitch who gets away with everything despite being as flimsy as tissue paper because she’s hot and smart?” Katie asked. She liked that type, especially when all that cool bitchiness turned into unstoppable rage.

“You know the type?” Akane was sure there was a story behind it.

“Freshman year, biggest bully in the school was a gossip with her finger on the pulse of the school and with a hand in the wallet of every boy. Tried to blackmail me. I broke three of her ribs and stole her boyfriend in retaliation.”

She hummed. “I got expelled for it, but it was cathartic.”

“What happened to the boyfriend?” Akane asked.

“Turned out he was a meth head, stole my laptop and my phone,” Katie said somewhat bitterly. “My uncle got that stuff back from him, but I haven’t heard from the asshole since to kick his ass myself. They say he just up and skipped town.”

That kind of downed the mood a bit. “Wow, I’m sorry that had to happen to you…”

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “It’s cool. That whole fiasco is why I’m here in Japan, so… silver lining!” She flashed her a small smile, and Akane returned it in spades.

|The Goddess|

Kasumi Tendo was well-used to doors being slammed in greeting, especially in the last three days. Ever since boys had begun trying to ask her out, Akane has been coming home completely steamed, slamming doors as she changed to work out her pent up frustrations in the dojo. From what Nabiki told her, the boys who were interested in their youngest sister were just really aggressive in their asking her out, and she wasn’t used to it.

What the mature, beautiful 19 year-old eldest of the Tendo sisters didn’t expect, was for the person slamming doors to be Nabiki, given the chain of expletives spoken as soon as the front door was shut. Concerned and curious, Kasumi hurried from the kitchen to intercept her younger sister, who was stomping towards the stairs.

“Nabiki-chan?” She called after her. “Is everything all right?”

“Give me a few days and a list of phone numbers and everything will be,” Nabiki growled as she turned and began up the stairs.

“What happened?” Kasumi asked.

“Why don’t you let Akane and her new best friend tell you all about it!” Nabiki shouted back, and bedroom her door slammed shut a moment later. Music then could be heard through the floor, loud, angry music about evil genocidal space emperors and balls.

That exchange reminded Kasumi of the exciting news that Akane was having a friend over. “Oh my, that’s right!”

Quickly she forgot all about Nabiki’s seething fury, she put on a big smile again and went right to the door, just as Akane was opening it.

“Three ribs, though? That doesn’t seem like much,” Akane said back to Katie.

“You should’ve seen what I did to her little clique of girls, the wrestling team, and half the football team,” Katie reassured her. “She thought they could protect her from me? I wouldn’t put that weak sauce on my sandwich.”

Both then noticed Kasumi standing in the door, and Akane brightened. “Hey Kasumi!”

“Welcome home, Akane-chan,” Kasumi said gently to her youngest sister, before looking to address Katie. “And welcome to our home, Izurando-san.”

Katie had a hard time immediately responding at that instant, because the very sight of Kasumi Tendo had stolen her breath away the instant before. This stunningly beautiful woman with long brown hair worn in a ponytail slung over her shoulder, looking like a perfect housewife in her dress and apron, and wearing a smile that reminded Katie of coming home from school to cookies, milk, and Disney Movies… this woman was Akane’s older sister?!

This, on top of the definitely sexy (in the bitchy way, no less!) Nabiki and the irresistibly cute Akane, told Katie one thing. One important, life-changing thing:

She was going to be so gay for them.

“Uh… hi,” Katie barely managed to squeak out in a low, shy voice.

Kasumi continued to smile. “There’s no need to be shy. Please, come in, it’s so wonderful to meet a friend of Akane-chan’s.”

The eldest Tendo turned to walk back inside, giving her a friendly nod over her shoulder to her as she headed in. When she broke eye contact, Katie couldn’t help but scan her up and down, her pale cheeks turning a nice shade of pink, before she looked over to Akane and then away.

Akane noticed it. “Heh, my older sister’s like the polar opposite of Nabiki. Super nice and stuff.”

Katie quickly nodded, while putting one hand on the wall and slipping out of her shoes. “Yeah, uh… yeah she’s really pretty… uh… nice… and stuff…”

Akane chuckled at Katie’s expression. She so totally had a girl-crush on her older sister. This wasn’t anything new to her, Kasumi had this effect on a lot of girls back when she went to High School.

“So, come on, let me show the dojo!” Akane offered. “We can even get some training in, too!”

“Sure, that sound’s good,” Katie replied, still distracted by Kasumi’s radiance. By the beauty of all the Tendo girls really, but that Kasumi though…

“Good golly molly,” Katie thought to herself–a phrase she’d NEVER say to anyone aloud–as she followed Akane in. “I don’t think anyone has ever turned me on that much by just existing. Damn.”

|A Friendly Spar|

As Kasumi went back to the kitchen to resume working on dinner, Akane led Katie down the hall adjacent to the rather spacious Tendo Dojo, a broad, high-ceiling building that was half the size of the main house itself. Snapping out of her Kasumi-induced daze, Katie let out an impressed whistle as she looked around.

“You could train quite a few students here,” she said as Akane went to a small closet adjacent to the door.

“We used to have a whole class, but then my mother died and Daddy lost interest in training anyone,” Akane said as she began to strip out of her uniform.

Katie looked over, and disguised her appreciative hum as one of understanding when she watched the uniform come off. She did a double-take, though when she saw that the unassuming in her uniform Akane looked had the body of a champion female MMA fighter off the front cover of a magazine, pulling off the beautiful and powerful look they strived for without any of the photo manipulation and camera tricks that normally went into it.

Stunned, Katie bit her lower lip and averted her eyes, before she decided that maybe she should get rid of her uniform herself.

As Akane slipped on her gi’s pants and went to pull on the top, she kept talking. “After that the class shrank until eventually I was the only one left. I mean I tried to keep it going, but no boys really wanted a girl to teach them… and I guess I was a little too intense for them.”

“I can’t imagine that,” Katie joked as she pulled her own uniform off and pulled a hair scrunchie to tie her long black hair up into a ponytail.

Akane finished tying her gi tight around her waist and turned to face Katie. She stopped herself, when she saw the athletic figure cut by the girl, looking like an olympic athlete wearing a pair of black and green bike shorts that ended just below mid-thigh, and a matching sports bra. The American girl was definitely thinner and wiry because of her height, but her muscle tone was impossible to ignore.

“Wow…” Akane murmured.

Katie glanced over at her and smirked. “Wow yourself, lookin’ like you could be on a magazine cover.”

Akane blushed a bit at the praise, and walked towards the center of the dojo, Katie following. “So, how do you want this spar to go?”

“How about first to fall loses?” Katie said.

Akane nodded and smiled. “Well, you asked for it.”

Rolling her shoulders and cracking her neck, Katie stood directly across from Akane as she finished her own stretching. Turning to face one another, the bowed respectfully–acknowledging the friendly terms of their spar–then assumed fighting stances.

“Ready?” Akane asked.

“Yeah, let’s dance,” Katie replied.

“Then here I come!” Akane called out as she came right at Katie with a powerful punch that seemed slow to Katie right up until she realized she had to do something to block and evade it. She did, bringing up her hands like a baseball catcher’s and blocking the punch, the full force pushing her back despite her braced feet.

Surprised, but undaunted, Katie vaulted right up and over Akane, crossing up and over her, twisting her body around to deliver a kick that Akane blocked by raising one arm before kicking back just as she landed, forcing Katie to skip backwards to avoid the heel aimed to connect with her cheek.

As she escaped the limits of Akane’s reach, the older girl took advantage of hers, going back in with quick jabs that Akane parried and deflected, using her footwork to stay at the limit of Katie’s reach while trying to scope out an opening to break out with. Her opponent was so quick though, with barely any gap between her blows or hesitation in her moves.

“Good moves, good moves!” Katie complimented as she feinted a punch again–but suddenly pivoted to use that devastating roundhouse kick she destroyed Kuno with.

Akane was much smaller than Kuno though, and she used it, ducking under it to attack. It was then that she realized that the angle was too high up, and she quickly rolled back as Katie’s leg came down much faster, the impact from her axe kick causing the entire dojo to shake.

“Whoa!” Akane scrambled back after she stopped her roll, avoiding slash-like low kicks that Katie kept her from capitalizing against with wild and unpredictable feints.

“Her footwork is so good… she really loves kicking…” Akane thought right before she fired off a high kick that crossed legs with Katie’s, parrying her kick. When Katie was pushed back, Akane suddenly came up from bringing her leg down with an uppercut, forcing her to somersault backwards and land a much safer distance away, bouncing from one foot to the other as she resumed her loose fighting stance.

“Good grief, that almost grazed me,” Katie teased.

Akane began to mimic Katie’s bouncing motion, she was starting to feel a rush she hadn’t since she went head on with Kuno in kendo. “The next one should do more than that!”

“C’mon, c’mon~!” Katie invited, right before the two danced right back into it and swung at each other.

|Nostalgia Bomb|

Inside the sitting room, a sound Soun Tendo hadn’t heard in quite a while began to fill his ears: The muffled thumping of footsteps, jumping, and stomping. The shouts of kiais, and even the smacks of blows being traded. Ah, what a nostalgic sound, it took him back to happier days, before the tragedy of his wife’s passing, a dojo full of students practicing their moves, sparring, training… all under his watchful eyes.

The mustachioed head of the Tendo family smiled and brought up his hand to stroke his chin. Ah, he remembered those old days so fondly. Maybe… maybe he ought to go back to that. Round up some students, and teach the art of fighting as he’d been taught.

… Well, maybe not exactly as he’d been taught, but in a manner that wouldn’t have the authorities (or worse, lawyers) knocking on his door.

An especially loud thump made Soun jump, and it was then that he finally realized that the racket wasn’t just him spacing out and reminiscing. “Hm?”

There was another, and now Soun was curious. “Kasumi-chan, what’s that racket. Is Akane upset about something?”

“Oh no, she’s sparring with a friend from school!” Kasumi said, quite giddily. It sounded like they were having so much fun in there!

There was an especially loud bang, from the sound of another of Katie’s kicks barely missing its mark, followed by the thumping and shouting of Akane attempting to punish it.

Soun’s curiosity could take it no longer, and so he rose and made his way over to the dojo. He knew how his youngest daughter was when it came to training, and usually affairs such as sparring were far less violent and far more brief.

Upon reaching the doorway, he was certainly surprised to see Akane jump off the opposite wall and swing a spinning kick straight for Katie’s head, the blow connecting with her raised arms but still having enough force behind it to lift her off her feet and slam her into the wall with enough force to splinter the sturdy wooden planks that went halfway up its sides.

Upon landing, a horrified Akane recoiled. “Oh… oh no! Katie, are you all right?!”

Soun was surprised himself. “Akane, what on Earth are you doing?”

He looked at the girl embedded in his wall, a definitely foreign girl, and paled. It was an unfortunate fact that when Soun’s interest in training students began to wane, Akane attempted to pick up his slack. This led to the vast remainder of his students fleeing the dojo–or more specifically, fleeing Akane’s wrath. While the girl knew enough to hold back from killing anyone (probably due to her nature) she was just clumsy enough to break someone short of killing them.

It was one thing for local boys to taste her wrath, but a foreigner? This was a lawsuit waiting to happen!

Akane looked over. “Daddy? Oh, I was sparring but-”

Katie, looking none the worse for wear, pushed herself out of the indent she made in the wooden planks. “Don’t worry, I’m okay.”

And then Akane was looking right back at Katie, awash with relief. “Are you sure?”

“I can keep going if you like,” Katie insisted as she went right back into a fighting stance. She grinned. “I’m starting to have fun, you know?”

Akane’s relief turned into the brightest smile Soun had ever seen her with, before she to returned to her stance and began circling around the center of the dojo floor opposite of Katie, like two binary stars around the same point.

Soun was amazed. This strange foreign girl–she was bringing out such a happiness in his youngest daughter. He almost wanted to interrupt their spar, and inquire more about this person, but they looked like they were having so much fun, so he decided to just step back and watch with a proud smile to see his daughter so happy.

Ultimately, the spar would be interrupted, by several smoke bombs suddenly rolling across the floor around Akane and Katie and exploding.

|No Ninja, No Ninja, No!|

“Ah, what the fuck?!” Katie called out in English, as the smoke filled her nose with a disgusting smell, and her eyes with tears. “It stinks like shit, oh God!”

Akane was similarly covering her face in vain as the smoke got to her, too. “Eek!”

Soun, out of the radius of the smoke bombs, brought the sleeve to his gi up to cover his face, as the bold laughter of a young man filled the room. This laughter caused both Akane and Katie to freeze.

“K-Kuno?!” Akane gasped.

“What the…?” Katie managed to open one eye and look through the blinding smoke, when she heard Akane. “Are you kidding me…?”

She could clearly see the silhouette of Kuno in his kimono, with what should be a broken arm holding out a bokken at his side as his laughter died down.

“As you can plainly see, I, Tatewaki Kuno the Invincible Blade, stand unharmed before you.” He declared. “Your flashy moves and foul demeanor, amusing as they are, were merely style to make up for substance you truly lacked!”

Katie wiped her eyes again, and her surprised look became one of confusion, and then just became a flat glare.

Kuno’s silhouetted chuckled again and pointed his bokken at her. “However, if you pack up your things and leave Japan immediately, to never be seen again, I will forgive you for your transgression and spare you a truly awful fate.”

He then brought the bokken to his shoulder and laughed again. “You must also pay a restitution fee, as well. I do not ask for much, just drop what money you have on the floor and leave at once.”

By this point the smoke had cleared enough for Akane, Katie, and Soun to see that “Kuno” was actually a tall bar stool wearing Kuno’s pants, with a bushy-eyebrowed, monkey-like man in a ninja gi wearing the top part of his usual kimono. He was wearing a wig that helped complete the illusion, and in the hand not holding the bokken he held a microphone to his mouth as he tried to emote the suaveness of Kuno and let the voice modulator do the rest.

“And Akane Tendo must go on a date with me, for allowing me to suffer such indignity!” He added.

Katie walked right up to the ninja, and kicked the stool out from under him as he laughed again, causing him to fall flat on his face and swallow the microphone.

“Sup?” She snarled in a low, dark voice as she looked down on the small man.

The ninja, one Sasuke Sarugakure, quickly got up, groaning from the nasty sensation of having a working microphone in his stomach. Hacking from being forced to swallow a microphone, he looked up at Katie, shocked. “H-how did you resist my poison smoke?!”

“Lookup CS Gas, and then imagine waking up to it once a week for a month,” Katie growled at him. “It ain’t pretty, and your shit ‘poison gas’ is a stink bomb compared to it.”

He pointed at her defiantly. “No matter, I will not forgive you for what you have done to my master!”

“Your Master?” Katie asked. “Wait, are you like Kuno’s pet ninja or something?”

“He is,” Akane said with no small hint of anger in her own voice.

Katie looked down at him. “I don’t need your forgiveness, but hey… since you’re a ninja for hire and stuff how about you work for me? I always wanted a pet ninja.”

“I AM NO ONE’S PET! ESPECIALLY NOT TO A LOOSE, LEWD WOMAN!” Sasuke roared while looking Katie’s toned body over. Honestly, wearing such brief attire! She was supposed to be sparring, not posing like some debased AV woman. Not that he would know about that.

“I am a loyal servant to the Kuno family, and for them I would gladly lay down my life!” He prepared more smoke bombs between his fingers. “Prepare for a taste of true hell-!”

A simple front kick scooped Sasuke straight up into the air, before Katie spun around and swung a high kick straight up into his stomach with such force, that there was feedback from the unseen speakers he’d used with the mic. This was followed by a muffled pop and Sasuke belching fire from the whole microphone exploding in his gut.

Her leg held high, Katie balanced the folded over ninja on her heel, as she stared up at him.

“Blood, fire, gasoline, and lead… that’s what Hell tastes like,” Katie whispered to Sasuke in English as she looked up at him, her green eyes alight with malice.

Through his pain, Sasuke suddenly found himself regretting being fluent in so many languages, as a good ninja servant ought to be.

“And I love it.”

Because those words and their tone were terrifying.

“Here, have a taste!” She brought Sasuke over in an arc, and slammed him into the floor of the dojo with enough force to buckle the planks and send him straight through the bottom of the dojo and into the cold, bare dirt under the building.

As splinters rained down around the edge of the hole made in the floor, she leaned down abd looked. He was still conscious, and in quite a lot of pain. Good, she wanted to make sure he understood completely how badly he fucked up.

“If you or your master come after me or Akane or any of her family,” she warned him in English, “I’m going to bury yours.”

Soun was impressed. Such power, such ferocity, such brutality! His dear Akane had made a friend that shared her interests so well!

Katie looked up from the hole and to Soun as she realized the damage she’d done. “Oh shit, I’m sorry about the floor. My friend has money, she’ll pay for fixing it, I promise.”

Soun brightened more. She wasn’t a cheapskate either. “Well, as long as you’re taking responsibility I don’t see the harm done.”

“Wow, Katie-senpai! That was great!” Akane said eagerly as she joined her side.

Katie looked over to her. “Senpai?” She cocked her head slightly, to look at Akane from a slight angle. “I’m not much of one…”

“Well, you took care of Kuno’s little servant pretty well,” Akane said. “And Kuno too.”

“I guess, but that just sounds so… flattering…” Katie said. “I’m not used to that kind of respect…”

She looked back at the hole. “Besides, I didn’t put the little guy out completely.”

Sure enough Sasuke began to haul himself out of the floor. He had an evil smile on his face, a dark grin, as if getting his ass kicked had been a part of his plan the whole time.

“Hmhmhm… indeed… you were clever to hold yourself back as I expected you to be,” he revealed.

Akane looked from Sasuke to Katie. “You held back, why?”

“Because we’re being watched,” Katie revealed, prompting a surprised Akane and Soun to start looking around quickly.

“That is correct!” Sasuke said. “Kodachi-sama, have you seen enough?”

“Oh my yes, I certainly have,” a new voice, that of a noble young woman, answered.

Then, the entire inside of the dojo was subject to a gentle fall of black rose petals.

|Lean a little bit closer see that roses really smell like poo-ooh-oooh|

“Rose petals?” Akane asked.

Katie caught one that fell close to her. “They’re black.”

She felt it between her fingers; they were real too.

When she looked ahead, her eyes widened again at the sight of a woman in a green leotard sauntering towards them. She was, much like Akane, the picture of athleticism, but her body definitely reflected one toned for the rigors of graceful gymnastics–barring her exceptional chest. She had the face of a fashion model to match the beauty of her physique, complete with alluringly done black lipstick and eyeliner, and her long black hair was tied off in a ponytail that extended down the right side of her head.

“So this is the part of town where all the hot, dangerous girls live,” Katie immediately thought.

“Who are you?” Akane asked, unnerved by the arrival of this unknown, if weirdly alluring, woman.

“Allow me to introduce myself properly,” the strange woman said. “I am Kodachi Kuno, sister of the man you may know as Tatewaki, and mistress of this one here.”

She gestured to Sasuke, who was still grinning maliciously at them.

Akane was almost immediately in a fighting stance, as was Katie.

“Geez, the House of Kuno is looking to go bankrupt with medical bills, huh?” The latter asked.

“You bet,” Akane agreed.

“Now, given your reactions, it isn’t too much of a stretch to believe that what my servant has described to me is true. You humiliated my brother, shattering his bones, his pride, and his spirit. You left him a hollow wreck of a man, who had to be carted to hospital nearly in pieces.” Kodachi looked between the two of them, before settling on Katie. “All because you took objection to his courtship of this homely girl?”

When she indicated Akane, Akane almost lunged to start punching her bloody. Homely? Homely?!

Katie held her arm out, holding Akane back. “I kicked his ass, yeah. Because he was bullying the whole school into beating her up. Why wouldn’t I step in on that?”

“Well, it doesn’t matter why, what matters is you did,” Kodachi said darkly. “For that, I believe a fitting… reward is in order, for your selfless intervention at my brother’s expense.”

Sasuke weakly laughed. He knew well of Kodachi-sama’s madness, and how deadly she could be in a battle. If that vicious beast of a woman thought his poison smoke was a joke, then his mistress would show her what a real master of toxins was like! He clenched a fist, eager to see Kodachi’s first blow.

Katie snorted. “Oh, and what would that be?”

Kodachi, seemingly out of nowhere, then produced a beautifully engraved hand-crafted, handheld mirror lined with a black rose pattern. “Here, a token of my gratitude. A one of a kind artisanal mirror commissioned as a gift for me for my sixteenth birthday and valued well over two hundred thousand yen.”

Both Akane and Katie immediately dropped their stances, growing confused at the offer of a genuine reward instead of some sinister attack. Looking at it, Katie reached out and with slight hesitation took it. “Okay…?”

“I would also like to offer my sincerest apologies,” Kodachi went on. “My brother can be something of a boor when it comes to things he cannot have, throwing tantrums this way and that. This treatment of you, Tendo-san, is absolutely unacceptable to the proud name of the Kuno family.”

Sasuke could not believe what he was hearing. “K-Kodachi-sama, but your brother… his love…!”

“Lust more like! You would never catch me acting like this, assembling a rabble to coerce another to become my lover and companion! A true scion of the Kuno family needs not to resort to such underhanded tactics to get what they desire!” Kodachi lifted her head up, and put on a regal smirk. “One must attain what they desire through any means, but through their hands alone! Ohohohoho!”

Katie bit her lower lip again. Okay, she was hot, crazy, and had the ojou-sama laugh. Girls in this neighborhood were amazing.

At this moment, Kasumi poked her head in, and saw the mess made and the new girl who’d arrived. It’d been so long since so many people had come to visit all at once. “Oh hello, are you another friend of Akane-chan’s?”

“An acquaintance, at best,” Kodachi replied, “But I bear no ill-will to her. In fact I am here to apologize for my brother’s behavior to her. I am Kodachi Kuno.”

Kasumi brightened. “Well there’s no need to be a stranger, please sit down for dinner with us. I’ve just finished it.”

Akane was on the fence about this. On one hand, being friends with Kodachi didn’t seem so bad if her idea for showing apology was handing out expensive gifts. On the other, it’d give her brother an excuse to come straight to the house. On a third, heretofore unnoticed hand, Tatewaki Kuno was a broken shell of a man who could probably do little more than harmlessly, hopelessly annoy her. On top of that if she was as athletic (and close to her brother) as she looked, she could probably learn a few things from her (and about Kuno) and incorporate that into her style so in case Tatewaki did come to bother her, Akane would have no problem pummeling the pompous ponce.

A new friend and a window into her enemy’s soul? Sold! “Please, Kodachi-san, join us for dinner. Kasumi is a very good cook.”

Kodachi hummed. “Well, it has been some time since I’ve had a meal prepared by someone other than my servant…” She looked down at a still disbelieving and shamed Sasuke, much as one would look upon an insect needing to be stomped on. “And since my servant will be indisposed due to his injuries, I will gratefully take your offer.”

Akane and Katie both smiled, for different but partially overlapping reasons. “Great!”

Kasumi was pleased as well. “Wonderful, please come to the sitting room.”

Soun couldn’t help his own smile. When did this house suddenly get so lively?

|Friends of the Black Rose|

It wasn’t a well-known fact, but Nabiki Tendo had a vindictive streak that rivaled most Middle Eastern antagonism. Indeed, if any two opposing nations were to learn of the pettiness of the grudges Nabiki could hold against others, they’d rethink their own quarrels and the road to world peace would lose the vast majority of its roadblocks.

In this instance, for the crime of actually getting a rise out of her, Nabiki just went online and hired someone to completely humiliate Katie. Not kill her or even significantly injure her, but to leave her exposed and embarrassed in front of everyone and ensure that she’d never want to see the light of day. It cost quite a bit of money, but for Nabiki Tendo’s pride, like any Tendo sister’s pride, money was not an object.

With revenge assured, she’d gone back to being her normally aloof self by the time dinner rolled around, though she was intrigued to find that they were being joined by Kuno’s little sister. Kodachi was quite curious about the young woman who turned her brother into a bigger buffoon than he normally was.

“I’ve been long curious about this girl who has bewitched my brother’s heart, between the constant ravings, the poetry, the pictures, the shrine, the body pillows–I was beginning to wonder if you were in fact some celebrity,” Kodachi revealed.

“Oh no, she’s just the most popular girl in school,” Kasumi praised, to Akane’s embarrassment.

“I’m not that popular…” She tried to humbly reply.

“Yes, you are,” Katie and Nabiki said in unison, though with more bitterness on the part of the latter. All those boys, worthless garbage now…

“Well, not anymore now that those idiot boys know I don’t want anything to do with them,” she grumbled.

Kodachi hummed. “Not a single one of them?”

Akane shook her head. “Those desperate dweebs may as well be dead to me, they’re dead to pretty much every girl in the whole town after what they did.”

Katie nodded in agreement. “Damn right.”

Kasumi was rather blithe about it. “Well, I don’t really care for younger men so it’s no loss to me.”

Katie glanced over to the eldest Tendo. “Really; what sort is your type?”

Put on the spot, Kasumi brought a hand to her cheek, her cheeks tinting pink. “Oh my, it’s kind of embarrassing really… and maybe not dinner table conversation for me.”

Kodachi seemed quite interested in this development. “So there is literally a school full of strapping young men untouchable to the women–literal burakumin in the eyes of women everywhere?”

Akane nodded. “That’s about it.”

Kodachi let out a silky laugh. “Interesting, I might be visiting your school in coming days, would you be so generous as to show me around when I come by?”

“As long as you don’t plan on taking your brother’s place as the resident lunatic,” Akane offered.

The next laugh was not as silky, in fact it was that ojou-sama laugh that prompted a shiver to go down Katie’s spine, and her thighs to clench together as she near-visibly shuddered.

“Ohohoho! Tendo-san, as a token of my forgiveness, you needn’t worry about me. I swear upon my family’s honor that I, Kodachi Kuno, will be your friend and confidante for life. I’ll do what I can to make up for my boorish buffoon of a brother.”

That had Nabiki lifting an eyebrow in surprise. “Wait, what?”

Kasumi, for her merit, was touched by the gesture. “That’s so kind of you!”

Akane was flattered as well. “Aw, geez, really?”

“Truly!” Kodachi said before looking to Katie. “And to you as well, Izurando-san. I don’t want any bad blood between our houses. Let us let bygones be bygones.”

Katie didn’t hesitate. “Sure, that sounds good. Long as you keep your brother out of our hair.”

“You have permission from me to deal with him as you see fit, short of actually killing him of course.”

Katie nodded. “In that case, next time I’ll break his legs.”

“That will be fine by me,” Kodachi said with another ojou-sama laugh.

Kodachi’s generosity was unexpected, suspicious even. It was as if she was getting something pretty big out of this and Nabiki wanted to know what it was. It barely took her a half second after she mused over this for her to realize it, and her eyes grew wide for a moment when she did.

“That magnificent bitch,” Nabiki said as suddenly this Kodachi girl became as much of a threat to her business in the long run as Akane’s other new friend was right now.

Soun, who was quite impressed by Kodachi’s little vow–and seeing the possible financial benefits–was more than happy to welcome this new development. “Akane-chan, your friend Kodachi-kun here is more than welcome in my home.”

“Just so long as her brother isn’t.” Not that it would probably stop him, Akane was just saying.

“I’ll keep him out when you can’t,” Katie said, to which Akane responded with a smile.

“So you’ll be coming over more often too, right?”

“Whenever you need me,” Katie promised. “We’re friends right?”

Akane let out a small laugh, as she beamed right back at Katie. “Yeah, we are!” She looked to Kodachi. “You, too!”

Kodachi found herself quite taken by the happy girl’s smile, just about as much as every other hopeless soul who saw it tended to be. She returned the smile. “It is an honor.”

Nabiki sulked a bit, her gaze darting between Akane, Katie, and Kodachi. In one day, in less than one, everything just got flipped on its head. How annoying it all was… what was once a comfy status quo was a mess of uncertainty, and uncertain times tended to be hard times.

There was no bringing Kuno back, and the boys of Furinkan High School were completely broken. If Nabiki was going to make any money, she would have to adapt and improvise. What a pain.

“Well, dinner was fabulous, Tendo-san, but I must be on my way,” Kodachi suddenly said as she rose. “I have class in the morning and homework to complete.”

She then produced from seemingly a stack of yen and set it on the table right in front of Nabiki. “A token of appreciation and gratitude for the lovingly crafted meal.” She then bowed politely to them, before going outside. “I will see you tomorrow, Akane-san, Izurando-san!”

Laughing that laugh Katie found so incredible, Kodachi took off into the night, leaving Nabiki staring blankly down at the stack of 100,000 yen casually tossed down by the younger Kuno sibling.

That was 100,000 yen.

Right there. In front of her eyes.

“She really is generous,” Kasumi said, surprised herself by the amount of money offered.

“I’ll say!” Soun said as he reached for it, only for Nabiki to move faster than she ever moved to snatch it up herself.

“Mine,” she said impulsively, earning two pointed looks from her younger sister and her beastly friend. Recoiling, she tried to look less money grubbing and forced a crooked smile. “Er… as in… I will make sure that this is safely deposited.”

The pointed looks cooled off, and Nabiki instead looked down at the tremendous amount of money with no small amount of giddiness. Maybe things won’t be so bad with the new status quo–long as nothing else upset it before she could get used to it again.

|Meanwhile, back in China|

Everything went wrong.

First, in clear defiance and disregard of the warnings, Genma and Ranma leaped into action, to train atop the bamboo poles of the Jusenkyo Springs. Everything was fine and dandy, with no sign of anything going wrong–aside from the protestations of the guide–but then Ranma kicked his father into the Spring of the Immersed Panda. An apt name, because instead of his father, what emerged from it was a grizzly bear-sized and indignant panda which promptly batted Ranma straight into the Spring of the Immersed Young Girl.

As expected, Ranma emerged from the spring in the body of a short, buxom, and unbelievably cute redheaded girl.

With a scream of horror, and then of rage, father and son–rather panda and daughter–spent the next few hours with the former being chased and pummeled by the latter.

At some point during this chase, Ranma may have knocked someone else into a spring, but in her rage she did not see who or what spring they fell in. She wasn’t even sure if it actually happened, and she was angry about that, too.

Now she was a girl, her dad as a panda, she was tired, angry, hungry-


-And coming down with a cold now, too. Today was the worst day ever and she was not sure how it could get worse.

“Hey, tour guide you’ve been walking us down this path for hours. How can you be sure that there’s a place that can help us here?” She asked their tour guide.

“There place, yes,” the tour guide revealed. “Place with wise elders who know very much of curses, yes? You get good cure here.”

“Can I get a warm bed and a meal, too? Because I’m tired and I’m starving!” Ranma moaned, her panda dad agreeing with a growl right as a modest-sized village came into view.

“Mr. Customers, you need not worry, we is here,” the tour guide revealed. “This is village of Women Warriors, they fix everything. It all be a-okay one hundred percent.”

Ranma looked with relief at the village, and sighed. Though the words weren’t exactly what he’d go for in terms of reassurance, it sounded like this nightmare was finally coming to an end.
Also did you leave out the part where the guide shows Ranma and Genma how to change back with hot water on purpose? If so this being a Ranma-Chan with a locked cursed + yuri harem story would make me a very happy reader :)

Prince Charon

Well-Known Member
Yeah, Katie is certainly an interesting girl.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Wait until you meet Misao.

= = =

Disclaimer: The following is a fan-written parody. Ranma ½ is property of Rumiko Takahashi, Studio Deen, Shogakukan, Viz Media, and Madman Entertainment. Support the official release, okay?

A Ranma ½ Story
Chapter 3/?

|Two Weeks Later|

The winds of change blew quickly at Furinkan High School. What had once been a vibrant and healthy male student body, full of life and vigor, became almost a non-entity as the former suitors of Akane Tendo resigned themselves to a life of mediocrity and loneliness. What were once hot-blooded young men with ambition segregated themselves from their female counterparts, traveling in commiserating groups, pitying themselves for their stupid life choices.

Little did any of them realize that this self-flagellation would only lead to a worse life choice.

Without Tatewaki Kuno around stirring up a frenzy and any boys to be frenzied, Furinkan became a much more peaceful place. Students went to class, took part in clubs, and basically the atmosphere of a rich slice-of-life anime began to settle in–one could even hear a calming, cheerful musical theme if one listened.

The girls of Furinkan High School, after briefly lamenting the loss of any dateable stock, found themselves breathing sighs of relief now there were fewer perverts running around. They also found that boys from other schools were a thing and that they were all pretty great–except for those assholes from Tomobiki High School. If there were boys worse than the Furinkan crowd before or after the defeat of Tatewaki Kuno…

Akane and Katie were the ones who reaped the most benefit of this high school renaissance. Without weirdboys being weird on them, a lot of the female class loosened up with Akane, and two of her clingers-on, Sayuri and Yuka, even began to actually hang out with her for reasons other than wanting to ward off a lecherous boy. Katie, on the other hand, found herself being worshipped by most girls in her class and below for getting rid of the school’s biggest pervert. Though the clique of informants and satellite bitches that orbited Nabiki Tendo still forwarded her nasty looks and snide comments on the regular.

Katie was fine with that, after all Nabiki wasn’t the first stuck-up bitch that would eventually get hers.

As for Nabiki herself, business took a hit. No boy in any class level wanted pictures of Akane, with the driving force being that even the allegation of owning one would cost them an arm or a leg–to be paid in full to Katie. However, organizing dates between girls at Furinkan and with boys from other schools had turned out fairly lucrative, it also boosted her gossip ring quite a bit, so all that really ached was her pride.

But that would be assuaged.

Life was normal, for the first time in a while, for everyone at Furinkan High School. It was such a shame that it was going to end.

“Katie-senpai~!” Akane called to her as she prepared to step out into the rainy courtyard, followed by Sayuri and Yuka. At this point, Akane called her senpai because Katie wasn’t used to it, and because pretty much every girl in her grade level called her it, too.

“Geez, could you not…?” Katie asked as she readied her umbrella. “What’s up?”

“Yuka, Sayuri, and I were going to go shopping. Did you want to come along?” Akane asked.

Katie really wanted to, because a shopping trip with Akane usually meant going back to the Tendo Dojo and eating Kasumi’s delicious food for dinner after. Alas…

“Sorry, I’d love to but I have to go clean up my apartment,” Katie revealed. “It’s been a few days and Misao’s been training for Internationals, so takeout boxes and water bottles have piled near to the ceiling.”

In addition to the dirty clothes. Why did someone who never went outside for more than a few minutes a week insist on wearing different clothes every day? She didn’t even do shows in them!

“Aw, that’s a shame,” Akane said with a pout.

“Why don’t you invite your friend to come shopping with us?” Yuka asked, in the far-off hope of being seen in public with an elusive celebrity with an apparently large amount of money.

Katie and Akane didn’t have the heart–or rather had the common decency–to tell her that the big part of her celebrity was because of all the pornography.

“I’ll never get that shut-in out until she actually has to go to Seoul for the championship,” Katie said, “Maybe some other time, though.”

Akane made a face. “She relies on you too much for her housework. What would she do if something happened to you?”

Katie smirked. “Probably charm one of her fans into doing it for free.”

Akane was about to comment on that, when her phone buzzed. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled it out and looked at the screen. Disappointment appeared on her features. “What? Oh man…”

“What is it?” Yuka asked.

Akane dropped her shoulders. “That was Kasumi, she said that something just came up and me and Nabiki have to go straight home.”

Katie frowned. “Is it anything serious?”

Akane shrugged her shoulders. “She says it’s family stuff. I guess I’m not going shopping today, either.”

“Aw!” Sayuri and Yuka both lamented.

Katie smiled. “Hey, hey, don’t be down… I’ll try to finish up my housework, and if it’s not super late, we can go to the karaoke bar that’s below my place.”

Akane brightened. “You sure?”

“Yeah, definitely. That place is open super late and it’s always bouncin’,” Katie revealed. “I might even be able to drag Misao away from the computer long enough for it.”

To finally meet Misao in person? Katie was making it too tempting for all three of her kohai.

“Sounds like a plan, keep us posted!” Sayuri said. “We’re still going to the shopping center though.”

“Yeah, see you Akane! Katie-senpai!” Yuka said as both opened their umbrellas and headed off.

Akane waved after them, and then looked to Katie. “Sorry again for your chores thing.”

“It’s fine, it’s fine,” Katie said. “Besides, when the place is clean, Misao’s actually motivated to cook instead of takeout. So it has its own rewards.”

She patted Akane on the head, and then headed off, her green and black hexagon-pattern umbrella opening wide under the pelting rain. “See you around, Akaneko.”

As Katie strolled off, Nabiki came up alongside Akane, looking at her phone. “I hope we’re not in debt with some jerk and have to sell the dojo or our bodies to pay it off or something stupid like that.”

Akane looked to her sister. “That would be stupid, especially since you’re supposed to be the one keeping an eye on the books.”

Nabiki nodded. “Well financial records are one thing, but Dad was a travelling martial artist remember? He’s probably made some oral man-to-man honor agreement with a huge asshole or two that he’s neglected to tell us about out of convenience.”

“Now that would be stupid,” Akane decided.

“If he did, what would you do?” Nabiki asked.

“Well, that depends on the asshole he made the agreement with.”

|As far as assholes go, this guy’s un-bear-able|

A few blocks over, on one of the busier streets of the Nerima ward, a curious sight was stopping pedestrians and drivers alike. Right before the eyes of many of a part of Tokyo already well-used to weird phenomena, a free-running redhead girl dressed like she came straight out of rural China was being pursued by a parkouring panda.

As many of these witnesses would later attest in social gatherings and on social media, you haven’t lived until you’ve witnessed a panda doing a two-handed vault at full pelt in pursuit of a petite little redhead that no-hand somersaulted right over it a second before.

Leaping over another parked car and breaking into a sprint, Ranma Saotome was dead set on doing everything she could to stay outside of her cursed father’s paws. In her hands she held tightly onto a pair of shoes and a backpack, which were currently slowing her down as the panda closed in.

She looked back, and after damning her father’s animal physique, threw her bag and shoes at him. “Knock it off!”

Genma Saotome, despite being a large endangered mammal, saw the feint a mile away, and batted the bag away with a right paw before bringing his southpaw up to block Ranma’s flying side kick. The force of the blow was still enough to push Genma back quite a bit, the Panda letting out a growl and shaking his head.

People were starting to film the chaotic scene, while others were calling the zoo about an escaped wild animal.

“Picking my fiancé for me, without even asking? That’s what was so important that we had to come back here for?! You’re just dead set on making my life a living hell, aren’t you?!” She yelled at him.

To the spectators surprise, the panda produced a sign that read “I’m doing what’s best for you, boy!” which safe to say confused a whole lot of people for a whole lot of reasons. The panda assuming a fighting stance did not help.

“What’s best for me? Oh that’s it.” Ranma quickly assumed her own fighting stance. “Your move, but you’re gonna regret it!”

Genma moved, rushing in close and launching a barrage of quick strikes, and Genma did regret it, as Ranma caught the last muscular thrust from the panda’s arm and lifted him up and over her head to slam him into a street sign, bending it until it snapped like a twig. Dusting off her hands, a useless reflex given the pouring rain, Ranma turned away from him and gave him a caustic look from the corner of her eye.

“Suck on that, old man, I’m going back to China,” she declared.

Genma raised his wooden sign, which now read “So more things can ruin your life?”

Ranma was appropriately triggered. “Excuse you?! When it comes to things ruining my life, you’re batting a thousand! I’m getting out of here before this engagement shackles me with some really dumb bull-!”

Genma threw his sign at Ranma, forcing her to kick it away quickly. The panda was gone, as was the sign that he’d broken. “Shit!”

Both showed up again in short order, with the former bringing the latter down on Ranma’s head from behind, knocking her flat out. Ranma didn’t even hit the ground, before her Panda Dad caught her and hoisted her up over his shoulder. As the giant panda picked up his fool son-turned-daughter’s travel belongings, he finally noticed the crowd of gawkers gawking.

A quick bout of snarls and roars at the peanut gallery scattered them well enough, and Genma continued on his way with a growl of satisfaction. Using that old throw something at your target to distract him from the real attack maneuver was something he mastered before Ranma was a twinkle in his eye. This fool son of his was going to learn that there were just some things he couldn’t pull on his old man.

Then, out the corner of his eye to his right, Genma spotted what was definitely a closed green and black umbrella thrown at him like a spear. With a sweep of the bag he carried, Genma knocked it up, flipping into the air back towards the sidewalk.

When he looked towards his new attacker, he was left completely open to Katie falling down on him from directly above, tumbling like a wheel in order to swing her heel down onto the top of his head with the greatest force possible.

It paid off, Genma hitting the ground so fast that the unconscious Ranma was left floating in the air for a moment, as the panda bear’s face planted with the street complete with the force to make a full body imprint of it a meter deep. Ranma landing on the unconscious panda’s back only added the insult to injury.

After recovering her umbrella, Katie walked over towards Genma and looked down at him. “I’ve knocked out my share of bears, but seriously Po? I wouldn’t put that weak sauce on my sandwich.”

She then looked over to the crowd. “Is someone gonna call a zoo or something? I’m gonna get this one out of the rain.”

A few hands went up, and upon finding that satisfactory Katie gingerly picked up Ranma, her shoes, and her backpack. Looking down at the unconscious girl, and then in the direction of her place, she let out a sigh.

“Welp, at least Misao will be too busy training to care,” she muttered as she headed on for home with Ranma in her arms.

|Coming atcha like a Dark Horse|

When Nabiki and Akane came home, they found Soun was more emotional than usual, clutching in his hands a postcard from China stamped posted in the last couple of days. Kasumi, on the other hand, was looking uncharacteristically distressed by something–presumably the contents of the postcard.

Nabiki could smell bullshit in the air like a shark could smell blood in the water, and she was already mentally preparing herself for some real bullshit. “Okay, what happened?”

Kasumi looked to her younger sisters. “Well, um…”

“Girls… a truly happy day has come!” Soun declared. “This day, the day where I will get to introduce one of you to your fiancé!”

Nabiki wasn’t prepared for that. “Say what?”

Neither was Akane. “A fiancé?”

“So I wasn’t caught in a momentary delusion where Daddy was acting like this was the 19th Century,” Nabiki said before she let out a sigh. “Disappointed.”

Soun, wiping his tears on the sleeve of his gi, set down his postcard. “Yes. The son of a good friend of mine, the son’s name is Ranma Saotome. Years ago, before any of you were born, we made a promise to one day join our schools together.”

“Was it a man-to-man honor agreement?” Nabiki asked.

“Correct!” Soun said proudly.

“Oh fuck me,” Nabiki muttered.

“This is so stupid,” Akane whispered.

Soun didn’t hear that. “If one of you three were to marry him and carry on this dojo, then the legacy of the Tendo Family will be secure.”

“What, the dojo that you don’t even actively teach students in?” Nabiki asked, and Soun looked physically harmed by the verbal jab.

Kasumi gave Nabiki a look. “Don’t be mean.”

It was true, though.

“Don’t we have a say in who we marry?” Akane asked, somewhat more subdued in her objections.

Kasumi was in full agreement. “That’s right father, it’s our lives here.”

Nabiki voiced her own protests. “Yeah, if they’re friends of yours, they’re probably too poor to afford dirt.”

Akane didn’t let that pass without comment. “Nabiki! Is that really the only thing you care about?”

“Well excuuuuuse me for not wanting to worry about bills or food or anything like that.” Nabiki snapped back.

The practicality of the answer even stunned Soun for a second.

“Nabiki...” Akane said, somewhat respecting her older sister.

“And, you know, being able to spoil myself a little too.” Nabiki couldn’t resist adding.

“And there goes the respect. Akane thought bitterly, a sour look on her face.

“Well, we do all have our concerns. Today’s economy isn’t exactly inviting to the Art or single income households.” Kasumi decided to diffuse the situation between her sisters before it could escalate. It would not do for them to be arguing, still, when the Saotomes arrived.

“Nonsense! There will always be an interest in the martial arts. You needn’t be too concerned,” Soun reassured his daughters, eager to calm down Akane and Nabiki’s tensions as well. “And also, you’ll have a chance to meet Ranma before any of you decide which of you will marry him.”

Though he knew in his mind it would most likely be Akane in the end, because she was the only martial artist of his daughters, and Nabiki and Kasumi would almost certainly throw their youngest sibling under the bus to avoid getting hitched to it.

In which, case Akane would have to learn how to lift buses. Fast.

“So, what’s this Ranma guy like?” Akane asked.

“Is he cute? Is he ripped?” Nabiki could put a bag over the head if not the former, but if he wasn’t rocking at least a four-pack then it was a deal-breaker.

“He’s not a little boy, is he? I like older men,” Kasumi insisted.

“Way older,” Nabiki murmured with an edge of disgust.

Akane shot Nabiki a glare that would make a solid brick wall back the fuck off. Nabiki didn't budge an inch, and instead coolly examined her fingernails.

"I don't know. Never met the boy."

All three sisters fell dead silent for a moment and looked at their father as if he had spontaneously been replaced with a talking, dancing radish. Then, while he sheepishly laughed off his ignorance, Kasumi stepped forward, gently wrapped her delicate fingers around his lapels and lifted him into the air while smiling oh, so sweetly at him.

"Father, could you please elaborate on that?" Kasumi asked, projecting an angelic aura that was as tall as the house they were standing in–standing on its side.  "I do not think I understood what you were saying correctly."

"Oh, it's really nothing complicated," Soun obliviously said. "I've simply arranged for one of you to marry a boy when the only things I know about him are his name, and that he's the son of my best and dearest friend, who I have not seen in the better part of twenty or so years.”

"I see. So that is how it is," Kasumi calmly, oh so calmly said. The serene smile on her face widened just a touch. "Thank you for clarifying, father dearest."

Akane and Nabiki both scooted away from the eldest sister, wary of the frightening presence they felt from her, before the sound of people talking among themselves caught their attention. The moment they looked towards the door, a traffic officer stepped up to the open patio door of the sitting room, and out of the pelting rain.

“A cop?” Nabiki asked, turning her bemusement from on Kasumi to this development.

“Is something the matter, officer?” Soun asked. Kasumi gently put him down.

The officer scanned the confused family. “Ah, is this the Tendo residence?”

“Yes, what is it? Has something happened?” Soun now demanded.

The officer nodded. “Oh, good. We’ve found something that belongs to you, apparently.”

He looked towards the front of the house, just outside their field of view. “Well, it claims it belongs to you.”

Soun, now quite baffled, stepped onto the patio to afford a better view. Seeing a giant panda surrounded by a dozen police officers while waving a sign gently in its paw did not help his confusion. It didn’t help Akane, Nabiki, and Kasumi’s either, when they peered out to look.

“Is… is that a fucking panda?” Akane murmured.

"I swear to christ if this is Ranma…" Nabiki whispered. Then repeated it louder when her mind fully digested that possibility.

"I… Don't have a pet… hrm?"

The panda itself was waving around a sign. "Hello Tendo! It's been a long time. Hot water?"

"... Father?" Kasumi said, resting her hand on Soun's shoulder. "I don't think you elaborated enough after all."

|The Gamer|

With an icepack on her head, and wrapped up in a warm blanket, Ranma regained consciousness on the most comfortable bed she’d ever woken up in. It was huge bed, bigger than a King Size, and the material was so cozy that it felt like it was heated under her, soothing her sore and tired body as she laid in it. The sheets were crimson with a gold trim, matching well with her hair, coincidentally, and her head was resting on one of four large pillows at the head of the bed.

Unwinding herself from the blanket, Ranma sat up and looked around. In addition to an expensive bed, the rest of the room matched it. To her left was a huge walk-in closet, with clothes and a few boxes strewn around it, but on the wall to her right and directly in front of her were two huge flat screen televisions.

Underneath and flanking the sides of the television were three huge cabinets whose contents sent Ranma’s pulse racing: video game consoles! New ones, old ones, foreign ones, and handhelds! And games in cartridges, cartridge cases, disc cases, and so many different controllers neatly organized by generation! There had to be thousands of games!

For someone who thought herself blessed to see an arcade cabinet during her travels, this was stepping into some sort of paradise!

“Where the heck am I?” She asked before she looked down and realized that she was only wearing her boxers and a t-shirt. “And where are my clothes?”

Suddenly this was less awesome. All those consoles and games? She was definitely in the house of some game otaku, and she was almost naked in the house of a game otaku who presumably carried her off after her old man knocked her out.

Her mind raced. Was this the place she was being taken to? Where was the panda bastard then? Did he just drop her off here? Was this the guy she was supposed to be engaged to? That thought made her blood boil, he wouldn’t dare just marry her off to a guy because she was turned into a girl, would he?!

If he did, the Panda was dead, and so was this super creepo pervert! With her resolution aflame, Ranma leaped out of bed and onto the carpeted floor, before she stomped for the bedroom door. “Time to find out what the heck is going on here.”

She swung open the door revealing a short hallway leading to a spacious living room with two love seats and a couch arranged around the three sides of a rectangle-shaped rug. On the other side of the otherwise wooden-paneled floor, Ranma saw another big screen television mounted on the wall, but under this one was a large computer desk, with an unoccupied monitor and PC tower sitting on it. There was someone sitting at the main couch, a girl with vibrant pink and teal dyed hair, wearing a virtual reality headset on top of her head but not over her eyes.

“Is it a fun game? Well, yeah of course it’s a fun game. I did an entire LP of it, which can be found on my Youtube Channel BansheeDeadSix.” The girl giggled. “I wouldn’t have if I didn’t think it was fun. Is it a good game, though? Nah it’s an awful game. The story is paper thin and full of plot holes, the character voice-work is cringe-inducing, and in my LP I do nothing but talk shit about the game, the head writer, and the fact that his wife and sister have tweeted at length about how they want to make a porno with me.”

Ranma was confused at the contradiction she just heard. How could something be both fun and terribly written, with paper-thin characters and relentless plot-holes? Huh. That sounded familiar for some reason, but she couldn't place where from.

Wait, want to make a what?!

“P-Porno?!” She said, surprised that someone would speak so flippantly about something like that.

Her unexpected exclamation caused the girl to jump and then quickly turn back to look at her. The strange gamer girl turned out to be extremely cute, if looking somewhat on the chubbier side. Her wide silver-gray widened a bit more when she saw Ranma standing there.

“Who the hell are you and why are you in my house… in your underwear?” Misao asked.

Ranma blinked twice as she tried to process that, before she asked. “You mean you don’t know?”

Misao Darlian pointed a remote control at the web camera and laptop sitting on the coffee table in front of her couch to click it off, and stood up. When she did, Ranma did a double-take: The two-toned hair girl was barely taller than she herself was, though she must have outweighed her by thirty pounds. And she was only a bit soft around the waist, the rest of it packed into some serious curves. More specifically, Misao happened to be extremely top-heavy, her t-shirt stretched out around a chest that outdid even a certain purple-haired Chinese nightmare.

Ranma’s brain shorted out for a second there, when she realized that in addition to the aforementioned shirt, she was only wearing a pair of very brief pink lace panties. “… Buh.”

Misao raised an eyebrow, before she gave the more athletically-figured girl a quick look over, but focused on her impeccably cute face. “Buh yourself, you’re pretty easy on the eyes, too.”

Ranma didn’t know how to take that compliment. “Uh…”

“Subject at hand, though, why are you in my house?”

“I don’t know, I woke up here with an icepack on my head!”

Misao stopped and looked to her right, towards the apartment’s kitchen, separated from the sitting room by a countertop and cabinets directly above it. She then called to Katie. “Hey, what did I tell you about sneaking in strays, bae?”

English? Ranma repressed a sigh of annoyance, that was her worst class in school.

Katie, who was washing dishes with a pair of headphones on, dried her hands off to remove the headphone cups from over her ears. Out of courtesy to Ranma, she spoke in Japanese. “Oh uh… I found her outside, she was fighting a panda and lost. I figured I’d bring her here because she was soaked from the rain and had a bump on her head.”

To Ranma, she added, “I threw your clothes in the washer because they were soaked and kind of filthy.”

Ranma was a little surprised. “Oh? Huh… thanks.”

Misao was confused about one thing in that explanation. “Fighting a what?”

“A panda,” Katie replied. “I am dead serious.”

Ranma responded as she would later become known for, with righteous indignation. “He got me with a cheap shot, too.”

Misao turned back to Ranma. “Why were you fighting a panda?”

With a grimace, Ranma looked away. “It’s kind of complicated, okay? I don’t think you’d even believe it if I told you everything.”

"I saw a panda doing parkour and martial arts. My suspension of disbelief is stoned out of its mind right now," Katie said.

Misao once again looked to Katie. “Are you sure you’re not actually high right now?” Then back to Ranma. “Or you?”

Ranma grew a bit more indignant. “I don’t do drugs! That panda was trying to take me to some guy’s house so I could get engaged, and I didn’t want to!”

Misao stared blankly at Ranma, as did Katie.

“A sex-slave trafficking panda that does parkour and martial arts?” Misao said, almost numbly, her gaze turning to Katie.

“I guess?” Katie replied.

“No, the Panda is my father!”

Misao looked back at Ranma again, wide-eyed. “… So… your father is a sex-slave trafficking panda-”

“He’s not a sex-slave trafficker! He was engaging me to the daughter of his best friend!” Ranma said in exasperation.

Katie hummed. “Well, at least he’s progressive.”

“No one in Japan is that progressive,” Misao said.

Katie snorted. “Says you-”

“Born in a lab in Hamburg, Germany,” Misao said counting off on her fingers, “Raised on the French Riviera, went to middle school in Stockholm, Sweden and went to high school in Los Angeles, California. I am not that Japanese.”

“Damn it, I’m a guy!” Ranma declared, hitching her shoulders and accidentally doing so in such a manner that made her chest jiggle in a way healthy males don't tend to.

Misao stopped. “Okay, maybe someone in Japan is that progressive.”

That rightly tore it for Ranma.“Oh for the love of…!”

Ranma stormed off into the kitchen, grabbed the nearest glass, and filled it with hot water from the sink. Marching back out into the living room, she promptly upended the glass over her head, instantaneously changing from a petite, busty and cute redhead to a relatively tall, handsome young man with jet black hair and a well-toned body that filled out what were before loose-fitting undergarments.

“See?! I’m a guy!” Ranma yelled at them both.

If Katie had been holding anything, she would’ve dropped it on the floor in her shock. The panda had been weird enough, but the whole girl turning into a guy thing? This was a whole new level of what the fuck, it surpassed what the actual fuck, and stretched even beyond the territory of furthermore fuck right off with that.

She looked to Misao, who was similarly wide-eyed at the transformation. She had dropped the remote she carried, and it clattered to the floor forgotten. After a few moments, her expression softened back to her initial blank reaction, and she nodded. “Huh.”

Misao turned and walked over to the computer desk. Reaching into one of its cabinets, she pulled out a glass bong, a lighter, and a plastic bag filled with dried green plants, before walking back over to one of the love seats and sitting down. She then looked to Ranma, and gestured for him to sit down across from her.

“I’m gonna need you to sit down and explain this from the top for me… as soon I take a couple hits to get me in the right mindset."

"Hold up, I want in on that," Katie mumbled while watching Ranma as if he might vanish into the ether if she so much as blinked. "Got a funny feeling my suspension of disbelief ain't quite high enough yet."

Ranma, let out a sigh. Okay, a couple of strange girls who smoke marijuana. At least he wasn’t getting engaged to some weird girl. That reminded him. “Hey, what happened after my old man knocked me out? Where is he?”

|At the Tendo Dojo|

With steam rising from the freshly poured hot water on his head and shoulders, Genma Saotome sat before a blankly staring Kasumi, Nabiki, and Akane. Next to him, a grim-faced Soun stood, holding the kettle that had just been poured upon Genma. Next to Genma, a wooden sign on the floor read “I will explain the whole situation as soon as you pour some hot water on me.”

“Two weeks ago,” he began solemnly, “My son and I, tired, weakened, and hungry, had left the ancient training grounds of Jusenkyo in search of food, water, and a warm bed. We traveled for hours, until we came across the curious town called Nyucheizu.”

“A village of women heroes?” Soun asked.

“Indeed. Though warmly invited to their company, it turned out that they were a treacherous and conniving lot. They housed and fed us, but when the night came, they attempted to carry off Ranma… as he was–by their description–a virile and strong specimen worthy of adding to the village’s proud bloodline.”

Actually, they had stumbled into the village during a martial arts tournament. Unnoticed, while everyone else was preoccupied with the incredible prowess of a young woman who would become the tournament’s champion, they ate the feast that was meant for said champion.

“How despicable!” Soun said.

“Yes, however they sorely underestimated my boy’s strength. In minutes, twenty of their finest warriors were defeated by his hands, and another thirty were repulsed in fear of his power. We made a hasty retreat then.”

Soun rose from his seat, shocked by the story. “Incredible, an entire village of Chinese Martial Arts Masters, out for revenge. Ranma must be an impressive young man to garner such a hatred!”

"He defeated their village champion like it was child's play!" Genma boasted. "All it took was a single kick to send her flying.”

Actually, Ranma only fought and beat up one of their warriors–the above-mentioned champion–after she rightfully called him and Genma out for eating what would’ve been her victory feast.

“Yes, they howled and roared in anger, shouting vows of revenge at our backs. When we made it back to civilization, we thought we’d escaped them… but that turned out to be further from the truth. Their warriors had pursued us all the way down from those mist-shrouded mountains, attacking us at random and without warning. For days we fled, escaping their ambushes and traps… until finally we escaped to Japan–or so we thought.”

Actually, upon beating the warrior girl, said warrior girl gave Ranma a kiss vowing that she would pursue her better to the ends of the Earth and kill her in order to restore her village’s damaged pride.

Genma gussied up the story because he was extremely eager to sell Ranma to a prospective fiancée. Going by their still stunned looks, it appeared he knocked it out of the park.

“They followed you… and then they attacked you to make off with Ranma!” A horrified Soun said. “We must hurry and rescue Ranma, the future of our schools depends on it!”

He looked to his daughters, though specifically Akane. “This will require your help, Akane!”

Akane was still staring at Genma. All three of the girls were. When she finally noticed that her father was speaking to her, she looked up at him. “I’m sorry, but are we not going to address the fact that a panda bear turned into a human being when we poured hot water on its head?”

“A trivial matter,” Genma dismissed.

“You were a panda,” Kasumi said.

“Yes, but that is not the point-”

“A big, stupid looking black and white bear that feasts on bamboo, and has no ecological value because its dietary needs and low breeding drive are literally pushing it to its own extinction more than any human intervention against it,” Nabiki droned.

Genma grimaced in disgust. That part about low breeding drive in the wild actually wasn’t true, and his time as a panda unfortunately gave him a terrifying insight on that. “Let’s focus please! Now, about rescuing Ranma-”

Akane and Nabiki then jumped onto their feet, Akane holding blue pompoms while Nabiki held red.

“P-A-N-D-A-W-T-F?!” They spelled out together while doing a well-choreographed, yet improvised Cheerleader drill. While they did this, Kasumi wandered behind them with a piece of cardboard that had a panda drawn on it underneath the words “What is even happening?” written on it in cursive English.

On the edge of his patience, Genma looked over at Soun. “Your daughters are very energetic, Tendo! You've given them some good training, I'm sure they'll be quite capable of helping save Ranma, once we actually focus and get past this panda issue-”

"Hey, does Ranma turn into something, too?" Nabiki then asked, now that it reminded her.

Genma rolled his eyes. “We can discuss that later. Ranma's life could be in jeopardy-”

“Hey, this is important” Nabiki insisted. “He could turn into a cat, or a duck, or a pig…”

Akane hummed. “That actually would be kind of cute. Like something out of Dr. Slump.”

Kasumi then proposed as she stashed away her sign, “Or he could turn into a flying minotaur with tentacles, or some insane rage monster that destroys everything around it in a rampage.”

Akane grimaced. “Not as cute.”

“That first one sounds like every monster in an H-doujin ever,” Nabiki said with a shudder.

“Does it really matter what my son transforms into?!” Genma asked, exasperated.

"So he does transform into something," Kasumi observed.

“For goodness sake, yes!” Genma finally admitted in frustration. “NOW ARE WE GOING TO RESCUE HIM OR NOT?!”

"Fantastic, a would-be significant other with an ancient–possibly Chinese–curse, and a mark of death from an entire village of women warriors who care not for borders or collateral damage, because that is really attractive,” "Nabiki said. Then, fake coughing into her fist, she said “Notthefiancée!”

“What?” Akane began-

“Not the fiancée,” Kasumi clarified for Akane, while calling it herself.

When she realized, Akane looked downright betrayed. “Et tu, Kasumi? Then fall, Akane.”

Soun had called it, like a boss. “Now’s not the time to be overly dramatic. We must begin the search for Ranma, post-haste.”

Akane rose up to her feet and looked between her father and Genma. “Before we go out looking for him, let me call up my friend. She can help us look for him.”

Genma looked a tad nervous. “We don’t really need to pull in people outside of the family for this-”

Soun disagreed. “It’s all right, Saotome. Akane has a rather reliable friend, who’s quite a talented martial artist herself.”

|A regular one-hitter quitter|

Katie pulled the bong away from her lips, and held in her breath. Leaning back, she parted her lips and breathed out a rolling cloud of white smoke that joined the misty clouds that were being drawn off into a ventilation grate on the ceiling. Lowering her head, she huffed a bit, a few more clouds of smoke rolling out from her mouth and nose as she passed the bong and lighter back to Misao.

“Nope, I’m high as fuck and it’s still making no sense,” she declared.

Misao was kind of in agreement. “I literally just watched it happen twice and I’m like what the fuck.”

Ranma, who was a girl again after demonstrating the curse during her explanation, sighed. “Believe me, I don’t want it to be real either, but it’s true. In China there are these cursed springs that if you fall into one, you become whatever fell in first. Thanks to my old man knocking me into the girl spring, I’m like this now.”

“It’s still fucking absurd,” Misao said.

“I can literally kick a car in half and I call bullshit,” Katie added.

Ranma considered that for a second. “One, we are sparring when you're not high, two I know and I'm living it.”

“We can spar now, I’m good,” Katie insisted.

“Fuck that, not in my house,” Misao warned before she took a hit from the water pipe.

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “Okay. But we can still talk shop, right? What sorta training you had?”

“I’ve trained from when I was way little,” Ranma revealed. “My Dad took me out on a training trip as soon as I could walk.”

Katie stared at Ranma. “… My Uncle started training me when I was four.”

At that, Ranma brightened. “Wait, you’ve been on training journeys, too?”

“Yeah!” Katie quickly said. “Every summer when I wasn’t in school, I’d be in a different country learning to fight non-stop!”

At that moment, everything changed. All of her life, in all of her training Ranma had never met another kid under her circumstances, forever on the road to martial arts to the point where socializing was minimal. Sure, she met other kids who were pretty talented at the art, but even then he easily clobbered them. She was always the odd man out–an ironic phrasing yes–there was no one she could ever really relate to, someone who understood the struggle.

But that was over.

“Did… did we just become best friends?” Ranma asked.

Katie nodded. “I think so.”

Misao, smoke drifting from her mouth as she spoke, deadpanned. “Oh my God, there’s two of them.”

On the bright side, this one was also a hottie, as a girl and even hotter as a guy. So, win-win?

“So, going back to your Panda Dad, what are you gonna do about all of that?” She asked.

Ranma folded her arms. “Well I’m not getting engaged, that’s for sure. Knowing my pop it's probably going to be the kind of chick that makes me wish Xian Pu would catch up to me.”

Misao grunted. “Ugh, I know this scrublord from China who goes by Shampoo, and when she isn’t feeding because she absolutely refuses to team play, she’s focusing down on whichever player kills her until she actually gets a kill herself–which is usually never since she doesn’t farm and just hard lanes loud and stupid every time.”

Ranma stared mystified at her. “I didn’t even understand half of what you just said.”

“Don’t play Dota , and hopefully you never will.” She passed the bong back to Katie and got up. “Well I am now starving, so it’s time for me to cook dinner. Do we still have any hamburger in the fridge?”

Katie nodded. “Yeah.”

She looked to Ranma. “You look like a big-eater. Six or seven good for you?”

“Uh, yeah,” Ranma replied, surprised that Misao would peg her as one who ate quite a bit.

Katie chuckled. “You’re definitely a martial artist. My calorie load is huge, too.”

Misao nodded. “Swear to God, a hundred grand a week goes into feeding this monster.”

Katie brought the bong to her lips. “I don’t eat that much, besides like half of it goes to your tits and ass.”

Misao flipped Katie off as she walked into the kitchen, before she called to Ranma. “Yo, you can play some video games while you wait. If you want.”

That just reminded her. “Aw fuck, my stream. Oh well, maybe I can make a thing out of this?” She then called to Ranma. “Are you okay with being on webcam for a bit?”

“Since nobody knows who I am? Sure.” Ranma replied.

At that moment, Katie’s phone rang, and she slipped a hand into her pocket to fish it out. It was Akane, probably hoping to see if they were still on for Karaoke. She quickly answered it. “Sup, Akaneko?”

“Hey, are you busy right now?” Akane asked. “Because something weird is going on.”

“Tell me about it,” Katie said, “On my way home I saw the craziest shit.”

Akane looked at Genma and Soun, who were actually politely waiting for Akane to finish before they went on with their mission to save Ranma. “Was it a strange Chinese warrior woman?”

“What? No.” It was funny that she would mention that, though.

Akane looked at Genma and Soun again, with emphasis on the former. “… Was it a panda?”

At that, Genma went stiff.

On her end of the line, Katie’s eyebrows quirked. Across from her Ranma had picked up a controller and was playing a fighting game off Misao’s computer. “… Yes.”

Akane now looked directly at Genma, and spoke into the phone. “… Go on?”

“Well, the panda was fighting this redheaded girl in the street because she didn’t want to go get engaged, and I thought it was pretty weird and stuff. But then the panda turned around and clobbered her with a road sign, so I figured there was something wrong with that and I clobbered the panda.”

Akane nodded, while her gaze narrowed at Genma. “Let me guess, that girl’s at your place and turns into a guy when you pour hot water on him?”

“Uh… yeah… she does…” Katie murmured before she turned and called at Misao, before indicating the bong. “Who’s your guy now? Because this shit is amazing.”

“Wait, who are you talking to?” Ranma, who looked over from his pummeling of his opponent, asked.

"A friend of mine," Katie told him. "Misao, answer the damn question!."

"It's nothing new," Misao said as she beat her meat into patties for frying. “Why?”

“Because Akane apparently knows all about this already and isn’t freaking out?”

Oh, she was freaking out about it, because she had just thrown her phone at Genma hard, pegging him right between the eyes. “YOU LYING ASSHOLE!”

“He turns into a girl?!” Nabiki asked, sounding as incredulous as she could muster.

“Oh, my…” Kasumi suddenly had second thoughts about dumping the engagement on Akane.

“Akane, what’s gotten into you?!” Soun demanded.

“He wasn’t kidnapped by Chinese Warriors! He didn’t want to get engaged! You literally tried to knock him out so you could drag him here!” Akane yelled, pointing accusingly at Genma.

Genma, rubbing his face, then shouted back at Akane. “It had to have been! What the hell hit me?!”

“My friend! She thought you were kidnapping him!” Akane roared in reply.

She picked up her phone, whose famous Finnish furnish allowed it to survive the impact with ease. “Senpai. Turn your speaker on.”

Looking at her phone, after hearing all of that shouting in the background, Katie gave a questioning look to Ranma before she set the phone down and turned on the speakerphone option. On her end, Akane did the same thing and set the phone down in front of her.

“Hello, Katie-chan,” Kasumi said extra pleasantly to the phone when she saw that this was now a conference call.

“Sup?” Katie replied.

Ranma paused the game and looked over. That one girl sounded cute.

“Ranma, right?” Akane asked. “I’m really sorry about this. Our Dad sprang this whole engagement thing on us, too.”

And she sounded even nicer.

“Yeah, imagine our surprise when we came home to us being engaged to some guy we never met,” Nabiki chimed in.

Ranma wasn’t keen on that one, her tone was kind of bitchy. In a hot way, though. “Uh hey, this is Ranma Saotome, I’m kind of glad you’re not in on it too.”

“Your voice, are you a girl right now?” Akane asked.

“Yeah,” Ranma said.

“I can confirm,” Katie said.

“She’s really fuckin’ cute!” Misao called in. “And her guy form is super hot!”

“How hot, are we talking an eight? Eight-point-nine…?” Nabiki then cut in.

“Ten all around!” Misao called back.

“Could you not?” Katie snapped at her.

Now Nabiki was having second thoughts.

“I was kind of worried that this was my old man trying to pull off a scam or something.”

All three sisters turned in unison and glared at Genma.

“Imagine that,” Akane said icily before she warmed up a little more for Ranma. “Anyway, I’m Akane.”

“I’m Nabiki,” Nabiki introduced.

“And I’m Kasumi, it’s a pleasure to meet you, Ranma-kun.”

Soun then barged in. “Ah yes, hello there Ranma my boy! This is Soun Tendo, the father the girls–and I assure you this is no scam. Your father and I have been friends for decades, and the promise to bring our school together through uniting our families is a very real one. So what do you say you come on over to the dojo and pick one of my girls out, hm?”

“Hey, I thought we were going to have a say in this,” Nabiki spoke up.

“Ranma certainly didn’t, what chance do we have?” Akane asked.

“Yeah, I’m gonna have to put a rain check on that? I’m not interested in marrying anyone until I get a cure for this curse,” Ranma said sternly.

“Why?” Katie suddenly asked.

“Yes, why?” Kasumi asked as well, prompting a strange look from Nabiki.

“I turn into a girl?” Ranma asked, wondering if they had really just gone over that or if she was getting a contact high. “I mean, I’m a really cute girl, but still a girl.”

“Oh sweet summer child,” Misao called from the kitchen. “You have no idea what kind of goldmine you are sitting on.”

Ranma looked back. “What do you mean?”

Katie looked over as well, she didn’t like the sound of that. In fact… it sounded like Misao had happened upon an idea.

Making sure her burgers didn’t burn, Misao turned and began sauntering off from the kitchen for the living room, her brief ensemble made somehow more inappropriate with the apron she wore over it. Standing before Ranma and Katie, she rested one hand on her hip and gave them both a toothy, evil smile.

“I have a little proposition for you myself, Ranma-chan,” she said. “One that can make you a very rich person.”

Ranma’s gaze darted to Katie, before she turned to face Misao entirely. “… What?”

“I’ll pay you six hundred thousand yen per month to do let’s plays with me. You just have to keep the curse and do them as a girl, someone as cute as you will pull in crazy viewers.”

Six hundred thousand yen a month? Just for people watching her play video games as a girl? Misao was right… she was sitting on a goldmine that she didn’t realize.

On the other end of the line, Genma found himself torn on something. On one hand, his son suddenly had a job. On the other, his daughter had a job.

Akane was entirely neutral on the position. “It couldn’t hurt.”

Nabiki was extremely tense because now she really wanted in on this fiancée shindig if Ranma was going to cash in that well on his cursed form.

Kasumi was curious about trying this playing video games for money thing herself, it sounded fun.

With Akane’s mild encouragement, and the promise of getting paid well, Ranma shrugged her shoulders. “Sure, why not? It doesn’t sound too bad.”

Misao beamed. “Awesome! I’m going to get some paperwork going after dinner and we’ll set this up!”

Katie smirked wryly. “Ah yes, the prodigal child gets what she wants again.”

Ranma looked to her. “Well, at least I don’t have to trudge back to China.”

“That’s the spirit,” Katie said, “China sucks.”

“You had a bad experience there, too?”

“Like you wouldn’t believe, the stories I could tell you,” Katie said before she looked back to the phone. “So, what’s going to happen now?”

“Well, what’s going to happen now is that my son is going to come to the Tendo Dojo and pick his fiancée,” Genma said.

“You know what? That sounds nice and all, but I’m still gonna pass on that,” Ranma then said. “I’m not going to date anybody until I get to know ‘em first, much less marry!”

“Well that’s why you’re going to come here to the dojo!” Genma ordered.

“Meeting someone for an hour isn’t going to determine who I’m going to marry, you jackass!” Ranma argued back.

It was Akane who stepped up to be the mediator. “All right, calm down everybody!” She glared at Genma. “Especially you.”

Kasumi agreed. “If Ranma doesn’t want to get engaged to us that’s fine. In fact, I would prefer it if he met each one of us… and got to know us…”

Nabiki too agreed. “You know what? I’m down with that.”

Akane gave both her older sisters distasteful looks. A steady high paying  job doing nothing sure changed their tune. She'd have expected that from Nabiki, but Kasumi too? For shame!

Genma wanted to protest this, but Soun seemed even more ecstatic about the proposition. “Well then! I see no harm in that, it’s nice to see that all three of you are eager to meet Ranma now.”

“I’m not eager, but…” Akane stopped and just shook her head. “Yeah, actually sitting down and talking this out wouldn’t hurt.”

Genma grumbled. Oh well, at least the engagement wasn’t completely off the table. “Fine, but you’re still coming over ASAP, boy.”

“Gonna have to say no to that, too. I’m about to have dinner, and my hosts have been nice enough to wash my clothes for me,” Ranma said. “Oh, and they haven't even tried knocking me out or anything. So courteous!”

“Yeah, it’s fine if Ranma stays the night here,” Katie said.

“Be careful, they could be a treacherous and conniving lot,” Akane said while leveling a harsh glare at Genma.

Genma quietly looked away, but he would actually have the last laugh on that one… sort of.

“Well, dinner’s ready and my phone’s dyin’,” Katie said. “We’ll continue this tomorrow, eh Akaneko?”

Akane smiled big. “Sure!”

Genma then remembered. “Hey, Ranma! You’re enrolled in the local high school. You’d better head over there tomorrow morning, and come right here after!”

Ranma grimaced. “Sure old man, whatever.”

“All right, bye senpai!” Akane said, before she ended the call.

Nabiki was quite pleased to hear this. A chance to meet Ranma in person was an opportunity she wasn’t going to start on the wrong foot. With a quick look to Akane, she was already plotting how to remove her from any competition. Kasumi wore her own blithe smile, hiding her own intent to win the affections of Ranma.

Soun, as perceptive as a father could be, couldn’t feel like more a winner. Not only were all three of his daughters interested in Saotome’s son, but the fires of jolly competition could be seen burning in their eyes. Whoever married him, he was quite confident that the Tendo Dojo would be in good hands.

Genma, however, wanted to be happy but he couldn’t help but sense that something was deadly off. He had himself a bad feeling about this, like this was just the tip of a very big iceberg, and he was pretty sure that those external factors–those two strange girls–were responsible for what would lie beneath.

He was right, of course, but this berg went so deep.


Well-Known Member
Ranma and Katie-sempai being Epic Bros?

I didn't see this coming, but I love it.
Wait, wait, wait! Ranma in the driver seat for a Harem ending? Akane not a raging ball of jealousy? Well written? No undue stress on my willing suspension of disbelief?

What sorcery is this?!
I must admit the zingers Nabiki and Kasumi got in at the union, this wouldn't happen to be your 4th Ranma fic would it? Because it seems like reality is striking back.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
gemmaethanwhitaker said:
I must admit the zingers Nabiki and Kasumi got in at the union, this wouldn't happen to be your 4th Ranma fic would it? Because it seems like reality is striking back.
I'm sorry, elaborate upon that?
Episode 4 of Star Wars is The Empire Strikes Back, if this was your fourth Ranma fic you could give it the tagline of Reality Strikes Back


Well-Known Member
...Episode 4 was A New Hope (or just "Star Wars" if you're a purist.)

Empire was Episode 5.


Well-Known Member
Ero-Sennin, I, a humble fan of yours since the days of the forums of Naruto Manga Online, do plead that you do not let this fic die. :hail:


Well-Known Member
Excellent work. Do I know the series or are they OC and I have yet to recall that part?


Well-Known Member
Innortal said:
Excellent work.  Do I know the series or are they OC and I have yet to recall that part?
They're OCs.


Well-Known Member
So much awesome in a few chapters. I have been missing out by not reading this sooner.

The Ero-Sennin

The Eyes of Heaven
Staff member
Disclaimer: The following is a fan-written parody. Ranma ½ is property of Rumiko Takahashi, Studio Deen, Shogakukan, Viz Media, and Madman Entertainment. Support the official release, okay?

A Ranma ½ Story
Chapter 4/?

|Back in Black|

Of the many things that could be said about Kodachi Kuno, having a firm grasp on reality would not be one of them. Indeed, she was a whole ‘nother ball of 8th grader syndrome delusions that were tolerated more due to the fact that she was hotter than hell and prone to run around in a leotard for fun. Her best assets usually on display, she had no trouble gaining male attention.

Keepin’ it was another story and most of the males of her peerage were boorish dullards like her foolish older brother. And the lower class might as well be fleas on a dog’s ass in her eyes. But a while back, she had been struck by inspiration, as if delivered from the heaven’s above.

It totally didn’t have anything to do with a popular Instagram picture posted by her nominal rival and all around annoyance Asuka Saginomiya.

As if a woman of her class should flaunt gaining the fleeting attention of a singular male who was not really all that good looking to begin with. If you were going to brag, you had to do something worthy of bragging. That was the motto she had strived to live for, the great do great because they are great and are acknowledged as great only when they have achieved the greatness.

Which leads back to her friendship with Akane and Katie, a lone beacon of sanity in the maelstrom of batshit insanity that perked inside the mind of the Black Rose. They had revealed to her the very means she would achieve her greatness, unwittingly so. So the boys of Furinkan High were a bunch of undateable slobs who would be relegated to never know the light of a woman’s grace?

She, the Black Rose, would mold them into something to be respectable. Something to be admired and even desired. And they would worship her as the one true Goddess, not like the sweaty unwashed masses who populated Asuka’s lame circle of fanboys. Oh how then would that trashy flower know her place under the heel of the Black Rose Kodachi Kuno!

“Ohohohohoho!” Kodachi cackled to herself as she tended her garden, admiring the black rose bush in front of her. “It is so simple! Am I not the Black Rose? From these hands, does not the life of the resplendent garden flow forth? What a fitting project for myself: The Garden of Men shall open and I will ascend to my rightful place! OHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!” She cackled again, scaring away even the cockroaches.

|Well, that was ominous|

For the last… most of his life, Ranma Saotome was awoken pretty much the same way. With a surprise attack from his father, prompting an early morning spar that Ranma only started winning on a regular basis as his body got used to going from zero to one-hundred. Very rarely did he actually get a chance to wake up to something other than a fight, but in all honesty every opportunity was a happily welcomed one.

Like this morning for example, as Ranma opened his eyes not to a kiai from his father and the rush of adrenaline that spurred him to act, but to the sound of food being cooked and the enticing smell of breakfast. When he opened his eyes, he had changed into a male before settling for bed, he found the unfamiliar ceiling of Misao’s apartment waiting for him, and rose from his bed without any particularly philosophical musings because he wasn't that kind of guy.

“Mm… I slept great.” Even if it was on a loveseat in a living room. He’d been expressly warned not to sleep on the couch Misao used to game on. Apparently it had a history.

“Good morning there, sleeping beauty,” Misao called over to Ranma.

Slowly turning his head to look, he rapidly did a double-take when he saw that she appeared to be just wearing her apron again, like she had last night.This time, though, she didn’t appear to be wearing a top this time around in addition to wearing whatever brief thing she wore to make it look like she wasn’t wearing panties either.

Quickly, Ranma averted his eyes, and Misao snickered. “So yeah, you got school, right? I’m not sure if it’s your size, but Katie’s got a Furinkan guy’s uniform you can use. She hasn’t worn it since I convinced her to finally wear the girl’s.”

Ranma shrugged his shoulders. “I’ll wear my own clothes, thanks. I’m not a fan of uniforms.”

Misao shrugged her shoulders. “Your call. You want a lunch, too? I’m making that as well.”

A bento, now there was something Ranma hadn’t had in a long time. Well, ever actually. Whenever he went to school, he had to fight near to the death for the free food they tossed out at the end of lunch.

That was a normal thing they did at school, right?

“Uh, thanks…” He said coolly.

“Hope you like Italian Sausage, then,” Misao said before she tossed him a wink. “I love it, personally.”

She seemed like the sort of girl who adored sausage, a ruder part of Ranma almost said before he stopped himself from effectively insulting his boss. Misao turned back to the stove and Ranma did a second double-take–because this time around Misao was topless.underneath that apron, and wearing shorts so short they may as well have been black denim panties.

He wrenched his eyes away, a bright red shade descending down his face, as a door opened in the hallway leading to Misao’s room opened and Katie emerged freshened up and ready for the day.

With a glance towards Misao, Katie rolled her eyes. “Hey, go easy on the guy, this is his first morning here.”

“Hey, this is all for you.” Misao cooed back.

“Whatever,” Katie strolled into the kitchen and grabbed a plate to pile on a mix of scrambled eggs, fried potatoes, and breakfast sausage links.

“Actually it’s for my morning show, which is about to start soon, and is R18 so you guys need to eat your breakfast and get the hell out,” Misao said as she piled on a second plate.

“R18?” Ranma asked, surprised. “You do those…?”

Honestly, with a body like hers, he should’ve expected it. Such an amazing, lewd body…

“Yeah?” Misao answered. “But only I do them, since I’m 18,” she explained. “Now eat your breakfast and get moving, schoolchildren~”

Katie, after taking the second plate, walked over and set down one full of delicious-looking western breakfast staples in front of Ranma, complete with a fork rather than chopsticks.

As she dropped down onto the end of the couch closest to Ranma, he grabbed his fork and began to wolf down his food like a dog quick to get his fill before another animal got at his prize first. Katie was no different, holding the plate close to her mouth and shoveling the food in.

Misao, quite content to see the ravenous beasts wearing human skin enjoy her food, leaned forward on the counter. “So, I got a question. How does the whole change work?”

Ranma looked over at her, mouth partially full. “What do you mean? I told you like three times, didn’t I?”

Was she too high to remember, then? He remembered hearing that marijuana messed with your heard.

“Yeah, you told me, but like… you’re eating all that food right now, right? When you change into a girl, is the food still there or does it go away with wherever your guy form does?”

Ranma stopped eating just to stare at her, momentarily struggling to comprehend the question she just asked. “Uh… the food is still there. It doesn’t just go away, I just… change.”

Misao nodded. “What about the extra mass? I mean, you lose like fifteen centimeters when you become a girl, and at least six kilos.”

Ranma shrugged his shoulders. “I dunno, it just gets magicked away, I guess.”

Misao pouted, frustrated by Ranma’s own lack of insight dampening her efforts to gain any. “Ugh, magic is dumb.”

“Yeah it is,” Ranma agreed.

Katie set down her fork for just a moment. “I don’t know, I think I wouldn’t mind being cursed to turn into something. I could be a monkey, or a tiger, or a bird, or a dragon… or maybe even a guy.”

Misao’s face lit up, at that. “Oh man, being able to turn into a guy would be kind of cool!” She looked from Ranma to Katie. “Could you imagine how hot I’d be?!”

“That’s your first thought?” Katie asked, as Ranma made a face… only to become more introspective about it.

“Well, given that Ranma is as cute as a girl as he is good-looking as a guy, I’d be stone-cold handsome as a dude, and so would you,” Misao said.

Katie’s cool expression warmed, just a little, at Misao’s compliment.

“I’m not one to toot my own horn.” Ranma actually totally was. “But I do guess I’m pretty good looking, guy or girl.”

Misao smiled and winked at Ranma. “I’ll toot that horn for you anytime, sweetie.”

Ranma rather innocently found it nice that Misao would sing his praises. “Thanks!”

Katie however just gave a baleful look at her roommate for deliberately shooting her innuendo over Ranma’s head like so many warning shots over an enemy ship’s bows.

Misao just stuck her tongue out at Katie.

Ranma missed the by-play entirely and settled in to think about what to say next. “Okay... so I can see why you’d want it but I dunno if it’d work out for you like that.”

Katie couldn’t help but tease him. “What, are you saying we’d make ugly guys?”

Ranma furrowed his brow. “Not that, it just seems like the actual curse of the place is that you don’t get something you might like. Kinda like you’d end up with something that’d cause you problems.” His answer was a little hostile, the annoyance at the joke leaking through.

Misao thought about the redheaded version of the boy and could immediately identify two huge problems. “Did the guide say that?”

“Uh, he didn’t know as much as you’d think. Mostly where the springs are and their stories.” Ranma answered, feeling a little conscious talking about it but finding himself unable to be rude considering the asker. “Anything useful he didn’t seem to know.”

Katie could only silently observe the differences in how he talked to Misao and herself. What was it that prompted that? He surely didn’t have a crush on Misao did he?

Misao, meanwhile, decided to push things on. “So it’s an annoyance huh?”

“I’ve... well, I’ve just had some bad times with it.” Ranma said, evading details to these bad times.

“Relax the bleeding is totally normal.” Misao replied, guessing at a possible bad time.

“… Bleeding?” Ranma asked, sounding both confused and scared.

Katie and Misao shared a look.

“What do you mean bleeding?” Ranma found himself a little panicked by the lack of response.

“You haven’t been a girl enough for that huh?” Misao asked, somewhat rhetorically.

“Long enough for what?” Ranma asked, still a little concerned.

“A period.” Katie clarified.

“What does the end of a sentence have to do with this?” Ranma asked, now more confused than concerned.

Katie and Misao stared at him for a long second, before the former turned to the latter and spoke in English. “I’m going to kick his Father in the head really hard next time I see him.”

“Make it a double shot.” Misao said, feeling very annoyed at the ignorance of her new employee.

“Personwhogetstoexplainittohimsayswhat.” Katie coughed out.

“What?” Misao asked on reflex, before her brain processed what was said. “You bitch!”

Ranma, still completely not fluent in English, was lost. Concerned with how their private conversation had taken a turn, he decided to ask an obvious question. “Everything all right?”

Katie answered before Misao. “It’s fine, just hashing out a few things between us.”

“Yeah, nothing to worry about.” Misao said, before checking the time. “You guys should finish up soon and go. No sense in you being late and all.” Plus it’d delay her stream.

On that thought, filming his reaction to the less hygienic aspects of womanhood might be worth a few million views and extra subs. It was something entirely worth considering, from a business standpoint, and from the sadistic bitch standpoint, two points that Misao occupied simultaneously.

“When you get back, I’ll teach you all about the ups and downs of being a woman,” Misao promised. “Prepare yourself, though… you’re in for quite a bit.”

And that, Ranma found, left him feeling pretty uneasy.

|Meeting the Tendos|

Nabiki was wearing makeup.

Okay, that wasn’t normally a big deal in the Tendo home. All three wore makeup because they cared about appearances, but Nabiki was rocking it. An eye-catching hint of colorful eyeshadow and darker eye-liner, a brighter, attractive shade of lipstick, a light foundation and blush. She wanted to be flawless today, and for all intents and purpose she was. Nabiki wanted to make a good impression on who could very well be her future husband and even by Akane’s reckoning she was on her way to that.

“You know, Nabiki, I have to say that even when I don’t really care for you, I do respect you,” Akane said as they walked to school together.

“Is it because I’m being entirely honest about my intentions of marrying a man simply because of his projected financial stability?” Nabiki asked.

“Yes,” Akane replied in a deadpan.

“I’ll have you know it’s not just because he’s going to be well off financially,” Nabiki corrected, “It’s also because BansheeDeadSix says that he’s a ten out of ten.”

“Even if he turns into a girl?” Akane asked.

“That just means he isn’t a guy half the time, I don’t see what’s wrong with that.” Nabiki then smiled at her sister. “What about you? Any intentions that I have to plan accordingly for?”

“Nope, he’s all yours. I’m going to enjoy my life doing what I want to do and not saddle myself with Daddy’s burdens.”

Nabiki gave her a sharp-eyed look, before shrugging her shoulders. “And when you see him in person and decide that not all boys are as icky as you have become accustomed too, I promise I won’t laugh too loud in your face when you realize you let that ship sail all on your own.”

“No boy is that good looking,” Akane argued.

Nabiki’s gaze left Akane for the path ahead, and she did a quick double-take when she saw the young man who looked nearly even in height with the foreign girl he walked alongside. He was wearing a bright red Chinese-style silk shirt, with the sleeves rolled up, black pants, and a pair of well-worn, laceless black shoes. He was–by Nabiki’s every metric–a total heart-throbbing hottie, having a handsome face and jet black hair ending in even a cute pigtail that extended down his neck.

“What about him?” She said to Akane, drawing her attention to the dreamboat of a man approaching them.

Akane stared, and then her eyes grew wide. For there indeed before her… was the first attractive boy in her age group she’d met since her trip to a very scary wildlife preserve. It was with this acknowledgement that a cold, awful dread formed a pit in her stomach.

She turned back to Nabiki, and she was already there, waiting with her face centimeters from where hers stopped.

“Ha. Ha. Ha.”

Akane looked like she had just drank some curdled milk.

“Yo, Akaneko, Nabiki.” Katie said as she approached the sisters with Ranma in tow. “Here he is, in the flesh.” She stepped aside and just sort of gestured to Ranma, who looked embarrassed.

Their reactions only deepened the embarrassment, though he was more confused by Akane looking rather angry about something. “Uh, hi?”

“Well, hello.” Nabiki said, giving Ranma a thorough once over. “I’m Nabiki and I must say it is very nice to meet you in person.”

Akane blew out an angry sigh and decided to let it go. “Hi I’m Akane, it’s nice to meet you.”

Ranma looked from Nabiki, decked out in makeup and overly enthusiastic to see him, to Akane, not dressed up and looking like she just ruined all of her dreams at once. Interesting girls to say the least. “I’m Ranma, nice to meet you I guess.”

Katie poked him in the side. “You guess?”

“How nice is it to be introduced to somebody at sword point?” Ranma snapped back.

Nabiki found his rough speech endearing in a way. Obviously, her decision to throw herself into the pursuit of him had put some rose colored glasses on her.

Akane, by contrast, thought he was funny at least. Damn damn damn it all, she shot off her mouth without thinking and she’d never ever hear the end of it if she went back.

“So how do the two of you feel about this?” Katie asked, serving as the mediator to keep things going smooth.

“I had my reservations but there have been some revelations that have eased my worries.” Nabiki said, not even remembering she hated Katie for destroying her business. “As far as blunders by our father, you’re easily the most enjoyable.”

Akane hated that she couldn’t argue. “Oh yeah, I had almost forgotten how he almost sold the house and dojo off to some American company.” It was deadpanned to the point that it really conveyed that Ranma’s worst fear was realized: There was another one of his father out there.

“I can now understand how they’re friends.” Ranma said, resisting the urge to burying his face in his palms and weep.

“Yeah, it’s rough eh?” Nabiki asked, feigning sympathy, or maybe it was genuine. She was usually the only one who felt deep down in her soul the crushing idiocy of her father.

“We’ll do our best to get this engagement nonsense out of their minds.” Akane said, nudging Nabiki in the side with an elbow.

“If I wanted a captive fiancé, I’d wait until I was old enough for government matchmaking.” Nabiki said, going along with it because she didn’t want to alienate him by supporting the idiots.

“Well I won’t hold it against you when it inevitably fails at least.” Ranma said, shaking his head.

“So that’s how it is, huh?” Katie thought, as she observed the young Saotome who was going to be joining in on Misao’s NEET bullshit. “He can’t relax around me.” His battle senses must have been honed beyond what was even remotely sensible if he was wary of her without even seeing her in action.

“That’s so nice of you.” Nabiki cooed, smiling for effect.

“Yes, thanks.” Akane said, adding her own wattage to the affair.

“Aw geez.” Ranma looked rather affected by the two girls’ affectionate behavior.

“And yet, he could break the two of them in half without really trying.’ Katie silently observed. From the way he carried himself, he was certain to be a martial artist of a high quality. Even more than the brief show he had put on as a girl the other day. How very interesting… “We’ll have to spar. I wanna know his measure.”

Merely because she was Akane’s senpai, and not because she was a battle maniac. That’d be creepy if that were the case. Just out and out lunacy right? Right.

“Good grief, you’re both already going gaga for him,” Katie said deliberately, and achieving the expected result.

“I’m not…!” Akane stopped and blushed a bit in embarrassment. “He’s only being nice.”

“He’s ‘being nice’ now, but before you know it you’ll be fighting over him with your sister to be the one to say ‘I do’,” Katie teased–earning another protest from Akane–before glancing at Nabiki. “It’d be a short fight.”

Nabiki only huffed a whatever back.

Katie then looked over to Ranma, who was watching this exchange in mild amusement. “But before you two get to any of that, I want to take him for a spin myself.”

Ranma did a double-take. “You want to do what?”

“Fight,” Katie said, not paying much mind to how sexual she sounded before, “To see if you’re as good as you look. I saw some promise against your panda-dad, I want to know if you can keep it.”

Given her earlier claim of being a traveling martial artist like him, Ranma was actually curious to see what she actually had to offer, and he was pleased to find out she felt the same way. He turned a look over to Akane, who was suddenly well-vested in the confrontation. Nabiki, on the other hand, looked mildly annoyed. He didn’t know that this was her default expression yet.

To Nabiki he asked. “Hey, hold my bags?”

Nabiki did so with gusto. “If I were you, I would try to end it quickly.”

“Where’s the fun in that?” Ranma asked before he walked closer to Katie, his hands relaxed at his sides.


The sight of the strange new boy entering the schoolyard and facing off against Katie quickly drew a small crowd, other students curious about who this out-of-uniform and wildish-looking kid was. The fact that it looked like he was about to take Katie in a fight was especially interesting. Katie rolled her shoulders, then lifted up her right leg up to the back of her head to stretch it, before doing the same with the left. Ranma just tilted his head left and right, he was already well loosened up.

“So, how do you want to do this? First to hit wins?” She asked him.

“That sounds good,” Ranma replied, “But we might be here all day at that rate.”

Katie let out an amused sound. “Is that a fact?”

Ranma still didn’t assume fighting stance. “I’m pretty good.”

Katie nodded, before she adopted one. “We’ll see.”

For a moment the two of them stayed perfectly still, staring each other down. A hush fell, and everyone watching held their breath in anticipation. It was as though the two of them were in a staring contest with one another, or waiting for an invisible signal to begin.

That signal happened when Ranma blinked. Katie crossed the distance between them with a stern kick aimed right for the chest, or it would have if Ranma had stayed put. The pigtailed martial artist hopped into the air, cleanly above the kick–which was followed by a second higher kick that changed its aim with the speed of a laser guided missile.

Regardless Ranma caught the kick and batted it aside to create an opening in Katie's guard that he attempted to exploit with a lightning-fast jab before he even hit the ground, except his wrist was caught and twisted, which made him cartwheel in place. When Katie tried to hit him in turn, Ranma caught her punch in turn and twisted her around to reverse their positions.

"You're stronger than you look," Ranma observed.

"You're faster than you look," Katie grunted. One thing was for certain, this wasn’t going to be a pushover.

The two circled each other now, wary of the other now that they had a taste for what the other could do. Katie wasn’t content with waiting too long, coming forward with a punch that was faster than the one she threw earlier. It didn’t come close to hitting, but Ranma avoided it instead of deflecting it.

Interesting.” Ranma thought as he poked at Katie with a front kick. “She’s not really holding all that much back.”

Katie dodged around the kick and came towards Ranma, twisting around into an elbow aimed right for his left collarbone. Owing to his great agility, Ranma was able to throw himself out of the way of the attack. Airborne and spinning like a top, he lashed out with a kick that missed by mere inches.

Seems he got my message loud and clear.” Katie thought, a confident smirk on her face as she threw jabs with each arm, advancing with every slip Ranma made. “Sorry kid, but holding back won’t tell me what I need to know.”

Ranma finally could understand the unease he felt around her, it wasn’t the fact she clobbered his pop. It was the fact that she was really damn good! He threw back, blocking or deflecting anything he didn’t feel was necessary to dodge.

“Having fun?” Katie asked after they broke apart, her forward momentum finally halted.

“A little.” He admitted, though slightly more reserved than he might normally talk. Her blows were thrown with enough force to crack bone. “I hope I’m not boring you.”

“Trust me, if you were boring you’d already be on the floor.” She retorted, snapping out a kick when she reached what she felt was the edge of his effective range.

"Then I'll try to keep you entertained," Ranma said as he flipped back from the strike gracefully.

“Start by giving me the best you’ve got!” Katie then said as he landed.

Then in that instant Ranma was suddenly in very close, the burst of speed surprising her as much as it did Akane, Nabiki, and the crowd of onlookers. He was kicking her stomach, his strike so fast for a moment Katie thought it was a feint right up to the moment she raised a knee to block it. However the next six kicks seemed to come all at once, aiming everywhere there wasn’t a limb to stop it.

A sound much like a short, quick round of applause followed, before Katie and Ranma broke from their closeness. It looked as though Ranma had kicked Katie and she blocked it, but then the two of them became blurry after that, like something had happened even faster than Ranma’s speed before.

Ranma drew back his foot and lowered it towards the ground, but kept his knee raised as Katie finished sliding back, her hands raised in front of her. She had open-palmed each of his kicks, cancelling them out in such succession that it surprised him. It’s a good thing that wasn’t his “best” or he’d be a little unnerved, too. No, he was actually impressed. She was definitely quicker than his old man!

“Wait, what… what was that just now?” Nabiki asked. That last exchange was so fast that she couldn’t even see it. It looked like one kick, but there were definitely more, it sounded like it!

She glanced at Akane, who was suddenly sharply focused on the two. She had seen it, but she was having trouble believing it. Ranma had attacked faster than even Kuno ever could, and Katie had stopped it with the same speed!

Katie began to shift her weight from one leg to the other, her body swaying organically as she watched Ranma relax and slip into his own groove. In that brief instant where he attacked her with those kicks, she actually worried–no, feared that he was going to connect, and end up laid out laid out with a trail of footprints from her groin to her forehead. There was no doubt in her mind that any of those kicks alone would’ve put her down.

And with that assertion, Katie never felt more alive. She was panting audibly and happily, like she’d just run twenty kilometers and then had some crazy good sex right after, but the rush she was feeling right now made those even put together feel like an utter drag.

“Again,” she breathed out.

Ranma tensed up, she was going to attack, and he was eager to see what she could do. “Again?”

“Do it again!” She yelled before she charged like a rocket sled and swung her right leg with all the force of a runaway freight train, the air making the sharp sound of a blade passing through it as Ranma ducked under the kick. He lashed out to punch her, but she flowed around his blow, swinging her elbow for his neck.

His open palm caught the blow, and he turned the other way to plow the back of his fist into her face, but he quickly blocked her strike. She turned around and jabbed him in the face with her other hand, and he swayed his entire body to move himself out of the way of the strike. In the same motion, he fired back a punch that Katie deflected from its track to her face while returning her own powerful strike, a palm-thrust to the chin that Ranma caught by the wrist. He then pivoted and swung down, guiding Katie over and flipping her forward to drop her onto her back.

Katie sped up the throw however, kicking off before her feet left the ground, allowing her to complete it while getting free. Landing on her feet one hand, she swung her right leg right back up, her tibia colliding with his raised arms with enough for Ranma to be shoved back.

“Whoa…! That stung!” He thought during his unrequested acceleration.

As Ranma came to a stop, Katie was descending upon him, her green eyes wild and wide while swinging an axe kick down on him. Ranma cartwheeled to the side, the kick creating a long narrow fissure in front and behind the point of impact.

Turning around, Katie strong-arm blocked a roundhouse kick from Ranma, then switched feet to lash out with a kick straight out of the barrel of a rifle. The blow missed, as did Ranma’s return strike, then Katie’s, then Ranma’s. They were in such constant motion, with so much power behind their blows, that dust and dirt and loose blades of grass were being picked up, the air currents stirring around the circling fighters, like a tornado beginning to form.

As Ranma’s punch grazed her cheek, Katie’s lips split into a grin. Just a little closer, and that would’ve cut her cheek wide open.

With his nimble footwork and flexibility, Ranma avoided Katie’s heel. The force of wind displaced by the strike felt strong enough to throw him back on its own! While he didn’t share her smile, his blood boiled from the intensity, the excitement, just like hers!

“Katie-senpai is so strong,” Akane said, suddenly feeling conflicted. On one hand, she did destroy Kuno, but on the other hand now she was wondering just how much Katie had been holding back on her in the dojo.

“Yeah, but that Ranma, though,” Nabiki said before there was a near-deafening crack, that scattered the gathering tornado with such force that the hair of everyone closest to it was blown back.

Katie and Ranma had crossed legs in attempting to roundhouse kick one another, the very blow made for their target blocking the one meant for them.

Katie had struck Ranma with the same force she destroyed Kuno’s arm with, and not only was she pleased to find that his leg was still intact, he had returned in kind the same amount of force.

“Man, he was right,” she realized with a growing smile.

Ranma was of the same opinion, as a smirk appeared on his lips. “We really are gonna be here all day!”

But before they could invite one another to fight until the heat death of the universe, there was a bang and a brilliant light suddenly illuminated the courtyard, momentarily blinding everyone standing there. The light was coming from the very front of the school, shining through the front doors thrown open by a tremendous force.


“What the hell…?!” Katie growled as she shielded her eyes.

Ranma was likewise protecting his eyes as the light bathed them, the rays intense enough that the onlookers could actually feel heat from them.

Nabiki had managed to put on a pair of sunglasses, and was still unable to look directly into the center of the light. “I’m having the weirdest sense of deja vu right now.”

Akane was wearing arc welders goggles. “You too?”

Despite the intensity of the light, the other students were gathered at its edges, mostly the downtrodden males, cloistered together to keep the girls away from them, and the girls stayed back, edging around the mob of sad sacks to slip into the gates of the school. Straight out from the center of the light, a long carpet rolled out, unfurling to a stop just a few feet from Katie and Ranma, who abandoned their spar and retreated to Nabiki and Akane to see what was going on.

From the center of the cone of light, which began to diminish in intensity to something people could stare into without risking permanent damage, a figure in a brilliant black ball gown emerged as a silhouette, before coming fully into view. It was Kodachi Kuno, wearing a halter top ball gown with a matching stole. The black dress was patterned with roses so much darker than the fabric that they hurt to look at for long, and her stole was adorned with black roses in full bloom. In her hands, however, she held a shinai, a bamboo sword for use in kendo, a long black ribbon wrapped around its length.

“Kodachi-san?” Akane asked when she recognized her.

“I was wondering where my new best friend has been,” Nabiki said.

Ranma, now completely out of fight mode stared in surprise. “Geez, I’ve seen more nice-looking girls in this town in two days than I’ve seen anywhere else in the last five years.”

“I know, right?” Katie asked.

Akane glanced in Ranma’s direction after hearing that, while Nabiki basked somewhat in the roundabout praise.

At either side of Kodachi, fourteen boys dressed smartly in tuxedos placed their right arms across their chest and bowed reverently to her. They were almost immediately recognized as the entirety of the Kendo Club’s membership, Tatewaki Kuno’s core elite supporters inside of the school.

The crowd of Furinkan High School’s destitute male population immediately became filled with equal parts awe and sorrow. Such a beautiful and elegant woman had come to appear before them, reminding them of their lower than dirt status even more. Why would someone so breathtaking have to show up at their school now?

As she reached the end of her carpet, Kodachi stopped and scanned this hopeless crowd with a piercing gaze, as if she could see the very despair they felt. She sneered in disgust of it. “Boys of Furinkan High, my name is Kodachi Kuno, The Black Rose. I am the sister of the one you know as Tatewaki.”

The mere speaking of her name caused a wave of murmurs from all of the students. To this point, no one else had known that Tatewaki Kuno had a younger sister, not even rumors of such a person existed. Before such murmurs could become too distracting, Kodachi lifted the shinai and rammed the tip into the floor, the resulting bang silencing the peanut gallery.

Katie and Ranma both gave a start. Such a sound, through the carpet?

“I have come here because you are truly the lowest of the wretched. You filth took the gift of your youth and turned it into a tool of terror and abuse. To selfishly slake your desires, you assaulted the very idol you worshipped, and to add injury to your insult you were all handily beaten by her! By the dozens! Within seconds!”

Katie’s head tilted in a nod of agreement. Ranma looked over at Akane. “These guys did what?”

“They tried to beat me up so they’d have permission to date me from the strongest guy in the school,” Akane explained.

Ranma was part ways impressed, all of those guys she beat up? That quickly? “What happened to that douchenozzle?”

“I broke his arms and kicked him through the clock up there,” Katie said, gesturing to the since repaired clock.

Ranma probably would’ve done the same thing.

She sneered at them all. “Indeed, you lot are no more than pigs in human clothing! You slop about, squealing and whining to get what you want because you are too weak to take it for yourselves. When it was time for you to stand up for yourselves and what you wanted, you retreated back into the safety of your pathetic boyhoods and took the coward’s path.”

Kodachi chuckled. “I can see it in all of you, the despair, the self-loathing. You have rightfully lost any claim to youth with your barbarism, and earned the sickening title of enemy to all women. You know it, and you own it. Your sin and shame is inerasable…”

By the time she finished, the dark miasma of regret that manifested when Akane verbally tore into them had returned, a crushing weight that brought most of them down to their hands and knees, with their heads bowed near to the ground. They would be weeping, were it not for the fact their tears had dried up long ago.

“But you are not without hope! For where all in the world, including yourselves, see only useless wastes… I see potential unrealized! I see greatness that can still be reached!” She declared.

Even the background ambience vanished with Kodachi’s last statement. For the first time in weeks, someone had offered an encouraging word to the wretched boys of Furinkan that wasn’t tinged awkwardly with pity.

Nabiki’s mouth fell open. “Kodachi Kuno, you magnificent bitch!”

Ranma tilted his head the other way. “So, what’s she doing?”

Katie tilted her head. “I don’t know, pretending to be Satsuki Kiryuin?”

“Who?” Ranma asked.

“Do not choose the coward’s way as penance! Do not believe that you must languish and live a truly wretched life to make up for your sins.” She took a deep breath and let it out of her nostrils, before jamming the shinai into the ground again to ensure she had their utmost attention. “Instead, heat your blood up with the waning fires of your wretched youth and be reborn! Burn away the pathetic Boy who cries and begs his betters for what he should want and need, and instead become a Man who decides for himself!”

There were other murmurs again, for a few seconds, before one of the boys closest to her, an ex-member of the Kendo club, spoke up. “Is it even possible? W-what makes you think that we-?”

Kodachi suddenly pointed the shinai at the kendoist, causing him to flinch instinctively. “A sparrow knows not the eagle’s splendor! Do not doubt my ambition! Unfetter yourselves of the shackles of the impossible and believe!”

She slammed the shinai back down. “Ask yourselves this: Do you want to be another one of those disgusting parasites who cling to body pillows and watch that awful dreck they dare pass off as anime for the rest of your lives? Or would you rather take the chance and be reborn into that which invokes desire in the women of this world?!”

Fire was blazing in her dark eyes as she lifted her chin slightly to ensure her voice carried. “Follow me, and I will lead you to your salvation, and to true manhood!”

It started with a single domino, as the first boy sank to his knees in realization. What did they have to lose? He was already at the absolute bottom of where a human being could go… what else could he lose if he didn’t try to redeem himself–no, rebuild himself?! As if reading that same thought another fell, then another, and in seconds all of the boys who bore the stigma of being one of Akane’s “suitors” were on their knees, gazing up at her as if she were a God.

The hope and adoration in their eyes mixed with admiration and loyalty, all for her, nearly made Kodachi orgasm on the spot.

“What say you? Shall you be Men or Boys?” Kodachi asked, looking around the crowd.

“Men!” was the universal call from the boys.

“How far would you follow me then? What lengths would you go?” She demanded.

“Beyond hell, wherever you would have us go.” The first boy responded, seemingly the spokesman. “Any and all lengths, as long as they are what you deem necessary.”

The mad grin that split Kodachi’s face was instantly mistaken for the graceful smile of an Angel. “Then you will heed my orders as I melt you down back into your basest form, to that lump of untapped potential you all possess. I will then forge you into Men, and you will show this world your True Beauty!”

“Yes!” The boys all answered.

“Yes Black Rose-sama!” Kodachi corrected.

“Yes Black Rose-sama!” They didn’t even hesitate to respond.

“Louder! Shout your praise to me!” Kodachi roared.

As the boys broke into fervent chants, Nabiki was kicking herself harder than she’d ever imagined she would. Akane was somewhat apprehensive at this turn. Sure, Kodachi declared herself a friend, but this was now a disturbingly familiar scene: the male student body falling under the uncontestable sway of a delusional nutjob named Kuno.

“Man, I still have no idea what’s going on,” Ranma said.

Katie agreed. “Seems to have worked, though.”

Nabiki didn’t smirk, despite the desire to. It was that grave to her, or so it seemed. “It’s like this: Kodachi just swooped in and picked up a willing harem of guys. Sure, they’re all a bunch of losers but she has the income to erase all the negatives about them. What’s the top thing you hate about boys, Akane?”

Akane gave her sister a look, trying to determine if she was being led into a trap. After a couple seconds, she finally answered. “Their immaturity.”

“And that’s exactly what she’s going to beat out of them.” Nabiki said, sighing at the lost opportunity. “There’s two kinds of guys most girls like: Bad boys and the cool, mature man. Kodachi now has the chance to run around town followed by an army of the latter. She’s going to be the envy almost every schoolgirl in the country if she pulls this off.”

Ranma was still lost but he figured there was a lot of backstory he needed. “And this is bad?”

Nabiki would have laughed at him, but she was trying to make a decent first impression so she let it slide. “Bad? It’s absolutely awful.”

“How?” Akane and Katie asked at the same time.

For the first time in Akane’s life, she saw Nabiki’s composure slip, as she reached up and grabbed at her hair in frustration. “Because I didn’t think of it first!”

She then threw her hands up. “It’s fucking brilliant! Take a bunch of losers with nothing else to live for then build them back up into a cult that worships the ground you walk on? I could’ve done that, I should’ve done that!”

Akane then leaned over. “But how much would it have cost you?”

Nabiki stopped, and in that instant her composure returned. “Yeah, fuck that noise.”

Katie shrugged her shoulders. “Well, on the bright side, a little bit of culture and rehabilitation might really turn them into respectable guys.”

Akane brightened. “There’s that.”

“Well, long as I don’t get dragged into it, live and let die,” Ranma said. “I got plenty of culture.”

Nabiki couldn’t resist trying to butter him up. “Don’t worry, from where I’m standing. You’re already a man.”

Akane rolled her eyes to look from Nabiki to Kodachi, and jumped back when she found that her most recent acquisition of friendship was standing directly before her, the shinai she carried low at her side. Behind her, her mass of newly minted sycophants were being organized by the fourteen sharp-dressed young men who first appeared with her.

“Good morning to you Tendo Akane-san, and you Izurando Katie-san,” she said cheerfully. “It has been a while.”

“It has,” Akane said. “Have you been spending all this time setting this up?”

“Oh yes!” Kodachi replied. “That and making the appropriate arrangements to transfer to this school as well.”

Nabiki was quite pleased to hear that her rich friend was to be a classmate as well. “That’s nice to know. If our first meeting was any indication, we’re going to get along great.”

“So what, you’re going for the whole Host Club aesthetic with these guys?” Katie asked.

“Ohohoho!” Kodachi laughed, and Katie almost swooned a bit. “My darling friends, it is no mere aesthetic, and certainly not a Host Club. I am embarking on a great crusade, and when I am finished with those slobs, they will be my great army.”

That caught Ranma’s ear and he stepped up. “What are you crusading against?”

Kodachi looked to the young man that she had observed sparring with Katie, and regarded him coolly. “You needn’t concern yourself, it is strictly a matter to be settled among women.”

Not that much of anything around here was Ranma’s business to begin with, but seeing as this was his school, and these guys were clearly being used by Kodachi for some bad-sounding purpose. “Even if it’s none of my business, I don’t think I’m down with anyone just signing up these guys for something like a fight.”

He looked towards Akane and Katie. “Especially if what you’ve said about them being not that good is true.”

Kodachi scowled at Ranma a bit, and about to question his continued interest in business that was not his, when Nabiki’s ambition illuminated in her eyes, and she moved decisively. “Well hang on, if you’re concerned about them, Ran-chan, why not train them yourself? Show them some moves and make sure no one’s taking advantage of them?”

Ranma hummed, not minding that arrangement too much, but still finding this a little sketchy. “I suppose…”

She looked over to Kodachi and gestured to Ranma. “This is Saotome Ranma, bound by an honor agreement to be my fiancée.”

“Your fiancée?” Akane asked.

“Not like you’re going to marry him,” Nabiki shot out the corner of her mouth at her.

Kodachi’s eyes widened as she understood it. “Oh is that a fact! Well then…”

She tilted her chin up slightly as she regarded Ranma with a more respectable tone. “Saotome-san, I did witness your strength in your spar with Izurando-san and I was impressed with your strength. I would consider it an honor for your strength to be held as an example for these young men to follow.”

Ranma as an example, huh? He didn’t see too much harm in that. “Long as it doesn’t interfere with my job.”

“If it does, I will compensate you handsomely,” Kodachi said. “Whatever income you desire to make up for what you can’t make at your other job I will generously compensate.”

“She will,” Nabiki quickly testified.

Ranma liked the sound of that. Two jobs from two attractive girls in as many days? He was sold. “Sounds good to me.

“Oi, Kodachi,” Katie then brusquely butted-in. “If you’re offering trainer slots, then I want in on this, too.”

It was then that Akane too saw a moment of decision that could not be allowed to slip. In fact, it was quite possibly the boldest and most ambitious of them all. “We could train them at the Tendo Dojo, if you like. It’s large enough for them, and that way you can have Ranma, Katie-senpai, and I all training them.”

“For a fee, of course,” Katie added.

A stingier person would quickly noticed they were being milked. However, the Kuno family’s wealth made even their nearest financial rivals the Mendou family look like a bunch of lower-middle class chumps who went to Denny’s once a month to convince themselves that they weren’t toeing the poverty line.

“That’s acceptable! I demand nothing but the best caretakers for my newly sown garden!” She declared boldly. “It would do me little to surround myself with anything less than the absolute best, so I shall make a new decree here and now!”

She then pointed the shinai at the four. “Attention! Furinkan High School! I, The Black Rose Kuno Kodachi hereby declare the formation of Furinkan High School’s Student Council! I am your Student Council President, and the following are my council, second only to me!”

As if illuminated from the heavens, four lights shone down, illuminating Ranma, Akane, Nabiki, and Katie.

“They are Tendo Akane, Tendo Nabiki, Izurando Katie, and Saotome Ranma!” She introduced. “You will regard their authority as you would my own, and I am certain that you have seen enough of their prowess to respect their authority as well!”

For anyone who doubted Katie’s skillful dispatch of Tatewaki as a fluke, the violence of the spar with this mysterious new student sealed the deal. And there were quick nods of acknowledgement to the rule of the new Student Council.

Kodachi narrowed her eyes in disgust at the meager response, and then slammed the shinai back into the ground, creating a spiderweb of cracks that spread out a good thirty meters.


And the students did, immediately crossing their right arm over their chests as her butlers did, and standing erect. “YES, BLACK ROSE-SAMA!”

Hearing the chorus of replies, Kodachi bit her lower lip from the thrill, and threw her head back to laugh maniacally. “YES! VERY GOOD! OHHHHHHHHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO!”

Ranma folded his hands behind the back of his head; as far as first days of school were concerned, becoming one of the big dogs and ending up in a clique full of pretty and dangerous girls certainly wasn’t the worst.

Katie folded her arms, trying to ignore how sexy Kodachi was, and looked to Akane, who smiled up to her. “Is this okay to you, senpai?”

Smirking a bit, Katie replied, “I always wanted to know what it was like to look down from the top of the mountain.”

Nabiki was overflowing with excitement for different reasons. Everything was going so smoothly now, all she needed for things to be perfect were for her to win the rather studly Ranma’s attention… and maybe remember that bounty she put on Katie’s head out of spite.

|If you like to gamble, I tell you I’m your man…|

Of all the sounds of children crying ranked easily among the worst of them. The idea of a hurt child never failed to invoke sympathy, unless you were a particularly evil bastard who delighted in making children cry. Enter a man so evil, so sadistic, and so underhanded that making children cry wasn’t just what he liked to do, it was how he made money.

A fat, blonde-haired middle-aged man with the face right off a King playing card sat at a small table on what was normally a quiet side street in a far away Japanese town, shuffling a deck of cards as he stared across it at an elementary school-aged boy who looked straight out of a shounen anime with his dark spiky hair and determined eyes. He also looked quite angry at the middle-ager, and behind him explained why: there stood a group of smaller children, some watching weepy-eyed, and others crying their eyes outright, while pleading for him to win.

The middle-ager quickly doled out a hand of cards between himself and the boy, before picking up his own and looking at it.

“You old bastard…” The older boy said. “This is it, all or nothing! I’m going to get back my friends’ money, and my little sister’s bike!”

Behind the older man, a bright pink bicycle with training wheels sat. From behind his hand, his blue eyes shaded slightly by his straw hat, the middle-ager looked quite confident in his cards. “We’ll see about that, kiddo. So… shall we begin?”

“Yes!” The boy said as he shot a hand forth, bringing it to a stop just before edges of his cards. They hovered there, his fingertips trembling as small beads of sweat manifested on his brow. Then they began to move, his fingers hovering back and forth over each card, careful to make his choice.

From behind his cards, the man watched his far younger opponent’s hand, his expression unchanged from smug confidence, as if every choice was certain failure.

Growing tense, the boy glared at the hand of cards. He had one chance, it was all or nothing! His sister, his friends, their happiness! It all depended on him! He had to believe! He had to win!

He immediately drew a Joker.

“You lose,” The Gambling King said as he took the last of the boy’s money.

The boy dropped onto the ground on his hands and knees, overcome with despair as The Gambling King collected his winnings. The other children began bawling loudly, all hope lost.

The Gambling King was quite proud of himself, as he leaned over the counter. “You dumb brat, I suppose that’ll teach you to come around and act like real life is an anime.”

Childishly, he made a rude face to the boy when he looked up, earning the child’s fury. Sitting back, he began to shuffle his cards again. “If you have anything else to wager, though, we can continue playing. You might just win something back.”

The boy tensed up. He didn’t have anything left. Nothing of his at least, that was his allowance for the entire week! If he couldn’t get his sister’s bike back, not only would his parents kill him, but he could never call himself a big brother again! He needed… he had to do something… but what?

A hand came down on the table, placing a large stack of yen on it, and both the boy and the cruel King looked up at the man who stepped up. He was a foreigner, wearing steel toe boots, khaki pants, and a matching vest over a gray shirt. He also wore a well-worn dark brown fedora, the right side of the wide brim pinned up against the side of the hat with what appeared to be a senbon needle. He had the face of a middle-aged man, complete with a moderate beard and mustache, and had limp, scraggly black hair that reached down to his shoulders.

“Hey there, man, there’s no need to be a sore winner,” the newcomer said. “If you’re going to swindle kids out of their money, at least be nice about it. Make ‘em feel like they tried, not like you outsmarted them.”

He leaned forward. “There’s an etiquette to these sorta things, and your attitude? Definitely uncool.”

The Gambling King looked down at the money, and then up at this man as he set his deck in front of him. “Do you want to play a hand?”

“Sure, but none of that Old Maid shit,” the newcomer replied, before sitting down across from him. “I’m gonna tell you what the name of this game is.”

With a swiftness that none could see, the newcomer slammed a deck of cards onto the table, launching the deck the Gambling King had assembled into the air. Seven face cards, and all the rest Jokers came raining down around them, one such card being snatched from the air betwixt the newcomer’s fingers.

“H-he’s a cheater!” The young boy said in shocked realization.

The Gambling King flushed, as the man held the Joker to him.

“We’re going to play a game of Poker, if you win, you get to keep all this stuff and carry on your way–I’m a man of my word, and if you lose…” the newcomer said before he flipped the Joker around, revealing it changed to the Ace of Spades. “This will be your card.”

The Gambling King recoiled at his table, before looking down at the stranger’s deck, he then looked up at him again.

“And if you try to cut and run? Don’t. I’m faster than you,” he added.

With that, The Gambling King paled, before he reached out and placed a hand on the deck. “D-Deal…”

The man raised the brim of his hat, revealing piercing green eyes as the beginnings of a bloodthirsty smile spread across his bearded face.
