Shokugeki no Souma


Well-Known Member
Anyone notice how Souma's old man said he didn't graduate? And yet.. SOMEHOW ended up being world famous?


Random phantom.
It's possible he went through a situation akin to what Souma's going through, IE being disliked by every other chef not on his group and having the Elite Ten against him.

In fact... possibly this is how Souma's meant to surpass Joe; he can't cook a better dish (because he's too young), but he CAN overcome all of the evil cooks in this school and make them learn that being elitists is for pooheads. That may also serve to bring back the Polar Star name to the minds of everyone and make it respectable and all.

...or something.


Well-Known Member
And yet he said that Soma had to graduate, something he didn't do, to have a chance of surpassing him.


Random phantom.
...and where does this contradict what I just said?

Probably by graduating Souma would have learned the best cooking styles that Joe just learned to mime. Or maybe he'll manage to create a truly unique cooking style.

Or maybe he'll cook his way into a harem by graduating.


Random phantom.
Updating because VOLUME 3 ARRIVED.

True cover is naked Dojima. Cover page is a sad Tadokoro, which is relevant because the volume goes from chapter 15 to 21, ending in Souma's challenge to Shinomiya. Back pics, in order, are Takumi preparing to step on Souma's foot, a guide to Italian pronounciations [Ristorante, Trattoria, Osteria and Bar], Takumi and Souma's recipes, Yuuki as a Dragon Quest character leveling up (I think she's the Hero given the headgear), a charm of some kind (right after Tadokoro got fired) and a four-page comic on Takumi at the very back...

...because right after chapter 21, there's one of the writer's previous works, Kimi to Watashi no Ren'aisoudan. It's a pretty long story about a common high school student who wants to ask a girl out, but messes up on the love letter delivery and instead her best friend gets the message. She then gets him to let her pretend they're dating to make said girl take notice of him.

No porn-y arts this time. Makes me wonder what they're doin'.


Well-Known Member

An interesting chapter that moves the plot along. Nothing really groundbreaking though.


Random phantom.
So we have a high school-looking girl who happens to be a teacher, and a teacher-looking guy who may be in high school.

...and god damn it Joe, you're such a tease.


Well-Known Member
... I was literally speaking about the curry. In fact, I wanted to make some but I had salmon instead.


Random phantom.
So this is why she was so mad.

Apparently, it truly runs in the family to create the most terrible of foods while seeking the greatest. And we have a tsundere sensei. AND THE GREATEST CUPID EVER.

...I wonder why Joe became a Yukihira. It must have been the most important of reasons.


Random phantom.
So, we have a maximum of eight possible candidates for the next step.

Everyone, vote for up to six* options! Let's see who people think are the most skilled!

My own opinion: Erina's sis is a shoe-in no matter what, and her aide may as well; it's unsure where Erina's 'friend' stands. Takumi's brother may make a surprise advancement where his brother may not, but it may also be too soon for that. Nikumi's a wildcard, in that I don't particularly believe she'll pass, but at the same time nothing stops her from doing so. The fans are probably gonna make it in, but it's unsure how it'll go. I really think the Polar Stars should make it through, but there's not enough space either, now is there...

*Souma and Hayama don't count.


Random phantom.

Volume 4 is probably the barest of the lot, despite having the breast bests on its cover. Main cover is pink with an image of Shinomiya looking all mean, and goes from chapters 22 to 30, without any extra chapters. Kinda sad, but eh, not everything can be Tlovrue.

Volume image is Nikumi with her back to the audience, not showing her breasts. Meh.

22: Hinako all tied up and yelling at Shinomiya who is considering shutting her mouth up with tape.
23: "Oshokujitokoro Tadokoro", drawn in the style of the mangá's back (where it reads 'Yukihira').
24: Recipe for Chou Farci.
25: The coins' 'Up', or Heads.
26: All three dolls of Tadokoro-youkai, for the low, low price of 600 yen! (Available in amusement parks.)
27: Some sketch of Shinomiya reading a book without his glasses for some reason. He looks surprisingly nice. (May not actually be Shinomiya.)
28: Level 80 Yuuki wielding a BFS swinging at an Enemy Demon. 9999 damage!
29: "*****ken!" "Spin**** ***d Kick!" And Tadokoro having no idea what the hell is going on (while dressed like Cammy).
30: More Street Fighters! Takumi is in a colorless gi (as opposed to Souma apparently being either Ken or Akuma), his brother is E. Honda, and Nikumi is Elena.

...and this is it. You lose nothing from the scans.


Random phantom.
Aww, Isshiki made a friend! Who is... kinda creepy. Poor Megumi.

The fratelli are being silly as always. And there is a Chinese dress. I didn't know you were allowed to cook in those.

...and badguy alert!
I'm still here. Just generally don't care about Tadokoro and thus didn't see much worth discussing in this chapter.


Well-Known Member
Finally a chance for county girl to turn some heads on her own, without any help from Souma.