
Oh, that, that's been around for a while now. IIRC the actual dismemberment was just exaggeration. But yeah, that novella is pretty much universally panned, both in the West and in Japan.

They said that it was published fanfiction, yes, but they also said they were gonna keep it that way regardless because "it was really close to their original story" or some shit like that. The whole thing's a mess.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Wait, it's officially not canon anymore?



EDIT: And the fanficiton thing is totally to save face, I hope you know that xD


Well-Known Member
Wait, then how does the Auron's daughter audio special make sense then?

That seemed to be going with the "undead" Tidus thing.


Well-Known Member
shiki said:
Wait, then how does the Auron's daughter audio special make sense then?

That seemed to be going with the "undead" Tidus thing.
Wait, Auron has a daughter?


Random phantom.
There's a girl who claims to be his daughter in an audio drama.

In the same audio drama, Lulu says a lot of people claim to be the children of Jecht, Brasta, and Auron.

So, you know. It may be irrelevant.
Except this one was chosen to be voiced and featured, so she's "special".

The whole thing's a disaster and no one likes it, so everyone ignores the novel and audio drama.


Well-Known Member
What the bleeding fuck is Squeenix doing ? I'm so glad I completely ignore that kind of side stuff now, I wish I STILL was completely unaware that this bullshit even exist at all.


Not The Goddamn @dmin
Hey, I warned you.


Well-Known Member
Huh, now that Square-Enix owns them...I guess I put this here.


Good stuff, but whoever was playing screwed up by killing all those people. Honestly, perhaps it's just me, but the more powerful I get in those games, the less inclined I am to go in loud and hard.


Well-Known Member

On one hand I'm conflicted cuz it's basically another remaster, but I feel like I have to play it to see all the new stuff included in 3D.
On the other...dat sexy Aqua back tho!  :wub:
So yeah, a bit more story from the X prologue and maybe a teaser for the KH3 engine when playing as Aqua? Either that or it's just a really good looking cutscene.


Well-Known Member
Another remake? Geez, Final Fantasy doesn't get that many.... and considering how many people want VII made its a miracle it took this long.


Well-Known Member
FF7 Remake Gameplay.


I like the way it is now. While it could've still worked as a Turn based RPG,  I'm excited to see how the Action RPG gameplay will be. 

Most likely really similar to FFXV, but yeah.

Also, I like the redesign for everyone. Looks neat.


Well-Known Member
KurokamiDG said:
FF7 Remake Gameplay.

I like the way it is now. While it could've still worked as a Turn based RPG,  I'm excited to see how the Action RPG gameplay will be. 

Most likely really similar to FFXV, but yeah.

Also, I like the redesign for everyone. Looks neat.
It's hard to say whether that is really action based or turn based. There is no hud at all and I doubt even if it was an action game that's how it would be presented. It's probably real time, but I bet you're still using a menu system to battle and manage the party, even if it's an MMO style action bar or something like that.

I want to see someone playing with a hud or actually using a controller to control the action to try and figure out just how this works when it's being played exactly.

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Well... Okay, in order.

1) It looks fucking fantastic. But that was never a question. Square fucked up in many other points in the past but they always deliver good looking games.

2) Speaking of good looking, holy shit. Did Jessie just get HOT on us? Seriously, I hope Aerith and Tifa also get a makeover because otherwise we already have a winner for the pairing wars you ALL know will ignite again upon release.

3) We all knew this wasn’t going to be turnbased, but still, in case you didn’t notice, the character huds have Active Time Battle bars. Maybe they will do it similar to the Grandia battle system? Also, THANK GOD you don’t control Cloud only! -Yes, in the trailer there’s a brief shot where the player is controlling Barret-. And the movements and effects don’t look as boring as the ones in the FFXV demo.

4) Hell yeah asshole Cloud is back! And Barret looks like Blade all of a sudden… I mean, sunglasses at night? I don’t mind his redesign, anyway.

Now, the question on my mind right now: what are they going to do about the world map? And what DLC will they give it?


Well-Known Member
Ordo said:
Shirotsume said:
TIL square enix made a novella that happens right as X-2 ends, called 2.5. They claim it's canon.

it's so bad the X team refuses to acknowledge it's existence. In fact, it's so bad that even though I want to rant about how bad it is, I'll spare you guys and spoiler it.

it starts out with everyone going massively OOC. Yuna throws a hissy fit because Tidus isn't showering her in affection. This is because Tidus is confused because everyone basically is ignoring him.

He goes and takes a nap in a boat, and Yuna gets the bright idea of taking it out to see. he wakes up, they argue (because Yuna has randomly decided to shit on everything in her personality and wants to be a priest of Yuevon again), and there's a storm.

They shipwreck. They wake up. Tidus sees a ball on the beach about the size of a blitzball and kicks it. It's a bomb, Tidus dies, significant detail is given to how his dismembered body parts fly around. Extra detail then describes the exact look on his face as his decapitated head lands next to Yuna. yep, Tidus is permanently dead in canon now.

The story gets worse. Much, much worse. I'll spare you the details, but let's just say it involves graphic depictions of necrophilia at one point, and then still gets worse.

Fuck that shit, canon is X and X-2 and nothing more and YOU CAN'T FUCKING TELL ME OTHERWISE SQUARE ENIX.
Correction: Square is now saying it's fanfiction the author of the actual book sent in for publishing by mistake

This is either the greatest comedy of errors I have ever seen or the biggest pile of bullshit I've ever had the displeasure of running across.


In all seriousness....There's really nothing to say when presented with a tale like this.
Like half a year late on this, but you do know P4Gaming is a joke news site, right?


Well-Known Member
Probably like Kingdom Hearts maybe?

Also, I just realized that Barrett looks like Wesley Snipe's rendition of Blade.


Well-Known Member
H-Man said:
So how do you guys think Limits are going to be implemented?
My guess is they'll be AoE attacks. You'll get a targeting area highlighted, a bar, a circle, or a cone in which the damage will be dealt. You aim, fire and the animation happens. There might be a few that just deal a ton of damage to a single target as well, but the same principal will likely apply. It'll probably have a dedicated button, likely one of the triggers, or allow you to pause or slow down the game to go into a menu and fire them off.

It kind of depends on how much of an action RPG this is. It's hard to say just yet, it could be an active battle system similar to what they did with FF XII, or it could be something completely different. They just gave us enough to see what the game looks like in 'gameplay', but not enough to tell exactly how it was being played either.

I for one just hope they cut down the summon animation times. Well, not so much cut them down, as make them skipable. At the least give us a menu option for quick summons. They'll be amazing to watch the first few times, but it will get old fast if Knights of the Round takes half as long as it did on the PS1.


Well-Known Member
Here's a breakdown that shows the HUD and everything for it.



Well-Known Member
This makes it look like just really well animated turn based combat. The interface certainly seems to suggest that. Pretty sure it's an 'active battle' format where time still has some sort of flow and doesn't just pause while you decide what to do, but I don't think this is an Action RPG at all. Seems like a menu based system.

It's hilarious listening to how impressed the IGN guys are with the particle effects and lighting. It looks good, don't get me wrong, but I'm so used to effects of this level of quality or better that it just struck me as kind of silly. First thing that popped into my head was "Sure, they look good, but they're not anywhere near as impressive as they're trying to make them sound."

I mean, even for Final Fantasy this isn't some new upper tier of quality we're seeing here. If anything I think some of the effects look a little unfinished.

I'm not talking in a PC vs Console kind of way here either, these sorts of effects have been pretty standard for Playstation 4 and even Xbox 1 games for a couple of years now. It's really just direct lighting we're seeing there with the light reflections off the sword. The PS3 could manage effects like that easily, it's commonly used on water to give it that nice shiny look. GTA V made use of the same effect on the previous gen systems, you saw it on the cars, water, and windows a lot.

If they can get the PS4 to pull off a decent Global Illumination effect with graphical quality of this level at a good framerate I'll be impressed. No way the old systems could handle the normal maps or textures they're using here, and not a chance they'd manage animation like that, but the lighting we see here could be managed easily and the PS3 with that hellish Cell Processor could probably do a better job than you'd think at trying to run those particles, it'd probably drop frames like crazy, but it would probably still be a playable game, even if barely so.

The particles do look nice, but again, nothing we've not seen for a couple of years now on any current gen system that isn't the Wii U. These sorts of effects were present in launch titles for the new consoles. They're nice, but not so impressive as to ooh and aaah over as if it was the first fireworks display they've ever seen.

I do like how this looks. It's got a nice occlusion filter on it that keeps it from looking too sharp and overall is very well animated. It looks good because it's Square doing a flagship game at their usual quality level. There really isn't much that's technically impressive or particularly innovative visually about it outside of it being very well crafted visually because it's Squenix and Final Fantasy.

The lighting is clearly still in early stages. I want to see what this looks like once they slap some AO and AF effects onto it. A little depth of field would be nice too and wouldn't give much of a performance hit. I expect they'll use Bokeh DoF in the final release as it would probably give the best effect at the lowest performance hit. It's shown up in a lot of games recently, including a few from Squenix I don't think they've got anything like that going on here. The PS4 should be able to handle that and still manage 25-30 frames. No way is this going to run at 60, the hardware would fuse together in a hot lump of molten plastic and metal. While not optimal, that's more than good enough for an RPG like this.

This looks good for an early demo, but the post processing stuff clearly isn't finished yet.

Meinos Kaen

Well-Known Member
Okay, after looking at it again, I notice a couple things. That's not an Active Time Battle bar. Also, it seems that for some reason everyone is comparing this to FFXV. Huuu, what? Anyway, longer explanation here.


Random phantom.
FF15 is the newest thing Square has done that involves a 'walk around, hit things, and not use an obvious RPG HUD' system. That's why everyone's comparing them, primarily.

Altered Nova

Well-Known Member
Oh wow, that looks amazing. It looks like there will be more emphasize on exploration and possibly a bit of platforming, with a lot more of Midgar available for the player to explore. I'm totally okay with that. Getting to actually look around all those static isometric backgrounds from the original game in glorious third person 3D is going to be amazing.

I like how Cloud's sword is always visible on his back. He doesn't just pull it out of thin air for combat like in the original game. Standard RPG hyperspace inventory, slightly less glaringly obvious now!

I thought I would be mad if they randomly changed minor things for no apparent reason, but Barrett wearing sunglasses at night just fits him so perfectly. I can't argue with it.

Wow, Jesse, Biggs and Wedge look so good. I almost kinda hope they change the plot and give you some way to save them and turn them into full fledged party members. Maybe in a new game + mode?