Story killers


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Obviously the reason why Louise is being so quick to treat Negi like Saito McRapist is that Louise is actually Evangeline, and pissed off about being stuck in Tristain for the past odd number of years pretending to be a no-talent hack and waiting for the rest of the class to show up.
If Ketchum Kid managed to work that into his story believably, I would forgive him of his character rape...of Louise, at least. Negi's personality rape however...NO.

Ketchum Kid's a wimp. He didn't even TRY to address the points brought up. Just deleted the thread.


Well-Known Member
ragnarok1337 said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Obviously the reason why Louise is being so quick to treat Negi like Saito McRapist is that Louise is actually Evangeline, and pissed off about being stuck in Tristain for the past odd number of years pretending to be a no-talent hack and waiting for the rest of the class to show up.
If Ketchum Kid managed to work that into his story believably, I would forgive him of his character rape...of Louise, at least. Negi's personality rape however...NO.

Ketchum Kid's a wimp. He didn't even TRY to address the points brought up. Just deleted the thread.
I went to his page, and the bottom of his profile caught my eye. Here's a couple of things quoted from it.

My writing may be a bit raw at times, but anyone who knows me knows I don't like asking for help and prefer to do things by myself, so I am my own beta reader. I apologize in advance for any errors in my works, and please notify me of them so that they can be corrected.
Doesn't like to ask for help. Wants to do it himself.

I accept all reviews and constructive criticism, from both fellow authors and the anomynous person. Or, drop by a PM. I usually reply within 24 hours unless I have a really good reason. Just remember to only include compliments and constructive criticism. Flaming is unprofessional and will be ignored. MoZ gave me enough grief as is...
And hyper-sensitive.

I'm pretty raw with the reviews, but Ketchum Kid knows nothing about flames. If it's not positive or treating his widdle ego with kid gloves, he thinks it's a flame. Geez, if he thinks I was flaming him, let LightningHunter get a hold of him and disabuse him of that notion.
If you look at his profile, Ketchum Kid has a Thomas the Tank story.

Thomas the Tank.

I don't really see the point in flaming him. Chances are, he's only 9 or 10 years old. Meaning regardless of constructive criticism or flames, his stories are going to suck for another 2-3 years at least.


Well-Known Member
Rajidae said:
If you look at his profile, Ketchum Kid has a Thomas the Tank story.

Thomas the Tank.

I don't really see the point in flaming him. Chances are, he's only 9 or 10 years old. Meaning regardless of constructive criticism or flames, his stories are going to suck for another 2-3 years at least.
Don't let the Thomas the Tank entries fool you. He's old enough to do extensive research on trains and their types and to go into detail about railways systems.


Well-Known Member
It means nothing. What someone's fandom means nothing.

People, that I expect are 20+, are writing about Ponies. I still don't know why people got into MLP.

I wouldn't be surprised the writer that you guys are talking about is 16 or 17, at that age you have the free time to respond to all reviews and enough ego to take criticism as a personal attack/seek praise to reinforce his self image. If he were 10, he wouldn't care enough to respond.

Found a new pet peeve.

It seems that I really hate whiny incompetent protagonists that don't grow through a story (unless that is the point and the author obviously shows that they are planning something epic if the other aspects are excellent). I can handle a while if the story is engrossing enough.