TFF: Halloween World-Discussion


Well-Known Member
Probably ninja or scout and we have Xaosite and possibly Lightwave for long range, depending on the range of which he can coax the earth to open up and swallow someone anyway.

I probably have the virtue of being the precision fighter as well, least compared to everyone else in our little band. Depending on situation I might be able to pull a Determinater as well.


Well-Known Member
shibosho said:
Probably, Ghost, though if someone suggest that in game, you would probably kick that person where it hurts.

Aarik, In monster form, I essentially become the blob except faster, with teeth, with tentacles, more durable, and larger. At this point I'd be more like to eat your powerfist faster then you can splatter me with it. Don't worry though, in monster form, I can't tell the difference between living matter and unliving matter. I'll most likely eat the house right next to me then eat a person who is a fair distance away from me.

Ninja'd: Hmm, didn't think of that. I've been associating cute/adorable with pokemon for too long.
You do realize that Space marine's get Superhuman EVERYTHING right? that isn't an exaggeration, super strength speed reflexes stamina dexterity agility, I can outrun a cheetah run longer then a goose can fly, spin on a dime, do quintuple backlip's all at the same time if I try, and a powerfist is the size of a person, made of adamantium and has an extremely destructive energy field(I think) you REALLY don't want to bite down on one, it would be like biting an armed nuclear landmine as if it was a cookie.

Plus you would have to bite through my 2 energy shield's to GET to the powerfist which is covered in the power field thing.

EDIT: Lol, I just remembered Space Marine equipment is sanctified, the Tech-Priests literally go over and bless every inch of each and every little thing to sanctify it in the name of the omnissiah, the armor even has the high up space marine's give you holy Purity Seals to put on it, blessed bolt's(the name of the 'bullets' in bolter's) blessed powerfist, i now really pity you if you bite it.


Well-Known Member
We should probably stop any and all who's more powerful than who 'discussions' before they start. Otherwise we'll never get anything done and everyone will likely walk away angry.


Well-Known Member
Actually I was just measuring thing's for how party interaction goes, who I can touch without killing, stuff like that.


Well-Known Member
So in other words as soon as I get into contact with you, Aarik, no, get close to you, I start feeling pain all over my body. Curse you blessed armour of the space marines, one day I shall build up an immunity to your blessed poison and devour you whole! Just kidding. It would make for serious lolz and fun interactions.

EDIT: Oh yeah, I've been reading up on space marines and I've some questions concerning your armour and stuff. You have a SPARTAN armour underneath Tactical Dreadnought armour which is underneath terminator armour despite the fact that terminator armour and tactical dreadnought armour are the same thing, correct?

Also, having read several articles on terminators, I have come to the conclusion that they have poor maneuverability and are slow. They're are as strong as you say they are but they aren't very fast.

Another questions, what chapter are you? Are you just generic or do you belong to a specific chapter, like the blood angels orraven guard for example?

Also here's a list of all the implants that a space marine should have in him:

Nineteen organs are implanted in a Neophyte to further bolster his combat and survival ability should he live to become a Brother-Marine. Each implant has a high margin of catastrophic failure and so only a small number of Neophytes live to become Initiates. Many chapters have lost the knowledge needed to create some of these implants, and therefore, simply don't have them. The exceptions to this are the Black Carapace and the Progenoid Glands, without which, a chapter would die out fairly quickly.

Secondary Heart - This is the first and least difficult implant to install. The Secondary Heart increases blood supply and pumping capacity and is capable of taking over entirely should the primary heart fail.

Ossmudula - This implant strengthens the skeleton of a Space Marine by inducing the bones to absorb a ceramic-based substance administered in a Marine's diet. Within two years after the surgery, the Marine's skeleton will be larger and exponentially stronger; and the rib cage will be fused into a solid bone plate.

Biscopea - Implanted into the chest cavity, this implant massively bolsters muscle development and density throughout the Marine's body. This is commonly implanted at the same time as the Ossmodula.

Haemastamen - Implanted into a main blood vessel, the Haemastamen alters the Marine's blood composition to carry oxygen and nutrients more efficiently.

Larraman's Organ - This organ manufactures Larraman Cells. These serve the purpose of platelets, but act faster and more effectively. When a Marine is wounded, Larraman Cells are released, attached to leukocytes. At the site of the injury, they form scar tissue in a matter of seconds, effectively preventing massive blood loss and infection.

Catalepsean Node - Implanted into the back of the brain, this implant allows a marine to not sleep, instead entering an almost comatose trance where they "recharge". It also allows the resting of half the brain while the other remains alert, thus removing the need for total sleep. The longest known record of any space marine going without rest while on active combat duty is 319 hours by a member of the Crimson Fists.

Preomnor - The Preomnor is a decontamination chamber inside the chest cavity. It chemically analyzes ingested materials and neutralizes toxins. The Preomnor enables the Marine to eat normally inedible substances and resist poisons.

Omophagea - Implanted into the spinal cord, this organ is designed to absorb information and DNA related to experience or memory. This enables the Marine to gain information, in a survival or tactical sense, simply by eating an animal indigenous to an alien world.

Multi-lung - The multi-lung is a third lung, able to absorb oxygen from environments poor in oxygen. Breathing is accomplished through a sphincter in the trachea, allowing all three lungs to be used at full capacity. In toxic environments, a similar muscle closes off the normal lungs, thus oxygen is absorbed exclusively by the multi-lung which filters out poisonous elements.

Occulobe - Essentially, this organ enhances a Marine's eyesight, granting him exceptional vision and the ability to see normally in low-light environment.

Lyman's Ear - This implant renders a Marine immune to dizziness and nausea(see Cochlea), and enables a Marine to consciously filter out "white noise".

Sus-an Membrane - This implant allows a Marine to enter a catatonic or "suspended animation" state. It can allow a mortally wounded Space Marine to survive his injuries, and bring the metabolism to a standstill. The longest recorded period of this state was with Brother Silas Err of the Dark Angels for 567 years.

Melanochrome - Linked to pigment cells in skin, this allows the Marine's skin to shield him from dangerous levels of radiation.

Oolitic Kidney - This organ works in conjunction with the Preomnor, filtering blood to remove toxins.

Neuroglottis - This organ allows a Marine to assess a wide variety of things simply by taste. From poisons to chemicals to animals, a Marine can even track his quarry by taste alone.

Mucranoid - Altering sweat glands, this organ causes the secretion an oily substance that coats the skin when necessary, protecting it from extreme temperatures and to some extent, vacuum environments.

Betcher's Gland - Implanted into multiple locations inside a Marine's mouth, these glands transform a Marine's saliva into corrosive, blinding acid when triggered. A Marine trapped behind iron bars would be able to chew his way out given a few hours.

Progenoid Glands - Implanted into both the neck and chest cavity, these serve to collect and cultivate the gene-seed from a Space Marine's body, and to safeguard it for the continuity of a Chapter. The neck gland is removed upon 5 years, and the chest gland upon 10 years; both are then used to create new Space Marines.

The Black Carapace - The last and possibly most important of all implants, this neuroreactive material is implanted directly under the skin in the chest area. Invasive fibre bundles then grow inward and interlink with the Marine's own nervous system. Points pre-cut into the Carapace are effectively connection points, allowing a Marine to directly interface with his Power Armour

Damn, space marines are bad-ass!

EDIT 2: Why the hell did I post up all this information?! meh, oh well.


Well-Known Member
Please see : 'OC', 'Parody', 'minor Halo cross', and 'I am busy right now.'

The armor thing was a result of me copypasta'ing from a wiki, the wiki was apparently inaccurate, there was a fuse blown last night when I was writing it up so I skimped a few thing's to get done as quick as possible.

Sorry for being quite so long, I fell asleep, still a little drowsy.

And now that the wiki I use for quick reference has been proven unreliable, where did you get that info from, my memory isn't the best and I need a quick method to look details up.


Well-Known Member
Oh, right. Didn't look properly before.

<a href=',000)]here[/url] is where I found the info about the armour and here is where I found all the info on the implants as such and such.

On that note though how fast is your character when he is in full armour?


Well-Known Member
That's one of the thing's I would need to look up, but he would be fast I know that.


Well-Known Member
... Why do I see us leading an army of shidosho's blob thing's and lightwave's Earth elemental's with GhostElder standing on my shoulder while I make a clawless version of wolverine's berzserk pose, shaderic with flaming demon fist's, Ray pulling the paladin charge pose with the sword from straight up to held infront of you motion while screaming "charge!" with Xaosite charging a hadoken while shibosho get's ready to go monster with lightwave sitting in the back ready to rip the ground open.

That sounds kind of awesome actually.


Well-Known Member


Hopefully in the future, we can make this vision a reality.


Well-Known Member
... Hey can we make it a running joke that no one recognizes what I am, it would be a laugh or two if everyone not in our group thought I was a super warforged or a large robot or something.


Well-Known Member
Well, that's what you look like.

Hey, for combat style, I'm thinking about using close quarters (duh with the Devil Claw) but instead of slugging it out hard ("Pain hurts") I'm planning on 'Dodge, dodge, rip you head off' kind of style.

I like playing high speed characters. And I hate being slow.


Well-Known Member
So we have a Supreme Sledgehammer Shield (me), a Rapid Attacker(Shaderic), an Undying Devourer (shibosho), a Geokinetic Major (lightwave) a Holy Cleaver (Ray), a Glass Cannon (Xaosite), and an Aura Guardian (GhostElder).

Plus the the <s>Redmage/demi Bluemage/Swordsmaster</s> Spellsword BBEG.


Well-Known Member
Well, I wouldn't say I'm a Spell Sword. I still prefer to frag you from a distance, but I'm not afraid of things getting up close and personal.

The point of a Red Mage, from my perspective, is to be completely flexible. To have an answer for every situation, to be able to handle anything...

The Jack of All Trades. Each and everyone. Would it surprise you to know that Blaze can sew? Would it surprise you to know he can forge things? Would it surprise you to know that he's still completely human, despite everything?

Part of the point with Blaze, is that he is human, and wants to push his limits as far as he can, and even further. He intends to become a god in flesh. He respects death and the dead, but living as a Lich just isn't for him. He could do that, if he wanted to, but with death comes a certain stagnation. He still has a long way to grow.

In addition, he's very pragmatic. He will ask for what he wants, politely, because people respect politeness, and, occasionaly, it even works. If he doesn't get it, he will eliminate whatever's in his path to it. Whether it be an army, a dragon, or even an empire.

But, he won't be popping up for awhile. He has to establish himself somewhere. Both, to become a threat in the story, and to get you guys in his way.

Because, he isn't in your way. You're in his.


Well-Known Member
You mangled the end of that a bit.

And a spellsword is just an oversimplification, it is much easier and faster to type then Redmage/demi Bluemage/Swordsmaster.

Actually, does everyone find there 'titles' acceptable?


Well-Known Member
Actually looking it up the proper title for the sort of Lucario I'm playing is (probably) Aura Guardian. Unless that title only goes to the trainer half of that sort of pair, in which case it wouldn't matter anyway.


Well-Known Member
Hey... my Char is currently at a ____ on the internet, most likely on TFF, can I get really meta and post about posting about posting by rping me rping me posting in the The End of the World thread?


Well-Known Member
Sorry I haven't been posting so much.
I've been away and busy. Tomorrow, I should be able to post some stuff.


Well-Known Member
Shit is gonna hit the fans at the parties when the shift occurs.


Well-Known Member
..... Oh shit my Char is at a 40k battle bunker.

On Halloween.
