TFF League of Legends Ranked Team


(Hardcore) Gamer
Well, now, it's just time to work our way up.

Individually, we're pretty fucking good, it's just that we have a huge tendency to pitch games.


Well-Known Member
Also, loads of the teams in bronze are a bunch of silver players with one gold/plat guy who carries. As far as I've heard, that's pretty much how team 5v5 works in bronze.


Well-Known Member
So there needs to be better group decision making? =p

And personally, I tend to just remake the ranked team and redo the placement matches if we lose more than expected. Easier to raise ranks. You guys probably don't want to disband though since you have 3v3 too.


(Hardcore) Gamer
We're doing this a lot more for fun than to actually win, although winning is nice. We'll just work our way up.


Well-Known Member
Most of the time we're better then our opponents. But, for various reasons (lack of map awareness, league crashing, sudden internet death,) we usually wind up losing our lane anyway. And when we do win our lanes, an inability to properly coordinate results in us getting picked off completely losing our advantage.

Most of the time, we're too busy making silly comments to actually plan out a proper team fight.


(Hardcore) Gamer
I need to stop playing so aggressively. I leaped Ezreal into their spawn. Twice.


(Hardcore) Gamer
We should play a game with just unkillable bastards next ranked: Jax, Tryn, Singed.


Well-Known Member
Unkillable would be Zilean, Trynd, and Kayle. Too bad that team would kinda suck against MR


Not The Goddamn @dmin
If you want aoe ult, get some ryze in there and watch as everyone melts.


(Hardcore) Gamer
Sorry, but Nunu's ult, built properly, would one-shot any champion.


(Hardcore) Gamer
And we just lost our first placement game. Son of a fucking whore.


Well-Known Member
As it turns out, having all of our teams damage being late game hyper carry's is not a good idea.