TFF: The End Of the World


Well-Known Member
I have seen one of those in armor now.
I wonder what's causing these things to change.
Is it because we are getting stronger?

twin blade

Well-Known Member
I could have sworn I've just seen that somewhere. Let me check.

This shit is getting old, fast. I found that EXACT emblem in this video game magazine. It's a symbol of the enemies for a game coming out next year. Here, let me quote the mag.

NP: So, where did you get the idea for the unique enemy designs?

TN: Well, I was having difficulty sleeping a few months ago, so I went downstairs to make some tea. I heard a noise outside, so I peeked through the window. There was something outside, with glowing eyes, and an odd emblem on its chest. I now realise it was just a dream, but even remembering it now makes me...uneasy.

This could mean that ths Shadows and Roaches have been here for a while now. Think its just a coincidence?


Well-Known Member
There are no coindences.
So if they have been here that long.
Why is that they have just started attacking?


Well-Known Member
Hey, those things just came back, with some massive red fireflys or something... I'd burn them, but they're kinda trying that out on me first. Had to leave fast. I met another of those fireflys as I bolted for a hiding place and tried Nitro on him... but it didn't seem to work. In fact... I think it liked it.

Curse you Darwin...

twin blade

Well-Known Member
Maybe they needed more Shadows? When you think about it, the only advantages these guys have is that they're fucking scary when you first see them, and numbers.

Most of us can easily take care of like, 10-15 of them at a time if we're careful. Also, the only reason most of us are gone is because we were Zerg Rushed. As far as I can tell from reports and Youtube Videos,, one whack of a machete or a handgun shot takes care of the Shadows.

That thing with the armor? One broke in. It was only one, so I don't think they know I'm here yet. Happy and I beat the shit out of it.

NGD, do you have a ranged weapon with you? If you do, drop the flamer, run as far as you can, turn around, and start aiming for the thrower. It might cause an explosion, which should help with the thugs.


Well-Known Member
They are bloody changing because we can fight back.
The shadow changed into a more protected form as an armor and it became firefly as fire was used more.


Well-Known Member
OK, you dig anything else up on that emblem, you let us know, OK?
As for why they just started attacking en masse now? Who knows? Multiplanar alignment, cultist ritual, waiting for their numbers to grow enough. I don't know. Either way, looks like things are probably going to get worse before they get better. Anyone have anything from the news sites so we can get a grip on these things interational actions besides attempting (and doing really good at it) genocide of the human race? Do they have any other objective or are they just going to kill us all?

ninja EDIT: They're evolving FASTER!?!?!?!?!
Well, shit. Their numbers go up fast, they can adapt and probably learn, and they can evolve along seperate evolutionary routes. Shiiiiit. Oh, and on top of everything else? It's getting dark and cloudy here. I figure we're in for a storm.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
But nothing evolves that fast. Unless they breed faster then bacteria, but that doesn't work because all of us would be Shadow food by now.

It could be magical of supernatural, but then why would guns and stuff work on them?

'K, Shaderic. Info is my element.
Shit...Such fun times we live in.

Sorry I haven't said anything in awhile guys. We got rushed by abunch of those fucking Shadow things before daybreak. We had the guns, but they had numbers, and at least five of 'em were retardedly huge. Took at least five of us filling it with lead to get one to poof, and now we're only to a handful here.

This place isn't save anymore. I'm getting everyone I can in as many cars as we can fit, and we're getting the shit out of here.

Now that I've got a second, I gotta wonder where the people go. I mean there is almost no blood and there aren't any bodies, so where the fuck are they taking......Actually, I dont wanna know.


Well-Known Member
twin blade said:
But nothing evolves that fast. Unless they breed faster then bacteria, but that doesn't work because all of us would be Shadow food by now.

It could be magical of supernatural, but then why would guns and stuff work on them?

'K, Shaderic. Info is my element.
We need info so let us figure out what we know first.


Well-Known Member
Thank you twin blade.
Remember folks, we have information and can probably learn faster than these things can. We need to regroup though.
Gather information, keep a light handy, a weapon in hand, and try to regroup with as many people as you can. I'm off to go grab some food now. My roomie met up with his folks, and we're raiding a wal-mart right now.

twin blade

Well-Known Member
Google+Yahoo+creative keywords=Info Is My Bitch.

From what reports say, there have been sightings of Shadows and Solders (the armor guys) for the past year or so. Most of them have been in Iraq and other warzones like Darfur. Maybe they needed free food?

EDIT: Also, these things change fast. I saw another thing outside the window right? I think It was a Firefly (the ones NGD had to deal with) and this weird thing. It looked like two tall Shadows glued back-to-back. Have people been double-teaming these things?


Well-Known Member
Okay I can help with info too.
List of things we know.
There are a few types of these things.
The ones that look like a bigger version of shadows
The really big ones.
Weapons can hurt them.
They don't like fire except the fireflies.
Shadows are weak
They appear out of the shadows.
They do something to the fallen humans' bodies.
disintegrate on defeat
don't like light.
Am I missing anything?


Well-Known Member
Are you telling me to kill Nitro? I think not. All I have to do is avoid the fireflies, I can take the thugs just fine.

Also... I don't think it's so much evolution as... well... getting help. The thugs retreated for a while after I got Nitro, and when they came back the fireflies were with them. In fact... they seem to be able to like teleport or move insanely fast for an instant or something. Everyplace I move that looks clear they seem to pop in with some kind of poof. I think they got ninja training. I found this area with some kind of radioactive green glow on the ground with some other kind of fireflies flying around it, and the other fireflies and the thugs don't seem to like it or something. They aren't appearing here at all.

I'm trying not to touch it, but it's just so shiny... May have to move on before I lose my will and give in...


Well-Known Member
I haven't seen any of those double ones yet.
~NGD OMEGA~ they are afraid of that thing?
I wonder why.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't say afraid... they just don't seem to notice the area...

Oh, I gave in... oddly my cuts are gone, as is that burn from when I dropped Nitro. And that scratch on it's paint is gone too. Weird...

I certainly hope that wasn't the cause of these things... that would suck.

I'm considering catching a firefly (Other than throwing fireballs, that's all they really do) to experiment... And no, it's not because Nitro doesn't work. :angry:


Well-Known Member
NGD, when has touching something that glows green ever been a good idea for anyone? Especialy if it feel like you have to touch it?

So, they can ninja-teleport in, huh? odd.
As for the list of traits, add in disintegrate on defeat and don't like light.
EDIT: Wait, what? It healed your cuts? What kind of insane shit is that green stuff?


Well-Known Member
Wait what.
It healed him. That is good. Right?


Well-Known Member

I went out to catch one, and every single thug and firefly was gone. Instead, I find this behemoth of a monster. We're talking like Godzilla or something, a freaking massive cockroach monster with arms and legs, and a GAPING HOLE IN IT'S CHEST. I went back in, the green stuff was gone, and the thing tore the entire place out of the ground to get to me. It's like a warning sign or something. Or maybe a signal that attracts them to you...

On second thought, DON'T TOUCH THE GREEN STUFF!!!

I managed to lose it, but I'm still feeling the ground shake, so it's still out there... I may have to waste all my fuel on this one...

twin blade

Well-Known Member
lightwave said:
Okay I can help with info too.
List of things we know.
There are a few types of these things.
The ones that look like a bigger version of shadows
The really big ones.

Weapons can hurt them.
They don't like fire except the fireflies.
Shadows are weak
They appear out of the shadows.
They do something to the fallen humans' bodies.

Am I missing anything?
Let me organize the info.

(We need a better name, but all of the things described have some Pitch-black on them, so yeah.)

Shadows (The small ones)
Tall Shadow (The ones that look like a Tall version of Shadows.)
Fireflies (Fly or float, immune to fire, use fire)
Soldiers (Ones with armor and metal claws)
Lightningflies (Electric Version of Lightningflies)

Possession Shadows? (The Action figure things.)
Dual-Shadows? (The Back-to-Back ones I saw)
Super Shadow? (A...Super Shadow. So Yeah)
Giant Shadow? (Huge Behemoth, can cause mini Earth-Quakes? Hole in Chest that can fire some kind of energy. Can summon Shadows)
Waterflies?(Water versions of Fireflies)
Fantasia Shadow? (That thing from Fantasia. Yes, the thing on the mountain with wingd.)

Camoflauge :ph43r:
Possible Insane Speed Adaption

Weak on their own

Vulnirablility to Bladed weapons
Vulnurability to Blunt Weapons
Vulnirability to Guns

Some Species:Vulnurable to Fire
Some Species:Vulnurable to Electricity
Some Species:Vulnurable to Water

Possible Vulnurability to Explosions
Possible Vulnurability to a Save Point (two green things circleing a green circle)

Behavoir Patterns:
Attracted To Groups
Attracted To Light
More active at night/fog
Less active during sunny days
Unknown activity done to fallen bodies (Tea-Bagging?)

The Save Point heals wounds, and areas surrounding it are left un-checked by Darks (It is possible it also attracts them to you, and turn you into a Dark, so be careful.)
Finish all needed activities by Nightfall.
Stay Quiet! The less noise, the better.
Burn the bodies. It's possible they use them to summon more Darks.

Things with Question Marks have only a few eyewitneeses. It is possible they were hallucinations.

Is that everything?


Well-Known Member
Please be more descriptive than 'Godzilla'. Anything else you can tell us would be great, especialy if you can reassure me it's not actually Godzilla. If it is, we're all screwed.


Well-Known Member
I think that's about it.
The godzilla one really scares me right now.


Well-Known Member
Thank you again, Twin Blade. Anyone got any info on that 'Game', though?


Well-Known Member
It's like a massive cockroach with arms and legs, and a gaping hole in it's chest. We're talking huge. Also, it appears to shoot freaking laser beams out of the hole, and causes it to rain some kind of radioactive purple material by tearing some orb out of the ground. NOT COOL. I nearly lost a leg just now getting your description, so I hope you're satisfied.


Well-Known Member
Okay If they had those why haven't more appeared?