Akamatsuverse Untitled Tsuruko/Keitaro Fic


Well-Known Member
So close....

But I don't quite get the reference. Can someone explain to me? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
The reference? If you're talking about Tokimeki Check-in, well, it's about a guy, who, just like Keitaro, is the manager of an inn which just so happens to have a hot spring (though one difference is that its a co-ed inn. Though for reasons like it being a hentai game, you don't see the male tenants all that much. ;)), the reference here was the fact that Keitaro is now waiting in the break room (something he never does in the series), just like the game. In one of the paths, the main character of the game waits in the break room, and gets a call to give a certain someone some sake. Though at this stage in the chapter, you'd just know the break room part. ;)

As for Nocturnal Illusions, yeah, it is a pretty good game IMO. I even read a fanfiction on FFN before they decided to kick out all Adult fics there. Though it wasn't that great. It was apparent that the author didn't like the way the main character of NI went about his business, and so, decided to make him an asshole, and, I guess, add an OC, possibly himself, in it. Can't dig it up since again, FFN kicked off all adult fics. And it isn't like there are many places you can find NI fics...period.

Though my personal favorite is Divi-Dead. Dark macabre storyline, with extreme violence to boot. Now what am I forgetting? Oh right, and sex too (but in this game, the sex isn't that big of a factor. Sure, still 'graphic' compared to most games, but still, it isn't the main aspect of the game. Which is why I love it so much! ^_^).

[edit]Oh yeah, and in case you are wondering, I stayed up all night. It is now 6:30 in the morning here. So why did I do that? Because I was waiting for Naruto Chapter 302 raw. I was hoping to see what becomes of Sasuke. The Raw usally comes out at around 3 am. But now, it's still not out yet. :angry: It better be freakin worth it (like Sasuke ripping out Sakura's heart while she hugs him)!

At least I get the chance to catch up on Bleach while I'm waiting.


Well-Known Member
Well, it's one of those endings that you must finish the game like, at least two times before you can really get it. There are three alternate endings (besides the bad "You're dead. No epilogue for you! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" ending), with one that doesn't really add to your understanding of things.

And even then, I might have to write an entire essay to fully explain it.

To summarize as best I can... AND THIS IS MAJOR SPOILAGE BTW. So if you don't want to be spoiled...DON'T READ THIS SECTION!

Well, some group was trying to open the gate again (after the previous time they screwed up, and blew up an area where the school now stands since they opened the gate too fast. Causing that um, emergency system safety thing [I hate it when you know the term but can't think of it when you need it.] to kick into place, preventing basically the end of the world. <_<). Now the woman that was 'commissioned' so to speak to reopening the gate, was the librarian. Well, let's just say that it wasn't exactly a fun thing for her. They were using the word, which was making your character having those seizures that your character talked about having before. And the reason why you no longer had them for a while... your mother contracted a demon to kill you, and have your character's soul possess him for the time being. So basically, for most of the game, you're playing a soul stuck in a demon's body. You get more info on this when you get the ending with the white haired chick.

Now, for most of the game to an extent, I guess the idea is to prevent the gate from opening again by this group, one of those shadowy evil groups of course, which your old friend (the third ending that didn't have much to add in terms of story that you end up with) was sent to take them down (police officer). But of course, that doesn't exactly go as plan, and the gate was open to an extent. And that girl, well, she pretty much has no idea what's going on (other than it's really bad). However, that Tea Club chick was one that help prevent the second BOOM so to speak, and help save the student body by making everyone sick and out of commission so that they won't hear the 'word' (I think it was her. Been a while since I've played the game but, well, let's just say that the 'good guys' were the ones that was making everyone sick in the game). And of course, in the, I'm going to assume the 'main real ending', you find out that you're gods and stuff. And the really tall guy with glasses was in fact...your old body. How they were able to get a new one, beats me.

And what was the big secret? Well, you, your mother, and your sister (the girl wearing the old style black dress) are gods! DunDunDun!!! And they went to the otherside of the gate to, well, basically make up their own world!

Oh yeah, and speaking of, your mother...it was the Nurse scheming behind the scenes. That's right, when you had 'fun' with her, you were having 'fun' with your mother. :blink:

Yeah...after reading my 'summary', not exactly the clearest. Like I said, I probably need to write a full eassy before I can make it clear clear. Heck, I didn't even go over some of the 'minor' plot points like the little girl's role and the dead sister in all of this. And I only touched on the white haired chick here, which, to add a little bit more, well, her part had to deal with the demon that your character was possessing and why she was so interested in 'you'. Not 'you' persay, but the demon that your character possessed.

While the story is VERY complicated, in a way, I like that. I mean, better than most hentai games where you just have "Guy owns a building. Guy screws everyone in the building. Pick a girl...win!" Instead, you have a MUCH deeper story with Divi-Dead. Yes, violent and dark, but that still kicks in my twisted mind!

End of Major Spoilage

Now, back on topic...after rereading my chapter, man did I do a horrid job in the grammar department this time. I blame, well, the late hours for that one. Don't worry, I am of course going to fix most of those errors when the time is ready. Which won't be for a while. :ph43r:


Well-Known Member
Just so you know, the 'emergency safety thing' is called a failsafe. It's something that triggers automatically if things go horribly wrong. ;)


Well-Known Member
GenocideHeart said:
Just so you know, the 'emergency safety thing' is called a failsafe. It's something that triggers automatically if things go horribly wrong. ;)
Yeah. That was the word I was looking for. :angry: Stupid brain! Thinking up everything BUT that!

On a side note, a LH/DiviDead crossover would totally kick ass. *hint hint nudge nudge*
Hmmm. Very tempting.


Random phantom.
Dark? More like a Danse Macabre Circus of Horrors.

And while it'd probably be interesting, the fact that it falls on the 'everyone dies' category pulls me away.


Well-Known Member
Well, I can pull it off without everyone dying. I mean, a lot of people will die yes, but not everyone. But yes, it will be a major darkfic if I write it (which if you haven't noticed, I like darkfics since my currently only LH work that's at FFN, is a darkfic. BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!).


Well-Known Member
Darkfic or not it would definitely be interesting. Though you've got more important things to be worrying about right now SimmyC...like your other fics! *whacks you upside the head*


Well-Known Member
Yeah. I guess I should stop coming up with new story ideas. While certain fics of mine desperately need updating. :p
hawker_748 said:
Mine says...

Keitaro: Why didn't you stand up to her like you did with Motoko?

Seta: My boy, once you piss off Haruka, nothin' is gonna save you. Hahaha.
Yeah, that's the US Tokyopop translation.


Well-Known Member
You should be happy about this Israfel. I have FINALLY started working on my update for ULSI! ^_^ What about this fic? Well, I'm working on this too! Call it, multitasking. Hasn't been the most successful in the past, but well, I hope to get something to possibly preview here. Or I can just show update it once I'm finished (after I proofread of course. :p).


Well-Known Member
SimmyC said:
You should be happy about this Israfel. I have FINALLY started working on my update for ULSI! ^_^ What about this fic? Well, I'm working on this too! Call it, multitasking. Hasn't been the most successful in the past, but well, I hope to get something to possibly preview here. Or I can just show update it once I'm finished (after I proofread of course. :p).
*kicks you off a bridge with his patented Puppy Kicker Punt*

First, finish Tsuruko goodness. THEN worry about Spineless Shinji. <_<
GenocideHeart said:
First, finish Tsuruko goodness. THEN worry about Spineless Shinji. <_<
Indeed. Forget about worthless Shinji... UNLESS YOU WANT TO GO TO SIBERIA.
The idea is to let them freeze SLOWLY, so they're fully aware of their upcoming mortality, not bloody instantaneously.


Well-Known Member
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
The idea is to let them freeze SLOWLY, so they're fully aware of their upcoming mortality, not bloody instantaneously.
See, that's the fatal mistake every villain does. They take too much time to dispatch the hero, thus allowing for a save party to rescue him/her.

I say kill 'em dead, then have fun desecrating the corpse. Unless you're Surlent, you can't harm anyone after you die.


Well-Known Member
Fine fine fine! I'll try to get some Tsuruko/Keitaro goodness mostly done by tonight. B)


Well-Known Member
Yay, more Kei/Tsu goodness is always good, and remember if you didn't...we'd lynch you :lol: so you just keep up that writing and we won't have to break out the thumbscrews ;) .
GenocideHeart said:
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
The idea is to let them freeze SLOWLY, so they're fully aware of their upcoming mortality, not bloody instantaneously.
See, that's the fatal mistake every villain does. They take too much time to dispatch the hero, thus allowing for a save party to rescue him/her.
Most villains also don't consider the idea of the hero having backup to come rescue him, and thus don't set up a trap to deliver the male rescuers to the shark pit and the female ones to a harem
Dark Knight Gafgar said:
Most villains also don't consider the idea of the hero having backup to come rescue him, and thus don't set up a trap to deliver the male rescuers to the shark pit and the female ones to a harem
...you'd want a... thing... like Quina in your harem? Eeeeww... :ph43r: